Perception of Grade 11 Upon Choosing The ABM Strand

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Perception of Grade 11 upon choosing the ABM strand

Title Defense in Research in Daily Life 1

Group Leader:

Lorena, Rosemay N.


Ramos, Sheryne L.
Carvajal, Adrienne May L.
Lico, Mykaila M.
Ercia, Dianne Andrea M.
Gumawe, Christine Mae O.



In May 2016, Duterte affirms its commitment to implement K to 12. The program
includes two (2) years of senior high school (SHS) to let all of the students master
concepts and capabilities, develop lifelong learners, and educate graduates for tertiary
education, middle-level skill improvement, employment, and entrepreneurship.

Some students already know what they will gonna choose but we can not withhold the
fact that many of the students are having a hard time choosing which strand they
would prefer that suits their skills/capabilities.

According to William who is a Canadian physician:

“The hardest conviction to get into the mind of a beginner is that the education upon
which he is engaged is not a college course, not a medical course, but a life course, for
which the work of a few years under teachers is but a preparation.”
— William Osler.

As observed, several students usually shift from another strand because they just don't
like it.

Everyone can influence a student's decisions including their friends, siblings, parents,
and so on.

Students' rush makes decisions about choosing tracks can affect their future job so it
would be better for parents to guide their children upon choosing a strand that will
suit their skills.

Choosing strands shouldn't take rapidly, take it slowly and think about it.
Senior high school comes with certain tracks that seem like college courses where
students will choose which strands suit their capabilities.
This is the list of strands:

Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM)

Humanities, and Social Sciences (HUMMS)
General Academic Strand (GAS)
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
Arts and Design
Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL).

A stable job/career doesn't happen easily. That is why the students need parents'
guidance for students to make future career plans.

The importance of this study is for the incoming grade 11 to choose the best strand
which suits their abilities, interest, and capabilities. This research will encourage
students to make decisions that they won't regret in the future.

The purpose of this study was to learn about grade 11 students' attitudes on senior
high school and the factors that influence their choice of strand.

The (DOE) Department of Education's adoption of the k-12 program is a fantastic

way to assist all students. However, there are some that serve a noble purpose for all
Filipino students. As we’ve observed, this is another burden on the point of view of
the parents particularly the students. It will further worsen a family's financial
problems, with the benefit of introducing this scheme going to those who desire to
continue their education. This is one of the issues that this study will look into, as well
as hearing from parents on the implementation of the K-12 curriculum.

One of the DOE's (Department of Education) goals is to prepare each student to be

globally competitive. To do this, government educational reforms must also prioritize
knowledge of English as a second language. The extra two years will aid pupils in
deciding which college course to pursue. It will also allow students to specialize in
areas like as agriculture, science and technology, business entrepreneurship, music
and arts, and others.

The purpose of the K-12 basic education program is to provide a sustainable basic
education system that will generate productive citizens with the necessary
competences and abilities for lifelong learning and employment.
This program will fully functionality the basic education system in order to meet the s
tudents' basic learning demands.
There are several factors that impact the students from high school seniors decision in
what strand they should take.

According to Olamide and Olawaiye (2013), choice of career requires serious

concern and caution. This is due the fact that it affects youths’ life in many ways. It
has a capacity to determine where the people live; type of friends they keep; amount
of money one will earn. There are various factors behind study field and occupation
selection. Fizer (2013) stated that family, role models’, race, gender, passion, salary,
and past experiences affects students’ decision in this regard.

According to Kroll et al (1970), personality determinants include the entire cluster of

biological and psychological attributes, as well as behavioural and physical features
with genetic origins. The genetic determinants include endocrine systems,
neurological, physical structures, sex and to some extent the intellectual and non-
intellectual abilities and aptitudes. Rate of maturity is also a determinant. There is
sufficient empirical evidence to show that there are several factors contributing to the
choice of student’s career. Using the variance analysis with a sample of 405
secondary students in Kenya, Perrone et al., (2001)

The Korir and Wafula (2012) study attempt to examine the influential factors in
student career choice among students undertaking hospitality management in Moi
University. Using the stratified and systematic random sampling techniques with a
sample of 120 students, the findings show that majority of students are influenced by
opportunity (technical schools and job opening) followed by environmental factors
(external influencers and advertisements made by institution) while least influenced
by personal factors (personal interest and lifestyle of those who are already in the
hospitality industry).

the establishment of senior high school in the Philippines was a huge aid to all
students, but the perception of all students towards senior high school was additional
burden and another two years of suffering according to education secretary Armin A.
Luistro (2011) said that the extra two years of high school will be necessary and not a
waste of time for all kids, but that it will aid students in deciding what courses they
will take in college and in mastering their many fields of expertise.


1. Why you chose this particular topic or what your inspiration behind this study

→ We chose this topic for a variety of reasons. This study will not only look at the
ABM strand, but also at how students think about choosing a strand. In fact, many
incoming grade 11 students have difficulty deciding which strand they would pursue
in senior high school.
Even now, I'm not sure if the strand I chose is appropriate for my capabilities. I've
seen that several students in my class haven't decided which track they'll pursue till
now. Some people take GAS because they can't make up their minds. Some people
just pick a strand at random because they have no idea what to do. Some people
choose ABM due of their friends' influence, for example. I believe it is because of the
pressure, worry, and lack of self-confidence that they are still unable to make a
decision. Overall, I believe that selecting this topic will enable us to better understand
their perspectives and challenges in this subject. This is a topic that I believe we
should pay more attention to.
My classmates motivate me to conduct this type of research. My group mates and I
can absolutely relate to them, especially in this situation where we are unable to
communicate with other individuals face to face because to the ongoing pandemic.
I'm hoping that by conducting this research, I'll be able to persuade some students to
take this topic more seriously. I'm very sure that whichever strand they choose will
have an impact on their emotional and physical health, as well as their future

2. What is the importance of your study or how will it contribute or add up to

the existing body of knowledge?

→ This topic we're discussing is extremely important to everyone. Especially to those

students who are struggling. One of the most important things you'll learn from this
research is how to pick the perfect strand for you. For those in the 10 th grade. I'm
hoping that this research will teach them something. Students should take their time
deciding on a strand that is right for them. They don't have to rush things because of
the strain they're under. Studying will be more pleasurable for you once you've
determined which strand you prefer.
It's most likely because it's something you're interested in. Furthermore, it broadens
your knowledge and abilities while also providing exposure to your chosen subject of
study in college courses. The second factor to examine is yourself. Examine your
talents, weaknesses, interests, and skills to guide you toward a successful academic
career and, ultimately, a successful job.
Seek advice from school school administrators, seniors, or family members. People
who have been down that same path previously may be able to assist you in
considering the benefits and disadvantages of a particular track or strand. This
research will probably encourage all students in being more intelligent and to think
twice before picking a strand.
3. What will you include if you are told to add something extra to the study?

→ If we would add something extra in our study then it would be the importance of
decision. Somehow this topic is also connected from our research title. What is the
importance of decision.Without making a decision, you can not make a process .
Decision is also the most important role in planning process. Decision making is
really important everytime. For example , choosing a strand. Deciding on something
personal .You should always be sure on what decision you are making. You shouldn't
rush everything when you decide . Before you decide on something you should
identify your goal first. Consider the consequences. Then make your decision. After
that you can evaluate your decision. That's why we should be careful when we decide.
So we won't regret something in future. .Our choices not only affect our lives and our
future, but our choices can also have an impact on others' lives. Remember that a
good decision has a great outcome. Making choices also means accepting the idea that
we are part of a bigger picture. We are not alone in our choices. Our choices affect not
only ourselves, but the people around us.

4. How did you relate your study to the existing situations?

→ One of the key metrics used to evaluate the quality of education in schools is
student academic performance. This pandemic has been tough for us. Students have to
stop going to school because of the pandemic. All of the daily activities that we’re
doing outdoors suddenly stopped. And it’s because of the pandemic.
The pandemic is still on-going but nothing can stop the students from studying even
though it’s on home.
One of the struggle that students are dealing with is the stress and pressure from
choosing a strand especially this pandemic. These past 2 years has been tough for the
students because of financially problem, the reason why they can’t make it to online
classes. Some students can’t balance their time because of doing some household
Some are dealing with anxiety/depression that’s why they’re struggling on answering
their modules. Making it hard for them to choose a strand when they turn grade 11.
Parents really need to guide and watch their child on studying for them to feel more
active. Students shouldn’t be pressured because it’ll affect their mental health that will
cause for them to struggle on studying. Several studies have found that children and
teenagers are more prone to suffer from depression and anxiety than adults. The risk
of these negative outcomes grows when the length of isolation continues to expand
and reappear.

5. how your research can help to change the world?

→ Research has the potential to change the world and our lives.
Whether it's changing political decisions, or altering health care practices. we can
make a big difference. Even a small actions and efforts can help the entire planet if
some research is conducted. Social progress is driven by research. If we got curious,
we get interested, ask questions, and engage ourselves in learning everything that we
can. Learning is on the rise.
Progress would come to a halt without curiosity and research, our lives would be
significantly different. Nevertheless, science and technology are becoming more
important in classrooms, and research is getting acknowledgement in the minds of
today's students. Students are eager to explore new discoveries, discover answers to
world problems, and invent the next great thing.
This study will help all of us to guide our siblings or future children to chose the right
strand for them to have a more better and stable job/work in the future. A job that they
chose will have surely change the world and some peoples percpective about life.
Without research,We'd become clueless and uninformed. We wouldn't be capable of
understanding or move on. Without research, we wouldn't be able to claim that we
were near to discovering a cancer treatment or the most environmentally friendly way
to light our homes and businesses. All of this things is possible with research.

6. what steps will you take to make your research successful?

→ first, we all decided what topic will we gonna research what’s our opinion about it.
My group mates and I chose the topic that we’re researching right now. After
choosing the topic and its title, I did some background research about it and Identify a
perspective. We planned this all to prevent us from wasting our time searching
aimlessly. To make this research more successful, there’s many thing that we have to
consider. I Estimate the amount of time required to complete the project and my
available time. I Allocate my time carefully to important projects, and I didn’t
underestimate the time, efforts and energy required for this research.

7. what problems you have experienced while doing or thinking about the title of
your research?

→ developing our research title. Some of the difficulties we experienced were how
we could properly conduct this research. Especially in today’s era. Its Pandemic
everything is closed including the schools are not allowed to meet you people are not
allowed to gather we all know what each person is facing today. Among those are the
Students. We may not understand each other well because we are not together.
Because many of the learners are not easy to learn. He may have nothing to ask in
case he doesn't know what to do. Especially for those who are just starting to learn
about research, they don't have any ideas on how to do research. it’s not easy to do
something especially if you don’t know what to do or you have no idea how to do it is
easier to communicate when we are together. It's easier to understand what to do, it's
also easier to tell your experiences about the title of your research. You will be able to
express your emotions more because you have experience in the research that you will
do. You will be more excited to research because you know the feeling.

8. if you’re given the opportunity to answer your research what is it and why?

→ If I am allowed to answer our research. My future titles will be regarding the

topical issue. Like Bullying, New normal, Covid 19 Pandemic, poverty Etc. By doing
research that is a relevant or timely issue. We can have more knowledge regarding the
issue today. You will have more questions. You will see or hear more people talking
about that issue. By then you will be able to do something or write something about
the research you will do. And you have more knowledge to know especially to those
who do not know what is happening now. People who do not know about the event
may have an idea. Why or how it happened in the issue that is happening today. If you
are doing research that is Long or outdated. No one can read it because they already
know or have an idea regarding that issue. And if you do research just make sure it's
interesting. Because nowadays people are fond of interesting things. That way they
will read it more. It can also be sold when people like it.

9. did you bridge any gap from your study?

→ Senior Highschool strands are provided to bridge the gap between a student’s
career and their profession, so the common goal of this program is to lead students so
they can have freedom. To choose what they want to be in the future. These strands
and tracks are just stepping stones for students to experience and learn. If they want to
learn about the business then they can enter the ABM strand. If ever they can't choose
which strand to take, they can strand GAS. There are so many options and you have
the freedom to study them all. In case you are no longer interested in your current
studies, they have the option to switch to a different strand to find their preferences.
This way they can choose or feel lighter because they have chosen the strand or track
they want that they can also use in the future. We can also learn new things. But
mostly in senior high school you can focus more on what you want to do. Many
people are disagree according to Senior highschool or better known as K-12 .This is a
great help to every student ,because of the training time for their future work, they
already have an idea of how they can survive that training or they have an idea
somehow. And it will prepare students to go to college,so they won't be surprised by
what they have to do. They won't be nervous and panic.

10. What is the scope of the study?

→ This study is all about the perceptions of grade 11 students in choosing ABM
strand. As observed some students really find it hard to chose a track. Some of them
just chose a certain track even they're not interested at all. This study is giving
knowledge about the students perceptions about the said strand. Talking about
perception it means a way of regarding , understanding. This study will talk about
how did the students manage to chose their desired track. What is the importance of
decision .Specifically, this study will focus gathering informations about the students
reasons . What made them chose the ABM track. What influences them. How did they
end up choosing it. This study is for the incoming grade 11 students who might chose
the ABM track.Knowlege about the seniors who chose the ABM strand will surely
help them decide wisely . It will provide information about what's good about ABM
strand . Even though it is difficult this study will inspire them to pursue what track
they wanted .

11. why do you think your research is reliable?

→ This study speak about students perception in choosing abm strand . It talks about
how students cognizance the ABM strand. It is reliable for those student who are still
undecided on what strand should they choose.This research will focus on gathering
information from the senior . What's good about the strand. What should they expect
in the ABM strand .It will also discuss why ABM strand is the best choice .The
importance of this study is for the incoming senior high students to choose the best
strand that will surely suits their abilities . This research will help them decide wisely.
Rush decision is very risky . Beacause you might regret your decision in future . We
shouldn't rush our decision in choosing a track .This study is important to students
because they will know that their decisions are important. It will be their basis in their
senior highschool journey.

12. what are the possible limitations you will encountered?

→ In this title the limitation only about perception of the student about the strand of
abm. The question rotate only to the student of abm strand and how they look up the
strand of abm

13. what are the things you encountered as a group for making this research to
be done?

→ Doing a defense research for the first was really hard for us.Our main goal was to
make our research to be done . That time we don't really have an idea how to make a
research. It takes time when you are learning new thing. Good thing that we are able
to learned how to effectively communicate and analyze and critique each other work.
While doing this research we gain a deeper understanding on how yo develop
research questions. We had learned and realized may things . We realized that
teamwork and cooperation are really important. Learned valuable skills such as
professionalism . Importance of time management . We discover new knowledge . We
are able to expand what we really know.The research experience varies greatly.We
enjoyed and learned doing research.


1. Why research is so important and what are the things research can do?

research gives everyone the latest information, and thats where everyone start their
day, there’s always new information and discoveries being made. With the latest info,
it's be better equipped to talk about a subject and build on ideas. we get to enrich our
lives with the latest knowledge of health, nutrition, technology, and business, among
others. research helps us formulate our plans and strategies on business school or
work,Doing research gives us a solid foundation on which we can build our ideas and
opinions. because of pandemic we dont have a face to face classes so we learn to
modular and numerous student have a lack of knowledge to understand the lesson so
they use resaerch to find the right answer or to understand what the module about.
Research helped student to their module, even in our defense research research help
us to finish the introduction and the other question . In research you can find a
solution of your problem or find a advice for everyone and Research give us new
learning everyday.

2. Explain this quotations of albert einstein “if we knew what were doing it
would not be called research, would it?

"If we knew what were we doing it would not be called research. Would it?" The
word research means " the systematic investigation into and study of materials and
sources in order to establish fact and reach new conclusion . And the purpose of the
research is to identify a problem and help to solve that existing matters. In this quote
Albert Einstein is right in some ways. For example we were going to eat an apple and
we know how to do it so that will not be doing any research on how to eat an apple.
But when were drinking medicine without any consultation to a doctor we do asking
and research because we dont know what we were doing. It just simply explain the
quotation of Albert Einstein. In some ways we already know what we were doing but
we continuously doing research because of new existing problem which not explain
the quotes of Albert Einstein. In a research we do investigation , conclusion and
there's a cot of option to do to know new matters and to solve another problem to one
no other even we know what we are doing we do research to team and to know more
answer to make easier solution to that problem

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