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ATC for GeM Bid NoGEM/2022/B/2103661

Corrigendum-IV, Dt.20.05.2022

RailTel’s Bid Specific Additional Terms & Conditions (ATC)

Information to Bidder for the “Provision of Battery Chargers and VRLA Battery sets
for Telecom use of RailTel’s OFC Network”

Ref: GeM Bid No. GEM/2022/B/2103661 Dated: 11.04.2022

1. The item/items in this bid should be quoted as per the technical specifications
mentioned in Schedule of Requirement (SOR) available in Annexure-I.

2. The GeM bid document is also available on website www.railtelindia.com for

information of bidders. However, bidding is to be done on GeM platform only.

3. Power Plant offered shall have complete data sheets and detailed description on
OEM web sites. Bidder shall provide duly filled and signed Technical Compliance
of the offered Power Plant, failing which the bid may get rejected.

4. Bidder shall submit the detailed BOM of the Power Plant offered duly verified and
certified by the respective OEM. Un-priced BOM shall be submitted by bidder in
their technical bid and priced BOM in their price bid. Priced BOM/SOR submitted
with technical bid will be summarily rejected.

5. GSTIN ID of vendor should be provided from where goods will be supplied.

6. Delivery Period:

The bidder has to complete the supply& installation of material within 4 months
from the date of issue of confirmed PO. The consignee wise distribution shall be
given by RailTel taking care to make optimum use of transportation medium. If
material is not supplied within the approved delivery period then penalty of 0.5%
of undelivered quantity per week to the maximum to the 10% of the contract value
will be levied.

7. Consignee Address: As per Annexure – VI.

8. Inspection:

8.1 The supplier/manufacturer shall send inspection call letter when the material
is ready to be supplied and ready for inspection. The Inspection shall be
carried out at supplier’s/Manufacturer’s premises by the Inspecting Authority.

8.2 The supplier/manufacturer shall submit along with inspection call the details
of test procedures, test programs, test parameters together with permitted
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values, etc., and their Quality Assurance Plan.

8.3 In case material/equipment fails during inspection, the fresh lot of same
material/ equipment shall be offered without any extra cost, by the
manufacturer/supplier. In such a case, total cost of re-inspection including
travel, lodging & boarding of the inspecting officials shall be born by
manufacturer’s / supplier’s account/cost.

8.4 Inspection of the material including that of raw material if deemed required
shall be conducted by approved Govt. inspecting authority/RailTel at the firm’s
premises/Govt. approved Test labs. The inspection shall be conducted by
inspecting authority as per required test procedures /test plan for ensuring that
the material offered meets the required specifications.

8.5 The Inspection of Battery banks & battery chargers shall be carried out as per
the specifications at OEM premises. The supplier shall make available for
inspection all types of equipment’s in sufficient number so as to create test set
up for carrying out various tests as per the approved test plan and testset up.
Travelling, lodging and boarding expenses of RailTel representative and
charges for third party inspection if any shall be borne by RailTel, but
necessary facilities to carry out test /witness inspection shall be provided by
the manufacturer/supplier, free of cost.

8.6 The manufacturer shall maintain stock register (receipt, issue and balance)
and defect records for the raw material. The defect records shall be in standard
formats and it shall be complied on a daily/ weekly/ monthly basis and it shall
be analysed. “NIL” Report shall be segregated from the accepted material.
First-in First-out concept shall be implemented in fool proof manner. The
batches of the raw material shall be identified and traceable. All relevant
documents necessary to ensure trace-ability shall be maintained. The raw
material shall be protected from direct exposure to sunlight, moisture, water
ingress and heat etc.

8.7 Finished products shall be tested 100% by the factory QC personnel before
being offered to RailTel for acceptance to ensure that it meets all quality
requirements as per the relevant specifications. Duly filled in test formats
indicating the results of such tests shall be submitted along with material
offered for inspection to RailTel.
8.8 Inspection of Battery & charger shall be carried out as per the specification at
OEM premises.
8.9 Power Plant manufacturers are required to purchase raw material from RDSO
approved sources or their authorized distributers/agents only. During bulk
production also, the battery & charger manufacturers shall use the same
RDSO approved grade of Resin, which has been used during the manufacture
of samples submitted for quality evaluation. It is the prime responsibility of the
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manufacturer to ensure that all inward goods are procured from approved
sources or the authorized dealers of approved sources only.

9. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD):

Rs.1150300/- (2% on estimated cost of Rs.5,75,11,160/-) with payment online
through RTGS / internet banking in Beneficiary name RailTel Corporation of India
Limited Account No. 33946516594, IFSC Code SBIN0020299, Bank Name: State
Bank of India, Branch address: Veer Chambers, Ranga Reddy District, Begumpet
– 500016.The Bid received without EMD will be summarily rejected.

10. Security Deposit:

Clause As per ATC document To be read as

The successful tenderer shall submit The successful tenderer shall submit
10% of total value of the stores/works 3% of total value of the stores/works
detailed in the Acceptance Offer detailed in the Acceptance Offer
towards security deposit in the form of towards security deposit in the form of
DD/FDR or irrevocable Bank DD/FDR or irrevocable Bank
Guarantee from any scheduled bank Guarantee from any scheduled bank
for due fulfilment of contract. The for due fulfilment of contract. The
instrument shall be valid for three instrument shall be valid for three
months beyond the warranty period. months beyond the warranty period.
ATC Cl 10, The security deposit shall be released The security deposit shall be released
Security after successful completion of contract after successful completion of
Deposit including warranty period, duly contract including warranty period,
adjusting any dues recoverable from duly adjusting any dues recoverable
the successful tenderer. Payment of from the successful tenderer.
Security Deposit in the form of Pay Payment of Security Deposit in the
Order/ Demand Draft should be made form of Pay Order/ Demand Draft
in favour of “RailTel Corporation of should be made in favour of “RailTel
India Ltd” payable at Secunderabad Corporation of India Ltd” payable at
only, within 30 days of issue of Secunderabad only, within 30 days of
purchase order. issue of purchase order.

10.1 Performance Bank Guarantee:

In case, successful tenderer wishes to furnish security deposit in the form of
Performance Bank Guarantee of value equal to Security Deposit, the same should
be submitted within 30 days of issue of purchase order, failing which a penal
interest of 15% per annum shall be charged for the delay period i.e., beyond 30
(thirty) days from the date of issue of LOA/PO. This PBG should be from a
Scheduled Bank and should cover warranty period plus three months for lodging
the claim. The performance security Bond will be discharged by the Purchaser
after completion of the supplier’s performance obligations including any warranty
obligations under the contract. PBG format specified in Annexure-V.

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A separate advice of the BG will invariably be sent by the BG issuing bank to the
RailTel’s Bank through SFMS and only after this the BG will become acceptable to
RailTel. It is therefore in own interest of bidder to obtain RailTel’s bank IFSC code,
its branch and address and advise these particulars to the BG issuing bank and
request them to send advice of BG through SFMS to the RailTel’s Bank.

11. The bidder should not have been blacklisted by any agency /purchaser during the
past 5 years and the bidder should have positive net worth and should give an
undertaking for the same.

12. Eligibility Criteria for Authorized bidder Bidder/OEM:

12.1 Technical Eligibility:
The tenderer must have successfully completed any of the following during last 07
(seven) years, ending last day of month previous to the one in which tender is

 Three similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to 30% of
advertised value of the tender,
 Two similar works each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of
advertised value of the tender,
 One similar work each costing not less than the amount equal to 60% of
advertised value of the tender.

# Similar Work- The work for Supply and installation of Battery charger or Battery
Banks or any other power system or combination of these in any Government/State
Government/PSU/ Reputed Telco.

Note: Work experience certificate from private individual shall not be considered.
However, in addition to work experience certificates issued by any Govt.
Organization, PSU or any reputed TELCO with work experience certificate issued
by Public listed company having average annual turnover of Rs.500 crore and
above in last 3 financial years excluding the current financial year, listed on
National Stock Exchange or Bombay Stock Exchange, incorporated/registered at
least 5 years prior to the date of opening of tender, shall also be considered
provided the work experience certificate has been issued by a person authorized
by the Public listed company to issue such certificates.

In case tenderer submits work experience certificate issued by public listed

company, the tenderer shall also submit along with work experience certificate, the
relevant copy of work order, bill of quantities, bill wise details of payment received
duly certified by Chartered Accountant, TDS certificates for all payments received
and copy of final/last bill paid by company in support of above work experience

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12.2 Financial Eligibility:

The bidder should have minimum cumulative turnover of 150% of tendered value
or above during the last 3 financial years (i.e. current year and/or three previous
financial years). The bidder should provide Audited Balance Sheets / annual
reports as documentary evidence and for current year, the Statutory Auditor’s
certificate for turnover of current year up to the date of bid opening for which
Balance Sheet/P&L may not be available. In case of photocopy of Balance
Sheet/P&L the same should be certified by Chartered Accountant as true copy.

12.3 Bidder should have authorization specific to this tender from respective OEM as
per Annexure-III.

12.4 The bidder should have registered office in India for a minimum period of 3 years
as on schedule date of bid opening. Certificate of incorporation will have to be

12.5 The bidder or their promoters having equity stake or operating partnership in
bidder, should not be holding valid License for Telecom Service Provider/ISP/NLD,
Services License of Government of India for Telecom Operation.

12.6 Following details should also be enclosed along with the tender: -

12.6.1 Any TEC approved Battery charger manufacturer (OEM)as per TEC specification
for any rated capacity can quote. Batteries being offered should be from as per
TEC approved manufacturer. Validity of type approval certificate should be
available till the date of supply. Authorization & Long term maintenance support
(AMC)letter from the battery manufacturer will have to be provided.

12.6.2 Any TEC approved Battery manufacturer (OEM) as per TEC specification for any
rated capacity can quote. SMPS Chargers being offered should be from as per
TEC approved manufacturer. Validity of type approval certificate should be
available till the date of supply. Authorization &Long-term maintenance support
(AMC) letter from the SMPS Charger manufacturer will have to be provided.

12.6.3 Bidder (other than OEM) has to provide the MAF and long term Maintenance
support (AMC)from OEM of SMPS charger and Battery Bank as per SOR.

12.6.4 The SMPS based battery chargers and VRLA batteries of each configuration and
capacity as detailed in SOR offered by the bidder should have been satisfactorily
working in any Govt. Organization, PSU or any reputed TELCO or Public listed
company as define under Note (ii) of clause 12.1 above for at least 12 months
as on date of opening of tender in India or abroad. The certificates from actual
user/s have to be submitted for this purpose along with the bid. Scanned copies of

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documents to be uploaded on Portal https://gem.gov.in. The certificates thus

submitted should contain the following details:

12.6.5 Performance statement of last three years for supply of Power Plant to Railways,
BSNL, MTNL, Government PSU’s & Telecom Service Providers. This Performance
Statement is to be submitted in following format: -

Date of Qty.
PO No & Supplied Qty. Qty.
Name of delivery Supplied
Date with Qty. within Supplied Supplied
Year the in the during
description ordered scheduled during 1st during 3rd
purchaser Purchase 2nd
of item date of extension extension
Order extension
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

12.6.6 They may be deprived of any order against this tender if the information furnished
is found to be incorrect later on. Correct status/supply position of pending orders,
if any, should be invariably indicated. Supporting documents are to be enclosed.
Photocopies of the supply/purchase orders along with the Inspection Certificates
and Receipt Notes should be enclosed for ready reference, along with tender to
substantiate their past performance.

13 Splitting of Quantity: Not Applicable.

14 Evaluation Criteria:

i. The bidder shall quote the materials/equipment prices as per the price format
given in the tender.

ii. Bidder should quote for all the items. Non-quoting for all items will render the bid
invalid and will not be considered for evaluation. The Offers will be evaluated on
total cost.

iii. The offers for respective Item will be determined on Total Unit Rate on CIP
destination basis which will include basic rate, GST, freight, insurance and any
other charge or cost quoted by the tenderer.

iv. Offers from the tenderer’s not meeting the eligibility criteria will not be considered.

15. Variation of Quantities at the Time of Award:

15.1 RailTel reserves the right to cancel the tender for full or part quantity tendered without
assigning any reason.

15.2 The purchaser reserves the right to increase and / or decrease the order quantity by
a quantity not exceeding 30% of the Tendered quantity on the same price and terms

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& conditions during the currency of the contract, with suitable delivery schedule for
the enhanced quantity.

16. Warranty:

The Power Plant is to be warranted for 24 Months from date of delivery or 18

months from the date of installation whichever is earlier to the consignee. The
tenderer shall warrant that materials to be supplied shall be new and free from all
defects and faults in material, workmanship and manufacturing and shall be of the
highest grade and consistent with the established and generally accepted
standards of materials of the type ordered and shall perform in full conformity with
the specifications and drawings.

The supplier shall be responsible for any defects that may develop under the
conditions provided by the contract and under proper use, arising from faulty
materials, design or workmanship such as corrosion, inadequate quantity of
material to meet item requirements, inadequate contact protection, deficiencies in
design and/ or otherwise and shall remedy such defects at his own cost when
called upon to do so by the Purchaser who shall state in writing in what respect the
stores are faulty.

17. Training:

17.1 During execution of the supplies covered in the SOR in the field, the tenderer shall
undertake to train RailTel Engineers and other Railway staff nominated by RailTel in
different aspects of equipment designs, functioning, field installation, testing,
commissioning, operation, maintenance and repair, covering both hardware and
software. The training should be comprehensive for transfer of complete know-how
so as to impart full knowledge and competence to independently and successfully
execute the installation, operation, user related software changes, maintenance and
repair of all equipment.

17.2 The tenderer shall arrange formal class room training as per approved course
structure for 20 man-days (in two batches) which includes hands on practical
experience at the manufacturer’s/bidder’s premises. In extra ordinary circumstances
the training may be arranged through VC. Set of documents related to training to each
of the trainees shall be provided. All expenses of Training shall be borne by the
tenderer however expenses for travel to and from the place of training, boarding and
loading of the trainees shall be borne by RailTel.

18. Payment Terms: Payment will be done after submission of the following documents:

i. Invoice.
ii. Delivery Challan/E-way bill
iii. Contractor’s certificate of dispatch
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iv. Undertaking against Fall Clause

v. Inspection Certificate
vi. Consignee’s receipt
vii. Warranty guarantee certificate of OEM
viii. Performance Bank Guarantee

ix. Insurance Certificate valid till installation of material

x. OEM certificate for the ordered quantity/ material supplied as per specification.

a) 80% of the value of the part supply of Equipment on receipt by the consignee at site duly
inspected and accompanied with above mentioned documents.

b) Balance 20% value of the part supply and 100% of part installation on successful
installation & commissioning at site. Bidder has to install and commission the equipment
within 30 days from the communication by RailTel EIC (Engineer in charge) in this regard.
In case installation and commissioning is delayed due to any reason beyond the control
of the Contractor then 20% payment can be released after submission of a bank
Guarantee of equal amount valid for a period of one year.

c) Bill Passing & Paying Authority:

Bill passing Authority is Territory Manager of concerned Territory and bill paying Authority
is GM/Fin/SR. Bills to be submitted to concerned TM of Territory for payment.

19. The tenderer shall submit a notarized affidavit on a non-judicial stamp paper
stating that they are not liable to be disqualified and all their statement/documents
submitted along with bid are true and factual. Standard format of the affidavit to be
submitted by the bidder is enclosed as Annexure-IV. Non submission of an
affidavit by the bidder shall result in summarily rejection of his/their bid. And
it shall be mandatorily incumbent upon the tenderer to identify state and submit
the supporting documents duly self-attested by which they/he is qualifying the
Qualifying Criteria mentioned in the Tender Document. It will not be obligatory on
the part of Tender Committee to scrutinize beyond the submitted document of
tenderer as far as his qualification for the tender is concerned.

The RailTel (RCIL) reserves the right to verify all statements, information and
documents submitted by the bidder in his tender offer, and the bidder shall, when
so required by the RailTel (RCIL), make available all such information, evidence
and documents as may be necessary for such verification. Any such verification
or lack of such verification by the RailTel (RCIL) shall not relieve the bidder of its
obligations or liabilities hereunder nor will it affect any rights of the Railtel/Railway
there under.

In case of any wrong information submitted by tenderer, the contract shall be

terminated. Performance Guarantee (PG) of contract forfeited and agency barred
for doing business on RailTel (RCIL)for 3years.
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20. Online Submissions:

The bidder is required to upload and submit the following documents on line before
due date & time of bid. The due date & time for closing of the bid as per GeM Bid
and the bid will be opened as per GeM Bid.
(i) EMD.
(ii) Clause wise compliance along with all mentioned documents/annexures for
all clauses of GeM Bid and ATC (Information to bidder) documents.
(iii) Data Sheet of offered item/equipment.
(iv) Financial (Certified copies of audited balance sheets/annual reports of last
three preceding financial years) and Technical Eligibility Criteria
(v) Technical Compliance of all Specification of items as per ATC documents.
(vi) Undertaking of Long Term Maintenance Support from OEM as per para
(vii) Proof of document required against Eligibility criteria of OEM (or)
Authorized bidder of OEM vide para 11 / 12 as applicable.
(viii) MAF/OEM Authorization as per Annexure-III.
(ix) Notarized affidavit on a non-judicial stamp paper as per Annexure-IV.
(x) Notarized Power of Attorney in name of authorized signatory as per Clause
No. 23.

21. Offline documents:

Original copy of documents shall be submitted by tenderer offline at RailTel
Corporation of India Ltd., 6A, 6th Floor, Gumidelli Towers, Opp: Shoppers Stop,
Begumpet – 500016 at any point of time whenever asked for verification.

22. Insurance:

22.1 The Contractor shall take out and keep in force a policy or policies of insurance
from the date, the delivery of material starts (including the transit portion) against
all liabilities of the contractor or the Purchaser. The contractor shall take out and
keep in force a Policy or policies of Insurance for all materials covered in schedule
of requirement irrespective of whether used up in the portion of work already done
or kept for the use in the balance portion of the work until such material are
provisionally handed over to RailTel. The contractor should ensure the stores
brought to site, against risks as required under the Emergency Risk (Goods)
Insurance Act in force from time to time up to contract value.

22.2 It may be noted that the beneficiary of the insurance policy should be RailTel or
the policies should be pledged in favour of RailTel. The contractor shall keep the
policy/policies current till the item/equipment are handed over to the purchaser and
I&C of the same.

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23 Constitution of Firm and Power of Attorney:

23.1 Any individual(s) signing the tender or other documents connected therewith
should specify whether he is signing: -
(a) As sole proprietor of the concern or as attorney of the sole Proprietor.
(b) As partner or partners of the firm.
(c) As a Director, Manager or Secretary in the case of Limited Company duly
authorized by a resolution passed by Board of Directors or in pursuance of the
authority conferred by Memorandum of Association.

23.2 In the case of a firm not registered under the Indian Partnership Act, all the partners
or the attorney duly authorized by all of them should sign the tender and all
connected documents. The original Power of Attorney or other documents
empowering the individual or individuals to sign should be furnished to the
Purchaser for verification, if required.

23.3 The RailTel will not be bound by Power of Attorney granted by the tenderer or by
the changes in the composition of the firm made subsequent to the execution of
the contract agreement.

23.4 In case where Power of Attorney partnership deed has not been executed in
English, the true and authenticated of copies of the translation of the same by
Advocate, authorized translators of Courts and licensed Petition Writers should be
supplied by the contractor(s), while tendering of the work.

23.5 The duly notarized Power of Attorney shall be submitted in original at the time of
bid submission as per Clause 21 above.

Note: 1) The bidder is required to give acceptance of all the clauses of GeM bid,
ATC and RailTel’s Bid Specific ATC document. Any deviation / non-
acceptance may lead to rejection of the bid.
2) Information to Bidder viz. corrigendum /addendum/ amendments etc. for this
bid shall be posted on www.railtelindia.com and GeM only.
3) This bid is governed by the Specific Additional Terms & Conditions and
General Terms & Conditions laid down by the GeM against GeM Bid No:
4) After opening of the technical bid no correspondence/submission of
document made at the initiative of the bidder will be entertained. However,
the purchaser can, if required, ask for clarifications which need to be
submitted before a target date. The clarifications submitted as required by
the purchaser before the target date will be considered.

In case, if any contradiction between GeM Bid, Additional Terms & Conditions,
RailTel’s Bid Specific Additional Terms & Conditions and General Terms &
Conditions, RailTel’s Bid Specific Additional Terms & Conditions will prevail.

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24. Long Term Maintenance Support/AMC:

24.1 The bidder will submit a certificate from OEM of Battery Charger towards
maintenance support after successful completion of the warranty obligations for a
minimum period of 3 years. The long-term maintenance support shall be
comprehensive and include all hardware and software of equipment etc. supplied
against this contract. RailTel should be extend the benefits of software upgrades
made by OEM on the system from time to time to improve performance. During this
period the following terms and conditions shall be applicable.

24.2 Material from replacement shall be handed over to /taken over from contractors
engineer at the RailTel’s territory store or mutually agreed RailTel PoP location. The
cost of replacement etc. shall be included in the quoted bid price during warranty
period. During this period, the contractor shall remain responsible to arrange
replacement within a week and for setting right at his own cost any equipment which
is of defective manufacturing or design or becomes unworkable due to any cause
whatsoever. The decision of the RailTel’s representative in this regard to direct the
contractor to attend to any damage or defect in work shall be final and binding on the

24.3 During this period the contractor shall be responsible to the extent expressed inthis
clause for any defects that may develop under the conditions provided for by the
contact and under proper use, arising from faulty materials, design or workmanship
in the plant, or from faulty execution of the plant bythe contractor but not otherwise
and shall remedy such defects at his own cost when called upon to do so by the
Purchaser’s Engineer who shall state in writing in what respect the portion is faulty.

24.4 If it becomes necessary for the contractor to replace or renew any defective portions
of the system under long term maintenance support/AMC shall apply to the portions
of the plant to be replaced or renewed until the expiration of three months from the
date of such replacement or renewal or until the end of the support period whichever
may be later. If any defect is not remedied within reasonable time, the purchaser may
proceed to do the work at contractor’s risk and expense, but without prejudice to any
other rights which the purchaser may have against the contractor in respect of such

24.5 Tenderer/OEM, shall be paid @3.5% of supply cost per annum towards Long Term
Maintenance support after completion of warranty period, to undertake repairs/
replacements of all type of module/card/assembly/ subassembly and update
/upgrade of software released during this period and / or which may fail in the network
after the warranty. Only incremental cost in % over and above this, if perceived by
the OEM and Tenderer may be indicated in schedule of Requirement and shall be
added towards evaluation of tender. If however the tenderer feels that his AMC cost
is less than 3.5% per annum, he should give suitable discount in equipment pricing.
For AMC he will be paid @3.5% per annum only. If the Tenderer quotes a higher
base rate for AMC, he will be paid at his quoted rate per annum and three-year

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differential cost shall be added to offered cost. AMC would have to be valid for
minimum period of 3 years after the warranty.

In case tenderer quotes AMC rates lower than 3.5%, no advantage will be given to
him for evaluation purposes. In case the tenderer wins the contract, his product cost
will be reduced by differential (w.r.t 3.5%) AMC rates for three years & he will be paid
accordingly. AMC charges to him, however be paid only @3.5% per annum on quoted
product price.

24.6 Separate LOA/agreement for AMC after warranty period shall be entered with
OEM/bidder by RailTel. A fresh Bank guarantee valid for three years for 10% of the
long-term maintenance support per year as accepted by RailTel, shall be required to
be submitted by OEM/Tenderer for due fulfilment of long term maintenance support
obligation. If fresh Bank guarantee valid for three years for10% of the long-term
maintenance value is not submitted with in warranty period, PBG of initial contract will
be encashed by RailTel and firm will be blacklisted.

24.7 Quarterly payment for AMC Charges would be made by RailTel after successful
completion of AMC services of that quarter and on the certificate furnished by
concerned RailTel representative of the Executive director of the Region. No payment
to be released unless Bank Guarantee as per 24.6 is submitted.

25. DENIAL CLAUSE - Supplier will not be entitled to any benefit of upward statutory
variations in GST rates Announced after expiry of the original Delivery Period as per
purchase order & in Case of reduction in GST rates if any, benefit will be passed on to
RailTel at any stage Of the contract.

26. Technical Specification - Power Plant :

26.1 TEC Specification for VRLA Battery and SMPS Battery charger

Clause As per ATC document To be read as

No/Page No.
i. SMPS Battery Charger should i. SMPS Battery Charger should
conform to TEC/BSNL conform to TEC/BSNL
specification with valid specification with valid
certification to the OEM: certification to the OEM:
ATC Cl 26.1,
Page 12 TEC
No.: BSNL/Specification/SMP – No.: BSNL/Specification/SMP –
001/01/Rev -1/September.2015 001/01/Rev -1/September.2015 or
for VRLA
or latest amendments suitable latest amendments suitable for
Battery and
for Telecom Network. Telecom Network.
SMPS Battery
No.:TEC/GR/FA/SMP-001/07/MAR- No.RDSO/SPN/TL/23/99 Ver.4
17 Rev.2.0or latest Amdt.1 or latest amendments
amendments suitable for suitable for Telecom Network.
Telecom Network.

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ii. VRLA Battery Bank should No.:TEC/GR/FA/SMP-001/07/MAR-
conform to TEC/BSNL 17 Rev.2.0 or latest amendments
specification with valid suitable for Telecom Network.
certification to the OEM:
No. TEC/GR/TX/BAT-001/04. ii. VRLA Battery Bank should
JUNE.2011 or latest conform to TEC/BSNL
amendments suitable for specification with valid
Telecom Network certification to the OEM:

iii. 48V capacity to be achieved with No. TEC/GR/TX/BAT-001/04.

2V X 24 cells for each bank. JUNE.2011 or latest amendments
suitable for Telecom Network

iii. 48V capacity to be achieved with 2V

X 24 cells for each bank.
Clause 26.1.1 New Clause For Lightening & Surge Protection of
of ATC Battery Chargers:

The technical specification of Lightening

Protection Unit (LPU) and Surge
Protection Devices
(SPD) for SMPS based power plant
battery charger 48V for telecom use
should confirm to
June 2010 or latest.

Clause 26.1.2 New Clause The chargers should be provided with 3 or

of ATC more nos. of potential free contacts which
the following alarms (on “NO” contacts)
should be extended (one for Alarm & one
i) AC Mains fail
ii) Low D.C voltage (at 46 Volt preferably
iii) SMR module failure

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26.2 DC distribution Box (DCBD):

The following shall be the part of this box:

1. Nuts/Bolts for fixing the DCDB on rack (min 4 Nos.).

2. Bolts/screws for fixing of the box cover on base unit (Min 4 numbers).
3. Bolts/screws (Brass make for cable fixing on +ve and –ve Bus bar (Min.8 number)
4. Arrangement for fixing MCBs on the base unit of distribution box.
5. The material shall be MS with minimum 1.6mm thickness powder coated in light grey
6. The MCBs to be supplied are only six Nos. SP16/20/32 & two nos. 40/63A of reputed
make like Havells/MDF Legrend/Indo Kup etc. along with input feeds from bus bars
using thimbles etc.
7. Cable entry holes should preferably be provided with suitable soft material (rubber
type) to prevent the damage to the cables from hard metal of the box.
8. The min. dimensions of copper bus bars shall be 25x3 sq mm for 100 amp (SOR-I &
SOR-II, 25x12.5 sq mm or suitable dimensions for 450 Amp (SOR-III).
9. The +ve and –ve bus bars (made of copper)should be painted with red and bluecolor
respectively all over except near the point of contracts of cable thimbles.

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26.3 Installation:

i) Scope of Installation & Commissioning of SMPS based battery chargers.

1 Otherwise conforming to TEC Technical specification, Bidders are encouraged to

offer Chargers with minimum foot print.
2 The length (Average) and specifications of cable used for each site will be as
Please find herewith the scope of installation, length of cable and specifications of cable
used for each site. The cable will be multi-strand copper cable.

Scope of Length of cable Specification of Specification of Specification of

installation (maximum) cable for 25A cable for 25A cable for 100 A
single phase single phase three phase
(3+1) battery (6+2) / battery (6+2) battery
charger charger charger
AC main to +25Mtr 16 sqmm 16 sqmm 150 sq mm, 2-
charger copper (Red & copper (Red & Core, copper
black) black) (Red & Black)
Charger to +25Mtr 35 sqmm 35 sq mm 185 sq mm
load copper, (Red copper, (red & copper (Red &
&Black) black) Black)
Charger to +25Mtr 35 sqmm 35 sq mm 185 sq mm
battery copper, (Red copper, (Red & copper (Red &
&Black) Black) Black)
Earth cable +25Mtr 16 sqmm 16 sqmm 35 sq mm
copper (green) copper (green) copper (green)

* All the cables as per minimum specifications (for satisfactory commissioning for
rated capacity) referred above required for installation and commissioning of
Battery Chargers & Battery sets, as per the site requirement shall have to be
supplied by the vendor.

3 All the materials such as DCDB with all accessories, ladder, GI/PVC conduit pipes,
channels, necessary hardware etc, thus required for the purpose of installation and
commissioning of Battery Chargers as well as batteries shall be provided by the
vendor. RailTel shall only provide the AC point from where the AC supply is to be
tapped for the battery chargers.

ii) Scope of Installation & Commissioning of VRLA batteries

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a) Bidder has to erect and commission the battery bank.

b) Bidder has to record the individual cell and output voltages in charge mode.

c) Bidder has to visit during final commissioning and integration with charger as and
when required.

26.4 Remote Control and Monitoring System: Deleted

The firm has to design, supply, Testing, commissioning and Integration with Network
Operating Centre at Secunderabad with Remote Control and Monitoring System to
monitor and control the parameters of remote location as detailed below. The Remote-
Control System Supplied shall generally confirm to “Integrated Power Unit: BSNL
Electrical wing specification No. EW-01A/20110”. The system thus supplied should
be capable for integration up to 1000 nodes/sites.

The equipment shall be capable to monitor the following parameters:

SN Alarm/Status
1 Door Open/Close
2 DG failed to start
3 DG failed to stop
4 Low Lube Oil Pressure
5 DG Battery Voltage below threshold
6 DG-high water temperature alarm/high canopy temp. alarm
7 Diesel level in DG tank-There should be alarm whenever the diesel level is
below any/all the following levels:-
(i) 75% of the tank capacity. (75% level)
(ii) 50% of the tank capacity (Re-order level)
(iii) 25% of the tank capacity (emergency level)
8 Supply voltage periodic data as well as when supply below threshold
9 DG Kilo watt hour
10 Power plant output fail
11 All remaining alarms for which potential free contacts are provided from the
power plant.
12 System battery voltage below thresholds System 1 (no of battery banks to be
monitored shall be as per power plant configuration, subject to a maximum of
two banks)
13 System battery voltage below thresholds System 2 (no of battery banks to be
monitored shall be as per power plant configuration, subject to a maximum of
two banks)
14 High Room Temperature alarm
15 EB Kilo watt hour periodic data
16 EB available or not
17 DG output available or not
18 Site on battery or not
19 DG RYB/Single phase voltage periodic data as well as when each phase
outside permissible limit (settable)
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20 DG Output available or not

21 DG Run hours
22 Run hours for BTS system on Battery
23 AC 1 fail
24 AC 2 fail
25 Camera monitoring of remote site

27.0 Contact Details for general Information:

RailTel Contact-I: Shri Ch.Venkat Rao, Asst.GM (Mobile: 98662 47962)

RailTel Contact-II: Shri M.Murali Krishna, DGM (Mobile: 98662 47955)

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Annexure-I (Amended)


S. HSN/ Item Description Unit Qty A1 Supply/Installation Amount
N SAC Unit Unit Unit Unit Total Unit (Qty*Tota
o Code Basic Packing & Freight & CGST/ Cost l Unit
price Forwardi Insurance SGST/ destinatio cost) (Rs.)
( Rs.) ng charges ( IGST n ( Rs.)
Charges ( Rs.) etc.@ --
Rs.) % ( Rs.)
Supply of 48V (2V X
24 cells)/ 300 AH
VRLA Maintenance
1 free Battery banks as Sets 76
per Technical
Specification in cl 26
of ATC
Installation &
9954 Commissioning
2 68 charges for VRLA Sets 76
Battery Bank supplied
in item No.1 above.
Total Cost of Schedule-SOR A-1
In words in Rs.


S. HSN/ Item Description Unit Qty A-II Supply/Installation Amount
N SAC Unit Unit Unit Unit Total (Qty*To
o Code Basic Packing Freight & CGST/ Unit tal Unit
price & Insurance SGST/ Cost ( cost)
( Rs.) Forward charges ( IGST Rs.) (Rs.)
ing Rs.) etc.@ --
Charges % ( Rs.)
( Rs.)
Supply of 230V AC/
48V DC 200 Amp UC
with 25 Amp (6+2),
8504 Single Phase SMPS
1 Nos 47
4029 based battery
chargers with two (2)
battery paths for
VRLA Maintenance

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ATC for GeM Bid NoGEM/2022/B/2103661

free battery along

with Lightening
protection unit (LPU),
Surge protection
device, DCDB and
remote monitoring
including relays,
sensors, camera,
accessories, wiring
etc (with all
connecting materials)
as per Technical
Specification in cl 26
of ATC
Supply of 48V (2V X
24 cells)/ 600 AH
VRLA Maintenance
2 free Battery sets as Sets 104
per Technical
Specification in cl 26
of ATC
9954 Installation &
68 Commissioning
charges for SMPS
3 charger supplied in No 47
SOR: A-II item No.1

Installation &
9954 Commissioning
4 68 charges for Battery Sets 104
Bank supplied in SOR:
A-II item No.2 above.
Total Cost of Schedule SOR -A-II


Sl HSN/SA Item Description Unit Qty Amount in GST @ Total AMC
Rate in
N C Code (Rs.) 18% charges
9987 AMC charges for SMPS chargers for
3years after warranty period
calculated on base price of
1 supplied SMPS Charger as No 47
mentioned in items 1, SOR- A-II as
per ATC
per clause 24.

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In words in Rs


S. HSN/ Item Description Uni Qty A-III Supply/Installation Amount
N SAC t Unit Unit Unit Unit Total (Qty*Tot
o Code Basic Packing Freight & CGST/ Unit Cost al Unit
price & Insuranc SGST/ destinati cost)
( Rs.) Forwardi e IGST etc.@ on( Rs.) (Rs.)
ng charges ( --% ( Rs.)
Charges ( Rs.)
Supply of 440V AC/ 48V
DC 800 Amp UC with
100 Amp (6+2), Three
Phase SMPS based
battery charger with
two (2) battery paths for
VRLA Maintenance free
battery along with
Lightening protection
8504 1
1 unit (LPU), Surge
4029 No.
protection, DCDB and
remote monitoring
including relays,
sensors, camera,
accessories, wiring etc (
with all connecting
materials) as per
Technical Specification
in cl 26 of ATC
Supply of 48V (2V X 24
cells)/ 3000 AH (3x1000
8507 AH) VRLA Maintenance Set
2 5
2000 free Battery sets as per s
Technical Specification
in cl 26 of ATC
9954 Installation &
68 Commissioning charges
3 for SMPS charger No 1
supplied in SOR: A-III
item No.1 above.
Installation &
9954 Commissioning charges
4 68 for Battery Bank 5
supplied in SOR: A-III
item No.2 above.
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Total Cost of Schedule-SOR -A-III


Sl HSN/SA Item Description Unit Qty Amount in GST @ Total AMC
Rate in
N C Code (Rs.) 18% charges
9987 AMC charges for SMPS chargers for
3years after warranty period
calculated on base price of
1 supplied SMPS Charger as No 1
mentioned in items 1, SOR- A-III as
per ATC
per clause 24.
In words in Rs


Sl. Item Description Unit Qty Amount
Rate in (Rs.)
No incl.GST(Rs.)
Supply and Installation &Commissioning of
power plant as mentioned in SOR A-I, A-II, A-III Lumps
1 1
and AMC charges as per SOR B-II &B-III. um

Note: Unit Packing & Forwarding charges are inclusive of loading & unloading charges.

Sl. Item Description Unit Qt Rate in GST @ Amount
No y (Rs.) 28% (Rs.)
Supply and installation of de-rated 2V / 300 AH
1 VRLA Maintenance free Battery Cell for 48V/300AH 1
Battery Bank supplied against SOR A-I

Supply and installation of de-rated 2V / 600 AH

2 VRLA Maintenance free Battery Cell for 48V/600AH 1
Battery Bank supplied against SOR A-II
Supply and installation of de-rated 2V/1000 AH
VRLA Maintenance free Battery Cell for Lumps
3 1
48V/3000AH Battery Bank supplied against SOR A- um

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Note:-There will be no AMC/repair contract for VRLA Batteries. However, bidder has to quote
the basic rate of each unit cell of the battery in the BOM and should agree to supply the item
for de-rated cell of required capacity for a period of 3 years after warranty. RailTel will place an
order as and when required as per the rates quoted/negotiated in SOR-C.

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Executive Director,
Southern Region, Dated: …………….
RailTel Corporation of India Ltd.

Applicable for OEM directly participating in the Bid.

I / We …………………………………………………………………. hereby confirm that we

have read specifications & conditions of GeM Bid No:GEM/2022/B/2103661 and accept
that the requirement of Long Term Maintenance Support as per Clause 17 shall be met
by us directly or through our subsidiary in India as per rates quoted in the Price Bid.
I / We shall provide services as per terms and conditions pertaining to Long Term
Maintenance Support of tender document.


Applicable for Authorized Distributor/Partner of OEM

I / We …………………………………………………………………. hereby confirm that we

have read specifications & conditions of GeM Bid No. GEM/2022/B/2103661 and accept
that the requirement of Long Term Maintenance Support as per Clause 17 shall be met
by Authorized Distributor/Partner of OEM. However, if Authorized Distributor/Partner fails
to fulfil the support obligation due to any un-foreseen circumstances, the same shall be
provided by us directly or through our subsidiary in India for the
mentioned/remaining period at the quoted prices by the bidder. I/We have gone
through the requirement mentioned in the Bid Document and shall provide services
as per terms and conditions pertaining to Long Term Maintenance Support of Bid

(Signature of Firm’s Authorized Officer)


Signature of witness:



Note: Please Strike out whichever is not applicable.

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Executive Director,
Southern Region,
RailTel Corporation of India Ltd.

Subject: Manufacturer Authorisation form (MAF) to M/s …………… for

Ref: GeM Bid No. GEM/2022/B/2103661 dated:11.04.2022

Dear Sir,
We, M/s……………, are established and reputed manufacturer and service provider of
……………….(Provision of battery & charger details), having our registered office at
We hereby authorise M/s …………………….. (bidder name), Office
…………………………………………………. to participate in bid and subsequently upon
award of the bid to execute the supply and Installation & Commissioning of our range of
products against your above said bid.

We further extend our warranty for …………… years for our range of products offered by
M/s ………………. against the above-said bid.

Thanking you,
Best regards,

Authorised Signatory


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(To be executed in presence of Public notary on non-judicial stamp paper of the

value of Rs.100/-. The stamp paper has to be in the name of the tenderer)**

I……………………………….. (Name and designation)** appointed as the

attorney/authorized signatory of the tenderer (including its constituents),
M/s.___________________________________ (hereinafter called the tenderer) for the
purpose of the Tender documents for the work of
as per the tender No._______________ of (-------Railway), do hereby solemnly affirm and
state on the behalf of the tenderer including its constituents as under:

(i) I/We the tenderer (s) am/are signing this document after carefully reading the

(ii) I/we the tenderer(s) also accept all the conditions of the tender and have
signed all the pages in confirmation thereof.

(iii) I/We hereby declare that I/We have downloaded the tender documents from
RailTel’s website www.railtelindia.com or GeM Portal gem.gov.in. I/We have
verified the content of the document from the website and there is no addition,
no deletion or no alteration to the content of the tender document. In case of
any discrepancy noticed at any stage i.e. evaluation of tenderer’s, execution
of work or final payment of the contract, the master copy available with the
railway Administration shall be final and binding upon me/us.

(iv) I/We declare and certify that I/we have not made any misleading or false
representation in the forms, statements and attachments in proof of the
qualification requirements.

(v) I/We also understand that my/our offer will be evaluated based on the
documents/credentials submitted along with the offer and same shall be
binding upon me/us.

(vi) I/We declare that the information and documents submitted along with
the tender by me/us are correct and I/we are fully responsible for the
correctness of the information and documents submitted by us.

(vii) I/We undersigned that if the certificates regarding eligibility criteria submitted
by us are found to be forged/false or incorrect at any time during process for
evaluation of tenders, it shall lead to forfeiture of the tender EMD besides
banning of business for five year on entire IR. Further, I/we (insert name of

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ATC for GeM Bid NoGEM/2022/B/2103661

the tenderer) ** ___________ and all my/our constituents understand that

my/our offer shall be summarily rejected.

(viii) I/we also understand that if the certificates submitted by us are found to be
false/forged or incorrect at any time after the award of the contract, it will lead
to termination of the contract, alongwith forfeiture of EMD/SD and Performance
Guarantee besides any other action provided in the contract including banning
of business for five year on entire IR.


I/We above named tenderer do hereby solemnly affirm and verify that the contents of
my/our above affidavit are true and correct. Nothing has been concealed and no part of
it is false.



** The contents in Italics are only for guidance purpose. Details as appropriate are to be
filled in suitably by tenderer. Attestation before Magistrate/Notary Public.

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Annexure - V

Guarantee Bond for Performance Guarantee

(On Stamp Paper of requisite value)
(To be used by approved Scheduled Banks)
1. In consideration of the RailTel Corporation of India Limited, Registered office at
Plate-A, 6th Floor, Office Block, Tower-2, East Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi-110023 and
Regional office at RailTel Corporation of India Ltd, 6A, 6 th Floor, Gumidelli Towers,
Begumpet, Hyderabad-50016 (hereinafter called “the RailTel”) having agreed to
exempt ……………………………………………………. (Name and address of the
Company/ Contractor both Registered and Regional office address)
(hereinafter called “the said Contractor(s)”) from the demand, under the terms and
conditions of an L.O.A No.………………………… Dated……………….. [L.O.A Date]
made between ………………………………………. and RailTel Corporation of India
Limited, for ….………...……………………………… [Name of Work/Supply of
Materials] (hereinafter called “the said Agreement”) of Performance Guarantee for
the due fulfilment by the said contractor’s) of the terms and conditions contained in
the said Agreement, or production of a Bank Guarantee for Rs…….…………….. (Rs.
………….. Only). We, …………………………………….. (indicate the name of the
Bank and address) hereinafter referred to as “ the Bank”) at the request of.
M/s.…………………………….. Contractor(s) do hereby undertake to pay the RailTel
an amount not exceeding Rs. ……………. Against any loss or damage caused to or
suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the RailTel by reason of any breach
by the said Contractor(s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said
2. We, ……………………………………………………………. Bank (indicate the name of
the Bank and address) do hereby undertake to pay the amount due and payable under
this Guarantee without any demur, merely on demand from the RailTel stating that
the amount is claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused
to or suffered by the RailTel by reason of breach by the said Contractor(s) of any of
terms or conditions contained in the said.
Agreement or by reason of the Contractor(s) failure to perform the said Agreement.
Any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due
and payable by the Bank under this guarantee. However, our liability under this
guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs. ………………………
3. We, ……………………………………….. Bank (indicate the name of the Bank and
address) undertake to pay to the RailTel any money so demanded notwithstanding
any dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) in any suit or
proceedings pending before any court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under
this present being, absolute and unequivocal.

The Payment so made by us under this Bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability
for payment thereunder and the Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) shall have no claim against
us for making such payment.
4. We, …………………………………………. Bank (indicate the name of the Bank and
address) further agree that the Guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force
and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said
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Agreement and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the RailTel
under or by virtue of the said Agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied
or discharged or till RailTel certifies that the terms and conditions of the said
Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Contractor(s) and
accordingly discharges this Guarantee. Unless a demand or claim under the
Guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the …….……………………………..
We shall be discharged from all liability under this Guarantee thereafter.
5. We, …………………………………(indicate the name of the Bank and address) further
agree with the RailTel that the RailTel shall have the fullest liberty without our consent
and without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms
and conditions of the Agreement or to extend time of to postpone for any time or from
time to time any of the powers exercisable by the RailTel against the said contractor(s)
and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said
Agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such
variation, or extension to the said Contractor(s) or for any forbearance, act or omission
on the part of RailTel or any indulgence by the RailTel to the said Contractor(s) or by
any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would,
but for this provision, have affect of so relieving us.
6. This Guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the Constitution of the
Bank or the Contractor(s) Supplier(s).
7. We, ……………………………………………… (indicate the name of Bank) lastly
undertake not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency except with the previous
consent of the RailTel in writing.
8. Notwithstanding anything contained herein,
1. Our liability under the Bank guarantee shall not exceed Rs. ……….. (In
2. This Bank Guarantee shall be valid up to ………………and
3. We are liable to pay the guaranteed and or any part thereof under this Bank
Guarantee only and only if you serve upon is a written claims or demand or
…………. (date of expiry of guarantee).

Dated the day of 2022 for

(Indicate the name of the Bank)
1. Signature
2. Signature

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Annexure – VI
Consignee Details (Power Plant)

Proposed new procurement

Battery Battery Battery Charger Charger Charger

Sl.No Territory PoP Name State
Bank Bank- Bank (3+1) (6+2) (6+2)
(300AH) (600AH) (3000AH) 25A 25A 100A

1 Bangalore RCIL PoP Karnataka 0 2 2 0 0 0

2 Bangalore Cantt Karnataka 0 1 0 0 1 0
3 Kengeri Karnataka 0 1 0 0 0 0
4 Bidadi R.S Karnataka 0 1 0 0 1 0
5 Maddur Karnataka 0 2 0 0 0 0
6 Akkihebalu Karnataka 0 2 0 0 0 0
7 Hassan Karnataka 0 3 0 0 0 0
9 Subhramanya Road Karnataka 1 0 0 0 0 0
11 Dharmapuri Tamilnadu 1 0 0 0 0 0
12 Tumkur Karnataka 0 2 0 0 0 0
13 Tiptur Karnataka 1 1 0 0 0 0
14 Arsikere Karnataka 1 1 0 0 0 0
15 Birur Karnataka 1 1 0 0 1 0
16 Chikkajajur Karnataka 0 1 0 0 0 0
17 Chitradurga Karnataka 1 0 0 0 0 0
18 Davangere Karnataka 1 1 0 0 0 0
19 Haveri Karnataka 2 0 0 0 1 0
20 Ramanagram Karnataka 1 1 0 0 1 0
21 Mandya Karnataka 1 0 0 0 0 0

22 Yelahanka Karnataka 0 2 0 0 0 0
23 Ghataprabha Karnataka 1 0 0 0 0 0
24 Kudachi Karnataka 1 0 0 0 0 0
25 Belguam Karnataka 0 1 0 0 0 0
27 Londa Karnataka 0 1 0 0 0 0
28 Hubli Karnataka 0 3 0 0 0 0
29 Gadag Karnataka 2 0 0 0 0 0
30 Hospet Karnataka 2 0 0 0 0 0
31 Bellary Karnataka 2 0 0 0 0 0
32 Dodballpur Karnataka 0 1 0 0 0 0
33 Penukonda 1 0 0 0 0 0
35 Whitefield Karnataka 0 1 0 0 1 0
36 Bangerpet Karnataka 1 1 0 0 1 0
38 Nidavanda Karnataka 2 0 0 0 0 0
40 Chikbanavar Karnataka 1 0 0 0 0 0
41 Dharward MW Karnataka 1 0 0 0 0 0
43 Alnawar Karnataka 1 0 0 0 0 0
44 Malur Karnataka 1 0 0 0 0 0
Sub Total 27 30 2 0 7 0

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Proposed new procurement

Battery Battery Battery Charger Charger Charger

Sl.No Territory PoP Name State
Bank Bank- Bank (3+1) (6+2) (6+2)
(300AH) (600AH) (3000AH) 25A 25A 100A

45 Arakkonam Tamilnadu 0 0 0 0 1 0
46 Chennai central Tamilnadu 1 1 0 0 0 0
47 Chennai park Tamilnadu 1 0 0 0 0 0
49 Walajah road Tamilnadu 1 0 0 0 0 0
50 Chepauk Tamilnadu 1 0 0 0 0 0
51 EGMORE Tamilnadu 0 2 2 0 1 1
53 Velachery Tamilnadu 1 0 0 0 0 0
54 Gummidipundi Tamilnadu 1 0 0 0 0 0
55 Ponneri Tamilnadu 1 0 0 0 0 0
56 Thiruvallur Tamilnadu 0 1 0 0 1 0
57 Sullurpeta 0 1 0 0 0 0
58 Tambaram Tamilnadu 0 1 0 0 0 0
59 Chengalpattu Tamilnadu 0 1 0 0 0 0
Chennai (MAS)

61 Tindivanam Tamilnadu 1 0 0 0 0 0
62 Tiruvanamalai Tamilnadu 1 0 0 0 0 0
63 ARANI ROAD Tamilnadu 1 0 0 0 0 0
64 Pondicherry Pondicherry 0 1 0 0 0 0
66 Ariyalur Tamilnadu 1 0 0 0 0 0
67 Trichirappalli Tamilnadu 0 3 0 0 0 0
69 Tiruvarur Tamilnadu 0 1 0 0 1 0
70 Jolarpettai Tamilnadu 0 1 0 0 0 0
71 Dasampatti Tamilnadu 1 0 0 0 0 0
72 Salem Tamilnadu 0 1 0 0 0 0
73 Erode Tamilnadu 0 4 0 0 1 0
74 Karur Tamilnadu 1 0 0 0 0 0
75 Namakkal Tamilnadu 1 0 0 0 0 0
76 Tiruppur Tamilnadu 1 0 0 0 0 0
77 Tamilnadu 1 0 0 0 0 0
78 Mettupalayam Tamilnadu 1 0 0 0 0 0
79 Coimbatore Tamilnadu 0 2 0 0 0 0
Sub Total 17 20 2 0 5 1
80 Palghat Kerala 0 1 0 0 1 0
Ernakulam (ERS)

81 Mangalore Karnataka 0 1 0 0 1 0
82 Kottayam Kerala 0 1 0 0 1 0
83 Ernakulam MW Kerala 0 1 0 0 1 0
84 Alleppy Kerala 0 1 0 0 1 0
85 Dindigul Tamilnadu 0 1 0 0 1 0
86 Maduari Tamilnadu 0 1 0 0 2 0
87 Tirunelveli Tamilnadu 0 1 0 0 1 0
Sub Total 0 8 0 0 9 0

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Proposed new procurement

Battery Battery Battery Charger Charger Charger

Sl.No Territory PoP Name State
Bank Bank- Bank (3+1) (6+2) (6+2)
(300AH) (600AH) (3000AH) 25A 25A 100A

89 Visakhapatnam 0 0 0 0 2 0
90 Nellore 0 1 0 0 1 0
91 Bapatla 0 1 0 0 1 0
92 Tenali 0 2 0 0 2 0
93 Tadepalligudem 0 1 0 0 1 0
94 Venkatagiri 1 0 0 0 0 0
95 Renigunta 0 1 0 0 0 0
96 Tirupati 1 1 0 0 0 0
97 Pakala 1 0 0 0 0 0
Vijayawada (BZA)

99 Koduru 1 1 0 0 0 0
100 Rajampeta 1 1 0 0 0 0
101 Kadapa 0 1 0 0 0 0
102 Yerraguntla 1 1 0 0 0 0
103 Guntakal 0 1 0 0 0 0
104 Adoni 1 1 0 0 0 0
105 Raichur Karnataka 1 2 0 0 0 0
106 Yadgir Karnataka 1 1 0 0 0 0
107 Wadi Karnataka 0 1 0 0 0 0
108 Dhone 2 0 0 0 0 0
109 Gooty 1 2 0 0 0 0
110 Tadipatri 1 1 0 0 0 0

Sub Total 13 20 0 0 7 0

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ATC for GeM Bid NoGEM/2022/B/2103661

Proposed new procurement

Battery Battery Battery Charger Charger Charger

Sl.No Territory PoP Name State
Bank Bank- Bank (3+1) (6+2) (6+2)
(300AH) (600AH) (3000AH) 25A 25A 100A

111 Mudked Maharastra 0 2 0 0 2 0

112 Nanded Maharastra 0 2 0 0 2 0
113 Parbhani Maharastra 0 2 0 0 2 0
114 Satuna Maharastra 0 2 0 0 2 0
115 Jalna Maharastra 0 2 0 0 2 0
116 Awarngabad Maharastra 0 2 0 0 2 0
117 Rotegoan Maharastra 0 2 0 0 2 0
118 Kesamudram Telangana 0 1 0 0 1 0
119 Dornakal Telangana 0 1 0 0 1 0
Secunderabad (SC)

120 Khammam Telangana 0 1 0 0 1 0

121 Madhira Telangana 0 1 0 0 1 0
122 Lingampalli Telangana 0 1 0 0 1 0
127 Kamalanagar Karnataka 2 0 0 0 0 0
129 Zahirabad Telangana 1 0 0 0 0 0
130 Vikarabad Telangana 0 1 0 0 0 0
131 Tandur Telangana 0 2 0 0 0 0
133 Kurnool Town 2 0 0 0 0 0
134 Gadwal Telangana 2 0 0 0 0 0
135 Mahaboobnagar Telangana 2 0 0 0 0 0
136 Shadnagar Telangana 2 0 0 0 0 0
137 Manoharabad Telangana 2 0 0 0 0 0
138 Kamareddy Telangana 2 0 0 0 0 0
139 Nizamabad Telangana 2 0 0 0 0 0
140 Basara Telangana 2 0 0 0 0 0
141 Secunderabad Telangana 0 4 1 0 0 0
Sub Total 19 26 1 0 19 0

Grand Total 76 104 5 0 47 1

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