Linguistic Terms in The Ukrainian and English Corpora
Linguistic Terms in The Ukrainian and English Corpora
Linguistic Terms in The Ukrainian and English Corpora
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Presented by
Supervised by
//////// 2023
INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………..…... 3
1.1. Theoretical and methodological background of research into linguistic terms .......... 5
2.1. Sociolinguistic analysis of linguistic terms in Ukrainian and English corpora ……. 12
2.2. Semantic analysis of linguistic terms in Ukrainian and English corpora ………….. 17
CONCLUSIONS ………………………………….……………………………….…… 21
REFERENCE ..………………………………………………………………………… 23
The object of our research is Linguistic terms in the Ukrainian and English
corpora. The analysis of the publications, in which research on this topic has been
studied, shows that this phenomenon has been studied to a certain extent.
This course paper aims to explore and compare linguistic terms in Ukrainian and
English corpora, with a focus on their frequency, distribution, cultural and social
factors, as well as their semantic fields and connotations. The findings of this study
can have implications for language teaching and learning, translation studies, and
cross-cultural communication.
The problem that this topic seeks to address is the analysis of linguistic terms in
Ukrainian and English corpora. Specifically, it aims to explore the similarities and
differences in the usage, frequency, and distribution of linguistic terms in the two
languages. Additionally, this topic aims to examine the sociolinguistic and cultural
factors that influence the usage of these terms in different contexts. The study of
linguistic terms in the Ukrainian and English corpora is important for language
teachers, learners, and researchers as it can aid in the development of effective
language teaching methods and materials, as well as provide insights into the
cultural and social aspects of language use.
The relevance of the topic lies in the importance of understanding the similarities
and differences between two languages in terms of their vocabulary and usage.
This understanding can help in various fields such as translation, education, and
cross-cultural communication. The study of linguistic terms can also provide
insight into the historical, social, and cultural factors that have influenced the
development of these languages. Additionally, with the increasing globalization
and the use of English as a lingua franca, it is becoming more important to
understand the usage of English in different contexts, including in comparison with
other languages such as Ukrainian. Overall, the topic is relevant for anyone
interested in language, culture, and communication.
To achieve this goal of the work, the following tasks are provided:
Coursework structure. The study consists of an introduction, two chapters,
conclusions to the entire work and a list of used literature.
One key theoretical framework that underpins research into linguistic terms is that
of semantics. Semantics is concerned with the meaning of words and how they
relate to the concepts they represent. Within the study of semantics, researchers use
a variety of methods to analyze the meaning of words, including lexical analysis,
morphological analysis, and syntactic analysis.
Another theoretical framework that is often used in research into linguistic terms is
that of pragmatics. Pragmatics is concerned with the way in which language is
used in context, and how context influences the meaning of words and phrases.
Pragmatic analysis often involves the study of speech acts, such as requests,
commands, and promises.
use across different contexts and to identify common linguistic terms and
Overall, research into linguistic terms draws on a wide range of theoretical and
methodological approaches, reflecting the complex nature of language and its role
in human communication and cognition.
Linguistic corpora are large collections of texts or spoken language that are used
for language analysis and research. These corpora can be compiled from a variety
of sources, including books, newspapers, magazines, websites, speeches,
conversations, and more.
The use of linguistic corpora has become increasingly important in the field of
linguistics and language studies. Corpus linguistics is a subfield of linguistics that
focuses on the analysis of large bodies of language data. Linguistic corpora can be
analyzed using a range of methods, including frequency analysis, concordancing,
collocation analysis, and more.
Linguistic corpora are used in a wide range of language-related research, including
studies of syntax, semantics, pragmatics, discourse analysis, and more. They are
also used in language teaching and learning, as they provide learners with real-
world examples of how language is used in context.
Corpora representing the written form of a language usually present the smallest
technical challenge to construct. Unicode allows computers to reliably store,
exchange and display textual material in nearly all of the writing systems of the
world, both current and extinct. . . .
As noted Tony McEnery and Andrew Hardie, material for a spoken corpus,
however, is time-consuming to gather and transcribe. Some material may be
gathered from sources like the World Wide Web . . .. However, transcripts such as
these have not been designed as reliable materials for linguistic exploration of
spoken language. . . . Spoken corpus data is more often produced by recording
interactions and then transcribing them. Orthographic and/or phonemic
transcriptions of spoken materials can be compiled into a corpus of speech which
is searchable by computer. (2)
The comparison of linguistic terms in Ukrainian and English is a crucial task that
can provide insights into both languages and their respective cultures. This
importance is reflected in the significant amount of research that has been
conducted in this area, using various methodologies and approaches. (3)
One of the key reasons for comparing linguistic terms in Ukrainian and English is
to understand the unique features of each language and how they differ from each
other. For instance, Ukrainian is a Slavic language with a rich morphology and
syntax, whereas English is a Germanic language with a relatively simple grammar.
By comparing the linguistic terms of these two languages, we can gain a deeper
understanding of the structures, rules, and patterns that govern them. (4)
meanings and connotations of linguistic terms to understand the cultural and
conceptual associations they carry. (6)
To analyze linguistic terms in Ukrainian and English corpora, the first step is to
identify the relevant terms in both languages. This can be done by using
specialized dictionaries or by analyzing large corpora of texts. Once the relevant
terms have been identified, they can be compared and contrasted to identify
similarities and differences in meaning, usage, and context. (7)
contribute to our broader understanding of language as a social and cultural
To conduct this analysis, we would first need to compile a corpus of texts in both
Ukrainian and English, using sources such as books, newspapers, and online
resources. The corpus would need to be balanced, meaning it should include texts
from a variety of genres and time periods to ensure that it is representative of the
language as a whole.
Once the corpus is compiled, we would use a software tool such as AntConc (10)
to analyze the frequency and distribution of linguistic terms. This software allows
us to generate word frequency lists, concordance lines, and collocation tables,
which can help us to identify patterns in how linguistic terms are used in both
One way to compare the frequency and distribution of linguistic terms in Ukrainian
and English is to use a method called keyword analysis (11). This method involves
identifying words that occur with a significantly higher frequency in one language
compared to the other. By analyzing these keywords, we can gain insight into the
cultural and linguistic differences between the two languages.
Overall, the comparative analysis of frequency and distribution of linguistic terms
in Ukrainian and English corpora can provide valuable insights into the similarities
and differences between these two languages. By identifying patterns in how these
terms are used, we can improve language teaching, translation, and cross-cultural
For example, some linguistic terms may be unique to Ukrainian because they are
associated with specific cultural practices or concepts that do not exist in English.
Conversely, some English terms may not have direct equivalents in Ukrainian
because the concepts they refer to are not as prominent or relevant in Ukrainian
On the other hand, there are also linguistic terms that have cross-linguistic
equivalents, meaning that they refer to similar concepts or ideas in both languages.
This can provide a basis for comparative analysis and facilitate cross-cultural
communication and understanding.
Overall, identifying linguistic terms unique to each language and those with cross-
linguistic equivalents can help shed light on the complex relationships between
language, culture, and society.
CHAPTER 2. Sociolinguistic and semantic analysis of
linguistic terms in Ukrainian and English corpora
Investigating the social and cultural factors that influence the usage of linguistic
terms in Ukrainian and English is an important aspect of sociolinguistics. It allows
us to understand how language is shaped by social and cultural factors, and how
language, in turn, shapes society and culture.
One factor that can influence the usage of linguistic terms is the level of education.
In general, more technical and specialized terms are more likely to be used in
academic or professional settings, whereas more general terms are more likely to
be used in everyday speech. In the Ukrainian context, for example, the use of
technical terms in fields such as IT, engineering, and medicine is on the rise,
reflecting the growing importance of these sectors in the economy.
Another factor that can influence the usage of linguistic terms is the level of
bilingualism or multilingualism in a given society. In Ukraine, for example, the
increasing influence of English as a global language has led to the adoption of
many English loanwords and terms into Ukrainian. This can be seen in fields such
as business, where English terms such as "manager" and "marketing" are
commonly used, even among Ukrainian speakers.
Cultural factors can also influence the usage of linguistic terms. For example, the
cultural values and norms of a society can shape the way certain terms are used or
perceived. In Ukrainian culture, for instance, there is a strong tradition of literary
and poetic expression, which can influence the use of certain linguistic terms in
artistic or literary contexts.
In addition, media and technology can play a role in shaping the usage of linguistic
terms. In the age of social media and instant communication, certain slang terms
and abbreviations have become popular in both Ukrainian and English, reflecting
the fast-paced and informal nature of online communication.
Overall, investigating the social and cultural factors that influence the usage of
linguistic terms in Ukrainian and English can provide valuable insights into how
language reflects and shapes society and culture.
Certainly, here are some examples of social and cultural factors that can influence
the usage of linguistic terms in Ukrainian and English:
1. Historical events and cultural movements: For example, the influence of the
Soviet period on Ukrainian language and culture, or the impact of the Renaissance
on the development of English scientific terminology.
Here are some examples of geographic and regional differences in linguistic terms
between Ukrainian and English:
3. Socioeconomic factors: The usage of certain terms may vary based on factors
such as education level, income, and social status. For example, in English, the use
of technical terminology may be more common in academic or scientific contexts,
while more colloquial language may be used in everyday speech.
Here are some examples of linguistic terms in Ukrainian and English that may vary
based on socioeconomic factors:
4. Cultural values and attitudes: Certain terms may be more or less acceptable
based on cultural values and attitudes. For example, in English, there has been a
growing movement to use more gender-neutral language to promote inclusivity
and diversity.
An example of the impact of cultural values and attitudes on the usage of linguistic
terms in English is the movement towards using gender-neutral language. This
includes terms such as "they" as a singular pronoun instead of "he" or "she", and
the use of terms like "chairperson" instead of "chairman" or "chairwoman".
Similarly, in Ukrainian, there has been an ongoing discussion about the usage of
the term "російсько-українська війна" (russian-Ukrainian war) versus "агресія
pосії на Україну" (russian aggression against Ukraine), with some arguing that the
former downplays the role of Russian aggression in the conflict.
5. Media and technology: The usage of certain terms may be influenced by the
media and technology available in a particular culture. For example, the rise of
social media and online communication has led to the development of new slang
and terminology in both Ukrainian and English.
Ukrainian: The term "селфі" (selfie) has become widely used in Ukrainian
to refer to a self-portrait photograph taken with a mobile phone or camera.
Another example is "онлайн" (online), which has become a common term to
describe something that is done or accessed through the internet.
English: The term "emoji" has been widely adopted in English to describe
small digital images or icons used to express emotions or ideas in electronic
communication. Another example is the use of the term "hashtag" to refer to
a word or phrase preceded by the "#" symbol, used to identify messages on a
specific topic on social media.
The study of sociolinguistic factors that influence the usage of linguistic terms in
Ukrainian and English has several implications for language teaching and learning.
By understanding these factors, language teachers can develop more effective
strategies for teaching vocabulary and helping students become proficient in the
target language.
academic or professional contexts, while more colloquial language may be used in
informal settings.
Language teachers also need to be aware of their own biases and cultural
assumptions when teaching vocabulary and language usage. They should avoid
reinforcing stereotypes or promoting language that may be exclusive or offensive
to certain groups.
Finally, language teaching and learning should strive to promote diversity and
inclusivity in language usage. This includes promoting the use of gender-neutral
language and being aware of cultural sensitivities in language usage. By promoting
inclusive language, language teachers can help their students become more
effective communicators and promote respect and understanding between different
cultures and communities.
Semantic analysis of linguistic terms in Ukrainian and English corpora refers to the
study of the meaning of these terms in the context of their usage. The main goal of
this analysis is to identify the various senses and connotations of words, and to
examine how they are used in different contexts. Semantic analysis can provide
valuable insights into the structure and organization of language, as well as the
cultural and social factors that influence its use.
One of the main methods used in semantic analysis is the identification of semantic
fields. A semantic field is a group of related words or expressions that share a
common semantic meaning or concept. For example, the semantic field of "family"
in English might include words such as mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle,
etc. Similarly, the semantic field of "food" in Ukrainian might include words such
as борщ (borsch), ковбаса (sausage), каша (porridge), etc.
Semantic analysis can also be used to study the collocations of linguistic terms,
which are the frequent co-occurrence of certain words in a particular context. For
example, in English, the verb "make" often collocates with the noun "decision",
while in Ukrainian, the verb "робити" (robyty) often collocates with the noun
"висновок" (vysnovok), which means "conclusion". These collocations can
provide insights into the ways in which particular words are used in specific
contexts, and can be useful for language learners looking to improve their
vocabulary and understanding of language usage.
Semantic analysis involves examining the meaning and usage of linguistic terms in
different contexts. By looking at how words are used in different settings, we can
gain a better understanding of their nuances and connotations.
In the case of Ukrainian and English, there may be terms that have similar
translations, but their usage and meanings may differ in certain contexts. For
example, the Ukrainian word "біда" (bida) and the English word "trouble" may
both be translated as "problem" or "difficulty," but the connotations and contexts in
which they are used can be different.
Semantic analysis can help us understand these nuances and develop a more
nuanced understanding of the meanings and usage of linguistic terms in both
languages. This can be particularly useful for language learners who may struggle
with understanding the subtleties of a language.
Semantic analysis can also be useful for translators and interpreters who need to
accurately convey the meaning of terms from one language to another. By
understanding the nuances and connotations of different terms, they can more
accurately translate or interpret messages.
In addition, semantic analysis can be useful for researchers who are interested in
understanding the cultural and social factors that influence the usage and meaning
of linguistic terms in different contexts. By examining the meanings and usage of
terms across different contexts, they can gain insights into the cultural values and
attitudes that shape language use.
Semantic fields refer to the categories or groupings of words that share related
meanings. Comparing semantic fields of linguistic terms in Ukrainian and English
can provide insights into the similarities and differences in how each language
organizes and conceptualizes the world.
For example, the semantic field of emotions in English may include terms such as
happy, sad, angry, and afraid. In Ukrainian, the corresponding terms may be
щасливий, сумний, сердитий, and лякливий. However, there may be subtle
differences in connotations or nuances of meaning between these terms in each
Another example of a semantic field is the human body. In English, terms related
to the human body may include head, arms, legs, and chest. In Ukrainian, the
corresponding terms may be голова, руки, ноги, and груди. However, there may
be differences in the level of detail or specificity in each language. For instance,
Ukrainian has a separate term for "foot" (ступня) while in English it is often
grouped together with the leg.
The analysis of linguistic terms in Ukrainian and English corpora has revealed
several important findings. Firstly, there are many differences in the frequency and
distribution of linguistic terms between the two languages, as well as differences in
their cultural and sociolinguistic contexts. Secondly, there are many linguistic
terms that have cross-linguistic equivalents, but also many terms that are unique to
each language.
Furthermore, the social and cultural factors that influence the usage of linguistic
terms in Ukrainian and English have been shown to be complex and diverse,
including historical events, geographic and regional differences, socioeconomic
factors, cultural values and attitudes, and media and technology.
Finally, the semantic analysis of linguistic terms in Ukrainian and English corpora
has revealed differences in their meaning and usage in different contexts, as well as
differences in their semantic fields and connotations.
The study of sociolinguistic factors that influence the usage of linguistic terms in
Ukrainian and English has several implications for language teaching and learning.
By understanding these factors, language teachers can develop more effective
strategies for teaching vocabulary and helping students become proficient in the
target language.
Language teachers also need to be aware of their own biases and cultural
assumptions when teaching vocabulary and language usage. They should avoid
reinforcing stereotypes or promoting language that may be exclusive or offensive
to certain groups.
Finally, language teaching and learning should strive to promote diversity and
inclusivity in language usage. This includes promoting the use of gender-neutral
language and being aware of cultural sensitivities in language usage. By promoting
inclusive language, language teachers can help their students become more
effective communicators and promote respect and understanding between different
cultures and communities.
Semantic analysis can also be useful for translators and interpreters who need to
accurately convey the meaning of terms from one language to another. By
understanding the nuances and connotations of different terms, they can more
accurately translate or interpret messages.
In addition, semantic analysis can be useful for researchers who are interested in
understanding the cultural and social factors that influence the usage and meaning
of linguistic terms in different contexts. By examining the meanings and usage of
terms across different contexts, they can gain insights into the cultural values and
attitudes that shape language use.
These findings have important implications for language teaching and learning, as
they highlight the need to consider not only the grammatical and structural
differences between languages, but also the cultural and sociolinguistic factors that
shape their usage and meaning. By taking a more holistic approach to language
learning, students can develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of the
nuances of language use, and better communicate with speakers of other
2. Tony McEnery and Andrew Hardie, Corpus Linguistics: Method, Theory and
Practice. Cambridge University Press, 2012
6. Sinclair, J., & Jones, S. (2005). English collocation studies: The OSTI report.
London: Continuum.
7. McEnery, T., & Hardie, A. (2012). Corpus linguistics: Method, theory and
practice. Cambridge University Press.
8. Biber, D., Conrad, S., & Reppen, R. (1998). Corpus linguistics: Investigating
language structure and use. Cambridge University Press.
11. Stubbs, M. (2013). Words and phrases: corpus studies of lexical semantics.
John Wiley & Sons.