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Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4:
Time: 32 min Time: 32 min Time: 35 min Time: 35 min
Questions : 27 Questions : 27 Questions : 22 Questions : 22
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Directions: Read each of the following questions carefully. Then select the best answer from the
choices provided. Fill in the corresponding circle on your answer sheet.
The following sentences test your ability to recognize the correctness and effectiveness of
expression. In each sentence, part of the sentence or the entire sentence is underlined.
In making your selection, follow the requirements of standard written English. Carefully consider
the grammar, diction (word choice) sentence construction, and punctuation of each sentence.
When you make your choice, select the most effective sentence, the one that is clear and
precise, without any awkwardness or ambiguity.

1. He broke the railing while vacationing on his 3. Like the Allies and the Nazis, our team
hotel room balcony, but paid for all of the necessary overcame a great power to win the championship.
A) Like the Allies and the Nazis,
A) He broke the railing while vacationing on his B) As with the Allies and the Nazis,
hotel room balcony, C) Compared to the Allies and the Nazis,
B) He broke the railing while vacationing on his D) Like the Allies vanquished the Nazis,
hotel room balcony;
C) While vacationing, he broke the railing on his
4. The numerous beneficial effects of taking a
hotel room balcony,
vacation include stress reduction and the increased
D) He broke the balcony railing while vacationing

ability to concentrate, it’s no wonder that

on his hotel room,
managers recommend that all employees take their
full two weeks.
2. As the personal PC revolution continued, clunky
A) concentrate, it’s no wonder
bulky monitors were replaced by sleek spacesaving
B) concentrate so that it’s no wonder
flat-screen displays.
C) concentrate; it’s no wonder
A) clunky bulky monitors were replaced by sleek D) concentrate so it’s no wonder
space-saving flat-screen displays.
B) monitors, which were clunky and bulky, were
5. Ms. Lu allowed her son a great deal of latitude in
replaced by displays that have flat screens and
spending his birthday money, because she believed
save space.
it should be his decision.
C) clunky, bulky monitors were replaced by flatscreen
displays that are sleek and save space as A) because she believed
well. B) and she believed
D) sleek, space-saving flat-screen displays C) as a result, she believed
replaced clunky, bulky monitors. D) in spite of the fact that she believed
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6. Domesticated hounds are fatter than 50 years 10. The judge dismissed the extraneous evidence,
ago; since 1950, the average hound’s weight has which the jury seemed interested in, because it was
increased six pounds. not pertinent to the trial, despite the vociferous
objections of the prosecutors.
A) Domesticated hounds are fatter than 50 years go;
A) The judge dismissed the extraneous evidence,
B) Domesticated hound’s are fatter than 50 years ago,
which the jury seemed interested in, because it
C) Domesticated hounds, being fatter than 50 years
was not pertinent to the trial
B) The extraneous evidence which interested the
D) Domesticated hounds are fatter than theywere 50
jurors was dismissed by the judge because it
years ago; was not pertinent to the trial
C) The judge dismissed the evidence which the
jury seemed interested in that was extraneous
7. As the saying goes better late than never.
because it was not pertinent to the trial
A) As the saying goes better late than never. D) The judge dismissed the extraneous, impertinent
B) As the saying goes; better late than never. evidence because the jury seemed interested
C) As the saying goes: better late than never. in it
D) As the saying goes, better late than never.

The best recipes for clam chowder all include

onions and a bay leaf. The onions add a sharpness
8. Held in 1985, Bob Geldof organized the first Live and zest to the blandness of the clams, and also
Aid Concert to benefit famine victims in Africa. help remove their slimy texture. The bay leaf
A) Held in 1985, Bob Geldof organized the first complements the onion’s strong flavor.
Live Aid Concert to benefit famine victims in
Africa. 11. This paragraph best supports the statement
B) Bob Geldof organized the first 1985 Live Aid that
Concert to benefit famine victims in Africa. A) onions were once thought to be poisonous.
C) Held in 1985, to benefit famine victims in B) bay leaves are essential in many soups.
Africa, Bob Geldof organized the first Live Aid C) clam chowder is very nutritious.
Concert. D) onions and bay leaves go well with clams.
D) Bob Geldof organized the first Live Aid Concert,
which was held in 1985, to benefit famine Critical reading is a demanding process. To read
victims in Africa. critically, you must slow down your reading and,
with pencil in hand, perform specific operations on
9. Planning my winter vacation, a few hotels had the text. Mark up the text with your reactions,
decent rates for the week in February I’ve got off. conclusions, and questions. When you read,
A) Planning my winter vacation, become an active participant.
B) While planning my winter vacation,
C) Planning my winter vacation, I find 12. This paragraph best supports the statement that
D) While planning my winter vacation, I A) critical reading is a slow, dull, but essential
found that process.
B) the best critical reading happens at critical times
in a person’s life.
C) critical reading requires thoughtful and careful
D) readers should get in the habit of questioning
the truth of what they read.
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One New York publisher has estimated that 50,000 The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution
to 60,000 people in the United States want an protects citizens against unreasonable searches and
anthology that includes the complete works of seizures. No search of a person’s home or personal
William Shakespeare. And what accounts for this effects may be conducted without a written search
renewed interest in Shakespeare? As scholars point warrant issued on probable cause. This means that a
out, the psychological insights he portrays in both neutral judge must approve the factual basis
male and female characters are amazing even justifying a search before it can be conducted.

13. This paragraph best supports the statement that This paragraph best supports the statement that the
police cannot search a person’s home or private
A) Shakespeare’s characters are more interesting papers unless they have
than fictional characters today.
B) people today are interested in Shakespeare’s A) legal authorization.
work because of the characters. B) direct evidence of a crime.
C) academic scholars are putting together an C) read the person his or her constitutional rights.
anthology of Shakespeare’s work. D) a reasonable belief that a crime has occurred.
D) New Yorkers have a renewed interested in the

work of Shakespeare.
16. Kym was ______ in choosing her friends, so her
parties were attended by vastly different and
There are no effective boundaries when it comes to sometimes bizarre personalities.
pollutants. Studies have shown that toxic A) indispensable
insecticides that have been banned in many B) indiscriminate
countries are riding the wind from countries where C) commensurate
they remain legal. Compounds such as DDT and D) propulsive
toxaphene have been found in remote places like
the Yukon and other Arctic regions.
17. Wedding ceremonies often include the
14. This paragraph best supports the statement that exchange of ______ rings to symbolize the
couple’s promises to each other.
A) toxic insecticides such as DDT have not been
banned throughout the world. A) hirsute
B) more pollutants find their way into polar B) acrimonious
climates than they do into warmer areas. C) plaintive
C) studies have proven that many countries have D) votive
ignored their own anti-pollution laws.
D) DDT and toxaphene are the two most toxic 18. The ______ weather patterns of the tropical
insecticides in the world. island meant tourists had to carry both umbrellas
and sunglasses.
A) impertinent
B) supplicant
C) preeminent
D) kaleidoscopic
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19. It is difficult to believe that charging 20% on an While most scholarship on women’s employment
outstanding credit card balance isn’t ______! in the United States recognizes that the Second
World War (1939–1945) dramatically changed the
A) bankruptcy
role of women in the workforce, these studies also
B) usury
acknowledge that few women remained in
C) novice
manufacturing jobs once men returned from the
D) kleptomania
war. But in agriculture, unlike other industries
where women were viewed as temporary workers,
women’s employment did not end with the war.
20. The story’s bitter antagonist felt such great Instead, the expansion of agriculture and a steady
______ for all of the other characters that as a decrease in the number of male farmworkers
result, his life was very lonely and he died alone. combined to cause the industry to hire more
women in the postwar years. Consequently, the
A) insurgence 1950s saw a growing number of women engaged in
B) malevolence farm labor, even though rhetoric in the popular
C) reciprocation media called for the return of women to domestic
D) declamation life.

21. ____ by life’s ____, the last emperor of China 23. It can be inferred from the passage that the
worked as a lowly gardener in the palace over manufacturing and agricultural sectors in the
which he had once ruled. United States following the Second World War
differed in which of the following respects?
A) Fortified...generosity
B) Deluded...coincidences
A) The rate of expansion in each sector
C) Humbled...vicissitudes
B) The percentage of employees in each sector who
D) Venerated...survivors
were men
C) The trend in the wages of men employed in
each sector
22. Numerous studies have found that people who D) The attitude of the popular media toward the
choose to represent themselves in court on the employment of women in each sector
whole exercise pretty good judgment—they
seem to have a ____ sense of when they need a
lawyer and when they don’t.
24. Dominant interests often benefit most from
A) faulty _________ of governmental interference in
B) capricious business, since they are able to take care of
C) reliable themselves if left alone.
D) transient
A) intensification
B) authorization
C) improvisation
D) elimination
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25. Kagan maintains that an infant’s reactions to its
first stressful experiences are part of a natural
process of development, not harbingers of
childhood unhappiness or _________ signs of
adolescent anxiety.

A) prophetic
B) normal
C) monotonous
D) virtual

26. An investigation that is _________ can

occasionally yield new facts, even notable ones, but
typically the appearance of such facts is the result of
a search in a definite direction.

A) timely
B) unguided
C) consistent
D) uncomplicated

27. It comes as no surprise that societies have codes

of behavior; the character of the codes, on the other
hand, can often be _________ .

A) predictable
B) unexpected
C) admirable
D) explicit

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Directions: Read each of the following questions carefully. Then select the best answer from the
choices provided. Fill in the corresponding circle on your answer sheet.
The following sentences test your ability to recognize the correctness and effectiveness of
expression. In each sentence, part of the sentence or the entire sentence is underlined.
Underneath each sentence, you’ll find five ways of phrasing the underlined material.
In making your selection, follow the requirements of standard written English. Carefully consider
the grammar, diction (word choice) sentence construction, and punctuation of each sentence.
When you make your choice, select the most effective sentence, the one that is clear and
precise, without any awkwardness or ambiguity.

I enjoyed A Dream of Light & Shadow: Portraits of A) To give examples of how A Dream presents
Latin American Women Writers for the same fascinating portraits that display awareness of the
reasons that, as a child, I avidly consumed tenuous nature of representations of reality
women’s biographies: the fascination with how the
biographical details of another female’s life are B) To elaborate on how A Dream fulfills the
represented and interpreted. A Dream offers a rich author’s childhood criteria for a pleasurable book
read, varied in both the lives and texts of the
women portrayed, and the perspectives and styles C) To suggest that the author enjoyed A Dream for
of the sixteen essayists. Yet, as an adult, I have reasons more sophisticated than the reasons she
come to demand of any really “great” book a self enjoyed certain books as a child

consciousness about the tenuous nature of

representations of reality, a critical D) To illustrate ways in which the author finds A
contextualization of florid detail, and a self- Dream to be inadequate in certain critical senses
awareness of the role of ideology in our lives. In
these critical senses, A Dream is inadequate.

1. Which of the following best describes the During the day in Lake Constance, the
function of the second sentence (“A Dream . . . zooplankton D. hyalina departs for the depths
essayists”) in the context of the passage as a whole? where food is scarce and the water cold. D. galeata
remains near the warm surface where food is
abundant. Even though D. galeata grows and
reproduces much faster, its population is often
outnumbered by D. hyalina.

2. Which of the following, if true, would help

resolve the apparent paradox presented above?
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A) The number of species of zooplankton living at
4. Mathematicians have a distinctive sense of beauty:
the bottom of the lake is twice that of species
they strive to present their ideas and results in a clear
living at the surface.
and compelling fashion, dictated by __________ as
B) Predators of zooplankton, such as whitefish
well as by logic.
and perch, live and feed near the surface of the
lake during the day. A) caprice
C) In order to make the most of scarce food B) aesthetics
resources, D. hyalina matures more slowly than D. C) obligation
galeata. D) methodologies
D) galeata clusters under vegetation during the
hottest part of the day to avoid the Sun’s rays.
5. Just as the authors’ book on eels is often a key text
for courses in marine vertebrate zoology, their ideas
At a certain period in Earth’s history, its on animal development and phylogeny __________
atmosphere contained almost no oxygen, teaching in this area.
although plants were producing vast quantities of
oxygen. As a way of reconciling these two facts, A) prevent

scientists have hypothesized that nearly all of the B) defy

oxygen being produced was taken up by iron on C) replicate
Earth’s surface. Clearly, however, this D) inform
explanation is inadequate. New studies show
that the amount of iron on Earth’s surface was
not sufficient to absorb anywhere near as much 6. Mechanisms develop whereby every successful
oxygen as was being produced. Therefore, species can __________ its innate capacity for
something in addition to the iron on Earth’s population growth with the constraints that arise
surface must have absorbed much of the oxygen through its interactions with the natural
produced by plant life. environment.

A enhance
3. In the argument given, the two portions in B replace
boldface play which of the following roles? C reconcile
D surpass
A) The first is a claim made by the argument in
support of a certain position; the second is that
position. 7. In the midst of so many evasive comments, this
B) The first is a judgment made by the argument forthright statement, whatever its intrinsic merit,
about a certain explanation; the second is that plainly stands out as __________.
C) The first expresses the argument’s dismissal of
A) a paradigm
an objection to the position it seeks to establish;
B) a misnomer
the second is that position.
C) a profundity
D) The first sums up the argument’s position with
D) an anomaly
regard to a certain hypothesis; the second
provides grounds for that position.
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8. Although plant and animal species that become 12. To make garlic roasted potato skins, bake six
established in ecosystems where they did not russet potatoes and roast one small head of garlic;
originate are sometimes referred to by the alarming then, squeeze the garlic into a small bowl and
term “invasive species,” many such species are mash with two tablespoons of butter, salt, and
________ in their new environments. pepper.

A) innocuous A) NO CHANGE
B) conspicuous B) To make garlic roasted potato skins, first you
C) robust bake six russet potatoes and roast one small head
D) menacing of garlic,
C) To make garlic roasted potato skins, in the
oven bake six russet potatoes and roast one small
head of garlic,
9. Far from being ________ the corporate world D) Bake six russet potatoes and roast one small
because of cutbacks, serious researchers are head of garlic to make garlic roasted potato skins;
playing a growing role in innovation at many

A) lured to 13. I need to get a handle on my credit-card

B) enchanted with charging, and my budget will be in serious
C) banished from trouble.
D) protected by
B) charging.My budget will be in serious trouble.
10. In American Indian art, the supposed C) charging.My budget has been in serious
distinction between modern and traditional was trouble.
fabricated by critics, and when artists have control D) charging, or my budget will be in serious
over interpretation of their own work, the trouble.
distinction appears, happily, to have been

A) eliminated 14. Awkwardly tall and prone to tripping over her

B) reinforced own feet, Grace felt her name was truly a
C) put to rest misnomer.
D) intensified
B) Because she is awkwardly tall and prone to
11. Notwithstanding their ________ regarding tripping over her own feet,
other issues, township residents have consistently C) Awkwardly tall and prone to trip over her own
passed the board of education’s annual budget. D) Grace is awkwardly tall and prone to tripping
over her own feet.
A) accord
B) indecision
C) consensus
D) disagreement
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15. Kyle was able to surmount the difficulties of an
18. Feeling like she was underappreciated, and
uncooperative staff, an impossible deadline, and a
growing tired of her job which was boring, Celia
complicated project; in order to present the report
began to ponder what it would be like to quit.
to the client.
B) Feeling underappreciated and tired of her
B) an uncooperative staff, an impossible deadline,
boring job,
and a complicated project in order to present the
C) Feeling like she was underappreciated, and
report to the client.
growing tired of her boring job,
C) an uncooperative staff, an impossible deadline,
D) Feeling underappreciated, and tired of her
and complicated project in order to present the
boring job;
report to the client.
D) an uncooperative staff, impossible deadline,
and a complicated project in order to present the 19. A handful of novels by John Irving were
report to the client. adapted for the big screen two have new titles,
“The Door in the Floor” was A Widow for One
Year and “Simon Birch” was A Prayer for Owen

16. Ariana was outstanding as the moderator; she Meany.

handled the intensely heated debate with great
finesse, diplomatically and tactfully keeping the A) NO CHANGE
conversation on track. B) A handful of novels by John Irving were
adapted for the big screen, two have new titles;
A) NO CHANGE C) A handful of novels by John Irving were
B) she handled the intensely heated debate with adapted for the big screen; two have new titles:
great finesse; diplomatically and tactfully D) A handful of novels by John Irving were
C) she handled the debate with great finesse, adapted for the big screen; two have new titles;
keeping the conversation on track.
D) she handled the intensely heated debate with
great finesse, and then she diplomatically and 20. The use of recycled rubber playground surfaces
tactfully kept the conversation on track. should be considered by every elementary school
in the country; not only are they better at
preventing injury than traditional surfaces, but
17. When she saw that our rivals were wearing the they are good for the environment, too.
same one, another track uniform was ordered by
our coach. A) NO CHANGE
B) The use of recycled rubber playground surfaces
A) NO CHANGE is considered by every elementary school in the
B) another track uniform that was different was country;
ordered by our coach. C) Every elementary school in the country should
C) while our coach ordered another track consider the use of recycled rubber playground
uniform. surfaces;
D) our coach ordered another track uniform. D) Every elementary school in the country should
consider using recycled rubber playground
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Figure 1
A) reforming
Photolyase Activity, Egg-Laying Location, and Exposure B) marauding
to Sunlight in Selected Amphibian Species C) reclaiming
Specific Egg-laying D) conceding
photolyase location/exposure to
Species activity* sunlight 23. Although she was on a diet, Hannah intended to
______ in the feast of Thanksgiving.
Ascaphus truei < 0.1 under stones/unexposed A) dilate
attached to debris near B) enervate
Hyla cadaverina 3.5 C) expunge
attached to submerged D) partake
Rana aurora 6.1
stem/variable exposure
in open shallow water/ 24. The firefighter was ______ in the news for his
Hyla regilla 7.5
high exposure heroic rescue of a child from a burning house.

A) mandated
Plethodon dunni
B) inferred

< 0.1 hidden/unexposed

in logs or rock crevices/
C) reconstituted
Aneides ferreus 0.4 D) lauded
Batrachoseps in or under logs/
wrighti unexposed 25. Tabitha found an overpriced dining table at the
Ambystoma in open water/ antique shop and tried to ______ with the
gracile some exposure shopkeeper, but he refused to lower the price.
*1011 UVB-caused DNA damages removed per hour per A) haggle
microgram of egg protein
B) stipulate
21. Which statement is best supported by the data in C) annunciate
figure 1? D) ruminate
A) Only those amphibian species with photolyase
activity less than or equal to 0.7 lay their eggs where 26. After years of living at a(n) ______ pace, Paola
there is no exposure to sunlight.
decided it was time to slow down and learn how to
B) All amphibian species with photolyase activity relax.
greater than 3.5 lay their eggs in locations with high
exposure to sunlight. A) ingratiating
C) Only those amphibian species with photolyase B) adjacent
activity of 7.5 or greater lay their eggs in areas with C) oblique
variable exposure to sunlight. D) acerbic
D) All amphibian species with photolyase activity of 1.0
or greater lay their eggs in open shallow water.
27. I could tell by Angelica’s ______ tone that she
was still very angry with me.
22. The villagers locked their doors when they
heard about the pirates who were ______ A) ingratiating
unprotected villages along the island’s coastline. B) adjacent
C) oblique
D) acerbic
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For questions 1–14, solve each problem, choose the best answer from the choices provided, and fill in the
corresponding circle on your answer sheet. For questions 15–22, solve the problem and enter your answer in
the grid on the answer sheet. Please refer to the directions before question 15 on how to enter your answers in
the grid. You may use any available space in your test booklet for scratch work.


1. The use of a calculator is permitted.

2. All variables and expressions used represent real numbers unless otherwise indicated.
3. Figures provided in this test are drawn to scale unless otherwise indicated.
4. All figures lie in a plane unless otherwise indicated.
5. Unless otherwise indicated, the domain of a given function f is the set of all real
numbers for which f(x) is a real number.


45° s 2
r c 2x 60° s
w h b x
30° 45°
b a s
x 3
A = r2 A = lw A= bh c2 = a2 + b2 Special Right Triangles
C= r 2

r r h h
r w
l l
4 3 1 2 1
V = lwh V = r 2h V= r V= rh V = lwh
3 3 3

The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.

The number of radians of arc in a circle is 2π.
The sum of the measures in degrees of the angles of a triangle is 180.
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1. First-time customers at a dog-boarding facility x-1/3 y3

4. Which choice is equivalent to ______
must pay a onetime $20 evaluation fee, as well as y-2
A) 3
$40 for each day and $30 for each night the dog √x
spends at the facility. Which of the following B) 3
expressions best models the total cost, in dollars, for y5
C) 3
a first- time customer to board a dog at this facility √x

for d days and n nights? y5

D) 3
A) (40 + 30) ( d + n) − 20
B) (40 + 20 ) d + 320
C) (40 + 30 ) ( d +n )
D) 10(4d + 3n + 2) 5. A serving of X provides 52 calories and 14 grams
of carbohydrates, while a serving of Y provides 89

2. Which of the following is equivalent to the calories and 23 grams of carbohydrates. Which of
product of the expression –2M and M-1? the following combinations of X and Y servings
contains more than 290 calories but less than 85
grams of carbohydrates?
A) −2M2 − M
A) 2 X servings and 2 Y servings.
B) −2M2 + 2M
B) 2 X servings and 3 Y servings.
C) −2M2 + 2 C) 3 X servings and 2 Y servings.
D) 4 X servings and 1 Y serving.
D) -2

3. Which of the following is equivalent to

1 1
(3x− ) (x− ) ? 6. The amount of money, P, in a bank account
2 3
earning simple interest can be determined using
3x 1
A) 3x2 − − the formula = (1 + 𝑟𝑡), where I is the initial, r is
2 6
the rate of interest earned, and t is the time in
3x 1
B) 3x2 − + years. Which of the following formula shows the
2 6
value of rate in terms of the account balance,
C) 3x2 − 9x
− initial, and time?
2 6

D) 3x2 − 11x
1 A)
6 6
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7. Maha ordered a set of golf clubs and a golf bag 10. Which of the following inequalities is
online, which were shipped to her house. The weight
w, in pounds, of the bag and the clubs is estimated by equivalent to -3x - 5y < 4y - 6?
the equation w = 1.5c + 12, where c is the number of A) x < -3y - 2
clubs in the bag. What is the best interpretation of
the number 1.5 in the equation? B) x > -3y + 2
C) x < 3y - 2
A) The estimated weight, in pounds, of 1 club
B) The estimated weight, in pounds, of 12 club D) x > 3y + 2
C) The estimated weight, in pounds, of the bag with
no clubs
D) The estimated weight, in pounds, of the bag with
12 clubs

11. Ekram opened a checking account with an

8. Everest Education Center currently has 2000
initial deposit of P dollars, and then he deposited
students and expects growth for the next 5 years.
$65 into the account each week for 15 weeks. At
The institution board is comparing two different
the end of the 15 weeks, he had deposited $1200

growth projections. One model predicts that each

into the account. If no other deposits or
year there will be 30 more students than the
withdrawals were made, what is the value of P?
previous year. The other model predicts that each
year there will be 1% more students than the
previous year. To the nearest whole number, what A) 65
is the difference in the projection of the total B) 80
number of students these models predict after 5 C) 225
years? D) 975

A) 10
B) 20 12. In the xy-plane, the graph of which of the
C) 29 following equations is a line with a slope of 2?
D) 48
A) x + y = 2
B) 3 x – 6 y =2
C) 6 x – 3 y =2
9. Where are the points (1, 2) and (-1, 1) in relation D) y = x + 2
to the line 3x + 4y = 7?
A) Both are on the line...
B) One is on the line and the other is off the line.
C) Both are above the line. 13. For how many values of K doe k-3+2 is
D) One is above the line and the other is below the equal to one?
A) None

B) One

C) Two

D) More than two

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a2 + b2 ≤ 25 b≥3 19. Students in a science lab are working in groups
14. In the inequalities above, what is the greatest to build both a small and a large electrical circuit.
A large circuit uses 4 resistors and 2 capacitors,
possible value of a? and a small circuit uses 3 resistors and 1 capacitor.
A) -4 There are 100 resistors and 70 capacitors available,
B) -3 and each group must have enough resistors and
C} 3 capacitors to make one large and one small circuit.
D) 4 What is the maximum number of groups that
could work on this lab project?
y = 12x
y = x2 + 36
15. If (x, y) is the solution of the system of
equations above, what is the value of y? 20. At a theater, adult tickets for a play cost $15
each and child tickets cost $10 each. If 300 tickets
were sold, and the sale of the tickets generated
between $3575 and $3600, what is a possible

number of child tickets that were sold?

f (x) = x (x + 5)
16. The function f is defined above, If the function g
is defined by g (x) = f (x) + 5, what is the value of
g (3)?
21. If A + B = √2(𝐴𝐵 + 5), what is the value of
A2 + B 2?

17. For a function f, f (-1) = 12 and f (1) = 16. If the

graph of y = f (x) is a line in the xy – plane, what is
the slope of the line? h = 70 + 5m

22. A runner has a resting heart rate of 70 beats

per minute. For every minute he runs, his heart
rate increases by a constant number of beats per
minute. The runner’ 3 heart rates, h, is modeled
by the equation above as a function of m minutes
18. In the expression below, a is an integer. of running. Based on this equation, what is the
increase in heart rate for every five minutes of
12 x2 + ax – 20
If 3x + 4 is a factor of the expression above, what is running?
the value of a ?
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For questions 1–14, solve each problem, choose the best answer from the choices provided, and fill in the
corresponding circle on your answer sheet. For questions 15–22, solve the problem and enter your answer in
the grid on the answer sheet. Please refer to the directions before question 15 on how to enter your answers in
the grid. You may use any available space in your test booklet for scratch work.


1. The use of a calculator is permitted.

2. All variables and expressions used represent real numbers unless otherwise indicated.
3. Figures provided in this test are drawn to scale unless otherwise indicated.
4. All figures lie in a plane unless otherwise indicated.
5. Unless otherwise indicated, the domain of a given function f is the set of all real
numbers for which f(x) is a real number.


45° s 2
r c 2x 60° s
w h b x
30° 45°
b a s
x 3
A = r2 A = lw A= bh c2 = a2 + b2 Special Right Triangles
C= r 2

r r h h
r w
l l
4 3 1 2 1
V = lwh V = r 2h V= r V= rh V = lwh
3 3 3

The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.

The number of radians of arc in a circle is 2π.
The sum of the measures in degrees of the angles of a triangle is 180.
EVEREST SAT Digital - 1

1. Which of the following systems of equations 4. In a poll of n students at a local college, 45% of
has no solution? these students identify themselves as liberals. Of
these, 60% support universal health care. If 405
2š+›=0 students of these students are liberals who support
A) {
2x+y= 1
universal health care, what is the value of n ?
2x+y= 0 A) 109
B) {
2x+y= 0
B) 675
2x+y= 0
C) { C) 900
−2x+y= 0
D) 1,500
2x+y= 1
D) {
−2x+y = 0

5. Istanbul University admits one-third of those

who apply, and of those admitted, 40% enroll. In
2. When Shondra makes an online purchase, a

15% Discount is applied to the retail price and 2013, a total of 46,815 students applied to Istanbul
then a 6.25% tax is added to this discounted price. University. Which of the following is the best
Which of the following represents the amount
Shondra pays, in dollars, for an item with a retail estimate of the number of students who will be
price of x dollars? admitted but will not enroll?
A) x - 0.15 + 0.0625x A) 6,242
B) 1.0625x - 0. 15x
B) 9,363
C) 1.0625(0.85x)
D) x - 0.15 ( 1.0625x ) C) 15,605

D) 18,726

3. Light travels through a vacuum at a speed of

approximately 186,000 miles per second.
6. A routine motor vehicle check determines that
Approximately how many miles will a ray of light approximately 5 out of every 200 vehicles inspected
have an expired emissions sticker. At this rate,
travel through a vacuum in one day?
approximately how many vehicles with expired
A) 6.7 x 108 miles emissions stickers should there be if 5,000 vehicles
are inspected?
B) 1.6 x 1010 miles
A)) 00
C) 3.2 x 1010 miles
B) 125
D) 4.6 x 10 13
miles C) 150
D) 250
EVEREST SAT Digital - 1

9. Anna's car has an efficiency of p miles per gallon
of gasoline when it travels at a highway speed of k
miles per hour. Which of the following represents
the number of hours Anna can travel on 10 gallons
of gasoline if she maintains a steady speed of k miles
per hour?
A) k
B) p
7. The scatter plot above shows the relationship
between per capita annual income and the D) 10pk
percentage of adults with college degrees for all 50
U. S. states in According to the line of best fit, in
10. Which of the following situations describes a
2009, approximately what percent of the adults

population that is growing exponentially with time?

ages 25 and above have college degrees in a state
with a per capita annual income of $50,000?
A) Every year, the population grows by 1 % of the
population of the previous year.
A) 21%
B) Every year, the population grows by 1,000 plus
B) 27% 2% of the original population.
C) 34% C) Every year, the population grows by 2% of the
original population.
D) 37% D) Every year, the population grows by 10,000

8. Danielle is reading a 800-page book and has

already read 120 pages. If she reads 16 pages a day
11.A landscape-supply company sells mulch at a
for the next 15 days, what percentage of the book
rate of $30 per cubic yard. What price does the
will she have read after those 15 days?
company charge for 54 cubic feet of mulch? (1 yard
= 3 feet)
A) 40%
B) 45% A) $54
C) 48% B) $60
D) 54% C) $810
D) $1,620
EVEREST SAT Digital - 1


12. In quadrilateral PQRS above, PS = QR, and

PQ is parallel to SR. If PQ and SR were both
decreased by 75% and PT were quadrupled, how
would the area of PQRS change?
14. The figure above represents the relative
A) The area of PQRS would be quadrupled. positions of the Sun. Earth. and Mars at a
B) The area of PQRS would be increased by 75%. particular time when the distance from the Earth

C) Tire area of PQRS would be decreased by 75%. to Mars is approximately 163,000,000 kilometers
D) The area of PQRS would be unaffected and the distance from the Sun to Earth is
approximately 148,000,000 kilometers. What is the
approximate distance, in kilometers, from Sun to
mars at that time?

A) 27,000,000
B) 71,000,000
C) 120,000,000
D) 220,000,000

13. If lines a and b are parallel in the figure above,

what is the value of x + y?

A) 45
B) 90
C) 105
D) 135
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17. The circle above, C is the center. If the measure

of ∠ABC is 60°and radius BC = 10, what is the
15. Bridget owns a triangular patch of land. She
length of AB?
decides to convert it into a garden with a paved
walkway, as shown above. The long sides of the
walkway are parallel to each other and to the base of
the triangular patch of land. What is the width, w, in

feet, of the walkway?

18. A baking company produces ice cream cones,
each with an internal radius at the opening of 4
centimeters and an internal height between 14.75
centimeters and 15 centimeters. What is one
possible volume, rounded to the nearest cubic
centimeter, of an ice cream cone produced by this

16. An aluminum can in the shape of a right 19. An artist is creating a rectangular mural. The
circular cylinder has a diameter of 9 inches and a height of the mural is to be 4 meters shorter than
volume of 81 cubic inches. What is the height of the width. What will be the height, in meters, of
the can, in inches? the mural if the area of the mural will be 96
square meters?
EVEREST SAT Digital - 1

f(x ) = √( x− 2)2 + 2x − 3

20. What is the least value of the range of Function f?

21. For what value of x is the expression

2 undefined?
( 𝑥−6 )2 +4(𝑥−7)+8

22. During a car trip, a passenger recorded the car's

instantaneous fuel economy, in miles per
gallon (mpg), 20 different times. The histogram
summarizes the distribution of these data. The first
bar represents an instantaneous fuel economy of at
least 32 mpg but less than 33 mpg. The second bar
represents an instantaneous fuel economy of at least
33 mpg but less than 34 mpg, and so on.

During the trip, how many times did the passenger

record an instantaneous fuel economy of at least
34 mpg but less than 36 mpg ?





0 552 749 33 14

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