Folleto. GA1-240202501-AA1-EV03-Inglés

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Analyzing what we have learned in the

course of this technologist, the
importance of the knowledge that our Evidencia GA1-240202501
instructors and SENA give us is AA1-EV03: folleto.

Giving the opportunity to many young

people to have the opportunity to learn
about the different branches, with this
complete program where we can
Geraldine Daniela Narvaez Herrera
discover our skills, abilities and put
them into action. Presentation
is created to respond to the need, given
that in the last few years means and
technology have been implemented that
allow interaction with users. technologist in web multimedia
It is precisely required to have people
who have knowledge of multimedia
content to address all the technological
needs that we find in our daily lives,
taking into account that technology offers
us opportunities to maintain
communication. Ficha: 2834410
Skills to
The SENA, through its Technologist in
Formulate the multimedia project
Multimedia and Web Development, seeks according to methodologies and
to offer an integration of professional, requirements document.
social, technological and cultural of
professional, social, technological and
cultural training elements, which
contribute as differentiating elements,
methodological Elaborate multimedia project
according to technical procedures.

methodologies and platforms for the

development of quality software.
strategy Integrate multimedia elements
according to digital production
techniques and tools.
Focused on the construction of autonomy
to guarantee the quality of training within Application of knowledge of natural
the framework of competency based sciences according to situations of
training, project based learning and the the productive and social context.

Admission use of active didactic techniques that

profile competency based training, project based
learning and the use of active didactic
techniques that stimulate.
Applicant with a minimum academic level
of high school, grade 11 certified. Minimum
age defined by law 16 years of age.
Baccalaureate degree or its equivalent,
validation approved by the competent The Instructor - Tutor
entity. The environment
Collaborative work

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