CV and Cover Letter Masterclass 2023-24

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CV and Cover Letter

Postgraduate Career & Professional Development Centre
Pre-study careers course modules

Creating a CV

Selection methods

Careers resources
Present and structure a UK professional CV

Learning outcomes Build achievement-focused bullet points

Develop awareness of Generative AI

Consider your approach

1 Self-assessment

2 Research/network

3 Tailored application
Keyword and language matching

Highlight key words on the job description

View company website to assess language

Fit these words naturally into your CV/CL

Personal profile

• Specialist or senior position

• Changing career

• Highlight key skills/experience

What to include
MSc programme - dates, relevant

UG programme – dates, classification

What to consider
Institution ranking

School academics
Professional Experience
Professional Experience

What to Your Starting Your Bullet

Include Point Points
Company name Refer to job description How demonstrated these
for skills/behaviours
Location Use the 1,2,3 approach to
(e.g. analytical, teamwork) emphasise achievement
Job title and dates/months
2-3 lines for each
Achievement-focused bullet points

1 What were you doing?

2 How or why were you doing it?

3 What was the outcome?

Skill/behaviour: Business Development

1 2 3

What were you doing? How or why were What was the outcome?
(Start with action verb) you doing it? (Quantifiable result?)

Advised customers and …to identify exceeding weekly

asked questions on opportunities to follow- targets by 20%, and
their banking needs… up on leads and sell received ‘Exceptional
additional products and Customer Service’
services award from head office
Skill/behaviour: Initiative

E X A M P L E – PA S S I V E V O I C E

UNILEVER, London, UK Jun 2023 – Sept 2023

Marketing Intern
• Responsible for redeveloping the intranet pages for better reporting purposes

LEL EU 2S I N G 1 , 2 , 3 A P P R O A C H – A C T I V E V O I C E

UNILEVER, London, UK Jun 2023 – Sept 2023

Marketing Intern
• Launched a newly designed intranet site for 10,000 employees in the UK by gathering
feedback from users, benchmarking against competitors and piloting. Improved
reporting functionality and increased page views by 50% over 3 months
▪ Professional Qualifications (if relevant)
▪ IT skills (if relevant)
▪ Languages
▪ Achievements and Interests

Additional Information
Additional Information

Professional Qualifications: CFA (Passed Level 1), ACCA (Passed Applied Knowledge)

IT Skills: VBA (Advanced), Python (Intermediate), SQL (Beginner)

Languages: English (Fluent), Italian (Native), German (Business), Spanish (Conversational)

Achievements and Interests:

• UNICEF Board of Trustees (2022-2023) – communicated between the board and the
student population. Analysed monthly accounts and made recommendations.

• Warwick University Football Team Manager (2021-2022) – organised fixtures and

negotiated sponsorship. Coached squad of 16 players and led team to national final.

• Independent travel – Brazil (volunteered at a retirement home), Peru (taught English to

school-children). Developed interpersonal and relationship-building skills.

• Cooking (what cuisines?), reading (what genre?), member of society (how contributed?)
Generative AI
Generative AI

What for Limitations Tools

Review CV Personalisation ChatGPT

Starting point Authenticity Teal

Proof-read ResumeMaker

Interactive, online CV
development & feedback tool
What next?

Create 1 or 2 Upload into Vmock Tailor to the Job

page* CV using Description, proof-
MSc template read and send!

Proof-read Book a 1:1 Careers


Remember it takes time to get it right – don’t delay!

Cover Letters
Understand the purpose of a cover letter

Learning outcomes How to structure a cover letter

How to source relevant evidence to include

What is the purpose of a cover letter?

Demonstrate your motivation and Copying and pasting content from

interest in the company/industry/role your CV

Highlight skills relevant to the role Creating a template to copy and

paste from
Express yourself clearly and concisely An overview of everything you think
the employer needs to know

Make a connection to the company, and confirm the role

you are applying for

“Further to my conversation with David Smith at the Bayes MSc

Careers Fair and my research on EY’s Graduate Audit Programme,
please find attached my CV for your consideration.”

“Following on from my research on Citi’s Research Analyst position,

please find attached my CV for your consideration.”
Main body: 3 elements

▪ Why the company?

▪ Why the role?

▪ Why you?
Why the company?

What specifically interests you about the


Demonstrate your research:

▪ Reference recent developments - news, awards, white papers
▪ Specific to the company - brand, values, strategy, clients, culture

▪ First-hand insight - mention any contact had with employees

Researching company

Social Media Resources Online

Company website
LinkedIn (+ alumni) 1:1 with Mary Goudge
[email protected] Annual report
Twitter (X)
Business news/
Library databases Trade press
Professional bodies

Why the role?

What are your specific


▪ Show you understand the role/department (recent activity)

▪ Highlight areas of interest from the job description
▪ Make connection with any relevant experience

▪ Motivation for the industry

▪ First-hand insight - mention any contact had with employees
Why You?

What can YOU BRING to the organisation?

▪ Specific demonstration of 3-4 key skills from the job description

▪ Reference work experience and extra-curricular from the past 3 years

▪ Speculative – what you can do for them (not what they can do for you!)

▪ End your letter positively in the Example

spirit of expectation; looking
forward to the next stage
without being presumptuous. I look forward to hearing from you;
please don’t hesitate to contact me
should you require any further
▪ Sound approachable and information.
interested, but don’t overdo the
flattery – keep it simple! Regards,

▪ Think from the recruiter perspective ▪ Mass produce

▪ Use professional language ▪ Send with the wrong company name
▪ Use ‘Grammarly’ ▪ Rely on spell-check
▪ Keep to one page
▪ Careers/native English speaker
Generative AI
Generative AI

What for Limitations Tools

Review cover letter Personalisation ChatGPT

Starting point Authenticity Job scan

Proof-read Fact-check
“It can be tempting to think of
applications as a numbers game,
and that the best approach is to
apply to as many employers as
That can cause your cover letter
to look very standardised and
cause errors to creep in.”
Any questions?
Bayes Careers Online

Book a 1:1 Attend a View and apply

appointment workshop for jobs

Attend employer Access our

events resources
Bayes Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
Tel + 44 (0)20 7040 8600

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