Confernece Ancoring Script 5

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Plenary Lecture –V. 12.00- 12.

30 pm Now we would like to start the V Plenary Lecture It is now my

privilege to invite ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ on the stage as a
chairperson of this session Thank you sir Introduction It is now my honor to invite Hon. Dr. D. B.
Tembhare sir on the stage as a speaker of this session Topic of his plenary lecture is:-
Immunocytochemical Demonstration Of Some Vertebrate Hormone-Like Substances In The Dragonfly
Brain-Corpora Cardiaca Complex and Midgut Thank you sir Introduction of Speaker I would like to call
--------------------present the bouquet to the session chairperson,------------------- I would like to call
--------------------present the bouquet to the rapporteur the of session---------------- I now request Hon. Dr.
D. B. Tembhare sir, to deliver the Plenary lecture Thank You sir for giving your valuable insight on this
topic. I request to----------------------------------------------present the certificate to chairperson of the session
I request to-------------------------------------------------present the momento to Speaker of the session I would
now request to chairman of the session, Please conclude the session Lunch Break 12.35- 1.30 pm Ladies
and gentlemen’s this is the lunch time now, we will be resume here at 1.35 pm. Enjoy the lunch Thank
you. 10 Technical Session 4. 1.30- 2.30 pm Mehta hall Let’s resume towards our 4 th technical session
which based on Botany and Zoology I would like to
invite------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- on the stage as a
chairperson of this technical session. Thank You Sir I would like to
invite----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upon stage as a
rapporteur of this technical session Thank You Sir I would like to call --------------------present the bouquet
to the session chairperson,------------------- I would like to call --------------------present the bouquet to the
rapporteur ofthe session------------------ I would request to
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to present his paper on
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any questions Concluding
remarks by the chairperson I request to------------------------------------------present the Certificate to
chairperson of the session I request to------------------------------------------present the momento to
rapporteur of the session Iwould now request to chairman of the session, Please conclude the session
Plenary Lecture -VI. 2.30- 3.00 pm Mehta hall Now we would like to start the V Plenary Lecture It is now
my privilege to invite ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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