Folleto Tecnologia

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Methodological strategy

Graduate profile
The training program "Technologist in
Multimedia and Web Development" is created to
respond to the constant need in which the world Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
is currently immersed and precisely requires consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed
people who have media knowledge to address ac dui vel risus tincidunt
all the technological needs that we find in our It is trained human talent malesuada. In feugiat lacus odio,
daily lives integrally by competences related to id accumsan urna ultricies in.
support and create processes and
multimedia content with management Integer eleifend non nibh id
of aliquet. Maecenas at faucibus
Information and communication nisl. Nam ante metus, vestibulum
technologies that constantly need ut iaculis eget, facilisis eu nunc.
updating Sed risus sapien, congue a
commodo nec, sagittis ac nulla

Admission profile
Applicant with minimum academic level
of academic average, grade 11
Likewise, it must permanently stimulate the
certificate. Minimum age defined by
learner's self-criticism and reflection on the task
of 16 years. Bachelor's degree or its and learning outcomes achieved through the
equivalent validation approved by the active linking of the four sources of information
competent entity. Accredit
for the construction of knowledge.
Presentation of the State Exam of
Secondary Education and those
established by the training program.
You will be able to work in occupations
and sectors for the creation and sale of The instructor - Tutor
Program software, audiovisual content, both The environment

Information In the face-to-face and digital level, a ICT

Collaborative work
market that contributes from different
edges and at all scales.
27 months
Duration estimated maximum
of learning
Teaching Stage: 3120 hours
Productive Stage: 864 hours
My expectations Personal data

My expectations are to learn
about new technologies and TECNOLOGO
take advantage of them to
make my entrepreneurship
more visible and why not DESARROLLO
also be able to take [email protected]

advantage of the knowledge Code 2758111

acquired to have a remote
job that allows me to
continue with my
entrepreneurship and my
work as a present mother.


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