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The Modern Filipina Archetypes and Ambiguities in the Wildflower Teleserye

vis-à-vis Filipinos' Sensibilities

Article · April 2023


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1 author:

Darrel Ocampo
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture


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American Journal of Volume 1 Issue 1, Year 2023
Development Studies (AJDS)

The Modern Filipina Archetypes and Ambiguities in the Wildflower

Teleserye vis-à-vis Filipinos’ Sensibilities
Darrel M. Ocampo1*

Article Information ABSTRACT

The article is a discourse analysis of the Wildflower telerserye, exploring the themes and
Received: March 22, 2023 portrayals of the main character and the ambiguities projected by her characterization. The
research’s objective revolves around the details that upon the attempt of the telersye to
Accepted: April 03, 2023 flaunt the modern archetypes of a Filipina, a strong and empowered woman who liberates
under the yoke of patriarchal hegemony, her actions and ways were deemed crucial and
Published: April 16, 2023 subjected to great scrutiny. The researcher also dealt with how these portrayals affect and
reflect the Filipinos’ way of thinking and sense of morality. Two major literary theories were
Keywords used to underscore the article’s crucial points. To show how the woman portrayals in teleserye
try to subvert the idea and configuration of patriarchy, Feminism (Helene Cixous) was used.
Ambiguities, Archetypes, Filipino’s Meanwhile, Deconstructionism (Jacques Derrida) was employed to show that in the attempt
Sensibilities, Modern Filipina of the teleserye to empower the woman lead character, remove her from her marginalized and
stereotypical views, and liberate her from the yoke of patriarchal hegemony, the result was
otherwise. Based on these analyses, a synthesis of Filipinos’ sensibilities on how it affects
and reflects their ways of thinking was crafted.

INTRODUCTION portrayals whose roles go beyond the orthodox and

People learned to sway in the ripples of the fast-changing typical Filipina stereotype (Angulo and Tito, 2019). A
state of their surroundings. As a classic song line goes, deviant characterization gives female characters voice and
“everything is in constant change.” These changes have an power: both empowering and liberating.
impact on society, culture, and people. In gender equality, Filipinos are undeniably fanatics of teleseryes even long
women continue to push beyond machismo, establishing before the start of the new millennium (Garchitorena,
themselves as humans who live in the same world (Graff 2014). During the late 1980s and early 1990s, Filipinos
et al., 2019). Women’s roles undergo metamorphosis as were captivated by soap operas such as Mara at Clara and
“modern women” recognize their worth, equal place, and Esperanza, two of the most well-known and well-loved
equal rights in the social, economic, and political arenas. soap operas of all time. The soap opera was coined after
They learned to break free from the shadows of men the show sponsors, whose products are detergent soap,
and forge their own identities (Hudson et al.,2012). In the and its target audience is the mothers at home (Sanchez,
field of politics, for example, Senator Meriam Defensor 2021). One of the apparent reasons why Filipinos love
Santiago, exemplifies a modern woman whose definition teleryes is because it mirrors the way of living of the
is validated solely by her actions, not by culture or other viewers, especially those that are marginalized (Singhal
people. She is described as a woman who lives by her and Rogers, 2012). Filipino teleseryes were riddled with
principles. It testifies to what Cixous (1981) said: that a tired and overused stereotypes, tropes, and plotlines. The
woman should break the snare of silence and liberate teleserye Wildflower, aired on ABS-CBN in 2017, has a
her soul from its shell (Mendoza, 2012). It is also evident revenge comeback theme and has its fair share of these
that contemporary or even modern writers, regardless of things, but it uses it well. With the viral confrontation
gender, would always have anthologies of works whose scenes that have become “meme-worthy” and iconic on
subjects are women. social media, the portrayals of women in the teleserye made
Moreover, different portrayals of women are highly the series even more enjoyable. The powerplay between
celebrated in the medium where the audience occupies and among the characters indicates the juggling of roles
the biggest share, like movies and television programs between the powerful and the powerless (Ocampo,
(Gil, 2016). Though there are still some teleseryes in 2022). Furthermore, the centrality of female characters,
which women debonair play a typical “Maria Clara” role mainly how the insecure antagonist thought she could
who typifies the idea of what a Filipina should be like get rid of the protagonist for good, typically by plotting
(someone who conformed to society’s dictum), most ill events and chaos to the main character (Buonanno,
of the top rating teleseryes nowadays deviate from the 2017). However, the protagonist is alive and decides to
mainstreaming and stereotyping of woman characters. grow a spine and plot her revenge comeback to drag the
Page 10

Modern series shows how female protagonists and antagonist’s nose in the dirt, making this teleserye pikes an
antagonists demonstrate strength and power that exciting lens to study the portrayal of female characters.
defies popular perceptions of what women should be, The paper delves into the details that upon the attempt
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture, Philippines
Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected]
Am. J. Dev Stud. 1(1) 10-15, 2023

of the telersye to flaunt the modern archetypes of a result was otherwise. Based on these analyses, a synthesis
Filipina, a strong and empowered woman who liberates of Filipinos’ sensibilities (on how it affects and reflects
under the yoke of patriarchal hegemony, the actions their ways of thinking) will be crafted
and ways of the woman character seem to be crucial
for it calls to be subjected to great scrutiny (especially if METHODOLOGY
standards, like morality to name one, will be considered). This paper aimed to reveal the ambiguities of women’s
Moreover, the researcher would like to know how these portrayal in the teleserye and how these modern Filipina
portrayals affect and reflect the Filipinos’ way of thinking archetypes and ambiguities affect and reflect the Filipinos’
and sense of morality. These intricate portrayals of the ways of thinking and morality. To give substance to the
woman character will serve as the point of reference objective of the study, the researcher used discourse
for the researcher to discuss his views. As the researcher analysis in evaluating the merit of the telesrye. Selected
ventures in his discussion, two significant literary theories episodes were purposively chosen, serving as the point of
are equally important in delineating his points. These reference in analyzing the content. The framing analysis
are 1. Feminism (Helene Cixous), to show how the style and the primary approach of coding, comprehending,
woman portrayals in teleserye try to subvert the idea and synthesizing, theorizing, and re-contextualizing were used
configuration of patriarchy, and 2. Deconstructionism to identify the recurring themes.
(Jacques Derrida) to show that in the attempt of the According to Tyson (1950), structuralist analyses of
teleserye to empower the woman’s lead character, remove narrative examine in minute detail the inner “workings”
her from her marginalized and stereotypical views, and of literary texts to discover the fundamental structural
liberate her from the yoke of patriarchal hegemony, the units (such as units of narrative progression) or functions

Figure 1: Top-Down Model of analyzing the Modern Filipina Archetypes and Ambiguities in the Wildflower Teleserye
vis-à-vis Filipino’s Sensibilities
(such as character functions) that govern texts’ narrative plenty of elements that fabricate it. When evaluating and
operations. The plot formula serves as the basis for judging the merit of a work, the details are crucial because
where a writer’s work revolves. Once deciphered, it they lay the foundation for the entire object (Wageman et
helps the readers to understand the story better. It also al., 2012).
allows the reader to unlock the theme of the text he is In literature, every narrative has its structure and depends
reading. Feminism by Cixous was used to show how the on how the writer crafts her story. According to Tyson
woman portrayals in teleserye try to subvert the idea and (1950), structuralist analyses of narrative examine in
configuration of patriarchy, and the deconstruction by minute detail the inner “workings” of literary texts to
Derrida (1986) was used to show that in the attempt of discover the fundamental structural units (such as units
the teleserye to empower the woman lead character, remove of narrative progression) or functions (such as character
her from her marginalized and stereotypical views, and to functions) that govern texts’ narrative operations.
liberate her from the yoke of patriarchal hegemony, the Among the different discussions regarding structuralism,
result was otherwise. the researcher used Todorov’s (1975) narratology of a
literary text or the so-called plot formula of a text. The
DISCUSSION plot formula serves as the basis for where a writer’s work
Gestalt psychology leaves a significant mark in education revolves. Once deciphered, it helps the readers better
when it exudes its maxim that the “whole is better than understand the story. It also allows the reader to unlock
the sum of its parts” (Koffka, 2013). However, many the theme of the text he is reading. Using Todorov’s plot
Page 11

debates devoured the silence as critics dissent such ideas. formula in the Wildflower teleserye, the researcher came up
While it is true that people judge the merit of something “Search-Realization-Liberation” tale which serves as the
by its totality, there is no denying the fact that there are warp and woof of the teleserye’s narratives. Having this
Am. J. Dev Stud. 1(1) 10-15, 2023

plot formula, the researcher shows how the narratives of wild” has been the compelling tagline of the top-rating
the teleserye give the dress to the story and give life to the teleserye, Wildflower directed by Onat Diaz, starring Maja
lead woman character. Salvador, Joseph Marco, RK Bagatsing, Vin Abrenica,
and Roxanne Barcelo, which was first aired on February
The Celebration of Woman’s Character 13, 2017. The plot revolves around Lily (Maja Salvador),
According to Jung (2014), archetypes are based and whose life is caught in delirious horror when she and her
developed on recurring images, characters, narrative family meet the influential and powerful Ardiente family
designs, and themes. They are recurrent narrative headed by Don Emilio (Tirso Cruz III). Lily’s parents
designs, patterns of action, character types, themes, and were killed by Emilia (Aiko Melendez), and she was lucky
images that are identifiable in a wide variety of literary enough to escape death (Librarian, 2017). To avenge her
and non-literary text and other forms of discourse. It unfortunate situation and give justice to her parents, she
served as the primary goal of this paper: to look for transformed herself and became Ivy Aguas, a bold and
recurring images portrayed by the main woman character robust woman who claimed revenge for her family.
in the Wildflower teleserye. “Revenge has never been this Using discourse analysis to assess the teleserye’s worth, selected

Figure 2: Identified Modern Filipina Archetypes and Ambiguities in the Wildflower

episodes were purposefully chosen to serve as a point of and establish a fortified identity in a world where men
reference in analyzing its content. The framing analysis are still the ones who control the helm. Her sense of
style and the basic approach of coding, comprehending, decisiveness and ability to use rational thinking quickly
synthesizing, theorizing, and re-contextualizing were used in critical situations attest that she does not resort to her
to identify recurring themes. Based on the analysis, two emotions to evaluate and judge things; instead, reason
significant archetypes were found. guides her decisions. The typical archetype of the “Maria
The portrayal of the main character in the story is a deviant Clara” image cannot be seen in her character. Instead,
woman who contradicts the typical portrayals of lead it is a blend of an independent and intelligent woman
women roles. In the story, Ivy is portrayed as a liberated guided by the desire to accomplish a particular goal.
woman who is independent, intelligent, empowered, Though she has a love interest in the story, in the name
daring, and career-driven: all these and other stuff that of Diego (Joseph Marco), she still managed to fight her
serves as the elements to pursue her goal, which is to emotions and not be controlled by them; hence, she was
avenge her family from the Ardiente. It is far different able to sacrifice her feelings to pursue her desire.This
from the usual portrayal of a lead woman character who explicit description of the protagonist only shows how the
typifies a “Maria Clara-image” that serves as the standard character embodies a new persona different from the usual
of what a Filipina should be (Sanchez, 2015). Most of way of characterizing a lead woman role (Frankel, 2014).
the teleseryes that conform to the mainstream portray a A modern Filipina has portrayed a woman of hybridity:
woman lead character as a debonair who carries the moral she embodies the spirit of Mary-like characteristics:
standard and is worthy of being emulated (Hau, 2021). compassionate, caring, and family-oriented, yet she knows
However, Ivy’s characterization gives a new dress how to stand on her ground, is aware of her important
to a Filipina character that deviates from the norm roles and definition as a woman, and fights for her rights.
and character mainstreaming. In the teleserye, her These characterizations, which stem from her desire
characterization speaks of a modern woman whose to bring justice to her family, highlight her desire for
dependency doesn’t lie to anyone except her trust in vengeance and liberation. She must respond to the voice
herself and will-power to accomplish things. Ivy’s within her; thus, this act effectively subverted patriarchy.
Page 12

portrayal celebrates how a modern Filipina should act Moreover, her portrayals speak about a modern Filipina
in ways that would liberate her from gender castration who, amidst the grueling demand of society and the fight
Am. J. Dev Stud. 1(1) 10-15, 2023

against the strong current of machismo, she was able to Ardiente have the proportionate fault. Due to this, one
stand up and be on her own. The “search-realization- could say that even if Ivy gets the justice she deserves,
liberation” tale was put to an end when the Ardiente she will never be free from the horrors of her actions.
suffered from her hands and when she got the justice she The damage she caused to the people surrounding her
deserved for her family. will never be erased and cannot be rectified instantly;
thus, even if justice is served to her, she will never have
The Teleserye’s Ambiguities absolute freedom. The title of the teleserye itself was
In the search for justice, Ivy Aguas realizes that she needs used as a metaphor to describe what she is becoming, a
to be a different person, a strong and will-powered woman, wildflower lost in the vast forest of vengeance and anger.
to avenge her family against the Ardiente. This situation
proves that the woman in the context of the narrative is The Teleserye and Filipinos’ Sensibilities
not a hollow entity because she has her own force that The characterizations of the women before always portray
shapes her identity. This point suggests that the teleserye a “Maria Clara” image, someone considered to be the
promotes a strong feministic touch. The subversion of epitome of what a Filipina should be (Maguddayao, 2016).
patriarchal hegemony is found in the aspect where she Women’s roles are conformist to the Filipino norms, one
needs to transform from Lily to Ivy Aguas, a liberation who serves as a “house” mother, a passive wife, and the
from a weak character to a strong and brave woman light of the family (Lui, 2012). However, in the modern
whose actions are determined by rational thinking, not milieu, modern women are career driven, independent,
emotions (Bindu, 2019); whose life is dependent on no rational, and deviant. These characterizations accurately
one but herself; and whose decisions are not clouded by represent Ivy Aguas (Maja Salvador) ‘s portrayal in
subjective predispositions, but instead based on a pure Wildflower. However, instead of showing strength to her
analysis of the situation at hand. However, there are feministic character, the result was otherwise to the extent
nuances in the teleserye that tainted its intention to give that it undermined her whole personality.
voice to the woman character. These modern archetypes and ambiguities gleaned from
The portrayal of Ivy as a woman who would do everything the teleserye speak about Filipinos’ way of thinking and
just for vengeance is a strong ambiguity. Ambiguities can sense of morality. Most Filipinos would sympathize
be observed by understanding the perception of morally with the pitied state of Ivy Aguas when her family was
ambiguous characters. Understanding and identifying all tortured and killed by the Ardiente; hence, they are
of the individual factors is a topic fraught with mystery. rooting in a plot of vengeance for Ivy to claim justice for
Various influences, such as trauma, motives, and actions, her parents. Filipinos pity those who are the underdog
influence how morally ambiguous characters are perceived and abused, characters who are caught and struggling in
(Boudy, 2022). In the teleserye, she was taught how to use an antagonistic setting (Bergstrand and Jasper, 2018). The
people to her advantage. She also learned how to use act of the main character claiming revenge or justice for
even her own body, a commodification of “woman’s her pitied state also fuels the desire of the Filipinos to
entity,” to manipulate her rivals, specifically the Ardiente watch more of the program and be a fan of the character
(RK Bagatsing) heir, who will soon be her husband. playing her part. The Filipinos become part and player of
These wicked portrayals are against the accepted “moral the story as they embody the character who mirrors their
standards,” and instead of giving a strong voice to the sphere of reality (Durian, 2013).
character of Ivy, the result was otherwise (Akhtar et al., The vicarious feeling is evident in Filipino culture and
2021). There are many ways for the teleserye to liberate Ivy is also why soap operas down to teleseryes thrive even in
from the plights she is experiencing by claiming justice the postmodern world (Manalansan, 2014). But what is
for her family. She does not need to do evil to avenge her intriguing is the fact that though the character of Ivy
afflictions because she also loses a major part of herself plays no “Maria Clara” image and one that deviates from
in the process of doing these things. what seems to be a long-accepted standard of morality,
The viewers might put great sympathy on the part of Filipinos are still apathetic to her character. Moreover,
Ivy; however, this sympathy was never sustained, for though Ivy’s ways of dealing with her rivals are far
the measure used by her is a desperate and very hostile beyond the established Filipino values, the viewers would
act. Instead of proving that Ivy’s character was strong, still celebrate her victory over the Ardiente and would be
the turnout of events only shows how frail she was. Her elated if Ivy’s plan favored her.
ways to avenge her family prove that she succumbed to These nuances in the story reveal how Filipinos are
grief and anger; hence she lost herself and her sense of innately entangled with their split-level morality. Even if
identity. It is indeed a terrible mistake rooted in error there is a universal acceptance in the Filipinos’ way of
made by the Ardiente. But it can never be corrected by thinking that revenge is a negative term, people would still
making another one. As Harris (2019) said, a mistake love to see Ivy avenging her parents and claim justice even
used to correct another error is like using a double-edged if her actions are far beyond moral standards. Moreover,
knife. As you cut the other, you also cut yourself. the split-level morality is highly evident in celebrating a
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While it is true that the Ardiente family owns the most woman’s struggle to defy her own “nature”, her process
significant part of all the blame in the story, Ivy and of undergoing metamorphic changes triggered by her
Am. J. Dev Stud. 1(1) 10-15, 2023

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