Syllabus G11 FABMone

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IV-A
Division LAGUNA
Santa Cruz, Laguna
“Our goal is perfection but we will settle for excellence”


COURSE TITLE : Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and
Management 1
COURSE DESCRIPTION : This is an introductory course in accounting, business, and
management data analysis that will develop students’ appreciation of accounting as a language of
business and an understanding of basic accounting concepts and principles that will help them analyze
business transactions.
At the end of the semester, the students will be able to:
1. Manifest understanding and appreciation of the nature and basic purpose of
accounting and how it is applied in businesses
2. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in recording basic transactions and in making
basic accounting calculations
3. Analyze knowledge and skills in completing the process es in an accounting cycle.

Week/s Topics Learning Competencies
1 week
1. Orientation
 SBMCI Mission, Vision
and core value
 Classroom Policies
 Overview of the subject
 Requirements
2nd week Course Introduction- Introduction  define accounting
to Accounting  describe the nature of accounting
 definition,  explain the functions of
 nature, accounting in business
 function, and  narrate the history/origin of
 history of accounting accounting
3rd week Branches of Accounting  differentiate the branches of
 financial accounting accounting
 management accounting  explain the kind/type of services
 government accounting rendered in each of these
 auditing branches
 tax accounting
 cost accounting
 accounting education
Sitio Huwaran Brgy. Pagsawitan, Santa Cruz, Laguna (4009)
[email protected] / [email protected]
0995-261-0830 / (049) 523-6123
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A
Division LAGUNA
Santa Cruz, Laguna
“Our goal is perfection but we will settle for excellence”

 accounting research
4th week Users of Accounting Information  define external users and gives
 internal users of financial examples
information  define internal users and give
 external users of financial examples
5th week – 6th week Forms of Business Organizations  differentiate the forms of business
The various forms of business organization in terms of nature of
organization, as follows: ownership
 sole / single  identify the advantages and
proprietorship disadvantages of each form
 partnership  make a list of existing business
 corporation entities in their community and
 cooperatives identify the form of business
Prelim Exam
7th week – 8th week Types of Business According to  compare and contrast the types of
Activities. business according to activities
the types of business according to  differentiate the types of business
activities, particularly: according to activities
 service business  identify the advantages,
 merchandising business disadvantages, and business
 manufacturing business requirements of each type
 make a list of businesses in their
community according to their
9th week Accounting Concepts and  identify generally accepted
Principles accounting principles
 explain the varied accounting
concepts and principles
 solve exercises on accounting
principles as applied in various
10th week – 11th week The Accounting Equation  illustrate the accounting equation
 perform operations involving
simple cases with the use of
accounting equation
 solve problems applying the
accounting equation
12TH week – 13th week Types of Major Accounts  identify, and classify accounts
 assets according to the five major types
 liabilities  discuss the five major accounts
 capital  cite examples of each type of
Sitio Huwaran Brgy. Pagsawitan, Santa Cruz, Laguna (4009)
[email protected] / [email protected]
0995-261-0830 / (049) 523-6123
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A
Division LAGUNA
Santa Cruz, Laguna
“Our goal is perfection but we will settle for excellence”

 income  prepare a Chart of Accounts

 expenses

14TH week Books of Accounts  identify the uses of the two books
the two major types of books of of accounts
accounts, namely:  illustrate the format of a general
 journal and and special journals
 ledger  differentiate a journal from a
ledger and identify the types of
journals and ledgers
 illustrate the format of a general
and subsidiary ledger

15th week – 16th week Business Transactions and Their  describe the nature and gives
Analysis as Applied to the examples of business transactions
Accounting Cycle of a Service  identify the different types of
Business: business documents
 Rules of Debits and  analyze common business
Credits transactions using the rules of
 Journalizing debit and credit
 Posting  solve simple problems and
 Preparation of a Trial exercises in the analyses of
Balance business transaction

17TH week -18th week Business Transactions and Their  describes the nature of
Analysis as Applied to the transactions in a service business
Accounting Cycle of a Service  records transactions of a service
Business business in the general journal
 Adjusting Entries  posts transactions in the ledger
 Adjusted Trial Balance  prepares a trial balance
 Preparation of Basic  prepares adjusting entries
Financial Statements  complete the accounting cycle
(Income Statement)
19th week – 20th week The accounting cycle of a  describes the nature of
merchandising business to transactions in a merchandising
include the following: business
 Journalizing of  records transactions of a
transactions using the merchandising business in the
general and special general and special journals
journals, namely: sales  posts transactions in the general
journal, purchase journal, and subsidiary ledgers
cash receipts journal and  prepares a trial balance
cash payments journal  prepares adjusting entries
 Posting to the ledger,  completes the accounting cycle of
Sitio Huwaran Brgy. Pagsawitan, Santa Cruz, Laguna (4009)
[email protected] / [email protected]
0995-261-0830 / (049) 523-6123
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A
Division LAGUNA
Santa Cruz, Laguna
“Our goal is perfection but we will settle for excellence”

namely: general and a merchandising business

subsidiary ledgers  prepares the Statement of Cost of
 Preparation of trial Goods Sold and Gross Profit
 Adjusting entries to
include pre-payments,
accrual and deferral
 Worksheet preparation,
and 6. Completing the
accounting cycle of a
merchandising business

COURSE METHODOLOGY : The Teaching strategies are as follows:

 Lectures
 Recitation
 Pair Activity
 Individual Presentation
The Evaluation type are as follows:
 Diagnostic test
 Quizzes
 Recitation
 Summative test
 Exercises
 Term exam
 Performance task


 4 absences are equivalent to an automatic failure according to CHED rules; whereas15

minutes late equals one (1) tardy, three (3) tardiness equals one (1) absence and 45 minutes
late is considered absent
 Abide by the Dress Code set by the school and dress in a manner appropriate to the nature of
an academic institution

 Eating and drinking should be reserved for lunchtime and breaks between classes.
 There will be a short quiz at the end of each class to evaluate the day’s learning
 Students are expected to participate during class discussions or submit assigned tasks as the
case may require it.
 Students must earn 75% or higher in order to pass the course; with all requirements
submitted, tasks complied, and examinations taken.  

Sitio Huwaran Brgy. Pagsawitan, Santa Cruz, Laguna (4009)

[email protected] / [email protected]
0995-261-0830 / (049) 523-6123
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A
Division LAGUNA
Santa Cruz, Laguna
“Our goal is perfection but we will settle for excellence”

 Students who are caught cheating will be given a failing grade for the said requirement and
shall be brought to the concerned authority for further disciplinary action.
 The teacher reserves the right to make changes to this syllabus as the pace and the
environment of the classroom dictates.
Grading System :
The he minimum requirement for passing grade is 75% of the total of the following: 
 Written Works – 25%
 Performance Tasks – 50%
 Final Examination – 25%

REFERENCES : Florendo, Joselito G.- Fundamentals of Accountancy,

Business and Management 1) REX Bookstore.

Prepared by:

Mary Jane R. Tobias


Noted by: 



Sitio Huwaran Brgy. Pagsawitan, Santa Cruz, Laguna (4009)

[email protected] / [email protected]
0995-261-0830 / (049) 523-6123

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