Preparing Students For Success in Module 1
Preparing Students For Success in Module 1
Preparing Students For Success in Module 1
Organizational Language
Strategies Techniques
Organizational Strategies
• Organizational Strategies refer to ways in which a writer or speaker may arrange, sequence, and structure
the ideas within discourse in order to achieve his or her purpose for writing.
Language Techniques
• Language Techniques aim to enhance/ emphasize/highlight aspects of the writer’s or speaker’s message
which serve to communicate his or her overall purpose.
Generic Features
• Do not refer to generic features of language use except where those features provide additional
dimensions of meaning in achieving the writer’s purpose.
Understanding Organizational
Generic features of discourse not included: Sentences, paragraphs,
punctuation devices – full stops, commas, question mark, colon,
semi-colon, hyphen, apostrophe
1) Information is enough to
prove what is being claimed
Better Response:
The information may be considered credible because the writer mentions various
sources of information like the World Health Organization, Matthew Knowles and
a researcher from the University of Manchester all of whom support his
conclusion that skin bleaching has multiple social and economic causes. The
multiple sources of information suggest that the information is well-researched
and corroborated.
Writing about Credibility of
Weak response: (vague)
The information is credible because it makes the writer’s point clear and
easy to understand.
Better Response:
The information may be considered credible because the writer’s conclusion
that being fair skinned gives some persons a social advantage in some fields
which results in better job opportunities and elevated status has been
personally known to be true.
Organizing Your Essay Answer
•At least one body paragraph for each of the tasks in
the question
•Appropriate transitions and connectives between
and within paragraphs
Awarding Marks for Expression
Excellent, effective and error-free use of language. 8
Very good use of language though there may be a few lapses evident. 7
Good use of language though there may be a few lapses evident. 5-6
Some ability to use language effectively and accurately, but there are inconsistencies
in accurate usage.
Frequent inaccurate use of language OR insufficient information presented 1-2
Incomprehensible response OR no response. 0
Awarding Marks for Organization
Excellent paragraph development with thematic cohesion,
appropriate use of transitional devices, and connectives and an 7
effective conclusion.
Good use of the above criteria with one or two weaknesses evident. 5-6
Adequate level of organization with several weaknesses evident. 3-4
Unsatisfactory level of organization with weaknesses evident in all
0 -2
Transitions and Connectives
Transitions & Connectives Transitions & Connectives
additionally, again,
also, and, as well,
accordingly, besides, equally
consequently, Additional
Cause and Effect important,
hence, so, Support or
therefore, thus Evidence
furthermore, in
moreover, then
Transitions and Connectives
Transitions & Connectives Transitions & Connectives
in the first place
in like manner
in addition
coupled with
in the same fashion / way Opposition or otherwise
Similar/Agreement however
first, second, third Contradiction rather
in the light of
equally important
by the same token
Transitions and Connectives
Transitions & Connectives Transitions & Connectives
If notably
... then including
unless like
when to be sure
whenever namely
Condition or while chiefly
Purpose because of
Example or truly
as Support indeed
since certainly
while surely
lest markedly
such as
Transitions and Connectives
Transitions & Connectives Transitions & Connectives
after all
for in fact
thus in summary
because the in conclusion
then in short
hence in brief
Consequence or consequently Conclusion or in essence
Effect therefore Summary to summarize
thereupon on balance
forthwith altogether
accordingly overall
henceforth ordinarily
End of Session
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