Precal Midterm

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First Quarter Examination

S.Y 2022-2023

Name:_________________________________________ Score:__________________

Direction: Solve the given problem and write the letter of the best answer before the number.

1. It is a set of all points P(x,y) in a plane such that it is equidistant to the fixed point and a fixed line. The
conic formed is __________.
a. Circle b. Parabola c. Ellipse d. Hyperbola
2 2
2. In the equation 7 x + 7 y =49 ,the radius is ____________.
a. √ 7 b. 6 c. 7 d. 49
3. The equation of a parabola is y −6 x=0. The opening of the graph is _______________.
a. Left b. Right c. Upward d. Downward
4. The fixed line of the parabola is ____________.
a. Directix b. Axis of symmetry c. Latus rectum d. Locus
5. The fixed point of the parabola is _________________.
a. Directrix b. Locus c. Focus d. Center
6. It is a set of all points P(x,y) in a plane such that the sum of the distances from the fixed points is
a. Circle b. Parabola c. Ellipse d. Hyperbola
2 2
7. Which type of conic section is defined by the equation 4 x + 4 y =16 ?
a. Circle b. Parabola c. Ellipse d. Hyperbola
8. It is formed when the cutting plane is parallel to the base of the conic section.
a. Circle b. Parabola c. Ellipse d. Hyperbola
2 2
9. In the equation 2 x +2 y =50 , what are the coordinates of the center?
a. (0,0) b. (0,5) c. (5,0) d. (50,0)
10. Which of the following is the x-intercept of the equation 6 x +3 y=12 ?
a. 2 b. 12 c. 6 d. 3
11. It is a set of all points P(x,y) in a plane such that the difference of its distances from the two fixed points
is constant.
a. Circle b. Parabola c. Ellipse d. Hyperbola
2 2
12. What is the center of the circle defined by the equation x + y −6 x+ 4 y =3 ?
a. (3,2) b. (-3,2) c. (-3,-2) d. (3,-2)
13. What is the vertex of the parabola x −6 x−6 y =3 ?
a. (3,2) b. (-3,2) c. (-3,-2) d. (3,-2)
14. Which of the following represents the vertex of the parabola defined by the equation
x −8 x−16 y−16=0 ?
a. (4,2) b. (-4,-2) c. (4,-2) d. (-4,2)

15. What is the equation of the directrix of a parabola x 2−20 x=0 ?

a. y=5 b. y=−5 c. x=5 d. x=−5
16. What are the coordinates of the center of an ellipse represented by the equation
4 x2 +9 y 2−8 x −54 y +49=0 ?
a. (-1,-3) b. (1,-3) c. (-1,3) d. (1,3)
17. It is a line segment passing through the center and is connecting the points.
a. Conjugate Axis b. Latus rectum c. transverse axis d. Assymptotes
18. Find the distance between the points A(-4,6) and B(2,3).
a. 3 √ 5 b. 9 √ 5 c. 5 √ 3 d. √ 46

19. Solve the system of equation: {22x−x+3y=−5

y =7

a. (1,-3) b. (0,5) c. (-3,1) d. (-1,3)

20. What is the radius of a circle whose equation is defined by x 2+ y 2−8 x+ 2 y +8=0 ?
a. 9 b. 8 c. 3 d. 2 √2
21. What is the length of foci of an ellipse with major and minor axes at 18 and 12 respectively?
a. √ 45 b. 3 √ 5 c. 6 √ 5 d. 10
22. Determine the length of the latus rectum of the parabola represented by the equation
x + 6 x−8 y +17=0.
a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8
23. Which of the following represents the center of the hyperbola 4 x2 −16 y 2−16 x−64 y −112=0 ?
a. (2,2) b. (-2,2) c. (-2,-2) d. (2,-2)
2 2
24. The graph of an equation 16 x −9 y =144 is a/an ____________.
a. circle b. parabola c. ellipse d. hyperbola

25. Solve the system of equation: {32xx−2+ y=6

y =2
a. (3,-2) b. (2,-3) c. (2,2) d. (-1,3)
26. What is the length of the radius of a circle with endpoints of its diameter at (5,7) and (-1,-3)?
a. √ 30 b. √ 32 c. √ 34 d.√ 35
27. Which of the following represents the opening of the parabola 4 x=8 ¿
a. Upward b. Downward c. Left d. Right
28. What is the length of the major axis of an ellipse defined by the equation
9 x 2+ 16 y 2−18 x−64 y−71=0 ?
a. 6 b. 8 c. 9 d. 16
29. What is the length of the transverse axis of the equation x 2−4 y 2−4 x−8 y−16=0 ?
b. 2 b. 4 c. 8 d. 16
30. The equation y −8 x +6 y +25 represents ______________.
a. Circle b. Ellipse c. Parabola d. Hyperbola

31. What is the solution to the system of equation: { y=2 x−1

y=−x +5
a. (-2,-3) b. (-3,2) c. (3,2) d. (-1,3)
32. Jules is asked to solve the system below by elimination. Which of the following steps would be the best
way to begin?
a. Multiply equation 1 by 2 and multiply equation 2 by 3.
b. Multiply equation 2 by 2.
c. Multiply equation 1 by 2.
d. Multiply equation 2 by 2 and multiply equation 1 by 3.
33. Find the distance between the centers of the circles defined by the equations
2 2 2 2
x + y −16=0∧x + y −8 x−10 y +25=0.
a. √ 41 b. √ 42 c. √ 43 d. √ 44
34. Which of the following is the equation of a parabola with vertex at (2,-3) and the focus at (4, -3)?
a. y 2−8 x−6 y+ 25=0 c. y 2−8 x−6 y−25=0
b. y 2−8 x +6 y +25=0 d. y 2 +8 x+ 6 y−25=0
35. What is the equation of a parabola with vertex at (2,5), passing through the point (4,1), and with axis of
symmetry at vertical axis?
a. ( y−5)2=8( x−2) c. ( y−5)2=−8(x−2)
b. ( x−2)2=8( y−5) d. (x−2)2=−8 ( y +5)
c 4
36. Find the equation of an ellipse with center at (1,3), one vertex is at (1, 8), and = .
a 5
2 2 2 2
( y−3) (x−1) ( y−1) ( x−3)
a. + =1 c. + =1
25 9 25 9
( y−3 )2 ( x−1 )2 ( y−1 )2 ( x−3 )2
b. + =1 d. + =1
9 25 9 25
37. Find the standard equation of a hyperbola with center at (0,0), the transverse axis at the x-axis, the focal
distance is 12 units, and the distance between the directrices is 2 units.
x2 y 2 x2 y2
a. − =1 c. − =1
6 30 30 6
2 2 2 2
x y x y
b. + =1 d. + =1
6 30 30 6
38. For which system is (-3,5) the solution?

a. {2x+2
x + y=−1
c. {42x−3 y =−27
x+ 4 y =12
b. {52xx−3 y=12
+3 y=18
d. {63x−4
x +2 y=1
39. For which system is (-2,6) the solution?

a . x +3 y=16
4 x +4 y=16
c. {2xx+2+4y=−2

b . {x +3 y=17 d. {2xx++yy=−2
2 x + y=15 =16
40. For which system is (4,-2) the solution?

a. {4 x−2
x+ 4 y=15
c. {−24xx++4y=14

b . { 2 x+ 4 y=4 d. {2xx+4+4y=4
−2 x + y=14 y=8

Trust yourself. You survived a lot and you’ll survive whatever is to come -unknown
God Bless!

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