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Bo o k of P r o v e r bs ,
















PR O F J . . B E A M E R, A U T H O R,
M a n o r, Pa


G r ee n s bu r g , Pa .

Prof J Beamer w a s born Marc h 2 2 1 8 3 0 near the

. .
, , ,

Classic T o w n o f M urraysville Westmoreland county Pa

, , ,

He is a son O f H en r y and E l i z a bet h ( Lau ff er ) B eame r .


( Forefathers from S w i t z erl a n d

) .

Prof J Be amer after l ea vi n g the h istorical Beamer

. .

farm ( in the forties ) like all n ot ed characters of that age

, , ,

school teaching and canvassing good books were the step ,

ping stones o f his eventful life .

Being a diligent student in nature and all scientific ,

topics i ncl uding Astronomy Geology and Ethnology de

, , ,

livering hundreds O f scientific lectures occupying a period ,

of forty two years over the Eastern and W estern Hemi


spheres ripening thought and developing u p to date ideas

— -

which com m and the intellectual dignity o f the present age ,

he is ripe in years favored with goo d pro perty and bl essed,

with good health .

O ctober 1 6 th 1 86 2 the Prof en l isted in Re g t 1 6 8 Pa.

, . .

VO L C ol Jack and served until discharged at Harrisburg

, ,

Pa .
July 1 3 1 863 a fter Gettysburg battle Being a s er
, , .

geant in d et a t che d service most o f the time in the Carolinas ,

under Generals Foster Hunter and Spinola The Prof , , .

f e s s o r IS very ten perate in all his habits a member o f the ,

Presbyterian church and may rival his uncle in longevity , ,

w ho is 1 0 1 years O ld and is yet healthy in body and mind , .

the last forty t w o years the A uthor s mind has been

Fo r —

deeply engaged in the compilation and composition o f the

Book O f Proverbs selecting the best from all n ations also , ,

adding thousands of his own composition eradicating crude ,

and uncouth expressions hence it commands the highest

, ,

degree O f humanity The Author has placed all p roverbs


in the clearest English which fits them f o r all institutions


of learning as well as domestic and social circles

, .

We are living i n an age O f electricity transition and ,

progress progress is written upon everything Short con

, .

c e n t r a t e d action is w a nted large complicated books long

, ,

hours o f labor long prayers and lo ng serm ons have all

, ,

had their day Dispatch in all things is needful

. .

The greatest blessing to m a n is t o know that life 15

1 m m o r t a l ; t his knowledg e ca nnot be burned bur l ed o r hang

ed ; i t is a never dying monum ent .

Hence t he c orn p l e t i o n of my labors I pla ce the c om


on ,

public hoping that it will meet the appreciation of i t S m an y


readers adding knowledge pleas ure happin ess an d d o

, , , ,

good t o the pre sent as well as to future generations

, .

Forty four Reasons W hy the Book

of Proverbs
S houl d Be i n the H and s of E verybo
dy .

It teaches the science O f the face and how t o beautify it .

It gives the best hints on health and long life .

It gives the best index t o the vocation y ou should f ol

l o w for succ es s a nd h appiness .

It gives the best system O f manners under all circum

stances and in all places .

I t gives the most natural w a y to diagnose diseases and ,

ho w to avoid them .

It is the greatest book on the laws O f nature and ho w ,

t o apply them .

It tells all about the conj ugality o f matrimony and ho w ,

to select conge nial companions .

It tells how to cure dyspepsia by natural laws


It tells you ho w to d o bu s i n e s s a nd how to be happy


and success ful in life .

It contains the best u p to date proverbs in the world

- -

I t gives the most common s ense philosophy on the tem

p era n c e question .

It gives the best memory gems for schools ; n o book is

like it

It gives the best rules fo r making home happy prosper ,

O u s and popular .

It gives more good toasts to quote at popular places , ,

than any other book in print .

It contai n s more intellectual spice and mirth and pro ,

vokes laughter more than any other book .

It gives the Bible verses best designed to encourage

a higher Christianity '

It c r e a nt s n a t u r e o f all wise thought to develop great ,

and beautiful gems .

It contains 64 00 of the best proverbs since the da y o f

S olomon .

It contains the best Sunday reading of a n y bO O k ( t he

Bible excepted ) .

It is the greate s t b ook fo r scho ol s a n d teaches the ,

m ost in the fewest words No book like it . .

It is written in the plainest English clear from all ,

rude expressions .

It gives encourage m ent to sin sick souls a n d tells how —


to cure them .

It is the best all around combination free from sec


t a r i a n i s m and poli t ics .

It is t he book the world needs .

It is the book that elevates man more than any other book
outside of the Bible .

It is the best book t o present t o dear ones away from


home .

It is the best book f or attorneys t o clinch facts in ,

arguing law cases .

It is the best book in the world t o cultivate the m e m

o r y in all the di ff erent phrases .

It is the most appropriate bo ok f o r the center table It .

is an all around book f o r all places


It is the book that meets the wants o f the electrical

age that n o w prevails .

It is the best book f o r teachers t o read in the morning ,

where the Bible is excluded from sc hools .

It gives the m inisters o f the Gospel the best texts .

found in the Holy Bible .

It shines like the morning star on 64 0 0 gems calle d , ,

proverbs .

It is the best book in the world to cure infidelity .

This book contains the most brilliant and u p to date - -

proverbs that ever have been placed before the world .

In one hour o f reading y o u gain more u p to date - -

knowledge than could be attained by months o f ordinary


book readin g an d schooling .

I t contains the w isdom o f all ages and nations con

d e n s e d making fit proverbs to hand to posterity

It gives popular expressions full O f life s pice and ’

mirth making people more witty


It teaches that natu re is a grand p a m or a m a and full ,

of unsurpassed beauties .

It teaches that the greatest minds the world ever had

w ere the greatest proverb writers .

It is the greatest factor to arous e a love for God an d

to bring you in closer touch with nature .

It is the best book for social family reading in order ,

to gain all around knowled ge of nature

- ,

No book in the world sells better to all classes It .

contains the cream o f all literature from all times and ,

all nations being the second edition revised and enlarged


, ,

so as to meet the u p to date age The Author for t he - -


past forty two yea r s has been at work i n getting thi s

, ,

book before the people Nature reason and wisdom a r e .

, ,

the golden texts It carries through its pages a vein of mirth


and spice so as to make it very fascinat ing ; a l s o the bes t

, ,

toasts for popular places no book of the kind is in A meric a , ,

hence the canvasser will have an open field A fair can .

vasser can realize p e r day Schools buy them f or .

memory gems homes secure them for center tables a n d


as presents they ha ve no :

Price ful l g ilt

, ,

P rice half ,

W e fu rnish t hem p os t p a i d at your o ffice for t he p ri ce

, ‘

quoted The book i s 5 1 2 inches by 7 1 2 and 1 1 2 inch es

- -

thick .

P RO F J BE AM E R M anor Pa . .
, , .

Book of Proverbs .

When the righteous are in authority the peopl e rej oi ce .

Solomon .

Loos e n a n n e rs are found on persons w ho are always

Wh en a lobster s claw breaks another will sprou t

out .

It is the sa n e in a lover s quarrel in a short tim e a ’

n ew

claw will sprout ou t .

u g l y r oot o f e

The l ack O f money is a very vil .

A fellow to cheat you out of hous e and home i s
, , as
rr u ch as to say he cut your eye t eeth .

When a man resembles a frosted potato it , is a s u re in

dex he is a henpecked man
, .

The best love like the best wine flows withou t

, , p r e ss i n g .

Love and Mirth form the essence o f a l l happ in es s

, .

Anger and hatred form the essence of a ll unhappin ess

, .

Justice is very O ften the thing we

don t w a nt t o g et .

When y o u are surrounded by the ragged edges of des

pair use m o r e spiritual o il and your whole organization will

m ove s weetly and happily .

I f y o u want to kill a child on the installment plan have ,

it to sleep with o l d and infirm people .

Don t consider that a deep down whole souled laugh


is vulgar it is simply an index that y o u have not mistaken


dyspepsia f o r reli g ion .

I f you quit agitating a sor e it will heal in a short time , ,

if y o u quit agitating an evil it will die in short time , .

Love is bet ter to

beautify and enlarge than a magni

, ,

f y i n g glass .

The scoldi n g o f some women is enough to make the

bones o f a family anatomy in the closet rattle Some peo , , .

ple call it family raising I call it raising the devil , .

An engine without steam is like religion without the ,

sp rit of G o d in it .

He never w a s happy until he fell down stairs and bark ,

e d hi s nose ; his reason i m mediately returned and from


t hat day o n he was a very decent man It was self educa


tion t hat did it much better than schooling

, .

T ice and systematic kills the fun and leaves

oo n , , t he
s o ur rusty filings
killing the laugh that is in it
, .

G is t he giver o f every good and perfect gift and i f

od ,

we a r e in partnership with him ( in all troubles ) he will ,

n o t forsake us .

o m e radish f o r breakfast p l a y 1n g second fiddle to an

H ,

o l d hypoc i t e at p r a y e r m ee t i n g
r and clearing a house filled ,

with hornets made an infidel ,


S ampson
used the j awbone with great success in this ,

respect many women are a grand success


man and a woman going to chu rc h the man walkin g

A ,

ten feet ahead o f the woman they are married and that is ,

all t hat is wr on g
s .

The man w ho was both afraid and ashamed to die . We

should be neither afraid nor ashamed to die .

Extend to every on e a friendly salutation .

I f you want to be successful in li fe the following six ,

rules are essential : temperance en e rgy punctuality honesty , , , ,

system and economy .

There are souls in the world that h ave the gift of fin d

in g j oy everywhere .

Twelve dollars spent for drink ,

to every one spent for
schooling .

You cannot scold enemies into submission ,

th ugh loving kindness can y o u win them .

can t lea r n t o be a blacks m ith b y reading y o u

Y ou

can t learn t o be a Ch istian by reading y o u n eed p r a c t 1 ce

, .

Love in O ld bachelors ( like fire in ol d woo d ) ,

o n ce
started is hard t o extinguish .

All soldiers are poo writers but they could see

ol d r

s t ra l
g ht enough t o save the g r ea t e st n a t i on on earth .

The person w ho imagines all the time O ften turns , ou t

to be a notori ous liar .

God wrought m illions O f years to prepare the earth in

all parts t o make man happy
, .

T he s nail does not sing . The lazy man does not bloom .

brilliant man takes much nutrition like a brillia nt


amp that needs much oil .

While prosperity lasts make business spin wh en a d ve r

s ity comes let things in .

Hconsulted the goose bone then the scales fell from

e ,

hi s eyes ( I rony )
. .

Paul the Apostle told Timothy to stir up his religion

, ,

Paul the hostler told the O l d toper to stir up his appetite /

, , ,

for the new hotel was a sure thing .

Golden days are results of golden deeds .

When y ou have a bee in your bonnet your head feels

big but when on your knees in prayer your heads feels


B e sure you are right then go ahead ( David Crocket )

, . .

rich man can commit any crime with impunity A .

p oor man i f he steals a pair of shoes to wear to school is

, ,

sent two years to the penitentiary .

The faith of Columbus was so gr eat that ,

16 years of
e ff ort in the discovery did not d i s cou r a e him .

Conscience is reason s golden chain that does more to


make a man than all the schools and churches combin ed .

Too much work and no play makes Jack a dull boy , .

H appy is t he man w ho is able to quote good proverbs .

Ther e is no medium that will convince a man sooner ,

than to q uot e an appropriate maxim .


great many scolders that make the air bl ue p ut

A .

c oat of religion on their frightful habit and then call ,

righteo us indign ation .

The weakes t link in the chain is an index to the strength

o f t he chain T he weakest organ in your mind is an i ndex

to the strengt h o f your morals .

A swarm of
cro ssest bees in Mallay will not stin g
the ,

you if you dont hurt them the same holds good in t he ,

human family Kindness . .

The safety of a country depend s more upon the culti

vation of the soil than on the power of the armies

I f you have the blues make the wheels O f life revolve


faster and they will flee like hornets from a riddled nest

A chatterbox of a woman is n ot dangerous she is like ,

a firefly she is full o f flashes

, .

M any people are very unhappy because thei r souls are

u t of j oint and never had a single dose of spiritual medi
o ,

c1 n e .

Andrew Car egie pays to labo i n g ha n ds in Scotlan d

n r

ten per cent more that are total abstainers from all i n t o xi
cants from the fact t hat they d o ten per cent more work
, .

The golden dream s o f youth are better p oss essions than

the golden dreams o f ol d age with great possessions o f ,

gold and silver .

I f we knew all G o d knows o f ou r lives ,

we would n ot

censure others as muc h as W e do .

When electricity is wanting the trolley runs slowly , .

When the blood flows s l o w l v through vour veins your mind ,

and body runs slowly .


All that glitters is n ot gold often have you heard that


Yawning is a sign that the bodily and mental powers are

run down like a clock they need winding up sleep and rest
, ,

is the key .

God in trees and men never makes them perfectly ,

straight he al ways leaves an opening for schooling t o make


crooked places straight .

is the best medi u m in t he world to drive evil
spirits away It is the oil of life
. .

The crowing hen and the scolding woman are ,
o ut of

their latitude .

Every child s ho ul d /
be \ta u g ht t o l augh the sa m e as

they are taught to rea d .

A g oo d ,
h ea r t y laugh invigorates every living creature
, .

Castles crumble into ashes as the ages roll on , but good

proverbs live to all eternity .

Proverbs never die Dust t o dust is written on every

thing else proverbs live t o all etern ity the older they get
, ,

the more they sparkle like the light i n the lighthouse to the

ma n ner .

The fear O f the Lord is the beginning O f W i sdom , .

He wears the rose of youth upon him .

( Shakespear e )
T he life is long that answers life s great purpose


( Y oung )
There was a silence deep as death and the noblest held ,

their breath for a time ( Campbell . .


She gave me fo r my pains a world of sighs

. S
( hake
speare ) .

Sigh no more ladies sigh , ,

no more men were deceiver s

ever ( Shakespeare )
. .

H atred s t i r et h up strife but love ,

c ov e r t h all sins ( O . ld

Duty is a power which rises with us in the mornin g ,

and goes to rest with us at night ( G ladstone ) . .

A man s true influence is determined by his worth


Great results can t be gained at Once We mus t be ’


satisfied as we go along step by step ( S miles ) ,

. .

The part O f li fe that stands the test of years is , t he

only part that has been worth living ( Smiles ) . .

The alabaster box was broken and is in oblivion but -

, ,

t he released fragrance is destined t o live to all eternity .

( Beecher ) .

O f a truth I perceive th at, G od is no respecter of p e r

s on .
( S t Peter
) .

The ruling p a s s w n be what it , w 1l l the ruling con q ue rs

reason still ( Pope ) . .

To be of no church is dangerous , .
( Johnston ) .

Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal .

( hd o o r e) .

O h , Shame where is thy blush , .

( Shakespeare ) .

M en w ho are most infamous are the most fond , of

fam ( Churchill
e .
) .

rror of reason may be tolerated wher e r eas on

E ,
is le ft
to combat J e f
( fer so n )
. .

The mercy of t he Lord is from everlasting ,

to e ve r l a s t

in g, upon them that fear him ( Psalms 1 03 : .

With everlasting kindness will I have mercy on The e ,

s aith the Lord ( Isa 54 ; . .

L ove l ooks not with the eyes but with the mind , , an d ,

therefore is a winged cupid painted blind

, , .
( Shakespeare ) .

Swe e t mercy is nobility s badge ( S hakespeare )

. .

H e that is surety for an other is never sure of himsel f , .

It is a long lane that has no turn .

The sweetest wine makes the sharpest vinegar .

The rollin g stone gathers no moss .

A smile and cheery word is worth more than gold , .

He takes t he bull right by the horns .

are n o t n ear so happy as you think t hey are ,

there is a fly in the honey .

The rolli n g stone gathers no moss .

T he wolf ch a nges his coat but not his disposition , .

True merit is like a deep river ,

t he

d eep e r it is the les s

n o i se it makes .

At Rom e do as Rome does .

Set a thief to catch a thief .


I f it is a good thing ,d o it now and don t wait for ,

morrow .

O pportunity is the cream of time .

Trust not a horse 3 heel nor a dog s mouth ,

T ru s t him no further than yo u can see him .

By faith Columbus discovered America .

Faith i sthe substance O f things hoped for the e v idence ,

of unseen things .

A s slippery as an eel .

A guilty conscience is an enemy that lives with

it s
possessor .

Y ou can sell your conscience with your g oods .

That must be true which all men sa v .

W ho does no evil is apt to suspect none

, .

Who asks few favors is best received , .

Don t fi nd fault with what you don t understand

’ ’

A goose is happy when it rains so is a man wh en , he

can get a good shelter .

They who only seek the faults of others will find noth ,

in g else .

A fault confessed is a fault half redressed

, .

The reproof to a wise man kindly spoken ne v er doe s ,

any harm .

V ery often j ustice is the very thing a man don t want


to get .

A man eating ice cream with a girl is not say i ng that ,

he is in love with her .

I f we d i d not
have so many fatted calves , we would
not have so many prodigal sons .

When G o d is so all powerful tis strange that we don t ,

get in touch with that all power and give the devil a co l d ,

shoulder .

disintegrates and scatters all metals to give a j ob

Rust ,

to future generations to dig the ore smelt it and p lace it , ,

into u p to date machinery

- —

Franklin Shakespeare Bacon and all other , , ,

thinkers wrote their greatest thoughts in maxims

A child died the mother s love caused her to rock the ,

cradle day a fter d a y singing her lullaby songs to unseen

, ,

love hoping by and by t o be rocked in t he great rocking
- —
, ,

cradle of ages with her loving angel ,


The fear of G o d n a kc s

a tru e s p eaker ; t he fear of m an

makes a liar .

The m ore good a man ha s t he m ore good he w a n t s , .

The more bad a man has the more he war ts .

It pays a big interest t o have t he t o n gu e under good

discipline by good reason and conscience
, .

The love o f m on ey is a nt a g n et that draws IT O T C p eopl e ‘

o ff the track than any other m e d iu m he n ce it is ca l l ed t he

, ,

root o f evil .

As y o u make your bed , y o u m ust lie on it .

20 OF .

It does n ot matter s o much what people worship if it ,

gives a pleasant and staying satisfaction It does n ot matter .

so much what we eat if it only gives a pleasant staying


satis faction .

a family in a happy medium Learning reli .

gion and all things make good citizens and good husban d s
, , ,

and wives .

I f you can t get through with all your work while you

live don t worry there is a fellow waiti n g for your j ob



The entire history o f a large volu m e is o ften a b i d g ,


ed i n a neat maxim .

There is no medium on earth by which a round school ,

ing can be gained so readily as through the medium o f ,

com m i t i n g maxims .

Whatever debauches a nation insults the flag ,


The sal oon lays a criminal hand on the ballot box .

Human life is right side up only when the soul is ,


If you want to Be success ful in life the following are ,

the great essentials : energy punctuality honesty system , , ,

and economy .

N 0 one is a failure ,
so long as he has grit to try again .

Every situation in life is a school every experienc e ,

a teacher .

There are souls in the world that have the gift of fin d

in g j oy everywhere .

Each one of us receives an individual education and we ,

are all scholars l n the great school o f nature .


The greatest lessons in life are su ffering pain sorrow , , ,

disappointments and burdens .

Better an empty house than a bad tenant ,


The beetl e is beautiful in the eyes of its mother .

When we do n ot respect we soon cease to love


A ll mankind respects and loves a lover .

The way t o wealth is as plain as the way t o the mill

, ,

it depends o n two things industry and frugality ( Frank


lin ) .

Fear is the graveyard of prosperity .

The virtue of prosperity is temperance .

( Bacon ) .

Doing good is the only certain happy action O f a man s


B e what natu e intended r

y o u fo r ,
and y Ou will sue
c eed .
( S ydney Smith ) .

Who dare n ot speak his free tho ught is a slave , .

( Na
p ol e o n ) .

0 3
all 1n fi r m 1t 1 e s va n i t y Is the dea est
O f ,

. A man W 1 11

shak e a l l his other vices to keep vanity alive .

( F ranklin ) .

Folly is soon learned .

( Cowper ) .

M ethod will teach y o u to save time .

(G oeth ) .

An invest m ent in k n owledge pays the best intere s t , .

( O l d Maxim ) .

Labor is the cradle of manliness .

( Farrer ) .

A circumspective view o f last year s fault s ’

ma y in d uc e
us to take a higher step in our existence .

As you sow you shall reap


H e that sows iniquity shall reap sorrow


Forbidden things have a sweet charm .

A n open door may tempt a saint .

The proof of the pudding is a chew of the bag ,


We j udge a tree by its f r

11 its .

Time is money .

O ne hour today is worth two tomorrow


All things come to him who waits .

April shOw e r s bring forth May flowers


Christm as comes but once a year .

They w ho lose today may win tomorrow


I f you want to do a mean thing wait until to m orrow ,


It is never too late to do good .

I f men have no care for the future they will soon have,

sorro w .

There IS a tide in the a ff airs of m en ,

which taken at the ,

flood leads to fortune

, .

Omit no opportunity of doing good and you will find ,

no opportunity O f doing bad .


He fasts enough whose wi fe scolds all dinner time


Blow n ot your own horn too loud .

When the stomach is full the heart is glad unless he , ,

an i the pain is pronounced a visitation of t h


s o d d y p p
l s é t c ,

Al m ighty .

Forg ive and forget :

An inj ury forgiven ,

is better than inj ury revenged .

He who does wrong never lacks excuses .

A good friend in time of need is better than g old or

s ilver

He is a good friend who speaks well behind our back s


A f riend is neve r known until needed .

T he best of f r1 en d s must pa r t only for a season


The plant of friendship must be watered often or ,


wi l l die .

Good com pany makes short miles .

It is better to be alone than in bad company , .

T O be engaged in sweet discourse makes short days , and

nights .

Sleep lays all thoughts quite When w e awake they .


are rested and if kept in this primitive and physical purity

, ,

they will go through life white and pure .

The mind of man is the strongest power in all creation .

Notwithstanding w e can t see this great power ’


There is n o time in life when books do not influence a

man ( B esant )
. .

She looks as though butter would n ot melt In her

m on t h .

He always had three hands right left , , ,

an d a little be
hind hand .

N O hin ge or loop to han g a doubt on .

( Shakespear e )
Li fting a man into higher life is like lifting a hous e , ,

all parts are raised higher giving more ventilation and ,

re light .

Every hard task we master fits us ,

fo r a harder on e the
next t ime .

The 1 o y a l road to greatness is ,

no t to shrink from all
responsibilities .

Di fficult m Is S IO n s performed in God s service are the ’

m ost commendable traits o f humanity .

They w ho are always l ooking for a soft snap are in the ,

school O f uselessness and their lives will be failures

, .

Early hardships in life have laid the foundation of ,

every truly great man .

Li fe is n ot measured by the time we live but by our ,

actions .

is n ot hard t o lay the foundation but to build high

It ,

er, and higher and never finish , .

loc o m otive O ff the track can t make a record in run

A ,

ni n g the sa m e in a young man when O ff the track in busi

o r i n religio n he can t m ake a record ’
nes s , , .

Doing g oo d is
t he only happy action of a man s life .

( S y dney ) .

Censure is the tax a ,

man payeth to the public for be,

ing e n i n en t ( Swi ft )
. . .

Hope nothing fo r luck and you will

n ot be d i sa p
pointed .

A deaf husband and a blind wi fe make a good happy

, , ,

coupl e.

City children cannot see as far as country children .

Many people grumble because the ,

Creator placed
thorns with the roses .

Man holds the string to the kite and thus governs the ,

course of t he smallest creatur es .

Thought an nihilates distance ; it is faster than light or

electricity .

Your power is graded by the percentage of positive ,

electricity your body contains .

In the prime O f life people have more magn etism than


in youth or old age

, .

Youn g children are very negative .

Without the observance of Sabbath ,

the v ari et y of

time is gone .

Nature i n all her grand eur is the greatest and g ran d es t ,

variety show in a l l the uni v erse

, .

The works of creation and Providen ce , a re a m on g al l

branches the grand e s t .

To a mother a child is everything but to a chil d a par ,

en t is only a link in the chain of existence ( Be a con s fi el d ) .


I f a person is a tramp he is his o wn boss even then

he has to keep a sharp look o u t fo r the constable .

It i s t he d ai l y incessant fretting that saps ,

out your
vitality .

Admiration of the qualities O f others , gains m ore

friends than through any other medium .

Extreme admiration puts ,
ou t the critic s ey e .

The kind o f man that nations turn out is . t he t est of

civilization not the census o f the large cit y


The eye is the window through w hich the winged

thoughts fly ; like the sunlight o f the placid lake .

The eye is t he window of the soul .

Laughter and tears are equally useful ; t he O ne is to

enlighten o u r reason and give us a higher touch O f human

ity the other is to check o u r forward spirits


repay those who have bef r i ended us the most is

T o , ,

to befriend them with compo u nd inte est r .

balking hors e makes r o t 1 o s in t he wrong direction ;

A '

r -

the old toper makes motio n s in t he wron g direction .

Turning up the s o d in the field t o r ai s e a c op t he r


deeper y ou plough t he larger the cro p ; you n g m a n make

, .

the s o d fly and show yourself a m a n .

Spring water supported by a heavy hl l l will n ot fail ; a


man supported by a heavy m ind backed bv industry and

, .

frugality will never fail

, .

No doubt the beasts birds and insects hear the music, , ,

from the stars .

To criticize sermons O ften uproots good soil ,


A man is n ot properly refined until he passes through ,

the fiery furnace .

It is in the quiet places that the mighty rivers rise It ,


IS in the quiet meditations f rom which all o u r deep thoughts

rise that make the mighty inventions .


O the tre e O f righteousn e ss

n , y o u find bl oom m g
fl owers o f triu m ph and happiness .

Where w e find G od ,
in his fullest sense is in the cha n ,

ber of solitude .

When a man is t oo busy to answer an honest ques t i on

he is more o f a curse than a blessing to humanit y .

At what y o u laugh at most heartily that is the best


index to y o u r character .

A cinder in your eye is a trifle out of place ; placed , ,

in the coke ovens it is all right ; it is the t r ifle s o ut of place

that cause the bad frictions .

Proverbs are the best reasons O f all ages boiled down ; “

they are gems o f the human ized intelligence o f all mankind .

True love uses bad grammar without criticism .

Noble minds develop great thoughts called gems , .

M a x 1m s are golden thoughts in short sayings , .

Religion should be a rule in life the same as our daily ,

meals .

It is a good thing to have tw o strings to on e s bo w .

O pportunities neglected are lost forever .

Every man w ho knows nothing except

to depreciate
e xcellencies of ot hers is unhappy ,

S hoot folly as it flies .

( Pop e )
It is n ot your prosperity but your actions that will , ,

perpetuate Vour memory ( Napoleon ) . .

There are many people who are constantly praying t o

G o d to give give give but when the poor appeal to them
, , , ,

t hey are deaf .

How poor they are that have no patience .

( S ha ke e

speare ) .

Humbl e love ,
n ot proud scien ce keep s the door ,
heaven .

Never contract a friendship with a m a n w ho is not bet

ter than thyself ( Confucius ) . .

Eve y a tt err pt t o m a ke others h a ppy a d e v e r v sin l eft

r .

behind is a tep nearer to heaven ( Stanl ey )

s . .

Hol d your hand befor e t he light : if vo u can s ee

through t he crevices between t he j oints o f y o u r finger s

y o u can t keep secret s


Twelve dol l ars are sp ent fo r d r ink ,

to eve r y on e fo r
schooling .

Drunken ness has destroyed eve y gover n me n t that ever r

flourished on earth .

The s a fet V of a nation depends upon its so briety .


Gold dust scattered with the sa nds o f the sea will do

nothing but gathered together will change a barren deser t
, ,

to a blooming garden .

They who live in the melancholy state live miser ,

The way of the transgressor IS hard .

( Bible ) .

The last of the sand in the hour glass runs faster ; the
last O f life runs fastest .

Trouble like quick sand the more

, , y o u flounder in it
the deeper y o u sink .

Worry weakens the faculties of the mind as well as


the powers O f the body .

The wages of sin is death .

( Bible ) .

Sunday is the golden clasp that binds together the ,

volume of the week ( Longfellow ) . .

Laugh and the world laughs with you ; weep and y o u

weep alone ( O l d Maxim )

. .

When in trouble pray t o G o d ; if things go wrong when

God wills it let it g o it means the highest kind o f success
, ,

Like the water r ushin g down the falls of Nia g a ra

dragging all with it The same is time rushing down the

stream and dragging all along .

I dle hours and money plenty make people most

, ,
happy .

Like a bird beating against i ts cage even s o is man ,

be a t m g a g a m s t the cage O f time t o get the liberty o f his ,

soul .

Exhibit no impatience when being observed at the

The brightest thoughts emanate from a child s mind ,

after recess in school then all the mental and physical organs

are perfectly harmonized .

Little shoes and stockings scattered over the floor at ,

bed time is the index of sw eet voices prattling in the


morning n o t unlike little angels


Eat slowly an ordinary meal should occupy about


thirty minutes .

The knife is only to cut meat and ,

O ther articles of

You should use your fork to convey all foods to t he

mouth .

Do n ot fil l t he m out h too full .

God in his almighty power in the finest works is

, , t he
most powerful Gravitation is an illustration
. .

W edlocks like padlocks sometimes v ery bad locks, .

The reason of so many unhappy matches l adies sp end

too much time in making nets and not enough time in mak ,

ing cages ( Swift ) . .

Who weds a s ot , and gets a cot will lose the cot and
, t he
sot ( D utch )
. .

Having too many friends is more of an inj ur y than , ,

not to have any at all .

The medium to happiness is to know j ust enoug h , of

the right things .

In keeping the passions under subj ection , w eshould be

careful n ot to violate the laws of health .

A man like a brick must

, , g o through a furnace of fire
be f ore he is fit for use .

In deep solitude intellectual gems are picked up and ,

happily placed to make proverbs .

Among all words kindness stands above all it carri es

, ,

all the virtues .

Always looking at the right side develops a bright

ne s s that will last .

The richest promises in the Bible are in fav

or of the ,

It takes a pure heart to make a pu re li fe .

Churc h rivals are trimming our lamps for Christian

Closing a hole in the levee will stop a fright ful calamity .

A hole in an instrument of writing will sometimes cause , , ,

a great la ws uit .

am an American because America is for common ,

people ( M c Kin l e y )
. .

The Heavens declare thy righteousness , O h, Lord .

( Kin g David ) .

A religious spirit helps every man .

(M c Kin l e y )
I f a man has red hair and marries a woman with r ed ,

hair fight
, .

Deep water like a deep mind runs slowly

, , .

Salt in the sea keeps it from stagnating ; the spirit of

G od , in a man keeps him from stagna ting

To stop the water running into your cellar you must ,

stop the source ; to stop t he whiskey from running into your

mouth you must s t op the source

All s c r1p t u r e 1s given by inspiration of G od and i s ,

profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for i n

, , ,

struction 1n righteousness .

A hors e without a bridle is very unsafe ; a man without ,

rel i gion is also unsafe

, , ,

Resist the devil and he will flee from you

( Bible ) .

He that allows himself to be trodden on must not com ,

plain if he is trampled on ( Kent ) . .

A l ight tongue a light mind ; a heavy tongue a heavy

, ,

min d /

The song O f the birds tells the lati tude and the cli , ,


Hazel bushes are sti ff and ugly like an ugly Christ ,

ian willows are mild and humble like a good Christian , .

The world s greatest thoughts placed in one sentence , ,

would make a world gem .

The lever of the printing press is strong enough to ,

move the world .

Socrates wa s the greatest sage the world ever saw , .

Youth is the time when seeds of character are sown .

Whos oever lives a pio n s life blesses the race

, .

A dangerous ending may have its origin from delays ,

in r ight starting .

To do our best is what G od expects .

G olden days are the result of golden deeds


A week of work is not as bad as one day of worry


Do that for which you are fitted ; chickens can t swim
with ducks .

A well lighted lamp must be kept filled . A successful

man must be kept full o f pure blood .

Arts like life had their origin in darkness

, ,

A good many women act as if they were born to

wound a nd not to heal
, .

The n a re runs O ff when she gets too much oats ; the


bo v ru n s o fi when he gets t oo much of his father s money



O n ly the pure in heart can be brave and powerful .

Any kind O f light means day ; any kind of darkness

m ea n s night .

A m a n can n ot lead an impious lif e and die happy ; a ,

r a n can n ot walk a m ong thorns and not be pierced .

primiti ve creation and comparing the man ,

a g e brings us to the long periods that is in store for the


hu m an kingdom .

Mother and home are synonymous term s

, , .

The prayer of the tongue does not prepare us for hea

ven ; neither does the sight O f medicine cure the sick .

N O woman ever admitted that she laced too ti ghtl y .

ask a favor o f a man w ho is hun g r v



t ew r .

A D 1 58 5 Pope Gregory revised the almanac hence

. .
, , ,

the old and n e w s tyle of time

When whiskey entered the family a n d cha ed Christ


out it made it worse ; but when Christ entered the family


it was made better .

An educated hog still goes to the pool to wallow ; and

the educated drunkard still goes to the bar to s w al l ow beer .

When a man hungers after righteousness , he turn s

more Godlike in all things .

The world is still deceived with ornament s .

( Shakes
p e are ) .

It is not the rich and good eat a ble t hat makes the s

feast a success but it is the cheer f u l n ess O f the guests


Claredon )

The n 1ght i n g a l e can only si n g ,

on e song . an d is per
fe c t l y happy .

Thought takes a man out of servi t ude into freedom

, .

Look before y o u leap ; as you sow y ou reap .

( Butler ) .

He who believes t hat every heart is untrue has some ,

thi ng unsound at the core o f his o w n ( Eliza Cook ) . .

If you leap into the well Providence is not obliged to ,

pull you out .

Darkness at the right ti m e and at the right place

, .

ha s no shame .

Many people are like a big gun with a blank cartridge ,

when they go o ff it is all noise .

Crisp sayings are gems that crack


There are as many prodigal daughters as sons .

A mother is a mother all the days of her life ; a father


is a father until he has his second wife


The more knowledge w e have O f nature the nearer our ,

partnership stands with God .

Wrong doing and doing n othing are the same in God s ,

sight they are both noted violations


Daily work keeps your system O iled and keeps rust and ,

decay away ; like a machine you wear better and live ,

longer .

Don t belike t he farm er w ho laid a death trap for the

corncrib thief and w ho himsel f; was the first victim

, , .

Independence adds vigor and self reliance , .

Your bank account and your word should be

, , s y n on v

mous .

Never invest m oney , un less it contains solid value .

The di ff erent muscles of the body act harmoniously to ,

gether the same philosophy holds good in a well regulated

family .

The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want , .

( King
David ) .

Work as though you would live always and live as ,

though you would die to day ( M rs Rosalia Grabel ) . . .


To be of no church is dangerous ,
( Johnston ) .

A stitch in time saves nine ,

( Franklin ) .

As chaste as unsunned snow .

( Shakespeare ) .

A long kiss a kiss of youth and love

( Byron ) .

B e your own lawyer as much as poss i ble ,

s tud y c om

m e r ci a l law .

Choo se your associates ve rv discreetly .

The tru est wisdom is a resolute determination ,

( Bon
aparte ) .

All the women who have been d isappointed in love are ,

not O l d maids ; many of them are married .

It is said that a cheerful woman wi t h a happy expres

” ,

sion and man n er ; loo ks younger than he r age .

I f a woman wants a real w el eo r e when she returns

home she shoul d leave her baby with he r husband when
, ,

she goes away .

They are never alone w ho a

e ac co m pan i ed with noble
thoughts ( Sidney )
. .

Little minds are too m uch wounded by '

little things ;
great minds see all and are n ot hurt ,

Talent of success is n othing more or less than doin g

what you ca n do well without a thought o f fam e ( Long

fellow ) .

Plants stars tr e es and everything are m ade di fferent

, ,

t o g1 v e variety hence t he food f o r a human family should

, , ,

consist of a variety .

Speaking ill of an individual is the same as kicking at

a dead lion .

O ur patience will achieve more than our force .

( Ru s

A reputation for good j udgement fair dealing and for , ,

truth is a fortune ( Johnston )

. .

P repared food prepared sermons and prepared music

, ,

in a s ense of use are as the moon compared to the sun


There are many people t oo stingy to buy whisk ey to ,

get on a drunk .

Pointed nails are like pointed thoughts they dri v e ,

easily into the block ; sharp thoughts drive easily into the
blockhead .

Trolley lines do more to harm onize than all other ,

m ediums p ut together .

All things are possib l e to diligence and skill .

( Johns

The devil n ever fights in his own uni form ;

In brightening children large congregation s and large


school s a r e much better than s m aller ones it gives a better ,

O pportunity for the magnetic powers to act

, .

Example is the school of mankind .

( Burke ) .

N ature teaches us to love our friends ; religion

teaches us to love our enemies .

The most beautiful wom an may n ot be the most virtu

ous ; the bird having the most beauti ful plumage may not ,

be the sweetest s o ngster .

Health is very touchy disobey one of its command s ,

an d o ff it goes

It is kindness that makes life pleasant and w o rth living ,


Every great soul is touched with a passion of hum a n it v .

Dog fleas will n ot stay on a ea t ; an old toper will not

stay in church .

The fine art of livin g is to draw from each person

, ,

his best ( Whitin g )


Little by little the tiny coral builds the reef that wreck s
the great ship ; small sins little by littl e wreck the strongest , ,

mind s .

Silence yours el f and you silence your worst en emy,


It is n ot w hat we see but what we remember that de , ,

v e l op s ou r hi en t a l powers .

In L apl a nd the girl gets o n e third of the r ace i n t he

sta t
r and i f overtaken by the lover it means matrimon y
, .

hence few bad matches in Lapland

, .

Church and state must go hand

, , in hand both free
, ,

but mutually dependent .

The best friend a girl can have is a level headed ,


loving mother .

A beautiful day is indicated by the settin g sun ; a beau

t i ful resurrecti on is indicated by the setting sun of our

earthly day .

A good woman married to a bad man makes a dis ,

cord ; even so 1n m U S IC a good hym n married to a bad tune , , ,

makes d l S CO l d ‘


The average voter is a slave ,

to a bad political party ,

Too much ambition in men and too much v anity in ,

women leadeth them into snares


To be happy you must study the natural laws in as ,

much as they are laws of God and without understandin g ,

and O bserving them w e cannot be happy .

The smallest flowers are the forerunners o f the lovely


spring .

Religionillu minates a man s face sweetens his words ’

, ,

and elevates every action of his life .

I f you want to have good health keep your back esp e , ,

ci a l l y between your shoulder blades well covered , .

C ivilization and the hon ey bee go hand in hand , .

The Unit ed is calling for a better class of voters .

For the safety and perpetuation of a nation a pure ,

ballot box is much better than warships and bullets , .

Business first then pleasures

, .

Better be unpopular and pure in your vote than , p op u

lar and impure .

Love is l ike cobl e r ’

s wax the more you meddle with it
, ,

the more it will stick .

Unthinkin g obedience forms the deepest habit in

, ou r
nature .

For conj ugality in matrimony w e consult the animal ,

ki ngdom our institutions should teach this most important


O f a l l kn owledge


U sefulness is the rent we owe to the earth ; many p eo

ple are greatly in arrears and may lose their birthright at

the last great d a y .

High aim and a failure is not crime ; a low aim and

, ,

a failure is a crime

If vo u run t oo fast in anything you are sure to stumble .

The lo ver O ft

shuts his eyes and tells himself lies , .

Love is better to show and beautify th a n spectacles , .

Riches without content ment are more of a curse than a ,

blessin g .

What man has done man can do again , .

s tick to it i f you have a good business

, .

G re a t success ,
18 someth i ng that few can stand .

Be temperate work and do good to all men and you

, ,

w ill be a success in li fe .

Brain s s eek their equal the same as water , .

Forbear resenting inj uries avoid extremes ( Burke ) , . .

Marrying fo r wealth is selling one s liberty ’

, .

O f tw o evils chose neither

, .

Prudence is the index to success .

God has laws so deep and mysterious that they are ,

entirely hidden from man .

Anything to which God may call us is a high calling , .


The capitol at Hartford Conn is 3 00 feet long in the ,


summer and is three inches shorter in the winter E xp a n


sion and contraction causes it .

Plow dee p while the sl ugga rd sleeps and you shall ,

have corn to sell and to keep ( Cotton )

. .

By erosion ( as it goes on ) in ,
years all the ,

earth and seas wo uld be made level


Take all parts of the earth and we find ,

two earth
quakes a day some mild and some powerful

The weight of the sun is on e half that of water .

Glaciers to ,
feet deep run six feet a ,
d av .

running into the ocean and forming icebergs .

In the walls o f Balbec there e t cn e , ar c ut s

69 fe et
long fifteen feet high and s eventeen f e ct wi e
l .

Inte g ration o f rocks is the same a s rr en o r y both have


to be watched o r they will pass ove i n t o the g r eat field o f


oblivion .

In T e r r a d e l f u eg o sheets o f light n i n g
, ar e passing near
ly all the ti m e hence it is called t he l a nd
, , of fire .

Gilded tombs do , w orn s en fold .

( H B Allshouse
) . .

Tis more blessed to give t ha n t o receive .

is t he great e st ri v e r o f every good and perfect

G od

gi ft and when in partnership w ith him y o u have a part

, .

ner that will n ot leave y o u stick .

In all the w or ks of the creation G o d does n o t S ho w ,

his omnipotence m o r e t ha n in the creation o f about the

same number o f m a les and fem ales .

Marry in haste and repent at leisure,


Happy is the courtship that is short ,


A man s best or his worst fortune is his wife

, ,

M eddle not with what you do,

n ot understand .

No good ever comes from minding other people s busi
ness .

To have a finger in the pie .

True love often uses shocking grammar .

What will M rs Grundy say ? .

Listen at the ke y hole and you will hear news that , ,

will brin g the bristles straight up on your head ,


What appear calamities ar e often sources of fortune .

Rats desert a sinking ship .

There a r e four kin n ms on earth Mineral Vegetable ;

, ,

Animal and Human

, .

It takes sixteen years to make one day , on the planet

Neptune .

The kingdom of Greece sank twenty feet since the ,

days of Christ .


o speak of a man s faults behind his back is very ,

cowardly better tell him of his faults and trust to God for
, ,

the results .

You cannot hunt partridges with a band of m u sic ;

110 1 5 62 i n the wrong place turns success into failure .

Put cotton in your ears and you cannot hear ; put tobacco

in your mouth and you cannot taste .

May t he d e
vil cut the toes o ff all our enemies that ,
may know them by their limpin g .

The ring of a bell at a certain time in the day has a

, ,

v ery good eff ect ; it unifies the time of ev ery phase and ,

makes people better and more systematic


Go od words cost nothing and are worth much , .

Write inj uries in the d ust , but kindness on marble .

They hurt themselves who wrong others , .

Whatever is gi ven to the poor is laid up in heaven .

Charity commences at home but should , n ot end there .

God loveth a cheerful giver


As soon as the danger is past G od is forgotten .

I taught y o u to swim but , n o v y ou

. would drown

H e is a man every inch

, of hi m

Manners to a great extent make the

, , m an .

Beware present co m pany excepted

, .

There is a great force hidden in a sweet command .

I f all marriages are made in heaven I am sorry , to say ,

many belong to watered stock .

Marry your s on , when y ou will ; vour daughters ,

when you can .

For the very purpose t o get married you are requested ,

to leave father and mother ( Bibl e ) . .

Between the cradle and the grave there is no greater ,

step than matrimony .

The proper temperaments to suit vocations ,

a nd mat ri
m ony should be taught in school

In the same proportion that Sunday is kept sacred in ,

the same proportion people are civilized ,


Every child should be closely examined physically and

mentally touching the best vocations adapted for success
, ,

and happiness .

Persons w ho turn everything into ridicule to have a ,

coars e laugh shows unbounded ignoran ce


The i n tellectual laugh love laugh religious laugh

, , ,

w hite laugh an d hypocritical laugh all have their time and ,

p lac e

The expression of the face o f a shar p business man .

is the guide by which he handles his customers


Many people m ust be dead over a hundred years , be

fore their works begin to live .

Children should n ot have t oo m any playthings at a

time ; a man should n ot have t oo much money at a time .

Some sins paralyze the victim like the charming o f ,


a snake to give more time for the fatal fang to penetrate


deeper .

Some people are like a great flash of thunder and

lightning then the calmness then the funeral blank of
, ,

nothingness .

The time of the planet is mathematically co r rect , but

all the surrounding powers are based on volition .

Promote your friend s happiness and quit your non’

, ,

sense in drinking his health ; use common sense .

Graphite is mined in Siberia from which we realize our ,

lead pencils .

The body of a cigarette smoker turns black how about

his soul ?

hal f more men go in the saloon doors than go in

O ne -

the church doors .

hal f more E nglish newspapers are read than all

O n e- ,

the other papers put together .

Temperanc e is the greatest curse reducer in t he world ,

hence eve r y true patriot votes straight against it i r r e s p e c ,

tive o f party .

’v ’
I f you want y o u com p l e x o n good keep the ventilation

of your sleeping room good .

To the extent that people favor an animal to the same ,

extent their m inds incline .

Death produced from a bullet wound is accompan i ed ,

by great pain from a sword wound composure

, , .

Saints are made in the school of service and su ff ering .

Peace is an inward spirit not an outward condition , .

Failures are often caused by ha Vi n g too much s ucc es s .

Stead fastness is a virtue that makes saints and s tates

, ,

men .

There is a rank of mind as well as of birth .

A stout heart has always a good cause to ba ck it .

Business ne glected is business lost , .

Dr i v e your busines s ; don t ’

l et your b usines s dri v e y ou .

I have another fish to fry .

As busy as a bee .

Sell not thy cons cience with thy go o s d .

It is hard to pay fo r a dea d h ors e .

He who bl a ckens
O ther s , doe s n ot w hit en hi ms el f .

As sure as a g un .

Always h ave your measuring line long enou gh i n t he

world to reach into the other world

General observations are the j ewels , of kn owled ge .

Creditors have a better memory than debtors ( Fra nk , .

Bashfulness is as much to be a v oided as , t oo much as

surance .

To die well , on e must learn to live well .

( Co nf u ci u s ) .

A ship load of argument don t amount to as m uch ,

a single fact .

Man i s kin g in his own h ou s e .

Your blin ded by bei ng too gr eed y

e y e s a re .

Egy pt is the land that brought obelisks m onumen t s ,

and pyramids to the best degree of perf ection .

Donke ys like to h e ar their own voice .

In a healthy person the hal f O f the electricity in t he


body is positive and the other half negative hence an

, ,

eq uilibrium .

No part of natur e has pow er to develop in and of

, ,

itse l f ; all power is from God .

The number of males and females is about the same ; ,

a plain fact that the design of the creator is for every m a l e ,

to have a female and e v ery fem a le t o ha v e a mal e

. .

I f you can con q uer , an d you have persev e ranc e

, y ou

will con q uer .

Good works cannot emanate from the depraved neither


ca n light a nd darkness exis t t ogether .

Gossip does not a ff ect a pure conscience .

A tale ne v er loses in the telling .

Good patriots are always good Christians .

Hereditary drunkenness ten to one emanates from , , t he

m other s side


Natural water runs o u t of the rock unnatural wat er ,

m u s t be pumped ; even so in men some are natural and ,

s ome are unnatural fo ols .

God marked Cain for killing Abel ; G od als o marked , ,

the candy eater with a m outhful of rotten teeth .

Patriotis m: is love enthusi a sm courage and usefulnes s

, , .

Po verty and necessity are the great schools for

i n v en
tion and develop m ent .

The best life pres erver is -

a daily occupation at some
thin g useful .

Beware of thes e t hree kinds O f women ; the one that

does not love children ; the on e w ho does not lo ve flm e rs ,

a n d t he one w ho doe s n o: lo v e women .

Pompeii had barber shops when destroyed ,
A D .
7 9,
hence the index to civilization .

The S abbath day is the keyno te of the proper use of

The man w ho is ashamed to we ar overal ls is unworthy ,

to wear broadcloth .

It is the quiet people that are dange ou s


A little man often harbors a great soul .

Catch the bear before y o u sell the skin .

Poor people can live peaceably together in on e house ;

two kings cannot live peaceably together in the s ame king
d om .

The poor man seeks fo r food : t he r ich man for appc

The man that does n ot blush ,

ha s the brutish nature
predominating .

In peace prepare
fo r w a r .

When all m en say that you are a mule get your kick ,

ing qualities into shape .

R .

An e r r or grace fully ackn o wledged is

, a victory won .

Temperance an d labor , are the two bes t physician s to .

men ( Rossea u )
. .

P r osperity doth best discover vice ; adversity doth be s t

discover virtue .

ur primitive advantages pr operly cu l tivated are the

O , ,

true index to civil i zation ;

By the very constitution of our own nature moral , ev il

has its o w n curse .

The small letters hurt the sight so do small matters , ,

hi m that is too much intent on them .

Despise n ot the day of small things .

The surest plan not to fail is the determination not to ,

Everything that happens G o d runs through all of it ;


n othing can exist without a cause .

Industry is prosperity s right ’

h and .

Knowledge is the wing to heaven : ignorance is God s

, ,

curse .

Until men have learned industry economy , an d self

control they cannot be safely trusted with
, wealth .

( B riggs ) .

I f a man is sure he is ri ght he can t be too radical ’


A tree does not fall a t t he first stroke .

A man apt to promise apt to forget , .

BO O K O F PR O VER BS . 531

A boy is like a willow when young is easily bent ;

, ,

but when old he is stubborn .

You must tie a m i s chi e veous cur sho rt ; you must tie
a mischievious boy short .


H e l o st all by wanting too much .

The m i ser and the fat pig are alike ; they

, ,
a re no good
u ntil the y are dead .

Hair splittin g ,
is very unpopular in religion or any ,

thin g else .

Beauty draws more than ten horses ; beauty an d mag

n et i s m travel on the same wire

Fair faces need no paint ,


Folly and beauty are often close ,

c o m p a nion s .

Great beauty and good unders t anding rarely go to

, ,

gether .

Beauty is a good intr oduction lon g a s it don t talk ’


, as

too much ,

It is a mistake that capi t al alone is necessary to

su c

cess ; head and hands will soon procu re wealth .

Begin to save early in life let it be ever so little

, . .

A man of honor respects hi s word as he does his note

, .

Shun law suits and never take any money risks which
, ,

you can avo rd .

When w e have On e fact found us we are a p t to supply ,

the next out of your o wn imagination ( Holmes ) . .


I dle hours are always very dangerous they can make ,

us very good or very bad ,


Great di fficulties overcome only show how great ,

are and how great w e can be

The greatest book of useful thoughts is the book of ,

maxims .

Whisky prepares a man to butcher his wife murder ,

his children and then put the knife to his own throat

live for others develops

T o t he fullest happiness for
this life and for the life to come

I f you can t bring sunshin e in your religion people


don t want it


The mea ning to a life is action in all your operations

Runn i ng t o m eet trouble multiplies it ten fold

, .

Prayer should be at regular intervals in a well regu ,

lated family .

The greatest barrier to spiritual prayer is a proud and ,

unsurrendered heart .

the hil l tops the valleys look the most beautiful ;

in the valley of oppression the beauties of a high and pure ,

li fe S how the most beautiful .

The greatest conquerer is true courage in every under ,

tak i ng .

Jesus lived a stormy life th at he might be a brother to ,

the workman .

Pride , a l w a vs goes before a fall


There is not any part o f any creature in col o r , , , or

shape but what is made an index to its charact er


Evil communicati on s corrupt good ma nne rs .

( Bibl e ) .

I t matter s not how lon g we live but ,

how .
( aily )
B .

Religion bri g hten s t he soul ; pleas u re s rust t he s ou l .

T he sou l n eve r g r o ws old .

( L on g f e l l o w ) .

T he d e v i l ha s th r e e prongs on h i s satanic fo rk ; t he
chu r ch ha s three pron g s to h e r s piritual fork Fa the r S on

, , ,

a n d Holy G h os t .

Don ’
t h id e y ou r l i g ht und e r a b us h e l .

T he limb s t hat hang the l owest ha v e , t he mos t a ppl es .

H umanity gain s more friends th a n pride .

T he groves were G od s first tem ples ’ “

" M an

p ropos e s ; God disposes .

Ba d n e ws ,
i s t he first to come .

H e that tells his wife all his news ,

is lately m a r ri e d .

By n ight an infidel is a hal f believer

, , .

Beauty vanishes ; virtue remains fore v er .

H ow remarkably goodness brighten s b ea uty

, .

T he cobbler ,
st icks to his l a s t .

The merchant w ho se lls upon cr e dit , ha s m uch cu s om ,

but littl e mon ey .

Wo od ashes is the best tooth powder on earth ; it adds

health to the teeth .

From a single bone the Archaeologist constructs a per


feet creature .


Every woman that marries puts her self in line with ,

reformer s .

A ga l lon o f water weighs ten pounds . A gallon of

m ercury weighs I 3 57 pounds

Wide glancing eyes distrustful ,


In the construction of publ ic road s we , are sti l l lingering

in the dark ages .

Robert Morris the best financier in America died in

, ,

poverty and in prison .

Upturned eyes , a re a sign of devotion .

Wide open eyes ; rashness .

Small eyes cunning ,


In hunting as in love y ou begin when you like and

, , ,

leave O ff when you can ( Spanish ) . .

W ho says he loves and is not wretched lies

, ,
( Baily ) .

Sabbath keeping prepares us ,

for week day living

The only way y o u can live a second life is t o live the ,

first s o that its memories will linger when y o u are dead .

Many people step on sharp prongs of temptation and ,

l i mp the remaining days o f their life .

Coming events cast their shadows before .


A single profane word betrays a man s ,

l ow breeding .

( Joseph Cook ) .

Whatever y o u dislike in another person correct the ,

same fault in yoursel f .

Kindness has converted more sinners than eloq uence

, .

zeal and learn i ng .

People doing the right thing in a short time like , to do

the right thing all the time .

Christianity makes people gentle and easily controlled , .

Never contract a close friendship with a woman who ,

is not better than yourself ( Confucius ) . .

A quiet friend is better than a zealous

, on e , who is
noisy .

Cheerful ness is the atmosphere that is like the spring ,

shower to veg i t a t i on

Conscience is the voice of the soul ; the passions are

the voice o f the bO ( l \

Small bo ats should keep near the shore large ones can ,

venture more ( Franklin )

. .

The best bank is the one that , p laces money where it

does the most good .

Every one has his ow n gait ; every one has his ow n

accent .

We should conform our v ocation with nature s motion .

Loose thinking leads to loose character .

G od help the poor . T he rich can help themselves .


The declaration o f the pilgr i ms before they set foot on ,

American soil w a s that the s chool house and church sho uld

g o hand in hand .

Every man has hi s faults .

L et him that is without sin cast the fi r st stone ( Bible )

. .

They w ho live in gla s s houses shoul d ,

n ot throw stones .

Adam mu s t ha v e an Eve to blame . for all his faults .

Whipping a man over a nother s shoulders .

It is a good hors e that never stumbles it is a good wi fe ,

that never g rumbles .

H ungry as a church m ouse .

Without a friend the world is a wildernes s

, .

Love rules kingdoms without the sword , .

A pack of cards is the devil s prayer book ’


Wh a t shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world

and lose his o w n soul ?( Bible )

A prophet is n o t without honor save in his o wn country ,

and in his o w n household .

The highest tree has the greatest fall .

I f the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch
, .

J oy and sorrow are next door neighbors

, .

He w ho dies in the vigor of life dies the b est

, .

All the remedies and preventions will , n ot stop death .


Nature never says that which Wisdom will contra ,

dict ( Juvenile )
. .

The desire to resist oppression is planted in every , man .

( Lucretius ) .

1 o
Trust n ot , t oo much an enchanting face
( Virgile ) .

As happy as a sunflower ,

Anything in your physical fram e that don t hurt leave ,

it alo n e .

Blessed is the m a n w ho walketh n ot in the cou n c i l o f

the ungodly who is delighted in the law o f the Lor d

( Bibl e ) .

Great moral worth emanates from great mental con e en

t r a t i on s and perseverance .

We should not be impatie n t o f our progress in life , al

though dar kn e s s a n d o s co u r a g e m e n t m a v s u rro u n d u s


The graveyard is a city that keeps on growi n g

, , y ear
after year no panics ,

We have no more right t o say unkind words abo u t o ur

neighbors than we have a right to steal their apples


peaches ; both are stealing .

The most beautiful life to live is to live always in touch ,

with the laws of nature .

The less you care for men s opinions the more they ’

care f o r yours .

Get in touch with the meanest men and there you find ,

traits o f character that are better than your own .

Never cross a bridge before , y ou come to it .


The m i nd unoccupied develops evil spirits more and , ,

more day by day


N 0 part o f nature has power to develop motion in and

of itself ; all power comes from G o d .

A p itcher that of goes to the well is broken at last

t , .

Be sure that you try the ice before you venture on it ,


Keep the common r oad then you are safe , .

O ounce
ne of mirth is worth a thou s and weight

melancholy .

Death is the greate s t leveller . It is the all in all uni , ,

Y oung men may die O ld men must ,

d ie

The grave level s all distinction s they that live longes t ,

must die at a s t .

Do not speak ill of the dead .

The fi rst breath is the beginning of death .

Whom the gods love die young , .

S ix feet of earth makes all men equal

, .

O h , how soon the dead a re forgotten "

A n hour may destroy what an age was building , .

I t is much better to die young and honorable than to ,

live an age of dishonor .

H e carries two faces under ,

on e hood .

Procrastination is the thief of time


A man s char acter ’

, on all sides should be square

, .

When y o u know n ot what to d o, wait .

Your second thoughts are the best , .

Think much speak little and write less

, , .

It is easier t o suppress the first desire than to satis fy ,

all that may follow .

Man wants but little here below nor wants that little ,

If wishes wou l d be true farmers would be kings

, .

He is a very hard nut to crack .

What a da y may bring a day may take away

, .

N o on e knows what may happen before the sun goes ,

down .

We ought to watch well that which we can only once

d ecide .

The faster rivers flo w the purer the water the faster

, , ,

vo u move in the a ff airs o f life the purer your life , .

O ur forefathers termed geology freaks , of nature .

A man of words and ,

n ot o f deeds is like a garden full

of weeds .

Tmake laws complete they should reward us as well

O , ,

as punish .

T o err is human ,
to forgive is divine ( Pope ) . .

Speaking t oo much is a sign of van ity .


Never hold a man by the hand t o hear the end of a

story I f he don t want to stay better hold your tongue


Did y ou ever hear o f a person family or Church that

, ,

could hold whiskey and Christ in the sa me place

The widow has to pay her taxes but on account of her ,

s ex she can t vote A s hame . .

Ta ste and reason are very small but the the orga ns of ,

s ight and hearing are very acute in the North A merican

I ndian .


Don t apply law to anything that morality can a ecom

A wretched soul ,
bruised with adversity .
( Shake
speare ) .

coughing and expectorating are not permit

S n e ezm g,

ted in decent society .

Never call across the street ; never carry on a conversa

t i on in a publ i c veh i cle unless you are seated side by side
, .

Brown eye s are t he strongest .

N O t hi n g in nature s laws that don t add to man s hap

’ ’ ’

p i n e s s if pro p erly utili z ed .

The sovereignty of the Creator is equally proportioned ,

in all his works .

An unborn child has no knowledge o f the life on earth ;

neither has a man any knowledge of the life in the next
w orld .

A church steeple that don t vibrate is not right un ’

, ,

s afe A stolid and rigid man that don t bend is not right ’
, , ,

unsafe .

W hen I
a child I spake as a child and I thought
wa s , ,

a s a child ; but when I became a man I put away childish

things ( Saint Paul )

. .

I will sing a new song unto thee , O God .

( Psalms ) .

It is very rare that y o u find very strong love without ,

j ealousy

It wa s the s till small voice that br ought the, ,

a nswer .

( Bible ) .

The ea r th being so full o f wealth notwithstanding it

, ,

is very hard to get enough o f it t o keep the wolf from t he

door .

Gold enlarges the vision of fools the same a s the micro ,

scope enlar g e s the vision of the scienti sts .

The white u n d efil e d m ind of a child is like the rich soil

, ,

in your garden both are the subj ects of very care ful plant
— - -

ing o f the first s eeds

, .

Young man go we st , .
( H orace G reely ) .

I pity the man that drinks w hen the dem on o f thirst ,

is in his throat a n d every drop of blood in his body is call


ing for rum rum rum , , .

The church and all the powers inve sted in man should
, ,

use all exert i ons to remove intoxicants fr om the unperverted

appetites .

G have d
pity on the slave o f a perverted appetite and
show h i m the blessing o f temperance and the curse o f i n ,

t e mpe ra nce .

It is said that a l l d i s e a s e s originate from g erm s The

germs that produce love sickness are n ot yet classified and -


placed i n the list .


Sound m oral training is the surest pledge

, , o f good
citizenship .

Your character is estimated the same as those with ,

whom you associate .

A little assistance is worth a l ot of advice .

He w ho slanders another smites himself , .

The best praise of a s ermon is its practice , .

Boiling anger scalds nobody but yoursel f , ,

Friends multiply both j oys and griefs .

Nothing blisters your character more than reading bad ,

literature .

, W hi Ch W 6 c annot enj oy with others is only hal f ,

a Joy .

Maxims , are condensed good sense , of all nations and

Should grace be said at the t a bl e, a t t en t i on and rever


ence should be t he order .

Shabby gentility is one , of the most O bj ectionable forms

of snobbishness .

A sheet o f paper is O f little value ; value is developed

by the matter that is placed upon it .

Crude steel is n ot high in price , the dexterity of the

machinery on it makes the high price ; knowledge through

schooling makes a man valuable .

Nearly all failures are based on the fact that he missed


his proper calling .


Cult i vate some art by which ,

to gain an independent
l ivlihood .
( H on Horace Mann )
. .

Leave well enough alone .


There is much more good in people than bad and if , we

look f or the go od in people we overlook the bad , .

Be patient with the i n fi r m i t i es of your neighbor ; j udge

people by their merits .

Sweet songs are sung in sorrow : sorrow looks up and

j y looks down

Some men have wheel s in the i r heads all they need i s ,

t o start them r unning in the right direction and in the right ,

vocation .

D put a girl having natural musical talent in the

o n ot , ,

grocery store .

As blind as a bat .

Poverty shows whom our friend s are .

Poverty is no sin but is very inconvenient .

I t is no sin to be poor .

We ha i e the poor always with

r us .

N ever cry , hello ,

until y ou are ou t o f the w ood s .

B eware o f the man o f on e book .

The p oor man seeks f o r food ; the rich man for a p pe e

T he ma n that blushes t he mo st ha s the least brute in


The more a Christian surrenders to G od , the more

power he gets from God .

T he laws of gravity gives draught t o the chimney ,

which is on e of the blessings o f earth where women are ,

sensitive .

Maxi m s do more in convincing than long arguments ; ,

sheet lightning don t set a house on fire forked lightning

will set fire t o anything that burns .

A roller that runs fast don t break the clods as well as


one t hat r u n s s l o w e r ; the same in a tongue when it runs ,

fast it don t carry much weight


Knowledge i s power if placed in the right direction

, ,

but when placed in the wrong direction it brings destruction ,

mentally physically and spiritually

, .

Be sure you are right then go a head ( David Crocket )

, . .

To be d i s s a t i s fi e d , means only a selfish and complaining

spirit .

Curiosity is the most fatal element in the line of te mp t a

tion especially t o the young ladies
, .

Ability develops responsibility ; ability is abused when

n ot used .

many people are Christians but not Jesus Christians , .

Chinaman )

Nature W i ll not always smile on you but she will turn ,

her heels and let fly to teach you that you cannot sail on

flowery beds of eas e

All in a nut shell ; how is it when filled with vermin a n d

decay Even so in man when filled with vermin and decay ,

and the shell being all right .


Night never overtakes those who travel in the S pi ri

tual light .

As poor as church mous e


As poor as Job .

Ki l l t w o birds with stone

on e .

Pruden ce i s ,
the p a r e n t of succe s s .

Always be on the s afe s ide .

I f possible have two strings to your bow


B eware of l ittle expenses ; small leaks may sin k a great

Saving i s a greater art than gaining



A fin e ca g e will not feed the bird .

A good man will as soon run into ,

a fi re as into a q uar

No ,

The mob has many head s but lacks brains

and yes ,

develop m a ny mighty
war s

H e who is well satis fi ed is well paid .

R evenge i s sweet .

W ealth con q uered Rome after Rome had conquered ,

the world .

Fortune knocks once at every man s door .

The north of Ireland develops the most manly o rgan

i zed people on the face of the earth


The best rule of i zo r a l conduct next , to G od , is respect

to time .

Bad money always comes back .

What the eyes a re to the bO Cl V ’

earth is to the soul .

The torrid and frigid zones have the poorest organ

, ,

i zed people on the face o f the earth

, .

A good knowledge of the bible is the best all around


education on earth .

The gu ide to right is the unperverted reason and

, , c on
science .


Habit is ten times nature .

( Wellington ) .

In all the a ction of life do not expect anything then , ,

vo u are n ot disappointed ( Ar temus Ward ) .

Wine is a m ocker strong d r ink is raging and whoso , ,

ever i s deceived thereby is n ot wise ( Bible ) , . .

Good tem per is an essential quality in all great manli ,

ness .

We must press on to perfection we can t drift there



We should cultivate a good temper should it be f o r ,

nothing else then the foundation o f a pleasant neighbor

, ,

and good citizen .

T o everything there is reason and a time ,

to every pur
pose .
( Bible ) .

L ove
s s o ftest words carry the fact in the most powe r

, ,

ful argument .

D nothing today that will repent of tomorrow

O , y u
o .

The man w ho talks very loud lacks refinem ent and ,

may lose his j ob .

Every day a certain amou nt

of uphill work is nece s sary

fo r happiness .

Building property for a beautiful home develops more ,

a ctual happi ness than the occupancy O f the s am e


Teaching and training children is the noblest , p ro f e s

s ion on the face of the earth


M emory is the distributary of the mind so it is ,

im p o s
s ible for a great mind to have a good memory .

A young man linking with great men is more s uccess

, ,

ful than facing the cold facts of li fe alone


To follow after success is dangerous ; it is sure to lead

to ruin .

Anything that mak es a human being happy is ,

n ot tri

My country t i s of thee ; sweet land of libert y

, .

From ten to fifteen years of age is the turning point in ,

boys and girls At this period they are going to show


t heir colors for future life


H e is a dude .

S he is a regular flirt .

C ome unto me all ye ends o f the earth and I will give
, ,

y ou rest .

A scolding wi fe and a smoky chimney are two bad , ,

companions .

Gains gotten by a lie will burn your fingers

, ,

The great bow to children as much as to lords

, ,

The setti n g hen gathers no feathers but she makes it


up in the bro od of nice little chicks .

The st one that rolls out of the q uarry is not a mos s ,

back but ever ready to support the mighty structure of


usefulness .

If vou work an d make one penny you are one p enny

richer .

the iron when it is hot ; young m an , strike when
vour blood is hot .

Be ashamed to die until you have gained some victory

, ,

for humanity .

Manners ,
a re orna ments of action .
( Smiles ) .

Failure is im possible if the right man is placed in


the right place .

A man that is good is the best thing in the world , . .

Anonymous )

Perfection is the fact that puts men in the highest ,

places .

Skilled in any art gives you prestige that nothing else ,

Vi l l give .


To help others is bread , c a s t u p on the waters .

He that l i s t en et h to lying vanities forsaketh his own ,

mercy .

Be swift to hear and slow to speak .


We should not neglect the people in the drawing room .

Slang is vulgar in all conversation .

Never interrupt the speech of anothe r .

Always adopt a pleasant mode of address .

Adapt your conversation to your company .

Proverbs are sharp pointed sayings . Mu ch thought

contain ed in a s m all amount o f reading .

When y o u see the fla g m a n holding out the red flag ,

rest assured a train is coming The same in the old Bible


it is the red flag of the N ew Testament .

from the fi r St family through all time caus

R eligion , ,

ed the most discord in families and nations Whiskey .

comes the next in the list .

The ch urch that is forever figuring how to raise money

, ,

will n ot cut much of a figure in raising the w orld .

When G o d gave death as a blessing he will ,

n ot be any
less ungracious in any other gift .

No m a n can end with being superior who will not , be

gin by bein g inferior .

Great occasions make great men .

( Matthew ) .

Be noble and the nobleness that lies sleeping will rise ,

in maj esty to meet your own ( Lowell )

. .

will not commit a sin unless some point is uncover

Y ou
ed Just a t the wrong time the sheep will bleat and the

oxen bellow .

When j oy comes grief goes ;

we dont know ’
ho w

Po verty ,
trans formed into prosperity ,
ma kes the
mighty me n o f the earth .

Predicted i m p o s s ibi l it i e s , hi t che d to genius make the


world move .

P ropped b ridges O ften develope new ideas that , r e vo u l ~

t i on i z e bridge buildin g .

A yankee in the state of Maine watching a hornet

, ,

buildin g her nest from the wood material aroused hi s ,

genius to make paper out of wood which transformed ,

the manufacturing of paper over the whole world .

Necessit y is the mother of invention .

( O l d M ax i m ) .

Diligence is the swivel that can be turned t w o ways ,

it can be turned f or good or it can be turned for bad .

The bee t h at has the most s weet fo r the winter , was

the busiest bee f

L a zm e s s
is a sin it is the backbon e of a law civiliza

t i on ; i t breeds all manner o f vice and degradation .

The Bible has not on e good word ,

for the m an that
does not work .

It is a sad house where the hen crows the loudest .

ol d

B etter an man s d arling , than a young man s slave ’

An O ld batchelor is onl y the hal f

, of a pair of scissors .

Every new invention is a g rand temperance lecture .

The hostess should have ready w it , and a merry laugh .

Invitation to a dinner should be immediately rej ected or

a ccepted .

Blessed are the poor in spirit for the i rs i s the King ,

d om of Heaven .

O ne may smile and smile and be a villain

, , .

Better late than never .

Defer not until tomorrow what can be done today , .

Necessity is a good teacher .

The cat in bo ots catches no mice .

Don t make your nose blush for the

sins of your
mouth .

Strike while the iron is hot .

Small brooks make the greatest noise .

Silence gives

Be silent and pass for a phi l osopher .

The last drop makes t he c u p

run over .

Never grieve over spilt milk .

When a thing is done make the best of it , .

Envy never enriches any man .

Human blood is all one color .

Evil to him , w ho evil thinks .

Every age confutes old errors and begets new ones , .

Though you seem to get the best of whiskey it is sure ,


get the best of you .


Neve r place waste matter on the table .

I f you are asked if you have no choice answer prom pt

, ,

Do not cut your bre ad break it ,


Do not pick your teeth or put your fi nger in your ,

mouth at the table


A l low others the privilege of talking on their merits .

A void a fault finding and s colding mann e r

, .

When a thing don t suit say so q uietly


A good h ousekeeper will also attend , ,

to her d a ily ac
counts .

We should i nterest oursel v es i n t he a mus em ent of ou r

servants .

The public schools are the g reatest ci v ili z e rs on ea rth .

Ne v er betray a con fi dence .

Do not borrow and neglect to pay .

A lady should avoid all hurry and bustle in travelin g , .

Cleanliness is the outwar d sign

, O f inward purity .

I t is a duty to always look pleased


No lady or gentleman will bite their finger nails

, , .

D not refuse to take the last piece of bread or cak e

O -

from the plat e .

Good manners are made up of petty sacrifices .


Precious O intments are put in small boxes .

To leave on e in the lurch is ungentlemanly

, .

Good taste rej ects squeamish nicety ; it treats little

things as little things and is n ot hurt
, , .

The tyrant excus es his devilishness by his ow n acts .

O ur federal union must be preserved .

( Jackson ) .

To be prepared f or war is the most e ff ectual means of ,

preserving peace ( Washington ). .

Y ou can t knit and be angry


An invention will do more than dreamy years .

( Beech

Give me liberty or give me death .

( Pr
r ick Henry ) .

— ‘

You m a y beric h and pure but it will cost you a big ,

struggle .
( Beecher ) .

The com m on l a w itself ,

is nothing but reason .

While y o u 11 r
e, tell the truth a nd shame the devil .

( Shakespeare ) .

A great long beard don t make a philosopher



Never ask q uestions until your t i me comes .

A little bait catches large fish .

Curiosity aroused a bad disposition and the cat was ,


What a blessing it would be i f , w e could throw all our

cares to the wind .

not for metals where there are none ; don t plug after ’

talents that you have not .

A clearness and push in a vocation assures success

, , .

Mistakes in spelling are like stu bling horses up and

, m ,

down .

Keeps your tracks covered pass as you go , .

( Max i m ) .

Lookin g many times at a thing will teach you facts ,

that you never thought of .

To write a nice hand is an ,

t that stands as a climax
above all others .

I f we learn to valu e - h ute s we learn to appreci ate


etern ity .

Correct stone throwing made David king of Isreal ; ,

cultivate stone throwin g .

Conscience is reason s golden chain that developes more ,

to m a ke a man a man than all the schools and churches

, ,

are doing .

I f a man talks to you answer , hi m promptly do the


same i n your letters .

Roundabout ans wers are like anonymous letters das

, ,

ta r d l y, cowardly and mean

, .

S oft answers don t cost any more than gru ff ones and


are so much better .

to children is a grand trait in favor of ,

nobility of character .

Pleasure is the oil of life ; business is the lever that

makes the world mo v e .

Politeness is benevolent in small things ; e ven a dog

gets bread by wagging his tail .

Keep your eyes wide open before marriage and half ,

shut after .

Be not weary in well doing .

I f y ou save a rogue from the gallows he will rob you

the same night .

Cast bread upon the waters for thou shalt find it after ,

m any days .

Charity covereth a multit ude o f sins .

He who giveth to the poor lendeth ,

to the Lord .

( Bible )

None become poor by giving alms .

Liberal h a nds make many friends .

Never look a gift horse in the mouth .

Too much of a good thing is worse than none at all .

I f God is for us , w ho shall be against us .

Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad , .

He certainly is a good man whom fortune makes bet

A hint fo r a gentleman ; a club for a fool .

He that marries for wealth sells his liberty , .

Never attempt to change the color of you r hair by

m eans of dyes .

In deep solitude o f the wilderness is the place to ,


c e i v e spiritual pro g ress God i s nearer it is vitalized

, , .

Sp read wide thy skirts when he aven is raining , g old .

( Proverb ) .

Penitence in the wildernes s ,

fit s peo ple to appreciat e
God in nature .

A reasonable use of intoxicating drink may a ppear all

right ; like a rattlesnake a fter its fangs are in t he fle sh it i s ,

all wrong .

aid ,

A wise student s greatest is to grow into m or a l
and spiritual beauty .

Every insect has its enemy ; e v ery human bein g ha s i t s

enemy .

B e re ady for death at all times t hen you can t be taken

by surpris e .

I f a man s spiritua l nature is blinded by anythin g he


is in a worse condition than a brute .

The more electricity in anything the more God power it ,

In the great throngs of the city behol d the immense ,

peculiarities in the physiognomies and read the great laws ,

of humanity .

Parties having the most animal nature are possessed ,

with the most magnetism .

Much education is buried in graveyards but no good ,

health is buried there .

Consci ence speaks all the time ; when you contem

p l a t e bad actions it is sure , to speak l oudes t .

Lop O ff branches to give a good chance to the tr ee to


develop the same in learning lop O ff the needless branche s

, , ,

and give t he child a chance to develop .

Enthusiasm is the mother ,

of greatne s s .

Reason is the life of law ; it

is the gr eat balan ce wheel .

Rul e rs must bey the law

o .

T O multiply law i s an index ,

to we a kn ess .

Grea t s everi ty o f law , p revents its execution .

Good law makes it easier to do right

, .

Genuine law is a large bundle of common

, s en s e .

Law is the standard of liberty , a nd its true guardian .

The cli mate that takes the least work to support life ,

the poorest for high cultivation .

He w ho fi ghts and runs away may li v e to fi ght som e

other day .

Let all thin g s be done decent l y and in order , ,

Cloudy days are m ore gloomy therefore sickness and ,

suicide are much more prolific ; hence it is essential to hav e

lots of sunlight for a healthy and cheerful home .

I n v ention s are the power of progress and are the ,

em a
nation O f plain people .

Good preparation s are the greatest essentials to future


success in all things .

The minister of the gospel stands on the highest ,

watch tower of all human callings .


O ne d run k
brought disgrace to Noah s family ; the
s ame philosophy holds good in man y other familie s .

The upper part of the forehead full at the corners , ,

a sign of good c ommon s ense mother wit ‘

, .

Study your body the same as your every d ay business ,

an d quit physic .

The whistle of the railroad engine ,

is her language ,

the same as man has hi s language .

The la gest pro portion o f young folks die between the


ages o f 1 8 and 2 2 from consumption transmitted by kiss

, ,

ing .

The average age of the prize fi ghter is n ot gre a t .

Wood trans formed into coal is fossilized wood ; a ,

bad man trans fo rmed into a good man is a S piritualized ,

man .

Not to oversee workmen is to leave them your purse , .

John the Baptist was the forerunner of Chri s t . Every

thing has a forerunner .

The voice of nature is the voice

, of God .

P ri de wild ambition and sel fi shness make dangerous

, ,

companions .

The darkest night gives the brightest flash light f or

a picture even s o in man the darkest night o f trouble
, , ,

g ives the brightest spiritual flash .

All trees vegetables and insects if i n their right place

, , ,

minister to man .

Kindne ss is the v aluable part in a good business life , .

Hogs ,
Indians ,
bears and drunkards like beer and
W hl S ke V .

The best protection against disease germs is to have ,

a healthy body .

The best way to fight sin is to have a healthy soul

, .

To develop happiness t o its fullest limit is to do the ,

m ost good and not know it .

meet persons w ho never have a kind thought or

Y ou ,

word for others because they are so much wrapped up i n


their ow n sel i sh n ess f .

A happy home has all the sweet blendings of humanity

family w a s ever very

N O happy , where on e of the
members acted as he pleased .

i ’

the di ff erent natures in minds w e often

Be ca u s e of ,

have to surrender our rights to keep harmony in the home ,


Bodily defects are never noticed by persons who have ,

t he right kind of breeding .

No individual w a s ever defeated who , ha d the right

determination to get to heaven .

In teaching children the town lines in the early history ,

of England they were taken to the town limit and there

, ,

given a good thrashin g .

To whip a child for mischief m akes such a vivid i m ,

pression that as long as they live it will be remembered

, ,

and a mild reproof would have answered .

O ne cannot always be a hero but he can always be ,

a man .
( Goethe ) .

A s rum goe s in religion goes out

( Sam Jones ) .

Act i ons from principles for doing good are as lasting

‘ ‘

, ,

as the ages of eternity .

Continuit y i s the greatest link


of popularity goodnes s

and usefulness ;

I f a child say s bad words don t let the child know that ,

you hear it ; i f you correct it sharply it will make an impres ,

sion that will be life long .

There is more danger in people bel n g so v ery good ,

t hat they are good for nothing than being good and bad
alternately .

No one should be permitted to teach school unless he ,

has a sweet temper .

Avoid angry people the same ,

as a polecat .

H ome is made happy by loving and sweet dispositions


The blood does not circulate harmoniously in person s ,

have uneven tempers .

I f you want to live long keep a sweet , an d j oyful tem

per a t all times .

Heaven is lov e and sweetness all the time ; fiery and ,

angry temperaments are n ot permitted there .

Electrify a lecture or a sermon and it is a power


I f there was no magnetism in the solar system it would ,

The great danger in greed for wealth 1 8 that it will

crush out the spiritual sentiments and leave a barren castle ,

for all manner of wild beasts .


M ost things are easier to learn than to unlearn ,

. .

The stream of trouble is the stepping stone that pre

pares u s for a higher life and a greater reward , .

Great men are great n ot made so by riches or educa


tion hence we look to them as w e look at great animals

, ,

or great trees .

The hornet has two ends , on e is a business end which ,

must not be fooled with .

When you forget self then you are in good shape to ,

assist your neighbor .

In bus i ness character counts especially in the p ayment

, ,

of debts .

Eight hours o f sleep for a ma n , nine hours for a

woman and ten hours for a child .

The m a n who in a very good cause is a kicker is an

, ,

ugly drone under the wheels of progress .

Take care of the pence the pounds will take care of ,

themselves .

Leave o ff the j est when it is the merriest .

O ne link broken the whole chain is broken

, .

A small spark can make a great fire .

A short h o rse is soon curried .

It is a poor rule that will not work both ways .

To be killed with kindness is the easiest death , .

A merciful m an is merciful to his beast .


T oo much rest i s the most painful of anything ,


e a rth .

Great perseverance brin gs great success .

When y ou buy another farm you add another ,

r e s p on

s i bi l i t y to your over taxed mind -


Two ears to one tongue therefore hear twice as much


as you say

Saving is a greater art than gaining .

Unto the pure all things are pure


Cleanliness is next to godline s s .

It is better to dwell in the wildernes s than with a ,

t en t i ou s w oman

A ho use divided against itsel f cannot stand ,

Wh en two dogs strive for a bone a third run s , a wa y

with it

I have a crow to pick with

Deep rivers run slowly and in silence ; s hallow brooks


are noisy .

The worst wheel of a cart creaks most empty v essel s ,

m ake the most noise .

Every hill has its valley .

He robbed Peter to pay Paul .

The blood of the martyrs is the seed , of the church .

A Christian is the highest style of a gentleman .


The best a r t i fi ca l nose paint is lightning whiskey

, .

A brilliant and sharp mind is not reliable and not ,

deep ; not good for council .

Wisdom s ways are ways of pl easantness and all her

, ,

paths are peace ( Maxim ) . .

To work on the dark side for a season : When the

bright side appears you are schooled to appreciate it
, .

Nothing so contagious as example ,


You can walk further on a rolling road than on a l evel ,

road ; a life of ups and downs is better than a sm ooth one ,

for long li fe and happiness .

I f a man keeps his head for a hat rack he is not fit to ,

fight hornets .

The success of a church depends on t he spirituality

, ,

more than n the members ; the members are the cha ff spiri ,

t u a l i t y is t he vitality .

_ _ —0
Don t strike natu re straight in the face it will rebound ;

strike it oblique ; the same law holds good in all the a ff airs
of our existence .

Shooting over the tops of trees will not kill squirrels ,

preaching over the heads of the congregation will not kill ,

sm n ers .

Better for the United States i f one fourth les s books -

were in existence ; many of them are full a f deadly microbes

and dyspepsia .

Nine tenths of the fatalities of disease is from the f ear ,

that the symptoms mean death .

The only way to keep a secret is to , sa y nothin g .


A woman without religion is like a flower without ,

perfume .

The devil can cite scripture to suit his purpose ;

A good example is the best sermon

, .

Whatsoever a man soweth th a t shall he also reap

, .

Revenge is a ve ry expensive l uxury .

To forget a wrong is the best revenge .

He is not rich who is not satisfied .

P etty thieves are hange d ; people take o ff their hats

to great ones .

The devil gathers most souls in a golden net .

Fortune makes friends ; mis fortune tries them .

A man without money is like a ship without sails

, .

Show me a liar and I will show you a thief

, .

Cold is north and is positive ; heat is south and is

, ,


A co ntented mind is a continual feast

, .

Health is better than wealth .

More die of over eating of rich food than of f a mine , .

A good li fe keeps o ff wrinkles .

A man cannot serve two masters .

I think the first virtue is to restrain the tongue ( Cato ) . .


Speak well of your friends . About your enemies say

nothing .

A new broom sweeps well .

Never keep a d og , and do your own barking .

A man s houl d never be ashamed to o w n that he has

been in the wrong which is but sa y ing in other words that
, ,

he is wiser today than he was yesterday, .

Better little with honor than much with dishon or , .

Better an upright than a ,
f a l s e Ch r i s t a i n .

The man who minds his o w n business will always have

business to mind and what is more it will be his very ow n
, , .

To bu il d . ca s t l e s i n the air .

Excessive fatigue has done more to cause all manner

of sickness than any other known medium
, .

All the clouds are not full of rain .

In fair we ather prepare for foul weather .

It seems that whiskey and dogs ,

f o r 5000 years have

been synonyms as a public curse .

Holding ones nose to the grindstone .

Hieroglyphics demonstrate that the grey hound flour ,


i s he d 3 000 years B C .

Hornets never occupy the same nest the second time

no o n e but fools are bitten by the same d o g more t han once .

Free use o f salt is the preventative o f diseases ,

it is
on e o f the best germ killers .
94 BO O K O F PR O V E R BS ’

A concealed spark is more to be feared than an , Op n e

Never trust to another what you s hould do yourself , .

Sel f con fi dence i s the first essential to human greatness .

He who i s ma ste r of hi m s el f w ill, s oon be ma ster o f

o th e r s

H e t h at return s goo d for evil , ob tain s t he victory .

H e who Cann ot Comm a nd him s el f ,

s hould n ot attempt to
(20m m a n d other s .

No conquest ,
is greater than self conque st .

The man who does a ki ndness for others to accompl i sh ,

his selfi s h ends is a v ill i an of the blacke st type

, .

A s sweet as h oney :
Seeing is believing .

A bird may be caught by a sna r e that w i ll not be shot ,


We often s often our troubles by tell i ng them to , ou r

g ood friends .

T he fewer our year s the fewer our tea rs , .

Rather S ympathize in other s ’

s orrow t han ,
t o r ej oi ce
in them .

W hen S o ro r w is a sleep d on t wake i t


up .

E q uality in di stres s ma kes sorr ow less , .

The man who troubles other s has lots , of trouble him


Neatness in moderation is a virtue but when it is , ca r

r 1 ed to excess it sh ows littleness of mind ( Fenton )
, . .

He that is unkind to his own household is unkind , to

others .

It is easy to be generous when you use other people s


money .

Give every man his due .

O ne never loses anything by true politeness .

In courtesy rather pay a pen ny too much than too


That which is not understood is always marv elous , .

Great wonders will never cease .

O ne tal e is good until another is told that is better


Mis fortune is a great teacher .

When a man i s down everybody runs over him


When a man is hi gh up in the world everybody looks ,

up to him .

S weet are the uses of adversity .

Modesty has more charms than beauty .

Take one a p eg lower .

An idle brain is the devil s workshop ’


Go into the country to hear the news of the town


Rest ’
is the sweetest thing after a good day s work .

Ifwould j udge the patriotism o f the countr y b y the

y o u

flags floating y o u would declare that it was th bar r o oms


that w on all t h e great battles In on e sens e this is true .


but they were the battle s f o r the devil .

P oison kills poison ; if y ou have heart ache take a n ,

0 1 her dose o f hea r t ach e i nto your c om p a n v and the t w o ,

heart a che r s will kill the heart ache the same as the Ki l ,

kenny cat s kill the evil S pirit s between them .

The femal e is n ot so l arge as the male the texture be ,

i ng s o m uch finer places her mentality equal with her big

, ,

c oarse brother .

Nati ons that d o not laugh commit suicide nations that ,

l augh d o n ot commit suicide hence t he Iri s hman does n ot

, ,

commit suicide he laugh s t o o muc h

, .

Headache is the s ame a s the s team guage on an engine -


both tell when t o quit piling on more fuel when the power
is right .

Educated musicians are about nine o u t o f ten failures

, ,

p r o d u c m g sweet mus 1 c ; one reason t o o much m e cha n i ,

ca l the other t oo mu ch swelled he a d i s m

, , .

Y ou

can t learn to play chess by schooling you need ,

p r a c experience Practical experience does more to

t 1 c a l .

make a man than schooling .

M ake your life plainer your happiness will be much


greater .

I f any man thinketh himsel f religi ous and does not ,

bridle his tongue his religion 1 5 nothing but vanity

, .

The quiet person never wears ou t : he stands like the

q uiet hills .

To be right and victorious is a sign , of greatness .


Strength of m 1n d is exercise not rest ,


A pearl is often hidden in an ugly shell , .

( China ) .

Talk at me and I resist ; talk to me and I may be ,

convinced ( German )
. .

A liar should have a good memory .

( English ) .

Nobody s sweetheart is ugly

( Dutch ) ,

A crow is no whiter after being washed .

( Scotc h ) .

Delays breed danger and are the cause of mor e wrecks


than any other medium .

Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you

_ ,

do you even so unto them .

O first failure w a s the rebu ff that aroused our

ur , en

ergy to fut ure success .

Nothing permanent comes sud denly ; the mushroom

grows in a night ; the same in men .

Courage and cheerfulness throw , o ff more disease than ,

all the medicine .

The best cure for dyspepsia is boil ed wheat ,


He who stumbles over the same stone des erves to ,

break his shins .

B e not hasty to outbid another .

A bad lock invites a picklock

, .

Evening red and morning gray ; a genial day


We can achieve more by gentle means than by violence ,


A small house well filled is better than an empty cas ,

bird may soar ever so high but it has to come to the

A ,

ground to seek food .

Many littles make a muckle .

Drop by d r op the lake is drained .

A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump .

Little strokes fall great oaks .

A little p o t is soon hot .

Constant dropping wears the rock .

He who takes the child by the hand takes the mother ,

by the heart .

Good temper oils the wheels of life .

All great men are i nsome degree inspired .

Spending his father s money made him feel big


though he ended his days in the poor house His father s .

silver spoon did it .

A i
p g on the ice is independent until he falls ; a big

headed bo y is independent until he falls .

Judas betrayed the Savior with a kiss ; that innocent

girl w a s betrayed by a kiss .

It is not saying that a high life will land you on the

road to heaven .

All dogs should be mesmerised and buried by the

honors of war .

animal talked with the mouth n ow the same

Ba a l a m

s ,

s pecies talk with the heels ; ere long animal language w 1 l l

become extinct .

If want t o kill children on the 1n s t a l l m en t plan

y ou ,

keep on s ending them to school until they are a l l head and

no stomach .

By love w e cam e into the world and by love we must ,

go out o f the world if we expect to get t o heaven ,


Anger 1s the essence of all bad love is the essence


all goo d .

To encourage children to die prematurely have them ,

to sleep with o l d people .

In a sweet and loving courtship it so often occurs that ,

there is a fly in t h e honey .

Three fourths o f the earth s surfac e is n ot cultivated



Thr e e fourths o f a human being is n ot cultivated


A three corn ere d harrow is like a very sweet and l ov


ing courtship on e corner t o many For all around happi

, .

ness it takes t oo much watching .

pour oi l on the water in a sea storm is a blessi n g

T o , ,

T o put sweet oi l in a grumbler s mouth is the g r e f t e t


blessing .

The glad s weet and happy boy commands on e hal f


more wages than the grump sour natured and unhap py ,


boy .

A rich l y equipped m ind is the same as the r e s e r ve co p s .

is t o the general t o be brought t o the front doubl e qu ick

, , .

I f o u r pat ience were e qual with ou r impatience ,

much easier o u r li fe would be .

No thoro ughly occupied mind was ever , m 1 s e ra bl e .

He knows which side of his bread is buttered .

Beauty is the mark God s et on virtue , .

The most manifest sign of wisdom is continued cheer ,

f ulness ( M on t a og )
. .

To beard the lion i n his den .

( S cott ) .

Good children are like the ripest

, f r u 1t ; the good fall

Her voice w a s very low gentle and soft :


, An excellent
t rait in women .

Maxi ms are golden thoughts from , all sorts of people .

Two great stars are like ,

t w o great men they , no v er
t ravel in the same o rbit .

M onuments made of wax will not last

, , . A char a ct e r
gained by deception will n ot last .

Friends in early life will live while those in later life ,

will pass away .

G reat adventurers m ake great heroes , .

There is not any time in life when book s do not i ,


fl u-
e nce .

Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bou n d ,

together .

The only w a y t obe a friend is to be a tru e friend


Bless the L ord oh my soul and forget not all

, , ,
hi s
benefits ( Psalms 1 03

Nature harmonized makes maxims ,

of a high order .

The water that has passed the flood gates will -

n ot turn
the mill stone .

M ental thought wasted will never turn the world

, .

The hot winds o f the African desert are blighting the ,

ho t breath of the drunkard i s blighting .

S avageness
badne s s and goodness are so neatly blen
, ,

ded that it is di fficult t o tell the good from the bad .

To be many times disappointed in a good cause is n o ,

sign of weakness but a grand preparation to apprec1 ate suc


cess when it comes .

The great soul makes ha rmony and music out of all , ,

the surroundings .

need to stu dy Greek and Hebrew to under
Y ou d on t


stan d the ten comma ndments ; even so in beer and whisky ,

the observance of both is plain .

Friendship is the most pleasant o f all things and noth ,

ing gladdens the heart of man more .

Very few persons w ho

don t leave a monument of some

kind of cursedness when they die , .

Nothin g is more conta gi ous on earth than immorality ,



shall drink no wine neither you nor your sons for

, ,

e v er .
( Jeremiah 35 ,

Woe to them that rise up early in the morning that ,

they may follow strong drink ( Scripture ) . .

Christ was a public benefactor . Judas wa s a public

malefactor .


Nature is but an e ffect , f rom a caus e whose name is

Faith builds a bridge from this world to the next

, .

( Y oung ) .

Cooking of a good dumpling is of greater considera ,

tion than the building of a college


Courts and camps are the only places in which the


world is learned .

The man who does his duty in this world is never ,

discontented .

He that pitieth the poor l endeth , to the Lord .

I f I would read as much as you do ,

I would know as
little ( Spencer )
. .

The m who avo i ds the temptation avoids the sin

n , .

Nature makes no mistakes , g uessing at nothing .

Every tide has an ebb

, .

They who m ake the best us e of time have none to spar e , .

Time enough is little enough

, .

Take time by the forel ock .

All things are devoured by time .

Time lost is never found again .

The best couns ellor is time .

Sail while the wind blows ari ght ; wind and tide wait
for no man ,

Wolves may lose their teeth but ,

n ot their nature .

When men run to extremity then is God s opportunit y



None can pray well but those who pay well , .

T he cross
antedates Christ hundreds o f years : it r e p r e

sents the f 0ur cardinal points o f the compass north south , , ,

east and west


Joan of Arc w ho could neither read nor write in all

, ,

things had spiritual guidance .

M uch reading flattens the mind and destroys it for ,

greatness .

It is di fficult to grow old evenly and gracefully .

Confucius w ho in boyhood , was very poor had a wife ,

of grea t beauty .

W j udge peop l eby the way they talk about God


e .

Indolence is the dry rot

of t he mind .

Motion brings matter into form .

species of animals are extinct

, .
( Lyal ) .

Health is the basis of all social virtue .

Health preserved is morality and religion s,

Cheerfulness is the sunshine of the soul .

True law is right reason and common sens e , .

Lavish thousands of
dollars on your baby clothes and ,

after all the child is prettiest when every garment is laid

aside .
1 08 B O O K OF PRO VE RBS .

Never j udge unfinished work .

Great men are those w ho are not afraid to think great

thoughts and do great things

Salvation is the j oy of the good man ; sin i s the enj oy

ment of the bad man .

Love means patience , sympathy ,

sweet temper and
humility .

When t he right fellowship prevails the rich and poor ,

ar e equal in all enj oyments .

must be pressed to make it good ; people

S o u r kr o ut
must be oppressed to make them good .

Capacity for hating is as necessary as for loving ;

, ha
ting evil as well as loving good .

A fac e that has the expression of putty lacks grit , .

The time octogenari ans are prominent is at the time of ,

their death and when the will is to be read


The w orld needs cheer more than anything else ; we

should talk cheerfully to everyone .

Inordinate selfconceit blinds the strongest mind


A few men of the right kind are better than , half

hearted ones .

Be not like the young woman w ho called a dozen of her,

friends to help her keep a secret ; it got out all the same .

He w ho drinks much thinks little ; he who thinks much ,

drinks little .

N othing is right unl ess it corresponds with rea s on


Hard workers are generally honest
, , .

Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth ;,

while the evil days come not nor the years draw nigh when
, ,

thou shall say I have no pleasure in them ( O l d Testa
, .

ment ).

Sickness make s more christians than all preaching , .

Life is not altogether a j ar of honey .

( Fa r g i on ) .

The honest man is the noblest work of God .

( Pope ) .

B etter late than never . Trusser ) .

A laugh is worth a hundred g roans , in a market .

( Lamb ) .

The sleep o f the laboring man is sweet but the abun ,

dance o f the rich will not su ff er them to sleep .

Education is a better safeguard of liberty , than a

standin g army ( Ever et )

. .

The man who has his wishes all satisfied is the most ,

unhappy man on earth .

A small amount of schooling in the right direction is ,

like forked lightening ; it is concentrated an d mighty .

From saving comes having ; but not so q uickly as


comes from grabbin g .

God must have loved the plain people . He made so

many of them .
( Lincoln ) .

Art may err but nature cannot

, .
( Miss Dryden ) .

Never O pen the door to a little sin ,

f o r f ea r
x a larger one
will find it s way into the family .

A green Christmas a fat graveyard, .

Winter finds out what summer lays up

, .

A swarm of bees in May is worth a load , of hay ; but a

swa r m in July is n ot worth a fly .

April and May are the keys to the whole year

, .

Green Christmas a white Easter

, .

Boast thyself not fo r tomorrow for thou knowest not ,

what a day may bring forth .

Any time means no time


There is a time for all things .

( Scripture ) .

Sweet is pleasure after pain , .

Great mental worth emanates from , g reat mental con

centration .

Y ou came as seasonably as snow ,

in s u mm e r .

O pportunity makes the thief .

The opportunity is often lost by deliberation .

Know your opportunity .

O pportunity is the cream of time .

N ever trust to a new friend or an ol d enemy , .

Much readin g makes a general mind but not a great ,


There is n o medium that broadens reason faster than ,

the study o f maxims .


S mooth words make smooth ways, .

A dirty tale should never be told nor hea r d , .

Thoughts are forerunners of great events

, .

Rapid and accurate work is always in demand , .

The best wearing qu a ut y, is cheerfulness .

G en i us commands a d miration
, .
( Max i m ) .

Everybody s business is nobody s business ,

( Maxim ) .

Punctuate as you write . Pay as y ou go .

Strong purposes bring stron g success , , .

C ultivate the talents you hav e .

Don t aim at the talents
you have not

No man can lou n ge into success .

Perseverance removes mountains , and cons tru ct s i m

mens e tunnels .

A successful career in life is half mad e , i f you g et the

right start .


He who will not work shall not , ea .

( S c ript u r e ) .

No sweat no sweet , . O
( dl M a xi m ) .

N o pa ins ,
no g ain s .
( M a xi m ) .

Be lik e a n oa k . H a ve a principle ,
s tron g and soli d .

G oods are hal f sold , when well b o u g ht . ( O ld M a xim ) .

Do not continually fi nd fault with your nei ghb ors

, ,

An o l d adage The grave is the great leveler ;

, bu t
the bar and bar whiskey does it much quicker
, , .

Possession pampers the mind ; privation trains and

stren g thens it .

A sweet temper can be cultivated the same as anything ,

Dollars and cents will not buy happiness ; happiness is

found in medium wealth .

The pendulum of a clock is in the center vibration , ,

g i ves the index to the happy medium

The song of the spring bi r ds is the most charming

music ; moreover the birds never went to college to learn

to sing ( Nature )
. .

I f you only se e on e side of your desk all your li fe you ,

are an adding machine .

The odor from you r body is an index to your charac

ter ; the odor o f a flowe r is its index , .

For happiness be not ,

t oo e n t hu a s t i c , b ut always on the
bright side .

Cranks are the greatest benefactors they are sure to ,

do something great .

Heaven and wealth are variety all adapted to make ,

them more charming .

ver exact is a greater happiness destroyer than not

O ,

being exact enough .

M any idiots have a talent on certain topics which i f ,

cultivated w ou l d p r ov e very beneficial to humanity ; hence


there should be a special institution for idiots .

Boox O F P RO VE RE S . 15

Close the eyes ears and nose , , of a bat and it will find

its way to a hole in the wall .

Drunk eness has destroyed every government on

in proportion as drunkeness increases the end of the ,

is approaching .

smiles that approach each other nine times

T wo , out of
ten end in a kiss
, .

Animals kill and prey upon each others flesh Man is .

the image of God and is governed by the golden rule that


Christ gave .

The finest ros e has the sharpest thorns and deepest ,

wounds come from the ones w e l ove most .

The more elevated on e is in learning and art the less ,

they are understood .

We live as —
w e th ink , we think as we are taught and as ,

we read .

O nl y gentleness will draw out gentleness .

A bad tempe red man will not make close friends , .

A horse is not known by his trappings ; men are to be

esteemed for virtue not wealth , .

Teach self denial and make its practice a pleasure

, .

For the sake of patriotism the salo on should die , .

Let us walk honestly as in the day not in rioting and , ,

drunkeness .

Conversion is unselfish a sudden revolution a higher , of

order , a new insight into spiritual li fe a larger world of ,

celest i al beauties opened .

116 BO O K OF P RO V ERB S .

He w ho sups with devils should have a long handle , to

his spoon .

It is unnecessary su ff er i ng that brings premature , .

g ray
hairs .

The man w ho has his animal nature under proper con

trol is a free man .

Mann ers are the final and perfect flower of , , a nobl e

character ( Winters )
. .

A full belief in ourselves is half the ba ttl e , in a n y eff or t .

A serious ma n is the mos t stupid

, .

To be happy you have to be

, as high in y ou r ca lli n g ,

as you possibly can .

G reat e ff orts come from industry , an d p ers ev e r en ce .

Rogues are smooth in talk ; honest pe opl e a re p l a i n .

S tudy , wi th honest e ff ort is , t he true r oa d t o w ea lth .

E ve ry successful man has the backbone to

sa y no .

Av oid political and religious disputes and loud , ar gu

ments ; be obligin g and polite in all .

A thin tongue ; a glassy talker .

of mu c h ,

D on t form the habit talking t oo on a n y top i c,
during bu s iness hours .

M a n y s tudents ha ve made brilliant s peeche s in co l l ege ,

and were never heard of after ; but the boy at t he foot of

t he class rose t o em inence .

Bu s i n es s en gag emen t s must be met p r ompt l y .


Perseverance brings success .

The day is almost at hand when nearly , ordinar y

teaching will be done by maxims

A ge and wedlock f ame man and be ast

, .

M en are but children of a larger growth

, .

G rey hair and red lips seldom go together ; they


sol v e friendship .

Y oun g men for war old , me

n for council .

It is hard to put old heads on young shoulders .

Y outh comes but once in a lifetime .

M en m ust work and women must weep

, .

The pas sionate are like men standing on their heads

, ,

they s ee all things in t he wrong ( Plato ) . .

A bad workman fights with his tools ,


The work praises the workman

, .

L et every man follow the trade he better understands .

O ne bee ,
18 better than a handful of flies .

Learn to labor and to wait .

Think of the mind that can hold all the past the present ,

and the future ; think of God .

N othing will j ustify profanity

, .

B e not among wine bibbers among riotous eaters of

flesh ( S c ri ptu r e )
. .

V ulgarit y d efi l e s '
fine garments more than mud .

For the drunkard and glutton shall come to pove rty , .

A good temper is like a sunny day it sheds bri g htne s s ,

everywhere ( Sydney ) .

Trouble springs from idlenes s ; g r evi ou s toil from

n eedless ease .

Work fir st rest last , .

S eventy fi v e pe r cent of our great men come from


the poorer c lasses

Under the direction of reason instinct is always right , .

( Burke ) .

sermons are better adapted to good rea

S kel et om z e d ,

s on ; than reckless firing into topics undigested .

As soon as the d anger is past God is forgotten _ , .

Why beholdest thou the m ote in thy brother s eye and ’


considerest n ot the b eam in thine own eye ( Bible ) . .

The workman is worthy ,

of his hire .

The swifter anything runs the less friction ; young ,

folks take a hint a n d run fast through the pathway of life

, , ,

i f y o u want t o live long .

Time O h ho w quiet and silent those long ages ; even

the sun and stars obey ; it is the hand o f G o d in nature .

The world s fair is the best medium to symbolize the

, ,

greatness o f the nation .

There is nothing that takes the sharp edge o ff an enemy

faster than the acts o f kindness
, .
1 20 B O O K OF P RO VE RBS .

S harp
and witty sayings are like surface springs they , ,

come from a shallow source .

Look before you leap ; snakes m a y be among the beauti

tiful flowers .

To prophesy is large inspired thinking ; fashions are

, ,

little and uninspired thinking

, .

Man is prone to do evil even as the s p arks are , to fly

upward ( Bible )
. .

The nation that solici ts trade is prosperous ; the nation ,

that gets behind a Chinese wall wil l d i e prematurely , .

Sin at first seems so small an d so innocent ; but al a s

, , , , "
how soon it is a monster ; a giant that defies the h os t s .

We should always try and find t he g o od in o thers , and

leave the bad go to t he waste ba sket .

ei g hbor s fa ul ts, w e

Before W e attempt to correct our n

should correct our own .

Unless you learn do disagreeabl e dutie s to , y ou a r e u n fit

to manage any busine ss for other parties .

V ariety is t he spice of life that gi v es

, all its fl a vor .

The fur that warmed the mon a rch warm ed , t he bear .

Kind looks kind wo rd s kind a ct s wa rm ha n d s ha kin g

, , , ,

are a m eans o f g race ; they will t a lk t o u nbo rn g en e ra t ion s .

M other nature is ,
t he best docto r on ea rth .

It is a great a rt , to l a u gh a t you r own m i s fortu n es .

I f you want t o kn ow t he va l ue of mon ey , a tt empt to

borrow ( Fra n kl in )
. .

Fact s are stubborn things .

Sober second thought is always essential , a n

d s eldo m
wrong ( V anburen )
. .

A bad temper never mellows with age


The average human brain is three times larger than ,

t he largest gorilla s .

The animal kingdom is made perfect as far as their ,

creation goes ; while man s creation is perfect when un p e r

verted .

Finns and Cossacks have the largest brain , 9 8 cubic

inches .

Nature hides its head like the river Nile .

All c reatures possess the fullest degree of happiness ,

in their proper sphere .

God gives six s i d e s ft o snowflakes and to silica ; a phi


l o s op hy not y et explained .

Elevation above the eyes ; dullness of the mind .

D ep r e s s1 on l n the benter of the forehead ; poor memory .

Drunkards at heart but too stingy to buy , whiskey .

Plain straight , w r 1n kl e s on the forehead ; plain straight ,

and honest .

Full abo v e the ears kill and bloodthirsty , , ca r n i ve r ou s ,

fond of meat .

Flat above t he ears ; sickly cowardly and dyspeptic

, .

Thin upper lip ; s ti ngy .


People of light eyes and hair do n ot see or hear as good ,

as darker ones Indians are a good example .


The same praying machine in the Torrid one is good " ,

all the time as the climate is ; the same in the Temperate

" ones In hilly lands religious forms are changeable

When the devil looks least like himself then he is the ,

most dangerous devil .

E blessings can be t oo prolific like money or food ;

v en ,

t oo much is too much of anything

The sick m a n of the East ,

( C hina ) .

Dyspepsia makes the meanest kind of religious liars


Fine type crowded together is an eye sore ; too

, ,
inmates crowded in a room is an eye sore
, ,

Cromwell s unfailing reliance in God made him the


greatest conq uere r of his age '

Icicles slide easily from the hand ; half learned lessons

s u de easily from your mind .

When men carry umbrellas the evidence is that it is ,

raining ; when y ou come home with a black eye the evidence ,

is that y ou were practicing f o r Christmas .

The man o f profanity carries a discordant heart i t , .


grates upon the ears o f man and beast and u n fit s h m f n

i -

decent society .

T good maxims y ou have to cream all litera t ure

o w r 1t e , .

through all ages t o gain the best thoughts t o hand d o w

, ,

unborn generations .

Never marry but f or love but see thou what is love

, , ,

ly .
( Wm Penn ) . .

V ote on the line of temperance as you talk and pra y , .

Prosperity is a teacher adversity is a greater teacher

, .

Drones under the wheels o f science are n ovel readers

, , ,

ga mblers and drunkard s .

Every man is the architect of his own chara cter ( Pr e .

S i d en t M c Ki n l e y ) .

In many of the we s tern states they have dugouts and ,

when a dangerous storm comes the family runs into mother ,

e a rth ; when danger c omes old mother snake opens her

m outh and the youn g brood runs in

Eating certai n va r it i e s o f fruit in eradicating certain ,

d i seases is scientific and should be encouraged

, , .

N ations and families that observe the , S a bbot h, are

p rosperous and happy

Ink is t he power house to keep the great power wheels


of civilization in motion

A pump is like good motives in place all the t ime , .

Perfection is the fact that puts persons in high places .

I t is a great privilege to a good schoolto go . School

in g m a ke s the s tr ong and pro sperous citizen
, .

T he w a y to make a friend is to be one , .

( Mitchel ) .

Peace ha s her victories no less renowned than war

, .

W ilton )
There is no more vo r acious creature than the cater
pillar ; in a month it will eat 600 times its weight .

Straight t i ee s ,

have crooked roots .

f t
1 26 BO O K or i a ova ns s ;

Evenly all around top head ; for gen eral good m orality


and Christianity .

A str ong ev enly proportioned forehead ; for a plain


strong all around man -


A large forehead dished in the center ; mean disposi


tion . Very changeabl e .

Lar g e knuckles on your hands int ell ectuality and pluck .

Nice beautifully shaped hands ; harmonious mind not


r emarkably intellectual .

Darknes s prevails in solar space because the sun has no ,

obj ect to develop per fection .

Youth is a blunder ; manhood a struggle ; ol d age a

regret ( Disraeli )
. .

When platform is so broad and thin that it is unsafe ,

to stand on ; let it go a nd find on e that is not so broad but ,

safe .

Some men can boss better for their neighbor than for ,

themselves .

It is as impossible to restore youth as to roll back the ,

river of ti me .

All the sounds in music are necessary to perfect har ,

mony ; all the nerves are necessary to develop proper har

mony in the body .

The forest has straight and crooked trees ; the same in

p eople there are straight and crooked people ; all to fill a

place in the scale o f creation .

The mound builders had a knowledge of tempering cop

per ; an art that is lost .
BO O K OF 1 I t O VE RBS . 1 27

Curved down wrinkles wrinkles in the cen ter ,

of the
f orehead ; a genius .

A plain smooth forehead high , an d broad ; intel l ect .

Prefer ol d hea ds and young ,

hearts .

A narrow short pointed chin ; weakly ; smal l heart ;


p oor circulation ; timid .

Heavy square under j aws ,

wilful ; commanding and
v ery stubborn .

V ery dark eyes ; full of thunder and l i g ht ni hg ; some

what vicious

Grey eyes ; sharpness strength and commanding

, .

Light yellow hair ; j ealousy and noted for suspicion , .

Even harmonious face ; good sense and long life .

V ery light hair and eyes ; weak eyes soft skin easily , ,

Young man consult your father he is often as old

, , as

y o u ; and often knows as much .

Pu gnose ; like a pug d og ; harmless ; lazy ; good for

eating and sleeping .

Nose raised at the end and center finely curved ; dispo ,

S i t i on i s art i st i c sensitive and very fine

, , .

A high head in the center ; disposition poetical ; spiritual

and a good trace of meanness mixed with religion to round ,

i t out

Flat head ; general all around coarseness ; tale n t s me


cha n i ca l full o f i nventions generous and changeable .


From the same flower the bee gathers honey and also , , , ,

the most deadly poison .

The wages of sin is death , .

( Scripture ) .

To strain at a gnat and swallow a camel ,


None preaches better than the ant and she says nothing ,

There is no general rule without exc ep tions ,


M any things are la wful but not expedient ,


Every evolution ’
of time puts ,
on a higher and more ,

Godlike step .

The man w ho is always talking about his rights is the ,

worst agitator and an unsafe citizen


D o your duty quietly and firmly ,


It is well to think fw e l l ; it is divine to act well ( M ann ) . .

The boy w ho is obedient to teachers and to parents ,

makes a good companion .

Many people are gathering up past present and future , ,


troubles adding misery in every grade

, .

A man should never be ashamed to own that he had ,

been in the wrong .

L earn the luxury of doing good .

( G oldsmith ) .

Recol lect t ri fle s make perfection and perfection is no


Habit is a cable we weave a thread of it each day and

, ,

it becomes so strong that we cannot break it ( Horace .

M ann ) .

He who marries without love plants a thorn bush at the ,

ord is o f no use without the bow ; the man

T he c is of
no use without the woman .

Proverbs give the fullest answers and save time , .

The ingredients of good prove rbs are sense shortness


and salt ( Howell )

. .

Kissing the dead and those who have contagious dis


eases should be strictly prohibited

M any premature .

graves are produced from this class o f kissing .

H wonderfully pleasant is the coming o f spring when

ow ,

nature i s transformed from a col d dreary grave ; into the ,

lovely spring when all nature is blooming and laughing


Thou shalt not take the name of the Lo rd ,

t hv God in ,

There is no medium that brings a man s true self to ’


hims elf s o quickly as sickness It is the grandest u n i fi e r ;

, ,

the rich the poor the hi g h a n d the low are all t he same
, , , w

within the j aws o f this great monster It is God s great .

forerunner to make preparation f or another world .

Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work ; for the ,

seventh day is the Sabbath .

When G o d paints all creation with the white snow ; the

cemetery with the little white mounds appears surpassing
, ,

l y lovely The monuments and tombstones come in second


ary .

The broom and the ol d house d og appear in the scale

, ,

of companionship almost as part o f the famil y

, .

A fish breathes though it has no lungs , .

1 30 B O OK on P RO VE RBS .

V anity of vanity says the preacher and all is vani t y

, ,

( Solomon ) .

The golden rule in this fast age has , ,

t oo much alloy i ii
it to amount to much .

Anxiety is the poison of human life

( Blair ) .

It is not the revolution that destroys the machinery ;

it is the friction ( B eecher ) . .

No use crossing the stream until , y o u reach it .

( Lin
coln ) .

A maiden s heart is a dark forest


Maidens should be mild and m eek and slow to speak ,


She loves him best , w ho passes through the gate l ast .

Small girl s are w on by dolls ; large girls by dollars .

The virtuous maid ,

a nd the broken leg must stay at ,

home ( Servantes )
. .

The fat o f the body is the fuel laid up in case ,

of fever ,

or t o feed the life in long fasting .

The spinal marrow that em i n a t e s from your brain rami ,

fi e s small nerves t o all part s o f the body which are the ,

telegraphs t o tell y o u the news o f every part o f the body ,

even to a prick of a pin As long as y o u live it is the .

guardian angel .

The line o f demarkation between saving and spending

money is very fine s o as t o keep in the easy chair o f the
, ,

medium : the plumb line mentioned by the prophet
m os
appy .

Unto us a child is born unto us a ,

s on is given .

The first and last period o f a man s life passes the ’

fastest The first and last period o f t he nation passes the


fastest The United States being i n the last of the last


period therefore inferring from this index the life o f o u r

, , ,

nation will n ot be many more years .

Good breeding consists , of s tillness of person a nd

steadiness of features .

H ow lovely tranquil and statel y are the great mou n

tains ?
, ,

H treacherous the sea

ow is i n her placid beauty "
fascinating it is l

The soul has her gatewa y to the outer world through

, ,

the orifice of the ear .

Tallness is queenly and is admired by all ; it is grand


When po ets and prophets in Bible times desired spiritual , ,

communication with God they went into the mountain ,

forests and caves .

Shakespeare w a s the most careless i n his literary fame ,

of all poets ; notwithstanding he arose to greater eminence

than any poet living or dead , .

The greatest characters that ever lived em i n a t e from ,

the most humble births and exposed to the most abj ect ,

poverty .

It is convenient to be poor . It is dangerous to be rich .

The battle of Bunker Hill was fought June 1 7t h 1 77 5 ; ,

being the first battle in the revolution for the freedom o f

America .

A learned man can only be appreciated by a noth e r

l e arne d ma n .

I f y ou s ee a man over polite to his customers , y o u m u st

w atch him he has an ax to grind ( Franklin ) . .

If ou find a man w ho can be bought or sway ed he is

y ,

a ve rv unsa fe companion .

The grave is the m o st remarkabl e fact in t he human

family but O h how q uiet and silent
" .

Li ke whe at and iron a man is alway s rated in harmo ny ,

to his value of us efulness .

Solomon s t emple for the last three thou s and years

, ,

was the best advertised house on earth .

Boy don t be discouraged


. A bull f rog at one tim e , .

was on l v a ti n y little tadpole ,


Promptness and willingness in a youn g ma n , i s a s ure

index to a success ful life .

Y ou
can t sympathize with a neighbor in his trouble s ,

unless you have su ff ered like trouble s O bj ect les son s talk .

louder than words .

The w a t e r t u r tl e is the most indep endent creatu e in


the world She carries her armor her hous e and navy all
, ,

on her back She don t sing or talk quietly she lives and

, ,

when she is s l eepy s he throws he s el f on t he billows o f the

‘ r

ocean and is rocked to sleep in the cradle o f the deep

, ,

The daisy can t see but when night comes she clo s e s ,

her flowery home ; and when that dark storm comes she ,

clo s es all the petals so that is safe ; and when the rain i s,

over she opens her door

Jacob the patriarch made pets o f his two boys Joseph

, , ,

and Benj amin thereby causing m uch unhappiness in his


family ; which is v ery frequently the case when parents put

r e d coats on so m e sheep coats on others , .

Endure annoyance bravely and politel y ,


Consider honor as a sacred duty .

Pay your debts promptly .

As the boy appears the man will be


The waves of the ocean are quiet talkers The y hav e .

mouths large eno ugh to swallow a ship and all they sav is
" " "

Wau Wau Wau

As soon as y ou unders t and the law o f attraction an d

repulsion you are inclined to say ; how simple are the laws

o f God that govern the universe .

Some women when they are n ot laughing look as cross ,

and ugly as an oyster in a shell ; and when they are laugh

ing they look as sweet as an oyster out of the shell

Some old hypocrites look as cross as a toad un d er a briar

bush and s o very religi ous that t hey almost think it a sin

to take a good laugh and for all around meanness they have

few equals .

When y ou hear people saying I would be ashamed to ,

be seen there watch and see that same nice fellow sneaking
, , ,

around the corner t o get there first .

To be talking and com p l a i n i n g a bou t vour ailments is “


v ery annoying to all in hearing distance .

The most lovely thing that surrounds us is our shadow


O h ho w quiet a n d penetrating it is It sneaks along like “

a bashful boy and don t talk



I f all your hope is lost and gone .
y ou h d bett e r be

A square chin ; square strong and stubborn

, .

It i s better to write one word on the rocks than a th ou s ,

and on the sand .

The old clock like the ,

0 1d t ha n w il l s ome day sudden
ly stop never to go again

The f ailure s of honest and industrious men are f ew

, , .

N ever become discouraged work zealously and , y ou wil l

s u cceed

The wi n d a n d t he wav es are always ,

on the side of t he
be st navigators ( Gibbon )
. ;

The delta of the Mississippi was at one time as far a s ,

St . Loui s .

The weights o f t he clock hang speec le s s but the y are h


the li fe o f the clock G o d is the weight of the life of man ;


he runs a life time w i t li ou t being wou n d up and at death h e

s tops short"

never to go again
. .

The delicious smell o f the apple induced Jack to eat it ;


the delicious smell o f the whiskey induced the toper to start ,

another drunk .

The lever of the printing press touches the mind of ,


the governments o f the earth ; by and by it will harmonize ,

and press together all the nations of the earth an d make one
, ,

mighty syndicate government .

The best culture i s simplicit y .

Like broken glass your credit when broken can t be

, , ,

placed together solidly .

Architectural machinery is frozen music ; perfectly dead

until started by motive power then it will spin and sing , .

All mankind l ov e s . a lover .

( Gay );

When people carry umbrellas y ou can t positively say ,

that it rains ; when everybody says Jack stole the turkey ,

the evidence is very strong but y ou can t swear that he stole ,

’ “

the turkey ,

The waters o f the earth are receding ; and by this pro

cess land i s i ncreasing to accomodate the millions that are
, ,

coming to o u r shores .

Everything that lives and moves on the face of the ,

earth is imperfect ; nothing is perfect ; hence comes the

, ,

imperfect man .

Paul the apostle being a Roman citizen saved him

, , ,

from rison e ven so in wealth men who were saved from

pri son because of the i r r i ches
0 O 0


Iron is the most plenti ful metal and also the most ,

useful to add happiness to man .

Decaying plants fossilized forms all the varieties of ,

The better and longer you can keep the laugh going ,

the more you can abuse your opponent without him get ,

ting cross .

Among all the bad habits profan ity is the worst ; every ,

thing i n hearing distance is turned blue by its demonical

odor .

A thunder storm th a t c omes up quickly is soon over ; ,

o n e that comes slowly is a stayer ; the same in man if he ,

comes quickly he i s gone quickly ; but i f he comes slowly


he i s a stayer .

I f t he brake is loose on the wheel it runs t oo fast ; i f ,

the brake on your tongue is t oo loos e it runs t oo fast , .

J oy to the world , eLord has come

th .
( Scripture ) .

13 8 BO O K OF P RO V E RBS .

John the Baptist wa s the forerunner of Christ ; in all


things the Creator ha s a forerunner .

The Creator has a sovereign balm by which he heals ,

all the ills of his creatures .

The greatest systemizer in a home is to h a ve daily , ,

family worship .

The hi hest calling is when a man is called back to his

g ,

The pity of the L ord to it ho s e



w ho fear his name .

A rusty n a il under a compass destroy s the true bear ,

ing ; anger under the sweetest tongue wil l destroy the ,

tr ue bearing .

Evil thoughts choke out good deeds ; good thou ghts

ch oke out bad deeds .

Picked Form the cha ff of the ruins of time to be neatly ,

varnished ( Shakespear e)

Age and youth look upon life from the opposite ends

of the telescope .

It is exceedingly long ; it is exceedingly short ?( Bl ee h

You hear the boy laughing you thing he is all fun ? ,

( H olm e s ) .

Among a l l the studies the one that elevates the min d


the most stands preeminent

, .

When you find a man who is awkwa rd in the presence

of ladies ; nearly every time he mounts to eminence ; you find
the nice slick fascinator a m on g the ladies and you find the
, ,

man who amounts to little in after li fe .


Happy is the man who can see the finger of God writ ,

i ng the histo ry of rolling ages on the rocks and on the , ,

dying stars .

and temper in a home are as unsafe as

S e l fi s hn e s s ,

dyn a mite and g unpowd er .

While the word is unspoken you are master of it , ou t

w hen it is spoken it is master of y o u .

Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit ,

before a fall .

Misfortunes seldom come alone . Hide not y o ur light

under a bushel .

Laughing whistling and singing are a true index to

, ,

a happy home .

The continuation of everything is the index of its ,

solidity I f i t is short lived it is shaky if it is long lived

, ,

it is solid and you are safe to tie to it

, .

When w e make m istakes in writing with blotter a n d ,

eraser w e wipe them out ; when we make mistakes in life ,

we wipe them out by the Spirit of God .

There is more danger in belonging to too many o r

ders than not enough ; you may pay all your mone y to

orders and live and die poor at last


The small and sprightly party will m ake the best steno
grapher ; a large sluggish person will be a failure .

Holding on to trouble too long i s like holding on to ,

the bear s tail too long ; there is always danger of another

bear coming .

What a blessing it would be to the human family if ,

they would think more and read less ,


I f you want to gain fame you must commence climbing


th e ladder at the lower round ; go round by round by ,

a nd by
we my gain th e summit o f fame .

Christm as is the most popular holiday and has been ,

since the bi rt h of our Saviour ; and n o doubt will remain


so through all comi ng ages :

I f y o u want a pearl of gre at value you must dive deep , ,

down in t he ocean ; if you want to be a pearl of great value ,

y o u must dive deep down in the, pages o f us eful ness .

A fair young couple may start out in life and in le ss

, ,

than a year m a y be blighted The a ff airs of life run like


lightning zig zag ; striking where least expected


It is better to whistle than to whine ; all creation loves


a whi s tl er .

The m an who ties his talents in a napkin is like the ,

miser w ho had a beautiful ring placed under the flap of

hi s sad dl e ; he knew that it w a s there the same as the ,

money in the napkin ; both were buried t al ents no good to ,

a nybody .

The luxuries of on e generatio n are the neces s ities

, of t he
next .

cean currents keep an e q uilibrium ; youn g peo p le

mixed with ol d people keep an equilibrium .

O hour of sleep before midnight is w o rt h

ne , t wo i n th
after part of the night .

When the sun is the highest it casts th e least shadow .

Nothing on earth destroys more good s tomachs than ,

over nice treatment .

Each climate needs what other climates produce

, .
1 42 BO O K on P RO VE RB S .

O ur transition pe r iod was when Christ knocked at ,

t he
( 0 07 ,
and we told him to come in .

Step by step well directed we can climb great moun

, ,

tains ; even so in p i oir ot i on s ; one unguarde d step may : ,

prove a fright ful disaster to o ur lives .

God never shuts on e door but that

he opens another .

He who c ann ot obey the voice of God in the dark is ,

n ot safe to be trusted in the light .

Speaking lou d and har sh words is very det rimental in ,

ah departmen ts of li fe .

His li fe was gentle and the elements so nearly mixed i n,

him that nature might stand and s a y to all the world


this is the man ( Caes a r ) . .


verily I say u n to y o u : he that beli e ve th on me

V erily , ,

S hall have everlasting l if e ( John


Trust in the Lord , forever .

( Isa .
2 6 -4 .

age and want save what you may ; no morning ,

sun la s ts all day ( Franklin ) . .

For want of a nail the shoe was lost ; and for want of ,

a shoe the horse was l ost ( Franklin ) . .

I f we don t tell funny stories they call us old fossils

and moss backs ; and if we do tell funny stories they call ,

us rattle skulls .

The silent smile of a sensible loving woman will van
, , ,

qu i s h t e n men .

Pu ff balls are fastest growers in the world ; some grow

six inches in diameter in one night T here are swelled .

heads that are about as large as the head of pu ff balls

, .
1 44 BO O K OF PRO VE RB S .

I f you are well acquainted with several leading hi s tor

i e s it is much better t han to be reading a low gra d e o f

l iterature .

The gras s is rr ow e d when it will make the best hay .

T he sensible girl will get married when s he will make t he

best wi f e The girl like hay if n ot taken when ripe wil l
, , ,

be good for n othing .

should improve the present aright when we kno w

W e ,

so little of the f uture .

The Pharisee thanked G od that he was not like other


m en , or even like the publican .

I f the slaves d o n ot have the rich tables the same as ,

the master ; they can thank G o d that they have the same air ;
the same water ; the same sleep ; the same death ; the same
grave and the same worm to eat t he body

The b l acksmith plunges the iron into the water to give ,

it t he right temper t he g r ea t man plunges into the i n cl em


ent elements to give his body and mind the right temper

Perfe ct freedom among any p eople develops genius ,


We s hould be very careful n ot to tell our s ecrets to ,

them w ho are always pumping f o r t hem .

When the E uropean races left Asia is a question ,

n ot

an s wered by the best ethnologists .

Wh erever
go the environs are full o f temptations ;
we ,

hence the scriptural inj unction watch and pray

, , .

I f a man deceives you more than once that man should ,

be kept for the very purpose to be deceived .

O ne hal f of al l known minerals are composed of oxy


gen .
( Cook ) .

Diamonds are more costly than useful ; so also are , ,

fashionable ladies .

The more beautiful the serpent the more fatal the bite ; ,

appearance is a deceiver and must be closely watched


Impud ence is the meanest depravity ; modesty is the

essence of purity .

Arouse a woman s admiration and you have gained ’


her a ff ection .

ften virtue an d hospitality are found

O , , where y o u

l east expect to find them .

The most inveterate enemies are often found among ,

ou r best friends .

T o make fire in a rain is like praying without faith ,


A deluge of sin can destroy soul and body ; a deluge of

, _

water can only destroy the body


A slanderer is the child of the devil

( Maxim ) .

All the heavenly bodies are not suns ; never repine at

y o u r l ot

Better for a man never to have sinned than to repent ,

after havin g sinned .

Life has its s e diments ; the same as drinks hav e their

sediments .

Pe r s e r ve r a n ce
does more to overcome great di ffi culties ,

than power W i ll accomplish .

Let thy atti re be comely not costly , .

( L illy ) .

Probe not a wound when once , he a l éd .


Shut your door and you make your neighbor

, g o o- i .

A tree is known by its fruit


Jack of all trades and master of none ,


Make hay when the sun shines


M arch comes in like a lion , a nd goes ou t like a lamb .

O pportunity makes the thief


Trust in God but keep the powde r dry



Trusting too much to others is the ruin of many ,


Faith builds a bridge across the gul f of death ,


T r e a che r v lurks in honeyed words .

To s t r 0ke with one hand and stab with the other , .

Conscience doth make cowards of us all

, .

God and conscience witnesseth every action , .

The truth is mighty and will prevail , .

Speak the truth and shame the devil , .

O ne v ice begets another

, .

Never open the door to a l ittle V i ce lest , a greater one

enters with it .

To throw pearls before swine , .

A fat kitchen makes a lean purse, .

Y our money burns a hole in your pocket

, .

verse in the Bible m a y cha n g e the bad man to a

O ne ,

good man ; one verse in a boo k may make a good man a ,

bad man .

Peace is the grandest step in favor of purity ,

fin a n
ci a l l y and spiritually .

Speaking t oo much is a s i gn o f vanity ; For that which


is lavished in words , is niggardly in deeds . R

( aleigh ) .

The wise man fla t t e r s the fool ; but the fool fla tt e r s him

self ( Loth ) ;

He is a very good preacher who follows his own ,

s t r u c t i on s .

O ne of the most sublime things is plain truth ,

( Bul
mer ) .

I f thou faint in the day of adversity thy strength is ,

small ( O l d Bible )
. .

rder is sanity of the mind health of the body and

O , ,

peace of the city .

It might as well be expected for a weak man to bear ,

a burden as a fool to bear prosperi ty ( Socrates )

, . .

He who is taught to live on little owes more to his ,

father s wisdom than the bestowal o f great riches
, .

What is liberty without wisdom and without virtue , ?

Such liberty is the greatest of all evils .

Not to stop when we have enough is the greatest error ,

i n the nature of many .

Air and sunshine in a house promote s health a n d ,

cheer ; therefore select the room in the house ha ving the ,

most sunl i ght and air for the sitting ro om, .

BO O K O F PRO VER BS . 1 49

I f you trouble the bait of sin you are unhappy if you , ,

t rouble the bait of g oodness , y o u are happy and y our sleep

is good .

The li ght from t he gl o w worm is divine ; t he same as

t he light from the g r eat est star -


A stron g purpos e g ives a meaning to life that means

s uccess .

A sermon well soaked in pray er helps

, ,
t he sproutin g
q ualiti e s immen sely .

The sho ul der to the wheel is the be s t aid ,

to the well
fi tting Heavenly crown

An impure cel lar will mak e an impure ho u s e ; ,

an im
pure stomach will make an i mpure body


To store beer and whiskey in a church is wron g ; to ,

store it in your body is wro ng ; t he Hol y Spirit can t dwell
in either place .

Natu re dressed in neat clothes makes a good maxim

, ,

In the Frigid zones hares and weasels trans form their ,

white color to correspon d with the environs .

The Book o f Proverbs carr ies more reason and more , ,

spirituality than any other book in the Bible

, .

The Creator was more afraid o f a human ton gue than ,

o f any other member of the body ; hence notice the heavy ,

j aws teeth lips and strong muscles all arou nd it to keep it

, , , ,

in subj ection .

The finest material may be spoiled by a poor mechanic ; ,

the best boy may be destroyed by a poor teacher .

Friendship improves happiness and abates misery , .


1 50 .

P oliten ess is an easy vi r tue costs little ,

and ha s great
p u chasing
power .

Let this be your maxim ; that no man be good enough

to ‘
n e g l e ct pruden c e ( Fielding ). .

temperance p r evails education can prevai l ; if tem

If ,

p e r a n c e fails ; educati o n must fail ( H o race Mann ) . .

A laugh is worth a hundred groans in any market ,


( L a mb ) .

Purposes like e ggs unl ess they are hat ched into action
, , ,

will run int o de c ay ( Smiles ) . .

There i s no man so f i en d l e s s but that he can find a

friend s incere en ough to tell him a disagr e eable truth .

( Lytton ) .

E nergy will do anything that can be done ; neither tal

ent s n or o p portunities will make a man without it .

Teach m ore principles and not so many laws and ,

rules and your good will be imitated

, .

A certain minister worked three days to get up a ser

mon he got it up so high that in thirty minutes the con , ,

r e a t i on were all asleep

g g .

Every time you overcome a temptation you are one ,

mark higher on the road to perfection ; by and by your stain — -

will be wiped away and you are a free man .

O ld
vocations have vanished new inventions have tak ,

en their places At present o n e man does more work than


ten did one hundred years ago-


I f a man bl a ckens the front of his boots better than the ,

heels he will not make a safe business partner He will

, .

not keep the cellar swept clean .

1 52 BO O K O F PRO VE RB S .

Fifty th ousa nd species of vegetables are extin ct


I ca m e to seek and s ave that wh i c h was lo s t

( Scrip
u e)
t r .

M oral hat r ed ,
is an imitation of f or c ed love .

ealthy men are n ot the most charitable ; large tree s

are not the n ost f ruitful - .

T he l azy man wants rest ; the industrious man want s

W O Ik

When men i i d i cu l e others they show their own

i gn o r

Spoiled children are made so , by

o ve r fond parents .

S colding wive s are always out o f order

, .

A wi se m a n keep s his secrets ; a fool tells all he knows ,

an d sometime s m ore .

A prudent woman studies the comfo rts o f her hus

band and min i ster s to his happiness
, .

Res p e ct an d befriend and you will have others to

, be
friend you .

If y ou

can t keep your own secrets it is folly to entrust ,

th em to others .

V i r tue makes the noble woman ; money m akes the gay

Punish cri me expose the devil and be a man among

, ,

m en .

I t is more detrimental to the human family for happi ,

n ss to be over intelligent than not intelligent enou g h
, .

I f you want to keep the wrinkles ou t of your face ,

keep sunshine in your heart .

Whenever a lazy man looks towards Heaven the ,


gels shut the windows .

A laying hen is better than a standing mill ( Seneca )

. .

You may tell an idle fellow if , y o u but see him eat his
dinner .

Idleness is the sepul ch re of the living man

, x

A man should not allow himsel f to hate his enemies ,

or those that are indi ff erent to him .

He who has less than he desires has more than he de ,

serves .

O good mother is worth a hundred school marms ;

ne ,

she is a lodestone to all hearts and a lode star to all eyes ,


( Herbert )

I f life like the olive oil is bitter fruit press it harder

, , , ,

and it will a fford the sweetest oil .

The word fail should not , be f ou n d

. on the pages of
ones li fe .

Happy temper like the Aeolian harp sings to every

, ,

breeze .

It is a poor soul that can t have a few enemies
, .

A sunny disposition robs sorrow of hal f its bitterness

, .

To say one thing modestly and clever is better t han ,

a d ozen wit h conceit .

Minds like soil when over productive the li fe is short

, , , .
1 55

The influence o f all ou r actions have an e ff ect that will

live through all ages and will have representat i on i n the
world to come .

The Book o f Proverbs in the Bible contains nine hun , ,

dred and fifteen proverbs The last t w o chapters are the.

authors Though it is said Solomon wrote three thousand


proverbs but they are lost H e also wrote on e thousand


and five songs nearly all o f which are lost He died at the

age o f fi ft y nine or sixty years

- .

Youth is like a garden n ot planted Y ou plant good .

seeds and you will have good results the same in children ;
plant good thoughts and you will have good results


Nature the kind ol d nurse took the child upon her

, ,

knee and said This IS a story book ; thy Father has writ

ten it .

The Constitution o f the United States contains liberties

enj oyed They are quiet ble ssings that man y people do not

appreciate .

A woman who pays n o attention to her personal ap

p e a r a n c e W i ll,
n o t make an impression .

The ruling passions are set by nature as the innate

ower is stamped on the acorn to produce an oak tree

By the largest teles copes we can see over one hundred

million o f stars and no doubt some have in their solar sys
, ,

tem more planets f o r habitation than we represent in our '

solar system Still we are so greedy to get more than w e


need o f this little planet H o w foolish some people are

. .

ment of a busy man and the shipwreck of a sovereign ( Na

, .

p o l e o n ) .

Love is the occupation o f the idle man ; t he amuse

When the devil finds the door shut he goes away , .

O hhow dangerous it is to have a friend that is not

, ,

able to keep his tongue ; a prudent enemy is better .


woman s mind is always changi ng like the moon

, .

It is di fficult to k n ow or to find out at what moment ,

love commences .

Work is healthy it is ,
n ot work that kills prematurely ;
it is worry that does it .

Love that comes t o is much better and stronger


y o u

, , ,

than that you run after .

Better is a dinner of herbs where l ove is than a stalled ,

ox and hatred therewith ( Solom on ) . .

A man s capacity for loving is the measurement of his


greatness in all relations .

I f it wa s not for hope not a grain of wheat would be ,

sown It is hope that keeps us alive moving and going

, ,

day after day ; and when life is done the Heavenly hope is ,

the great seal .

Flowers on ou r p r a r i e s have bloomed for ages u n

, , ,

seen by man ; virtue has bloo med without man knowing it ;

the sweetness of both have gone to heaven .

C on s p i ci ou s ,
by his absence .

Good pasture makes fat sheep , .

As full as an egg is of meat

, .

I f the cap fits you wear it , .

The wheel that tu rns gathers no rust , .

I n brave action no trumpet is n eeded , .


B .

v ery woman sho uld make hersel f as attracti ve

E , , an d

beautiful as po s sible .

I f the i n crease o f life is seven and one half years in a


century ; i n ten centuries it W i ll be on e hundred and t e n -

yea r s .

Vi rt u e ha s it s
reward but ow n ,
s om e men are goo d
because they really like to be good .

very li f e that l o s es its high aim be comes a shor n

E , ,

S ampson .

D on t wait f or some work to turn up but , g o a nd turn
up s ome work .

It is
the gilded paper nor the good writing that
n ot , ,

ma kes your petition strong ; but the good sense it contain s .

If your plea s ur e harmonizes with duty it is ge nuine , .

The only hopeles s ignorance is to be ignorant , and

b oa st ab out it .

Christianity w a s not born to die ; it will be the gate

keep er of the kingd om of God .

Go to church for c hurch helps to ease the pains o f


l i fe ( John S he rman )
. .

The fruit that falls without shaking is too mellow for ,

Love is t he most dangerous when it comes late ,

li fe ( Byron )
. .

Love m a kes time pas s

, .
( French ) .

Love bein g mixed with business makes the love case

, , ,

t he most dang erous .

. 15 9

W e ha ve one Father even God ,

( John 8

I gnor ance ,
thinks the rest of the wo rl d blind .

Thi s worl d belo ng s to t he e n e r g e ti c .

( Emerson ) .

Nothi ng so di fficul t but may be ,

wo n by industry .
( T er

e nce )

Justi ce tem per ed wi th

t oo much m ercy , be éom es an in
j ustice .

The fox shoul d n ot be on a j ury in a goos e trial

, .

Int entio ns s oon spoil ,

u nless hat ched .

Giving chi ldren habits of indu s try ,

is bet ter than fo r

t un es
( Whately ) .

When industry goes out of the door poverty comes ,

in at the window ( Dut c h) . .

Take awa y the m otive , and y ou take aw ay '

t he sin .

( C a r va n t e s )
A man that studieth revenge keepeth his o wn wounds ,

g reen ; which ot herwise would heal and do very well .

Despair is the o ff spring of lazine s s and i mpatience .

Those can con quer , w ho think they can .

( E mer s on ) .

S tren gt h of mind is excercise not rest , . Po e

( p ) .

Laugh at your ills and sav e you r doctor bills

, .

Smile on the world and the world will smile on , y o u ;

frown on it and it will frown on you .

Fortune often makes fools out of decent men

, .

Learn the luxury of doing good .

W o rds are leaves deeds are rust ,


Better to wear ou t , than to rust out .

If y o u would have a thing well done do it yoursel f .

Use the means and trust to God ,

f o r t heblessing .

Whe r e you cannot go over you must creep under ,


Advice to a fool goes in at one ear and out at the


other .

A fool may give a wis e man council


Practice what you preach

, .

No wind can do him good , w ho steers for no shore .

What mak es life dreary is ,

t he want of a motive .

M uch kindred much tro uble , ,

The man who overcomes his temper ,

o v e r co m s a stout
en emy .

A mischievous cur must be tied short , .

Handsome is that handsome does

, .

A ll that is fair and beautiful must fad e , .

Alexander was once a crying babe

, .

He that stays on the lower round cannot fall far , .

I came that they may have li fe and that they may have ,

it more abundantly ( John ) . .

1 62 B OO K O F P ROVE RB S .

Do not put your light un d er a bushel ; keep it out and

let it shine .

Success does not run after you but you mu s t run afte r ,

it ; and then it is sometimes mighty hard to g et

Long life is assured to those that are good and obey

the laws .

The monster tree i s not cut dow n by a si ngle cut ; step

by step we go through life .

I f you are too poor to bu y a cork for your vinegar j ar ,

use a corncob I f you are t oo poor to buy a silk hat u s e a

. ,

slouch hat ; no one will steal it .

The reason you w a s such a failure the harnes s wa s ,

rubbing you ; y ou w a s hitched up wrong you kick in har ,

ness ; you need watching .

A deep instinct per vades in man to do good ov e r all

bad passions .

God is our refuge and strength ; a very pres ent hel p e r

in trouble .

Behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to

dwell together in union .

There i s a place on the Hudson that appears like a g reat

wall— no place to get out ; even so in life trust in G o d for ,

the openin g .

When you are made o f good genuine stu ff a ra i ny S un , ,

day i s not supposed to keep you away from the hou s e of

worship .

Sin makes y ou ve ry uncomfortable until a l l t he ,

root s
and sprouts of your i mmoral nature a r e gone th en G od v

, g i es
you comfort a n d happine s s .

The Laplanders bury their babies in the snow while ,

church services last ; w e should bury o u r thoughts i n Chr i st

while church services last .

Want of care d oes more damage than want of knowl

Hilarity and laughter is no index to continued happi

ness The gloom will come soon and the reaction will bring
. ,

more unhappiness than w a s enj oyed by the hilarity .

If y ou have a good watch you consult it many times a

day If you have a good conscience y ou should consult it

many times a day to keep in touch with the hands o f God .

By a life of careful living you can transform a ,

l ow
l i f ed face into a decent human face
, \

When frogs are c r o ki n g kindle a fire ; how s oo n th ey


are all silent ; thus truth silences the liar ( Longfell o w ) . .

A plai n hand is a good ,

r e cco m m en d a t i on , i n all y o u r
wr itings .

More danger touching your happiness in be i ng too

careful than not quite careful enough
, .

S urface C hristianity consists of good breeding .

I f you live in a grumbling street move out into the

thanksgiving street and your temporal and spirital health

will be better .

Nothing on earth is more contagious than laughing


Y o u are subj ect to catch it as far as you can hear it O h .

w ha t a medicine it is f o r dyspepsia .

The Heaven on earth for school children is from six ,

t o twelve years In going t o school t o a good teacher they


are as free and happy as the birds o f the air .


He who cannot climb the m o un t a i n , m u s t

stay in the
valley .

Who so keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth ,

his soul from troubles .

There is nothing little to the really great spirit

, .
( Dick

The best friends we have are our converted enemies ;

we give th em a Godlike victory when w e forgive th em .

Middle aged ladies should wear q uiet colors in dress


A good and merry heart doth good like a medicine , .

A contented man is always rich and happ y

, .

The poor man in his cotta g e is as happy as , t he rich

man i n h i s palace .

Uneasy l i es the head that wears the crown

, .

Much better to be a hea l t hv p easant than a sickly


Eat sparingly and defy the physician .

Live not to eat but eat to live

, .

Abstinence is the best medicine

, .

Life is too short to learn more than one business well

, .

The remembrance of a well spent life is sweet .

W histles in the morning calling time to workmen has

, ,

much to do to create a systemized civilization in reckless

commun i ti es



In writing love letters to your g i r l grammar i s n ot t he ,

question but the question is : Do es she lov e me or i s s he
only fooling m e ?I f s he i s and has gone back on me I W i l l

, ,

kil l mys el f .

Peo p le w ho a e a l l the time talking about setti ng it up


the same as beer agents ; they are the dev i l s fo rerunner s

ar e .

her bel ov ed grandeur is bea u


N a t ur e in ti ful beyon d ex ,

pression ; she laughs all the time .

To put away for a rainy day when the coff er is f ull ,


no rain in sight .

Noah W eb ster said knowledge is po wer ,

. T he s choo l
hou s e i s t he cultivator of this power .

When you feel good the laugh comes as easily as roll


in g o ff a l o g .

O m;
drop of ink put in the right direction may con
, ,

v ert a nation It may also pervert a nation

. .

T w a d d l ei n g and telling s hady stories is mental , food


that i s hard t o digest for intelligent minds .

The taller the tree the thinner the bark . The fairer the
lad y the harder to s park ( D Du ff ) . . .

Providen ce will not plant and hoe your potatoes but ,

W i l l provide rain a n d sunshine to make them grow .

T he
l ov e of c hildren is purely genuine . The love in
the K ingd om of G od is not any purer .

O h the pure love for little Nellie when she was laid
, ,

in the silent tomb .

G reat men are not always good m en . Washington was

a great and a good man combined .
1 67

ere are two good ambitions good and bad go od am

Th ; ,

bitio u is glorious and bad ambition is dev i l i sh


A goo d pol icem an keeps a l l plac es o f danger sa fe 5 a

ood Christian keeps al l p l a c e s o f dan ger s afe


I f yo u put y our wil l with God s will it will not be l on g ’


u ntil they wil l be done in earth as it is in Heaven .

Truck trains are side tracked to make way for the Presi

d ent s train

Do n t permit truck t rai ns on y our track ; be

a Pres ident .

When on t he r ace course don t st art on the wro ng end ; ,

i n the race cours e of life be v ery careful that you don t

s tart at the wron g en d ; be sure that y ou are right then g o ,

it with a l l your might .

Every thing plen ty makes prodigal ,

s on s .

Paul to ld Timothy t o”s tir u p hi s reli gi on ; Paul ,

t he
hostler told the t op e r t o stir up his appetite for the n ew

hotel .

G o d ha s gi v en u s many gi fts holding , us accountabl e

f or the i mprovement of every one .

j ny Lind said when she sung her s weet s on g she

en , ,

l ook d God in the face : in all our works w e s hould look

God i n the face then our earthly music will be s weet
, .

There are many people that are nothing but an a d ve r

t i s e m en t i n l i fe ; be the owner of the plant and do busi ,

nes s on your own responsibility .

People do not lack s trength ; they lack will .

( V ictor
H ugo ) .

A cow ha s
two horn s but can t play on one ; watch


that y ou don t come out a t the small end of the horn .


The demand and supply regulate the prices in all

things All the powers cannot chan ge this l a w


A continuou s cheerfulness is the best index to , wis

Under the m a gnetism of friendship the modest ,

become s bold the lazy active the irritable peaceful
, , .

Like angel s visits few and ’

fa r between .
( M axim ) .

The man w ho seeks good f o r good s sake though ,

disappointed is s ure to have a good reward at last

, .

The reward the man gets for lying is that he is not , be

l i e ve d when he tells the truth .

A man is n ot hing more or less than a grown up baby , ,

developed in all part s .

L et bu r
reason not our s ense be the rule of our con , ,

duct speak i n g act i on and behavior

, , .

Music the g reatest good that mortal man knows ; all


of heaven we have below .

The di ff erence between death and sleep is not much ; ,

s leep is the hal f way station -


W h a t may appear the greatest calamities often turn “

out g re a t blessings .

T he m a n that has no virtue ever envieth virtue in ,

other s .
( Bacon ) .

I t is t oo late to lock the stable door when the steed is ,

stolen .
( Lilly ) .

I f the blind lead the blind ; both shall fall into the ditch .

( St . Matthew ) .

There are persons w ho are able to conver se with you ,

and at the same time play a di fficult piece of mu 5 1 c We call .

this intuition i n music .

Humble yourself before God and man then you can ,

expect honor .

When your husband does you a kind act thank him ,

and encourage him in his work and let him kno w that you
love him .

N o man knows where Moses was buried . No on e

knows where he will go after he is dead .

M any men have very good traits of character and ,


the same time you find them very mean men .

Take the honor and poetry from war and you hav e " ,

the blackest cold blooded butchery and murdering General

- .

Sherman g a v e i t the right name when he said : War i s

hell .

God instituted o
the body The L ord s
sleep t rebuild .

supper was institut ed to rebuild the spiritual bo d y the soul — .

en w e know so little a bout the future we should

Wh ,

do all we can to i mprove the pres ent .

Looking into the telescope at t he wrong end makes the ,

i nstrument a perfect failur e Even so in men when placed


in positi ons in which they are n ot fitted for they are p erfect ,

failures .

A fat goose to be picked is to develop a law suit with a


r i ch man who t hinks himsel f smart enough for sharp law

y e r s to fleece hi m .

The earth is spinning along in her orbit around t he

sun at the rate of twenty million miles per s econd and
, ,

varyi ng one m i nute in her appointed time .


A pretty young lady shows her beauty more clearl y i n a

p lain dress than when dressed
in the finest S i lks to capt i vate ,

a good man .

The headlight is the forerunner of the train . The

spirit of God —light is the forerunner of a good man
- —

Notwith s tanding the many sources which the M e d it e r

r a n ea n sea has in gaining water it don t change All i s ,


taken up by evaporation .

Great wealth is like carrying a great load It adds only .

to unhappiness Just enough of wealth to answer our daily


wants develops the best happiness

, .

Insulting people is like treading on hot coals ; you are

sure to j um p in both cases .

By their fid gi t y and fussing some women are as un ,

happy as a fish out of w a t er making their presence a state ,

of perfect misery .

No one w a s ever lost on a straight road unless he was ,

a fool or a blind man ; no one that follows the laws of right

e o u s n e ss was ever lost .

All creation is made better under t he influence of cheer

fulness .

Handling business men at the proper time is more than

, ,
hal f o f the battle .

I f you break a w in d o w glass you can t put it together ; ’

your character i f i t IS broken you can t put it togeth er

o o

, ,

aga i n .

Better a boy or girl unborn than go through life illit ,

erat e

Proverbs are the wisdom of ages .


They are slaves who dare not be in the right .

s whole pleasure lies in three words health
’ —

hope and competence .

T he body is the on l v machine that oils itself .

An all around man m ust have somethin g to think of


higher than himself .

Do n ot fill the mouth too full in eating .

When a thing don t suit ’

y o u ,
say so quietly .

The greatest inventions emanate from very small be

ginni n gs ; don t shy at small things


We live in an age o f mental and physical dyspepsia on ,

account of over eating .

From the hour o f the invention of printing books not

, ,

kings were the rule i n f the world ; weapons forged in the


mind were to supplant the sword and the battle axe .

The Lord is my shepherd ; I shall not want .

( Bibl e )
That which is transpla nted too oft en does not prosper , .

Trust in the Lord forever .

( Bibl e )

Love is the master key that opens every man s heart ’


Conceit mav pu ff a man up but nev er props him up , .

A deaf person always stamps his feet while walking .

Re d
h aired people are generall y good natured ; but

when they are aroused they are great fighters

, .

Poverty and weakness go hand in hand .


Every on e desires to live long and happy . A g rand l aw

in n ature .

Civilization ben ds to accommodate the environs .

All good people are anxious to make a sensible recor d

in life .

To steal thri ft is a cur s e but it is a ble s sin g when got


ten h onestl y .

The cl imate near the sea is not s o extrem el y cold or

warm hence the best for health and i nvalid s


I n di s guise Peter the Great worked in Holland for


purpose .

When a man lacks health wealth and friends his h e , ,

i s at a l ow ebb ; hope is gone .

Your future life depends immensely on y our surround

in g friend s .

When your brain lacks blood you need much sleep a n d

electricity also much rich food and no excitement to exhaus t

blood .

W as liabl e t o be corrupted by bad bo oks as ba d

e a re
company ; judge a book not by the cove r n d r a ma n by hi s
, ,

clothin g .

Taxation without representation i s very unjii s t hence


the W i do w w ho is q ualified shou l d have a vote .

T hed a y s of our deep est troubles a re t he days o f our


r enova ti on ; adapted to brin g us in clos er tou ch and com

munion with God .

S o me people are always on the look out -

fo r an ea sy j ob
to turn up ; man y times they turn up in j ail , .
B OO K O F PR O V E R BS . 75

a y oung husband i s sad find out the cause of the

W h en ,

t rouble and sympathize D o all y u c

o an to r move the trou
e -

bl e you m a y save a divorce


When a woman marries a man the fi rst t hi ng she ,

s hould do is to find o u t his whims and as much as p o s sibl e ,

keep them t r i m m e d n i c el y They a r e the key to hi s inner

i '

n ature .

Mirth ,
is the embro ider y of a l l the actions of human

The Spirit of the Almighty is within us The Spirit '

of the Al mighty is around us and the S pirit is above us , .

In all conversation and business a cert ain amount , _

m irth is as necessary as oil is to mach i nery .

Wisdom is ha rder to get , an d to keep bright ,

r iches .

Y ou ho ul d
wear out your good clothes first E a t
s n ot

what is s e t before you Don t as k for the best piece of pie

when y ou seat yourself at the table When grace is asked .

a t the table show you rsel f a man

, .

S ome
old Christians think and say that the s tron g s alt
n ess in the Dead S e a comes from Lot s wife

, , .

Take the romance from the life of Washin g ton a n d ,

you have the l i fe of the most notoriou s rebel that ever live d
i n America .

The man who has a fe w good friends is only loved , bv

a few and hat ed by many
, .

Many birds than can soar the highest spend the mo st ,

of their tim ei n t he g r e un el a n d rocks ; even so in men many

- f
e e

days in small o ffices unnoticed who might s oar ,

in the high atm osphere of fame .


Sweet spring full ,

of sweet days , and sweet roses .

( Herber t )
When y ou want a prompt an swer enclose a stamped ,

envelope addressed ,

When yo u r mind hesitates your head shakes then stop , ,

an d meditate .

When all things are prosperous in your behal f then ,

the time to prepare for a crisis .

Dyspeptic s never lift their feet in a sprightly manner .

lives that have worth are

O ur ,
n ot graded by days or
years ; but by acts that never die .

They are never alone who are accompanied by noble ,

thoughts ( S y n d ey )
. .

The fin e s t lan guage when babies commenced to prat

tle the worst grammar was perfect


The snail does not sing ; the lazy man don t bloom ’

W here l aw en ds there tyranny begins

, .
( Pitt )
The tre e of l iberty only grows when watered by the ,

bloo d o f tyrants .

T he q uicker prosperity is gained in anything , the soon

er it dies .

W ool ,
sticking in a sheep dog s teet h is evidence ’

a ga i nst his moral character


A lazy man don t make a good grave digger ; he sits
too much and quite too soon .

A happ y old age is the result of a good y oun g life .

1 77

The safety of the people depends on the subj ugation

of all criminals .

It is the value of your knowled ge that makes you val


n able .

A f o ol

and hi s money are soon parted


An ape may chance to sit among doctors .

There is no fool so bad as an old fool ,


Know th y sel f p r esume not God to scan


Knowledge is power .
( Noah Webster ) .

Knowledge i n youth is wisdom in old age ,


He that boasts of his knowled ge proc laims his ,

i g n or
ance .

A fool is bu s Y in e ve r v one s business but his own


He that knows the least commonly presumes to know ,

the most .

It is hard for an empty bag to stand upr i ght .

There is no a rt t hat can make a fool wise . He w i ll

never set the town on fire .

There is no royal road to learning .

The best blood by learning is refined

, , .

O n a long j ourney a straw is heavy , .

Education polishes good natures and corrects bad ones .

To travel makes wise men better and fools worse , .


The true darkness among the people is ignorance .

nly a vigorous brain and a great nervous system is

O of

great importance .

As the suicides and insanities increase among any p eo

ple in the same proportion civilizat i on i ncreases


Envy is one o f the most hateful feelings it is found in ,

all living creatures .

Travel is a great source of wisdom .

History repeats itself .

Isaac Newton s reason w a s aroused by seeing t he

S ir

apple fall t o the ground which caused him to reveal the


w orld the laws of gravity .

Direct your conversation as much as possible to things , ,

perta i n i ng to the person to whom you are conversing


They laugh that w in .

( Shakespeare ) .

There wa s a laughing devil in his eye .

( Byron ) .

Conspicuous by his absence .

( Tacitus ) .

A bsence makes t he heart grow fonder ( Beatty )


. .

Young men for war ; old men for counsel .

( O ld
Maxim ) .

The shape of your head is the shape of your mind , .

O h
woman , " Lovely w o man " Nature made thee .
( S hake spear e )
Wretched soul , bruised with adversity ( S ha k e s
p eare ) .

To destroy a stomach by continual medicine taking is ,

as much of a sin as too much whiskey dri nk i ng .

It requires no ability to become a drunkard ; but it re

quires a patriotic e ff ort t o become a thorough absta i ner .

To let liquor alone on your own account is sel fi sh ; but ,

i f we do it for ou r neighbor s sake it is noble Godl i ke

, ,

Strong drink makes a stubborn and a frivolous charac ,

Children in Japan are taught to write with both hands

, ,

Sel f e ff ort makes a better and a stronger education

, ,

than all the colleges can develop .

W ork while you work play while you play ; for

an d
that is the way to be cheerful and gay .

I f you r husband is j ealous of you remove the cause as ,

soon as possible ; it may cause a frightful tragedy .

We l ea rn to know better the next time by thinking ,

over the past li fe .

Di fficulties are n ot calculated to discourage but ,

t o en
courage ( Channing )
. .

The number of tools sin has is innumerable ; the devil

has a key to handle all of them .

It appears marvelous that such a volume of knowled g e

ca n be stored systematically in a human brain .

By adding French Latin and Hebrew to a woman s

, ,

tongue very often un fit s her to be in a house

, .

God organ i zed the camel to c r os s the desert the same ,

as the steamers are organized to c r os s the ocean .

B OO K O F PR O V E R BS . 181

The more serious a man lives within the more , p l a i n h e

l i ves without .

Sweet sleep is the sign o i a goo d conscience

, ,
a nd a
g ood preparation for the Kingdom of God .

The most noxious weed grows the most prolific ; t he

bl acker the vice the faster it grows .

The riches t and happiest man IS the one w ho has the


l argest n umber of Heavenly blessings in his favor for the ,

many goo d deeds done .

The sharpness of the property lines are an index to ,

the value of the property ; sharpness of sectarian lines is the ,

v alu e of the religious line s o f the church .

I f all the inhabitants of a nation were wealthy in . , a

v ery short while the nation would be a weakling .

It is not good to be happy lon g at a time ; there are too

ma ny temptatio ns where too much prevails .

There is no credit in being defeated ; but there is credit

i n being victorious the next time .

We need more example and not , so much instru ction .

Boy s ra is ed in the country crowd out b oy s raised in

a ,

the C i t i e s i n all positions of life

, .

A minister preaches hi s best s e r nt on , by a good example

m his daily life

Good adv i ces are all right but a good example is much


Crisp sayings are like gems that crack

, .

Rich in character is better than rich in estate

, .

I f you want to have a thing done to please you do ,

yours el f .

When the horse is stolen it is too late to put a lock ,


the door When all is spent it is too late to save


The counsel from the goose bone is : pay as you go ;

the Philosopher s stone contains the same version


Every day means a short li fe and although short as i t ,

may seem it may contain a great step in the history of you r


e arthly or Heavenly happiness

, .

Learn to live ,
and l i ve to learn .
( O l d Maxim ) .

Nothing had if nothing ventured , .

Woeful want is produced by willful waste

, .

Rich merchants are produced from quick returns .

Contentment with little is , , the greatest wealth on

earth .

Keep a close watch on the a ff airs of your l i t e and G od ,

will not let vou stick .

Those who go sorrowing , a re the ones that are con

t i n u a l l v t o r r ow i n g .

M ak e ha y while the sun shin e s .

( Maxim ) .

Nothing goes so far as politeness and costs so littl e , .

The best preventative from temptation is continual , oc

c u p a t i on .

As plain as the nose on a man s face ’


As cross as a bear with a sore head .


Too nzu c h discussion is better than not enough a l ,

t hough there m a y be sharp words on the subj ect Sharp .

word s are the liver pill s in discussion ; they are the renova
tors Placid and sweet discussion produces holes for t he

devil t o get through .

There is n ot near s o much fun in flat land as there is i n

hill y l and It flat land there is t o o much system and arith

metic n ot enough variety ; t he l a u g h is killed by system


What a large percentage have rheumatism when t he

wife says will y o u take the lawn mower and spell me a

little while .

I f you are sick repining will not help you but make
, ,

you worse A l l y o u need is a good whole souled laugh


Some men are born great ; some by industry becom e ,

great and some have greatness thrust upon them

, .

You trust in God health a good wife grit and

, , , e c on o
my a n d your success is sure .

There i s always a conflict between good and bad Whe n .

w e do the best we know how G o d at last will lead us to ,

victory .

The l on g race is n ot to the swift or to the strong but it


IS to the one w ho is the nearest right in the sight of God and

The man w ho cannot appreciate m u s rc i s to be piti ed ,

for the he a venly li fe he is almost a blank .

No author uttered so many pithy sayings as Shake

speare .

M any islands are formed from the bodies of coral also ,

form i ng grand harbors Many of these islands and harbors

r e qu rr e d thousands of years of constant labor .


The Puritans were the most zealous and aggress i ve i n

their religious belief hence their impress on the Ameri can

Republ i c is found to this day ,


Spare the rod ,

an d spoil the child .

Ifis not any more di fficult to be engaged in an honest

and legitimate business than one that requires much Chl ,

chancery and low trickery .

Batt les train soldiers for war ; storms train mariners

for ocean li fe .

A blind man cann ot care for his clothi ng ; a man spirit

u a l l y blind cannot care for his spiritual outfit

In some people the spirituality is so largely d eveloped

, ,

that it is a l rr o s t im possible to do wrong .

A hope like a flying kite when going higher is very

, , ,

pleasant ; but i f t he s tring break an d the kite fa lls the pleas


ure is quickl y checked .

Easier going than comin g if you have ventured too


A woman can a ff ord to gi ve her husband more pres

ents than he can her because s he cha r g e s them all to him

A dog thought a stick of dynamite a bone ; it was his

last think .

The spendthrift is always hard ru n for money .

The reason we do not feel the press ure of the air is ,

becaus e it is equal on all sides o f the body ; fifteen pounds

to the square inch .

The respect that old age commands at the present is ,

very l l m l t ed .

A man who has consumption walks largely on his ,

toes .

Maxims are the condensed good sense of a nation

, , .

Age does not improve pe d igree .

( O l d sayi ng ) .

The man w ho has liver complaint takes short , ,

i r r eg u
lar steps .

R ead not to contradict and refute but to weigh and to ,

consider .

The power of invention has been conferred by nature

upon a few ; upon these few t h e power of progress de ,

pends .

For civilization the pen ,

is a thousand fold more -
p o w
e r fu l than the cannon .

Happy is the man who lives in harmony with his Cre

ator .

We can t see o r feel time ; it is the medium direct from

the hands of the Creator to regulate the operations of the


universe .

Long steps ; la rge soundness and liberality .

Any animal that makes a soft cooing sound is tame , ,

and he r bi v er ou s .

Any animal that makes a sharp and shrill norse is ,

bloodthirsty .

Anything that looks wrong ,

and s ounds wron g , is
wrong before God and man .

The germ in an acorn for a large oak tree can t be , ,

seen ; the soul i n a child for a great mind can t be seen


, , .

You can t get an i nsurance policy on your character ;

you must risk the Gospel engine to save you from the fiery ,

place .

What is n ot wanted is dear at a penny


M ake the best ou t of a bad bargain .

To work for a dead horse .

Avoid a slanderer as you woul d a scorpion .

To use caustic language in business should in v ariably ,

be avoided .

Entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained


angels .

A s welcome as snow in the s u rnm e

cee d i n g
fin e
the god s g ri nd s l o w l y . bu t the y g rind ex

Be j ust before , y ou are generous .

Honor t hv father and thy mot he r .

A good nam e is r a t l et r to be chosen than g reat riches .

The w a y to fam e i s l ik e t he w a y to Hea en ; thro ugh


much tr i bulation .

S traws show how t he “ind bl o ws .

Go to the ant thou sluggard consider her ways and be

, ,

happy .

Like angel visits few and far between , .

He l et the ca t out of the bag .

1 89

T h e m a n that is in every good cause a kicker is ,


u gly drone under c e e l s of pr o gress .

The first step to virtue is to abstain from vice ,


Vi rtue and happiness are mother and daughter


H ew ho is guided by virtue cannot do wrong


There neve r was a good war nor a bad peace ,


W illful waste brings woeful want :


Q uick come quick go ,


Lose a leg rather than life


Careless shepherds make many a ,

C aution is the parent

of safety .

I f t hou deales t w ith


a fox thi nk of his tricks

, .

Honey is sweet but the bee stings


We don t know under which stone the s corpion lurks .

The sleeping fox catches no poultry .

A rainbow in t he morning gives the , s hepherd warn

A rainbow at night is the shepherd s deli g ht



To talk about the change of weather is the talk of ,

The weakest go to t he wall .

To dance to every man s ’

pipe .

When a child I spake as a child ; I understood as a


child but when I became a man I put away childish

, ,

things ( St Paul )
. . .

There are men who are like a flock of wildgeese in a

thunder storm dashed hither and thither and at last landed
, ,

in a pond and then cooked Hence : His goose was.

cooke d f

The man who preaches and prays for temperance and ,

then votes for whiskey candidates corresponds with the ,

Bible expression : Thou art neither hot n or cold ; hence ,

I will spew thee out of my mouth .

B etter be without a talent than to make use of it in ,

the wrong direction .

Wise thoughts that take deep root by and by develop ,

part of our nature and prove a great blessing .

All trul v great men can give a good toast at the proper

Every great mon ument in t he world is is an emina


tron from enthusiasm .

A picture is a poem without words .

Educated people s wages average ’

, 47 per cent higher


than illiterates .

Purity is better than popularity ; true merit is better

than honor .

Wealth brings friends to nations as well as indi vidu ,

Females should do all they can to keep their appear

ance fresh and young without show in dress— more than
common sense demands .
Who will not feed the cats mu s t feed the mice ,

A miserly father makes a Prodigal Son


Beauty is but skin deep . Beauty vanishes ; virtue en

dures .

She that is born a beauty ,

is hal f married .

From small beginnings come great things


L earn to creep before you run .

A bad beginning often makes a good ending


The stream never rises above the spring s head ’


He wa s born with a silver spoon in his

m outh .

Change of pasture makes fat calves .

Never refuse a good o ff er .

K eep thy shop and thy shop will keep thee

, .
( Frank

Kill two birds with one stone .

That which is everybody s business is nobody s busi

’ ’

nes s .

A nimble S ixpence is better than a slow shillin g .

A s busy as a hen with on e chick .

A good occupation is better than a golden girdle .

The worth of a thing is what it wi ll bring in the mar


A n old man is twice a child ,


Speak well of the dead .

Who shall decide when the

doctors disagree ? ( Pope ) .

Ca re is the greatest enemy to life ; it kills more than

work .

The young geese should be careful when the fox is ,

preachin g .

Religion ,
like mon ey tha t di d n ot cos t much , don t
last l on g .

Have a place for everyt hing and everything in its ,

place .

Never forget to ask pardon for all wongs and mis t a kes .

The man w ho revolves around himsel f all the ti m e in ,

a short time wears out the cogs .

No one w ho has decided to be with God is ,

ever d i s

The kingdom of God is within us .

There is no higher career possible than ,

to m ake a
home beautiful .

Marrying into blood relati onship should be discour

aged In some cases where the temperaments are con

geni al i t may do fairly well

, .

Hypnotic in fl uence and mutual love are two things ;

, ,

hyp n ot rs m may i nduce you to marry any creature O ur .

good mothers called this influence the power to charm ;

two sickly persons of the same ailment should not marry
, ,

together .

Be sur e to h a v e the ri ght m a n i n t he ri g ht p l a c e .

Make a fire of straw you have m u c h smoke

, , but littl e
wa r mth .

Y ou c an t s a v e yours e l f with sa w but i t i s good t o



sa w wood .

Prosperity gains friends ; adversity t ries th em .

To make both end s meet .

I f it were a s nak e it would bit e

, y ou .

Be on t he s a fe side .

Pr epa r e for i y day

a ra n .

L ea st sa id ,
is s oon s e t mend ed .

D is c retion i n s p ee ch i s mor e t ha n e l oquence

A p enn y s a ved is a penny g ained .

Ta k e ca r e of t he p en ce ; t he p oun d s wi l l t a ke ca r e of
t he m s e l v es .

It ta k es t w o t o m a k e a q ua rrel .

H e fights hi s ow n s ha dow .

D e ep rive rs mo ve in silenc e ; s h a l l o w br ooks a re noi s y .

Re li gi ou s nten ti on i s t he d e vi l

co , s ha rves t .

T a ke out o f on e p ocket and p u t i t i n t he ot her .

Wit hout p r a yer , no w or k i s wel l beg un .

D e s pe r a e t d i s ea s e s , re q u ire d es pera te r emed i es .


Worldly aims must be crucified before we ,

ca n a tt a in

spiritual bliss .

The science of Chemistry is the greatest as a branch


of human development .

V ery often noted characters are idiots excepting one ,

preeminent trait of character .

More great men are born in the spring than any ,

other time .

When w e have n othing t o take hold of we are , a pt to

embrace God rather than die in despair

It was the last straw that broke the camel s back .

( O l d Maxim ) .

Love is like corn it thrives when cultivated .

Riche s have wings that is the reason they someti m es


The happiness and beautiful songs of the birds de ,

clare that the air is their Heaven .

Cheerfulness to a few may give gladness to many

, .

Better be a man than a millionaire .

A nonymous letters are the weapons of cowards

, .

Character is the poor man s savin g bank ’


The salt of life is the activity in a useful vocation

, .

Economy is o f pric e l ess v alue through a busy li fe .

Beware of hasty engagements ; nine times out of t en,

they pro v e failures .

Sat an ha s many ways to entrap to sin ; but the most

p rolific is the one that carries the key to its name and sa i d ,

key is nearly a lways l ost w hrs —

In the last two yea rs , 3 o

o oo wives were murdered by
d runken husbands .

Whatever y ou do , do with all your might .

Penmanship is the queen o f arts .

The more kno wledge you have of the Creator and his
laws the more powerful you are

Like magnets all gr eat leaders mag netize communi


Egotists in the day of Solomon were called fools

, , .

The foundation o f a man s usefulness is the value ,

o f his word ; it is the golden cha r m of his character .

Too much land prosperity may be a great nuisance to

a man .

Prefer solitude before base associations

, .

Us e fuln es s is the badg e of a noble gentleman .

Go od health is better than wealth

, .
( M E Crock
) . .

Do thy duty that is best ; leave unto the L ord the rest
, .

( M E C rock ) 1
. . .

To gain the most perfect happiness in matrimony the ,

laws o f nature are the most perfect guide because they ,

are the laws of God .

A very small woman should not marry a very large

man .

A ma n wit h a baby m o u th , ha s a ba b yi s h d i s pos it ion .

A broad st ra i ght m outh , and li p s

e ven l y proporti on e d ,

a re t he i nd e xe s o f a m a n l y chara ct e r .

You as yo u think p e r fectl y ha ppy ;

s ee t wo p er s ons , ,

examine and notwithstanding you find a c i nder i n the e ye

, , ,

and -sha kin g i s dange rou s l y unhealthy

H and s houl d be
a vo ided unless at noonday pray e r m e etin g

The s mith s m a re ’
, a nd t he cobl er

s wi fe , a r e a l wa y s
wors t s h od .

The near e r to the bone , the sweeter t he m ea t .

Alwa y s be s ur e t h a t y ou ha v e t he r i g ht s a d d l e , on t he
rig h t h o r s e .

It not t he hen that ackles t he m ost tha t l a ys t he

18 c ,

mos t e ggs ;

The mewing ca t is n e v er a good m ou s e r .

There are many ways o f killing a d og , wi th ou t chok

in g hi m to death with butt e r .

If y ou hold the ba g in stealing apple s , you a re a s gu i l ty

as t he on e that picks the apples and puts th em in to t he ba g .

Be s u re that you cut yo u r coat in ha rm on y wi th t he

a m ount of c loth y ou h a v e .

Take thing s a lways by t he s mo oth ha n dl e .

I t is ha rd to teach an old d og n ew t r icks ; l i ke a ca t ,

he will a lw a y s li ght on hi s f eet .

Al wa ys a cc omm oda te you rse l f to t he s u rroun d i n g s

an d t o t he time s .

V irtu e ,
pushed too far becomes a fault

The habit of doin g hard things prepares us ,

f or t he
crisis of li f e .

Every home and every li fe have their,

o wn atm os
p he re .

N 0 one can rise nearer to G od , a n d not draw others high


er .
( Flower ) .

O bey the inner voice of your nature and you are all

right .

I f you are happy on earth it is certain you will , be

happy in Heaven .

The greatest force in the universe works quietly whic h ,

is electricity .

Intemperance never rules over a happy home .

The death of intemperance would mean happiness to

millions .

To read without reflecting is like eating without di ,

g e s t i n
g ( Burke
) .

Sins like knots on trees are an index to rot ten spots

, , .

The blacker the sk ns are the sooner they kill them



All evil brings its own destruction .

A hog on i ce i s helpless even so is an independent

, an d
selfish man .

when an g ry remain q uiet until you have gained an


eq u i libriu m

A good word is as soon sai d as a bad one , .

No part of nature has power to do anything o f it sel f ,

all l i fe power comes from God .

Love ma kes x
fool s wits ,

and wits fools .

Love makes time pa ss faster t han anything else .

Love in old bachelors like fire , 111 old wood once start ,

ed is hard to be put out

, .

Extraord i nary gen i us i s an i ndex to d eg neracy and IS e ,

always found in disproportioned p ersons .

The sunshine of the soul is the outgro wth o f stormy

n ights o f sorrow .

Lunatics i diots Indians and women are not permitted

, ,

to vote Brother y o u don t wa nt your sister classified in


the list .

The English have mad e drunkards to one Chris

t i an i n t he i r missionary labor among the heathen .

The life between mirth and grief should be so tempered

as to gi ve a sweet bloom to all time .

B efore w e can have a pr oper growth we must be root ,

ed and grounded so deeply in divine love that the light of ,

Heaven i s all the time befo re us .

Great knowledge brings great responsibilities


The night o f sorrow is as necessary as the noonday sun

The growth 1 s most at night in all divinity .

Appetite i a p p et i t e for stomach or soul the great prin

c 1p l e i n o u r l rf ;
e IS to have it satisfied with good natural
healthy sp i ri tual food or physical
, ,


General Sherman said : War is Hell The General .

was never henpecked by a loud mouthed woman ; had he -

been he would not have been such a crank on kissing w o


men .

company with Kings and Q ueens of hu man

K eep
thoughts in a short time you are one of them .

Keep your mind filled with l oving thoughts and , y o u

will be loving .

Music gives a glimpse of Heaven more clearly than can

be found on earth .

Never do evil that good may come .

O aks fall when reeds brave the storm .

He that endures with patience is a conqueror .

In many ca s e s t s i l en c e carries more eloquence than

speech .

In the company of strangers circumspection in speak ,

i ng 1 8 an ornament .

S hort and sweet .

Tis better to be brief than tedious .

The best training a boy can have is to be able to meet

great responsibilities .

The dogs that bark l o ud seldom bite .

The noisiest drum has nothing in it but air .

tooth broke out of a saw will destroy the use of

the saw ; one bad act in your life will destroy the use of yo ur
character .
201 B OO K O F P RO V E RB S .

They love the least that let men know it .

Who love too much hate in like extreme .

M any big words and many feathers go to the poun d

, ,

Long li fe is assured to those that are good and obey the

It is n ot money that makes t he man rich but content ,

ment with w hat he has .

The early bird catches the worm .

To succeed one must be very prudent

( Napoleon ) .

Nations sicken and die like men .

Real worth cannot be attained without courageou s

worki ng ,

The law which governs all law is the law of n a tur e , ,

or the l a w of God .

Let reason and kindness be united and they seldom ,

fa i l to ca rry the point .

The importance of a man is in what he know s , .

T he c reation of a thousand fore sts may depend on on e

a corn .

A man is never too old to learn .

( Middleto n ) .

Childhood shows the man , as the m ornin g s how s

( Wilson ) .

A good word is as ea sily s aid as a ba d on e .

A clear conscience fea rs n o a cc u sa ti on .

B OO K O F PR O V ER BS . 205

y o If
u don t govern

your passions in a short time t he v

g overn your reason and consc i ence .

When we kn ow that our future depends on our pr esent

l ife is it not strange that we take so little interest i n ou r
s elves ?

W hen you practice temperan ce in your young life , y o u

n eed not abstain when in old age .

I f God is for us who can be against us ( Rom .

No mus 1 c rs sweeter than to hear the dear little girl sin g ,

her little baby sister to sle ep It is more charming than the


most classic m usic even more t han from the greatest m u


s i c a l college in the world .

Sects are formed not by reason but by the surround ,

ings no di fference how inconsistent they are

, .

Hunting h a ppiness like singing psalms to a dead horse ,

is slow in coming .

Don t buy a pig in the poke .

Your honesty i s an index to your character and credit .

G od built the B ermuda islands from coral to produce ,

early vegetation to supply the U nited S tates

Ta ke all the lad i es with all their artistic skill and they ,

can t make a spider w eb The young spider that never s a w


a web can make as good a one as the old spider can

, All .

done by artistic ski ll governed by instinct

, .

The w o rst foe a man has to contend with is an ger ; it

d estroys all i n all that belongs to man .

W e n ever know t he wo rth of water until the well is

Trees grow strong by wrestling with the winds Boy s .

and girls grow strong by battling with the rough edges o f

hardships .

Hhou s e children remain as long as they live and

ot ,
n ev

er amount to much in e d u ca t ron work or bu s rn e s s

, .

God tells the people when the missionary field is ready ;

he discover s gold or something else ; a great rush of people
goes ; missionaries go and heathendom goes
, .

Every good act you do God gives you credit until , by

an d by your face shines
, .

T the extent intoxicants change a face ; to the same


extent the brain and mind is changed .

I f you are on the dark side polish it trans form it and

, , ,

make it the brightest side .

N obo dy but a bad and unreliable citizen sells his vote .

Ba d temper is a s nap of the old man s teeth touching ’

country of brimst one .

The Cre a tor knows no death .

A deaf per s on alway s stamps his feet while walking .

Children are smooth but age comes wrinkl e s and scars

, ,

ap pear ; n ot unlike tree s by and by knots and decay set in


a n d death fo llow s .

Ea s y come ea s y go
. O
( dl M axim ) .

O ften gre a t endings ha v e small s ources .

T he m a n who has very light hair and eyes and m arries ,

a lady of very black hair and eyes has made a mistake ; they,

are opposites and are very uncongenial .


A ll wealth o f this planet don t amount t o as much

t he

as the interest of one penny would fr om the day o f C ai n .

In the most corrupt places law s are m o st multiplied

, .

Too many laws are always a sign of weakness .

The greater the mind the more prolific it is in

, w r iti n
good maxims .

G od never made his work s for men to amen d .

( y
D r

The s trongest passions allow us some rest but vanity ,

keeps perpetually in m otion ( Swift ) . .

In your declining years you can t write l ove stories ’

t he
s ame a s you coul d in y our clover age .

A friend should bear a friend s ’

i n fi r m i t i es ( Shake

. s

peare ) .

The ha ndmaid of d uty is pleasure .

Bus i ness neglected , is business lost .

Language was given to us that we m i g h t speak plea sant

words to each other .

Time and tide wait on no m an O

( dl Maxim )

. .

A m a n t ha t is all the tim e overrun wit h too many iron s

m the fi re 1 s sure to have some bu rn ed

, .

N ever dri ft but keep sailing

, .

T he man that has too m u ch hope builds too many , air

castles .

Love is the occupation of an idle man the amusem en t ,

of a busy man and a shipwreck to a sovereign

, .

I am an American ; I l i ve an Amer i can ; I d i e an Ame r

ican ( Webster )
. .

He that pitieth the poor lendeth to the Lord .

( Bible ) .

Every man is a King in his own back yard .

Every cock is lord in his ow n dunghill .

The hen that stays at home picks up the crumbs .

The wisest thoughts concentrated make Proverbs .

A truly great man can t be great and mean at the same

The young man is to be pitied that rather choose s a ,

drunkard s life than to be sober and independent


There is an uns een hand that moves in the a ffairs of

men .

A life o f ups and d owns carries more pleasant m edita

tions in old age than a quiet even life , .

The more open the Bible is taught to all the better the ,

civilization and the bette r the Christianity .

Deep down 111 the valley of superstition when books

, ,

a r e kept under lock and key inventions were consid ered the

work o f the devil .

The person w ho imagines all the time often turns out ,

to be a notorious liar .

The man that is always going to do somethin g great

seldom does anything .

When death is common , we often wonder that we

have escaped death so lon g .

The parties always w i n w ho are on God s side ’


to the ant thou sluggard ; consider her ways and

G 0 ,

be wise ( Solomon )
. .

Great press ure refines metals ; the same in man ; grea t

pressure and great 0 p p r es s 1o n are needed to refine h i m .

The very faults we condemn in ou r neighbors we often

possess ourselves .

In the year 54 B . C .
, Caesar compiled the almanac

A great mistake is to buy carpets t oo good to let the

sun shine o n them .

God creates crooked trees ; He also creates crooked

men .

A golden mind stoops n ot to shows of dross .

( Shakes
peare ) .

Friendship that makes the lea st noise is the most -

( Addison ) .

We are sure to get the better of fortune if we do n ot

grapple with her ( S eneca )

Great men are n ot always wise (O ld Testament


) .

j ust as the twig is bent t he tree is inclined

( Pope

, .

Meet your duns with a smile and laugh at the idea of

be m g dunned .

Some of the happiest mortals are hopeless invalids

; be
cause they take lots of laughing medicine
They are happ y .

Gen i us unexerted is n o more enius

acorns IS a forest o f oaks g than a bushel of
( Beecher ) .

A new love drives out an old love .

When you call on your girl as soon as she yawns look ,

for your hat .

Blustering shows weakness ; quiet , self compos ure


shows strength .

A m a n can t be good to himself unless he is equal l y

good to others .

Do the best you can , a nd trust in God for the r esul t s .

It is a very poor book that can t gi ve you some good ’

thoughts ; likewise he is a very poor man who can t give
you some good ideas .

The feeling is left in an amputated limb for n a n y "

years ; like sinful deeds they annoy us long years after


wards .

A good canvasser 1 8 an independent m a n better quali

fie d for the rough side of life than a college graduat e .

Great oaks are not felled by a single stroke ; fame is n ot

r eached by a single bound .

Music has charms to soothe the savage beast .

We live in an age of mental and physical dyspep s ia on ,

account of overeating .

Great thoughts recorded g et stronger as they , g e t old

er ; they are like sauerkraut and whiskey .

Among the relics of the benighted ages ,

t he bl a ckest is
war .

Walking and working alongside of a lam e man ; by and

by y ou W i ll be lame .

The selfish man is t oo busy to take a hearty laugh .

A g en e r o u s /he a y
r t laugh will open the doors of a cru s

ty nature and let the sunlight shine in .

To wind up your despondent feeling a good , ,

hea rt v

lau g h w i l l d o it good .

Pity him for his poverty of soul that cannot enj oy a

hearty laugh .

Agitation i n all things gives an increase ; qu i etnes s

gives a decrease .

Anything that agrees with nature s laws is right in the ’

s ight of G o d and man .

Every young man w ho wan ts to make a good all round ,

man out of himsel f should store up books have a good li ,

br a r y o f the best authors read and think and in this way he

, ,

will make a man o f prominence and usefulness


t .

Praying for a min i ster and not paying his salary ; and
p reaching for temperance and voting for whisky is double ,

hypocrisy .

A good man will be steering for Heaven no matter ,

how the surroundings a re .

Bells are the t i m ei s t s o f schools churches and homes


Take t he bells away and you plu ck out one of the great
ci v i lizers from the j aws of progress

Window blinds subdue the crudeness of the home a n d

gi ve a cheer i ng dress to the surroundings It is a good

step i n the morals of refinement .

How frightfully untamed electricity is ; but when ha r

n e s s e d and properly tamed it is one of the kindliest bless

i n g s of the human race in adding happ i ness .


The w el l regulated saloon is the most dangerous curse


ou the face of the earth ; it makes the place good enough to

e ntice the best peopl e to go to the bar and in a short time

they are subj ects fo r the lowest dens .

I f on e of the larger planets would vanish it would ,

change the w orki ngs o f the entire solar system If o n e of .

the larger members o f a fa m ily dies it chan ges the entire ,

working system of the whole fam ily .

the an gelic beauty o f the f a n ily dies and the little ,

boy i s placed in the grave and the spirit added to the angels .

it will change the w hole family Heavenward .

Economy and t hrift know no failure .

Courtesy like honesty is t he best policy

, , .

S m all savings encourage perseverence .

The sun may shine in the winter but it don t mak e ,

’ ’

heat enough fo r t he entire house It requires industry t o


assist nature .

W hen the gr eat storm is over innocently the sun ho w

comes u p over the hill t op t o see i f it is safe t o come o u t
a n d rule the remainder o f the day and like the great gen
, ,

eral retreats until tomorrow

, .

The best way t o cure loneliness is t o d o an act of cha r

i ty that W i ll rea ct on y ou and the two actings will form a

p i ll th a t will cure your loneliness every time .

Laughter is my obj ect ; tis a property in man essen

t i al to h i s reas on ( Randolph )

C oii s ci en ce is the pulse to reason .

Reas on is the intellectual telescope ,

and fo r a lon g
range i t i s nece s sary to pla ce the light of Heaven o n it .

Flattery is the food of fools .

Yet do I fear my nature ; it is too full of the m ilk of

kindness Shakespeare )

Feet warm and head cool makes

, ,
the doctor poor .

( French ) .

Rebuke with soft words and hard arguments .

Shallow with censure everything beyond t heir depth .

Let other people praise you and keep your mouth sh ut

Temperance is the best physic .

The table is a greater robber than the thief .


Bread is the sta ff of life .

The saloon is a legalized and Christianize d drunkard

factory .

A poor excuse is better than none .

A friend is not missed until gone .

Every one can master a grief b u t he that has it .

Shakespeare ) .

The best way to have a friend is to be a fr i end yourself .

Birds of a feather flock together


You can j udge a man by the company he keeps .

Familiar friends and old paths are best .

He that sits with his back to a draft sits with his fac t ,

to a coffin .

The grandest accomplishment of a young lady is to be ,

able to bake was h and keep a h ous e in good trim ; It i s

, ,

better than all the classics ; a good common schooling .

e x cepted .

There is nothing that exemplifies the nearness of Go d s

presence better than electricity It is the hand of G o d . .

It penetrates our whole house Every breath we take we .


take a bi te of this vital fluid When w e were born into ex


i s t e n c e it was in the room ; and when w e die it will stand a s

ou r s p on s e r .

Animals are satisfied on this earth ; man is not sat i sfied ,

which proves that there is something higher in store for

man .

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush ;


n e ve r q t
u i

a c ertainty for h 0 pe .

T he p y r a m i d s
decl a re that sculpturing was be t t e r fi v e
thousand years ago than i t is today

The moon is forty nine times smaller than the ear th


A day on M ercury is twenty four h ours and five minute s -


O n V enus 2 3 hours and 2 1 1 2 minutes O n M a rs 2 4 hours


3 9 minutes and 2 3 seconds Earth 2 4 hours .

, .

They have a stone in Finland that i s used for a bar

om e t e r It turns from almost white t o bl a c k Many youn g
. p

men are similar ; they ar e white but because of black a cts , , ,

they have transformed almost to black .

Christianity makes the high life higher ; it makes the

low lif e hi g her ; it transforms the face of the earth and .

makes it higher .

There is more danger in overloading t he religious o r

gans of the brain than the digestive organs of the stomach .

In every phase religious dyspepsia is more dangerous than

physical dyspepsia .

Petticoated philosophers and blustering heroines make

t he m eanest kind of wives ; they make their husbands and
children very unhappy .

Books and women the p lainer they are the better they

comman d the s ensible people .

A young man don t know what is in him until he over

hauls his luggage and brings forth the good things that
were hidden in his trunk .

I f y ou start an argument with a bad temper it is n ot ,

likely you will be success ful The very first step hardens

his will Sweet oily talk is the best medium to convince


opponents even sometimes against their own will


Anger is very detrimental to the success o f the marks


man inasmuch as it makes him too shaky ; even s o in a bad


m a n his last dream made him t o o shaky to keep the s ecret

o f his last murder .

W ater like money in the house when too much f o r the

, ,

comfort of the day destroys the safety o f the home We

, .

need only enough to meet the happy medium in water and

money .

All nature has to run through a process o f fermenta

tion This process is gained by the passions ; some need it

in one direction and others in another direction All pas .

sions need a fermentation .

Kind words are the j ewels o f life ; sharp words leave

scars that are taken to the grave .

Select words that are not impregnated with germs ; it

i s the bad twan g that makes the meanness to everything .

In our schools all is imitation excepting that which

treats on ori g i nal compos i t i on o r new discoveries o r i n v en
t i ons ; th i s IS real learning .

Nothing pays better than solid preparations befor e

commen cin g a nythin g .

By active and constant toil the spider makes the bean ,

tiful web ; by active and constant toil the mighty bridge IS ,

built .


Pat a horse and t reat him kindly he wil l pull and ,

work much better ; treat a man kindly he will do much ,

more work .

and r e hashing other s thoughts crush es out

Reading -

our own thoughts and leaves us in a worse condition than

before we commenced reading .

Size is no true index to manliness ; neither is the num

ber of years y ou have lived a sign of manliness nor is the
number of ve a r s spent in college .

Solid church work will assist you i m m ensely in t he

promotion of your business no matter what kind of h onest
‘ ,

business y ou are engaged in .


You can t learn to be a blacks m ith by reading ; neither
can you learn to be a Christian by reading ; you need prae

Who has love in his heart has spurs in his heels .

Fear in love has no luck .

( German ) .

Love at first si g ht keeps the divorce courts busy .

Love only on one side means misery on the other side .

Patriotism pure brave open eyed and independent

, , ,

should be part of our religion .

Think yourself not too big for lowly services or too ,

l i ttle to attempt great things for God


Sleep and death are so cl o s el v associated that they ca n

be classified as twin sisters .

It is n ot the largest book that contains the most amoun

o f information The New Testament contains the para

mount essence o f all information .

A ki n d act is like a blossom that will bring fruit man y


days hence .

The sun dial points time in all directions ; the s ame in ,

a good man ; he points to goo d deeds done in all directions .

A useful life writes character so imperceptibly on t h

Christian face that the ages o f eternity will acknowledge .

Good deed s grow in all kinds of soil .

Through the di ff erent ages of the Chinese empire civ ,

i l i z a t i o n would advance then retrograde ; the same p hil os o


phy hold s good in families .

Anoint all your a ctions with an abun d ance of sweet

Like plant s when people live t o o close together or too


gm m
ar apart they will not thrive well There is a happy me
, .

The Gospel is l ike an artesian well the deeper you go —

the more force the well has ; the deeper you go i nto the G os
e l
p the more fo rce it has .

The health of a community to a great extent is an , ,

dex to the morals .

There can be no great smoke arise but there must be

s om e fi re ( L illy
) .

He that would thrive must arise at five .

( Franklin ) .

A man should be very careful not t o tell any shady

s to ries on himself ; they may return like an Australian

boomerang and gi ve him a bad whack on the back .

God s greatness an d grandeur would be blotted o u t if

w e could understand the incomprehensibility o f God s w orks


The words and unspeakabl e would n ot o c
c ur i n the Bible .

Music is like the m orning star ; we are never tired o f

s eeing its beautiful bri ghtness We never tire of hearing

the song of the nightingale The good old hymns the


older they get the better and the more we like them and the ,

greater their e ff ect .

Whatever faults you may have add not to them that of ,

g umbling
r .

A proud man is hard to please : his expectations run

too high and he may be a notorious growler and scolder
, .

Circu m st an c es d on t make the greatness of your char

acter ; you are sure of the crown if your m arks deserve it .

regardless of surroundings .

Fame sits aloft waiting who com es next to take the

cha i r o f t e r r e s t i a l greatness Time tells the story
. .

You can t control the notes of a nightingale ; neither
can you control the thoughts of your own mind much less

the thoughts o f your neighbor Make the surroundings .

right and your thoughts will be right .

Precisely the same flowers that grew five t housand

years ago i n the Nile valley are blooming today .

The cl o ud s average hal f a mile in thickness and one

m i le i n alt i tude.

Man has all the animal instincts and also the human .

Deep Christianity always makes a broad Christianity .

The wh ole living kingdom and v e getation quietl y

change to a ccommodat e the element s o f t he atmosphere .

Glycerine is soft but in result it is m ighty ; the s am e

fact sh ould be in your language bu t i n argument mighty ,


Absen c e de stroys triflin g intimaci es but invigorate s

s tron g ones .

S p eaking too much is a sign of vanity ; for he that is

lavish in words is niggardly in deeds .

not m oney that makes a man rich ; but con entmen t

It is t

with what he ha s .

usking corn before it is ripe is like husking m i ss i on

H -

a ries into the field before t he corn is ri p e .

Little and often filled the purs e, .

( Franklin ) .

A fat kitchen mak esa lean will .

( Franklin ) .

It is ea s ier to do good when you have all good persons

a long .

T he m ost unmanl y thi ng on earth is sinni n g .

A man may d ig his own grave with his teeth by glut .

t onou s eating .

Don t kill the fly on the boy s nose with a sledg e ham ’

Not le s s th a n ten per cent of the books printed are .

hurtful to hum a n h a ppiness .

T ho s e t ha t w e pity for their poverty pity us for hav

g the s welled head .
226 B OOK or PR O V E RB S .

A man who is n ot on the upward road to be an angel

is on the downward road to be a devil .

A man who is bold and able to speak independently

will not make a good citizen ; he stirs up the people too
much .

How frequent it i s that y o u think all is lost and at the

same time y ou are passing it at the door of suc cess .

A lie must be watched and nursed like a baby ; the

truth is like a strong man who is not afraid of shadows .

Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak ; it serves

for fo o d and raiment ( Longfellow )
. .

Ninety per cent of the drink that is sold is to persons


of perverted appetites .

To write a good love letter you ought to beg in without


knowing what you mean to s a y and finish without knowing

what you h ave said .

It is not the revolution that destroys the machinery ,

but the friction ; it is not the action of the mind that destroys
the body but it is the acidity that produces the emotion
, .

Indep endence o f character should be our great aim .

Work out your own salvation frame a character that will be


good enough for the ages o f eternity and let others talk
as they please .

We should strive to be precisely what we should like to

be at our death Some people have a long time to lay this

foundation though t he y n ev e r laid a stone

, _

We came about four thousand years too late ; such

grandeur that flourished at that age i s passed into the long
night of oblivion and w e are left to strike the pick into the
o l d musty ruins and ransack the catacombs and say Amen


d isappointments and the death of loved ones

Poverty ,

brings us to God .

Love of wild ambition is the cause of all wars . Re a

s on , a t such times acts t o o slowly

To bé t he b est qualified t o go through li fe under all ,

circ u mstances a good canvasser stands at the head


Ability to find fault is the meanest ability a man can

possess .

God worked millions o f years to prepare all things to

bless man and make him happy .

Runningthings too nice and systematic kills the fun

and simply leaves a little o f the sour rusty friction that ,

kills all the laugh .

Every moderate drinker could quit if he would ; ever y

drunkard would quit if he could ( Arnot ) . .

man who hath no music in himself nor is n ot

T he
m oved in accord with sweet sounds is fit f o r treason .

Shakespeare )

Music is the most magn ificent and delightful present

God has given to man .

There is no wisdom in useless and hopeless show .

( Doc Johnston )
. .

The use of a superlative f or everything weakens your

argument ; t oo much is t o o much o f anything .

A sword in the hands of an idiot is dangerous ; but a

pretty woman i s much more dangerous .

As a letter of recommendation beauty stands pre emi ,


u ently at the head o f all .


The world through all ages devised plans to put

, ,
s in

out of the world but so far has failed as much as our

, p a

rents did in the garden of Eden He w ho makes use of . t he

surroundings is a genius of prudence ( Lava ter ) .

Judge a man by his qu es t i o n s ,

r a t he r than by his an

s w e rs (
. V oltaire ) .

Wise men never sit and bewail their loss but cheerfully ,

seek to redress their loss .

I f y ou sing w a r songs it invites a war spirit ; if you ,


sing religious songs it will invite the spirit of God ; if you


sing love songs it invites the loving .

There is no animal so cross that it don t play with ’

it s
young .

Too much familiarity breeds contempt .


Suit the word to the action and the actio n to the word .

Shakesp eare )
The best fire escape system IS found i n the New Tes
O 0

tament .

In every person there is an angel and a devil ; one must

conquer the other .

When we are acquainted with our weakest po ints we ,

can by constant e ff ort eradicate them

, , .

Joyful people sing ; grieving people weep .


A man resembling a frosted potato is hen p ecked .

The weakest link of a chain is an index to its strengt h ;

the weakest point in your nature is the index to your moral
strength .

Big word s do not always carry weight in an argument .

The lubricator is the wrong way when you are dealin g

with t ha t oi l y croo k

Coal like money if you have enough f or the day y ou

, ,

are all right ; but if you have t oo m uch o f either y ou are

in dange r I t al s o de stroy s your happiness
. .

The reason some men are lead ers is because they a re

wi s er th a n thei r fellow creatures -


V egetation is su fficient proof also the bones of ani —


m al s and birds that three thousand years ago the B ritish

I sles were tropical .

The mind is the atmosphere of the soul .

( Faubert ) .

An orange tree throws o u t sweet perfume in every di

r e ct i on even so i n a good man he throws out perfume of —

sweetness i n every d i rect i on .

Your best thi n gs nearest ; breath light to your eyes

a re , ,

and nearest duties ; don t grasp at the stars ; but d o life s d u ’

tie s and your daily bread will roll in .

Hwho puts on airs of importance exhibits a certain


obnox i ous repuls i on not pleasant to man or beast

, .

He is ea g er to be a great and noble man must cul

w ho
t i v a t e g reat and noble actions all the days of his life No .

bi l i t y is like a great forest o f oaks th ey grow all the time —

until they die .

Some book s are to be tasted others to be swallowed ,

and some to be chewed and digested .

I n ancient times men learned with a view to their own

improvement Nowadays men learn with a view to the

approbation of others .

N ature gave horns to bulls hoofs to horses and wings


t o birds beauty to women as shiel ds f o r protect i on and the


powers o f usefulness .

To a rr ot he r a chil d i s everything ; but to a child a

par e nt is onl y a l ink in the chain of her existence ( L ord .

Ba con s fi el d ) .

M an w ants bu t little ,
n or that little lon g .
( Young ) .

B et ween the cup and the lip there is many a slip ,


Whatever you do do with your might ; things do ne

halves are never done right .

I f you fly too high above your surr oundings or if you ,

descend too low you can t do much ; you mu s t ke ep in the
happy medium in all the aff airs to do good and be happy .

When w e are able to fulfill du t ie s aright O h what de ,

lightful mem ories of pl easure they bring u s at a l l times .

day and night .

A man is not completely born until he is dead . Fr a nk

Children sweeten labor but they make m is fort unes


more bitter They increas e the cares of life but they miti

gate the remembrance of death ( Bacon ) . .

O ld men are twice children .

( Randolph ) .

Children and fools speak truth .

(E n d i m i on
) .

Watch the child in the April o f life lest the frost of

M ay n i p its blossom and make an empty head .

Don t try to teach your children too much in a short
t i me i t leaves the i mpress o f a very short race in life It i s .

better to i mpress that life is a long race .

Continual dropping wears the fli n t y r oc k away ; con
stant e ff ort wears away the violent p a s s mn .

Adj ective s are a mild type of lying .

Fault -
fin d i n g is a s tain on character that has f ew
eq ual s .

W hatever is hateful to you avoid doing to others ,


I f a man slips and falls on the pavement and gets u p ,

a n d kicks the peeling away and don t say a crooked word


he is a Christian .

Shortcomings and sorrows belong to eve rybody ; they

are the breakers to keep us from going too fast or too slow .

To giv e g enuine sympathy is better than gold or silver

, .

To give alms grudgingly will , gi ve no happiness to you

or the reci p ient .

Belonging to the u p per classes don t put ’

vou nearer to
H eaven .

Happ y is the man w ho can lie down and sleep and wake
up i n the morn i n g ready for his daily happiness .

Fault -fi n d i n g
is growlin g; growling is scolding ; scold
i ngs are shafts of the low er r e gi on s .

A life without reverse means a life without streng th .

In anything where reas on ends God takes command , .

When temptations surround us ,

it takes a brave ma n
to retreat .

No thing is so paralyzing in doing right as the , in or d i

nate des i re to get rich .

Lovesicknes s is not contagious but the character it has


is the most violent ; very often it make s f unerals .

M oney gathers money as a snow ball gathers snow -

hence all children should have a bank in which to place their

money .

The sun is the index hand on the great clock of time ,

the same as the index hand on the 24 hour clock -


The rich frame of the mirror amounts to l itt l e ; it is the

mirror The same as our body ; it amounts to little but

the reflectin g soul amounts to much .

Little flies are the scavengers of the house ; the same as

the little troubles both are renovators for good health and

happiness .

The color of ink and its application is like the swivel

in machinery ; the color in people and application of their

hands is the swivel in life .

In an audience that is made up of frivolities the think

ing mind is a back number It must take a back seat and

look on .

Mirth spice and fascination are the great factors that


pour oil on the cogs of an unhappy life .

Home is one of the strongest words ; it holds the

same fascination in all living creation Even man is not .

satisfied ; he wants a h ome after he is dead .

S ome people like to read on science and progress som e ,

l i ke to read the love sick stories of a soft and loose brain



Proverbs are like sten ography mu ch th ought is em

braced i n a few words .

The way of t he tra n s g res sor is h a rd .


The chi e f e n d

of man is to glorify G o d and enj oy him

forever .


There are thousands of illiterate people in the United

States who were turned out o f school as incorrigibles while ,

incompetent teachers were the cause of this deplorable di

lemma .

Scatter flow e rs of c heerfulness wherever you go .

God will be with you and your life will be long and happy .

When you employ a doctor take one , w ho is considerate

and cheerful .

I f an ocean steamer is caught i n a fog the best thing

to do is to anchor and stand still when in our troubles we "

are befogged the best thing w e can do is to anchor and stand

still until the light of heaven appears .

I f you want to be happy make others happy and cheer


ful happiness r e echos —


Kissing antedates the Cross of Christ thousands of

years , and always carried a mark o f reverence happiness ,

and sadness .

A man will never learn what oars can do unless he

rows on rou g h water ; a man will not learn what troubles
will do unless he passes through them .

The great est blessing you can bestow upon a human

being is t o teac h them what they can do to make life a suc
cess and add happiness .

Opportunities are like the day roses ; if n ot plucked

the day they appear they wither ; the same in opportunities

they must be plucked the same day they appear .

The sel f willed life is destructive to happiness ; it is

ways full o f disappointments .

The law of demand and supply regulates the prices in

everything all over the world This rule with good com
, ,

mon sense should be su fficient to settle all labor disputes


The greatest secret in success in all the avenues of life

is continuous honest hard labor
, , .

We should do all the hard work we can ; if we can t be
a light house let us be a tallow candle

The earth i s only the bridge that w e pass over from

the time we are born into existence until w e are carried to
the last resting place The earth is only the place for our

feet while on the j ourney of life .

No one liveth to himself we are all independent of each

other G o d is the ruler over all
. .

Throughout the whole universe there is nothing per

f e ct l y quiet all is motion and action O h what a grand


p anorama surrounds us all the time

The great characte ri stic of this life is uncertainty
here today and gone tom orrow

All the good virtues are centered in the word love .

God made great men the same as he made great trees

he makes little trees the same as he makes little men In .

the great economy of the C reator all are equally useful if

placed aright

For comfort and happiness it is best not to see and hear

too much ; better shut your eyes and ears on man y occasions .

Don t criticise children in company ; you will destroy
their individuality .

Don t use ugly threats to your children that you never
expect to fulfill .
23 8 B OOK O F P ROVE RB S .

The credit system ha s been and ,

i s tod a y, the wors t
curse that even entered into commerce .

To grant license is to give freedom to sel l liquor to a .

besotted humanity to encourage human brutality fill j ails , ,

penitentiaries and make victims for the gallows


The path of the j ust is as the shining light that shineth

brighter more and more until the perfect ( B i ble ) . .

Hereditary traits of character are more powerful than

all the parental and college training ; hence see well to the
blood that you marry also in the s election of business com

panions .

Everyone should carry a moderate insurance policy on

his life to insure a decent burial and a tombstone .

All the time engaged at fair wages is much better than

to r ecei ve ve r y large wages for a short time and then lie idle


an d canvass to find another j ob .

I f a man has the d isposition to make a will he should

do it when in good health and no family disputes on hand
w ,

and under conscientious reasoning .

The heart is t he strong est and most perfect mechan

ism located i n the center of the b o dy ; this same f act should
be exemplified in all the relations of life The center of the .

operations should be the strongest and most perfect .

Time the hand of the Almighty i s writing decay and

, ,

death O h how sad

, The law in nature the great balance ,

wheel demands this continuous panorama to add life and


spice to the hand of creation and Providence .

The beggar died a ii d w a s carried to heaven by angels

into Abraham s bosom ; the rich man also died and was bur
i e d in hell ; he li fted up his eyes and seeth Abraham afar
o ff and L a z a r e t h in his bosom Scripture
( .
) .

M en of great genius are dull in the society of ladies .

Paul w a s saved from prison by being a R oman citizen

M any people have been saved when in foreign land s by be

i n g an American citizen .

It is not on e hundred years since baseball had its ori gi n

i n our nation .

Man was sent into the world to explore and conquer ,

and to tread the shining coasts along with Newton Colum ,

bus Edison and Fulton


The mold of a man s fortune is left in his

ow n ha nds .

( Bacon ) .

Every man s life is a plan of God as much as the

s un
is of the solar system in the operation of the universe .

here is nothing in the world that enriches the hu
man mind any more than writing and reading proverbs .

W hen you have the bear by the tail hold on to it .

A happy woman is sweeter than honey .

A happy woman attracts unhappy people like bee s

a round the flower .

A happy woman finds sunshine on the darkest da v ,

fo r
i f there is not any she makes sunshine .

A man does not know the v a lue of a wi fe until he has

got to get h i s own meal and see to his laundry .

Love is like fever and fi r e— more fierce in the evening

than at noon .

Love comes as quietly as the shades in the evening or

the stars of heaven .

The family is t he nucleus of the State and the f ou n d a

t i on of al l that is g ood .

Honor thy father and thy mother .

When the system is full of typhoid fever it will n ot ,

be long until the typhoid germ will be on hand to reduce

all fever food and leave the body clear and emaciated in ,

shape for food rebuilding .

It is easier f o r a camel to go through the needle s eye ’

than fo r a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven .

There are over persons divorced annually in

t he United States .

The boy knows how much blacking it takes to bring

the shine o u t on the boot ; the boy sh ould be taught the kind
o f learn i n g and t he a m o u n t to bring o u t the shine in his

life he wants the happy medium


Just as dueling is murder so is gambling stealing


wear a viper for a necklace or make your bed on

T o

thorns has the same sense as to make friendship with an


angry man .

From yo ur boyhood friendship has done more to make

you what you are than all other mediums combined .

The life on earth is the childhood as compared to the

life on the other side of the grave .

It don t matter how great our estates are

, we are only
strangers and pilgrims on earth .

When a cat catches a mouse she wants to show it to ,

the family ; when a boy does a good j ob he brings it into

the house to show it to his mother In the cat the same as .

in the boy it is the spirit of ambition that does it

, .

There is a great variety of cora l the same as any other


part of creation .

Necessity is the mother of invention .

The table should be made attractive by a display of

flowers .

Three removes are as ba d as a fire .

( Franklin ) .

Teeth should be carefully b rushed morning night and ,

afte r mea ls.

Confidence i s the companion of success .

Wealth and contentment don t always go together ’


Much money much care

, .

Great wealth does not always make a man more wise

or more healthy

More lu ckt han wit .

A leaf when old and ripe fades and dies ; man is the

same when old and ripe he fades and dies

, .

He is in clover .

He never gets to heaven who desires to get ther

a 1one

When fortune knocks open the door

, .

Would you kn ow the value of money go and borrow ,

some .

It is an ill wind that profits nobody .

Where your trea sure is there will your heart be also

, .

When the sheri ff comes to sel l you out of house and

home it brings a fighting family together quicker than the

visi t of the priest .

The hands on the dial of time will not move back .

O ld superstitions are doomed .

I f the a ffections were taken away reason would be ,

like a pilot on a sh i p forsaken by the winds in a profound


calm .

Hired horses make short miles .

The pulling out o f an arr ow that has ragged edges

hurts the most ; even so in bad words they o ften produce —

lock j aw

Fellowship is heaven ; lack of fellowship is hell . Fel

l o w s hi p is life and lack o f fellowship is death

Wit a nd the w o rld were born without a mother .

( Berk
e n he a d ) .

Li fe is as a favored child i t rri u s t be humored c oaxed


and petted until it falls asleep ; then all the cares are over -

( Goldsmith )
When a great wheel runs d o wn a hill don t a tt empt t o ’

stop it ; i f you do it will break your neck But if it goe s .

up the hill let it drag you along .

Language resembles the st rings of an i ns tru m en t .

When touched in harmony m usical con v ersation will flow .

Wo r ds have Wi ngs flying in all directi on s a ft er th ey

, ,

have left ou r lips They are like forked lightning ; they


may strike where least expected and d o much damage .

Habit is second natur e .


When you can t sleep j ump out of bed rub all over

, , .

make the blue devils fly like hornets return to bed and trust ,

to God .

Black cows give white milk .

Homesickness has no germs ,

but kills more people
than any other disease .

Still waters run deep .

It is right and proper to hold a reasonable insurance

policy on your property .

Every bird is known by its feathers .

A lame duck in the stock market means any on e w ho '

is not able to fill his contracts ; hence he is expelled ; in this

respect w e find a good many lame ducks among our church
members .

Where there is whispering there is lying .

We may dabble with all kinds of temptations but at

last Providence will send trials that will discipline us for
future happiness .

Home is not built in a day .

The general act of kissing han d s is a salutation that

belongs to all ag es an d nations and is a feature in the sca l e


of civilization that should command the encouragement of

the highest type o f humanity .

N ever grieve over spilt milk .

The kiss is not only a delightful luxury but it carries ,

in its course one of the highest expressions in the scale of

civilization We can trace it back into the dark misty ages

of the morning light of humanity .

B OO K O F PRO V E R BS . 24 5

O ut of a white egg often comes a black chicken .

A monkey remains a monkey though d res s ed in

, silk .

proportion the United States has more divorces than

In _

a n y other nation ; hence w e are the most unhappy of all na

tions and in the greatest need of missionaries


As plump as a partridge .

A slovenly dress betokens a careless mind .

D rink inj ures a man externally internally and eter ,

nally .

Drunkenness is an egg from which nearly all vices are

hatched .

Punctuality is the soul of business .

M uch noise an d little wool .

Believe a boaster as you would a liar .

o G worksd for all equally ; very often w e can t rec og ‘

n i ze H i s all mighty hand in the various operations as t he y

roll along befor e our eyes a l l t he time . .

Speaking is silver ; silen ce is golden .

It was the last straw that broke the camel s back .

In the punishment of disobedient children no bruises or

ii u r
y to the child s health is permitted under a heavy pen
ty .

Better bend than break .

Like dogs that snarl over a bone and play to g ether

when they have none .

Grief knits two hearts in closer bonds than happiness

ever can And common su fferings have far stronger links

than common j oys ( D a m a r ti n e)

. .

N o go o d lawyer ever goes to law himsel f .

When a man has not a good reason for not doing a

thin g he has one good reason for letting it alone ( Scott )
. .

The man who is watchin g his health and wealth is a

total abstainer .

The same camera that takes the p i cture of the murder

er is applied to take the pi cture of the King Q ueen and ,

President .

When the righteous are in authority the people rej o i ce .

( Pro v xxix

No one has a proper common schooling unless he has

committed the commands Lord s prayer Apostles cree d



Agur s prayer and the names of the books of t he Bibl e .

Sin blights everything it touches .

When a man or woman can t enj oy flow ers there is ’


somethin g wrong in their hu m anity .

Heaven is represented as a place of beauty ; the person

who is the greatest lover of beauty is the nearest heaven .

H is a hustler What is more a nnoying to a man

e .

than a nerv ous hustler though m a n y p ron o un ce him a n ’

i deal bus i ness man ?


True worth in life is not a snap shot a ff air ; t he best —

th i ngs in life are missed by hurly burly m ovements -


There is no day in the year that drives self out o f ou r

nature more than Christmas ; it is the home day for a il .


He w ho loves money more than honesty comes e v en t u

ally to a sudden halt .

As clear as a bell .

In proportions as the suicides of a n ation increase— wh ich

is about fourteen per cent in the United States i n the same

proportion unhappiness and divorces increase .

As green as grass .

T he most important poi nt in life is promptness in eve r v

thin g

As black a s coal .

The Chinaman said : Many many Christians but , ,

n ot

many Jesus C hrist Christians .

Soon hot soon cold

, .

The shoemaker sees the faults in shoes and the printe r

finds the faults in spelling .

I f wishes were horses beggars would ride , .

W hen people speak ill o f thee live so that nobody will


believe them

He has an elephant on his hands .

Man carries his superi o rity inside ; animals carry

the i rs on the outs i de .

The beasts are by i nstinct their own doctors .

W ho would wish to be valued must make himself

scarce .

It is bad soil when no flowers grow .

- B OOK O F P RO VE RBS . 24 9

Wise behavior and i g norant courage are caught as

men take diseases one of another ; therefore let m en watch

their compan y ( Shakespeare )

. .

He who solicits timidity courts a refusal .

God gives sleep to the ba d in order that the good may

be undist urbed ( Saadi ) . .

Lo o
k out for great danger when the pirate prays .

A vessel large may venture more : small ones must

keep near shore .

He that stays in the valley will never get over the hill .

It is j u st as hard to quit a good h a bit as it is to qui t

a bad habit .

To life s end is a great j ourney should you live to be ,

eighty years .

The fire burns brightest on your own hearth .

East or west home is best , .

A mother is a mother— a mother all the days of her

l i fe ; a father i s a father a father u ntil he gets his second

wi fe

A mother s love changes never .

A babe is an angel whose wings decrease as the legs


get longer .

Too many cooks spoil the soup .

When people have bought on credit unt il it is gone ,

then they shy you at every corner When you ask them to .

pay YO U they abuse you in the very worst manner

, .

Clocks will wear out ; God s clock of time will n ot wear ’

out nor does it need any winding up ; it is the clock of eter


n ity .

Some Christians start on the ground floor some on the ,

middle floor some on the garret The lower they start the

better the foundation is and the greater the weight they

carry .

The family that talks all the time about good things to
eat have more stomach than brain and th o se that talk ,

learning have more brain than stomach .

The quickest way to kill a family is to put poison in the

co ff ee ; the next best w a y is to have a saloon next door ,

well regulated in the sale o f intoxicating liqu o rs so as to

make it a respectable place for a higher class and espe ,

c i a l l y on Sunday .

The devil don t want any b etter territory to make prod

igal sons and daughters than over nice homes From these .

families he can make high toned devils


In doing go o d it is much more essential to send mis


s i on a r i e s among the higher classes than am o ng the heathen ;

they don t do any mischief while the higher class do much

in favor of infidelity .

Mirth don t build hous es and don t su vey l a n ds but it ’

i s the cement that fills the ragged edges and adds s m oo t h

ness to all the surroundings .

I f you will resist the devil at all corners he will in a ‘

short time quit coming .

Sluggards are never great scholars .

Every hill has its valleys ; ev ery obstacle has its valley .

The hills at a d i s t a n ce l oo k l a r g e r than they are ; mora ’

courage will surmount them all


252 B OO K O F P RO VE RB S .

Money makes the mare go .

In all the wars that ar e recorded fourteen bi l l i on s o f


the human family fell by the cruel hand of war ; fifteen

times more than all the people on earth at present .

Paddle your own canoe .

Would you be strong conquer yoursel f ,


I f you can not inspire a wom an with love for you fill ,

her above the brim with love for herself ; all that slops over
will be yours .

A little oil may save a deal of friction .

Never venture in deep water until you are able to swim .

A day of sorrows is longer than a month of j oy .

Never t rouble trouble till trouble troubles you .

The d a r kest hour is the one before the dawn .

A smooth sea never made a good sailor .

There is not a ma n ou

t has a secret respect for good


Six of one and a


ha l f d o z en
of another

To be a temperance crank me a ns to say that you are

an ii i d ep en d e n t man and associated with the best minds on

c artl l

To play the dog in the man ger .


To commence an argument or a lecture wi th a good

s tory or a proverb i s the very best medium to make an i m

pressi on on your a uditors and als o to gain the day i n a d i s


cu s s i on .

Never sound the tru m pet in behalf of your own praise .

Be sure y o u are right then go ahead


The index on the di al plate of time plainly shows that

w e are passing through the greatest boom of progress th a t
the world ever saw ; all pointing to a closer insight to the
natural laws which shows the hand of God
, .

M oney is the root of all evil .

Youth sucks ated pills ;

t he age chews the

s u g a r - co Old
bitter pills of untold hardship s in life .

Equivocation is a first cousin to a lie .

Friendship formed in youth will live as long as li fe

lasts and friendship formed when old will soon be over
, .

Every man has his weak side .

Give hi m rop e enough


: a nd he will han g himself .

Hedges have ears and walls have ears , .

Adversity proves the strength of friendship the sam e


as gold is tried by fi r e

To tell tales out of school .

O h , Lord "We have gone astray -

like lost sheep .

( Bible ) .

Every tub must stand on its own bottom .

A cloud i s an unpleasant sight but when God opens ,

H i s great sunlight a silver lining appears even so in man


, ;
he 18 as a dark cloud but so soon as God s light fr om above

n o ve s on and in him the silver lining appears in all its


g i ory .

Unripe fruits are hard to digest ; sha d y stories tol d by

a bungling Dutchman are hard to digest .

There is h onor among thi eves .

The man who is the best qualified to govern hims el f is ~


the most lordly gentleman .

Much surface happiness can be gained by wild thinking

on imaginary wealth and ho w t o apply it in d oing the most

good The delusion is very soothing and if troubled by


wakefulness at night may assist y ou to induce sleep .

The best way for a man to show his ignorance is to

show his learning religion or clothing

The tiger appears so innocent when sleeping ; behold

him when aroused Even so in many men ; how innocent

they appea r ; behold them when aroused .

The grandest feature is to keep all the organs of the ‘

body well fed ; unless you see to this you must feel assured
that y ou will have s om e ip oo r and sickly parts of your body
and much trouble throu gh life .

The l ove of God a nd the laugh of a little child are

synonyms .

Love and s weetness m i x e d w i t h gravity are the blend

, ,

i ng o f t w o natures that produce great dignity of expressio n .

In bringing up a child think

\ , of its old age .

Li fe s action t o a great extent is like a spoiled child
, ,

it must be coaxed an d watched until at last death comes t o

unlock the fetters and let the prisoner g o and enj oy the
freedom o f the kin g d om o f the blessed .

Children have more need o f models than critics .

( Fo u
bert )

are facts that are wiped away in a very short
time but thoughts are facts that the ages of eternity will

not wipe out .

Knowledge without practice makes but half an ar ,


V enus is one seventh smaller than the earth


The diameter of the sun is miles .

Laziness is t oo slow ; poverty soon overtakes it .

The temptation avoided is a temptation passed .

As the m other so the daughter, .

Pain like a watchman is standing sentinel to all parts

, ,

of our body telling us the kind and location of our ailments ;


hence we can regard pain as the greatest blessing we en

j oy touching health and long life .

As clear as crystal .

Never praise the fording place until you have crossed

the river .

He w ho would gather roses must not fear thorns .

He who lacks courage in m any instances needs good


None but the brave deserve the fair .

Custom makes thi ngs easy .

There are words that are of great value t o the culti

vati on and C i vilization o f the world if properly placed ; if ,

not they may contain germs that will sprout and change t he
world wrong .
” ”

R eason s whole pleasure lies in three words Health


peace and competence .

Crying is one of the natural instinct s o f the mi nd to

give an index to the inner feeling o f all living creation .

T here a re as many expressions in crying as there are

in laughing

A key without a lock is like a mouth without a mind

both are useless

There i s always room at the t op for the man w ho has

force of character .

Good friends are like good books they are equally ele

va t i n g .

B e not over sever e; be not over gen tle - -

. Ther e is a
happy medium .

When y o u take a snap shot picture move on and get — .

out of the w a y qui ckl y f ‘

Alexander the Great died at Babylon at the a ge of 33

years .

Stars trees ani mals birds and in fact all Nature is

, , , , , ,

a var i ety ; even so in the Book of Pro v erbs .

A telescope has two ends ; if y ou want to see the stars

y o u must look in at the small end L ife has two ends and .

i f you want to s ee the Kingdom o f God y ou must look in ,

at the small end .

I f y ou want to get to heaven and make home ,

heaven then y ou are in touch with heaven all the tim e
, .

A small babyish face is an index, to a s m all babyish


m i nd .

A sharp nose sharp teeth sharp features and sharp


, ,

mental organs are an index to an erratic nervous excitable , , ,

and snappish disposition .

Fi fty years ago a turn co at was pronounced a m a n -

without a character ; now they are denom i nated as i nd i v i d

u a l s who know something a nd have good common se n se .

I planted two bulbs of nearly the same appearance ;

one grew a beautiful lily and the oth er an onion I s aw two .

boys o f nearly the same appearance ; on e grew up to be a n o

ble ma n the other grew up to be a noted devil whisky did


A leg out of j oint is like religi on without the spirit of

God in i t both are w orthless ; keep the spirit of God in r e

l i g i on and the leg in j oint and be happy


The waters of twenty eight States are poured into the -

mouth of the Mississippi ; hence it ch okes and overflows ;

the same in the rich man s purse It choks and overflows ’
. .

In both cases there is danger of reaction .

Honest men kn ow and confess their faults ; rogues

know and conceal the i r faults .

All the di ff erent phases of character are written in the

human face the mirthful the scornful the kind the cruel

, ,
, ,

the stingy the liberal the brutal the literary the cultivated
, , , , ,

the religious the idiotic the fighting the licentious Wash

, ,

i n g t on had all the phases about equally developed .

O h "
a privilege it is in our daily walks o f life
to be permitted to do a kindness to some on e that will shine
bri ghter and brighter even until the perfect day

To tel l lies is a poor w a y to put down V i ce ; rather let

on as though you had n o t seen it
; time will kill it faster than
it can be done in any other way It killed the dog then it .

killed the cat and in time it will kill the toper

, .

B e not ov er fin e in anything ; hair splitting is a fearfu l

- -

c urse on the way to happiness .

Incline to the happy medium in all things .

There is a time to weep a time to lau gh , , a time to

mourn and a ti me to dance .

I f you want to build a strong wall you must use mortar


to fill in the vacant places ; if y ou want a strong stomach ,

you must use light food to fill the open spaces .

Having a meek and obliging nature is the highest ex

pression of a noble gentleman .

Thou shalt rej oice in every good thing .

( Scripture ) .

I f a chicken had three wings it could not fly ; if you

had three million dollars it is not likely that your soul would
fly to God .

Wit is l i ke a brillian t torch— only good to bright en a

g loomy day .

The guilty soul cannot keep its own secret .

There is no refuge from confe ssion ,

except suicide .

( W ebster )
Twilight comes broad like the hands of God The
, .

laws of nature are broad B e a broad gauger in all your


actions .

Some people put such a sharp point to all the a ff airs of

life that the sharp point sometimes breaks o ff an d they
have a stub to work with Do n t make your points t oo

s harp.

W hen you talk to people

look them straight

s t a n d e r ect ,

i n the face and tell them the straight truth .


D on t forget to speak to every person y ou meet ; i t

makes you feel go od and twill have the same e ff ect on


the persons addressed ;

Young trees mixed w ith old trees adds to their length

o f life ; even so i n the human family young people mixed —

with old adds length of life .

Stuttering is very contagious not by germs but by

, ,
i t a t i on the same rule may be applied to p rofanity .

Daniel Webster reduced the number of syllables in his

words to add to the power i n his speeches ; even so in a meal
that has power i t has not many cours es


The M ormon religion teach es one good fact and that ,

is that every man shoul d get married and have a family if ,

physically and mentally qualified .

Girls are like queens ware when it is broken it can t be ’


restored ; and when their character is broken it cannot be


restor ed

By harshness parents make liars out o f their children

they must tell a lie or be severely punished .

Don t tell people that they are getting fat or lean or , ,

pale ; it is not reciprocally appreciated .

"ou m ust
tell a wo m an that you love her all the ti m e ;
i t has a very good e ffect .

He barked up the wrong tree .

( O l d Maxim ) .

Don t talk over your troubles to your neighbors .

The most intelligent m e n think far into the future

the i gnorant are satisfied without thinking

Good eyes and strong drink are at en m ity .


A man s memory is like the stop gauge on a wate r

p ipe ; when enough mind has run out God stops the mem ~

ory gauge .

The climate best adapted for wheat is the best adapted

to develop the highest type o f humanity .

F i ve e i ghts of the diamonds in the world belong to

America .

I would rather be called the laughing stock of the

town than the crying stock .

To attempt to mend God s works or to find fault with


them is the inde x to a growling fault fin d e r ; a dyspeptic


H e should read Lord C hesterfield .

It takes five drinks to make a drunk ; one drink is one

fi fth of a drunk Five topics in a paper govern the coun

try ; one article governs one fi ft h of a country -

Many words are sweet at first but in a short time they


f erment and the sourness ai s unbeara ble .

I f men were better instructed there would be less im

p osin g on o thers ( L ocke ) . .

In all the steps of life w e must take less ons from na

ture ; the thickest part of a tree is at the but In building a .

house we should build large pillars to support the h ous e ;

the largest part of a church tower should be at the base .

A g ood wife is like the ivy that bea ut i fi es the house to

wh i ch i t clin g s twining its tendrils clos er and more loving

l y as the ages roll on .

Whatever w e contemplate in time grows to a ccomm o

date the i deal ; hence w e shou l d make all exertions to start
our mode of thinking on goo d subj ects .
A lover at a great distance prepares the m ind better t o
appreciate the long ages in the Kingdom of G od than any
earthly medium .

David loved Jonathan a n d J on a t ha n loved David ; this

exemplifies mutual love or reciprocal attachment .

Christopher Columbus believed the story of the waves

and sky telling that land w a s nea r The wrinkled fac e a nd .

t n e gray hair tells that the Eternal shore is near

The soil of their souls is shallow ; hence you dare n ot

plow deep ; they can t digest st r ong food


Every tree produces fruit according to its nature ; ev

ery m a n a ct s according to his nature



Well begun is half done says an old proverb

, , .

Death com e s t o all even to monumental structures and

, ,

oblivion rests on the most illustrious name ( A n s on i u s ) . .

T he\ha pp i e s t
most violent people
a nd on the face of
the earth are found i n"
I reland .

The boy that wriggled his head and shoulders in at

the stove door thought it goo d fun but to get out w a s a

di ff erent tune There are m a n y p eop l e who push them


selves into places and think it g ood f un but to g et out is a .


di ff erent tune .

All o u r guilty stains may be eras ed and t he likeness


G od may be stamped on everyon e .

No word in old age is so gr eat glor i ous o r good or

It embraces all
, ,

sounds so sweetly as the word peace
, .

the virtues .

Peace of body mind and spirit is t he greatest embl em


that mortal man can wish .

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