Resume CL LinkedIn (II) - A - Highlight

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Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Cover letter: Mind the Structure
WHY me (company)

WHY you (1 para 1 selling pt)

Together WE


Matching your selling points & providing evidence

Stock count
Pervious membership of
What employers are Work Voluntary professional Academic
looking for ? Your Degree Experience Works association Exchange

Analytical Skills and

Yes, example X Yes, example X Yes, example
Skills X Time !
Teamwork X

Organizational Skills

Passionate about
our industry Yes, example
ASK-based reflection, and list down as many stories as possible.
Which layout do you like best?
Your Address

Name and Address of

Re: Title
Main Body

21st February, 2020

21th February, 2020



21 Feb 2020

 Dear Sir/Madam,

 Dear Hiring Manager,

 Dear Mr. Cheung, Salute to the right person if possible

 Re: Application for Associate Consultant position

 Ref: 781634 Job Posting on

 Application for Analyst position at HSBC

 Graduate Opportunities at KPMG

Main body -
Focus on A.S.K.I.V.
(1 para 1 point, max 3)
• Attitude

• Skills

• Knowledge

• Interests

• Value
Topic Sentence + Your Stories (Evidence)
Topic Sentence + Your Stories (Evidence)

• Define that skill in your own words

Teamwork to me means a group of people who not
only work together but also trust each other.

• Define that skill, and your behaviors

As an excellent team-player, I value people over process
when situations demand.

• Connect it with the job’s requiremen (JD)

Introduction -
Explain why you are excited
about the job

I am currently a final year student in the Civil and

Environmental Engineering Bachelor’s Degree Program
at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Expecting to graduate in June 2020 and aspiring to
become an environmental engineer, I am writing to
apply for the Graduate Trainee position in your
Introduction -
Explain why you are excited
about the job

I am currently a final year student in the Civil and

Environmental Engineering Bachelor’s Degree Program
at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Expecting to graduate in June 2020 and aspiring to
become an environmental engineer providing solutions
to clients, I stand for integrity, commitment and
excellence. My vision is to help change the world for
the better using my technical and people skills.
I am always passionate about the environmental
engineering industry as the environment is one of the
most important criteria that humans rely on. My family
has its own manufacturing business in electroplating in Sri
Lanka but the sewage treatment there has always been an
issue. This raises my awareness to environmental
engineering in order to deal with all these issues
expecting similar problems encountered by other

Great communication skill is a must in sales services and for
building up good relationship with clients. I have always
been an easy-going person who can talk to different kinds
of people. I was responsible for finding sponsors and
guests for a grand function of HKUST Campus Oscar.
During this process, I encountered different people and
tried to persuade them to participate in our function.
Although I was turned down by some of them, I did not
give up and eventually, I got some positive results.

Closing paragraph

A. I am eager to help advance the success of your

company and I am convinced that it would be
worthwhile for us to meet.

B. I would welcome the opportunity to meet with

you to explore how I might bring added value to

C. An internship with UBS would be mutually

beneficial for both the profit generation of your
company and my self-development.
 Thanks
 Cheers
 Best regards,
 Yours sincerely,
 Yours faithfully,
 Add an image file of your signature

Jonathan WILSON
[No need to add contact information here]
Cover Letter : Clear Message

• Why interested in the job WILL

• Why this employer – and not another
company SKILLS
• Why me – and not another candidate
• Focus on the benefit for the employer and
NOT what you can get from the job
Grace has seen these before …

• No attachment ?

• Job reference on email subject and cover letter are

W different

• Error Code #@$%%!!

• Font style inconsistent (CV & CL)

• More than one font style on each document

Avoid Too Many “I”

I am eager to pursue the opportunity of the

International Graduate Program.
I am eager in joining your team and making
contributions as much as possible.
I am looking forward to setting up an
interview to discuss further.

The email “covering”

Dear Hiring Manager,

Refer to your vacancy of [ position ], please find attached

my CV and cover letter for your consideration.

Yours faithfully,
Grace Siu
Your Lumina & Job Match

Give me one example of job for each color (chatroom)

Eg: Red-Sales

 A job advert with job description (in pdf, jpeg or docx)

 Write a resume to apply for this job.

 Write a cover letter to apply for this job.

 Closing date for submission = please check CANVAS-Assignment 1


“Please provide information which you feel will be of interest to the

selection panels of the program. There is no restriction on format,
content and length”
1 . A childhood story
(emotional and intellectual connection)

A CLEAR 2. Why this major (ASK)


WHY U 3. Why this uni

TOGETHER WE 4a. A famous quote and your insights, link to para 1

4b. Your career inspirations after obtaining this degree

1. A childhood story (emotional and intellectual connections)

1. Why this major (ASK)

3. Why this Uni

HR Hiring System
• Keyword-scanning & matching from your resume & CL

• 2-3 General questions to get to know you & test your

English proficiency

• A place to upload other documents

(reference letters, testimonials, certificates of award etc)
HR Hiring System - Tips
• Name your resume & CL (if you have to upload)
eg: Grace.Siu.CV.pdf or Grace.Siu.CL.pdf

• Save as “one version lower” if possible

• Else with your resume & CL in front of you

• Type your answers on MSWord and make sure the content is logical
and error-free when answering essays

• “Next page” may mean “you can’t go back to the previous page”
HR Hiring System – What are needed?
1. Name, address, telephone number, email
2. Desired job
3. Desired salary
4. Previous positions, including titles, duties, employers, locations, and dates of employment
5. Salary history
6. Names of previous supervisors
7. Permission to contact your current employer
8. Reasons for leaving prior jobs
9. Educational background, including majors, degrees, schools, locations, dates of attendance/graduation, GPA, honors, awards
10. Extracurricular activities
11. Volunteer work
12. Specific skills related to the job
13. Essay with topics such as why you're interested in, or qualified for, the job
14. Hobbies/Interests
15. How you learned about the job
16. Employees you know at the company
17. References (typically three references with their contact information)
18. Licenses/certifications
19. Whether you have the authorization to work in the [country/city]
20. Times and days you're available to work
21. Start and end dates you're available for seasonal and temporary jobs
22. Whether or not you have been convicted of a crime and, if so, what crime and when (only legally required in some states)
23. Certification that all the information you have supplied is accurate
Possible Essay Questions (mind the word limit)

1. Why does this job interest you?

2. What is your great weakness (or strength)

3. What is your passion?
Possible Essay Questions
Possible Essay Questions
Possible Essay Questions
Tell me about Yourself…

• Logical
• Spiritual
• Exceptional
Approach 1: Something Logical

Career Objective + Personal Summary


"Seeking a quality NGO internship where mentorship is at the forefront in
order to strengthen my communication skills while also serving as an asset
to clients, patients and the practice.“

"To become an integral part of NGO valuing clients and providing the
highest level of care for patients."
Personal Profile/Summary
A summary of A.S.K. (Attitude, Skills, Knowledge)


"Goal-oriented HKUST Science student with broad experiences in NGO,

marketing and FMCG industries. Fluent in English and traveled abroad
during academic exchange. Keen insight into managing client relationships.
Willing to work a flexible schedule and open to relocation.
Personal Profile/Summary
(P.5 or 13 of STRONG) (

“I am aspired to be a professional coach supporting others to live a happy

(Values Test/Lumina Spark Report)

and fulfilling life. I stand for passion, dedication, commitment, and

(selfie of your soul)

excellence. My vision is to make a difference in other’s life.”

I am aspired to be a ______ doing ________

I stand for_______
My vision is to _________
Approach 2: Something Spiritual
What is your reason of getting up in the morning?

1. What do I enjoy doing everyday?

2. What am I good at?
3. What I can be paid for now – or something that could be
transformed to the future hustle?
4. What does the world need?

Interest Audit + 3 Mountains + Draw Your Ideal Life

Approach 3: Something Exceptional
to the ….?
Informational Interview Technique
Informational Interview – What’s that?
• It is not a job interview

• An opportunity to meet an
industry senior with the objective
of learning the industry they

• Appliable situations:
Career Mosaic (Job Fairs)
Networking Events
Talking to Mentors
Informational Interview – Why is it important?
• To learn about a career in/beyond
your field of study

• Learn the career paths (begin with

an end in mind, then you’ll know
what you should do and what you
shouldn’t do at this stage)

• Practice your self-intro

Informational Interview – I’m Ready!

Why is (s)he
Informational Interview – I’m Ready!
A Four Colour Lens

Organised. Observing. Reliable. Objective. Evidence Based.

Intimate. Collaborative. Evolving. Empowering. Calming.

Sociable. Spontaneous. Imaginative. Cheerful. Demonstrative.

Purposeful. Direct. Bold. Competitive. Takes Charge.

• Written evidence
• Proof
• Data and numbers
• To be heard
• Reassurance
• Empathy

• To be creatively engaged
• To picture the future
• To see your positivity
• WIIFM (“What is in it for me?”)
• The bottom line
• To see your confidence
Top Tips to Influence the Colours

• Give them time to think

• Provide agendas and reading one week ahead of meeting them
• Ask probing questions and drill into their concerns
• Silence may mean they have become passive-aggressive
• The hard sell will not work
• Don’t expect high energy

• Embed your points in metaphors and stories

• Get them talking – ask questions that direct the conversation
• Let them know you appreciate them
• Get to the point – quickly
• Ask them to summarise what they like and don’t
like about your idea
• Be direct, but don’t affront their ego

© 2013 Lumina Learning. All rights reserved.

Suggestions For Enhanced Rapport-Building
Measured - Give them accurate information, data, proof Flexible – Ask for their ideas and include these often. Do
Intimate – Slow down, speak authentically – tell your not tell them there is only one option. They prefer a few
truth, stay focused options with flexibility to adapt along the way
Accommodating – Discuss how you have considered the Spontaneous – Give them freedom where you can to try
needs of others in your plan new ways and to change their mind
Collaborative – Show how your ideas are win/win for Conceptual – Give them the big picture and let them play
everyone impacted with this before you demand written plans
Empathetic – Give them time to express THEIR ideas, Imaginative – Give them the big picture & allow them time
issues, concerns and impact on others. Inform them of to dream & evolve to provide back many ideas/options
how you have considered others and been fair Radical – Allow them to put forward dynamic, exciting
Adaptable – Be open to their new ideas, options they options
may provide Sociable – Ask them about their life and be comfortable
Flexible – Ask for their ideas and include these often. Do sharing information about yourself
not tell them there is only one option. They prefer a few Demonstrative – Allow opportunities for them to influence
options with flexibility to adapt along the way others, express themselves and assert their ideas

Structured – Make an appointment. Have an agenda and Demonstrative – Allow opportunities for them to
stick to it. Be clear, calm and organised influence others, express self and assert their ideas
Reliable – Do what you say you are going to do. Take Takes Charge – Get to the point quickly and stay to the
responsibility for your actions point. Allow them to take over when you can
Practical – Focus on concrete, realistic results and options Tough – They like to debate so be prepared and do not
that make a difference in the moment take this as being contrary to your idea or being difficult
Evidence-based – Be objective, precise, detailed and stay Competitive – Allow them the opportunity to ‘WIN’ and
focused on what is evident and observable, irrefutable showcase their excellence and/or the excellence of your
Cautious – Inform them how you have considered all of the team
risks and be patient with their questions needed for clarity Logical – Present information factually in an ordered
Observing – Realise that they may seem distant and way. Do not be emotional or personalise your data
detached. They are busy thinking so do not take this Purposeful – Ask them what their goals are and show
personally. Give them time to reflect how your ideas can help them satisfy their goals
Measured – Give them accurate information, data, proof Structured - Make an appointment. Have an agenda and
© 2013 Lumina Learning. All rights reserved.
stick to it. Be clear, calm and organised
Conduct the Interview

a. Dress code: Business casual

b. Show appreciation of his/her time
c. Get ready 4-5 questions
d. Begin by introducing yourself and your background
e. End the meeting with an open door (connect via LinkedIn or email)
f. Thank you Note
Conduct the Interview
a. Dress code: Business casual (What do we mean by that?)
b. Show appreciation of his/her time (How according to their Lumina
c. Get ready 4-5 questions (What are appropriate according to their
Lumina colors?)
d. Begin by introducing yourself and your background (How?)
e. End the meeting with an open door (connect via LinkedIn or email)
(How to initiate that?)
f. Thank you Note (What’s that?)
To summarize:

1. Cover letter
2. Personal statement
3. HR system
4. Informational interview

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