Student - Regina Ofu

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Ofu, Regina

FY RA Fall 2017 09/08/1999 CEEB: CAID: 13820500

FERPA: Waived

Name Ofu, Regina
Sex, Birthdate Female, 09/08/1999

Email, Phone [email protected], +233.7268209484756, Home, No other telephone
Permanent Address Community 6, Tema Accra, GHA

Religion Other - Christian Catholic
Military Status None
Hispanic or Latino No
Race Black or African American (Africa)

English Speak, Read, Write, Spoken at Home
Other, Ewe First Language, Speak, Spoken at Home
French Speak, Read, Write


Citizenship Status Other (Non-US)
Birthplace Sekondi, Ghana (0 Years US, 18 Years Non-US)
Other Citizenships Ghana
US Visa I do not hold a currently valid U.S. non-immigrant Visa Issued:

Fee Waiver Requested Yes, Signed: Regina Ofu
I can provide a supporting statement from a school official, college access counselor, financial aid
officer, or community leader

CA Ofu, Regina CEEB: Fall 2017

1 FYRA CAID: 13820500
Parents Married
Home Both Parents

PARENT 1 Mother

Name Ms. Abena Ofu

Birthplace Ghana
Email, Phone +233.8371690074, Mobile
Address the same as my home address
Occupation Skilled trades, Typist, Typist Company of Accra, Employed
Education Graduated trade school

PARENT 2 Father

Name Mr. Kofi Ofu

Email, Phone +233.6298634793216, Mobile
Address the same as my home address
Occupation Other, Retired, Retired, Retired
Education Graduate school
University of Ghana, GHA 1.) Bachelors (four-year degree), 1975
GIMPA, GHA 1.) Masters (excluding MBA), 1980

1. Kojo Ofu, Age 32, Brother, Some college/university
Kwami Nkrumah University (KNUST), GHA, Bachelors (10/2004 - 06/2007)
2. Afi Ofu, Age 33, Sister, Graduated from high/secondary school (or equivalent)
3. Ameyo Ofu, Age 28, Sister, Graduated trade school

CA Ofu, Regina CEEB: Fall 2017

2 FYRA CAID: 13820500
CURRENT OR MOST Accra I.B. School, GHA, Independent (08/2013 - 05/22/2017)
Counselor Ms. Esi Able, Guidance Counselor
Email, Phone [email protected], +233.720473857874
Other Saint Paul's School, Concord, NH, 03301, USA, Religious (04/2016 - 05/2016)
Interruption I have no interruption to report



First Semester Second Semester
IB Mathematics Higher Level; - IB Mathematics Higher Level; -
(IB) (IB)
IB Chemistry Higher Level - (IB) IB Chemistry Higher Level - (IB)
IB Economics Higher Level - (IB IB Economics Higher Level - (IB
) )
IB French Standard Level - (IB) IB French Standard Level - (IB)
IB Biology Standard Level - (IB) IB Biology Standard Level - (IB)
IB English Standard Level - (IB) IB English Standard Level - (IB)

Overall Best IGCSE Candidate School 10
Bryn Mawr President's Book Award School 11
Overall Best Student in Economics School 9, 10, 11
Overall Best Student in English Language School 10
Overall Best Student in English Literature School 9

FUTURE PLANS Undecided, Undecided

CA Ofu, Regina CEEB: Fall 2015

3 FYRA CAID: 13820500
Critical Reading 800 Math 660 Writing 670
01/06/2016 01/06/2016 01/06/2016
Taken 1 Planned 0


Chemistry 700 10/2016
Math Level 2 700 10/2016
Literature 710 10/2016
Math Level 1 660 06/2016

Yes, Taken 0

CA Ofu, Regina CEEB: Fall 2017

4 FYRA CAID: 13820500
Community Service (Volunteer) Senior Correctional Centre - Ghana Prisions Servic
11 Counselled inmates on issues regarding self-esteem and discrimination
9 hr/wk, 2 wk/yr

Other Club/Activity Pan African Club - Editor (2013-2015), VP (2014-2015)

9, 10, 11, 12 Organised Symposium on "Africa's Practical Journey to Develpment"
3 hr/wk, 35 wk/yr

Music: Vocal Titan Hostel Choir - Choir Head and Conductor

11, 12 Led the choir to a historic second place finishing in the annual Inter-hostel singing
School competition
15 hr/wk, 8 wk/yr

Journalism/Publication Financial Secretary (2013-2014), Secretary (2014-2015), Senior Editor (2015-2016)

9, 10, 11, 12 -
School Magazine - transformed the face of the magazine and increased it's
School marketability
6 hr/wk, 35 wk/yr

Foreign Exchange Saint Paul's School - Concord NH

11 Selected to represent my school in a cultural exchange program
168 hr/wk, 2 wk/yr

Other Club/Activity Global Young Leaders Conference - USA

10 Engaged in Debates and simulations and learnt the skills of diplomacy
168 hr/wk, 2 wk/yr

Other Club/Activity Wordsmith Club - Editor, PR Officer (2014-2016)

9, 10 Organised school Library Day to promote reading among students
1 hr/wk, 35 wk/yr

CA Ofu, Regina CEEB: Fall 2017

5 FYRA CAID: 13820500
Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood
within your culture, community, or family.

"Hirsute hell chimney-spouts, black thunderthroes confluence of coarse cloudfleeces - my head sir!"

Wole Soyinka, 'To my first white hairs"

It was love at first sight. Like a young maiden suddenly enamoured with her Knight-in-Shiny-Armour, I clung unto those opening
lines of Soyinka's poem the very first time they gripped my attention. It was a love not only borne out of my almost fanatic
admiration of Soyinka's literary prowess and dexterity at violating the conventions of the language to create his own unique
pieces of art, but one that also had roots in the fact that I could personally relate to his words.

"Hirsute (hair) chimney-spouts," is what I repeat to myself each morning as my fingers attempt to drive out the stubborn black
mesh of knots that so luxuriously reside in this beautiful mess atop my head. You see, my hair has always been a source of
concern - earlier to my family, and now to some of my friends who do not understand why I stick with this thick matted, difficult
-to-maintain, very easily unkempt mass of kinky African hair.

A few years ago, my family and even my indifferent brother would complain endlessly as they struggled to comb out the
gbomikwis - as my sister used to refer to my hair which translates to goat droppings - that had mysteriously appeared in my hai
r each day after school. They could't understand how all the other kids could keep neat, short hair hours after playing, whilst all
I did was sit down for two hours and my gbomikwis would quickly sprout. It did bother me a little that comb after broken comb
was thrown out each week. Nevertheless, I was also silently pleased that "I was just different."

Puberty brought with it a disturbing self-consciousness that made me succumb to Mama's not-so-professional haircuts every
month, but I soon got tired of those because in my estimation, they were too low, too ordinary, and I was not looking to be like
everybody else; I was looking to be me. So, to Mama's dismay I opted for an afro which I would painfully yet contentedly comb
out every morning and carefully pat down before school each day. Strongly believing that an afro was the perfect look for me,
and suspecting that it contained some kind of revolutionary magic which had served my beloved Nelson Mandela well, I
patiently stuck to this not too pleasant routine every morning and pulled off a perfect, not-too-high, not-too-wild afro throughout
Junior High School.

Yet, I could not have been more mistaken, because my new, more sophisticated environment meant that perfectly relaxed and
straightened hair, made for a prettier and more presentable young lady. The absurdity of the revelation unsettled me as I
stepped into a world of straighteners, blow-dryers and relaxers, but I resolutely dug-in my heels and repeated with more fervor.

Hirsute hell chimney-spouts, black thunderthroes confluence of coarse cloudfleeces - my head sir!

I promised myself that nobody was going to pressure me into relaxing or straightening my hair so that I could look like everyone

The unrelenting questions of, "What is on your head," and, "When will you perm your hair," continuously pile on the pressure
unto my indigenous African mane to conform to the silky smooth Dark-and-Lovely® hair which many have adopted. However, as
I keep on braiding and un-braiding my hair to keep up with the demands of maintaining what is becoming a rare species of hair-
texture, I remind my kinky coils that different is really not so bad, after all a wise William Cowper once said, "Variety is the spice
of life." Sure, different may mean hard, painful work each morning which unkindly leaves behind a sore, aching scalp, but you
know what, Regina Ofu is never one to run away from a little sweat, so long as that sweat cultivates something as beautifully
different as my

"Hirsute (hair) chimney-spouts!"

Stepping out of my comfort zone to volunteer at the Senior Correctional Centre for juvenile males delinquents in Ghana
sensitised me on the tendency of some of us to forget about certain minority groups. Working alongside the inmates everyday
and still getting home alive showed me how unfounded my earlier fears of meeting them were. Without directly asking any of
them the reasons behind their incarcerations, my interactions with them were enough for many of them to open up to me;
something the officers in charge agreed was rare. In particular, I helped a boy, Christian, deal with his fear of being stereotyped
and discriminated against once he was free, and urged him to continue working on his dream of completing his education.

CA Ofu, Regina CEEB: Fall 2017

6 FYRA CAID: 13820500

Have you ever been found responsible for a disciplinary violation at any educational Yes
institution you have attended from the 9th grade (or the international equivalent) forward,
whether related to academic misconduct or behavioral misconduct, that resulted in a
disciplinary action?
Did you receive an Other Than Honorable Discharge, Bad Conduct Discharge, or
Dishonorable Discharge? (if applicable)
Education Interruption I have no interruption to report
Have you ever been adjudicated guilty or convicted of a misdemeanor, felony, or other No

In October 2016 I was brought up before the Accra IB School disciplinary committee as the result of a misunderstanding with
my English teacher over an assignment. The fall of my senior year was very busy with all the work on the school magazine and
admission applications. As the result, for a small prep essay assignment in English AI SL, I ran out of time and after some quick
research on the internet I dashed off the essay without carefully referencing my sources. My teacher questioned where I got my
ideas and I had to admit they were not my own. After the disciplinary hearing I served an in-school suspension and received a
"zero" for the assignment. That grade and the related tension between me and my teacher resulted in my low first term grade in
English Al SL

CA Ofu, Regina CEEB: Fall 2017

7 FYRA CAID: 13820500
The College Board University

Preferred start term Preferred: Fall 2017
Admission plan Rolling Admission
School Specific Fee Waiver Not applicable
Are you graduating from an No
Oklahoma high school?

Primary Academic Interest Undecided
Secondary Academic Interest Undecided
Preprofessional Interest None

Activity 1 Community service

Previously applied No
Contact 1 High School Guidance Counselor/Teacher

Sibling applied No
Relatives attended member No
Relative employed at member No

CA Ofu, Regina CEEB: Fall 2017

8 FYRA CAID: 13820500




ACCRA I.B. SCHOOL (2013-2017)

• Candidate for International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma expected in July 2017

Courses offered – Mathematics (HL), Chemistry (HL), Economics (HL), English A1 (SL), French
B (SL), Biology (SL)
• Recipient of University of Cambridge (UK) International General Certificate of Secondary
Examination (IGCSE) 2015
Courses offered – Mathematics (A*), Additional Mathematics (A*), English Language (A*),
English Literature (A*), French (A*), Information and Communication Technology (A*),
Biology (A*), Chemistry (A*), Physics (A*), Economics (A*)
• Standardized Tests
SAT I – Critical Reading (800), Writing (670), Mathematics (660)
SAT II – Literature (710), Math Level 2 (700), Chemistry (700), Math Level 1 (660)



• Organise and supervise school community service projects which include outreaches to various
schools in the community, the construction of social amenities and the production of crafts which
are sold to raise funds for community service projects.


• Head and conduct the Titan Hostel Choir for annual Inter-Hostel Singing Competitions.
• Perform with the school choir on formal and informal school occasions.
• Sing with the Church Choir during monthly church services.

PAN-AFRICAN CLUB August 2013 - Present

A club aimed at promoting the appreciation of African cultures through weekly discussions, talks and
frequent service projects. Organised

• 2012 African Night Market where club members cooked and sold African delicacies to raise
funds for the club’s service projects.
• 2010 Symposium on “Africa’s Practical Growth to Development.”
• Served as the club’s Editor from September 2012 – September 2013
• Served as the club’s Vice Present from September 2013 – September 2014

SCHOOL MAGAZINE August 2013 - Present

Transformed the face of the school magazine and produced an edition which the Principal called the best
in the school’s history

• Served as the group’s Financial Secretary from August 2011 – August 2012.
• Served as the group’s Secretary from August 2012 – August 2013.
• Served as the group’s Senior Editor from August 2013 – August 2014.

SPORTING ACTIVITIES August 2013 - Present

• Titan Hostel Female Football/Soccer Team.

• Titan Hostel Female Volleyball Team.
• Titan Hostel Athletics Team – Girls 200m & 400m athlete.


Senior Correctional Centre for Male Juvenile Delinquents June - July 2016

• Counselled inmates at the Centre whilst interacting with them to understand the circumstances
behind their incarceration.
• Engaged in some of the vocational training activities offered at the centre alongside the inmates
and also attended some academic lessons.

Literacy Programmes August 2015 - June 2016

• Embarked on a literacy programme in two schools in two different communities in Ghana,

teaching students basic skills in Mathematics, English and Integrated Science.

Elektra Community Service Project August 2015 - June 2016

• Collaboratively organized a Health Outreach in an underprivileged community in Ghana to screen

residents for various health defects.


Ghana Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning July 2016

• Addressed workers’ grievances with regards to official leaves and loans at the Human Resource
• Gained insight into Ghana’s debt management and financial aid systems.


St. Paul’s episcopal School Exchange Programme April - May 2016

• Selected to represent my school in a cultural exchange programme at the St. Paul’s School in
Concord, New Hampshire, USA.

Global Young Leaders’ Conference (GYLC) June - July 2015

• Actively participated in a youth conference for youth from all over the world, aimed at learning
the skills of diplomacy involved in solving the world’s problems.
• Engaged in debates and simulations on the premises of the United Nations Headquarters.
• Obtained an insightful education on diverse cultures from fellow participants.


Novel Viletrack August 2015 –


• Writing my first novel which is a story of a young boy who fights to save his family whilst
discovering himself simultaneously, with the help of the game of football/soccer and an unusual
piece of technology.


• Overall Best All-Round Candidate in the 2015 IGCSE exams for Accra I.B. School (June 2016).
• Overall Best Student in Economics for the Junior Class (June 2014), Sophomore Class (June
2013) and Freshman Class (June 2014).
• Bryn Mawr President’s Book Award for female student of Accra I.B. School who demonstrates
outstanding leadership, compassion, and a dedication to community service (June 2016).
• Overall Best Student in English Language for the Sophomore Class (June 2015).
• Overall Best Student in English Literature for the Freshman Class (June 2014).
• Ghana Library Board Essay Competition Finals (2013).
• 1st Place Winner among an estimated 3000 participating students in the maiden edition of the now
annual Citi fm“Write Away Contest,” which is an essay competition organised by one of Ghana’s
illustrious radio stations (2013).
Ofu, Regina
FY RA Fall 2017 09/08/1999 CEEB: CAID: 13820500
FERPA: Waived

Official Name / Title Ms. Esi Able, Guidance Counselor
Email / Phone [email protected], +233.720473857874
Website / Profile
School / CEEB Accra I.B. School
Address Accra, Ghana

College Bound 99-100
______% Four-Year _ ______% Two-Year

Ethnicity/Race ______% Hisp/Latino _ ______% Am. Indian/AK Native _ ______% Asian

______% Black/African Am. _ ______% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander _ ______% White

First Gen ______% First-Generation

International ______% US Citizens __ ______% Non-US Citizens

Socioeconomic ______% Receive Free or Reduced Lunch

Financial Aid ______% Receive Financial Aid (Independent Schools)
Setting [_] Rural ___ [_] Suburban ___ [_] Urban
Curriculum Total Offered/Yearly Limit __ AP ____/____ __ Honors____/____ IB____/____
IB Diploma Candidate? ___ [_] Yes ___ [_] No ___ Block Schedule? ___ [_] Yes ___ [_] No
Attached Grades [_] 11: Final [_] 12: 1st Quarter [_] 12: 2nd Quarter / 1st Semester
[_] 12: 1st Trimester [_] 12: 2nd Trimester [_] 12: 3rd Quarter [_] 12: Final
Current Courses If current courses are not included on the transcript, please attach them to this form.
Graduation May 2017
________________ (mm/dd/yyyy)


Language of Instruction

Promotion based on a state or national exam? [_] Yes ___ [_] No

If so, has student taken leaving exams? [_] Yes ___ [_] No

Grading/Marking Scale A _________ B _________ C _________ D _________ F _________

Excellent Very Good Average Poor Failing

If applicable, please attach an official copy of this student’s lower secondary examination results. If the student has already
taken senior secondary leaving exams, please include an official copy of the results. If this applicant’s senior secondary leaving
exam results are not yet available, please attach predicted results.

SR Ofu, Regina CEEB: Fall 2017

1 FYRA CAID: 13820500

● Name of homeschooler’s association, if applicable: _____________

● Any information about the applicant’s home school experience and environment that you believe would be helpful to the
reader (e.g. educational philosophy, motivation for home schooling, instruction setting, etc.).
● Grading scale or other methods of evaluation.
● Any distance learning, traditional secondary school, or higher education coursework not included on the transcript. List the
course title and content, sponsoring institution, instruction setting and schedule, and frequency of interactions with
instructors and fellow students (once per day, week, etc.).
● Standardized testing beyond what is collected in the Common Application.

Class Rank _________ Class size _________ Covering a period from (m/y) _________ to _________
The rank is [_] weighted _ [_] unweighted. How many additional students share this rank? ________
Cumulative GPA: _______ on a _______ scale, covering a period from (m/y) _________ to _________
This GPA is [_] weighted _ [_] unweighted. The school’s passing mark is: __________

Highest GPA in class _________

In comparison with other college preparatory students at your school, the applicant’s course selection is:
[_] Most demanding ___ [_] Very demanding ___ [_] Demanding ___ [_] Average ___ [_] Less than demanding
[_] Prefer not to respond


Very Good
Good (well above Excellent Outstanding Top few
No Basis Below Average Average (above average) average) (top 10%) (top 5%) (top 1%)
Academic achievement X
Extracurricular Accomplishments X
Personal qualities and character X

How long have you known the student, and in what context?

What are the first words that come to mind to describe this student?

Please provide comments that will help us differentiate this student from others. Feel free to attach an additional sheet or another
reference you have prepared for this student. Alternatively, you may attach a reference written by another school official who can
better describe the student.
[_] Please check here if you will not be sending a letter of recommendation with this form.

SR Ofu, Regina CEEB: Fall 2017

2 FYRA CAID: 13820500
Has the applicant ever been found responsible for a disciplinary violation at your school from the 9th grade (or the international
equivalent) forward, whether related to academic misconduct or behavioral misconduct, that resulted in a disciplinary action?
These actions could include, but are not limited to: probation, suspension, removal, dismissal, or expulsion from your institution.
[_] Yes ___ [_] No ___ [_] School policy prevents me from responding.

To your knowledge, has the applicant ever been adjudicated guilty or convicted of a misdemeanor, felony, or other crime?
[_] Yes ___ [_] No ___ [_] School policy prevents me from responding.
Note that you are not required to answer “yes” to this question, or provide an explanation, if the criminal adjudication or
conviction has been expunged, sealed, annulled, pardoned, destroyed, erased, impounded, or otherwise ordered to be kept
confidential by a court.
If you answered “yes” to either or both questions, please attach a separate sheet of paper or use your written recommendation to
give the approximate date of each incident and explain the circumstances.
Applicants are expected to immediately notify the institutions to which they are applying should there be any changes to the
information requested in this application, including disciplinary history.
[_] Check here if you would prefer to discuss this applicant over the phone with each admission office.

I recommend this student: [_] No basis __ [_] With Reservation __ [_] Fairly Strongly __ [_] Strongly __ [_] Enthusiastically

Signature ________________________________________________________________________________________
Please mail this form and accompanying documents directly to each college/university admission office. Do not mail
this form to The Common Application offices.

SR Ofu, Regina CEEB: Fall 2017

3 FYRA CAID: 13820500
Ofu, Regina
FY RA Fall 2017 09/08/1999 CEEB: CAID:
13820500 FERPA: Waived


Regina is a remarkable student, very unassuming, hard working with a lot of potential and zeal. As the
Guidance Counselor of this school, I have known her for four years. Indeed, I have watched her blossom
into this young very intelligent young lady.

Regina is undoubtedly one of our top students. During the IGCSE exam, she was the only student in her
class who had perfect score 10 A*s. She is intellectually curious, asks thought provoking questions and
engaging. According to her teachers, she has a high motivation for academic work and has shown a lot
of interest in mathematics and science. She displays disciplined work habits in her studies and
contributes immensely to class discussions. During the IB1 second semester examinations we were all
surprised that she did not achieve as high an aggregate as we expected. Her 36 aggregate out of a total
of 42 would certainly be very good for almost any student, but it does not capture her true outstanding
ability. The good thing, however is that Regina has the potential and she is currently working diligently
to ensure she perform at the highest level. As an IB diploma student, she consistently make stop grades
in her subjects. We do not rank officially; however, it is clear that she is one of the best students in her

Notwithstanding the demanding nature of the IB programme, Regina makes time to contribute to the
extracurricular events of the school thus making the campus a lively place. Some of the events she
participates in are the school and hostel choir. Due to her dedication to in the Pan African Club activities,
she was elected unanimously as the Vice President of this reputable club. Her flair and passion for
writing earned her the position of the College Magazine editor. In all these programmes Regina has been
an integral part of planning of events like “Night Market” for the Pan African club where the group
cooked and sold food from different countries represented on the campus. It was organized to
encourage lasting relationships between the various cultures and with her commitment; the
aforementioned activity was a huge success.

Regina consistently demonstrates outstanding leadership, enabled by her responsible nature, team-
focus and compassion. Regina was elected as Prefect in charge of Creativity, Action & Service (CAS) of
the school for this academic year, and her selfless devotion to duty is laudable.

Regina has made the most of the resources available to her here and has made tremendous progress. I
see her as a young lady who is well prepared to face the challenges of college and the world. She is
looking forward to experimenting with ideas, the new areas of knowledge she will explore and the
growth she will experience.

I give her my highest recommendation without any reservation.

Esi Able
Guidance Counselor
SCHOOL YEAR 2011/2014 2012/2015 SCHOOL YEAR 2013/2016 2014/2017 TEST SCORES
SEMESTER 1 2 1 2 SEMESTER 1 2 1 2 SAT – JAN ‘16
English A A A A A* A* A* A* A* English A1 SL 7 7 7 6 MATH – 660
French A* A A A* A A A A A* French B HL WRITING –
History French B SL 6 6 6 6 670
Geography Swahili ab Initio SL
Economics A* A* A* A* A* A* A* A* A* Spanish SAT SUBJ –
English Literature A A A* A A A A A A* Mathematics hl 7 7 6 5 JUNE ‘14
Biology A* A B A* A A A C A* Maths SL MATH I – 660
MATH II – 690
Business Studies Maths Studies SL
Chemistry A B A* A A* A* A A A* Biology HL
Physics A B A A A* A* A B A* Biology SL 6 7 7 6 OCT ‘14
Agricultural Science Chemistry HL 6 5 6 6 MATH II – 700
Mathematics A A A A A* A* A* A A* Chemistry SL LIT – 710
Additional Mathematics B B A A A A* A* B A* Physics HL CHEM - 700
Art and Design Geography HL
Music Geography SL
Computer Studies History HL
Information Technology A A* A B B A A A* A* Economics HL 7 7 7 7
Natural Economics Economics SL
IT in a Global Society SL
SG - SEMESTER GRADE Computer Science HL
IE - INTERNATIONAL EXAM RESULTS Theory of Knowledge B ///// A ////
*IB Diploma Award – A Minimum
IGCSE – A* = A+ Aggregate of 24 points for 6 Subjects
International General Certificate of Secondary Education

This is to certify that the candidate named below was awarded the
following grade(s) in the subject(s) shown:

June 2015

Regina Ofu



Subject Grade
Additional Mathematics A*(a*)
Biology A*(a*)
Chemistry A*(a*)
Economics A*(a*)
First Language English A*(a*)
French A*(a*)
Information and Communication Technology A*(a*)
Literature (English) A*(a*)
Mathematics A*(a*)
Physics A*(a*)

IGCSE grades A*(a*), A(a), B(b), C(c), D(d), E(e), F(f), or G(g) indicate the standard reached, grade A*(a*) being the
highest and grade G(g), the lowest. Performances below the standard of grade G(g) are not reported on certificates.

Candidates awarded grades A*(a*), A(a), B(b), C(c), D(d), E(e), F(f), or G(g) have reached standards at least
equivalent to the same grades in the General Certificate of secondary Education (GCSE). Candidates awarded A*(a*),
A(a), B(b), C(c), D(d), or E(e) have reached standards at least equivalent to the same grades in GCE Ordinary Level.


Certain language syllabuses contain optional oral/aural tests. These are recorded on the certificate as appropriate,
and results are indicated by grades 1(ONE) high to 5(FIVE) low.


This certificate is and remains the property of the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES) at
all times and it is issued on the following conditions:

1. any alteration to this certificate renders it invalid;

2. this certificate must be delivered up to the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate on
request of UCLES;

3. this certificate should be kept in a safe place;

4. the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate will not issue a copy of this certificate.

5. a candidate who has lost a certificate may apply for a certifying statement.

Use of an altered certificate could constitute a criminal offence.

Ofu, Regina
FY RA Fall 2017 09/08/1999 CEEB: CAID: 13820500
FERPA: Waived

Official Name / Title Ms. Esi Able, Guidance Counselor
Email / Phone [email protected], +233.720473857874
School / CEEB Accra i.B. School

Class Rank _________ Class size _________ Covering a period from (m/y) _________ to _________
The rank is [_] weighted _ [_] unweighted. How many additional students share this rank? ________

Cumulative GPA: _______ on a _______ scale, covering a period from (m/y) _________ to _________
IB Grade 4
This GPA is [_] weighted _ [_] unweighted. The school’s passing mark is: __________

Highest GPA in class _________

Attached Grades [_] 11: Final [_] 12: 1st Quarter [_] 12: 2nd Quarter / 1st Semester
[_] 12: 1st Trimester [_] 12: 2nd Trimester [_] 12: 3rd Quarter [_] 12: Final

Have there been any changes to the senior year courses listed on the original School Report? ___ [_] Yes __ [_] No

Have there been any changes in the applicant's disciplinary status at your school since you submitted the original School Report?
[_] Yes ___ [_] No ___ [_] School policy prevents me from responding.

To your knowledge, have there been any changes to the applicant's criminal history since you submitted the original School
[_] Yes ___ [_] No ___ [_] School policy prevents me from responding.
Note that you are not required to answer “yes” to this question, or provide an explanation, if the criminal adjudication or
conviction has been expunged, sealed, annulled, pardoned, destroyed, erased, impounded, or otherwise ordered to be kept
confidential by a court.
Do you wish to update your original evaluation of this applicant? ___ [_] Yes __ [_] No

If you answered “yes” to any of the summary questions above, please attach a separate sheet of paper or use your written
recommendation to give the approximate date of each incident and explain the circumstances.
[_] Check here if you would prefer to discuss this applicant over the phone with each admission office.

Attach applicant's current or most recent transcript or grade report, including courses in progress and a transcript legend.

Signature ________________________________________________________________________________________
Please mail this form and accompanying documents directly to each college/university admission office. Do not mail
this form to The Common Application offices.

MR Ofu, Regina CEEB: Fall 2017

1 FYRA CAID: 13820500
Ofu, Regina
FY RA Fall 2017 09/08/1999 CEEB: CAID: 13820500
FERPA: Waived

Official Name / Title Vincent Jameson
Email / Phone [email protected]
School / CEEB Accra I.B. School
Address Accra, Ghana

In what subject did you teach this student? ____________________________________________________________________

Four years - Biology tutor

How long have you known the student, and in what context? ______________________________________________________


determined, purposeful, disciplined

What are the first words that come to mind to describe this student? ________________________________________________


In which grade level(s) was the student enrolled when you taught him/her? ___ 9 [_] __ 10 [_] __ 11 [_] __ 12 [_]

Other _________________________________________________________________________________________________

List the courses in which you have taught this student, including the level of course difficulty (AP, IB, accelerated, honors, elective;
100-level, 200-level; etc.)

IGCSE - Biology

Please attach additional comments that address what you think is important about this student, including a description of academic
and personal characteristics, as demonstrated in your classroom. We welcome information that will help us to differentiate this
student from others. (Feel free to attach another reference you may have already prepared on behalf of this student.)

TE Ofu, Regina CEEB: Fall 2017

1 FYRA CAID: 13820500

Very Good
Good (well above Excellent Outstanding Top few
No Basis Below Average Average (above average) average) (top 10%) (top 5%) (top 1%)
Academic Achievement X
Intellectual Promise X
Quality of Writing X
Creative Thought X
Productive Discussion X
Faculty Respect X
Disciplined Habits X
Maturity X
Motivation X
Leadership X
Integrity X
Reaction to Setbacks X
Concern for Others X
Self-confidence X
Initiative X

Signature ________________________________________________________________________________________
Please mail this form and accompanying documents directly to each college/university admission office. Do not mail
this form to The Common Application offices.

TE Ofu, Regina CEEB: Fall 2017

2 FYRA CAID: 13820500
Ofu, Regina
FY RA Fall 2017 09/08/1999 CEEB: CAID:
13820500 FERPA: Waived


I am particularly delighted to write in support of the application of Regina Ofu. As the Head of Science
and Biology Tutor, I have had the pleasure of knowing Regina the past four (4) years, two years her
biology tutor at the IGCSE at Accra I.B. School.

Regina is a very intelligent lady with a strong personality. She is well composed, focused and attentive
and shows great dedication to class activities.

Regina is the second person to have obtained ten (10) A* in the IGCSE examination in more than the
twenty-two year history of the school. What sets Regina apart is her focused and persistent
determination to excel and succeed in everything she does. She knows exactly what her strengths are
and therefore operate within those parameters. I have personally kept two of Regina’s coursework
write-ups as exhibit for the current students that I teach because it portrays the handiworks of one who
follows instructions to the letter. Regina is however not shy in attempting new heights – this attribute
was particular demonstrated when she decided to take up conducting a rather complex song during the
inter-hostel singing completion, a task she delivered rather admirably.
Indeed Regina is the type of student every teacher would like to have in class her passion in infective,
her determination attractive and zeal for work appealing.

Regina is a student who has genuine interaction with knowledge, not solely for the purpose of academic
scoring/grading but for her own personal growth and development and that of her community. Her
tenacity and remarkable work ethic is made obvious in her pursuits excellence and a classic example of
this is where she worked conscientiously to put aside all inclinations of failure behind her and a leapt
from a grade C in the school’s mock-examinations in the subject I taught her, Biology, to attaining a
grade A* in the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) examinations.

More recently, her sense of community and leadership was greatly demonstrated when she helped
move her hostel choir from a constant bottom half finishing in the school’s annual inter-hostel singing
competition to a momentous second place and just within ten-points of the winners. As one of the Titan
hostels’ residential tutors, I witnessed fervent efforts to first foster greater unity amongst members of
the Titan group and infuse the value of positive thinking in the entire community, whilst simultaneously
teaching discipline and co-operation.

Regina is generally a person who makes the most out of whatever environment she finds herself in, and
encourages others to do likewise. She is a student who endeavours to live out the dictum of Accra I.B.
School, Knowledge In The Service Of Africa, especially since she was a member of the executive body of
the school’s Pan African Club which inspired students to serve the continent in whatever capacity
available to them by organizing a talk by Miss Farida Bedwei, a software engineer suffering from
Cerebral Palsy.

I have no doubt whatsoever, that Regina will immediately fit into any school and any facet of the school
system she finds herself because of her particularly friendly and deeply respectful nature.

On the personal front, Regina has a fine persona, open-minded, relating very well and maturely with
both colleagues and tutors. She has never been known or associated with any scuffle in the school. She
Ofu, Regina
FY RA Fall 2017 09/08/1999 CEEB: CAID:
13820500 FERPA: Waived

is very courteous and conducts her affairs with decorum. She is currently a member of the school church
ushers team with special task of handling offering – a duty she has faithfully discharged for the past two

I, therefore, have no reservation whatsoever and hence offer my recommendation for Regina with
absolute confidence to pursue the programme. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any other

Vincent Jameson
Head of Science Department/IB & IGCSE Biology Tutor/IB examiner
Ofu, Regina
FY RA Fall 2017 09/08/1999 CEEB: CAID: 13820500
FERPA: Waived

Official Name / Title Carol Bennett
Email / Phone [email protected]
School / CEEB Accra I.B. School
Address Accra, Ghana

In what subject did you teach this student? ____________________________________________________________________

Two years in IGCSE and two years in IB

How long have you known the student, and in what context? ______________________________________________________


She is brilliant, well behaved, very focused and

What are the first words that come to mind to describe this student? ________________________________________________


In which grade level(s) was the student enrolled when you taught him/her? ___ 9 [_] __ 10 [_] __ 11 [_] __ 12 [_]
Other _________________________________________________________________________________________________

List the courses in which you have taught this student, including the level of course difficulty (AP, IB, accelerated, honors, elective;
100-level, 200-level; etc.)

IGCSE Economics
IB1 & IB2 (HL) Economics (Micro & Macroeconomics)

Please attach additional comments that address what you think is important about this student, including a description of academic
and personal characteristics, as demonstrated in your classroom. We welcome information that will help us to differentiate this
student from others. (Feel free to attach another reference you may have already prepared on behalf of this student.)

TE Ofu, Regina CEEB: Fall 2017

1 FYRA CAID: 13820500

Very Good
Good (well above Excellent Outstanding Top few
No Basis Below Average Average (above average) average) (top 10%) (top 5%) (top 1%)
Academic Achievement X
Intellectual Promise X
Quality of Writing X
Creative Thought X
Productive Discussion X
Faculty Respect X
Disciplined Habits X
Maturity X
Motivation X
Leadership X
Integrity X
Reaction to Setbacks X
Concern for Others X
Self-confidence X
Initiative X

Signature ________________________________________________________________________________________
Please mail this form and accompanying documents directly to each college/university admission office. Do not mail
this form to The Common Application offices.

TE Ofu, Regina CEEB: Fall 2017

2 FYRA CAID: 13820500
Ofu, Regina
FY RA Fall 2017 09/08/1999 CEEB: CAID:
13820500 FERPA: Waived


It is with great pleasure that I write to recommend Regina Ofu to you. I have known the above-
mentioned student for the past two (2) years and had the pleasure to each her in my IB course at Accra
IB School. In the IB, I took her in both (Micro and Macroeconomics).

What I can say in her favour is that she is humble, hardworking, shows much zeal and well behaved.
When thinking about Regina one thing that keeps coming to mind is her perseverance and diligence. She
makes every effort to outwork everyone. She did not find it difficult at all in grasping the very important
concepts when majority of her classmates were struggling to cope when we started the economics in
IB1. In fact, she quickly matured into the economics programme that she was always scoring very high
grades. Her mastering of the economic concepts has actually separated her from her classmates.

Regina is a person who might be under estimated at first because she is reserved; however, she can
accomplish whatever she sets out to do. She is somebody who sets high standards and exerts whatever
is necessary to achieve them. Regina has realized that research work forms an important part of any
student’s future growth and she has therefore taken it very seriously. Her ability to research has given
her a competitive urge over her mates. She can work under pressure and would be in a position to face
future challenges in all areas of her work.

Regina is undoubtedly the type of student that has the potential for great success at the next level. Her
natural abilities combined with her work ethic and ability to evolve academically and socially are a
recipe for success in the years to come.

In addition to all the above, she has won several prizes in Accra IB School. In the 2015 IGCSE results, she
was voted the best all round candidate for obtaining A* in all ten subjects in a class of 66. This did not
give her the opportunity to relax but rather worked hard, enabling her to win the IB1 (HL) economic
prize. She also won prices in English literature and English language in IG2 for her dedication and
academic excellence. She also won the Bryn Mawr President’s award during the Speech and prize-giving
day held in the college in May 2015.

She is very talented in creative writing and has consequently participated in many essay competitions, as
well as headed the school’s magazine and held several positions including senior editor (June – present).
Before coming to the IB she performed excellently in several other subjects. In 2013-2014 academic
year she was awarded prizes for best IG1 student in biology, physics, business studies, English language
and French. As a student, she sees the purpose for all academic activities as learning and working hard
at all times. She is never interested in jumping through hoops to make grades. Her grades, which are
always among the best, in her class, are strictly a result of her learning, not playing the game to make
She is a member of the college’s Pan African Club and has held positions including Vice president (June
2015-present) and Editor (June 2015-June 2017). She has in addition to the above also held positions in
the College Magazine including Senior editor (June 2015-present) and secretary (June 2014-June
2015). Through her efforts, the college Magazine has been transformed into something innovative,
entertaining and educative. It is not surprising that the principal of the college lauded one of the
editions as the best the school has ever seen.
Ofu, Regina
FY RA Fall 2017 09/08/1999 CEEB: CAID:
13820500 FERPA: Waived

She is also a good leader and her concern for others is show in the CAS programme. Some of the
exercises undertaken include teaching children at Rhema Centre and SOS Village.

Her academic brilliance, self-imposed discipline, high integrity and her capability for growth makes her
one of your first choices. On the basis of the above, I cannot image a school where she could not fit,
excel and thrive.

I highly recommend her for admission to your university. I will rank her as an outstanding student with a
bright future.

Carol Bennett
Economics Tutor
Interviewed by Theresa Booking Bryn Mawr ‘15

My interview with Regina was an absolute delight and I wish it had gone on for many more hours.
Regina has a great personality and a fascinating mind. At first glance she seems reserved and then she
starts to talk and you don’t want her stop because she slathers the conversation with layer upon layer of
insightful opinions and perspectives.

First of all, Regina is a brilliant student with an extraordinarily impressive academic record. She is the 2nd
student in the history of her school to score “A* distinctions” in all of her subjects in the IGCSE. For a
student this smart, you would think she would be brimming with confidence about her academic
abilities; when I asked Regina how she felt when she found out her exceptional IGCSE results she
responded in a serious tone, “I was so humbled. I truly thought they’d call me back and say it was a
mistake.” When I probed deeper she explained how she had struggled with some of her courses at the
beginning of the year. She said, “The beginning of the IB program for me was extremely unsettling. At a
point my abilities were being questioned by everybody and I was beginning to lose confidence in myself.
Two of my teachers were the only people who kept faith with me and helped me understand that
sometimes people take a few steps back so that they could leap further.” Well, Regina certainly leapt –
right to the top.

Then, Regina’s personality pure originality, no frivolous trimmings. She’s self-assured and absolutely
confident in her own skin. One example of this was when she said, “For me, being from a minority tribe
in a Ghanaian society has always meant that I have faced some sort of discrimination, so much so that
my parents stopped indicating my middle name, X, in may circumstances to supposedly protect me.
However, running away from my identity was not the right option, so now I make a conscious effort to
wear my identity on my sleeve and anytime I am discriminated against, I purposefully explain to those
doing the discriminating the hurt their actions put people through and the world’s dire need for

Regina has a clear vision for what she wants her life to be. Asked about her goals for the future she
explained her love for chemistry and literature. Her ideal career will be as a chemical engineer and a
fiction writer. She said, “Money or fame will never be important to me. In the long term I want my life to
amount to something that benefits others and puts a smile on the faces of others. I plan that whatever I
settle for in future will change the world, even if it starts with impacting just one person.”

Speaking about her interests, Regina glowed when she explained her love for soccer. She enjoys playing
and loves to watch the game. She also loves singing. She once rallied her boarding school hostel’s failing
choir and led them to win 2nd place in the school competition. According to Regina, “It was extremely
challenging to change the mentality of about 60 students. While other choirs actually rehearsed songs, I
had to spend time each…

When I asked Regina at the end of the interview if she had any questions for me she asked, “In college,
will I be the mistake they admit? Will it be academically intimidating? I worry about that.” At this
question, I looked into Regina’s face with happiness and my heart soared because this girl is pure gold.
She is brilliant beyond words and she does not even know it. Her humility and modesty will be what will
shoot her to the top because she will always strive to do better. Regina has achieved an admiral lot but
her real potential has not even been touched. What an exciting journey of self-discovery she has ahead
of her! And what a lucky college community will be that place where she blossoms.
Regina is incredibly smart and a thoughtful thinker. She has an engaging and wonderful personality and
is kind and funny. She laughs easily, loves a good joke and has a track record of overcoming challenges
and rising to the very top of everything that she applies herself to.
Ofu, Regina
FY RA Fall 2017 09/08/1999 CEEB: CAID: 13820500
FERPA: Waived


You must currently be an 11th or 12th grade student
You must meet at least one of the following indicators of economic need

● Student has received or is eligible to receive an ACT or SAT testing fee waiver.
● Student is enrolled in or eligible to participate in the Federal Free or Reduced Price Lunch program (FRPL).
● Student's annual family income falls within the Income Eligibility Guidelines set by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service.
● Student is enrolled in a federal, state or local program that aids students from low-income families (e.g., TRIO programs such as
Upward Bound).
● Student's family receives public assistance.
● Student lives in federally subsidized public housing, a foster home or is homeless.
● Student is a ward of the state or an orphan.
● Other request from high school principal, high school counselor, financial aid officer, or community leader.

Signature of Student
I certify that I understand and meet the eligibility requirements to request an admission application fee waiver.



The student must meet at least one of the following indicators of economic need. Check all that apply. If no item is
checked, the request will be denied.

___[_] Student has received or is eligible to receive an ACT or SAT testing fee waiver.
___[_] Student is enrolled in or eligible to participate in the Federal Free or Reduced Price Lunch program (FRPL).
___[_] Student's annual family income falls within the Income Eligibility Guidelines* set by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service.
___[_] Student is enrolled in a federal, state or local program that aids students from low-income families (e.g., TRIO programs
such as Upward Bound).
___[_] Student's family receives public assistance.
___[_] Student lives in federally subsidized public housing or a foster home.
___[_] Student is homeless.
___[_] Student is a ward of the state or an orphan.
___[_] Other request from high school principal, high school counselor, financial aid officer, or community leader.
* To view USDA Income Eligibility Guidelines for the Free or Reduced Price Lunch Program or review FAQs related to this
form visit .

Counselor Certification Statement

Certification Statement I certify that the student named on this form is currently enrolled in the 11th or 12th grade at this school and
meets the indicator(s) of economic need checked above.


FW Ofu, Regina CEEB: Fall 2017

1 FYRA CAID: 13820500

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