The Transition Into Senior High School - A PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDY

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Travilla, C.J.S.III., Esparcia, C.M., Castor, N., Seron, Z.,
De Castro, C., & Bolongon, J.K.

The transition into senior high school is a phenomenon in which an internal

process occurs when students move to the unfamiliar while adjusting to higher

education. The goals of this study are to determine the lived experiences of the

students in their transition to senior high school, to pinpoint the challenges they

faced which were not introduced to them in junior high school, and to find out the

positive and negative effects while transitioning. Using a phenomenological

research method, data was collected from five (5) STEM students who were

chosen by purposive sampling. The results were then enumerated and

recapitulated. The study has concluded that the students weren’t ready for the

transition to senior high school, though it should be expected since this study

was done just after the pandemic. Solutions on how to reduce the negative

aspects are then given, though additional research should be conducted to

further explore this topic.


Various parts of the world had to experience a transition to the Senior High

School curriculum, as to prepare students for work or university life. Since the

revision of multiple international schools' basic education model to adapt to the

more refined 'K to 12' system that other countries already follow, students who

have graduated from Junior High School are required to enter two years of
specialized upper secondary education, also known as Senior High School, that

focuses more on specializations called strands, and are based on aptitude,

interests, and school capacity (What is K to 12 Program?, 2013). The

introduction of the K–12 curricula brought about the following issues: inadequate

training and professional growth; too much academic pressure on students; and

incorporating courses into the context of real-life situations. It would be extremely

difficult for all instructors to participate in various training programs and further

their education in order to handle the changes and make sure that their

development complies with societal needs (Ednave, 2018).

Successful transition to higher education is required for graduated junior

high school students to achieve academic success (Goldring et al., 2018). The

United States, Australia, Singapore, Canada, India, Japan, China, Germany, and

the Philippines are examples of the nations that use this system. However

parents in nations where poverty is a serious problem are growing more anxious

about how they will pay for the additional 2 years of schooling compared to the

current 10 years of education. This is one of the drawbacks of the K12 adoption,

implementation, or transition, particularly in many Asian nations (Fioriello, 2018)

Moreover, the Philippines is relatively new in the implementation of the

Senior High program, and as a result both the schools and the students aren’t

well-versed yet in the transition to senior high school. A study conducted by the

Philippine Institute for Development Studies by Fioriello (2018) showed that not

nearly enough schools were ready to provide the various tracks and strands,

thereby slowing down the academic transition of the students. In School Year
2017-2018, the SHS program’s second year of implementation only a paltry 7%

of schools could provide 5 or more strands. Only 38% of them could provide

even one.

Similarly, in Region XI where the study was conducted, the transition to

senior high school has been a struggle both for schools and students alike. A

situation has occurred where as a result of parents and guardians' lack of

informational drive, many people in the country's educational system are

reluctant to this new paradigm. The new curriculum was misunderstood not only

by parents but also by educational institutions themselves, thereby slowing down

the transition process. With everyone being new and even astonished by its

execution, it was difficult to start the curriculum, thereby stunting the progress of

transition (Opada, 2016).

The researchers therefore conducted a study to pinpoint the struggles and

challenges these students face when transitioning, and to find ways to help them

overcome those challenges.

Research Questions

1. What is your lived experience in your transition to SHS?

2. What challenges did you face that weren't presented to you in junior high


3. What are the positive and negative aspects of transitioning and what can we

do to reduce such negative aspects?

Literature Review

“What is K to 12 Program?” (2013) by the Official Gazette, the Enhanced

Basic Education Act of 2013 states that secondary education includes four (4)

years of junior high school and two (2) years of senior high school education. The

Senior High School strand includes core and applied subjects that will prepare

students for careers in college and industry. Therefore, selecting a senior high

school strand is critical when it is viewed by its importance in the future of a

person. (Alipio, 2020). Beginning S.Y. 2016-2017 and beyond, students must go

through Grades 11 and 12 to graduate from High School. Not choosing to go

after graduating junior high school would result in only being a grade 10


The senior high school curriculum is divided into learning strands and

career tracks. The learning strands refer to the various areas of competence

within the curriculum, whereas the career tracks refer to the broad categories to

which the various disciplines of study belong (Sarmiento & Orale, 2016). The

process of planning what strand to choose can be pressuring to the students,

especially since it tackles aspects such as like evaluating a range of professions

based on interests and abilities, and talking about one's career aspirations with a

range of people like parents, friends, teachers, people working in the field, etc.

(Witko et al., 2005). The importance of picking the right strand can be very

critical in every student as it will have an impact on one’s life in the following

years, particularly once college studies start or when entering in a league

university. Education's duty in any society is to prepare young people to satisfy

the society's norms and expectations for its citizens, but it is noticeable that the

society in which our children are growing has far more options, problems, and

possibilities than at any previous point in human history. Though the function of

education has not altered, it has come to that point where studies have more

pressure on students. (Island, 1998)


Research Design

This study employed a qualitative research design, utilizing

Phenomenology-based strategies. A thorough exploration of what experiences

mean to humans is phenomenological research. Its fundamental goal is to

investigate commonplace human experiences in order to understand how people

understand their world and how they interpret both their own and other people's

experiences. In order to gather thorough information for a reflective structural

analysis that eventually discloses the essence of the experience, a researcher

conducting phenomenological research must concentrate on people's

experiences of the topic under study (Bliss, 2016).

Research Participants

Students in one of the Davao City private schools' senior high school

departments who are enrolled in the academic track STEM are the study's

participants. There will be 5 participants in total; 2 boys and 3 girls that

experience a struggle in transitioning to senior high school. Purposive or

deliberate sampling was employed by the researchers to select informants based

on their particular expertise and/or experience with the empirical issues.

According to Robinson (2014), the method of choosing study participants

employed in qualitative and mixed methodology research is known as "purposive

sampling" .


The participant data is displayed in Table 1. The study involved five

participants, all of whom are Grade 11 seniors enrolled in this institution for the

Academic Year 2022–2023 on the academic track STEM, or Science,

Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The number of participants who

have been interviewed, as a whole, is already adequate for this study. All five of

them are currently living with their parents in Davao City. Ethical considerations

must be managed with extra caution when managing data in order to prevent

confidentiality problems that could otherwise force us to report rich data from


Table 1

Participants’ Information

Category Assumed Sex Location Level Study

Name Group

TTISHS_APS_1 Mr. LEVI Male Davao City Grade 11 Interview

TTISHS_APS_2 Ms. ANYA Female Davao City Grade 11 Interview

TTISHS_APS_3 Mr. DAMIAN Male Davao City Grade 11 Interview

TTISHS_APS_4 Ms. KILLUA Female Davao City Grade 11 Interview

TTISHS_APS_5 Ms. SHIZUKA Female Davao City Grade 11 Interview

Lived Experience in Transitioning to Senior High School

1. Because of the difference of experiences they had in junior high school, the

students had trouble adjusting to their new environments.

2. The students had a hard time catching up with some of the lessons and

activities due to the fact that they were given very little chance during junior

high to learn about those core topics and their related subjects.

3. The students struggled with adjusting to the new paradigm because they did

not expect this new education set-up.

4. The students were experiencing struggles with social interactions because of

the long term pandemic and lack of human face to face communications.

5. The majority of the respondents see their current situation as stressful, most

probably resulting from the sheer amount of new information and activities.

6. Some also had shared about their financial situations and how it affected their

transition to senior high.

During their transition, the students shared many common lived

experiences, and the majority had similar, recurring problems. Some struggled

with their current lack of background knowledge on specific topics, while others

struggled with adjusting to their new environment. Some too had anticipated that

there would be little difference between the educational systems in junior high

and senior school. With such a sudden change and insufficient preparation, as

well as a new environment they had to adjust to, they were left perplexed and

Kanang new environment jud sya kay new school
hahaha, new school… new group of people, new circle of
friends and tapos kanang mura kog na culture shock kay
kanang kay naay–, naay ubang subjects na wala nako na
encounter during elementary, during junior high school.

(It was very much a new environment because it’s a

new school, hahaha… new school, new group of people,
new circle of friends, and I was like, culture shocked
because there were–, there were other subjects that I didn’t
encounter during elementary, during junior high school.)

Uhm, kanang expectations, kato ganing taas, abi

nakog sayon sayon ra first gani. Kanang ma shock nlng ka
tapos feel nimo struggle nagani every subject
(pinakasayon nko na subject) abi gni nko sauna sayon ra
kaayu ang Pre-Cal abi nakog dali rakaayu matun an abi
nkog balance lng ba pagkahuman kay lisod diay kaayo.

(Uhm, those expectations, y’know, those were high,

and at first I thought it was easy. Then you suddenly get
shocked and you feel like you struggle at every subject
(even my most easiest subject). I really thought before that
Pre-Cal was easy. I thought it was easy to learn, I thought
it was just some balance but in the end it was actually very

In addition, it is to be mentioned that the pandemic that occurred in the

previous two years had also made it difficult for the respondents to make the
transition to senior high. They opened that the pandemic school experience had

significantly hindered their academic performance once they entered senior high

school due to problems like: the lack of information given to students about topics

that are necessary due to the nature of the learning modalities used during that

time (which was modular and online learning), the need to reassess their social

and behavioral skills and competences, and the sheer difficulty of the subjects,

as is the case with some of the answers of the respondents:

I had a really h-hard time, uhm, uhm… adjusting into

senior high that, now that subjects are… there are more
uhm, specialized subjects, uhm, some of them are hard,
and because of the pandemic, uhm, uhm, the modality of
learning that… I experienced is modular, so uhm, most of
the topics in senior high school are, uhm, more harder for
me to understand because I didn’t get to study it more
during my junior high school days.

Para sa akoa lisod jud kaayo kay ano… kay na

stuck man gud ta sa 2 years na pandemic tapos unya pag
ka grade 10 Kay… like dili kaayo… kay more on… ma
flashback ang mga lesson gani nga gihatag pero dili Kay
tanan kay para sa akoa mas prefer nako Ang face to face
kay para mas ma enhance ang knowledge.

(For me, it was very challenging because… cause

we were like stuck for 2 years in the pandemic, and by the
time we moved to grade 10, it was like… like it was… like
more on… the lessons which were given are flashed back,
but like, not all of them, because for me, I prefer face to
face so that our knowledge would be even more
The pandemic, according to the respondents, has made it exceedingly

more difficult for them to adapt and transition well, and has impeded them from

keeping up with some of the lessons. Furthermore, because modular learning

differs greatly from face-to-face instruction, it resulted in a distinct lack of learning

capability, causing some transitional difficulties for them as well.

Challenges Not Presented in Junior High

1. The respondents said that the subjects were much more challenging than

they had anticipated due to not being given sufficient information to them

while they were in junior high.

2. Their current responsibilities differed from those they had in elementary and

junior high.

3. The interviewees claimed that the start of the new school year brought with it

a plethora of assignments and stress for which they were unprepared.

4. The respondents reported varying levels of perplexity due to a lack of

preparation in their shift to senior high.

5. They believed that there wouldn't be much of a significant difference between

the educational systems in elementary, junior high, and SHS.

6. The respondents stated that junior high either gave them no preparation at all

or only a little.

In order to determine whether students were ready for the transition, we

asked them about their preparations while they were in junior high. All of their
responses were neutral to negative, claiming that they had little to no preparation

at all in junior high:

From what I think is… it’s half-baked, we’re

half-baked because of, because of the pandemic that
happened. Uhm, uhm, I’ve only experienced 2 years of face
to face classes, uhm, face-to-face classes during my junior
high school.

Siguro for me ha, no. Kay no jud kay sa subjects pa

lang daan, yes ang name ray na change pero aside from
the name changing nag add man pud gud silag subjects,
nag silag major subjects, nag add silag specialized subjects
per strand and wala na sya na introduce ever in junior high,
like na ingon lang na ay naay Pre Cal, naay Business Math,
naay ana but lessons in those subjects weren't introduce to
us like only the name, ana lang only the name tapus kung
lisud ba sya ana.

(Maybe it’s just me, but no. Cause, y’know, very

much no, because in just the subjects alone, yes, the name
was changed, but aside from the name changing, they also
added more subjects, like major subjects, then they added
as well specialized subjects per strand and they were never
introduced ever in junior high.)

Furthermore, new subjects and schedules contributed to the stress that

students faced during their transition in either which they weren’t prepared for, or

had little preparation beforehand. In turn they were either solely depending on

those classmates who had some sort of preparation: new subject na dili ko kuan na like

practical research wala jud koy knowledge about ana so
bali akong murag naga salig na lang ko sa akoang
classmate kay wala jud koy knowledge like naa pay ubang
subject na murag makalimtan jud ko kay lisod jud kaayo

( a new subject that I’m not too familiar

with, like practical research. I literally have no knowledge
about that so basically I was like dependent on my
classmates. I don't have any knowledge like there are also
other subjects that I may have forgotten so it really is hard.)

Aspects of Transitioning to Senior High

1. Socializing was a struggle ever since the end of the pandemic, but even then

the opportunity to socialize again was well met with the students.

2. They understood that the lessons were given to prepare them for college, but

that doesn't take comfort in the fact that they struggled to understand some of

the concepts within those subjects.

3. The students still accepted the reason and the outcome of their current


Social skills are important in a classroom environment because friendships

are formed by students to help each other in one‘s situations, but a few have

shared that they struggled with that aspect. One such participant has shared their


One of the negative aspects that I have encountered

is that… um, from-, from modular to face to face of senior
high school um… because of that… I can say or I think that
my social skills um… have- unsay tawag ana… yeah
because of the lockdowns and… yeah pandemic… um, my
social skills become-, becomes lacking. That's why when I
got into senior high school during the first day, I had a really
hard time making friends and socializing with my
But in the end, the benefit of being able to socialize with other people

again still outweigh the cost of the negative aspect of socializing:

…Positive aspects… ah… for me from what I think

um, one of the positive aspects is that um… I get to
experience more um… more collaborative works with
classmates because um, the senior high school now is…
open to face to face modality that's why I think it's-, ah, it-, it
also has a positive aspect, yeah.

Positive niya kay ano, syempre maka socialize ka sa

mga bag o nimo kaila…

(It’s positive because like, of course you can

socialize with the new people you’ve just met…)

Another aspect of the transition that was met with mixed opinions was the

difficulty of the subjects given. Some had understood that they were given to

them as to prepare them for more complex material in college:

Ang positive is ano, kaka ready ko a... about ano, sa

future course nako. And kanang… more knowledge like...
like... mas mas ma reduce ang-, ang pag pakalit sa pag
transition nako sa college.

(The positive is that, I’m getting ready a... about, my

future course. And also… more knowledge like... like... my
perplexion would be reduced in my transition to college.)

…Tapos like positive feel nako ma motivate ta kay

ma introduce nato sa atung future course ba.
(…Then like, the positive I feel that we would get
motivated because we get introduced to our future course.)

But as to the rest of the responses, the transition to senior years was

difficult for them, both mentally and physically. The stress, the new environment,

and the activities assigned to them, all had an impact on their transition:

Daghan dibang gina hatag nga activity sa atoa…

usahay kay malate kog tulog ma apekyohan akoang
physical health parang 4 hours lang tulog nako… ma
sacrifice nako akoang tulog… para lang sa grado.

(There’s so many activities given to us, right… and

sometimes I get to sleep late my physical health would be
affected because it feels like I only get 4 hours of sleep…
my sleep time would be sacrificed… just for grades.)

Syempre murag nag breakdown ka ana gud,

paghuman sa breakdown nimo like okay mao ni sya mag
baba imong ah like...into ano... into subjects wala ka kabalo
sa mga buhaton kay tungod mag lisud kog sabot sa uban

Most surely you would experience a breakdown, and

after your breakdown like, okay this is what it is, your
grades would drop ah like...into... into subjects where you
don't know what to do because you already had a hard time
understanding the other lessons

But despite their difficulties, they were mostly glad for the new school year

because it allowed them to make new friends and gain proper learning

Ways Proposed to Reduce the Negative Aspects of Transitioning

1. Most have come to a conclusion that time management is the leading cause

of the negative effects.

2. To prepare for the transition, additional knowledge and study guides early on

should be obtained, either by self-studying or as an official part of the learning


With the new batch of students still fresh from the pandemic learning

experience, a plethora of negative effects were present during their transition.

But from our continued research with this topic, we have discovered that the

students have their own ways in which they’ve dealt with those negative effects.

The most suggested solution would be to manage time properly as a student.

Almost all of the interviewees responses included time management to be one of

the hardest aspects of transitioning:

Sa study and time management. Ang time

management kay important jud kay siya no kay naga
bantay ko og bata so lisud jud kaayo sya para sako, so bali
akong ma...ano siguro, ani, is, mao to kanang naa koy
vacant time mag study more on study jud sya kay para pod
mabalik nako ang akong mga ano mga knowledge.

(In study and time management. Time management

is very important because, y’know I look after a kid so it’s
very troublesome for me, so basically what I...what, this, if
you have vacant time you should study more on, just study
so that you can re-remember the knowledge from before.)

Para saako kay ano mag time management para dili

ka maapektohan imong ano… imong health. Ano, mag set
gani ta kanang time management, I managed nato atung
schedule para ma balance nato ba ma kuan pud nato ma
protect pud nato atung health gani.

(For me, uhm, do time management so that your

mental health won't be affected. Let’s set our time
management. I managed our schedule so that we can
balance our stuff and protect our health, as I said before.)

Another way proposed by some of the participants was the concept of

giving a reviewer to junior high students who would soon move to senior high.

Some have already did this on their own, while others suggested that it should be

implemented into the learning system itself:

Pag enroll dapat nag hatag daw silag ano mga

reviewer para-, para naay advance knowledge and dili
manganga ang mga students.

(In enrolling, they should’ve given reviewers so that-,

so that students would have advanced knowledge and
won’t be left open-mouthed(perplexed).)

Siguro if like sa gra-, if grade 10 na ang student kay

at least man kanang mag butang sila sa 4rth Quarter mga
at least one or two lessons about like mga aralin jud sa mga
like sa senior high gud or mag-, or if DepEd base sila like
public schools, mag hatag silag mga modules ba or books
about grade-, about senior high para at least man lang naay
heads up gud ang mga incoming senior high school

(Maybe if like sa gra-, if the student is at grade 10,

then at least they would put one or two lessons in 4rth
Quarter that tackles topics in senior high or like-, or if
DepEd base on like public schools, they should give
modules or books about grade-, about senior high so that at
least incoming senior high school students have a heads

Based on our results alone, there should be more ways that students can

prepare for the transition to senior high, but more testing should be done to

further explore this topic.


In this chapter, the study's findings are discussed in relation to the

research questions, with the assistance of each of the proving questions

presented in chapter one. Following a brief review of the questions, the

generated emerging answers, including interpretations that attempted to provide

logical explanations, were discussed.

Lived Experience in Transitioning to Senior High School

The SHS curriculum serves as an entry point into college/university life or

business and industry (Bidwell, 2014, Peano, 2008). It prepares students

for technical courses, skill development, job opportunities, and entrepreneurship.

The program emphasizes life-long learning, clarification of general concepts, and

basic mathematical calculations, all of which are important aspects of an

educated student. In comparison to the traditional education system, a k-12

system includes two additional years (“Positive and Negative Effects of K to 12 -

Essay and Speech”, 2017). The process of deciding which strand to pursue can

be stressful for students, especially because it includes aspects such as

evaluating a variety of professions based on interests and abilities, and

discussing one's career aspirations with a variety of people such as parents,

friends, teachers, people working in the field, and so on (Witko et. al., 2005).

One common experience shared among the participants was the struggle

to adapt to the new environment. There were multiple occurrences of stress and

social anxiety reported by the students. A similar result happened with the testing

of STEM students in another study conducted by Goldring (2018), in which the

students experienced stress fluctuating in multiple instances.

It is always expected that a student knows how to manage his/her time

well while working on assignments and activities. But as is the case with

transitioning to senior high school, the stress that students faced was far

exceeding the expectations that they had in the first place. Results from a study

on self-reported stress have said that exams and results, having too much to do,

worrying about the future, choosing a vocation, studying for exams, the amount

to learn, pressure to perform well under pressure from others and from oneself

were the most common sources of stress among students (Kouzma & Kennedy,


Challenges not presented in Junior High

One issue that was common among the participants was the clear need to

review material from previous grade levels due to the lack of guidance and

proper teaching while they were in junior high school. A phenomenon known as

“grade inflation” is said to be used in order to pass a certain student on given

subjects (Johnson, 2006). As is the case with the participants, they were deluded
into thinking that they were prepared for senior high, when in reality they barely

met the requirements to learn the more complex material.

Though, to add a counterpoint, it is to be noted that this study was

conducted just a school year after the pandemic. And as is the nature of

research, all issues that are relevant and occur within the time period in which

the research was conducted should be factored into the results (Glanville, 1999).

The pandemic may have interfered with the learning process of the students, and

as a result the students are academically behind, which then resulted in them

having a hard time transitioning to senior high school and its subjects (Hamilton

& Gross, 2021). Grades may have been inflated during this time, which further

emphasizes the clear lack of preparation that the students had on their transition

to senior high.

Aspects of Transitioning to Senior High

This study focused on the experience of students at this institution where

the testing was conducted. Nonetheless the findings have wider relevance. The

delivery of material across partner institutions is not unusual, and all senior high

school students experience a transition from junior to senior study (Goldring et.

al., 2018).

In this case, the overall impression that the students experienced in

transition were a mix of positive and negative opinions. Though the transition to

junior high school is often regarded as the harder of the two transitions, it doesn’t

dismiss the fact that transitioning to senior high school is an easy task. In

addition, there hasn't been much research done on the senior transition side of
things. Though one similar study did prove that in senior high school, students

once again experience disruptions in which it takes a long time to recover, as is

the case with most of our respondents, having to sacrifice their time and health to

keep up with the pressures of the transition (Blythe et. al., 1983).

Concluding Remarks

The researchers have concluded that the transition to senior high is still a

struggle for students. Based on the results, it has seemed that junior high has

barely helped them in their transition, though it is to be expected since this study

was conducted just after the pandemic. The overall impression of the transition

though, was well met and students still understood the circumstances that they

were in to a certain degree. A clearer description of other strands' opinions

should be found out to avoid a mismatch in the expectations of still soon-to-be

senior high students. Due to the scope of this research and the time available to

gather information, additional research is required to determine the potential

ways in which we can assist students in preparing for the transition early on.


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SHS principal

Dear Ma’am:

The undersigned are currently working on their research paper entitled “THE
STUDY”. In view hereof, the undersigned humbly asks permission from your
office to be allowed to conduct the study and interview the selected participants.

Attached herewith is the research instrument to be used.

Your positive response to the said request is vital for the completion of this
academic undertaking.

God bless and more power!

Respectfully yours,








Noted by:

Research adviser


1. What is your lived experience in your transition to SHS?

1.1 As a student, how would you describe your current situation in senior
high school?
1.2 How did you choose your current strand?
2. What challenges did you face that weren't presented to you in junior high
2.1 How did those challenges affect you as a student?
2.2 Has junior high ever prepared you for such challenges? If so, how?
2.3 Which of these issues have dealt you the worst?
3. What are the negative and positive aspects of transitioning to senior high?
3.1 What possible solutions can be done to eliminate or reduce such
negative aspects?

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