GeM Link and ITB 2

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Information to Bidder for the “Supply of CISCO Routers’’.

Ref: GeM Bid No. …………………………….

1. The item/items in this bid should be quoted as per the technical specifications. The details of the
specifications along with consignee/site details are also available on website
(The technical specs which are not available on GeM portal for the required product, same will be
uploaded in ATC as one time exercise. In future all the specs will be available on GeM portal.)
2. In the specification wherever support for a feature has been asked for, it will mean that the feature
should be available without RailTel requiring any other hardware/software/licenses. Thus, all
hardware/software/licenses required for enabling the support/feature shall be included in the offer.
The technical specifications are mentioned in Annexure-I.
3. OEM or Authorized distributor/Partner of OEM should have a registered office in India to provide
sales and 24x7 support in India. The certificate to this effect should be submitted. The bidder should
be either OEM or his authorized dealer/distributor.
In case of the authorized distributor/partner certificate from the OEM to this effect should be
submitted. If OEM is quoting then OEM should submit the certificate.
4. Equipment offered shall have complete data sheets and detailed description on OEM web sites.
5. Bidder shall submit the detailed BOM of the equipment offered duly verified and certified by the
respective OEM.
6. GSTIN ID of vendor should be provided from where goods will be supplied.
7. Delivery Period, Warranty Period and Consignee Address
7.1 Delivery Period: The supplier will have to supply the material within 30 days from the date
of issue of confirmed PO. If material is not supplied within the approved delivery period
then penalty of 0.5% of undelivered quantity per week to the maximum to the 10% of the
contract value will be levied.
7.2 Warranty Period: The materials are to be warranted for one year from date of delivery to
the consignee. The tenderer shall warrant that stores to be supplied shall be new and free from all
defects and faults in material, workmanship and manufacturing and shall be of the highest grade
and consistent with the established and generally accepted standards of materials of the type ordered
and shall perform in full conformity with the specifications and drawings.
The supplier shall be responsible for any defects that may develop under the conditions provided by
the contract and under proper use, arising from faulty materials, design or workmanship such as
corrosion, inadequate quantity of material to meet equipment requirements, inadequate contact
protection, deficiencies in design and/ or otherwise and shall remedy such defects at his own cost
when called upon to do so by the Purchaser who shall state in writing in what respect the stores are
7.3 Consignee Address:
RailTel Corporation of India Ltd.
NER Microwave Building,
Bandariabagh, Gulista Colony.
Kalidas Marg
Near Dilkusha Colony
Mob: 9794846135

7.4 Inspection : By Authorised representative of RailTel.

8. Tender Cost &Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)/ Bid Security:

8.1 Tender Cost: Estimated cost of the Tender is Rs. 1,01,89,300/- (Incl. GST),

8.2 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)/ Bid Security: Rs. 2,03,786/- in the form of Pay
Order/Demand Draft/BG drawn in favor of RailTel Corporation of India Ltd. payable at
New Delhi on or before 15:00 Hrs of 29/12/2020 (Bid Opening Date). The Bid received
without EMD will be summarily rejected.

NOTE: For NSIC registered Firm:

A) For small scale units registered with NSIC under single point registration Scheme and
participating in this tender enquiry, following exemptions are available: -
They are exempted from depositing Earnest money.

These exemptions are applicable provided units are registered with NSIC for tendered item and
registration is current and valid. Firms claiming these exemptions are required to submit along with
their offer, copy of their current and valid NSIC registration certificate for the tendered item,
otherwise their offer would not be considered.

B) No exemption is, however, applicable to these units from payment of security deposit/
Performance Bank Guarantee.

C) This bid complies with “Public Procurement (preference to make in India) Policy Order, 2017
issued by DIPP and Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) order,
2012” issued by MoSME.”

D) Any Other guideline issued by Govt. for MSME time to time will be applicable.

9. Security Deposit/Performance Bank Guarantee:

The successful tenderer shall submit security deposit in the form of DD/FDR or irrevocable Bank
Guarantee from any scheduled bank for due fulfillment of contract as per the details given below:

i. Security Deposit/Performance Bank Guarantee @ 10% of total value of Purchase Order is required to
be submitted within 30 days of issue of Purchase Order with validity of 3 months beyond warranty
period (Annexure -V), failing which a penal interest of 15% per annum shall be charged for the delay
period i.e. beyond 30 (thirty) days from the date of issue of LOA/PO.

ii. The security deposit/PBG shall be submitted to RO, Shastri Park.

iii. A separate advice of the BG will invariably be sent by the BG issuing bank to the RailTel’s Bank
through SFMS and only after this the BG will become acceptable to RailTel. It is therefore in own
interest of bidder to obtain RailTel’s bank IFSC code, its branch and address and advise these particulars
to the BG issuing bank and request them to send advice of BG through SFMS to the RailTel’s Bank.

The security deposit/Performance Bank Guarantee shall be released after successful completion of
Contract obligations under the contract, duly adjusting any dues recoverable from the successful tenderer.
Payment of Security Deposit in the form of Pay Order/Demand Draft should be made in favor of “RailTel
Corporation of India Ltd” payable at New Delhi.

10. Purchaser’s Right to Vary Quantities:

The Purchaser reserves the right to increase or decrease the ordered quantity up to 25 percent at
the time of placement of contract. The purchaser also reserves the right to increase the contracted
quantity up to 25 % during the currency of the contract at the contracted rates. Bidder is bound to
accept the order accordingly.


(i) Deleted

(ii) In case bidder claims PMA, Government of India Guideline/Instruction regarding splitting
of order to Local supplier shall be applicable Govt. Guidelines in regard to MSME shall be

12. Eligibility Criteria for Bidder:

a. The tenderer should have executed order of supply/ provision of Telecom equipment like CISCO
Router during last preceding 3 financial years (i.e. current year and three previous financial years)
as on opening of bid, as per following:

(A) Single order of at least 35% of tendered value.

(B) Two orders of at least 20% each of tendered value.
C) Three orders of at least 15% each of tendered value.
Satisfactory Performance certificate issued by customer/s for the Purchase Orders/ Work Orders should
be enclosed.
b. Bidder should have authorization specific to this tender from respective OEM as per Annexure-II.
13. SLA:

After having been notified of the defects / service requirement during warrantee period, Seller has
to complete the required Service / Rectification within time limit of maximum 7 days. If the Seller
fails to complete service / rectification with in defined time limit, a penalty of 0.5% of Unit Price
of the product shall be charged as penalty for each week of delay from the seller & upto max. of
100% of Unit Price of the product.

Seller can deposit the penalty with the Buyer directly else the Buyer shall have a right to recover
all such penalty amount from the Performance Security (PBG) or from the running bills.

14. Long Term Maintenance Support:

Tenderer (OEM) shall provide maintenance support after successful completion of the warranty
obligations for a minimum period of 2 years. The long term maintenance support shall be
comprehensive and include all hardware and software of equipment supplied against this contract.
RailTel should be extended the benefits of periodical software patches/updates made by OEM on
the system from time to time for equipment security/performance without any additional cost to

Buyer reserves the right to enter into AMC @ 10% of ordered value of equipment before 30 days
of expiry of warranty period. In case bidder refuses to enter into AMC, PBG will be forfeited.

Separate agreement for AMC (Long term Maintenance Support) before expiry of warranty period
shall be entered into with OEM/the authorized partner of OEM by RailTel. A fresh Bank Guarantee
valid for two years and four months for 10% of the Long Term Maintenance Support cost of two
years, shall be required to be submitted by bidder for due fulfillment of long term maintenance
support obligation.

Quarterly payment for AMC Charges would be made by RailTel after successful completion of
AMC Services of that quarter and on the certificate furnished by concerned RailTel representative.

Note: The acceptance of the above clause is mandatory and specific acceptance from OEM is
required to be enclosed as per Annexure-III. Any deviation / non acceptance will lead to
rejection of the bid.

15. Payment Conditions :-

i. 100% payment against full supply.

ii. The following documents are to be submitted for payment:

a. Original Invoice.
b. Delivery Challan.
c. Original Consignee receipt with GRN No.
d. Original Inspection Certificate.
e. Insurance Certificate.
f. Warranty Certificate of OEM.
g. Copy of BG.
Bill passing Authority: GM/Marketing/NR
Bill Paying Authority: JGM/Finance/NR

16. The tenderers shall submit a notarized affidavit on a non-judicial stamp paper stating that they are
not liable to be disqualified and all their statement/documents submitted along with bid are true and
factual. Standard format of the affidavit to be submitted by the bidder is enclosed as Annexure-
IV. Non submission of an affidavit by the bidder shall result in summarily rejection of
his/their bid. And it shall be mandatorily incumbent upon the tenderer to identify, state and submit
the supporting documents duly self attested by which they/he is qualifying the Qualifying Criteria
mentioned in the Tender Document. It will not be obligatory on the part of Tender Committee to
scrutinize beyond the submitted document of tenderer as far as his qualification for the tender is

The RailTel (RCIL) reserves the right to verify all statements, information and documents submitted
by the bidder in his tender offer, and the bidder shall, when so required by the RailTel (RCIL), make
available all such information, evidence and documents as may be necessary for such verification.
Any such verification or lack of such verification by the RailTel (RCIL) shall not relieve the bidder
of its obligations or liabilities hereunder nor will it affect any rights of the railway thereunder.

In case of any wrong information submitted by tenderer, the contract shall be terminated. Earnest
Money Deposit (EMD), Performance Guarantee (PG) and Security Deposit (SD) of contract
forfeited and agency barred for doing business on RailTel (RCIL) for 5 (five) years.

17. On line Submissions:

The bidder is required to upload and submit the following documents on line before due date &
time of bid. The due date & time for closing of the bid is 15:00 Hrs of 23.12.2020 and the bid will
be opened at 15:30 Hrs of 23.12.2020.
i. EMD
ii. BOQ of offered equipment.
iii. Clause wise compliance along with all mentioned documents/annexures for all clauses of
GeM Bid and ATC documents.
iv. Data Sheet of offered equipment.
v. Financial (Certified copies of audited balance sheets/annual reports of last three preceding
financial years) and Technical Eligibility Criteria documents.
vi. Technical Compliance of all Specification of items as per GeM Bid and ATC documents.
vii. Deleted.
viii. Deleted.
ix. Deleted.
x. MAF/OEM Authorizationas per Annexure-II.
xi. Notarized affidavit on a non-judicial stamp paper as per Annexure-IV.
Note: 1) The bidder is required to give acceptance of all the clauses mentioned in the “Information to
the Bidders” document is mandatory. Any deviation / non-acceptance may lead to rejection of the
2) Information to Bidder viz. corrigendum /addendum/ amendments etc. for this bid shall be posted
on only.
3) This bid is governed by the Specific Additional Terms & Conditions and General Terms &
Conditions laid down by the GeM against GeM Bid No: _____.

In case, If any contradiction between GeM Additional Terms & Conditions and General Terms &
Conditions, RailTel Terms & Conditions will prevails.

18. This bid complies with “Public Procurement (preference to make in India) Policy Order, 2017
issued by DIPP and Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs)
order,2012” issued by MoSME.”

The bidders claiming the preference have to submit relevant documents prescribed under relevant

Technical Specifications

1. All Equipment should be:

i. With 1year warranty & 2 years AMC. The product should not be declared EOL or EOS by
OEM for next 8 Years.

ii. Equipped with necessary hardware/software to comply all above required / support features.

iii. Back to Back warranty with respective OEMs for both Hardware and Software. The
certificates/Undertaking for the same will have to be submitted along with bid from respective

iv. OEM should have its Service Centre at min 04 locations in major cities in India. Service center
details to be shared along with address and contact no. and person.

v. UL, CE and FCC Certification is not required for PMA. However, they have to produce
certificate from standard lab approved/ authorized by Govt. of India that their products are
equivalent to UL, CE and FCC and meets all standard and specification of UL, CE and FCC.

2. SOR wise details are as:

SO Total
R Item Quantity
1 Supply of CISCO Router ASR1001-X 01 No.
2 Supply of CISCO Router C1111-4P 215 Nos.
3. Technical specifications

3.1 Router-CISCO ASR1001-X

SN Item Type
The Router should support modular architecture, multi-core Processor, internal
1:1/1:N field replaceable power supply (from Day1). It should have a dedicated
control and data plane independent to each other.There should not be any
impact on the router performance in case of one power supply fails. The router
1 must support on line hot insertion and removal of cards.
The router must support intelligent traffic management and QoS features to
2 allocate network resources on application needs and QoS priorities.
Router should have atleast onboard/inbulit 8 GB DRAM on RP to handle routing
and other processes. It should also support 1GB flash memory for configuration
3 & OS backup.
The router line card must have the following interface as defined in the IEEE,
4 ITU-T:
6x1G LAN/WAN ports to be populated from Day 1. 2x10Gbps SFP based
5 LAN/WAN Port
6 The router must have 1 empty slot for future expansion
Should support minimum 8Mpps and scalable up to 15 Mpps of forwarding
7 performance
The routing aggregate throughput should be at least 4 Gbps which can scale up
8 to 20 Gbps to meet future requirement without changing the hardware.
The router must support 1,000,000 IPv4 or 1,000,000 IPv6 route entries in
Forwarding information Base (FIB)/Routing Information Base (RIB). Should also
9 support at least 18, 000 Multicast routes.
The router must support IGMPv2 and IGMPv3, with at least 3000 Multicast
10 Groups
11 The router must support 2000 or more unique ACLs
12 The router should have minimum 2000 VRF / VPN (Ipsec) tunnel.
The router should be able to select a WAN path based on interface parameters
such as reach ability, load, throughput, delay and link cost of using a
performance algorithm. Should also be able to load balance across two
13 different service providers.
The router must support RIPv1 & RIPv2, OSPF, BGPv4 and IS-IS, MPLS, MPLS
LDP, MPLS L3VPN, MPLS L2VPN, Multicast VPN (mVPN) and latest standard
14 RFC protocols
Should support IP version 6 in hardware from Day 1. Must be ready with IPv4 /
15 IPv6 dual stack functionality
Should support IPv6 static route, OSPFv3, IS-IS support for IPv6, Multiprotocol
16 BGP extensions for IPv6, IPv6 route redistribution.
17 Should support IPv6 Quality of Service & IPv6 Multicast.
VRRP, Active/active or Active/standby, Stateful failover. Graceful Restart for
18 OSPF, BGP, LDP, MP-BGP etc.
The router must support Protocol Independent Multicast Dense Mode (PIM-
19 DM) and Sparse Mode (PIM-SM).
20 The router must support multiprotocol BGP extensions for multicast.
The router must support multicast load balancing traffic across multiple
21 interfaces.
The router must support RFC 3618 Multicast Source Discovery Protocol
22 (MSDP).
The router shall perform traffic Classification using various parameters like
source physical interfaces, source/destination IP subnet, protocol types
(IP/TCP/UDP), source/destination ports, IP Precedence, 802.1p, MPLS EXP,
23 DSCP etc.
The router shall support at least 16k queues per system with less than 100-
microsecond latency for high-priority applications to offer granular QoS,
24 policing and shaping capabilities.
Queuing and Scheduling must be able to be configured on as per physical port
25 or logical port basis.
The router must support flow based rate limiting method based on per source
26 address, destination address or both.
The scheduling mechanism must allow for alternate priority routing traffic
27 necessary to keep from starving other priority queues.
28 Routers should support Configuration rollback
Support for accounting of traffic flows (Netflow/Jflow) for Network planning
29 and Security purposes
Router shall conform to UL 60950 or IEC 60950 or CSA 60950 or EN 60950
30 Standards for Safety requirements of Information Technology Equipment.
Router shall conform to EN 55022 Class A/B or CISPR22 Class A/B or CE Class
A/B or FCC Class A/B Standards for EMC (Electro Magnetic Compatibility)
31 requirements.
Router / Router’s Operating System should be tested and certified for EAL
32 3/NDPP or above under Common Criteria Certification
33 Router should be IPv6 Certified/IPv6 logo ready day 1
3.2 Router: Cisco Router C1111- 4P

SN Item Type

The Router should support modular architecture, multi-core Processor. Router

1 should have a security slot to secure the router to a desktop or other surface, use the
Kensington or equivalent equipment.
2 Router should support separate data and control plane capabilities.
3 Router should have following interfaces :
4 On-board 1G WAN Port & 4 x 1G LAN Port.
Router should support 4 nos of POE ports or 2 nos PoE+, both option should be
6 Router should have minimum 4 GB of DRAM and 4 GB Flash from Day 1
The router should support following features IKEv1, IKEv2, VRF-aware IPsec, IPsec
7 over IPV6, Hardware-accelerated DES, 3DES, AES 128, AES 192, and AES 256 from day
8 Router should support minimum 100 tunnel
9 Router can provide encrypted traffic performance of 350 Mbps.

Router should have following protocol like static routes, RIPv1, RIPv2, OSPF, IS-IS,
BGP, GRE, L2TP, L2TPv3, NAT, IPv4 and IPv6 Multicast, VRF lite, IGMPv3, 802.1x

The Router should support Zone-Based Stateful Firewall, Application Aware Firewall
11 and application inspection and control feature or an external appliance for the same
functionality can be provided.
12 Routers should support AAA using RADIUS and TACACS+

Should have extensive support for IP SLA and best path selection for metrics like
delay, latency, jitter, packet loss to assure business-critical IP applications from Day1.

Router should support monitoring of network traffic with application level insight
with deep packet visibility into web traffic, RTP-Based VoIP traffic.
Router should capable to understand that system OS are authentic and unmodified,
15 it should have cryptographically signed images to provide assurance that the
firmware & BIOS are authentic.
Router should have traffic load balancing capability on dual WAN Links based on
16 based on advanced criteria, such as reachability, delay, loss, jitter and bandwidth
Router shall have capability to add on demand IPSec VPN tunnels dynamically
17 established multipoint-to-multipoint IPSEC based spoke-to-spoke VPN tunnels
matching traffic conditions
Router should have capability to enable SD-WAN features without hardware
Router shall conform to UL 60950 or IEC 60950 or CSA 60950 or EN 60950 Standards
for Safety requirements of Information Technology Equipment.

Router shall conform to EN 55022 Class A/B or CISPR22 Class A/B or CE Class A/B or
FCC Class A/B Standards for EMC (Electro Magnetic Compatibility) requirements.

Router/Router’s Operating System should be tested and certified for EAL 3/NDPP or
above under Common Criteria Certification
22 Router should be IPv6 logo ready Certified
Router can support Encapsulations, Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE), Ethernet,
802.1q VLAN, Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), Multilink Pointto-Point Protocol
23 (MLPPP), Frame Relay, Multilink Frame Relay (MLFR) (FR.15 and FR.16), High-Level
DataLink Control (HDLC), Serial (RS-232, RS-449, X.21, V.35, and EIA-530), and PPP
over Ethernet (PPPoE).
Router can support Traffic management, Quality of Service (QoS), Class-Based
24 Weighted Fair Queuing (CBWFQ), Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED),
Hierarchical QoS, Policy-Based Routing (PBR), Performance Routing (PfR),
Router can support Cryptographic algorithms, Encryption: DES, 3DES, AES-128 or
25 AES-256 (in CBC and GCM modes). Authentication: RSA (748/1024/2048 bit), ECDSA
(256/384 bit); Integrity: MD5, SHA, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA512.

Router can support protocols IPv4, IPv6, static routes, Routing Information Protocol
Versions 1 and 2 (RIP and RIPv2), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Border Gateway
Protocol (BGP), BGP Router Reflector, Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System
(IS-IS), Multicast Internet Group Management Protocol Version 3 (IGMPv3), Protocol
Independent Multicast Sparse Mode (PIM SM), PIMSource-Specific Multicast (SSM),
Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP), Encapsulated Remote Switched Port Analyzer
(ERSPAN), IP Service-Level Agreements (IPSLA), Call Home, Embedded Event
Manager (EEM), Internet Key Exchange (IKE), Access Control Lists (ACL), Ethernet
Virtual Connections (EVC), Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), Frame Relay
(FR), DNS,
Locator ID Separation Protocol (LISP), Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP), RADIUS,
Authorization, and Accounting (AAA), Application Visibility and Control (AVC), IPv4-
to-IPv6 Multicast, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), Layer 2 and Layer
3 VPN, IPsec, Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol Version 3 (L2TPv3), Bidirectional Forwarding
Detection (BFD), IEEE 802.1ag, and IEEE 802.3ah.

27 Proposed Router should be SDWAN ready.



(To be signed by the O.E.M.)

The General Manager/Marketing,
RailTel Corporation of India Limited

I / We …………………………………………………………………. hereby confirm and

accept that against RailTel Tender No. ……………………………………….. , there is a
requirement of Long Term Maintenance Support as per Clause 14. We confirm that Long Term
Maintenance Support shall be met by us directly or through Authorized partner, as the case may
be based on contracts. I / We have gone through the requirement mentioned in the Tender
document and shall provide services for the offered supply items.

(Signature of Firm’s Authorized Officer)


Signature of witness:

1. …………………

2. ………………….

Page 12 of 17

The General Manager/Marketing, Dated: ………

RailTel Corporation of India Ltd.

Subject: Manufacturer Authorisation form (MAF) to M/s …………… for

Ref: GeM Bid No…….……………..dated……………….

Dear Sir,
We, M/s……………, are established and reputed manufacturer and service provider of
……………….(Product details), having our registered office at
We hereby authorise M/s …………………….. (bidder name), Office
…………………………………………………. to participate in bid and subsequently upon
award of the bid to execute the supply and Installation & Commissioning of our range of products
against your above said bid.
We further extend our warranty for …………… years for our range of products offered by M/s
……………….against the above-said bid.

Thanking you,
Best regards,

Authorised Signatory


Page 13 of 17

(To be executed in presence of Public notary on non-judicial stamp paper of the value of Rs.100/-
. The stamp paper has to be in the name of the tenderer)**

I………………………………..(Name and designation)** appointed as the

attorney/authorized signatory of the tenderer (including its constituents),
M/s.___________________________________ (hereinafter called the tenderer) for the purpose
of the Tender documents for the work of _____________________________________
as per the tender No._______________ of (-------Railway), do hereby solemnly affirm and state
on the behalf of the tenderer including its constituents as under:

1. I/We the tenderer (s), am/are signing this document after carefully reading the contents.

2. I/we the tenderer(s) also accept all the conditions of the tender and have signed all the pages
in confirmation thereof.

3. I/We hereby declare that I/We have downloaded the tender documents from electronic-
tender portal. I/We have verified the content of the document from the website and there
is no addition, no deletion or no alteration to the content of the tender document. In case
of any discrepancy noticed at any stage i.e. evaluation of tenderers, execution of work or
final payment of the contract, the master copy available with the railway Administration
shall be final and binding upon me/us.

4. I/We declare and certify that I/we have not made any misleading or false representation in
the forms, statements and attachments in proof of the qualification requirements.

5. I/We also understand that my/our offer will be evaluated based on the
documents/credentials submitted along with the offer and same shall be binding upon

6. I/We declare that the information and documents submitted along with the tender by
me/us are correct and I/we are fully responsible for the correctness of the information
and documents submitted by us.

7. I/We undersigned that if the certificates regarding eligibility criteria submitted by us are
found to be forged/false or incorrect at any time during process for evaluation of tenders,
it shall lead to forfeiture of the tender EMD besides banning of business for five year on
entire IR. Further, I/we (insert name of the tenderer)** ___________ and all my/our
constituents understand that my/our offer shall be summarily rejected.

8. I/we also understand that if the certificates submitted by us are found to be false/forged or
incorrect at any time after the award of the contract, it will lead to termination of the
contract, alongwith forfeiture of EMD/SD and Performance Guarantee besides any other
action provided in the contract including banning of business for five year on entire IR.

Page 14 of 17

I/We above named tenderer do hereby solemnly affirm and verify that the contents of my/our
above affidavit are true and correct. Nothing has been concealed and no part of it is false.



** The contents in Italics are only for guidance purpose. Details as appropriate, are to be filled in
suitably by tenderer. Attestation before Magistrate/Notary Public.

Page 15 of 17

Performa for Performance Bank Guarantee


(On Stamp Paper of Rs. One Hundred)
(To be used by approved Scheduled Banks)

In consideration of the RailTel Corporation of India Limited, Delhi IT Park , Block-III, 6TH
Floor,Shastri Park,New Delhi-110053 (Herein after called RailTel) having agreed to exempt
………………………………………………………………….. (Hereinafter called “the said
Contractor(s)”) from the demand, under the terms and conditions of an Agreement No.
………………… ………………………… dated …………… made between
………………………………………… and
………………………………………………………………….. for (hereinafter called “ the
said Agreement”) of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Contractor (s) of the
terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement, or production of a Bank Guarantee for
Rs. ………….. (Rs. ………….. only). We, …………………………………(indicate the
name of the Bank) hereinafter referred to as “ the Bank”) at the request of …………….
……………. Contractor(s) do hereby undertake to pay the RailTel an amount not exceeding
Rs. ……………. Against any loss or damage caused to or suffered or would be caused to or
suffered by the RailTel by reason of any breach by the said Contractor(s) of any of the terms
or conditions contained in the said Agreement.

1. We, ……………………………………………………………. Bank do hereby undertake

to pay the amounts due and payable under this Guarantee without any demur, merely on
demand from the RailTel stating that the amount is claimed is due by way of loss or damage
caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the RailTel by reason of breach by the said
Contractor(s) of any of terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement or by reason
of the Contractor(s) failure to perform the said Agreement. Any such demand made on the
Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this
guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not
exceeding Rs. ………………………

2. We, ……………………………………….. bank undertake to pay to the RailTel any

money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the Contractor(s) /
Supplier(s) in any suit or proceedings pending before any court or Tribunal relating thereto
our liability under this present being, absolute and unequivocal.

The payment so made by us under this Bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for
payment there under and the Contractor(s) / Supplier(s) shall have no claim against us for
making such payment.

We, …………………………………………. Bank further agree that the Guarantee

herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be
taken for the performance of the said Agreement and that it shall continue to be
enforceable till all the dues of the RailTel under or by virtue of the said Agreement have
been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till RailTel certifies that the terms
and conditions of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said
Page 16 of 17
Contractor(s) and accordingly discharges this Guarantee. Unless a demand or claim
under the Guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the ……. (1)
……………………. We shall be discharged from all liability under this Guarantee

We,………………………………………………We, …………………………………….
(indicate the name of Bank) Further agree with the RailTel that the RailTel shall have the
fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations
hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the Agreement or to extend time of
to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by the
RailTel against the said contractor(s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and
conditions relating to the said Agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability
by reason of any such variation, or extension to the said Contractor(s) or for any
forbearance, act or omission on the part of RailTel or any indulgence by the RailTel to
the said Contractor(s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law
relating to sureties would, but for this provision, have affect of so relieving us.

This Guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the Constitution of the Bank
or the Contractor(s) Supplier(s).

(indicate the name of Bank) lastly undertaken not to revoke this Guarantee during its
currency except with the previous consent of the RailTel in writing.

Dated the day of 2020

for ………………………………………………..
(Indicate the name of the Bank)

1. Signature

2. Signature


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