Translating & Interpreting Exercise

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Name : Oey Rheinne Fabbriella Wijaya

NIM : 21403064
Translating and Interpreting Assignment

Book : In Other Words by Mona Baker

Exercises Chapter 3

1. Choose one English word and find its first dictionary equivalent in your target language.

Make a list of some common collocations of the English word. Make an independent list of the

most typical collocations of your target-language equivalent. Compare the two lists and

comment on the differences and similarities in the collocational patterning of the two items.

Answer : English Word: "Love"

• Common Collocations in English :

- Fall in love -True love -Unconditional love -Love at first sight -Lovebirds

-Love triangle -Love affair -Love song -Love letter -Love story

Bahasa Indonesia Equivalent: "Cinta"

• Typical Collocations in Bahasa Indonesia :

-Jatuh cinta (Fall in love) -Cinta sejati (True love) -Cinta tanpa syarat (Unconditional love)

- Cinta pada pandangan pertama (Love at first sight) -Pasangan kekasih (Lovebirds)

- Segitiga cinta (Love triangle) - Kisah cinta (Love story) -Surat cinta (Love letter)

- Lagu cinta (Love song) -Hubungan cinta (Love relationship)

• Differences and Similarities:

1) The concept of "falling in love" is expressed similarly in both English and Bahasa

Indonesia, with "jatuh cinta" being the equivalent phrase.

2) Both languages have expressions for "true love" ("true love" in English and "cinta

sejati" in Bahasa Indonesia).

3) The idea of "unconditional love" is also expressed similarly in both languages, with

"unconditional love" in English and "cinta tanpa syarat" in Bahasa Indonesia.

4) "Love at first sight" is conveyed with a similar meaning in both languages, using the

phrases "love at first sight" in English and "cinta pada pandangan pertama" in Bahasa


5) Both languages have collocations related to romantic relationships, such as "lovebirds"

in English and "pasangan kekasih" in Bahasa Indonesia.

6) The phrase "love triangle" is translated as "segitiga cinta" in Bahasa Indonesia,

following a similar structure to the English expression.

7) Both languages have collocations related to written expressions of love, such as "love

letter" in English and "surat cinta" in Bahasa Indonesia.

8) The concept of a "love story" is expressed similarly in both languages, with "love story"

in English and "kisah cinta" in Bahasa Indonesia.

9) The phrase "love song" is translated as "lagu cinta" in Bahasa Indonesia, maintaining a

similar structure to the English collocation.

10) The collocation "love relationship" is expressed as "hubungan cinta" in Bahasa

Indonesia, following a similar pattern to the English phrase.

3. Make a list of some English idioms with which you are familiar and which have close

counterparts in your target language. Comment on any differences in meaning, form, or context

of use between each English idiom and its 'equivalent' in your target language.

Answer :

• English Idiom : "A piece of cake"

Bahasa Indonesia Equivalent: "Gampang seperti membalikkan telapak tangan"

Comment: Both idioms convey the meaning of something being easy to accomplish.

However, the Bahasa Indonesia equivalent emphasizes the ease of the action by using the
metaphor of flipping the palm of the hand. It implies that the task is so simple that it can be

done effortlessly and quickly.

• English Idiom: "Break a leg"

Bahasa Indonesia Equivalent: "Semoga sukses" (Wishing you success)

Comment: While the English idiom "Break a leg" is used to wish someone good luck,

particularly before a performance, the Bahasa Indonesia equivalent "Semoga sukses"

directly translates to "Wishing you success." The Indonesian phrase is more straightforward

and does not contain any reference to breaking a leg. It simply expresses a sincere wish for

the person to achieve success.

• English Idiom: "Hit the nail on the head"

Bahasa Indonesia Equivalent: "Tepat sasaran" (Right on target)

Comment: Both idioms convey the idea of being accurate or correct in identifying or

addressing something. The Indonesian equivalent "Tepat sasaran" translates to "Right on

target" and implies that the person has hit the intended point accurately. It does not involve

the imagery of a nail and a hammer like the English idiom does.

• English Idiom: "Let the cat out of the bag"

Bahasa Indonesia Equivalent: "Membocorkan rahasia" (Spilling the secret)

Comment: Both idioms refer to revealing a secret or disclosing information that was

supposed to be kept confidential. However, the Bahasa Indonesia equivalent

"Membocorkan rahasia" directly translates to "Spilling the secret" and does not involve the

imagery of a cat and a bag like the English idiom does.

• English Idiom: "Bite the bullet"

Bahasa Indonesia Equivalent: "Menghadapi kenyataan" (Facing the reality)

Comment: Both idioms suggest facing a difficult or unpleasant situation with courage or

determination. The Bahasa Indonesia equivalent "Menghadapi kenyataan" translates to

"Facing the reality" and emphasizes accepting and confronting the truth. It does not include

the specific imagery of biting a bullet like the English idiom does.

4. Make a list of some common English expressions or idioms which you feel would be difficult

to translate into your target language, for example because they relate to specific English habits

or social occasions. Try, to the best of your ability, to paraphrase each expression twice: the

first time as briefly as possible so that it can be inserted in a text, and the second time more

elaborately so that it can be included as a footnote to a text.

Answer : Some common English expressions or idioms that may be difficult to translate into

Bahasa Indonesia :

1) "Break a leg!"

o Brief: "Good luck!"

o Elaborate: "Wishing you good luck and success in your endeavor or performance!"

2) "To let the cat out of the bag"

o Brief: "To reveal a secret"

o Elaborate: "To unintentionally disclose or reveal confidential information or a

hidden truth."

3) "Bite the bullet"

o Brief: "Face a difficult situation"

o Elaborate: "To confront and endure a challenging or unpleasant circumstance with

determination and courage."

4) "To be on cloud nine"

o Brief: "To be extremely happy"

o Elaborate: "To experience a state of great joy, elation, or bliss."

5) "To go the extra mile"

o Brief: "To make an additional effort"

o Elaborate: "To put in extra time, energy, or dedication beyond what is expected in

order to achieve a desired outcome or provide exceptional service."

Exercise Chapter 4

1. Choose a notional category such as time reference, gender, countability, visibility , or

animacy and compare the way it is expressed in your target language with the way it is

expressed in English. Comment in particular on the sort of problems that could arise in

translation from differences in the way the notion in question is expressed in the two languages.

You may find it helpful to refer to grammars of your source and target languages and to base

your discussion on an analysis of authentic translated texts.

Answer : Category: Gender

In terms of expressing gender, Bahasa Indonesia and English differ significantly. Bahasa

Indonesia does not have grammatical gender, meaning that nouns and pronouns are not

inherently marked for gender. English, on the other hand, does have grammatical gender

distinctions, particularly with pronouns (he, she, it). In Bahasa Indonesia, gender is usually

indicated through contextual clues or explicit descriptions. For example, if one wants to specify

the gender of a person, they might use words like "laki-laki" (man) or "perempuan" (woman).

However, in many cases, gender-neutral terms can be used, such as "orang" (person) or "teman"


Problems can arise when translating between Bahasa Indonesia and English due to the

differences in expressing gender. English relies on gender-specific pronouns (he/she) to refer

to individuals, while Bahasa Indonesia does not. Translators may need to make assumptions or
infer the gender based on the context, which can lead to potential errors or misinterpretations.

For instance, consider the following example :

o Bahasa Indonesia: "Saya melihat seorang dokter di rumah sakit. Dia sangat pandai."

o English Translation: "I saw a doctor at the hospital. He/she is very skilled."

In this case, without explicit gender information in the original Bahasa Indonesia sentence,

the translator had to make a choice between "he" or "she" when translating to English. This

decision may not accurately reflect the intended meaning if the gender was not specified or

relevant in the original context. Additionally, when translating literary works or texts where

gender plays a significant role, the absence of grammatical gender in Bahasa Indonesia can

pose challenges. English authors may use gender-specific language and pronouns to convey

specific character traits or social dynamics. Translating these nuances into Bahasa Indonesia

without altering the meaning or losing the intended impact can be complex.

Overall, the lack of grammatical gender in Bahasa Indonesia and the reliance on

contextual clues or explicit descriptions can create challenges when translating between Bahasa

Indonesia and English, especially in cases where gender is essential to the meaning or

representation in the source text. Translators need to carefully consider the context and

potential implications to ensure accurate and culturally appropriate translations.

2. Imagine that you have been provisionally asked to translate John Le Carré's The Russia

House (1989) into your target language. Before you can sign the translation contract, the

publishers insist that you provide a sample translation of a couple of pages to allow them to

assess your competence as a translator of this type of literature. They choose the following

extract and ask you to submit a target version of it, stating that they appreciate that you may

not have had time to read the whole novel but that they just want to see how you might handle

Le Carré's language. They provide you with a short summary of the context to help you assess

the tone of the extract.

Answer :

Oh, dan catatan telah diambil. Secara pasif, karena kata kerja aktif memiliki cara yang

tidak menyenangkan untuk mengkhianati aktor. Catatan yang sangat serius. Diambil di semua

tempat. Catatan yang diambil bahwa Ned telah gagal memberi tahu lantai dua belas tentang

pelarian Barley yang mabuk setelah kembali dari Leningrad.

Tercatat bahwa Ned telah meminta berbagai macam sumber daya pada malam yang sama,

yang tidak pernah dia pertanggungjawabkan, di antaranya Ben Lugg dan jasa kepala pendengar

Mary, yang berhasil melampaui loyalitasnya terhadap seorang petugas saudara laki-laki untuk

memberikan komite gambaran yang mengerikan tentang despotisme Ned. Meminta

penyadapan ilegal! Bayangkan! Merusak telepon! Kebebasan!

Mary dipensiunkan segera setelah itu dan sekarang tinggal dengan penuh kemarahan di

Malta, di mana dikhawatirkan dia sedang menulis memoarnya.

Catatan juga diambil, meskipun dengan menyesal, tentang perilaku yang dipertanyakan

dari Penasihat Hukum kami, de Palfrey - saya bahkan mendapatkan de saya kembali* - yang

telah gagal untuk membenarkan penggunaan wewenang yang didelegasikan oleh Menteri

Dalam Negeri dengan pengetahuan penuh bahwa hal ini diwajibkan oleh Prosedur yang

Mengatur Kegiatan Layanan yang telah disetujui secara diam-diam sebagaimana telah

diamandemen, dan sesuai dengan paragraf yang merupakan protokol Kantor Dalam Negeri

yang tidak dapat dibantah.

Namun demikian, panasnya pertempuran telah diperhitungkan. Penasihat Hukum tidak

dipensiunkan, dan dia juga tidak pergi ke Malta. Tapi dia juga tidak dibebaskan. Paling-paling

hanya pengampunan parsial. Seorang Penasihat Hukum seharusnya tidak boleh berada begitu

dekat dengan sebuah operasi. Penggunaan yang tidak tepat dari keahlian Penasihat Hukum,

kata yang tidak pantas dilontarkan.

Juga dicatat dengan penyesalan bahwa Penasihat Hukum yang sama telah menyusun surat

rekomendasi yang memuji Barley untuk ditandatangani oleh Clive kurang dari empat puluh

delapan jam sebelum Barley menghilang, sehingga memungkinkan Barley untuk memiliki

daftar belanja, meskipun mungkin tidak lama.

Di waktu senggang, saya menyusun persyaratan pesangon Ned dan memikirkan

persyaratan pesangon saya sendiri. Kehidupan di dalam Dinas mungkin memiliki keterbatasan,

namun membayangkan kehidupan di luarnya membuat saya takut.

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