Study Master Mathematical Literacy Teachers Guide Grade 12 9781107381285AR

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Study & Master

Karen Morrison • Karen Press

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Section 1: Introduction 5

Section 2: Planning and assessment 17

Section 3: Unit-by-unit 29

Section 4: Resources 193

A. Photocopiable additional activities 195
(Measurement and Finance assignments
and investigations)
B. Additional activities: solutions 233
C. Multiplication tables 238
D. Transparencies 241

Section 5: Documents 247



Study & Master Mathematical Literacy Grade 12 is based on the Curriculum

and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) issued by the Department of
Basic Education in December 2011. The CAPS is an amended version of the
National Curriculum Statement Grades R–12, and replaces the 2002 National
Curriculum Statement Grades R–9 and the 2004 National Curriculum
Statement Grades 10–12.

The general aims of the South African curriculum as stated

in the CAPS:
a. T he Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement gives expression to
what are regarded to be knowledge, skills and values worth learning. It
will ensure that learners acquire and apply knowledge and skills in ways
that are meaningful to their lives. In this regard, the curriculum promotes
the idea of grounding knowledge in local contexts, while being sensitive
to global imperatives.
b. The Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement serves the purposes of:
• equipping learners, irrespective of their socio-economic background,
gender, physical ability or intellectual ability, with the knowledge,
skills and values necessary for self-fulfilment, and meaningful
participation in society as citizens of a free country
• providing access to higher education
• facilitating the transition of learners from education institutions to the
• providing employers with a sufficient profile of a learner’s
c. The Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement is based on the
following principles:
• social transformation: ensuring that the educational imbalances of
the past are redressed, and that equal educational opportunities are
provided for all sections of our population
• active and critical learning: encouraging an active and critical
approach to learning, rather than rote and uncritical learning of
given truths
• high knowledge and high skills: the minimum standards of knowledge
and skills to be achieved at each grade are specified and they set high,
achievable standards in all subjects
• progression: the content and context of each grade show progression
from simple to complex
• human rights, inclusivity, environmental and social justice: the principles
and practices of social and environmental justice and human rights as
defined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa are included.
d. The Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (General) is sensitive to
issues of diversity such as poverty, inequality, race, gender, language, age,
disability and other factors:
• valuing indigenous knowledge systems: acknowledging the rich
history and heritage of this country as important contributors to
nurturing the values contained in the constitution

Section 1  •  Introduc tion 5

• credibility, quality and efficiency: providing an education that is
comparable in quality, breadth and depth to those of other countries.
e. The Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement aims to produce
learners who are able to:
• identify and solve problems and make decisions using critical and
creative thinking
• work effectively as individuals and with others as members of a team
• organise and manage themselves and their activities responsibly and
• collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information
• communicate effectively using visual, symbolic and/or language skills
in various modes
• use science and technology effectively and critically showing
responsibility towards the environment and the health of others
• demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems
by recognising that problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation.
f. Inclusivity should become a central part of the organisation, planning and
teaching at each school. This can only happen if all teachers have a sound
understanding of how to recognise and address barriers to learning, and
how to plan for diversity.

Time allocation: Grades 10–12

The instructional time allocation in Grades 10 –12 is set out in the table below.

Subject Time allocation per week (hours)

I. Home Language 4,5
II. First Additional Language 4,5
III. Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy 4,5
IV. Life Orientation 2
V. Three electives 12 (3 × 4 h)

The CAPS states that ‘the allocated time per week may be utilised only for
the minimum required NCS subjects as specified above, and may not be used
for any additional subjects added to the list of minimum subjects. Should a
learner wish to offer additional subjects, additional time must be allocated for
the offering of these subjects.’

What is Mathematical Literacy?

Mathematical literacy can be defined as ‘an individual’s capacity to use
mathematics as a fully functioning member of a society’ (Ball and Stacey,
University of Melbourne).

The CAPS document identifies the following five key elements of the subject
Mathematical Literacy:
• the use of elementary mathematical content
• real-life contexts
• solving familiar and unfamiliar problems
• decision-making and communication
• the use of integrated content and/or skills in solving problems.

6 Section 1  •  Introduc tion

In other words, the subject Mathematical Literacy aims to produce learners
who have:
• a sense of self-worth and who are able to control aspects of their life
related to mathematical understanding
• the skills and understanding to play a responsible role in our society
• the ability to calculate, estimate and use measuring instruments
• developed strategies and decision-making skills that allow them to be
innovative and flexible in their approach to solving problems
• the ability to communicate results and explanations and the skills to work
effectively and collaboratively with others
• the ability to draw sensible conclusions from information presented
graphically and apply skills in data-handling and interpretation.

What does it mean to be mathematically literate?

Mathematical literacy is more than the ability to do basic arithmetic. It also
• working confidently and competently with numbers, measures and
diagrams in a range of real and realistic contexts
• choosing and applying a range of techniques and skills, including the use
of technology (calculators and computers)
• understanding how numbers and measurements are collected, organised
and displayed in tables, graphs and other forms
• developing and using decision-making and problem-solving strategies that
suit both the problem and the context
• communicating results and solutions in appropriate ways.

The flow diagram below breaks down the steps that a mathematically
numerate person will follow and details what is involved in each step.
A mathematically literate person is able to …

to information
Solve problems in by deciding how represented in
real contexts to respond different ways
mathematical ideas
• daily life • find information • number • numbers and
– decisions • interpret • shape and space symbols
– school information • patterns • pictures
– home • act on given • data • shapes
• community information • probability • formulae
• finance • communicate • measurement • tables
– money information • graphs
• maps
• words/text

Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy are not the same

Mathematics is an abstract subject that is often theoretical and that requires
specific language, skills and methods to deal with subject-specific problems.

Mathematical Literacy takes mathematical knowledge and skills and

applies them to everyday situations and problems. Mathematical Literacy
is contextual and useful. When learners take processes and ideas from
mathematics and apply them in contexts that are specific to their lives (such
as choosing a cellphone contract), they are mathematically literate. The
following table shows differences between Mathematics and Mathematical
Literacy. It also shows how the content and context are interconnected when
you are developing mathematical literacy.

Section 1  •  Introduc tion 7

Mathematical Literacy Mathematics
Task and context Content
Doubling a recipe Equivalent fractions
Multiplying and adding fractions
Reading instruments such as a Measurement and units
thermometer, rain gauge or barometer Understanding a scale
Deciding which cellphone contract is Equations in two variables that represent a relationship
the most affordable Solving simultaneous equations (graphically or algebraically)
Administering medicine Reading a table of values to find amounts that correspond to
given conditions (such as the age or mass of a patient)
Ratio and calculation
Mixing plaster (for building) Ratio and proportion
Measuring amount in units for volume and mass
Mixing solutions (fertilisers or Calculating area and using ratio and proportion to mix
pesticides) necessary amounts
Planning a trip Time–distance–speed relationships
Using ratio and proportion or algebra
Budgeting for petrol, meals, accommodation and other
Calculating with time (non-decimal amounts)

Financial literacy
Financial literacy is a large part of mathematical literacy and it has become
increasingly important in modern life. Our society needs citizens who are
able to understand the value of money and manage money in appropriate and
responsible ways. When learners leave school and enter the world of work,
they will have to engage actively with complex and specialised financial
services just to manage their own money affairs. In addition, they will need
to be aware of consumer issues and make plans for their longer-term financial

In recent times there have been many changes in our society including:
• technological developments (autobanking, internet banking, chip and pin
card services)
• increased competition in financial markets (more banks want your money)
• a rise in questionable financial practices, including unethical loans, unfair
interest rates and hire purchase (HP) terms that include large balloon
• changes in personal finances, including rising household debts
• changes in demographics (more poorer households that may not use
formal banking systems, more young people having to make financial
decisions without the guidance of older family members)
• increased consumer responsibility as younger people have access to
banking services and debit and credit cards, which in turn leads to
increased chance of being a victim of fraud.

These and other changes that are likely to occur in the future make it even
more important that we produce learners who are financially literate.

Our approach to teaching Mathematical Literacy

Our approach is that learners develop understanding by making connections
between what they are learning and their lives.

8 Section 1  •  Introduc tion

Here is a summary of the steps in this process and how they are developed in
the course:
Step 1: Learning basic skills (for example, how to carry out operations with
Step 2: Practising what you have learnt (for example, naming fractions of a
whole, adding simple fractions)
Step 3: Using and applying learning in everyday contexts (for example,
dividing an amount of money into different fractions, drawing pie
graphs using fractions)
Step 4: Understanding the larger social and cultural uses of specific
mathematics (for example, discussing the ways in which different
societies have used fractions and how Egyptian fractions differ from
those used today)
Step 5: Critically engaging with what you have learnt (for example,
examining how fractions and percentages can be used in the media to
mislead consumers)

This course offers a carefully planned and contextualised approach to the

subject that allows teachers to:
• help learners see how mathematics can be valuable and useful in their
lives, develop confidence and a sense of personal achievement and
encourage ongoing interest and a willingness to find creative solutions to
• develop skills, concepts, understandings and attitudes that help learners
handle the mathematical contexts they have to manage in their lives
• ensure the learners develop and employ a range of problem-solving
methods and grow their ability to think and reason logically and sensibly
• make sure learners have the levels of mathematical literacy they need to
be able to cope in an increasingly technology-reliant and information-rich
• equip learners with the tools and skills they will need and use as they enter
the world of work
• give learners the skills and confidence to use their own language and ways
of expressing mathematical ideas and also grow their ability to make sense
of mathematical ideas presented to them in various formats and ways.

Interpreting and communicating answers and calculations

Study & Master Mathematical Literacy offers a complete course that provides
learners with the tools and opportunities to:
• construct their own knowledge and understanding rather than passively
listening to the teacher (transmitted or received knowledge) by solving
real-life problems, using real documents and investigating real issues,
on their own, with a partner and in groups
• integrate and connect their learning, including connecting topics, content,
procedures and ideas, as well as actively promoting connections to their life
experiences and ideas by applying skills in different contexts, integrating
what they have learnt in one context with what they are doing in others
• solve authentic, real-life (rather than contrived) problems, which are
matched to the content of the course by using real documents, published
case studies and statistics from the real world
• develop mathematical thinking, including communication and the
representation of answers and ideas, and moving towards more abstract
and creative thinking by working in different ways, finding their own
methods of recording their thinking, and using their own language

Section 1  •  Introduc tion 9

together with the language and notation of mathematics where appropriate
to make their communication as clear and simple as possible.

The CAPS topic, interpreting and communicating answers and calculations,

is built into the course and applies across both the basic skills and application
topics. As they work through the material, learners will be expected to:
• make sense of their own strategies and solutions
• share their observations and solutions and understand other learners’
observations and solutions.

Making sense of their own strategies and solutions

The habit of estimate–solve–check is developed and reinforced throughout the
course. Learners are expected to estimate before they try to find solutions and
check their solutions against their estimates to make sure they are sensible and
correct. Strategies for doing this are presented in examples, and are reinforced
as learners work through the application topics in all four terms.

In addition, learners are expected to give explanations, justify and explain

their methods and communicate their findings and answers to others, both
formally and informally as they work through the course.

Sharing observations and solutions and understanding others’

observations and solutions
Through taking part in pair, group and class discussions, learners will find that
the ways in which they have communicated their workings and solutions are
not always clear to others. Discussions with others, and seeing and discussing
modelled solutions in their books (and in this teacher’s guide) will help them
see that better use of mathematical conventions and symbols, as well as more
systematic presentation of results, will improve their communication of ideas
and reduce ambiguity and confusion. This will help them to better understand
solutions and ideas presented to them by others.

In addition, Study & Master Mathematical Literacy aims to point out very
clearly to learners that there are several ways to approach mathematical
problems and encourage them to be creative when they are doing and using
mathematics in everyday contexts.

Your role as the teacher

Teaching Mathematical Literacy effectively means focusing on process skills
in context rather than on straight mathematical content. This means that your
classroom practice will revolve around:
• problem-solving, reasoning and decision-making
• communicating and representing ideas
• identifying relevance and making connections.

Teaching Mathematical Literacy effectively means that you cannot just use the
textbook and ask learners to memorise facts, learn rules for doing things and
then write formal tests. Effective teachers of Mathematical Literacy need to
approach the subject from a real-life contextual angle, where the mathematics
is derived from actual situations or realistic models and learners can work
through activities, investigations and problems in their own ways.

10 Section 1  •  Introduc tion

Making sure all learners are included
Many learners fail to reach their potential because they do not see how
mathematical ideas are relevant to their lives and because they are not
encouraged to connect what they are learning about mathematics to their
existing experiences, skills and knowledge. This is a particular problem for
learners who see the contexts in the textbook as irrelevant or inappropriate in
their own situations.

In Mathematical Literacy, context is the driver for learning. When real-life

situations are used, the learning becomes relevant and the educational value of
the experience is increased. However, contexts are unique and you may find
that some of the contexts offered in the course are not relevant or appropriate
for some of the learners. In these cases, you may need to adapt the given
activities to better suit your own situation.

The CAPS document details what the learners need to learn and suggests
contexts for teaching. However, you can adapt this to meet specific needs by
asking yourself what the learners already do or are interested in. Once you
have established this, you can work out what to teach them by asking what the
learner has to know to be able to do the thing they are interested in.

This Grade 12 course builds on the mathematical literacy skills and concepts
learners have acquired in Grades 10 and 11. They should by now have
a strong grasp of the basic methods used to do activities in each content
area of Mathematical Literacy – finance, measurement, maps, plans and
other representations of the physical world, and data handling. In Grade 12
learners will develop their mathematical literacy further by doing more
complex practical activities involving problem-solving, assignments and
investigations, using the methods and tools they already know – see the
Resources section that starts on page 193. A summary of the main calculation
methods needed for these activities is also given in the Reference section at
the back of the Learner’s Book.

The focus on workplace and small business situations exposes learners to

planning, problem-solving and financial monitoring insights and skills they
need to develop to deal with real-life experiences such as:
• reading quotations from businesses
• budgeting before giving quotations to customers
• preparing invoices and receipts
• calculating cost price and setting selling price
• budgeting for projected expenditure
• budgeting for inflation
• reading payslips
• travel allowance claims
• understanding UIF.

Finding information and resources

An important aspect of mathematical literacy is knowing how to find the
information needed to solve a problem or carry out a project – for example,
doing an internet search and collecting information from local businesses
or government offices. In Grades 10 and 11 the information learners needed
to do activities was generally provided as part of the activities. In Grade 12
some of the activities will require learners to do this research, and to choose
information for solving the problem that is most suitable to their context.

Section 1  •  Introduc tion 11

In all cases where this is so, you should adapt tasks to suit the available local
sources of information, expert advice, and so on. For example, many activities
in the measurement section ask learners to consult a local builder or building
supply store for information about schedules, materials and costs involved
in building a house. You may want to identify some specific local builders or
stores that will be willing to respond to learners’ queries.

Alcohol abuse in South Africa Another essential mathematical literacy skill is being
Alcohol is the most abused substance in the able to make sense of newspaper articles, TV news
majority of privinces. The exception is the reports and other everyday sources of information
Western Cape, where tik is the drug of about our world, when these items include numerical
choice and Mpumalanga and Limpopo, information. In this course learners will spend some
where cannabis is abused most frequently time reading and interpreting news and feature articles
total alcohol abuse rate alcohol abuse rate
of people younger that present this kind of information to develop their
10 percentage points than 20 ability to use numerical information, graphs and
Central Region* 64,6% other data in their daily lives. You can augment these
of people in the province
report for treatment citing activities with articles from local newspapers (for
alcohol as their primary
substance of abuse example, a report on the 2011 National Census or
73,1% articles about the performance of learners on national
of young people (under
20 years) report for assessment tests), and other documents that provide
treatment citing alcohol
as their primary interesting information about the South African and
substance of abuse
international context.
KwaZulu-Natal 73,1%
23,3% You can help learners to apply their mathematical
literacy skills to a broad range of contexts simply by
bringing newspaper articles on diverse topics to class
Gauteng 44,4% for discussion and analysis. Learners need to be able
13,2% to apply the skills they are developing in the classroom
to a general understanding of the social, economic and
political information that surrounds them in everyday
Eastern Cape 44,1%
life. They can gain the confidence to do this by paying
6,3% detailed attention to examples of daily news reports
that include graphs, statistics and financial information.
For example, the group of maps on the left that
Northern region** 35,7% appeared in a Sunday newspaper in early 2012 contains
7,7% information that learners could find interesting, but that
they might not bother to read because it is presented in
‘mathematical’ language. Ask learners to find their own
Western Cape 29,8%
examples of such items in newspapers, on the internet
6,9% and from other sources, and spend class time exploring
and discussing the information they contain.
*Free State, Northern Cape and North West
** Mpumalanga and Limpopo
Sacendu data only reflect substance use among people who have managed to access available You will find other suggestions for alternative contexts
treatment services and is not representative of substance abuse trends in the general population
Source: 2010 Monitoring Alcohol and Drug Abuse Trends in South Africa report, compiled by in this Teacher’s Guide and in the CAPS document.
the South African Community Epidemiology Network on Drug Use (Sacendu)

Overcoming maths anxiety

Many learners who opted for Mathematical Literacy in Grade 10 will have
experienced some form of maths anxiety. They may believe they are not
capable of doing maths or that it is too difficult for them. Or, they may have
experienced failure in mathematics classes and this might make them feel
anxious about anything to do with maths. Or they may just have internalised
attitudes and perceptions about mathematics that make it difficult for them to
see how they will ever be able to succeed at anything mathematical – these

12 Section 1  •  Introduc tion

include perceptions such as ‘girls can’t do maths’ and ‘my father was no good
at maths and neither am I’.

One of your roles as a teacher of Mathematical Literacy is likely to be helping

to reduce the levels of anxiety that learners feel and encouraging them to see
that they already carry out tasks quite easily in everyday life that require them
to apply mathematical thinking. Using context rather content is one of the first
steps to helping learners consider and talk about the informal mathematics
they use without really thinking about it, and this in turn can empower them
and boost their confidence and motivation.

There are things that you can say and behaviour that you can encourage to
help learners to overcome anxiety about mathematics:
• Don’t give up immediately if you don’t understand something.
• It does not matter if you get the wrong answer.
• You can work slowly – we are not in a race.
• If you get stuck on one part, move on and come back to it later.
• Ask another learner for help.
• Don’t immediately think you are wrong.
• Ask for another explanation if you don’t understand at first.
• Work in a group to solve the problem.
• Make sure you can explain how and why you got the answer.
• Listen to the questions that other learners ask because it might be about
something you don’t understand either.
• Make sure you understand the concept you are working on before you
move on.
• Refer to the basic skills section at the back of the Learner’s Book when
you forget how to do something.

Using resources to enhance learning

The calculator is an important learning tool that learners can use to develop,
explore and consolidate new ideas. Calculators are very useful when you
want learners to investigate and discover number facts and patterns and make
generalisations. Using a calculator allows the learners to focus on finding
ways of solving a problem rather than on routine mechanical operations that
can detract from the real point of a problem, particularly in learners who are
not good at mathematics and who lack confidence in their own abilities.

Learners should have access to a simple calculator and be encouraged to use it

for all the activities in this course.

Measuring equipment
There is no doubt that using real tools and apparatus can help learners develop
and clarify their understandings of mathematics, particularly in the areas of
measurement. Using tools and measuring instruments allows the learners to
develop abstract ideas and form concepts from practical experience. This is just
as important in Grade 12 as in lower grades.

Section 1  •  Introduc tion 13

Navigating the textbook
We have organised the content of the course to follow the sequence of topic
sections set out in the CAPS Suggested work schedule for Grade 12. The learners
work term by term through sections of the applications topics as sequenced in
the suggested work schedule. In Term 4 they will plan a revision programme and
work through example exam papers to prepare for the final exams.

To help learners who are not sure about the calculation methods, formulae and
other mathematical methods that were covered in Grade 10 and 11, this material
is included in the Learner’s Book in the skills reference section. Learners are
directed to relevant parts of this section, where they will find explanations and
examples of techniques they need to use in a specific problem-solving context.

The application topics use real-life South African as well as international

examples as far as possible to provide appealing and interesting contexts that
will interest and engage Grade 12 learners. Information is presented in many
different forms, so that learners become familiar with the many ways in which
content that they need to understand can be structured. You should supplement
the examples in the Learner’s Book with as many locally relevant examples as
possible (such as accounts from local shops and your local municipality and
maps of the region, city or neighbourhood where you live).

Examples of information in different forms in the Learner’s Book:

Information in graphs and charts

Information on diagrams

14 Section 1  •  Introduc tion

Information on documents
Civic Centre, Page 1 of 2
12 Hertzog Boulevard, 8001
PO Box 655, Cape Town, 8000 TAX INVOICE
VAT Registration number NUMBER
Tel: 086 010 3089 - Fax: 086 010 3090
THIS CITY WORKS FOR YOU Tel: overseas clients +17 21 401 4701 ACCOUNT
E-mail: [email protected]
Correspondence: Director: Revenue,
PO Box 655, Cape Town 8000
SMIT MR F R Web address:
7975 10000446771

Account summary as at 19/01/2020 Due date 14/02/2020

At 59 River Street, Kommetijie, 7975/Erf 1234

Previous Account Balance 176.13

Less payments (07/12/2019) Thank you 176.13-

Latest account = see overleaf 169.28

Current amount due (b) Payable by 14/02/2020 169.28

Total (a) + (b)


Total liability 169.28 Electricity is expensive. Saving is simple.

For top electricity tips, visit

Account Details as at 19/01/2019 A/C No 146893715 Page 2 of 2

>>>>> 91555146893715

PROPERTY RATES (Period 21/12/2018 to 19/01/2019) 30 Days R C R C


# Total Value
From 21/12/2018: R1 475 500.00 @ 0.0053000 ÷ 365 x 30 642.75
# Statutory Rebate CR
From 21/12/2018: R15 000.00 @ 0.0053000 ÷ 365 x 30 6.53 -
# Additional Rebate CR
From 21/12/2018: R185 000.00 @ 0.0053000 ÷ 365 x 30 80.59 -
WATER (Period 14/12/2018 to 17/01/2019 - 35 Days (Actual Reading)


Meter No: ZUK788 / Consumption 37.000 kl / Daily Average 1.957 kl
* Consumption charge (Dom)
(1) 6.9040 l; Free (2) 5.1780 kl @ R3.9900
(3) 10.9320 kl @ R8.5100 (4) 13.9860 kl @ R12.6100 290.05
REFUSE (Period 21/12/2018 to 19/01/2019) 30 Days


* Disposal Charge (1 x 240 l BIN x 1 Removals) 75.44
SEWERAGE (Period 14/12/2018 to 17/01/2019 - 35 Days (Actual Reading)


* Disposal Charge
(1) 4.833 kl Free (2) 3.6250 kl @ R4.6700
(3) 76520 kl @ R9.9400 (4) 9.7900 kl @ R10.8700 199.41
Add 15% VAT on Amounts marked with * above 84.74
0% VAT on Amounts marked with # above



WATER ZUK788/001 3515.000 kl (Actual) 3552.000 kl (Actual) 37.000 kl

Information in tariff tables

N4: Pretoria – Lobatse (Botswana border) Operator Class I Class II Class III Class IV
Quagga Main line Magalies eastern section Intertoll R3,00 R5,50 R8,00 R11,00
Pelindaba Main line Magalies western section Intertoll R4,00 R7,50 R11,00 R14,00
Doornpoort Main line Pretoria – Brits Bakwena R10,00 R25,00 R29,00 R35,00
K99 Interchange Ramp Local destinations Bakwena R10,00 R25,00 R29,00 R35,00
Brits Main line Brits - Mooinooi Bakwena R10,00 R35,00 R39,00 R46,00
Buffelspoort Ramp Local destinations Bakwena R10,00 R24,50 R27,00 R32,00
Marikana Main line Mooinooi – Rustenburg Bakwena R15,00 R36,00 R41,00 R49,00
Kroondal Ramp Local destinations Bakwena R10,00 R24,50 R27,00 R32,00
Swartruggens Main line Rustenburg – Zeerust Bakwena R71,00 R177,00 R215,00 R253,00

Section 1  •  Introduc tion 15

Information in text form

As learners work through the course, they are directed to other places in the
book by link boxes in the shoulder. These links tell the learners where to find
the maths skill they need to apply to solve a problem. These boxes link to the
basic skills reference section and to places in the application topics where a
particular skill was taught or used.

Use real distances to calculate measurements on a plan

Use the steps below to make a scale drawing or map.
How to work out
Step 1: Find or measure the real lengths
equivalent ratios is covered on
page 513 in the Learner’s Book. Step 2: Decide how big your drawing will be as this will help you
work out a scale

16 Section 1  •  Introduc tion



Suggested work schedule

Below is a work schedule that outlines estimated time allocations per topic as
well as a particular sequence of teaching. This work schedule follows exactly
the recommendations given in the CAPS document.

Term 1
Week CAPS topic Unit LB pages
1 Measurement (conversions; Unit 1 Measuring units and 2–6
time) conversions
Unit 2 Measuring time 8–30
Measurement revise and 31–33
2 Finance (financial documents; Unit 3 Financial documents 34–65
tariff systems; Income, at home and at work
expenditure, profit/loss, Unit 4 Tariffs 66–88
statements and budgets; cost
price and selling price; break-
even analysis)
3 Finance (financial documents; Unit 4 Tariffs 66–88
tariff systems; income, Unit 5 Income-and- 89–111
expenditure, profit/loss, expenditure statement and
income-and-expenditure budgets
statements and budgets; cost
price and selling price; break-
even analysis)
4 Finance (financial documents; Unit 5 Income-and- 89–111
tariff systems; income, expenditure statement and
expenditure, profit/loss, budgets 112–122
income-and-expenditure Unit 6 Cost price, selling
statements and budgets; cost price and break-even 124–130
price and selling price; break- analysis
even analysis) Finance revise and
5 Data handling Unit 7 Data handling 131–172
6 Data handling Unit 7 Data handling 131–172
7 Data handling Unit 7 Data handling 131–172
8 Data handling Unit 7 Data handling 131–172
9 Data handling Unit 7 Data handling 131–172
Data handling revise and 174–176
Control test (covering measurement, finance, and data handling, integrated with
numbers and patterns concepts)

S e c t i o n 2     •     P L A NN I N G A ND A S S E S S M E NT 17
Term 2
Week CAPS topic Unit Pages
1 Finance (interest; banking; Unit 1 Interest and interest 178–203
inflation) rates
Unit 2 Banking, loans and 204–230
2 Finance (interest; banking; Unit 2 Banking, loans and 204–230
inflation) investments
Unit 3 Inflation 231–244
3 Maps, plans and other Unit 4 Scale 251–258
representations of the Unit 5 Maps 259–278
physical world (scale and map
4 Maps, plans and other Unit 5 Maps 259–278
representations of the
physical world (scale and map
5 Measurement (measuring Unit 6 Measuring length and 283–300
length, measuring weight, distance
measuring volume, Unit 7 Measuring mass 301–319
measuring temperature;
calculating perimeter, area
and volume)
6 Measurement (measuring Unit 7 Measuring mass 301–319
length, measuring weight, Unit 8 Measuring volume 320–333
measuring volume,
measuring temperature;
calculating perimeter, area
and volume)
7 Measurement (measuring Unit 9 Measuring 334–339
length, measuring weight, temperature
measuring volume, Unit 10 Calculating 340–366
measuring temperature; perimeter, area and volume
calculating perimeter, area
and volume)
8 Measurement (measuring Unit 10 Calculating 340–366
length, measuring weight, perimeter, area and volume
measuring volume,
measuring temperature;
calculating perimeter, area
and volume)
9 Revise and consolidate Finance 246–250
Mapwork 280–282
Measurement 369–372
Mid-year examinations (2 papers; 2 hours each; 100 marks each)
(Finance, maps and measurement, integrated with numbers and patterns

18 S e c t i o n 2     •     P L A NN I N G A ND A S S E S S M E NT
Term 3
Week CAPS topic Unit Pages
1 Finance (taxation; exchange Unit 1 Taxation 374–399
2 Finance (taxation; exchange Unit 1 Taxation 374–399
3 Finance (taxation; exchange Unit 2 Exchange rates 400–409
4 Maps, plans and other Unit 3 Scale and plans 418–427
representations of the
physical world (scale and
5 Probability Unit 4 Probability 430–445
6 Probability Unit 4 Probability 430–445
7 Maps, plans and other Unit 5 Using models to 448–451
representations of the investigate shape and space
physical world (models)
8 Maps, plans and other Unit 5 Using models to 448–451
representations of the investigate shape and space
physical world (models)
9 Revise and consolidate Finance 411–417
Maps and plans 428–429
Probability 446–447
Maps and plans – using 452–454
Control test (covering data handling and/or probability, integrated with numbers
and patterns concepts)
Trial examinations (2 papers; 3 hours each; 150 marks each) (covering all topics in
the curriculum)

Term 4
Week CAPS topic Unit Pages
All Revision Unit 1 Structuring your 456–495
revision programme
Unit 2: Preparing for the
final Mathematical Literacy
examination papers
Unit 3: Examination-style
questions and examination
End-of-year examinations (2 papers; 3 hours each; 150 marks each) (covering all
topics in the curriculum)

S e c t i o n 2     •     P L A NN I N G A ND A S S E S S M E NT 19
Programme of assessment
The programme of assessment (POA) for Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy
should consist of seven formal assessment tasks that are assessed internally.
Six of these tasks are undertaken and assessed during the school year, and
they comprise 25% of the total mark for Mathematical Literacy. The seventh
task is the end-of-year examination, which comprises 75% of the total mark.

The programme of assessment must include assignments, investigations and

control tests, and these should be planned so that all topics and sections of the
Grade 12 course are addressed throughout the year. A possible programme of
assessment for Grade 12 is given below with the suggested weighting of each
item. Remember though that internal formal assessment (including at least
one examination) accounts for only 25% of the overall mark for Mathematical
Literacy, the end of year external examinations account for the other 75%.

Programme of assessment
Term 1: One investigation (10%) AND one control test (15%)
Term 2: One assignment (10%) AND one internal examination at the end
of the term (25%)
Term 3: One control test (15%) AND one examination (25%)
If a school choses to have only one examination at the end of Term 2 or
Term 3, the other one must be replaced by an end of term control test that
counts for 25% of the internal formal assessment marks.

Activities that can be used by teachers for control tests, assignments and
investigations have been included in both the Learner’s Book and this
Teacher’s Guide.

Control tests
In control tests, learners are given all the information required to complete
a task. These tests are carried out under examination conditions. They will
help prepare learners for their final examination. The Learner’s Book includes
activities that require learners to apply a method that was taught in a unit to a
new set of information. These activities can be used as part of a control test or
repeated for the test with new information supplied by the teacher.

You will find advice for setting control test and examination questions on
pages 25 and 26 of this Teacher’s Guide.

Assignments and investigations

In Grade 12 learners are expected to complete one investigation (in Term 1)
and one assignment (in Term 2). This Teacher’s Guide provides a wide variety
of assignments and investigations from which you can choose to fulfil this

Assignments are structured tasks that give learners clear guidelines about
how to carry out a task, and where there is a well-defined solution to the task.
The content and context of an assignment should be based on work already
covered in the course, and it should allow learners to apply a method or
approach that they have already learnt to use. There are activities throughout
the Learner’s Book that can be used as assignments for assessment purposes
and also activities in the Resources section in this Teacher’s Guide (these
activities may be photocopied and they may be used as replacements for
Learner’s Book activities). They are indicated in the table on pages 22 to 24.

20 S e c t i o n 2     •     P L A NN I N G A ND A S S E S S M E NT
Investigations are tasks in which learners go through a series of steps that
involve guided discovery to achieve an understanding of a concept and/or
a method, and apply their mathematical literacy skills in new situations. An
important aspect of this type of task is that learners should use insight and
understanding of the context to make an appropriate decision based on their
investigative work. There are extended investigative activities throughout
the Learner’s Book and also in the Resources section in this Teacher’s Guide
that can be used for assessment purposes. They are indicated in the table on
pages 22 to 24.

Note that an assignment or an investigation may cover more than one topic
or section, and it can be used to assess concepts and methods that have
been learnt in both/all these sections. For example, an investigation that
involves comparing the costs of different cellphone options can be used to
assess learners’ understanding and skills relating to patterns, relationships
and representations (working with two or more relationships) and finance
(tariff systems).

S e c t i o n 2     •     P L A NN I N G A ND A S S E S S M E NT 21
Suggested assignments and investigations in the Learner’s Book

Term 1

Topic Section Assessment type and name Page

Measurement Conversions 1.3 Assignment: Convert and calculate LB 6
Measurement: Investigation 1: Create a body-based TG 195
conversion table
Measurement: Investigation 2: Research the meaning TG 195
and use of measuring units
Time Measurement: Investigation 3: Crop production TG 196
schedules in your region
2.7 Investigation: Plan and budget for a holiday trip LB 29
Finance Financial 3.5 Assignment: Finding information in the Tax LB 64
documents Pocket Guide
Finance: Investigation 1: Design a filing/record- TG 196
keeping system for your own household financial
Tariff systems 4.3 Investigation: Tariffs in your municipality LB 62
Finance: Assignment 1: Organise tariff information TG 197
into an easy-to-use format
Finance: Investigation 2: Compile a transport tariff TG 198
guide for your area
Income-and- 5.2 Investigation: Compile an income-and- LB 93
expenditure expenditure statement for a mealie vendor’s
statements and business
budgets 5.3 Assignment: Compile a personal income-and- LB 93
expenditure statement and budget
Finance: Investigation 3: Compile a personal budget TG 198
for the year after you complete Grade 12
Finance: Investigation 4: Budget for a dream holiday TG 199
5.5 Investigation: Analyse an income-and- LB 70
expenditure statement for a community organisation
Finance: Investigation 5: Analyse your local TG 200
municipality’s budget
Cost price, 6.2 Investigation part 1: Calculating costs of LB 115
selling price production and total cost price
and break-even 6.4 Investigation part 2: Budget to achieve different LB 119
analysis percentage profits
6.6 Investigation part 3: Do break-even analyses for LB 122
different small businesses
Finance: Investigation 6: A case study of a small TG 201
Data handling All sections 7.13 Investigation: Are learners in your school at risk LB 170
of being exposed to second-hand tobacco smoke?

22 S e c t i o n 2     •     P L A NN I N G A ND A S S E S S M E NT
Term 2

Topic Section Assessment type and name Page

Finance Interest and Finance: Assignment 2: Analyse information about TG 201
interest rates long-term investment and debt/loan scenarios
1.4 Investigation: How much interest can you save by LB 203
increasing your home loan repayments?
Banking, loans 2.2 Assignment: Choose the best bank fee option for LB 211
and investments different account types
2.3 Assignment: Use graphs to compare cash LB 218
withdrawal and deposit fees
Finance: Investigation 7: Compare bank fee options TG 204
offered to students
Finance: Assignment 3: Compare interest owing on TG 204
credit card and loan accounts
2.4 Assignment: Use graphs to show investment LB 221
values with different growth rates and increased
Finance: Assignment 4: Analyse information about a TG 205
long-term investment
Finance: Investigation 8: Compare bank accounts TG 207
suitable for stokvel investment
2.6 Investigation: Compare the effects of changing LB 228
interest rates, investment amounts and repayments
on the final value of an investment or a loan
Inflation 3.2 Investigation: Compile a basket of goods table for LB 237
your own household
3.4 Assignment: Analyse how inflation rates differ for LB 238
different food items
Finance: Investigation 9: Analyse how inflation will TG 208
affect different goods and services in your budget
Finance: Assignment 5: Analyse how inflation affects TG 209
people in different income categories
Finance: Assignment 6: Analyse how inflation affects TG 210
Finance: Investigation 10: Linking income to the TG 210
inflation rate
Measurement Measuring Measurement: Assignment 1: Estimate the lengths of TG 213
length/distance roads and pavements in a settlement
Measurement: Investigation 1: Complete a travel TG 213
Measurement: Assignment 2: Calculate vehicle TG 214
operating costs
Measurement: Assignment 3: Calculate materials and TG 215
budget for a built-in wardrobe unit
6.4 Investigation: What does a road cost? LB 300

S e c t i o n 2     •     P L A NN I N G A ND A S S E S S M E NT 23
Measurement Measuring mass Measurement: Investigation 2: Growth patterns in TG 215
(weight) children aged 2 to 20
7.7 Assignment: Compile a table of medicine dosages LB 319
for paracetamol
Measuring 8.4 Assignment: Calculate the run-off rate of rain for a LB 328
volume whole neighbourhood
Measurement: Assignment 4: Prepare a set of TG 218
instructions about E  coli and water purification
Measuring 9.2 Investigation: Use temperature information to LB 336
temperature plan a journey
Measurement: Assignment 5: Collect information TG 219
about temperatures in your home fridge and plan
your food storage accordingly
Calculating Measurement: Investigation 3: Tiling a given area TG 220
perimeter, area Measurement: Investigation 4: What is the TG 221
and volume replacement cost of your home?
10.5 Assignment: Update a construction budget for LB 362
a house
Measurement: Investigation 5: Quantities and costs TG 223
of materials for a low-cost house
10.6 Investigation: Housing density where you live LB 365

Term 3

Topic Section Assessment type and name Page

Finance Taxation Finance: Assignment 7: Calculate personal income TG 224
tax for an employee
Exchange rates 2.2 Assignment: Prepare a budget estimate for a LB 403
foreign trip
Finance: Assignment 8: Plan a holiday in southern TG 225
Maps and plans Scale and plans, 3.1 Assignment: Work with floor plans and assembly LB 419
measurements diagrams
and costs 3.5 Assignment: Draw scaled elevation plans and use LB 426
them to calculate measurements and costs
Probability All sections 4.7 Assignment: Determining and interpreting LB 442
probabilities for Lotto numbers
Maps, plans Models 5.2 Assignment: Containers and how much they hold LB 449
and other 5.3 Investigation: The best shape and size for boxes LB 449
of the physical
5.5 Investigation: Use 3D and 2D scaled models to LB 451
decide on placement of furniture and fixtures for a
fund-raising event

24 S e c t i o n 2     •     P L A NN I N G A ND A S S E S S M E NT
Formal assessment: Examinations
In Grade 12, at least one of examination papers should be set, marked and
moderated internally unless provincial education departments instruct

Time and mark allocation

In Grade 12, one of the tasks in Term 2 or Term 3 may be an internal
examination. A nationally set external examination will be written at the end
of Term 4. For each examination, learners will write two papers. The papers
assess the same content in different ways and the cognitive demands of the
papers differ (according to the levels of the assessment taxonomy). The time
and mark allocations for the papers are given in the table.

Examinations Paper 1 Paper 2

June examinations 2 hours 2 ​ hours
End of Term 2 100 marks 100 marks
September examinations 3 hours 3 hours
End of Term 3 150 marks 150 marks
November examinations 3 hours 3 hours
End of Term 4 150 marks 150 marks

The main differences between the two papers

Paper 1 Paper 2
• It assesses basic skills in familiar • It assesses the ability to apply
contexts. concepts in familiar and unfamiliar
• Questions are mainly at levels 1 and • Questions are mainly at levels 3
2 (60% of marks at level 1; 35% at and 4 (35% of marks at level 3; 40%
level 2). of marks at level 4).
• There are a small number of multi- • There are a small number of routine
step procedures (level 3; 5% of procedures (25% of marks) included
marks). to help learners make sense of the
contexts in which problems are set.
• Contexts are limited to what is • Contexts may not be familiar to
specified in the curriculum outline learners, in other words, they are
section of CAPS. not limited to those specified in the
curriculum outline section of CAPS.

Setting internal examinations

Setting an examination paper is a fairly demanding task for most teachers. For
this reason, teachers often choose to work together to set different questions/
sections of the paper. We recommend that teachers try as far as possible to
work cooperatively to set papers. Where this is not possible at a school, it may
be possible to work with other teachers in the district to produce a collection
of questions that can be used in examinations at different schools.

When you set an examination (or test) question, you need to keep track of:
• the topics being assessed
• the content/skills being assessed
• the proportion of marks allocated to different taxonomy levels.

S e c t i o n 2     •     P L A NN I N G A ND A S S E S S M E NT 25
A table such as the one below can help you organise and keep track of all the
different things you need to consider. This is an exemplar for one question of
a Paper 1 examination.

Question details Content/skills Taxonomy level Total

Maps and plans




1 (60%)

2 (35%)

4 (0 %)
3 (5%)
1 Take-away 1.1 ✗ 3 2 5  18
business 1.2 ✗ 3 3
(familiar) 1.3 ✗ 4 2 6
1.4 ✗ 4 4

Once the table is completed for all questions, you can add up the marks per
taxonomy level to check that you have more or less the correct percentage for
each level. If not, you can see from the table which levels have too many or
too few marks and you can adjust the questions accordingly.

Selecting contexts
When you set examinations, you have to decide on a context for the questions.

For Paper 1, you can select documents, tables, graphs and diagrams from
the Learner’s Book to use in the examinations. You can then set different
questions related to each context. This may be as simple as changing the
values used in the Learner’s Book to make a new question.

For Paper 2 questions, you need to include some contexts that are familiar
(these can again be drawn from the Learner’s Book) and some that are not
familiar. The media is a good source of new contexts. (Remember that truly
mathematically literate adults are able to read and make sense of articles,
advertisements, graphs and other mathematical information they come across
in daily life). We suggest that teachers keep a file of interesting articles, tables
of data, graphs and other mathematically oriented materials they find through
the year to use when setting examination questions. For example, during
events such as the Comrades Marathon and Two Oceans Marathon, there may
be different maps and statistics published in the newspapers. These can be
used to set questions based on familiar concepts. Other sporting events, such
as the Cape Argus Cycle Tour, the PSL Soccer Finals and even the Olympic
Games can be used as the context for questions that are not familiar to the

Below is a section of the schedule of events for the 2012 London Olympics.

Date / time Sport Venue

25 July Football Millennium Stadium, Cardiff
16:00 –20:45 Women’s preliminaries (2 matches)
25 July Football City of Coventry Stadium, Coventry
17:00 –21:45 Women’s preliminaries (2 matches)
25 July Football Hampden Park, Glasgow
17:00 –21:45 Women’s preliminaries (2 matches)

26 S e c t i o n 2     •     P L A NN I N G A ND A S S E S S M E NT
Date / time Sport Venue
26 July Football Hampden Park, Glasgow
12:00 –16:45 Men’s preliminaries (2 matches)
26 July Football St James’ Park, Newcastle
14:30 –19:15 Men’s preliminaries (2 matches)
26 July Football Old Trafford, Manchester
17:00 –22:00 Men’s preliminaries (2 matches)
26 July Football Millennium Stadium, Cardiff
19:45 –21:45 Men’s preliminaries (1 match)
26 July Football City of Coventry Stadium, Coventry
19:45 –21:45 Men’s preliminaries (1 match)

You could use the above schedule to set a question that assesses the concepts
and skills related to time, distances between places, travelling problems, costs
and even probability in an unfamiliar context. You could also combine it with
maps and/or plans of a soccer field to set parts of questions in which learners
use the scale to determine dimensions and then analyse the layout of the
venue in terms of seating, access, location of exits and other issues. Similarly,
you could combine this with graphs that show medals by country and ask the
learners to answer questions and analyse the data provided.

S e c t i o n 2     •     P L A NN I N G A ND A S S E S S M E NT 27


Dealing with different levels in the Mathematical Literacy

assessment taxonomy
CAPS provides an assessment taxonomy framework to help teachers make
sure their assessment meets different levels of cognitive demand. Some tasks
and questions require only the recall of basic facts or simple calculations
while others require learners to analyse and make sense of unfamiliar contexts
and use varied methods and skills to solve problems.
The four levels of cognitive demand are:
Level 1: Knowing
Level 2: Applying routine procedures in familiar contexts
Level 3: Applying multi-step procedures in a variety of contexts
Level 4: Reasoning and reflecting.
When you design assignments, investigations, tests and examinations, you
need to ensure that the number of marks allocated to questions is roughly in
the following proportions (about 5% in overall allocation).
Taxonomy level Marks allocated to each level
Level 1 30%
Level 2 30%
Level 3 20%
Level 4 20%

In examinations, the focus of the different papers means that the percentage
marks for different levels vary per paper, but they give the same overall
percentages when combined (about 5% variance in allocations). These are
given below.

Taxonomy level Paper 1 allocation Paper 2 allocation Overall allocation

Level 1 60% – 30%
Level 2 35% 25% 30%
Level 3  5% 35% 20%
Level 4 – 40% 20%

How the levels are built into the activities in this course
In order to prepare learners for tests, examinations and other formal assessment
tasks, they need to practise answering questions at all levels on the taxonomy.
The Learner’s Book provides exercises and activities in each topic that fall into
and across different levels of the Mathematical Literacy taxonomy.
The tables that follow contain examples of questions, calculations and
exercises from each term’s work sorted by level to show the differences
between the demands of questions at different levels of the taxonomy.
Note that these tables do not list all the questions/activities in the Learner’s
Book and this Teacher’s Guide, they are intended only a general guide to help
you select and/or develop suitable assessment questions of your own and to
show that provision is made for each level in the course materials.

Section 3  •  Unit-by-unit 29
Term 1: Measurement

Unit Level 1: Knowing Level 2: Applying routine Level 3: Applying multi-step Level 4: Reasoning and reflecting
procedures in familiar contexts procedures in a variety of contexts
Unit 1 Convert between metric units Convert from imperial to metric Make a scaled drawing and enlarge Design a bookshelf, selecting
Measuring units 1.1 questions 1–22 units it using an appropriate conversion appropriate scale and units
and conversions 1.1 questions 1–22 factor 1.3 questions 1–4
1.2 question 2 Create a conversion table based on
Measurement: Investigation 1:
questions 1–5
Unit 2 Read values and use them to record Interpret time values on a timetable Perform time calculations and relate
Time and calculate time and answer questions related to them to other travel resources in
2.1 questions 1–3 times order to plan a trip

Section 3  •  Unit-by-unit
2.2 questions 1–2 2.4 questions 1–2
Measurement: Investigation 3: 2.7 questions 1–3
questions 1–4

Term 1: Finance

Unit Level 1: Knowing Level 2: Applying routine Level 3: Applying multi-step Level 4: Reasoning and reflecting
procedures in familiar contexts procedures in a variety of contexts
Unit 3 Read information from financial Find relevant information in the Tax Interpret information on different Design a filing and/or record-
Financial documents Pocket Guide and use it to answer financial documents and make keeping system for financial
documents at 3.2 question 1 questions related to tax liabilities sense of terms and conditions documents
home and at 3.4 questions 1–3 3.5 questions 1–14 3.4 questions 1–3 Finance: Investigation 1:
work questions 1–2
Show how the total due was
calculated on an account
3.2 question 2
Unit 4 Read tables of different tariffs Calculate costs and tariffs using Draw graphs to represent and Choose appropriate strategies
Tariffs 4.1 question 1 given information compare different tariffs (including using table and drawing
4.2 question 1 4.1 questions 2, 4 4.6 question 1–2 graphs) to compare the costs of
4.2 question 1 services and tariffs in different
Complete a table of tariffs using 4.1 question 3
given information Finance: Investigation 2:
4.3 question 1 questions 1–4
Finance: Assignment 1: question 1
Unit 5 Classify items on an income-and- Prepare an income-and expenditure Analyse an income-and-expenditure Analyse a budget and make
Income-and- expenditure statement statement statement for a small business recommendations to improve
expenditure 5.1 question 1 5.2 question 1 5.4 question 3 finances
statements and 5.6 questions 1–2 5.5 questions 1–3

Section 3  •  Unit-by-unit
budgets Prepare an income-and-expenditure Prepare a budget for a single event 5.6 questions 1–3
Calculate amounts on statements statement Finance: Investigation 4: question 1
5.2 questions 2–8 5.3 questions 1–5
Unit 6 Identify different types of costs Compare cost and selling price and Investigate various costs and decide Conduct market research and use
Cost price, 6.1 questions 1–2 calculate the mark up on an appropriate selling price the results to suggest and defend
selling price 6.3 questions 1–5 6.4 questions 1–2 the selling price of an item
and break even Find the cost price of an item by Finance: Investigation 6:
analysis adding all the component costs Read values from graphs to find Calculate selling prices based on questions 1–3
6.2 questions 1–4 the break-even point and answer various profit levels and decide
questions about it which is reasonable
Calculate break-even values in the 6.5 question 2 6.4 questions 3–5
context of a given problem
6.5 question 1 Draw graphs to compare options
and tariffs
6.6 question 2

Term 1: Data handling

Unit Level 1: Knowing Level 2: Applying routine Level 3: Applying multi-step Level 4: Reasoning and reflecting
procedures in familiar contexts procedures in a variety of contexts
Unit 7 Read information from a table of Decide whether a sample is Decide on appropriate questions to Critique the questions and posted
Data handling results representative include on a questionnaire and then results of a survey
1.1 question 1 7.2 question 1 conduct the survey 7.3 question1 1–2
7.2 question 2
Read data from a given frequency Complete a table to summarise data 7.11 question 1 Analyse measures of spread
table collected during a survey and central tendency to make
7.1 question 2 7.4 question 2 Use raw data to draw up a grouped deductions about trends in the data
7.4 question 1 frequency table and answer 7.6 questions 1–3
Calculate the mean, median, mode questions based on the table
Locate values on box-and-whisker range and interquartile range 7.4 question 3 Analyse graphs and make

Section 3  •  Unit-by-unit
plots 7.5 questions 1–2 deductions about trends in the data
7.8 questions 1–2 7.7 questions 1–2 Choose the most appropriate form and predictions for the future
of graph to represent different sets 7.9 questions 1–5
Read values directly from graphs Draw and label graphs of data, giving reasons for choices
7.2 question 3 7.9 question 3 7.9 question 1–3 Interpret and critically analyse data
7.8 questions 1–3 7.11 question 1 presented in the form of different
7.10 questions 1–4
7.11 question 2
Term 2: Finance

Unit Level 1: Knowing Level 2: Applying routine Level 3: Applying multi-step Level 4: Reasoning and reflecting
procedures in familiar contexts procedures in a variety of contexts
Unit 1 Read and calculate interest rates Calculate simple interest rates and Perform compound interest Investigate and model the effect of
Interest and 1.1 question 1–2 monthly repayments calculations over multiple time different interest rates on payments
interest rates 1.1 question 3 periods and total cost of loans
Finance: Assignment 2: 1.1 question 6 1.2 questions 1, 2
questions 1–2 1.3 questions 1–3
Use tables to model different
interest options and answer
questions based on the result
Finance: Assignment 2:
question 3–4

Section 3  •  Unit-by-unit
Unit 2 Identify fees and costs on bank Calculate the value of an investment Complete a table/graph to compare Compare fee options and
Banking, loans documents Finance: Assignment 4: bank fee options investigate the best one for a
and investments 2.1 questions 1–2 questions 3–6 Finance: Assignment 7: particular person
question 1–4 2.1 question 2–3
Use graphs to show and compare 2.2 question 1
contributions and payments Calculate and compare interest on
2.5 questions 1–2 credit card and loan accounts Choose the best banking option for
Finance: Assignment 3: a business and justify choices
questions 1–3 2.1 question 4

Make decisions regarding

investment options without
scaffolded or guided questions
2.4 questions 1–4

Unit 3 Calculate price changes and rates of Show by calculation how the price Show by calculation how the price Compile a basket of goods index
Inflation change of an item changes when it is of an item might change if affected table for a household
3.1 questions 1–2 affected by inflation by inflation over multiple time 3.2 Investigation
3.3 Quesitons 1–3 3.1 questions 3–4 periods
3.4 questions 1–6
Read and interpret graphs of inflation Finance: Investigation 10:
rates to answer questions about them question 3
3.5 questions 1–4

Term 2: Maps, plans and other representations of the world

Unit Level 1: Knowing Level 2: Applying routine Level 3: Applying multi-step Level 4: Reasoning and reflecting
procedures in familiar contexts procedures in a variety of contexts

Section 3  •  Unit-by-unit
Unit 4 Explain the meaning of a given scale Use a given scale to determine Use real distances to calculate Make decisions about costs and
Scale 4.1 question 1 actual measurements measurements on a plan modes of transport based on
4.1 questions 2–3 4.3 questions 1–2 information available
4.2 questions 1–2 4.5 question 3
Use a given or determined scale
Use real measurements to together with measurements on a
determine scale of a plan/map plan to determine length and other
4.4 questions 1–3 dimensions
4.5 questions 1–3
Unit 5 Describe the position of objects on Interpret and follow a given set Use different maps and directions to Make decisions about stopping points
Maps a map of directions and provide a set of find possible routes between places and modes of transport on a journey
5.1 questions 1–3 directions between two places 5.6 questions 1–3 based on information available
5.2 questions 1–3 5.5 questions 1–4
Read an index to find the location of 5.5 questions 1–5 Identify a route between places on 5.7 questions 1–8
streets a map, measure the distance and
5.1 questions 2–4 Calculate time, distance and speed use the scale to estimate distance Compare marathon routes using
based on maps between places a map and an elevation map and
5.2 question 4 5.4 questions 1–8 answer questions related to the routes
5.8 questions 1–7
Revision question 4
Term 2: Measurement

Unit Level 1: Knowing Level 2: Applying routine Level 3: Applying multi-step Level 4: Reasoning and reflecting
procedures in familiar contexts procedures in a variety of contexts
Unit 6 Estimate measurements using Calculate using estimated Calculate overall costs using given Calculate operating costs for a
Measuring sensible cues measurements and costs measurements and costs vehicle using given, estimated and
length and 6.1 questions 1–8 Measurement: Assignment 1: Measurement: Assignment 3: calculated distances and costs
distance questions 2–5 questions 1–6 Measurement: Assignment 2:
6.2 questions 1–2 questions 1–3
Unit 7 Measure and record mass Calculate using measured values to Calculate correct portion sizes Investigate and compare growth
Measuring mass 7.1 questions 2–3 determine BMI 7.6 questions 1–2 patterns of children aged 2–20
7.1 question 1 Measurement: Investigation 2:
Read mass from growth charts and Compile a table of medicine doses questions 1–5
graphs Read and compare data about mass for paracetamol

Section 3  •  Unit-by-unit
7.2 questions 1–2 and BMI 7.7 questions 1–3
7.3 question 1–5
Unit 8 Calculate volumes for practical Calculate basic water needs using Use calculated values and given
Measuring purposes data from tables and other sources information to produce guidelines
volume 8.1 questions 1–4 8.3 questions 1–7 about water safety
8.5 question 2
Calculate concentration and other Use measured values in conjunction
rates by volume with other skills to complete an
Measurement: Assignment 4: assignment on water run off in a
question 1 settlement
7.6 questions 1–4 8.4 questions 1–5
7.5 question 1
Unit 9 Measure and record temperature Draw tables of temperatures and Use temperature information to
Measuring 9.3 questions 1–2 compare patterns plan a journey
temperature 9.3 questions 4–5 9.2 questions 1–3
Read and convert temperatures
using a map
9.1 questions 1–4

Unit 10 Measure accurately Calculate perimeter and area by Break composite shapes into more Use perimeter, area and volume
Calculating 10.1 questions 1-4 substituting values into formulae familiar pieces and find the area of calculations to complete a larger
perimeter, area 10.2 question 3 each in order to find the area of the project without being told what
and volume Identify from a given table which whole calculations are needed
formula are needed for different Use formulae to find surface area 10.3 questions 1–6 10.4 questions 3–6
calculations and volume Measurement: Investigation 4
10.2 questions 1–2 10.2 question 4 Work out the dimensions you need to
find the surface area and volume of an
irregular solid and then use these to
find the surface area and volume
10.4 questions 1–2

Term 3: Finance

Section 3  •  Unit-by-unit
Unit Level 1: Knowing Level 2: Applying routine Level 3: Applying multi-step Level 4: Reasoning and reflecting
procedures in familiar contexts procedures in a variety of contexts
Unit 1 Read VAT information from a table Calculate VAT and inclusive prices Calculate UIF for different time Analyse tax documents and answer
Taxation 1.1 question 2 1.1 question 1 periods questions related to income tax
1.1 questions 4–6 1.4 questions 1–4
Read information from a pay slip Use tax tables and formulae
1.1 question 3 1.2 questions 1–3 Calculate taxable income and tax Complete a tax return form and
payable calculate income tax for an employee
1.3 questions 1–4 Finance: Assignment 7:
questions 1–3
Unit 2 Use given exchange rates to Perform currency conversion Explain how a strong or weak
Exchange rates determine the value of one currency calculations related to the buying currency affects prices in different
for a given value of another power of the currency countries
1.1 questions 1–2 2.3 questions 1–3 2.4 questions 1–7
1.2 questions 1–4
Plan and budget for a trip using
currency exchange rates and other
travel-related sources
Finance: Assignment 8
Term 3: Maps, plans and other representations of the world

Unit Level 1: Knowing Level 2: Applying routine Level 3: Applying multi-step Level 4: Reasoning and reflecting
procedures in familiar contexts procedures in a variety of contexts
Unit 3 Read values and dimensions from a Use given information to identify Use plans in conjunction with other Describe items represented on a
Scale and plans diagram and/or design drawing the numbers of different features on information to determine materials plan
3.1 question 1 a plan needed and/or costs 3.1 question 2
3.2 questions 1–4 3.5 questions 2–3
Read instructions on an assembly 3.3 questions 1–5 Decide on an appropriate scale in
diagram which to draw a plan and then draw
3.1 question 3 it
3.5 question 1

Section 3  •  Unit-by-unit
Term 3: Probability

Unit Level 1: Knowing Level 2: Applying routine Level 3: Applying multi-step Level 4: Reasoning and reflecting
procedures in familiar contexts procedures in a variety of contexts
Unit 4 Use terms associated with Express probability in percentages Identify values from a table and use Use a table of probabilities to assess
Probability probability correctly and numbers them to express the probability of the chance of different outcomes
4.1 question 1 4.2 questions 1–6 certain events and comment on the results
4.5 questions 2–3 4.6 question 2 5.7 questions 1 and 4–6
Identify all possible outcomes for an 4.7 questions 1–2
event using a tree diagram Calculate the odds of an event Critically assess the use of
4.6 question 1 4.3 questions 1–2 probability values in media sources
and advertisements
4.4 question 2
4.6 questions 3–5
4.7 questions 1–2

Term 3: Maps, plans and other representations of the world

Unit Level 1: Knowing Level 2: Applying routine Level 3: Applying multi-step Level 4: Reasoning and reflecting
procedures in familiar contexts procedures in a variety of contexts
Unit 5 Draw the net of a cuboid Build a model of a container Build a model and use to solve Use a model to analyse the space
Using models 5.1 question 1 5.1 question 2 problems available and make a decision about
to investigate 5.2 question 1 5.1 questions 3–6 the best placement of items to
shape and space 5.2 questions 2–4 maximise available space
Build a model of a simple building 5.3 questions 1–3 5.5 questions 1–2
given a net and dimensions
5.4 questions 1–4

Section 3  •  Unit-by-unit


You may want to reorganise the pages in this file so that the tables with
taxonomy levels for assessment are next to the worked solutions for each
term. Remember though that the tables contain examples of activities that
fall into each level of the taxonomy and they do not contain a definitive or
complete list.

Unit 1
Measuring units and conversions
Learner’s Book pages 2–6

Teaching tips
• This unit revises work on measuring units and conversions done in
Grades 10 and 11, and provides activities in which learners apply
conversion skills to various practical activities in real-world contexts.
Adapt and extend these activities to suit the interests of learners and the
needs of their local environment, where relevant. The conversion tables
that learners need to use for the activities are given in the Learner’s Book.
• Learners should also be given further practice in reading measurements
off the scales used on measuring instruments. Try to provide a range of
instruments in the classroom that would be used for different practical
purposes – for example, a builder’s tape measure and a medical syringe.
• A section on digital information (computer) measuring units is included
in the unit because, in practical situations, it is often necessary to judge
whether a computer hard drive, memory stick, CD and so on have enough
space to store a digital file. It is also necessary to understand units such as
megabytes (MB) and gigabytes (GB) when taking out a cellphone contract
that includes an internet function.
• The section on measuring food energy will give learners insight into how
measuring units (kJ and calories) are used in the popular media and in
medical reports to describe healthy and unhealthy diet options.
• Some activities in this and later measurement units can be turned into real-
world projects for the benefit of the learners and the local community.

1.1 Test your conversion skills
Learner’s Book page 2

1. Conversion of 9 553 m
a. 955,3 cm b. 9 553 mm c. 31,34 ft d. 376,1 in.
2. Conversion of 450 yards
a. 0,41 km b. 409,5 m c. 0,26 miles d. 1 350 ft
3. Conversion of 0,06 m
a. 6 cm b. 60 mm c. 2.36 in. d. 0,2 ft

TERM 1  •  UNIT 1 39
4. Conversion of 726,12 mm
a. 72,612 cm b. 0,72612 m
c. 28,58734 in. d. 0,79147 yd
5. Conversion of 79,4 km
a. 79 400 m b. 86 832,9 yd
c. 49,34 miles
6. Conversion of 12 000 miles
a. 21 120 000 yd b. 19 312,13 km
c. 19 312 128 m
d. 2,04269 × 10–9
alternatively: 0 ,064 light seconds
or 10 427 nautical miles
7. Conversion of 833 g
a. 0,833 kg b. 833 000 mg
c. 29,383 oz d. 1,836 lb
8. Conversion of 555,045 kg of water
a. 555 045 g b. 0,555045 tonnes
c. 1 223,65 lb d. 555,045 ℓ
9. Conversion of 0,035 g of water
a. 35 mg b. 0,00123 oz
c. 0,035 ml
10. Conversion of 467 210 mg of water
a. 467,21 g b. 0,46721 kg
c. 0,46721 ℓ
11. Conversion of 17,54 t (metric ton (tonnes)) 17,54 (short ton)
a. 17 540 kg 15 912,29 kg
b. 38 669,08 lb 35 080,59 lb
c. 17,26298 ton (Imp)* 15.6607 ton (Imperial)*
* An Imperial ton is also called a long ton.
12. Conversion of 41 067,85 kg
a. 41 067 850 g b. 1 448 625,78 lb
c. 40,41925 tons (Imp) = 41,068 t (metric)
13. Conversion of 0,05 ℓ
a. 50 ml
b. 1,6907 US fl.oz. = 1,7598 UK fl.oz.
c. 0,10567 US pints or 0,08799 UK pints
14. Conversion of 664 500 ml
a. 664,5 ℓ b. 0,6645 kl
c. 175,542 (US) gal. = 146,17 gal. (UK)
15. Conversion of 950,12 ℓ
a. 0,95012 kl b. 950 120 ml
c. 2 007,9612 US pints or 1 671,97746 UK pints
16. Conversion of 0,6905 kl
a. 690,5 ℓ b. 690 500 ml
c. 23 348,5827 fl.oz. (US) or 24 302,2026 UK fl.oz.
17. Conversion of 3 030 cm2
a. 0,3030 m2 b. 303 000 mm2
c. 469,651 in.2
18. Conversion of 0,5 m2
a. 5 000 cm2 b. 500 000 mm2
c. 775,002 in. 2


19. Conversion of 45,45 km2
a. 45 450 000 m2 b. 4 545 ha
c. 11 230,94 acres
20. Conversion of 1 200 cm3 Conversion of 1 200 cm2
a. 1 200 000 mm 3 120 000 mm2
b. 0,0012 m3 0,12 m2
c. 3
0,0423776 ft 1,2917 ft2
21. Conversion of 18 000 m2
a. 0,018 km2 b. 1,8 ha
c. 4,448 acres
22. Conversion of 44 081 s (seconds)
a. 44 081 000 milliseconds b. 734,68333 min.
c. 0,5102 days
23. Conversion of 3,5 decades
a. 0,35 centuries
b. 12 783,75 days (1 year = 365,25 days)
c. 306 810 hours
24. Conversion of 100 km/h
a. 100 km/h
= 100 000 m/h
= 100 000 m/60 min.
= 1 666,67 m/min.
b. 1 666,67 m/min × 166 666,67 cm/min.
= 166 666,67 cm/60 s
= 2 777,78 cm/s
c. 2 777,78 cm/s × 27 777,78 mm/s
= 27 777,78 mm/1 000 mm/s
= 27,78 mm/ms

1.2  Practise using conversions in practical activities

Learner’s Book page 4
1. a. l = 1 000 mm
b = 500 mm
p = 2l + 2b
= 3 000 mm
= 300 cm
b. A=l×b
= 420 mm × 500 mm
= 210 000 m2
c. 210 000 mm2
= 0,21 m2
d. i. l × b × h – (l × b × h – πr2h) (used 3,14286 for π)
= {530 × 400 × 170 – ([50 × 50 × 170] – [π(25)2 × 170])} mm3
= [36 040 000 – (425 000 – 333 928,875)] mm3
= (36 040 000 – 91 071,125) mm3
= 36 030 828,88 mm3
ii. 3 6 030 828,88 mm3 = 36 030,82888 ml
= 36,03082888 ℓ
The capacity of the sink is about 36 ℓ.

TERM 1  •  UNIT 1 41
2. a. Plan with imperial measurements
b. Enlargements
c. Total plot area =
 0,5 ha
= 5 000 m2
Number of households = 55
Size of RDP house = 20 m2
Number of households × size of house = area required
1 100 m2 < 5 000 m2
There is sufficient space for each household to have a house.
d. 5 000 m2 ÷ 55 households = 90,91 m2
Each household can have a plot of 90,91 m2 comprising the house
(20 m2) and a yard of 70,91 m2 (assuming no area is required for roads
and/or services).

1.3  Assignment: Convert and calculate measurements

Learner’s Book page 6

1. Instructions in metric measurements

We made the case out of materials available at most building supply
dealers and lumberyards, including 25 mm × 51 mm, 25 mm × 102 mm
and 25 mm × 254 mm common pine and 6,4 mm thick plywood.
Assembly is quick and easy with glue and nails, and when you’re done
with construction you have the option of a painted or clear finish.
The specifications that follow will produce a bookcase with overall
dimensions of 273 mm deep × 864 mm wide × 1 219 mm tall. While the
depth of the case is directly tied to the 25 mm × 254 mm standard plank,
you can vary the height, width and shelf spacing to suit your needs. Keep
in mind, though, that extending the width of the cabinet may require the
addition of central shelf supports.
2. Sizes in metric units
We made the case out of materials available at most building supply
dealers and lumberyards, including 32 mm × 44 mm, 32 mm × 94 mm and
32 mm × 300 mm planed all round pine planks and 6 mm-thick plywood
(in 2 440 mm × 1 220 boards). Assembly is quick and easy with glue and
nails, and when you're done with construction you have the option of a
painted or clear finish.
The specifications that follow will produce a bookcase with overall
dimensions of 306 mm deep × 964 mm wide × 1 200 mm tall. While the
depth of the case is directly tied to the 32 mm × 300 mm standard plank,
you can vary the height, width and shelf spacing to suit your needs. Keep
in mind, though, that extending the width of the cabinet may require the
addition of central shelf supports.
Dimensions of bookcase according to new
Depth: 300 mm width of plank plus 6 mm plywood backing = 306 mm
Length: 9 00 mm of plank + 2 × 43 mm width of plank (for each side)
= 964 mm
Height: 1 200 mm length of plank
3. Wood required
Note: The 32 mm × 44 mm and 32 mm × 94 mm planks were not used.
Two sides are required per bookcase.
Length required per side is 1 200 mm (adjusted from US plan) for the
height of the bookcase.


Plank required: 32 mm depth × 300 mm width × 2 400 mm length
One plank gives two side lengths with no offcuts.
Therefore, one plank is required per bookcase.
Therefore, 14 planks are required to build 14 bookcases.
No number of shelves is specified.
To make three shelves for each bookcase,
four lengths of shelving are required (three shelves and the top plank)
for each bookcase.
Length of bookcase required: 964 mm (adjusted from US plan)
Length of plank required: 900 mm
Plank required: 32 mm depth × 300 mm width × 1 800 mm length
One plank gives two shelves with no offcuts.
Therefore, two planks are required per bookcase.
Therefore, 28 planks are required to build 14 bookcases.
Plywood for backing
6 mm thick plywood in 2 400 mm × 1 220 sheets can be used.
Dimensions per bookcase: 964 mm wide × 1 200 mm length
Match the height of the bookcase (1 200 mm) to the width of the plywood
sheet (1 220 mm).
Number of bookcases per sheet: _______
​​ 2964
440 mm
​​= 2,531 bookcases per sheet
14 bookcases
​​  2,531 bookcases ​​per sheet gives 5,53 bookcases

Therefore six sheets of plywood are required.

4. Leftover wood
No 32 mm depth × 300 mm width planks are left over from the sides or
the shelves.
Six sheets of 2 400 mm × 1 220 mm plywood (with a thickness of 6 mm)
are required.
Total: 17 860 800 mm2 plywood
Plywood used: 1 200 mm × 964 mm × 14 bookcases
= 16 195 200 mm2 plywood
Unused plywood: 17 860 800 mm2 – 1 665 600 mm2 of plywood
= 1,6656 m2 of plywood

25 mm
27,99 mm

25 mm
27,99 mm

1 219 mm

25 mm
27,99 mm

25 mm
27,99 mm

25 mm
864 mm
25 mm 25 mm

TERM 1  •  UNIT 1 43
Unit 2
Measuring time
Learner’s Book pages 7–33

Teaching tips
• In this unit, learners focus first on recording elapsed time, and then on
interpreting timetables that are used in a wide range of practical contexts.
These skills will be applied as well in units in the finance topic that
involves planning travel activities.
• The section on speed and average speed revises calculating average speed
(which was covered in Grade 10 and Grade 11) before applying this
method to sporting and transport situations.
• A table is provided in the Learner Book with guidelines for using timetables
to budget for a trip. Learners can use this table to help them with the activities
in later units that involve planning journeys. The travel investigation in this
unit applies to South African destinations, and will help learners to prepare for
later investigations that involve travel to foreign destinations.
• The last section of the unit focuses on time zones, and the activities in this
section give learners the opportunity to think about how to plan travel and
communication between places in different time zones.

2.1  Test your ability to read time formats and calculate elapsed time
Learner’s Book page 9
1 a. Clock A: 05:12 b. Clock C: 13:59
Clock B: 21:47 Clock A: 05:12
21 h – 5 h = 16 h (5 + 24) – 13
47 min. – 12 min. = 35 min. = 29 – 13
Elapsed time: 16:35 = 16 h
(12 + 60) – 59 = 13 min.
Elapsed time: (16 – 1):13 = 15:13
c. Clock F: 23:01 d. Clock I: 02:53 h
Clock D: 01:01 Clock J: 17:16 min.
(1 + 24) – 23 = 2 h 17 – 2 = 15
1 – 1 = 0 min. (60 + 16) – 53 = 23
Elapsed time: 2:00 Elapsed time: (15 – 1):23 = 14:23
e. Clock E: 15:23
Clock H: 06:12
(06 + 24) – 15 = 15 h
(12 + 60) – 23 = 49 min.
Elapsed time: (15 – 1):49 = 14:49
2. a. Clock A: 05:12
Clock J: 17:16
17 – 5 = 12 h
16 – 12 = 4 min.
Elapsed time: 12:04
Clock C: 13:59
Clock E: 15:23
15 – 13 = 2 h
(23 + 60) – 59 = 24 min.
Elapsed time: (2 – 1):24 = 1:24
Total elapsed time: 12:04 + 1:24 = 13:28


b. Clock G: 18:44
Clock H: 06:12
(06 + 24) – 18 = 12 h
(12 + 60) – 44 = 28 min.
Elapsed time: (12 – 1):28 = 11:28
Clock B: 21:47
Clock G: 18:44
(18 + 24) – 21 = 21 h
(44 + 60) – 47 = 57 min.
Elapsed time: (21 – 1):57 = 20:57
Total elapsed time: 11:28 + 20:57 = 32:25
c. Clock I: 02:53
Clock C: 13:59
13 – 2 = 11 h
59 – 53 = 6 min.
Elapsed time: 10:06
Clock D: 01:01
Clock A: 05:12
12 – 1 = 11 min.
Elapsed time: 4:11
Total elapsed time: 10:06 + 4:11 = 15:17
d. Clock F: 23:01
Clock I: 02:53
(02 + 24) – 23 = 3 h
53 – 01 = 52 min.
Elapsed time: 3:52
Clock E: 15:23
Clock B: 21:47
21 – 15 = 6 h
47 – 23 = 24 min.
Elapsed time: 6:24
Total elapsed time: 3:52 + 6:24 =
 9 h + 76 min.
= 10 h + 16 min.
= 10:16
e. Clock A: 05:12
Clock B: 21:47 h
21 – 5 = 16 min.
47 – 12 = 35
Elapsed time: 16:35
Clock C: 13:59
Clock D: 01:01
(24 + 1) – 13 = 12 h
(1 + 60) – 59 = 2 min.
Elapsed time: (12 – 1):11 = 11:11
Clock E: 15:23
Clock F: 23:01
23 – 15 = 8 h
(60 + 1) – 23 = 38 min.
Elapsed time: (8 – 1):38 = 7:38
Clock G: 18:44
Clock H: 06:12
(06 + 24) – 18 = 12 h
(12 + 60) – 44 = 28 min.
Elapsed time: (12 – 1):28 = 11:28
TERM 1  •  UNIT 2 45
Elapsed time
Clock A and B 116:35
Clock C and D 11:02
Clock E and F 7:38
Clock G and H 11:28
3. Clock Start time Finish time Duration Ranking
A 12:29:00 14:12:08 1:43:08 7
B 15:02:00 16:19:21 1:17:21 4
C 15:02:00 16:07:30 1:05:30 1
D 12:29:00 14:17:16 1:48:16 8
E 15:02:00 16:07:30 1:05:30 1
F 12:29:00 14:11:53 1:42:53 6
G 15:02:00 16:08:02 1:06:02 3
H 12:29:00 14:09:44 1:40:44 5

2.2  Practise finding information on transport timetables

Learner’s Book page 11
1. a. The schedule was published on 1 February 2011 for the U2 concert
that was held on 13 February 2011.
b. The schedule is only valid for 13 February 2011.
c. Six train journeys are set out in the schedule.
d. The train arrives at and departs from each station at the times
indicated. A passenger would use the time to know when to be at a
station to be in time for its departure, to know when the train will
arrive at and depart from Nasrec where the concert will take place,
and when the train is scheduled to arrive at the station the passengers
are going to. When trains stop at a station, they only stop for a minute
before departing.
e. The inward journey’s duration is the same as the outward journey’s
Springs – Nasrec 1 h 45 min.
Nasrec – Springs 1 h 45 min.
Randfontein – Nasrec 1 h 13 min.
Nasrec – Randfontein 1 h 13 min.
f. The scheduled arrival time of the inbound trains to Nasrec arrive at
16:15 (Springs train) and 16:28 (Randfontein). These trains arrive
before the start of the concert. The trains are scheduled to depart after
midnight when the concert has finished.
2. a. There are flights from Accra to Johannesburg on the second and fifth
days of the week.
b. The flight from Accra lands at Johannesburg at 06:35 local time on the
next day.
c. There will only be one scheduled flight per week from Bulawayo to
Johannesburg – on the Sunday.
d. Yes, SAE536 departs Bloemfontein at 17:30 and arrives at Durban at
e. All seven days are indicated on the schedule for flights between
Bloemfontein and Johannesburg.


f. Flight departure (local time): 17:55
Arrival time (South African time): 08:10
South Africa is five hours ahead of Buenos Aires.
Duration of flight
= (24:00 – 17:55) + 08:10 – 05:00
= 06:05 + 08:10 – 05:00
= 14:15 – 05:00
= 09:15
The duration of the flight is 9 hours and 15 minutes.
g. Five times per week (Wednesday to Sunday)
h. There is no time difference between Cairo and Johannesburg.
Departure time: 23:00
Arrival time: 07:05
Duration: 01:00 + 07:05 = 08:05
The duration of the flight is 8 hours and 5 minutes.
i. No you cannot fly from Bujumbura to Johannesburg on a Tuesday.
There are only direct flights from Bujumbura to Johannesburg on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.
To fly on a Tuesday from Bujumbura to Johannesburg, you would
have to fly to Kigali on SA088 and then fly to Johannesburg.
j No, you can only fly economy class from Bulawayo to Johannesburg.

 .3  Practising reading and interpreting production timetables

Learner’s Book page 17
1. October–December is the best time to harvest coffee beans in Yemen.
2. The best time to harvest coffee beans in Ethiopia varies between
November and February.
3. Kenya has two crops per year: A main crop between October and March
and a second crop (fly crop) between May and August.
4. November to February is the best time to ship coffee beans from Tanzania
to Uganda.
5. The harvest period in Zimbabwe is from July to October.

2.4  Practise completing and drawing up production schedules
Learner’s Book page 18
1. Answers will differ.
2. Task Preparing soil Sow seeds for Apply fertiliser Harvest crop
for planting different crops (state type)
September ✔
October ✔ sow all seeds ✔ 2:3:4 (30)
November ✔ LAN
January Harvest gem squash and
February Harvest Hubbard squash and

TERM 1  •  UNIT 2 47
Task Preparing soil Sow seeds for Apply fertiliser Harvest crop
for planting different crops (state type)

2.5  Practise reading and comparing tide timetables

Learner’s Book page 21
1. Answers will differ.
2. 26 and 27 January would be the best time to photograph the moon's
reflection on the calm ocean water as it is full moon at the time.
3. The spring tide was on 13 January. High tide was at 04:43. Other suitable
days are 14 and 15 January and 27 to 31 January.
4. Learners discuss and motivate their answers.

2.6  Practise calculating average speeds

Learner’s Book page 23
1. a. Record the departure and arrival times and measure the distance
travelled by each vehicle over a typical period of time, such as a
typical month or week. The owner could then determine the average
speed for each vechicle for the period.
b. Car deliveries
Delivery 1 2 3 4 5
Start delivery 08:31 09:56 14:48 10:12 15:25
Complete delivery 09:14 11:14 16:50 13:37 16:09
Elapsed time 43 min. 1 h 18 min. 2 h 2 min. 3 h 25 min. 44 min.
Distance (km) 9,3 km 44,7 km 51,0 km 156,2 km 12,3 km
Speed (km/h) 13 34,4 25,1 45,7 16,8

Average speed: 27 km/h

Bakkie deliveries
Delivery 1 2 3 4 5
Start delivery 09:15 11:37 13:20 08:26 14:10
Complete delivery 10:05 12:58 15:19 11:12 14:58
Elapsed time 50 min. 1 h 21 min. 1 h 59 min. 2 h 46 min. 48 min.
Distance (km) 68,3 49,1 81,6 137,2 31,0
Speed (km/h) 82 36,4 41,1 49,6 38,8

Average speed: 49,58 km/h rounded off to 50 km/h


Bicycle deliveries
Delivery 1 2 3 4 5
Start delivery 8:12 09:29 12:18 16:02 10:05
Complete delivery 8:48 10:12 13:01 16:48 10:47
Elapsed time 36 min. 43 min. 43 min. 46 min. 42 min.
Distance (km) 7,9 9,8 8,2 3,0 8,6
Speed (km/h) 13,2 13,7 11,4 3,9 12,3

Average speed: 10,9 km/h rounded off to 11 km/h

Motorcycle deliveries
Delivery 1 2 3 4 5
Start delivery 9:45 11:21 13:09 15:37 8:24
Complete delivery 10:38 12:23 13:46 16:48 11:18
Elapsed time 53 min. 1 h 2 min. 37 min. 1 h 11 min. 2 h 54 min.
Distance (km) 22,9 38,6 11,5 53,8 149
Speed (km/h) 25,9 37,4 18,6 45,5 51,4

Average speed: 35,76 km/h rounded off to 36 km/h

c. The two most efficient vehicles are the bakkie (with an average speed
of 50 km/h) and the motorcycle (with an average speed of 36 km/h).
d. The owner should consider the capacity of each vehicle (the bakkie
can carry the largest load), the typical size of goods that are delivered
(large or small), where goods need to be delivered (are goods couriered
within the city/town centre where traffic is heavy), and the distance
of the deliveries (the average distance of the bakkie’s deliveries
are 73,44 km, the car is 54,7 km, the average for the motorcycle is
55,16 km and the average for the bicycle is only 7,5 km).
2. a Athlete Event Average speed
Usain Bolt 100 m 37,38 km/h
Usain Bolt 200 m 37,31 km/h
Wayde van Niekerk 400 m 33,47 km/h
David Rudisha 800 m 28,54 km/h
Noah Ngeny 1 500 m 25,46 km/h
Kenenisa Bekele 5 000 m 23,14 km/h
Kenenisa Bekele 10 000 m 22,21 km/h
Samuel Wanjin Marathon* 20,01 km/h
b. Athlete Event Average speed
Florence Griffith-Joyner 100 m 33,90 km/h
Florence Griffith-Joyner 200 m 33,74 km/h
Marie-José Pérec 400 m 29,84 km/h
Nadezhda Olizarenko 800 m 25,39 km/h
Paula Ivan 1 500 m 23,08 km/h
Vivian Jepkemoi Cheruiyot 5 000 m 20,78 km/h
Almaz Ayana 10 000 m 20,48 km/h
Tiki Gelana Marathon* 17,69 km/h
* The marathon is 42,195 km.

TERM 1  •  UNIT 2 49
c. Class discussion.
3. Event Average speed Average speed Average speed of the
of men’s record of women’s women’s record as a
(km/h) record (km/h) percentage of average
speed of men’s record
100 m 37,38 33,90   ​​ = 91%
​​  37,38

200 m 37,31 33,74 ​​  33,74

____ ​​ = 90%

400 m 33,47 29,84 ​​  29,84

____ ​​ = 89%

800 m 28,54 25,39 ​​  25,39

____ ​​ = 89%

1 500 m 25,46 23,08 ​​  23,08

____ ​​ = 91%

5 000 m 23,14 20,78 ​​  20,78

____ ​​ = 90%

10 000 m 22,21 20,48 ​​  20,48

____ ​​ = 92%

Marathon 20,01 17,69 ​​  17,69

____ ​​ = 88%

The average speed of the women’s record is approximately 90% of the

average speed of the men’s record. This may be because men – on average
– have more muscle on their bodies than women. The average speed of the
men’s record is often similar to the average speed of the women’s record
in the preceding events (for example, the average speed of the men’s
400 m and the women’s 200 m is approximately 33 km/h, the average
speed of the men’s 1 500 m and women’s 800 m is about 25 km/h).

2.7  Investigation: Plan and budget for a holiday trip

Learner’s Book page 29
Answers will differ.

Revise and consolidate

Learner’s Book page 31
1. a. 60 ℓ = 15,85 gallons
b. Average car’s fuel economy: 10 km/ℓ
Capacity of petrol tank: 60 ℓ
60 ℓ × 10 km/ℓ = 600 km
c. Distance on one tank of petrol = 600 km
Distance required =  400 miles
= 643,72 km
643,72 km > 600 km
Mrs Khumalo will not have enough petrol and will have to fill up.


d. Cost in SA: R13/litre
$/R exchange rate: R8,20 for $1
Cost in USA:
$3,80 per gallon
= R31,16 per gallon
= R31,16 per 3,785 ℓ
= R8,23 per litre
So, petrol in the USA is cheaper.
2. a. 3 h 18 min. 7 s: 11 887 s
b. 8 300 min.: approximately 5 days 18 hours
c. 1 461 days: ​​ _25 ​​ decade
d. 44 460 min.: 31 days
e. 10:21:2,5: 10 h 21 min. 2​​ _12 ​​ s
f. 1 min. 34,56 s: 1:34,56
g. 2 days 16 h 44 s: 2:16:0:44
h. 9 years: 7 888 hours
i. about 1,02 days: 24 h 30 min.
j. 144 h: 6:0:0:0
3. a. Tuesdays and Thursdays
b. Johannesburg to Cape Town
= 10:30 (day 1) to 12:40 (day 2)
= 01:30 + 12:00 + 12:40
= 13:30 + 12:40 (13 + 12 = 25 h and
= 26:10 h 30 + 40 = 70 min.)
The journey takes 26 hours and 10 minutes.
Cape Town to Johannesburg
= 12:30 (day 1) to 15:18 (day 2)
= 11:30 + 15:18
= 26:48
The journey takes 26 hours and 48 minutes.
c. The train stops for five minutes at each station.
d. No.
e. R580 + R580 = R1 160
f. Passengers should check departure and arrival times a day or two
before the journey, and again on the day of departure.
4. a. Answers may differ.
b. Working hours on Mondays:
Start time 08:00
End time 12:30
Duration 4:30
To make five deliveries:
25 km × 2 trips (there and back) × 5 customers at 50 km/h
He can make one return trip per hour.
About five hours are required for deliveries. He only has four and a
half hours and so his working day will have to be lengthened.
Working hours on Wednesdays:
Start time 8:00
End time 12:30
Duration 4:30
25 km × 2 trips (there and back) × 7 customers at 50 km/h

TERM 1  •  UNIT 2 51
He can make one return trip per hour.
About 7 hours are required for deliveries. His working day will again
have to be lengthened.
Working hours on Saturdays:
Start time 9:00
End time 12:00
Duration 3:00
25 km × 2 trips (there and back) × 8 customers at 50 km/h
He can make one return trip per hour.
So, 8 hours are required and he has only 3 hours available. They will
have to lengthen the driver’s working day or find another solution.

Unit 3
Financial documents at home and at work
Learner’s Book pages 34–65

Teaching tips
• In Grade 10 and Grade 11, learners were introduced to the financial
documents they need to understand and work with in this course. To
ensure that they can apply this knowledge to a wide range of relevant
contexts in their lives, collect documents that cover all the types listed in
the Learner’s Book, and extend the activities given to cover documents
in your collection.
• The terminology in financial documents should be familiar to all learners.
They will need to practise using these terms in verbal explanations
and written work to become competent at recognising their meanings
in all contexts. The glossary activity is a way for learners to use their
own understanding to express the meanings of the terms – you can use
this activity as baseline assessment of terms and concepts that are fully
understood or terms may need to be revised in more detail while teaching
this unit.
• Learners need to understand how financial documents are used in practical
situations and be able to solve problems such as misunderstood contract
agreements and late payments. Relate the examples given in the Learner’s
Book to similar situations that may have been reported in local newspapers
(community newspapers often report problems that consumers have
experienced with payments, contracts and so on), and invite learners to
report experiences that they or their families have had with such situations.
• Understanding how to analyse a contract before signing it is an important
consumer skill that all learners should develop. Banks, cellphone service
providers, property managers and other organisations that issue contracts
will generally not make blank contracts available for learners to study.
To help your learners understand the terminology used in contracts, try to
obtain a few examples of contracts that are commonly used in this context.
Examples include rental agreements for flats or houses and cellphone
contracts. Delete the personal details of contract holders before showing
copies to the class. The main focus should be on the responsibilities that
a person agrees to when signing a contract (such as paying a monthly
amount), and the penalties for not doing so.


• The focus of the section on income tax in this unit is understanding the
terminology and the concepts. Learners will analyse the practical process
of calculating tax and completing tax returns in detail in Term 3.

3.1  Revise different financial documents
Learner’s Book page 34
Answers will differ.

3.2  Revise what you know about financial documents

Learner’s Book page 38
1. a. A: current account statement
B: credit card statement
C: 32-day notice deposit statement
b. The current account and credit card statements record expenditure.
c. The statements for the current account (a deposit of R2 400) and the
32-day notice deposit (interest capitalised) show income.
d. Current account statement: 2 September to 1 October 2019
Credit card statement: 24 May to 24 June 2020
32-day notice deposit statement: 1 October to 31 December 2018
e. According to the credit card statement, the account holder owes
R19 050,06. The minimum payment due is R952,49.
f. The credit card statement shows a debit balance interest rate of
The 32-day notice deposit statement shows an interest rate of 3,75%.
g. Current account: credit balance of R85 883,14
Credit card: a debt balance of R19 050,06
32-day notice deposit: credit balance of R6 331,18
2. a. The document is a payslip.
b. Gross salary plus commission: R30 000 + R2 000 = R32 000
c. Net pay equals gross pay minus total deductions. Total deductions
consist of pension, PAYE, tax, UIF contribution and medical aid.
d. No, the employee’s net pay each month will depend on the
commission paid.

3.3  Practise choosing documents needed in different situations

Learner’s Book page 45

1. To open a savings account and apply for a credit card you will need:
• proof of identification (for example, a green barcoded ID book)
• proof of address (for example, a utilities bill)
• proof of earnings (last three months’ salary slips)
2. To open a current account at the same bank:
• proof of address
• proof of identification.
3. Zanele can take the faulty computer, the original receipt, her ID book,
and the warranty document if there was one to the customer services
department of the supermarket chain’s Kimberly branch. The computer is
still under warranty.

TERM 1  •  UNIT 3 53
4. Achmat must show the faulty television set, the original receipt (cash
slip), both warranty documents (particularly the one for the extended
cover) and his ID to the shop.
5. An adult member of the family can take the accounts for the last few
months (including the one that is very high) to the municipality to check if
it is correct and to request that the amount be corrected if it is not correct.
6. Nandi could ask to see the owner or manager. She must state that the price
label did not state that it cost R45 per slice and that when she placed the
order, she was not told that the cake would cost R240. Nandi is not under
obligation to purchase the cake. In future, Nandi should confirm the price
of an item. If she were to purchase another cake, she could ask the counter
assistant if the price is for the whole cake.
7. Jeremy must confirm his FICA status by taking proof of identification
(such as a green, barcoded ID book) and proof of address, such as a recent
utilities bill to the bank.
8. Pieter must RICA the phone to unlock it. To do this, he must take proof
of identification (his green barcoded ID book), proof of residence (a
recent utilities bill) and the cellphone to a cellphone shop (such as the
local branch of his network provider). A shop assistant will use Pieter’s
documents to register him for RICA.

3.4  Practise reading and interpreting terms and conditions

Learner’s Book page 51
1. a. Yes, a buyer can apply for finance by telephone or online. He or she
does not need to go to a branch of the bank.
b. The required documents for a SA citizen are:
• An SA green barcoded ID book
• Driver’s licence
• Proof of residence (for example, a utility bill)
• Latest payslip or three month’s bank statement if the applicant is
not an FNB client
• If the applicant earns commission, six months’ pay slips and bank
statements are required.
Non-resident applicants need to show their:
• passport
• work permit
• international driver’s license
• latest payslip
• proof of residence
• contract of employment.
c. Yes, you can apply for the loan if you only earn commission and
do not earn a basic wage or salary. You have to supply 6 months of
payslips and bank statements.
d. No, you cannot apply for a loan if you are unemployed.
e. Non-SA citizens can apply for a loan.
f. Costs are:
Inspection fee R513
Facilitation fee R2 100
Agent service fee R820
Total R3 433


g. The bank will investigate the document history of the car to ensure it
can be title-cleared. The bank will arrange a vehicle inspection. The
bank will review the inspection and HPI report to ensure the vehicle
has not been rebuilt, is roadworthy, and the condition of the vehicle
complies with FNB’s quality requirements.
h. You must produce the original roadworthy certificate and original
NATIS registration.
i. Yes, there are terms and conditions not listed in the brochure.
2. a. The letter states the minimum repayment required on Standard Bank
credit was reduced from 5% to 3% of the balance owing.
b. If a person owed R1 000 on their credit card and only paid the
minimum amount, they would now only have to pay R30 (3% of the
balance) instead of R50 (5% of the balance) at the end of the month.
c. The bank made the change because of the current economic climate.
Customers can repay less on their credit cards and not get into arrears.
d. An APO is an automatic payment order.
e. Clients can specify whether the APO pays:
• the full amount for the month
• the minimum amount for the month
• a fixed amount (provided it is greater than the minimum amount).
f. The cardholder has an outstanding balance of R19 050,06. If the
cardholder specifies the APO to be for the full amount, then the
entire R19 050,06 will be transferred from the nominated account in
payment of the balance on the credit card.
If the accountholder specifies the minimum amount then the
minimum amount specified on the statement, for example, R952,49, will
be transferred from the nominated account to the credit card account.
If the accountholder specifies a fixed amount, such as R2 000,
then the APO will transfer the R2 000 from the nominated account
in payment. In this case, the specified amount is greater than the
minimum amount. However, if it is less the APO will transfer the
minimum amount to the credit card account
g. If you keep additional funds in a credit card, you can usually earn
more interest on the amount than in a current account. You can also
purchase an item on your credit card that is more than your credit
limit. For example, if you wanted to purchase a R7 000 aeroplane
ticket but only had available credit of R5 000 on your credit card you
would need to put an additional R2 000 in your credit card account
before you buy the ticket.
h. If the client’s repayments were smaller, the client would take longer
to repay the amount owing, and will have to pay more interest to the
bank. Therefore, the bank will benefit from receiving more income
from the interest charged on credit card balances.
3. a. You can borrow between R1 000 and R140 000.
b. An interest rate of 21% was used in the calculations. (However, the
payments in the table also include a monthly service fee of R57 and
an initiation fee of R1 140.)
c. No, you would pay a higher interest rate, depending on the amount
and duration of the loan. For example, if you borrowed R1 000 over
12 months, the effective interest rate would be 99%. If you borrowed
R20 000 over 12 months, the effective interest rate would be 22%.

TERM 1  •  UNIT 3 55
d. You would have to pay a monthly service fee of R57 and a once-off
initiation fee of R1 140.
e. The interest rate charged on your loan would be determined by your
risk profile and may vary from the rate illustrated in the table. Fees
were current at 1 August 2010 and were subject to change. You would
need to be formally employed and earning R1 000 or more to apply
for the loan. Loan applications were subject to credit approval.
f. No, other terms and conditions not specified on the brochure also apply.
g. It does not say who the bank is and how to contact them.
h. A more detailed table with a breakdown of costs and the effective
interest rate should be involved.
4. Mahlophe needs to show his financial records and the duplicates of the
invoices and receipts he issued during the tax year to prove his income
was below the threshold amount for paying income tax. Masophe should
also take copies of his bank statement over the tax year as additional proof
that his income was below the threshold amount.
5. If Ragmat keeps a logbook of all the deliveries she has made (recording
the date and distance travelled) she should use this to claim. She should
also use all the petrol slips, and the invoices/receipts for servicing and
repairs to the car.

3.5   Assignment: Finding information in the Pocket Tax Guide

Learner’s Book page 64
(All information is taken from the 2012 tax year SARS Pocket Tax guide.)
1. There are six income tax brackets for individuals and special trusts:
• 0–160 000
• 160 001–250 000
• 250 001–346 000
• 346 001–484 000
• 484 001–617 000
• 617 001 and above.
2. People in the lowest bracket earn R160 000 or less per year and pay
income tax of 18% on their taxable income.
People in the highest bracket earn R617 001 or more per year and pay
R178 940 plus 40% of the taxable income over R617 000.
3. Taxpayers who are over 75 years of age have a rebate of R19 960. (They
are entitled to the primary, secondary and tertiary tax rebates.)
4. A taxpayer who is 68 years old and earns R87 400 in the tax year, is
entitled to the first and secondary rebates and will pay:
18% × R87 400 – (11 440 + 6 390)
= R15 732 – R17 830
= R2 098
∴ The taxpayer will not pay income tax.
5. Any person who earns income other than remuneration or an allowance or
advance payable by the person’s principal must pay provisional tax.
6. The following people are except from paying provisional tax:
• individuals below the age of 65 who do not run a business and whose
taxable income does not exceed the tax threshold for the tax year or
whose taxable income from interest, dividends and rental is R20 000
or less for a tax year


• individuals aged 65 and older whose taxable income for a tax year
consists exclusively of remuneration, interest, dividends or rent from
letting fixed property, and is R120 000 or less.
7. Interest earned by natural persons under 65 years of age up to R22 800 per
year is not taxed.
Interest earned by persons 65 years of age and older up to R33 000 per
year is exempt from taxation.
Foreign interest and dividends up to R3 700 is exempt.
Interest earned by non-residents who are absent from SA for 183 days or
more per annum and who do not carry out business in SA are exempt.
8. Yes, taxpayers under 65 years of age (such as the 37-year old) may claim
all qualifying medical expenses for her disabled son.
9. The 51-year old may only claim an exemption of R230 per month on his
medical aid payments. This equals R2 760 per year.
10. A taxpayer who receives a subsistence allowance is allowed R303 per day
for meals and incidental costs or R93 per day for incidental costs only if
the accommodation is in South Africa. If the subsistence allowance relates
to accommodation outside the country a specific amount per country is
exampt from taxation. The SARS website contains the amounts for each
11. If the taxpayer receives a loan at an interest rate lower than the official
interest rate, the difference between the official rate and the actual amount
of interest charged is included in the gross income.
12. a. Taxpayers must pay 8,5% interest if they pay income tax for the year
after the end of the year.
b. Taxpayers will receive 4,5% interest on the overpayment from SARS.
c. Note: SARS uses the repo rate as the official rate of interest.
At 28 November 2012 the repo rate was 5%. The 4%-loan is therefore
1% less than the official rate at this date.
13. The taxpayer should read the following sections:
Income tax: Individuals and trusts
Individuals and special trusts
Tax rebates
Tax thresholds
Medical aid and disability expenses
14. Individuals and special trusts
Tax rebates
Subsistence allowances and advances
Pension fund contributions
Medical and disability advances
Travelling allowance
Residential accommodation

TERM 1  •  UNIT 3 57
Unit 4
Learner’s Book pages 66–88

Teaching tips
• In Grade 10 and Grade 11, learners developed the skills to read and
interpret tariffs for municipal, transport, telephone and bank services,
and to use calculations and graphs to choose a suitable tariff options in
different situations. The activities in this unit build on these core skills,
with more complex tariff situations and with tariff information that
learners must research.
• Tariffs for many public services are available via internet websites; for
example, websites for municipalities, Eskom, Telkom and cellphone
networks. You can apply the structure of the activities in the Learner’s
Book to updated tariff information that learners research on the internet,
to give them more practice in tariff calculations.
• Remind learners that when comparing tariffs for different services, they
should analyse other reasons a person might have for choosing a particular
service even if it does not have the most inexpensive tariff. For example,
a cellphone with a higher call tariff may have more features on the phone
that comes with the package, or a train season ticket may cost more than a
bus season ticket, but the passenger would not have to walk as far to and
from the train station as to and from the bus terminus.
• Link the tariff calculation activities in this unit to work that learners do
with financial documents in Unit 3 this term (reading tariffs set out in
documents), and also to the calculation of tariff costs for use in income
and expenditure statements, budgets, profit-and-loss analyses, bank
accounts, travel costs, and so on in later units.

4.1  Practise doing tariff calculations and comparisons
Learner’s Book page 66
1. a. A
City of Cape Town electricity account
B Telkom telephone account
C City of Cape Town municipal rates account
b. A
Electricity account: 20/12/2019–19/01/2020
B Telephone account: 17/05/2020–16/06/2020
C Rates account: p roperty rates: 21/12/2018–19/01/2019
water: 14/12/2018–17/01/2019
refuse: 21/12/2018–19/01/2019
sewerage: 14/12/2018–17/01/2019
c. Electricity account: kWh used
Telephone account: call units
Rates account:
Property rates: value of the house
water: water consumption (kilolitres)
refuse: number of bins and removals
sewerage: water consumption (kilolitres)
d. A Not shown – shown overleaf on account
B Not shown – shown overleaf on account
C Tariffs (and applicable rebates) shown for property rates, water,
refuse and sewerage


e. property rates: single tariff
water: stepped tariff
refuse: single tariff
sewerage: stepped tariff
f. A Electricity account
Previous account balance R176,13
Less payment – R176,13
Current amount R169,28
Balance R169,28
B Telkom account
Previous account balance R628,29
Less payment – R628,29

Current invoice R544,13
Rental R454,96
Usage R34,92
Less discount – R16,72
Subtotal R473,16
VAT (15%)  R70,97
C Rates and services
Property rates
1 475 500 × 0,0053 ÷ 365 × 30 days R642,75
less 15 000 × 0,0053 ÷ 365 × 30 days – R6,53
less 185 000 × 0,0053 ÷ 365 × 30 days – R80,59
1 6,9040 ℓ @ R0,00/ℓ R0,00
2 5,1780 kl @ R3,99 kl R20,66
3 10,9320 kl @ R8,51 kl R93,03
4 13,9860 kl @ R12,61 kl R176,36
37,0000 kl R290,05
1 × 240 ℓ bin × 1 removal @ R75,44 R75,44
1 4,8330 kl @ R0,00/ℓ R0,00
2 3,6250 kl @ R4,6700/kl R16,93
3 7,6520 kl @ R9,9400/kl R76,06
4 9,7900 kl @ R10,8700/kl R106,42
25,9000 kl R199,41

TERM 1  •  UNIT 4 59
2. Contract Basic Number of Tariff per Data Extra features Monthly
options tariff off-peak off-peak bundle included tariff
per minutes minute included includes
month per month VAT
Sony R169 120 Not given 100 MB HD Video Recoarding Included
Ericsson minutes per data per (720 pixels)
Xperia Neo month for month for Built-in HDMI
24 months 3 months 8.1 megapixel camera
Nokia N8 R189 120 Not given 100 MB 3.5 G Full touch Included
Smartphone minutes per data per smartphone
month for month for 12 megapixel camera
24 months 3 months HD video recording
GPS with free
lifetime voice-guided
Sony R199 120 Not given 100 MB Google Mobile Service Included
Ericsson minutes per data per Console-like gaming
Xperia Play month for month for Super-fast graphics
24 months 3 months
Blackberry R229 120 Not given Includes New Blackberry & OS Included
Curve 9360 minutes per Blacberry Display HVGA +
Smartphone month for Internet (480 × 360) 246 DPI
24 months Service Dimensions:
(BIS) 60 × 109 × 11 mm

3. Answers will differ. Examples are given below.

a. The Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo is the cheapest of the four smartphones
(at R169,00) for the student.
b. The Sony Ericsson Xperia Play – the musician can download music
and play games while on tour using the smartphone’s console-like
gaming feature.
c. The Blackberry Curve 9360 – the teenager can use the Blackberry
Internet Service to surf the web and the Blackberry Messenger to chat
with friends.
d. The Nokia N8 Smartphone has the best quality camera (12 megapixel)
with HD video recording. The journalist can use the phone to record
interviews, take photographs and even record videos. The journalist
can also use the cellphone’s GPS and voice-guided navigation to get to
interviews and events without getting lost.
4. a. Monthly fee: R55,00
Transactions not included: 35 – 10 = 25
Fee per transaction: R6,00
Transaction fees: R150
Total average monthly fee: R205
b. Monthly fee: R85,00
Transactions not included: 28 – 15 = 13
Fee per transaction: R5,50
Transaction fees: R71,50
Total average monthly fee: R156,50
c. Monthly fee: R85,00
Transactions not included: 25 – 15 = 10
Fee per transaction: R5,50
Transaction fees: R55,00
Total average monthly fees: R140,00


d. Islamic Cheque Option 1
Monthly fee: R110,00
Transactions not included: 40 – 25 = 15
Fee per transaction: R10,00
Transaction fees: R150,00
Total average monthly fees: R260,00
Islamic Cheque Option 2
Monthly fees: R150,00
Transactions not included: 40 – 35 = 5
Fee per transaction: R10,00
Transaction fees: R50,00
Total average monthly fees: R200,00
The Islamic Cheque Option 2 account would be better for the Muslim

4.2   Practise calculating costs of using different municipal services

Learner’s Book page 72
1. a. Hire of stadium (12:00–18:00): R350,00
18 matches per season
R350,00 × 18 = R6 300
b. i. Cost of use of stadium
There is a minimum cost of R2 650 to use the stadium.
ii. Deposits and electricity
Deposit R6 580,00
Kitchen appliciances deposit R475,00
Key deposit R126,00
R7 181,00
R40,00 p/h @ 11 hours = R440,00
R7 181 + R440 = R7 621
iii. Crockery
2 500 people are expected to attend the event for some part of
the day.
Meals provided: lunch, supper, afternoon and morning drinks
Lunch and supper (example)
2 meals × 2 items of crockery × 1 250 people × R0,33 per item of
dirty crockery = R1 650,00
Afternoon and morning drinks (example)
2 drinks × 1 item of crockery × R1 250 people × R0,33 per item of
dirty crockery = R825
R1 650 + R825 = R2 475
c. Use of stadium
Two full days use and one evening use (2 hours)
2 × R870 + R500 = R2 240
Electronic timing system
R790 per day × 2 = R1 580
Deposit on athletics equipment R790,00
Deposit for stadium use R790,00
Key deposit R126,00
Total: R2 240 + R1 580 + R790 + R790 + R126,00 = R5 526,00

TERM 1  •  UNIT 4 61
2. Rehearsal
Use of hall (amateur/educational rate) R765,00
Dress rehearsals (twice)
Use of hall for dress rehearsal
R383 × 2 R766,00
Lighting technician R37,50/h × 8 h R300,00
Sound operator R37,50/h × 8 h R300,00
Sound system rental (per day) (50%) R113,75
Smoke machine rental (per day) (50%) R47,50
Slide projector (per day) (50%)     R27,50
R1 554,75
Use of hall (amateur/educational rate) R765,00
Lighting technician R37,50/h × 4 h R150,00
Sound operator R37,50/h × 4 h R150,00
Sound system (per day) R227,50
Slide projector (per day) R55,00
Smoke machine (per occasion) R95,00
Use of foyer for exhibition of photographs   R195,00
R1 637,00
Total costs for using the theatre
Deposit (refundable) R960,00
R765,00 + R1 554,75 + R1 637,00 + R960,00 R4 917,25
3. a. Daily rate
Pensioner daily rate: R7,00
Average usage per month:
Four times per week × 4 weeks = 16
Total cost = R7,00 × 16 = R112,00
Monthly tariff – pensioners: R185,00
It is cheaper for the pensioner to pay the daily entrance tariff.
b. Adult seasonal rate: R246,00
Daily rate: R8,00
R246 ÷ 8 = R30,75
If the adult uses the pool 31 times or more, then the season tariff is
more economical than the daily rate.
c. Grade Number of Day Rate
4 48 Monday R245,00
5 62 Tuesday R373,00
6 36 Wednesday R245,00
7 53 Thursday R373,00
Total R1 236,00

10 weeks of lessons in Term 1 (assuming no public holidays):

Total cost for Term 1: R1 236 × 10 = R12 360,00

4.3  Investigation: Look at tariffs in your municipality

Learner’s Book page 76
Answers will differ.


4.4  Practise calculating toll tariff costs for different journeys
Learner’s Book page 78

1. Trips on route per week: 4 times a week × 2 = 8

Class II (medium heavy vehicle)
Toll costs (mainline tolls)
R20,50 + R9,50 + R102,00 + R78,00 + R74,00
= R284,00
8 trips × R284,00 = R2 272,00
Class III (large heavy vehicle)
Trips on route per week 1 × 2 = 2
R24,00 + R11,50 + R113,00 + R104,00 + R120,00
= R372,50
2 trips × R372,50 = R745,00
Total toll fees
R2 272,00 + R745 = R3 017,00
2. Using a Class I vehicle
She passes through the De Hoek and Wilge, Tugela, Mooi River
(mainline) and Mariannhill toll.
R34,00 + R47,00 + R50,00 + R35,00 + R8,00
= R174,00
She travels on a round trip (Johannesburg to Durban and back to
∴ R174,00 × 2 = R348,00
She travels to Durban 24 times a year:
R348,00 × 24 = R8 352
3. Toll road costs
Toll Class II Class III Class IV
Quagga R5,50 R8,00 R11,00
Pelindaba R7,50 R11,00 R14,00
Doornpoort R25,00 R29,00 R35,00
Brits R35,00 R39,00 R46,00
Marikana R36,00 R41,00 R49,00
Swartruggens R177,00 R215,00 R253,00
Toll fees per trip R286,00 R343,00 R408,00
Trips 2 × 56 = 112 2 × 54 = 108 2 × 27 = 54
Subtotal R32 032 R37 044 R22 032
Route total R91 108
Cape Town–Johannesburg
Toll Class II Class III Class IV
Grassmere (mainline) R41,00 R48,00 R63,00
Vaal R85,00 R103,00 R137,00
Verkeerdevlei R78,00 R117,00 R164,00
Huguenot R75,00 R117,00 R190,00
Toll fee per trip R279,00 R385,00 R554,00
Trips 16 × 2 = 32 40 × 2 = 80 47 × 2 = 94
Subtotal R8 928,00 R30 800,00 R52 076
Route total R91 804,00

TERM 1  •  UNIT 4 63
Toll Class II Class III Class IV
Diamond Hill (mainline) – R67,00 R111,00
Middelburg – R140,00 R183,00
Machado – R256,00 R366,00
Nkomazi – R141,00 R203,00
Toll fees per trip R604,00 R863,00
Trips 0 30 × 2 = 60 38 × 2 = 76
Subtotal – R36 240 R65 588
Route total R101 828,00
Toll Class II Class III Class IV
Tongaat (mainline) R16,00 R21,00 R31,00
Mvoti R26,00 R35,00 R52,00
Mtunzini R61,00 R72,00 R108,00
Toll fees per trip R103,00 R128,00 R191,00
Trips 2 × 126 = 252 2 × 102 = 204 2 × 83 = 166
Subtotal R25 956,00 R26 112,00 R31 706,00
Route total R83 774,00
Route Cost
Cape Town–Johannesburg 91 804,00
Pretoria–Lobatse 91 108,00
Pretoria–Maputo 101 828,00
Durban–Empangeni 83 774,00
368 514,00
4. a. February
January total: R1 080,00
Discount rate: 50%
February discount = January total × discount rate
= R1 080 × 50%
= R540,00
So, February cost: R1 080 – R540 = R540
b. March
February total: R540,00
Discount rate: 15,0%
March discount = February total × discount rate
= R540,00 × 15%
= R81,00
March cost: R540,00 – R81,00 = R459,00
c. April
March total: R459,00
Dicount rate: 15%
April discount = March total × discount rate
= R459,00 × 15%
= R68,85
April cost: R459,00 – R68,85 = R390,15


4.5  Practise using graphs to compare tariff options
Learner’s Book page 84
1. a. Graphs will differ.
b. Examples:
At 5 kl of consumption, City 2 is the best (cheapest).
At 15 kl of consumption, City 1 is the best.
At 30 kl of consumption, City 1 is the cheapest.
c. The cost is approximately for cities 2 and 3 between 6 kl and 7 kl
per month.
2. For example, the company wants double-sided A4 flyers on 80 gsm
white bond paper.
SA flyers as a fixed cost

6 000 Wizards

5 000

4 000
Cost (R)

3 000
SA flyers
2 000

1 000

1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000 6 000 7 000 8 000 9 000 10 000
Number of double-sided A4 sheets

b. There is no break-even point.

c. i. Wizards
8 000 A4 sheets: R5 + (7 999 A4 sheets × R0,60)
= R4 804,00
SA flyers
8 000 A4 sheets R2 800
At cost per 5 000 A4 sheets
So, it is cheaper to use SA flyers.
ii. Wizards
R5 + (4 499 A4 sheets at R0,70) = R3 504,30
SA flyers
5 000 A4 sheets at R2 800
(At cost per 5 000 A4 sheets)
So, it is cheaper to use SA flyers.
3. Answers will differ.

TERM 1  •  UNIT 4 65
Unit 5
Income-and-expenditure statements and budgets
Learner’s Book pages 89–111

Teaching tips
• The work that learners did in Grade 10 and Grade 11 with income-
and-expenditure statements and budgets is extended in Grade 12 from
household and small business statements and budgets to those that are
used in bigger organisations (from businesses to national governments).
Learners must be able to read and do simple calculations with big money
values (millions and billions of rand) as set out in these statements.
• They should also learn to interpret what an organisation’s income and
expenditure shows about the kinds of activity that are prioritised in the
organisation. For example, if a charity spends more money on its staff
salaries than on activities designed to help the people it aims to serve, this
would indicate that the organisation’s expenditure pattern does not reflect
its charitable aims and vision.
• As in other units, learners must demonstrate that they can understand
and use the terminology found in income-and-expenditure statements
and budgets. The first activity in the unit is an opportunity for them to
revise this knowledge. It also allows learners to practise an important
type of calculation they will use when analysing income-and-expenditure
statements and budgets – calculating percentage increases and decreases.
• In Grade 12, learners are expected to do research to identify items that
would be listed in income-and-expenditure statements and budgets for
individuals, households and small businesses, and their costs, as well as
working with the examples in the Learner’s Book. Some activities are
based on learners’ research for this purpose; you can adapt these to suit
the local context in which learners live by, for example, asking them to
prepare an income-and-expenditure statement for a local vendor or service
provider who is willing to share information with the class, instead of
doing the investigation of the mealie vendor’s costs and income in the
Learner’s Book.
• Some activities in this unit are also designed to help learners plan for real-
life situations once they leave school. Help the learners find information
and share ideas about the real opportunities, expenses and other factors
that they will encounter after Grade 12, and discuss with them how they
will plan for these situations.
• Use the internet to obtain up-to-date budgets for local, provincial and
national government, to add to the resources in the Learner’s Book. For
the investigation in which learners analyse the local municipal budget,
try to arrange for an official to visit the class and discuss the questions
learners are asked to investigate – this would be more efficient than having
many small groups of learners trying to set up separate appointments with
the municipality to obtain the information they need.



5.1 Assignment: Practise interpreting a business income-and-expenditure

Learner’s Book page 91
(All amounts are given in thousands of rand (R'000).)

1. a. ​​ ________
R3 059 648
​​= 4,15% ≈ 4%
R73 810 469 
b. i. R3 059 648 > R3 002 589
Furniture sales in 2020 was higher than in 2019.
R3 059 648 000 – R3 002 589 000 = R57 059 000
​​ _______
ii. 57 059
3 002 589  ​​ 
× 100 = 1,9%

2. a. Supermarkets in RSA R58 726 485

Supermarkets outside RSA R7 316 698
R66 043 183
b. i. Supermarkets in RSA
​​ ________
R58 726 485
​​= 88,9% ≈ 89%
R66 043 183  

ii. Supermarkets outside RSA

​​ ________
R7 316 698
R66 043 183  = 11,1% ≈ 11%

3. Total supermarket income for 2019

R54 733 352 + R7 163 977 = R61 897 329
income 2020 – income 2019
income 2019  ​​
183 – R61 897 329 ________
​​  R66 043  
   R61 897 329 
R4 145 854
​​ = ​​  R61  ​​ 
897 329 

= 6,7% ≈ 7%
Supermarket income (for RSA and non-RSA stores) increased by 7% for
2019 and 2020.
4. a. Total expenditure on salaries and wages = R5 514 459 (R’000s)
= R5 514 459 000
b. ​​ ________________
R5 514 459 – R4 961 705
R4 961 705  ​​= 11,1% ≈ 11%
5. a. 2019
​​ ________
R5 996
R5 524 683
= 0,109%
b. 2020
post-retirement medical benefits
____________________ ________
total employee benefits  ​​ = ​​  R6R3089760252

= 0,062%
6. a. R26 489 (R’000s)
= R26 489 000
b. R26 489 < R28 899
So, the auditors’ renumeration decreased from 2019 to 2020.
R26 489 – R28 899
​​    R29 899  ​​= –8,34% ≈ –8%

c. R164 725 (R’000s)

= R164 725 000

TERM 1  •  UNIT 5 67
R164 725 – R214 000
d. ​​    R214 000  ​​ 
= –23,03% ≈ 23%
Outside service fees decreased by 23% from 2019 to 2020.
e. Fees paid for outside services decreased from 2019 to 2020 because
administrative fees decreased by R15 941 million and technical fees
decreased by R33,705 million while secretarial fees only increased by
R0,371 million.
7. a. Employee benefits: R6 089 252
Total income: R73 810 469
​​ ________
R6 089 252
R73 810 469  ​​= 8,25% ≈ 8%

b. O
 perational costs
Auditors’ remuneration R26 489
Fees paid for outside services R164 725
Total R191 214
​​ _______
R191 214
​​ = 0,26%
73 810 469 

8. a. Employee benefits: R5 524 683

Total income: R68 768 621
​​ ________
R5 524 683
R68768 621  ​​ 
= 8,03% ≈ 8%

b. Operational costs
Auditors’ remuneration R28 899
Fees paid for outside services R214 000
Total R242 899
​​ ________
R242 899

R68 768 621 ​​ 
= 0,35%
Employee benefits as a percentage of total income increased from
8,03% in 2019 to 8,25% in 2020.
Operating costs as a percentage of total income decreased from 0,35%
in 2019 to 0,26% in 2020.

5.2 Assignment: Compile an income-and-expenditure statement for a 

mealie vendor's business
Learner’s Book page 93

Answers will differ.

5.3 Assignment: Compile a personal income-and-expenditure statement
 and budget
Learner’s Book page 93

Answers will differ.

5.4 Assignment: Practise reading and interpreting income-and-

 expenditure statements for an organisation
Learner’s Book page 97

1. a. 2011 revenue (R millions) 581,1

2007 revenue (R millions) 223,3
581,1 – 223,3 = 357,8

​​ _________
581,1 – 223,3
b. ​​= 160,23% ≈ 160%



c. B
 roadcast revenue was the main source of income in 2008.
​​ ______
27,5 mm
​​× 490,9 ≈ R287,2
47 mm   
______27,5 mm
d. ​​  52,5 mm  
​​= 52,38% ≈ 52%

e. B
 roadcast revenue
​​  27 mm
​​ = 48,2%
56 mm  

Sponsorship revenue
​​ _____
23 mm
​​ = 41,1%
56 mm  

Broadcast revenue is a more important source of income in 2011 than

sponsorship income. Broadcast income accounts for 48% of total
income, while sponsorship accounts for 41%.
2. Learners discuss answers.
3. Learners discuss answers.
4. a. i. Main sources of income in 2010/11
Trusts: R13 865 000
Communications and resource development: R5 613 000
Bequests: R5 474 000
ii. M
 ain sources of income in 2009/10
Communications and resource development: R5 019 000
Bequests: R4 882 000
Hospital: R2 527 000
b. i. 2010/2011
Trusts: ​​ ______
R13 685
​​= 38,7% ≈ 39%
R35 790  

Communications and resource development:

​​ ______
R5 613
R35 790  ​​= 15,7% ≈ 16%

Bequests: ​​ ______
R5 474
R35 790  ​​ 
= 15,3% ≈ 15%

ii. 2009/2010
Communications and resource development:
​​ ______
R5 019
​​= 26,1% ≈ 26%
R19 201 

Bequests: ​​ ______
R4 882
R19 201  ​​ 
= 25,4% ≈ 25%

Hospital: ______
R2 527
​​  R19  ​​ 
201  = 13,2% ≈ 13%

c. i. 2010/2011
Expense Cost (R’000)
Boarding and adoptions R2 653
Horse care unit R868
Mobile clinics R492
Wildlife R336
Hospital R4 712
Total R9 061

​​ ______
R9 061
R23 694  ​​ 
= 38,2% ≈ 38%

TERM 1  •  UNIT 5 69
2 009/2010
Expense Cost (R’000)
Boarding and adoptions R2 550
Horse care unit R750
Mobile clinics R346
Wildlife R304
Hospital R4 683
Total R8 633

​​ ______
R8 633
R18 735  ​​ 
= 46,1% ≈ 46%

d. I ncrease in total income 2010 to 2011

​​ ____________
R35 790 – R19 201
   R19 201  ​​ 
= 86,4% ≈ 86%
Income increased by 86% from 2010 to 2011.
Increase in total expenses from 2010 to 2011
​​ ____________
R23 694 – R18 735
   R18 735  ​​ 
= 26,5% ≈ 27%
Expenses increased by 27% from 2010 to 2011.
Therefore, income did not increase by the same percentage as the total
expenditure from 2010 to 2011. Income increased at a higher rate (86%)
compared to expenditure (which increased by 27%).

5.5 Investigation: Analyse an income-and-expenditure statement for a

  community organisation
Learner’s Book page 101
Answers will differ.

5.6  Practise reading and interpreting government budget documents

Learner’s Book page 109
Leaners compare and discuss answers.
1. a. The service charge for electricity is the biggest source of income.
R8 971 405
​​  R23  ​​ 
880 441  = 37,6% of total revenue

b. P
 roperty rates: R5 030 753 000
​​ ________
R5 030 753
R23 880 441  = 21,1% of total revenue

c. Service charges (R’000)

Electricity R8 971 405

Water R2 085 289
Sanitation R1 144 122
Refuse R896 924
Other R233 940
R13 331 680

​​ ________
R13 331 680
​​= 55,8% ≈ 56%
R23 880 441  
d. E mployee-related costs: R7 690 260 000
e. Interest earned – outstanding debtors = R236 797 000
​​ ________
R23 797 000
​​= 0,99% ≈ 1%
R23 880 441  


f. P
 rojected income R23 880 441
Projected expenditure R24 341 212
–R460 771
There is a projected shortfall of R460 771 000 for the 2012 budget.
2. a. Revenue

National allocation
(95%) Provincial own revenue

c. Comprehensive HIV and Aids grants: R1 278 billion

​​ __________
R1,278 billion
​​= 9,31% ≈ 9%
R13,728 billion 

d. Conditional grant Percentage of total

Integrated Housing & Human Settlements Grant 27,48
National Tertiary Services Grant 18,66
Other grants 12,97
Public Transport Operations Grant 10,90
Comprehensive HIV and Aids Grant 9,31
Provincial Infrastructure Grant 6,93
Hospital Revitalisation Grant 5,82
Health Professionals training and development 4,75
Gautrain 3,19

* Total budget is R13,728 billion.

e. Vehicle licences (58% of the province’s own revenue)
f. i. If
 fewer people owned cars, the province’s own revenue would
be reduced significantly. However, this would reduce the total net
revenue for the province by 1% or 2%.
ii. If
 there were fewer casinos in Gauteng, this would reduce
the province’s own revenue. However, this would reduce the
province’s total net revenue by less than 1%
(The province’s own revenue is 5% of total net revenue. 58% of 5% is
2,9% of the total budget. 21% of 5% is 1,05%.)
g. National allocation

health and social

education other
(37%) (9%)

local government & housing (7%)

roads & transport (10%)

TERM 1  •  UNIT 5 71
h. E
 duction : roads and transport
R22,468 billion : R6,179 billion
3,6397 : 1
The budget for education is 3,64 times bigger than the budget for
roads and transport.
3. a. Source 2011/2 2012/3 Change
Personal income tax 34,1% 34,6% +0,5%
Excise duties 3,4% 3,5% +0,1%
Corporate income tax 19,4% 20,3% +0,9%
Customs duties 4,0% 4,4% +0,4%
VAT 27,1% 25,4% –1,7%
Fuel levies 5,0% 5,2% +0,2%
Other 7,0% 6,7% –0,3%

Alternatively, as amounts
Source 2011/2 Rm 2012/3 Rm Change
Personal income tax R257 500 R287 200 +R29 700
Excise duties R25 700 R29 100 +R3 400
Corporate income tax R146 500 R168 500 +R22 000
Customs duties R30 200 R36 500 +R6 300
VAT R204 600 R210 900 +R6 300
Fuel levies R37 800 R43 200 +R5 400
Other R52 900 R55 600 +R2 700

b. Personal income tax

c. Department 2011 2012 Percentage
(R million) (R million) change
Education R172,713 R195,483 13,18
Health R102,522 R113,796 11,00
Social protection R139,113 R144,693 4,01
Housing and community R102,061 R107,482 5,31
Public order and safety R84,050 R90,544 7,73
Defence R33,958 R52,068 13,00
General public services R51,325 R38,367 1,45
Economic affairs R140,319 R134,571 –4,1

d. N
 ote: Most the budgets for departments increase/decrease by 5%.
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries 15,8% increase
Environmental protection 58,3% increase
Economic affairs 6,1% increase
Fuel and energy 21,5% decrease
Transport 14% increase
Communication 21,9% decrease
Other general services 48,7% decrease
Executive and legislative & finance affairs 28,3% increase
State debt cost 16,7% increase
International relations and cooperation 29,2% increase


Defence 8,1% increase
Police 7,1% increase
Public order and safety 7,8% increase
Prisons 8,5% increase
Law courts 10,2% increase
Recreation and culture 34,4% increase
Local government and community development 9,6% increase
Water supply 20,5% decrease
Provincial hospitals 9,3% increase
Administration and other health services 8,8% increase
Central hospital services 67,61% increase
Health infrastructure 21,4% decrease
HIV/Aids and TB 18,8 increase
Health 8,3% increase
Social services 6,7% increase
Social protection 7,4% increase
Old age 7,4% increase
Child support 7,3% increase
Social security 19,5% increase
Disability grant 7,9% increase
Other grants 7,9% increase
Policy oversight 15% decrease
Provincial welfare 7% increase
Education 9,4% increase
Tertiary education 20,4% increase
FET and adult education 132,3% increase
Education administration 17,9% decrease
Contingency reserve 41,5% increase
e. 2010/11 consolidated total expenditure: 897 376
2011/12 consolidates total expenditure: 972 547
​​ ____________
972 547 – 897 376
   897 376  ​​ = 8,38%

4. a. Budgeted expenditure for 2012 on all sections of education:

Education for 2012: R207,3 bn
Increase of 9,5% for 2013:
R207,3 bn + R19,69 bn
= R226,99 bn
≈ R227 bn
Basic education for 2012: R152,1 bn
Increase of 9,5% for 2013:
R152,1 bn + R14,45 bn
= R166,55 bn
Tertiary education for 2012: R31,3 bn
Increase of 9,5% for 2013:
R31,3 bn + R2,97 bn
= R34,27 bn
Vocational and continuing education training for 2012: R14,4 bn
Increase of 9,5% for 2013:
R14,4 bn + R1,37 bn
= R15,77 bn

TERM 1  •  UNIT 5 73
Education administration for 2012: R9,6 bn
Increase of 9,5% for 2013:
9,6 bn + R0,91 bn
= R10,51 bn
Budgeted expenditure for 2012 on all sections of social protection:
Social protection for 2012: R157,9 bn
Provincial welfare services for 2012: R12,3 bn
Increase of 9,5% for 2013:
R12,3 bn + R0,52 bn
= R12,82 bn
Social security fund benefits for 2012: R29,4 bn
Decrease of 0,55% for 2013:
R29,4 bn – R0,16 bn
= R29,24 bn
Old age grants for 2012: R39,3 bn
Increase of 1,75% for 2013:
R39,3 bn + R0,69 bn
= R39,99 bn
Housing and community amenities for 2012: R120,1 bn
Decrease of 2,05% for 2013:
R120,1 bn – R2,46 bn
= R117,64 bn
Health for 2012: R121,9 bn
Increase of 3,45% for 2013:
R121,9 bn + R4,21 bn
= R126,11 bn
b. Total amount that the government had to budget for social services
for 2013:
Education (all sections) R227,00 bn
Social protection:
  Provincial welfare services R12,82 bn
  Social security fund benefits R29,24 bn
  Old age grants R39,99 bn
  Disability grants R19,20 bn
  Child support grants R38,20 bn
 Policy oversight and grant and
  benefits administration R11,30 bn
  Other grants R8,20 bn
Housing and community amenities R117,64 bn
Health (all sections) R126,11 bn
Total R629,70 bn

5. a. Percentage increase on budget for social services from 2012 to 2013:

​​ _______________​​ × ___
R629,70 bn – R615,7 bn
R615,7 bn  ​​  100
1   ​​ 
= R2,27%
Therefore, total budget amount for social services for 2014:
R629,7 bn + R2,27%
= R643,99 bn
b. Total budgeted amount for social services for 2015:
R643,99 bn + 2,27%
= R658,61 bn


6. a. 0,15% increase in service charges on:
Water: 0,15% of R2 085 289 000 R3 127 933,50
Sanitation: 0,15% of R1 144 122 000 R1 716 183,00
Refuse: 0,15% of R896 924 000 R1 345 386,00
Total R6 189 502,50
The increases will not cover the cost of the new bus service.
b,c. Answers will differ.

Unit 6
Cost price, selling price and break-even analysis
Learner’s Book pages 112–130

Teaching tips
• In Grade 11, learners were introduced to methods for calculating cost price
and selling price, and doing a break-even analysis. This unit begins by
revising the basic concepts and skills involved in this process, and it then
applies them to more complex types of small business than learners dealt
with in Grade 11. Learners are not expected to use algebraic calculations
when doing break-even analyses, but rather to use the estimation and
graph-reading skills they developed in Grade 10 and Grade 11.
• The case studies of small businesses given in the Learner’s Book are
set out in such a way that learners must discuss and identify the costs
involved, before doing the actual calculations. This is an important part of
the process of analysing costs for a business. Help learners to think about
all the fixed costs and production costs involved in each case, as a way to
develop their independent analytical skills.
• This process also involves doing research to find out what the real
costs are of different items that a business needs to make its products
or offer a service. Learners should investigate real businesses in their
neighbourhood, or further afield, to find out what the current costs are in
each case.
• In the calculations for setting selling prices, learners need to use their
skills at calculating percentage increases and decreases. Make sure that all
learners are completely comfortable with these types of calculations, using
the skills reference section at the back of the Learner’s Book as necessary.

6.1  Practise identifying fixed costs and production costs
Learner’s Book page 113
1. Wages: Production cost
Salaries: Usually a fixed cost (for example, for the manager) but could be
  a production cost (such as hairdressers’ salaries)
Commission payments: P  roduction costs
Rent: Fixed costs
Electricity/gas: Can be both. Electricity used for computers and lighting
 would be a fixed cost. Electricity used for manufacturing goods would
be a production cost.
Telephone: Fixed cost

TERM 1  •  UNIT 6 75
Water: Can be both: water used for producing goods or providing a service
 (such as washing hair for a hairdresser) is a production cost and water
for tea, coffee, washing and toilets is a running/fixed cost.
Office stationery: Fixed cost/running cost
Computers: Fixed cost/running cost
Office cleaning materials: Fixed cost/running cost
Bank charges: Fixed cost/running cost
Loan interest: Fixed cost/running cost
Employee taxes: Fixed cost/running cost
UIF contributions for staff: Fixed cost/running cost
Materials to make goods: Production cost
Equipment needed to make goods: Production cost
Equipment maintenance and repair: Fixed cost/running cost
Advertising: Fixed cost/running cost
Petrol, license fees, repairs and insurance used by the business: Fixed cost/
  running cost
2. Answers will differ.

6.2 Investigation part 1: Calculating costs of production and total cost

Learner’s Book page 115
Learners discuss answers.

6.3  Practise calculating appropriate selling prices

Learner’s Book page 117
1. a. R425,50 + (15% × 425,50)
= R425,50 + R63,83
= R489,33
b. R  425,50 + (45% × 425,50)
= R425,50 + R191,48
= R616,98
c. R425,50 + (100% × 425,50)
= R425,50 + R425,50
= R851,00
2. Cost to produce 20 ℓ ice cream: R120,00
Cost to produce 220 ml
220 ml = 0,22 ℓ
= R120 ÷ 20 ℓ × 0,22 ℓ
= R1,32
a. R1,32
b. R 1,32 + (60% × R1,32)
= R1,32 + R0,79
= R2,11
c. R1,32 + (180 × R1,32)
= R1,32 + R2,88
= R3,70


14 650 + (22% of 14 650)
3. a. i. ​​ ________________
   6  ​​

= ​​ __________
14 650 + 3 223
6   ​​ 
= ​​ _____
17 873
6    ​​ 
= R2 978,83 per vehicle per month excluding VAT
 ssuming the vehicle can be rented out every day of the month:
365 ÷ 12 = 30,42 ≈ 30
R2 978,83 ÷ 30 = R99,29 per vehicle per day excluding VAT
14 650 + (60% of 14 650)
b. i. ​​    6  ​​  

= ​​ __________
14 650 + 8 790
6   ​​ 

= ​​ _____
23 440
6    ​​ 
R3 906,67 per vehicle
 ssuming 30 days per month:
R3 906,67 ÷ 30 = R130,22 per vehicle per day
14 650 + (100% of 14 650)
c. i. ​​  ________________
   6 ​​ 

= ​​ _____
29 300
6    ​​ 
= R4 883,33 per vehicle per month
ii. Assuming 30 days per month:
R4 883,33 ÷ 30 = R162,78
4. CP = cost price
SP = selling price
P = profit rate
(100 + P)
CP = SP ÷ ​​ ______ ​​ 
(100 + 10)
a. CP = R8,55 ÷ ​​ _______​​ 

= R8,55 ÷ ​​ ___
100  ​​
= R7,77
b. P = 33
(100 + P)
CP = SP ÷ ​​ ______
100   ​​ 
(100 + 33)
= R8,55 ÷ ​​ _______​​ 

= R8,55 ÷ ​​ ___
100  ​​
= R6,43
c. P = 200
(100 + 200)
CP = R8,55 ÷ ​​ ________
100    ​​

= R8,55 ÷ ​​ ___
100  ​​
= R2,85
5. a. Assuming occupancy of three nights per week:
R495 × 2 × 4 × ​​ _37 ​​× 365 × (100% + 30% profit)
= R805 294,29
b. R495 × 2 × 4 × ​​ _37 ​​× 365 × (100% + 70% profit)
= R1 053 077,14
c. R495 × 2 × 4 × ​​ _37 ​​× 365 × (100% + 150% profit)
= R1 548 642,86

TERM 1  •  UNIT 6 77
6.4  Investigation part 2: Budget to achieve different percentage profits
Learner’s Book page 119
Answers will differ.

6.5  Practise doing break-even analyses

Learner’s Book page 122
1. a. i. R
 0,80 × x = R485 × 3 + (R0,80 × 5%)x
0,8x = R1 455 + 0,04x
0,76x = R1 455
x = 1 914,47
Round off to 1 915 downloads of any of the three songs.
Note: The break-even analysis does not need to be calculated for
each song. It only needs to be calculated for the total number of
ii. R0,80 × x = R485 × 5 + (R0,80 × 5%) × x
0,80x = R2 425 + 0,04x
x = 3 190,79
Round off to 3 191
The band would need 3 191 downloads of any of the five tracks to
break even.
9 000
Total income
8 000 (R0,80 per download)
7 000 Total income
(R0,65 per download;
6 000 3 tracks)
Amount (R)

(R0,50 per download;

5 000
5 tracks)
4 000 Total cost;
5 tracks)
3 000
Total cost:
2 000 3 tracks)

1 000

1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000 6 000 7 000 8 000 9 000 10 000
Number of downloads

Break-even points
If they sell individual songs at 0,80 each
If they record 3 songs: approximately 2 050 downloads
If they record 5 songs: approximately 3 500 downloads
If they sell three songs at R0,65 each
If they record 3 songs: 2 600 dowloads
If they record 5 songs: 4 400 downloads
If they sell 5 songs at R0,50 each; they must record 5 songs: this is
approximately 6 200 downloads.
2. a. Total income = total costs
R30 × x = R4 800 × 2 + R2 200
30x = R11 800
x = 393,33
Round off to 394.
The barbers need to give 394 haircuts per month to break even (they
each need to give 197 haircuts to break even).


b. A ssuming 4 weeks per month:
Profit per month = price of haircut × 2 barbers × number of haircuts
per week × 4 weeks per month – total costs per month
Profit = R30 × 2 × (15 × 5 + 10) × 4 – (R4 800 × 2 + R2 200)
= R30 × 2 × 85 × 4 – R11 800
= R20 400 – 11 800
= R8 600
The barbers make a profit of R8 600 per month.
c. i. O  ne barber
Total income = total costs
R30 × x = R4 800 × 2 + R3 800 + R2 200
30x = R15 600
x = 520 haircuts per month to break even
The barber needs to give 520 haircuts per month to break even.
ii. Two barbers
R30 × x = R4 800 × 2 + R3 800 + R2 200
30x = R19 400
x = 646,67
Round off to R647.
The barbers would need to give 647 haircuts per month to break
d. i. Two permanent barbers (each gives 15 haircuts on weekdays and
10 haircuts on Saturdays) and one new barber (gives 15 haircuts
each weekday):
Monthly profit
= (price × number of haircuts per week × 4 weeks) – costs
= {R30 × [4(3 × 15 × 5) + 2(10)]} – [2(R4 800) + R3 800 +
R2 200]
= [R30 × [4(225 + 20] – (R9 600 + R3 800 + R2 200)
= R30 × 4(245) – R15 600
= R30 × 980 – R15 600
= R29 400 – R15 600
= R13 800
 ii. Two permanent barbers (each gives 15 haircuts per day and 10 on
Saturdays) and two new barbers (each gives 15 haircuts on each
Monthly profit
= (price × number of haircuts per week × 4 weeks) – costs
= {R30 × [4(4 × 15 × 5) + 2(10)]} – [2(R4 800) + 2(R3 800) +
R2 200]
= [R30 × [4(300 + 20] – (R9 600 + R7 600 + R2 200)
= R30 × 4(320) – R19 400
= R30 × 1 280 – R19 400
= R38 400 – R19 400
= R19 000

6.6 Investigation part 2: Do break-even analyses for different small

Learner’s Book page 122
Answers will differ.

TERM 1  •  UNIT 6 79
Revision and consolidation
Learner’s Book page 124
1. a. The bank requires the following from the applicant:
• identity document
• original proof of residential address
• latest salary
• three months’ bank statements
b.  A multi-loan is a loan of up to R4 000 that is only for one month. It is
repayable in full each month. The amount requested is transferred to
the person’s transaction or savings account using an ATM, cellphone
or internet banking. Interest and fees are only charged when the
money is transferred to the savings or transaction account. A loan
can be as much as R230 000 over a period of 2 to 84 months. It is
repayable in fixed monthly repayments.
c. The compound interest method is used.
d.  If you are retrenched, the insurance company will repay the amount
owing on the loan. You will not be required to pay back the loan. You
will not be blacklisted by the credit agencies and it will be easier to
cover your expenses without having to pay back the loan.
e.  In addition to interest, you pay one initiation fee and a monthly service
fee. (There is no credit life insurance.)
2. a.  Yes, the 26-year-old must submit an ITR12. You must submit an
ITR12 if you are under 65 years of age and received an income of
more than R59 750 from one or more part-time jobs. The 26-year-old
earns R95 850 from the two part-time jobs.
b.  Yes, you must submit an ITR12 if you earned an income by letting
c.  You need a working email address and access to a computer with
internet access to submit your ITR12 by eFiling.
d,e. If you go to a SARS branch to file an ITR 12 electronically, you will
need the following:
• your original ID or passport, a certified copy of the ID or passport;
in the absence of an ID/Passport, an affidavit together with a
temporary ID/passport
• original bank statement with bank stamp that is not older than
three months
• original proof of address not older than three months with your
name and residential address
• medical aid certificates and receipts
• retirement annuity certificates
• IRP5/IT3a certificates received from your employer
• if you receive a travel allowance, your travel logbook
• tax certificates in respect of investment income IT3(b)
• if applicable, a completed confirmation of disability (ITR-00)
• if applicable, information relating to capital gains transactions
• if applicable, the approved voluntary disclosure programme
(VDP) agreement between yourself and SARS for years prior to
17 February 2010
• if applicable, financial statements for business income
• any other documentation relating to income you received or
deductions you want to claim.


3. a. 8 × R75,44 = R603,52 (excl. VAT) per month
R603,52 + 15% = R694,048 ≈ R694,05 (incl. VAT) per month
Paid in total in 2018/19: R694,05 × 12 = R8 328,58 (incl. VAT)
b. 5,5%
c. R278,26 + 15% = 319,999 ≈ R320,00 (incl. VAT) per month for three
removals per week
Weekly cost to a business with three containers that were emptied
once a week in 2019/20 (assuming four weeks per month):
Cost per container per week: R95,11 ÷ 4 ≈ R23,78
Cost for three containers per week:
R23,78 × 3
= R71,34 (excl. VAT)
= R71,34 + 15%
≈ R82,04 (incl. VAT)
d. Solid waste removal expenses for:
16 ordinary containers:
Monthly costs for five removals per week of one container: R451,87
Monthly costs for the removal of 16 such containers:
R451,87 × 16 = R7 229,92
Annual costs for the removal of 16 such containers:
R7 229,92 × 12 = R86 759,04
Annual costs including VAT:
R86 759,04 × 115%
= R99 772,90
Three lockable containers:
Monthly costs for removal of one container: R95,11
Monthly costs for the removal of three containers: R95,11 × 3 = R285,33
Weekly costs for removal of three such containers five times per week
(assuming four weeks per month):
R71,33 × 5 = R356,65
Annual costs for the removal of three such containers:
R356,65 × 52 weeks
= R18 545,80 per year
Annual costs including VAT:
R18 545,80 × 115%
= R21 327,67
Total waste removal expense for all containers:
R99 772,90 + R21 327,67
= R121 100,57 (including VAT)
4. a. i. Referees’ basic fees
​​ ________________
R1 993 850 – R1 291 780
R1 291 780  ​​× 100% = 54,35% ≈ 54%
Referees’ basic fees increased by 54%.
ii. Referees’ match fees
​​ ________________
R4 505 320 – R4 897 475
R4 897 475  ​​× 100% = –8,01% ≈ –8%
Referees’ match fees decreased by 8%.
b. Gate-taking expenses
21 760 954 – 11 441 230
11 441 230  ​​× 100% = 90,2% ≈ 90%
Gate-taking expenses increased by 90%.

TERM 1  •  UNIT 6 81
c.  The gate-taking fees did not change by the same percentage for all the
competitions. The fees for the NFD playoffs decreased by almost 96%.
The fees for the premiership increased by over 19 564%, the Telkom
Charity Cup increased by 421%, the MTN8 increased by almost 195%,
and the Nedbank Cup increased by almost 51%.
d. The prize money for the Nedbank Cup decreased by R100 000.
e. The three biggest expenses for 2011:
Prize money: R79 150 000
Gate-taking expenses: R21 760 954
Board placements: R7 232 129
The main focus of PSL expenditure for competitions relates to the prize
money for the winners of competitions (which are sponsored), the costs
incurred for gate-takings and for placing sponsorship boards at the
grounds. Sponsors are therefore an important priority for the PSL.
5. a. Money distributed to clubs in:
2011: R300 million
(19,5 ÷ 21 × 100 ≈ R93 million)
2007: R93 million
Difference: R207 million
The PSL distributed R207 million more as grants in 2011 than in 2007.
b. 2011 prize money: 13,5 ÷ 21 × R100 ≈ R62 million
2010 prize money: 13 ÷ 21 × R100 ≈ R62 million
2009 prize money: 13 ÷ 21 × R100 ≈ R62 million
2008 prize money: 12 ÷ 21 × R100 ≈ R57 million
2007 prize money: 6,5 ÷ 21 × R100 ≈ R31 million
2007–2008: (57 – 31) ÷ 31 × 100% = 83,87% ≈ 84%
2008–2009: (62 – 57) ÷ 57 × 100% = 8,77% ≈ 9%
2009–2010: (62 – 62) ÷ 62 × 100% = 0%
2010–2011: (64 – 62) ÷ 62 × 100% = 3,23% ≈ 3%
c. Total distribution to clubs in 2010: 71 million
i. Grants
​​ _____
5,5 mm
​​× 100% = 77,46% ≈ 77%
71 mm  

ii. Prize money

​​ _____
13 mm
​​ × 100% = 18,31% ≈ 18%
71 mm  

iii. Participation fees

​​ _____
3 mm
71 mm  ​​ 
× 100% = 4,23% ≈ 4%

d. 2011 ​​ ______
78,5 mm
​​× R100 million
21 mm   
= R373,8 million
≈ R374 million
2007 ​​ _____
27 mm
​​× R100 million
21 mm  
= R128,57 million
≈ R129 million
​​ ___________
R374m – R179m
R129m   ​​ 
= R189,9%


6. a. ​​ _____________________
R30 289 billion – R27 230 billion
R27 230 billion  ​​ × 100%
= ​​ _________
R3 059 billion
R27 230    ​​ × 100%

= 11,2%
≈ 11%
b. i. Projected income for electricity (2012/2013):
11% of R8 971 405,00
= R8 971 405,00 + R986 854,55
= R9 958 259,55
ii. Projected income for water (2012/2013):
15,08% of R2 085 289,00
= R2 085 289 + R314 461,58
= R2 399 750,58
iii. Projected income for sanitation (2012/2013):
15,08% of R1 144 122,00
= R1 144 122,00 + R172 533,60
= R1 316 655,60
7. a. Answers should include:
Expenses: fuel, oil, repairs, maintenance, fines
Income: taxi fares, rentals for groups
b. Answers will differ. Learners should include taxi fares for your town
or city.
8,9. Learners discuss their answers.

Unit 7
Data handling
Learner’s Book pages 131–176

Teaching tips
• This unit revises the steps in a statistical investigation. Refer learners to
the flow diagram on page 131 in the Learner’s Book and discuss how
the steps fit together – they should remember this from earlier grades.
Make sure learners understand that the process is cyclical: in reality, the
investigation does not stop after the results have been interpreted and
analysed because the conclusions often lead to new questions.
• A key skill in statistics is the ability to ask the right questions. Learners
need practice in learning to be very specific in the way they frame
a research question. You could give them a few imaginary research
questions and ask them to explain how the questions might be unclear or
• The tools that learners choose to use to collect data should fit the type
of data they are collecting and the question they are asking. Surveys
and questionnaires need to be carefully planned and designed if they are
to be useful. Spend as much time as necessary looking at examples of
questionnaires (printed ones and those designed by learners), critically
discuss these to determine which elements are clear and useful and which
are not.

TERM 1  •  UNIT 7 83
• Learners need to be able to organise the data they collect in order to make
it easy to work with. Use the results from the national census carried out
in 2011 as an example to illustrate how an investigation might result in
masses of data. (For example, the census collected the gender, age and
education levels of over 50 million South Africans.) Organising the data
into frequency tables and representing it on graphs helps researchers
to make sense of, and analyse, the data. You can find census data and
publications from StatsSA at
• Summary statistics should be familiar to the learners by now. Make
sure they are able to calculate these statistics using tables as most of the
examples they work with from now on are likely to involve multiples sets
of data that are grouped in intervals.
• This year, learners will also divide the data into four equal groups
(quartiles) and they will use the upper and lower quartile values to find
the interquartile range of the data. This is a measure of how spread out the
middle 50% of the data values are and it gives a more useful measure of
spread because it is not affected by extreme values (outliers).
• Once learners understand the concepts related to quartiles, you can
introduce them to box-and-whisker plots. These diagrams provide a five-
figure summary of a set of data (they show the highest and lowest values
and the quartiles) as well as any outliers. The shape of a box-and-whisker
diagram also shows how the data is distributed. Learners do not have to
construct box-and-whisker diagrams, but they must be able to read them
and compare two or more sets of data presented in this way.
• Percentiles are also introduced in this topic. Here learners are introduced
to the concept and shown how percentiles are used. They will need to
use these concepts later when they work with growth charts that use
percentiles in the measurement topics.
• Learners should be comfortable working with pie charts, bar graphs,
histograms, line graphs and scatter plots. If they are uncertain about any of
these representations, revise the basic skills using examples from the skills
section before proceeding.
• This year, learners will work with multiple sets of data at the same time so
they need to use graphs that can show many sets of data.
• Use the summary table on pages 159 and 160 in the Learner’s Book to
highlight the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of graph and
encourage learners to use this to help them decide which type of graph is
best suited to different sets of data that they collect and/or work with.
• Learners need to interpret and analyse data that they collect, but they also
need to be able to critically interpret data that is presented by other people.
One of the aims of the work in this unit is to help learners realise that data
can be manipulated to give a misleading impression.
• Learners need to become critical consumers and informed citizens and one
element of this is being critical when presented with statistics. Businesses
often use statistics for marketing purposes to sell their products and
they try to present them in ways that will convince as many customers
as possible to buy their products. This is not to say organisations are
dishonest, it is just to point out that the way you present something can
affect how people see it. You may want to refer to some of the claims used
in the probability section to illustrate this, but here is another example:
A mattress company advertisement that was published in a South African
newspapers in 2011 made the following claims:


– The world’s fastest growing bedding brand
– Clinical study proves you’ll sleep better:
▪ 29% improved sleep quality
▪ 34% reduced back pain
▪ 96% reduced back stiffness.
– Research results were documented in two separate scientific studies
conducted by the Director of the Exercise Physiology and Human
Performance Laboratory at XYZ University.
– The only mattress to be endorsed by the ABC chiropractors

• Point out to learners that the claims are interesting because they sound very
mathematical and scientific. However, what do they actually mean? How
do you measure, for example, that you are the fastest growing bedding
brand in the world? Also, what does that mean – if your competitors
increased their sales by 1% to earn $1 million and you increased your sales
by 100% to earn $20 000 which is the faster growth? Also, ask questions
such as: Why is it the only mattress to be endorsed? Did the mattress
company pay for the endorsement? Did they sponsor the research?
Incidentally, an internet search shows the research was carried out in 1993
(more than 20 years ago) and that it investigated spinal zone technology
and not specific mattresses. These are all important pieces of information
that can help you avoid accepting meaningless statistical claims.
• The investigation at the end of this topic involves collecting data and
comparing it to data collected nationally. Learners must collect, organise,
display and analyse data they collected before comparing it with national
data and drawing conclusions about their investigation. They are expected
to compile a report at the end of their investigation. You may want to
allow the learners to work in small groups to do this investigation.

7.1  Practise developing questions and collecting data
Learner’s Book page 133
1. a. Children less than two years of age are not included in the table.
b. 6 782 children are included in the sample. The total is included in the
bottom of the table.
c. The health services are classified as:
• public hospitals
• private hospitals
• public clinics or doctors
• private clinics or doctors
• others.
d. Traditional healers, homeopaths, alternative healers
e. Public clinic or doctor (62,9%)
f. 2 0,4%
g. Neither; most children regardless of age go to a public clinic or doctor.
2. a. Answers will differ.
b. Examples of answers include:
• What are the statistics for children aged 0 to 2?
• What are statistics for children for the different age groups living
in urban, suburban and rural areas and informal settlements?

TERM 1  •  UNIT 7 85
c. The
 general health of most South African children is very positive.
95,3% of females are rated as good or excellent. Only 0,6% of females
are rated as poor. 92,2% of males are rated as good or excellent. Only
0,9% of males are rated as poor.
d. A
 greater proportion of male children aged 5 to 11 suffer from poor
health (1,5%) than female children in the same age group (0,5%). A
greater proportion of male children in this age group is considered to
have fair health (7,3%) compared to female children of the same age.
In general, female children have much lower rates at fair health (4,2%)
and poor health (0,6%) compared to male children (6,9% fair health
and 0,9% poor health).
e. Children aged 12 to 14 is the healthiest age group with 95,3% of
children at excellent and good health.

Sex Health status Sample size Percentage Quantity

Male Excellent 599 42,3 273
Good 599 53,0 298
Female Excellent 646 42,3 273
Good 646 53,0 342
Total 1 245 1 186

​​ ____
1 185
​​× 100% = 95,3%
1 245  
Simple average method
Age group Health status
(years) Excellent Good Total
2–4 37,8% 56,3% 94,1%
5–11 33,7% 59,5% 93,1%
12–14 43,9% 51,4% 95,3%
15–18 46,6% 46,5% 93,1%

7.2  Practise planning an investigation and selecting a sample

Learner’s Book page 135

1. You could get the statistics for road deaths and accidents for the past
two years from the Ministry of Transport and provincial departments of
transport. You could also get information from Arrive Alive about the
frequency of their advertisements on television, radio and in the printed
In this case, the focus is on secondary data rather than gathering
primary data. You could also collect data from motorists on their
awareness of the Arrive Alive campaign and Ministry of Transport
advertisements. To do this, you would need to select a sample of major
routes, a representative series of days to carry out the survey (for example,
weekdays and weekends) and a sample of vehicles that stop at the service
stations on the routes.
2. a. For example, if the US dollar to rand exchange rate increases, how
does the price of petrol in South Africa change?
• If the US dollar/rand rate goes up, does the petrol price go up?
• If the US dollar/rand rate goes down, does the petrol price go


b. Mandla
 could get the petrol price from the government (Department
of Transport) or the Automobile Association (AA).
Dollar/rand exchange rates are available from the Ministry of Finance
and the Reserve Bank. Economic monitoring agencies or organisations
also provide this information, possibly at a cost.
3. a. The exchange rate for the rand/US dollar from January 2012 to July 2012
b. Four decimal places are given.
c. January 2012: R7,80 to US$1
February 2012: R7,64 to US$1
March 2012: R7,66 to US$1
April 2012: R7,74 to US$1
May 2012: R8,40 to US$1
June 2012: R8,45 to US$1
July 2012: R8,20 to US$1
d. T  he rand price of the
US dollar decreases
from January to early
March. It then

increases to the end of
May and then
decreases again in
January March May July
June and July; it Month
forms an S curve.
e. You would expect to see a similar graph for the petrol price if there
was a correlation between the rand/US dollar exchange rate and the
petrol price.

7.3  Practise evaluating and designing a questionnaire

Learner’s Book page 136
1. a. Learners discuss how to answer questions.
b. The question is open-ended. The insured passengers need to give
specific answers. There are also instructions for the interviewer, such
as prompts for the passenger to give the nearest landmark.
c. The passenger provides confidential information that could be used to
prosecute the driver and that could put the passenger in danger.
2. Learners discuss suitable questions and a suitable methodology for a survey.

7.4  Practise working with frequency tables

Learner’s Book page 140
1. a. i. 0 + 13 + 149 + 97 = 259 passenger vehicles
ii. 1 4 + 11 + 9 + 3 + 3 + 1 = 41 passenger vehicles
b. 2 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 13 minibus taxis and buses were breaking the
speed limit.
vehicles travelling over 100 km/h
c. ​​ _____________________
total vehicles ​​× 100% ÷ (total passenger vehicles +
total minibus taxis and buses + total trucks and other heavy vehicles)
× 100%
= ​​ ______
​​ × 100%
= 3,33%
≈ 3%

TERM 1  •  UNIT 7 87
2. Speed (in km/h) Vehicles
< 40 4
40–49 78
50–59 243
60–69 131
70–79 25
80–89 17
90–99 24
100–109 13
110–119 4
> 120 1
Total 540
3. Size of Urban households Rural households
household Tally Frequency Tally Frequency
1–2 13 2
3–4 24 9
5–6 12 19
7–8 6 19
9–10 4 7
11–12 1 3
13–14 1
Total 60 60
b. 3 or 4 people
c. 3 or 4 people
(24 urban households + 9 rural households = 33 households)
d. R ural households are typically larger than urban households.
e. M ost urban households have fewer than 7 members.
Very few urban households have more than 8 members.
Very few rural households have fewer than 3 members.
No households have more than 14 members.
f. A nswers will differ.

7.5  Practise calculating summary statistics

Learner’s Book page 144
1. a. Outcome Frequency fx
0 28 0
1 890 890
2 1 442 2 884
3 1 446 4 338
4 1 534 6 136
5 967 4 835
6 669 4 014
7 330 2 310
8 190 1 520
9+ 260 2 340
Total 7 756 29 267

b.  ean = ​​ _____
M 29 367
7 756  


= 3,773 persons per household
c. The mode is four persons per household.
d. Total median position: ​​ ____ 7 756
2   ​​ = 3 878
28 + 890 + 1 442 + 1 446 = 3 806
28 + 890 + 1 442 + 1 446 + 1 534 = 5 340
Therefore, the median falls in the category with four persons per
2. a. i. US dollar ($): R7,90680
ii. B ritish pound (£): R12,5205
iii. e uro (€): R10,29959
b. i. US dollar ($): R7,48405 – R8,51880
ii. British pound (£): R11,90110 – R13,12244
iii. e uro (€): R10,07290 – R10,53344
c. i. U S dollar ($): R8,51880 – R7,48405 = 1,03475
ii. B ritish pound (£): R13,12244 – R11,90110 = 1,22134
iii. e uro (€): R10,53344 – R10,07290 = 0,46054
The British pound/rand exchange rate fluctuated the most.
d. i. U
 S dollar ($): (R7,78087 + R7,80125) ÷ 2 = R7,79106
ii. B
 ritish pound (£): (R12,32411 + R12,63419) ÷ 2 = R12,47915
iii. euro (€): (R10,30327 + R10,31074) ÷ 2 = R10,30701
e. T
 here are no values that are the same for all currencies.

7.6  Practise interpreting and analysing averages

Learner’s Book page 145

1. Answers will differ.

2. a. Africa 57,67
Europe 79,71
South/Central America 74,58
Asia 74,04
b. Africa 51,4
Europe 81,4
South/Central America 77,0
Asia 65,4
c. A frica 52,8
Europe 80,7
South/Central America 74,4
Asia 74,2
d. Africa 48,2 – 74,8
Europe 74,0 – 81,8
South/Central America 66,6 – 79,1
Asia 65,4 – 83,4
e. 4 8,2 to 83,4
f. Africa: The median is the most representative, as some countries have
very low life expectancies.
Europe: The mean is the most representative, as there are not extreme
highs or lows.
South/Central America: The median is the most representative, as
there is one extremely low value (Bolivia’s life expectancy).
Asia: The median is the most representative, as there are two values

TERM 1  •  UNIT 7 89
(which make up the mode) that are extremely low.
g. Answers will differ.
3. a. Modal numbers: b. 1960: 0–6
1960: 3 1965: 0–7
1965: 2 1970: 0–7
1970: 2 1975: 0–5
1975: 1 1985: 0–5
1985: 1 and 2 1995: 0–5
1995: 2 2005: 0–5
2005: 2
c. Number of 1960 1965 1970 1975 1985 1995 2005
children fx fx fx fx fx fx fx
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 220 100 209 350 330 290 309
2 480 572 662 420 660 820 800
3 750 792 627 555 450 390 240
4 760 760 568 340 240 80 140
5 250 395 245 50 50 50 55
6 60 186 54 0 0 0 0
7+ 0 70 7 0 0 0 0
Data total 2 520 2 875 2 372 1 715 1 730 1 630 1 544
Frequency 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 1 000
Mean 2,520 2,875 2,372 1,715 1,730 1,630 1,544

d. M
 edian number: 1 000 ÷ 2 = 500
40 + 220 + 240 = 500 = 500
So, the median is 2 children.
40 + 100 + 286 = 426 < 500
40 + 100 + 286 + 264 = 690 > 500
So, the median is 3 children.
50 + 209 = 259 < 500
50 + 209 + 331 = 590 > 500
So, the median is 2 children.
160 < 500
160 + 350 = 510 > 500
So, the median is 1 child.
120 + 330 = 450 < 500
120 + 330 + 330 = 780 > 500
So, the median is 2 children.
140 + 290 = 450 < 500
140 + 290 + 410 = 840 > 500
So, the median is 2 children.


165 + 309 = 474 < 500
165 + 309 + 400 = 874 > 500
So, the median is 2 children.
e,f. Answers will differ.

7.7  Practise working with quartiles and the interquartile range

Learner’s Book page 148
1. a. Pumi scored in the bottom 25% of learners in her grade in the
b. The difference between the highest and lowest marks in Mathematical
Literacy in the country was 85%. The range for the middle 50% of
learners – the 25% of learners below the median and the 25% of
learners above the median was only 20%.
c. Nabu was in the top 25% of learners in her grade last year.
d. The median mark for Math Literacy was 71%.
e. 25% of learners scored below 50% for Mathematical Literacy.
f. The
 interquartile range includes only the middle 50% of the values
and it does not include the very high or very low values (outliers).
2. a. Median number = 300 ÷ 2 = 150 (average of values 150 and 151)
b. Q1: 150 ÷ 2 = 75 (values 75 and 76)
Q3: 150 ÷ 2 + 150 = 225 (values 225 and 226)
c. Q1: 500 learners: 11 + 34 + 12 + 19 = 76
Q3: 800 learners: 11 + 34 + 12 + 19 + 33 + 80 + 63 = 226
d. 1 000 – 200 = 800
e. Q3 – Q1 = 800 – 500 = 300
f. ​​ ___________
11 + 43 + 12 + 19
   300  ​​ × 100% = 25,33%

≈ 25%
g. 25%
h. ​​ ________
63 + 43 + 5
300    × 100% = ___
​​  111
​​ 300  ​​ × 100% = 37%

3. a. 93 – 34 = 59
b. 57,1
c. 34; 49; 51; 54; 55; 56; 59; 59; 61; 93
​​ _____
55 + 56 ___
2   ​​ = ​​  111
2   ​​ = 55,5
d. Q1: 5 ÷ 2 = 2,5
This is values 2 and 3.
​​ _____
49 + 51 ___
2   ​​ = ​​  100
2    ​​ = 50
Q3: 5 ÷ 2 + 5 = 7,5
This is values 7 and 8.
​​ _____
59 + 59
2    ​​ = 59
e. 59 – 50 = 9
f. The interquartile range of only 9 compared to a range of 59 indicates
that Maryam’s scores include high and low outliers (the scores of 34%
and 93%). She typically scores between 50% and 59% in tests.

TERM 1  •  UNIT 7 91
7.8  Practise locating values on box-and-whisker plots
Learner’s Book page 151
1. a. 4 years b. 25%
c. 25% d. 23 – 0 = 23
e. 12 – 2 = 10 f. Answers will differ.
g. 25% of 2 600 = 650
650 teachers have between two and four years’ teaching experience.
2. a. There is an outlier that is very low. This represents a technical college
with few students enrolled in diploma courses.
b. 1 200 – 360 = 840
c. 750
d. 1 200
e. 880 – 600 = 240
f. The
 median is 750 students so the minister’s statement is correct.
More than half of the technical colleges have 700 or more students.
g. Yes. Q1 is equal to 600 students. The 25% of technical colleges in the
lowest quartile (Q1) have fewer than 600 students.

7.9  Practise interpreting box-and-whisker plots

Learner’s Book page 153
1. a. Median: 27,1
Range: 32 – 22,4 = 9,6 (9 minutes 36 seconds)
Interquartile range: 27,8 – 25,6 = 2,2 (2 minutes 12 seconds)
b. The  distribution has a negatively skewed distribution, although there
is a long tail on the right of the distribution graph.
2. a. The median is approximately 63,1 (or 64%).
b. 9 5% – 34% = 61%
c. Learners discuss the answer.
3. a. 1,65 m
b. 1 ,6 m
c. Girls: 1,875 – 1,5 m = 0,375 m
Boys: 1,810 – 1,48 m = 0,33 m
The girls have a larger range.
d. G irls: 1,69 – 1,61 = 0,08 m
Boys: 1,65 – 1,55 = 0,1 m
The boys have a slightly larger interquartile range at 10 cm compared
to the girls, at 8 cm.
Comments will differ.
e. Answers will differ.
4. a. Test 1
The median: 78%.
The range: 87% – 74% = 13%
The first quartile (Q1): 77%
The third quatile (Q2): 82%
The interquartile range: 5%
The distribution is positively skewed.


Test 2
The median: 78%
The range: 85% – 74% = 11%
The first quartile (Q1): 76%
The third quatile (Q2): 84%
The interquartile range: 84% – 76% = 8%
The distribution is positively skewed.
b. Answers will differ.
5. Answers will differ.

7.10  Practise working with percentiles

Learner’s Book page 158
1. a. 10% b. 85%
c. approximately 70% d. approximately 85%
e. 42% to 85%
85% – 42% = 43%
f. Yes, the Department of Education should be concerned.
Approximately 85% of learners scored 50% or less. 50% of learners
scored 25% or less on the test scores. However, if the tests were very
difficult, the department should not be concerned about the learners,
but rather about the difficulty of the test.
2. Yes, 92% of learners scored less than Kholiswa.
No, we don’t know what her marks were.
3. a. It shows the ratings for Munwabisi Middle and High School on the
National Achievements Tests for Reading, Language, Mathematical
Literacy and the mean score for the three subjects for Grades 7 to 12.
b. Answers will differ.
c. Mathematical Literacy is the lowest of the three subjects in each grade.
d. Answers will differ.

7.11  Practise working with multiple sets of data

Learner’s Book page 162
1. a. Many males (19,9%) and females (10,6%) aged 15 to 24 are
underweight. Males have a higher rate of being at normal BMI,
compared to females at all ages. Rates of overweight and obesity rise
for males with age. For females aged 35 and over, there are high rates
of being overweight and obese.
The data shows the distribution of men and women aged 15 and
above by BMI. The distribution of male and female BMI is divided
into the categories underweight, normal, overweight and obese.
b. South African Domestic Health Survey (Department of Health)
c. i. Men: 3 307
ii. W
 omen: 4 479
d. Overweight: 110
Obese: 20
e. O verweight: 240
Obese: 134
(Remember to round off to the nearest integer.)
f. Age group 15 to 24

TERM 1  •  UNIT 7 93
g. A
 ges 45–54 and 65+
Graph to compare the percentages of men and women
y aged 15–24 in different BMI categories

60 Men





0 x
Underweight Normal Overweight Obese

2. a. Year Mpumalanga KZN

2005 3 077 1 220
2006 4 558 1 236
Total 7 635 2 456

b. N o, the statistics are not the same for sources A and B for
Mpumalanga and KZN. Source A uses different time periods:
2004/5, 2005/6 and 2006/7.
c. There are more fatalities when there are more cases of malaria
infection. However, there is no direct proportion between the two
statistics. Reasons will differ.
d. Learners’ graphs may vary in terms of scale, but they should all follow
the general pattern shown in the graph below.

Number of cases (thousands)

40 KwaZulu-Natal
30 Mpumalanga

1999– 2000– 2001– 2002– 2003– 2004– 2005– 2006– x
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Malaria season

e. In KwaZulu-Natal, the malaria cases were very high to start with,

these dropped rapidly from 1999 to 2002 before rising slightly in 2003,
however, they dropped again after that to a low level. In Mpumulanga,
the number of cases was lower to start with. The number of cases
dropped in 2004 before rising slightly in 2005. Since 2001, the number
of cases in Mpumulanga has been slightly higher than the number of
cases in KZN (except for the 2003 season in KZN).
f. Learners could either choose a compound bar graph or a multiple line
graph to show this data. A graph they could draw is given on the next page


as an example, but other versions are possible. (Note that some learners
may add the number of cases and just show the data for the two years, this
is also an acceptable answer).

2 000 –
KZN 2006
1 500 –

Malaria cases
1 000 – 2006

500 –


g. Learners’ support their choice of graph.

3. a. Examples of stacked bar graphs
Road accidents: Gauteng
Articulated truck
Truck 2011

LDV (bakkie)
Type of vehicle

Motor cycle


Minibus taxi



0 400 800 1 200 1 600 2 000 2 400 2 800

Number of fatalities

Road accidents: KwaZulu-Natal

Articulated truck
Truck 2011

LDV (bakkie)
Type of vehicle

Motor cycle


Minibus taxi



0 400 800 1 200 1 600 2 000 2 400 2 800

Number of fatalities

TERM 1  •  UNIT 7 95
Road accidents: Western Cape
Articulated truck
Truck 2011

LDV (bakkie)

Type of vehicle
Motor cycle


Minibus taxi



0 400 800 1 200 1 600 2 000 2 400 2 800

Number of fatalities

Road accidents: Eastern Cape

Articulated truck
Truck 2011

LDV (bakkie)
Type of vehicle

Motor cycle


Minibus taxi



0 400 800 1 200 1 600 2 000 2 400 2 800

Number of fatalities

Road accidents: Free State

Articulated truck
Truck 2011

LDV (bakkie)
Type of vehicle

Motor cycle


Minibus taxi



0 400 800 1 200 1 600 2 000 2 400 2 800

Number of fatalities


Road accidents: Mpumalanga
Articulated truck
Truck 2011

LDV (bakkie)

Type of vehicle
Motor cycle


Minibus taxi



0 400 800 1 200 1 600 2 000 2 400 2 800

Number of fatalities

Road accidents: Northwest

Articulated truck
Truck 2011

LDV (bakkie)
Type of vehicle

Motor cycle


Minibus taxi



0 400 800 1 200 1 600 2 000 2 400 2 800

Number of fatalities

Road accidents: Limpopo

Articulated truck
Truck 2011

LDV (bakkie)
Type of vehicle

Motor cycle


Minibus taxi



0 400 800 1 200 1 600 2 000 2 400 2 800

Number of fatalities

TERM 1  •  UNIT 7 97
Road accidents: Northern Cape
Articulated truck
Truck 2011

LDV (bakkie)

Type of vehicle
Motor cycle


Minibus taxi



0 400 800 1 200 1 600 2 000 2 400 2 800

Number of fatalities

b. The size of learners’ pie charts will vary, but the angles should be the
same as the one below.

South Africa: fatalities by type of vehicle

Articulated truck

LDV (bakkie) Car

Motor cycle
Minibus taxi

c. Learners’ bar graphs will vary depending on the scale they use and
whether they use a vertical or horizontal bar graph. The general trend
should be similar to the one below.

Road accidents in 2004

2 000
LDV (bakkie)
1 500 Minibus
Number of fatalities

1 000




d. Learners’ double bar graphs will vary depending on the scale they use
and whether they use a vertical or horizontal bar graph. The general
trend should be similar to the one below.

Road accidents: total fatalities in 2010 and 2011

3 000
2 500 2010

Number of fatalities
2 000

1 500

1 000



4 a. 3

Reaction time (s)

0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8

Blood alcohol (g/100ml)

b. There is a strong positive correlation. The more you drink, the longer
the reaction time.
c. i. Between 0,27 g/100 ml and 0,37 g/100 ml
ii. No, reaction times at that level are almost double the safe reaction
iii. Answers may differ. This could depend on religious and other
opinions. However, statistically, a blood alcohol level of
0,2 g/100 ml would meet the criteria for safe reaction times.
This is the legal limit in some countries, although other countries
(such as the United Kingdom) have a limit of 0,8 g/100 ml with
higher restrictions (no alcohol at all) on certain types of driver
(for example, those who drive public transport, ambulances or
police vehicles).

7.12  Practise critically interpreting and analysing data

Learner’s Book page 67
1. a. The number of cases of malaria
The intervals on the axis are in 10 000s.
b. The number of deaths from malaria
The intervals are in 50s.

TERM 1  •  UNIT 7 99
c. i. 1971: fewer than 1 000
ii. 2000: 62 000
iii. 2007: about 8 000
d. i. 1971: fewer than 10
ii. 2000: about 425
iii. 2007: about 55
e. The number of cases and deaths from malaria were low from 1971 to
1995. With the introduction of synthetic pyrethroids in 1996, malaria
cases and deaths increased rapidly and peaked in 2000 when DDT
was reintroduced in South Africa. The number of cases and deaths
then declined rapidly, and from 2001 to 2007 levelled off although at a
higher rate than prior to 1997.
f. No, it was not successful. The numbers of cases of malaria and deaths
as a result of malaria increased after the introduction of synthetic
g. There may have been more mosquitoes in 1999 and 2000 as a result
of the rain. More mosquitoes (which lay their eggs in stagnant water)
would mean a greater chance of malaria being spread.
h. The number of malaria cases declined from a peak of over 60 000 in
2000 to 15 000 cases in 2002, and 49 incidences between 2002 and
i. i. The death rate looks very high as a different scale (on the right of
the graph) is used.
ii, iii. Answers will differ. Learners should motivate their answers
j. Answers will differ.
2. a. KZN (from 1988 to 2001)
In 2002 and 2003, KZN had the lowest rates.
b. KZN: approximately 41 000
Limpopo: approximately 9 000
Mpumalanga: approximately 13 750
c. Approximately 63 750
d. Answers will differ.
e. The trend is similar to that of the graph in question 1. However, the
increase in incidents from 1997 to 1999 is not as apparent as shown in
the graph in question 1.
3. a. The number of cases of malaria infection in KZN
b. The number of deaths (fatalities) from malaria infection in KZN
c. 0,5% fatalities
d. 0,9%
e. 0,9% × 2 000 cases = 18
f. The case fatality rate has risen. A possible reason is drug-resistant
malaria that does not respond well to treatment.
4. a. The proportion of people in each regional continent who is at risk and
at high risk from malaria infection
b. The Americas
c. Malaria is not found in Europe.
d. Suspected cases of malaria infection and probable and confirmed cases
of malaria
e. Learners complete copies of table and discuss their answers.


f. Americas
Reasons will differ.

7.13 Investigation: Are learners at your school at risk of being exposed to

second-hand tobacco smoke?
Learner’s Book page 170
Investigations will differ.

Revise and consolidate

Learner’s Book page 199
1. a. Mode
b. A bar graph
c. A box-and-whisker diagram
d. Percentile
2. a. The range is the difference between the highest and lowest values
in the data set. The interquartile range is the range between the first
quartile (Q1) and the third quartile (Q3). This measures the middle
50% of values and excludes outliers.
b. A quartile of a set of data is the 25th, 50th or 75th percentile. The lower
quartile is the value that has the lowest quarter (25%) of values in the
data set below it. The upper quartile has 75% of the values below it.
3. a. 68
b. The score of 141 is an outlier: an extreme score.
c. 99
d. lower quartile: 91
upper quartile: 107
interquartile range: 107 – 91 = 16
e. i. 9 9
ii. 91
iii. 1 05 to 127
4. a. 95% of persons in his age group are shorter than Malusi.
b. Sindi scored more than 80% of the other students in her music exam.
Sindi scored in the top 20% of students.
5. a. Sum of all scores: 2 655
Data set: 60
Mean: 44,25
b. Highest value: 70
Lowest value: 32
Range: 70 – 32 = 38
c. Ear length Tally Frequency
26–30 0

31–35 6

36–40 15

41–45 22

46–50 9

51–55 7

TERM 1  •  UNIT 7 101

Ear length Tally Frequency
56–60 0

61–65 0

70 1

Total 60

d. y




26–30 31–35 36–40 41–45 46–50 51–55 56–60 61–65 66–70 x
Ear length (mm)

6. a,b.
Answers will differ.
7. a. Male: 25,64%
Female: 16,32%
b. 4 949 × 25,64% = 1 269
5 148 × 16,32 = 840
Learners who have taken part in, watched or tried to stop a fight at school
60 Female

Percentage of learners


30 M M



Eastern Free Gauteng KwaZulu- Limpopo Mpuma- Northern North Western
Cape State Natal langa Cape West Cape

d–f. Answers will differ.

8. a. The first graph shows the racial distribution (by percentage) of
different levels of education.
The second graph shows the level of education (by percentage) for
black Africans, coloureds, Indians/Asians and whites.
b. A
 nswers will differ.


3. a. Answers will differ.
c. 17,15 c
d. 17,15 d

The concepts, methods and scenarios in Unit 1 (Interest and interest rates) and
Unit 2 (Banking, loans and investments) are closely related. You may choose
to work through the examples and activities in the order in which they are
given in each unit, or to select sections of the units for learners to do together
– for example, interest rate calculations in Unit 1 and related activities in
Unit 2 that have to do with a particular investment or loan scenario.

Unit 1
Interest and interest rates
Learner’s Book pages 178–203

Teaching tips
• In Grade 10 and Grade 11, learners were introduced to the concepts of
simple interest or compound interest, and they learned how to use given
interest rates to calculate interest on loans and investments (savings). This
unit begins by revising the main methods involved in these calculations,
as well as the terminology used to talk about interest. You can use these
revision activities as a form of baseline assessment of learners’ knowledge
and skills in this section.
• Learners need to be able to analyse scenarios that involve changing
interest rates and changing balances in savings or investment accounts.
The ability to calculate balances and interest amounts is important, but
so is the ability to explain verbally and/or in writing which changes are
involved in each situation – encourage learners to discuss and report
on the activities so that you can check that they have grasped each
concept fully.
• Using graphs to show and compare interest scenarios will draw on
learners’ skill at drawing and interpreting graphs, as taught in Grade 10
and Grade 11 and developed further this year. Link the activities in this
section to other work with graphs that learners do, and add more scenarios
that are relevant if learners need further practice.
• All the major South African banks have websites that provide descriptions
of loan and investment accounts, with examples of the payments or
earnings involved. You will find additional source material for activities
on these websites if you think learners need more practice in developing
their calculation and analysis skills.
• In the section relating to long-term investments, encourage learners to
debate the value of a special product such as a funeral plan, as compared
to a savings or investment account. They should consider whether the
special product offers benefits that are different from a bank account (for
example, helping people to be disciplined enough to save, by committing
them to a regular monthly amount) or disadvantages (for example, perhaps
the financial benefit would be greater in an investment account).

TERM 2  •  UNIT 1 103

• In the section on long-term debt, learners should consider the benefits and
disadvantages of being committed to long-term loan agreements such as
a hire purchase (HP) or a home loan. They need to understand that the
real cost of a debt may be much higher than the initial loan amount, and
discuss how a person can plan for such a scenario if they have to take out
this type of loan. The example in the unit of repaying a home loan with
bigger monthly repayments is an important way to illustrate how personal
financial discipline can be of benefit in the long run.

1.1  Practise calculating simple and compound interest
Learner’s Book page 186
1. Investor Principal Interest rate Term Closing
(p.a.) balance
Bongani R12 000 14,0% 48 months R18 720,00
Steven R4 720 9,2% 12 years R9 930,88
Nazim R2 800 6,35% 5 years R3 689,00
Francois R1 765 10,1% 30 months R2 210,66
Kgomotso R1 350 8,0% 18 months R1 512,00
Thobeka R1 000 7,75% 2 years R1 155,00
Jocelyn R800 4,2% 8 years R1 068,80
Wandi R530 22,5% 3 years R887,75

2. a . Compound interest rate: 4,85%

 Month 1 
R170 000 + (R170 000 × 4,85% × ​​ __ 1
12  ​​)
= R170 000 + R687,08
= R170 687,08
 Month 2 
R170 687,08 + (R170 687,08 × 4,85% × ​​ __ 1
12  ​​)
= R170 687,08 + R689,86
= R171 376,94
 Month 3 
R171 376,94 + (R171 376,94 × 4,85% × ​​ __ 1
12  ​​)
= R171 376,94 + R692,65
= R172 069,59
 Month 4 
R172 069,59 + (R172 069,59 × 4,85% × ​​ __ 1
12  ​​)
= R172 069,59 + 695,45
= R172 765,04
 Month 5 
R172 765,04 + (R172 765,04 × 4,85% × ​​ __ 1
12  ​​)
= R172 765,04 + R698,26
= R173 463,30
 Month 6 
R173 463,30 + (R173 463,30 × 4,85% × ​​ __ 1
12  ​​)
= R173 463,30 + R701,08
= R174 164,38


 Month 7 
R174 164,38 + (R174 164,38 × 4,85% × ​​ __ 1
12  ​​)
= R174 164,38 + R703,91
= R174 868,29
 Month 8 
R174 868,29 + (R174 868,29 × 4,85% × ​​ __ 1
12  ​​)
= R174 868,29 + R706,76
= R175 575,05
b. Capital amount R45 000,00
Period 18 months
Interest rate 4,65%
Final amount R48 244,30
c. Loan I
Capital R75 000
Period 3 years (36 months)
Interest rate 5,35%
Final amount R88 025,93
Interest payments R88 025,93 – R75 000 = R13 025,93
 Loan II
Capital R175 000
Period 3 months
Interest rate 4,40%
Final amount R176 932,07
Interest payments R176 932,07 – R175 000 = R1 932,07
The first loan will cost more in interest payments for 36 months.
d. The loans of R60 000 for 18 months – if allowed by the bank – would
be cheaper, because the interest rate would only be 4,8% p.a. The total
interest charged for the two loans would be R8 940,12. The interest
rate charged for the loan of R120 000 for 18 months would be 5,15%
(which is greater than 4,8%). The total interest charged for this loan
would be R9 616,03.
3. a. Month Income Opening 35% added Interest Closing
balance to savings earned balance
Jan R5 449,00 0 R1 907,15 R11,52 R1 918,67
Feb R5 212,00 R1 918,67 R1 824,20 R22,61 R3 765,48
Mar R6 830,00 R3 765,48 R2 390,50 R37,19 R6 193,17
Apr R5 926,00 R6 193,17 R2 074,10 R49,95 R8 317,22
May R7 256,00 R8 317,22 R2 539,60 R65,59 R10 922,41
Jun R6 784,00 R10 922,41 R2 374,40 R80,33 R13 377,14
Jul R5 937,00 R13 377,14 R2 077,95 R93,37 R15 548,46
Aug R6 088,00 R15 548,46 R2 130,80 R106,81 R17 786,07
Sep R6 375,99 R17 786,07 R2 231,60 R120,94 R20 138,61
Oct R7 253,00 R20 138,61 R2 538,55 R137,01 R22 814,17
Nov R7 794,00 R22 814,17 R2 727,90 R154,32 R25 696,39
Dec R5 201,00 R25 696,39 R1 820,35 R166,25 R27 682,99
Note: Interest is calculated as follows:
(opening balance + 35% of deposit) × interest rate × __ 1
​​ 12   ​​

TERM 2  •  UNIT 1 105

b. C
 losing balance R27 682,99
Total deposits – R26 637,10
Interest earned R1 045,89
4. a. 10 July 2010
b. Statement A: 31 August 2011
Statement B: 29 February 2012
c. 8,5% p.a.
d. The closing balance for statement A (31 August 2011) is the opening
balance for statement B (29 February 2012). The closing balance for
statement B equals the opening balance plus the interest earned at a
rate of 8,5% p.a. on the capital amount (the opening balance) for the
six months September 2011 to February 2012.
e. 31 August 2011 to 29 February 2012: 6 months
R4 080,55 × 8,5% × ​​ __ 6
12  ​​ = R173,42

5. a. R564,20 × 0,25% × ​​ __

12  ​​ = R0,12

b. Month Opening Deposit Interest Interest Closing

balance earned rate* balance
Feb. R37 450,65 – R15,60 0,50% R37 466,25
Mar. R37 466,25 – R15,61 0,50% R37 481,96
Apr. R37 481,86 R5 400,00 R17,87 0,50% R42 899,73
May R42 899,73 – R17,87 0,50% R42 917,60
Jun. R42 917,60 – R17,88 0,50% R42 935,48
Jul. R42 935,48 – R17,89 0,50% R42 953,37

* Credit balance
c. Month Balance Interest Interest Closing
charged rate* balance
May R7 226,80 R108,40 18% R7 335,20
June R7 335,20 R110,03 18% R7 445,23
July R7 445,23 R111,68 18% R7 556,91

* Debit balance
She would own R7 556,91 at the end of July.
d. Interest calculated at the end of the month on the closing balance
Statement Opening Purchases Payments Subtotal Interest Interest Closing
period balance paid rate balance
Mar.–Apr. – 984,30 800,00 184,30 2,76 18% 187,06
Apr.–May 187,06 1 278,45 1 000,00 465,51 6,98 18% 472,49
May.–Jun. 472,49 3 400,20 2 000,00 1 872,69 28,09 18% 1 900,78
Jun.–Jul. 1 900,78 621,85 800,00 1 722,63 25,84 18% 1 748,47
Jul.–Aug. 1 748,47 733,90 800,00 1 702,37 25,24 18% 1 727,61
Aug.–Sep. 1 727,61 4 260,56 3 000,00 2 988,17 44,82 18% 3 032,99

Interest paid: R133,73

e. A
 debit balance of R3 032,99 on 8 September


6. a. Robert pays 6,6% interest.
Month Opening balance Interest Closing balance
Jun. 2 500,00 13,75 2 513,75
Jul. 2 513,75 13,83 2 527,58
Aug. 2 527,58 13,90 2 541,48
Sep. 2 541,48 13,98 2 555,46
Oct. 2 555,46 14,06 2 569,52
Nov. 2 569,52 14,13 2 583,65
Dec. 2 583,65 15,50 2 599,15
Jan. 2 599,15 15,59 2 614,74
Feb. 2 614,74 15,69 2 630,43

Interest paid: R130,43

b. Wandile receives 4,7% interest.
Year Capital Interest rate Interest Closing balance
1 30 000,00 4,8% 1 440,00 31 440,00
2 31 440,00 4,8% 1 509,12 32 949,12
3 32 949,12 4,8% 1 581,56 34 530,68
4 34 530,68 4,8% 1 657,47 36 188,15
5 36 188,15 4,8% 1 737,03 37 925,18
6 37 925,18 4,2% 1 592,86 39 518,04
7 39 518,04 4,2% 1 659,76 41 177,80
8 41 177,80 4,2% 1 729,46 42 907,26
9 42 907,26 4,2% 1 802,11 44 709,37
10 44 709,37 4,2% 1 877,79 46 587,16

Interest earned: R16 587,16

1.2  Practice using graphs to show and compare interest growth

Learner’s Book page 192
1. a.
90 000
80 000
70 000
60 000
Amount (R)

50 000
Aunt Lulama
40 000
30 000
20 000
10 000 Uncle Thomas

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37
Time period (months)

b. The interest on the loans from Uncle Thomas and Pumezo are the
c. Answers will differ.
2. Answers will differ.

TERM 2  •  UNIT 1 107

1.3  Practice calculating real costs of long-term loans
Learner’s Book page 202
1. a. Real cost
Deposit + total instalments
R287 500 × 10% + R8 100 × 36 months
= R28 750 + R291 600
= R320 350
Interest paid
HP price – cash price
R320 350 – R287 500
= R32 850
b. R
 eal cost
Deposit + total instalments
= R12 000 + R5 650 × 24 months
= R12 000 + R135 600
= R147 600
Interest paid
HP price – cash price
= R147 600 – R128 250
= R19 350
c. Real cost
Deposit + total instalments
= R337 900 × 12% + R9 200 × 36 months
= R40 548 + R331 200
= R371 748
Interest paid
HP price – cash price
R371 748 – (R337 900 – 5% × R337 900)
= R371 748 – R321 005
= R50 743
2. a. Real cost of the house
Amount borrowed = R355 000 × 90% = R319 500
 Bank A
Monthly payments × 10 years
R4 047,29 × 10 × 12 months
= R485 674,80
 Bank B
R3 146,24 × 15 × 12 months
= R566 323,20
 Bank C
R2 834,29 × 18 × 12 months
= R612 206,64
b. B
 ank A
R485 674,80 – R319 500,00 = R166 174,80
 Bank B
R566 323,20 – R319 500,00 = R246 823,20
 Bank C
R612 206,74 – R319 500,00 = R292 706,64


3. Option 1 (14% compounded annually)
Year Capital Interest Amount due
1 92 000,00 12 880,00 104 880,00
2 104 880,00 14 683,20 119 563,20
3 119 563,20 16 738,85 136 302,05
4 136 302,05 19 082,29 155 384,34
5 155 384,34 21 753,81 177 138,15
6 177 138,15 24 799,34 201 937,49
7 201 937,49 28 271,25 230 208,74
8 230 208,74 32 229,22 262 437,96

Option 2 (18% interest compounded annually)

Year Capital Interest Amount due
1 92 000,00 16 560,00 108 560,00
2 108 560,00 19 540,80 128 100,80
3 128 100,80 23 058,14 151 158,94
4 151 158,94 27 208,61 178 367,55
5 178 367,55 32 106,16 210 473,71
6 210 473,71 37 885,27 248 358,98

Option 3 (interest 18%)

Monthly payments: R1 420,48
Payments: 8 × 12 months = 96 months
Total payment: R1 420,48 × 96 = R136 366,08
Option 4 (interest of 10%)
Monthly payments: R971,82
Payments: 15 × 12 months = 180 months
Total payment: R174 927,60
a. Option 1 2 3 4
Total amount R262 427,96 R248 358,98 R136 366,08 R174 927,60
Capital R92 000,00 R92 000,00 R92 000,00 R92 000,00
Interest paid R170 427,96 R156 358,98 R44 366,08 R82 927,60

Option 3’s loan of over eight years at 10,5% is the cheapest.

b. Answers will differ.

1.4  Investigation: How much interest can you save by increasing your
home loan repayments?
Learner’s Book page 203
Learners discuss the findings of their investigations.

TERM 2  •  UNIT 1 109

Unit 2
Banking, loans and investments
Learner’s Book pages 237–269

Teaching tips
• In this unit, learners revise their knowledge of different types of bank
account and they analyse the accounts to find which ones are most suitable
for people with different needs. Understanding the terminology used to
describe the features of these accounts is an important core skill. Check
that all learners can easily explain these features and give examples of
how they apply in practical situations.
• Calculating, graphing and comparing bank fee options is an opportunity
for learners to apply their calculation and graphing skills while
demonstrating their ability to analyse bank tariff documents.
• The analysis of long-term savings products will help learners develop a
critical understanding of long-term interest growth and projected growth
as described by financial service providers. These are concepts learners
should discuss in relation to their own financial planning for their future.
• The section on stokvels presents an important approach to savings that is
used in many South African communities, and it provides opportunities
to people who would not be eligible to open their own bank investment
accounts. Encourage learners to consider how the stokvel approach to
savings could be applied in their lives. If possible invite members of a
few different stokvel clubs to visit the class and explain how their clubs
• Micro-loans are analysed in the unit, as a type of loan that sometimes
functions differently to a bank loan. These loans can be useful in certain
situations, but they can also lead people into debt trap situations. Help
learners recognise the pitfalls of taking out micro-loans, and encourage
them to discuss alternative options that they could take if they needed to
borrow money.
• The discussion of Islamic banking can be used to raise the question of
whether the usual approach to banking used in South Africa is normal
in all societies. Learners can consider why it is not permitted to charge
or earn interest in the Islamic banking system, and discuss what benefits
and drawbacks such a system might have. If possible, invite an expert on
Islamic banking to explain in more detail to the class how investments and
loans work in this type of banking system.

2.1  Practice choosing suitable bank accounts for different purposes
Learner’s Book page 206
1. a. Debit card account b. Loan account (bond)
c. Savings account d. Credit card account
e. Current account f. Fixed deposit account
2. She could open a debit card/current account for day-to-day transactions
and a savings account for her to save money. Other answers could also
be correct.
3. Answers will differ.


4. E
 xample answers are given below.
Business A could open a current account or savings account for daily
transactions. Profits could be included in the savings account.
Business B could open a current account for daily transactions. The
business could use a savings account for short-term savings or a fixed
deposit for long-term savings.
Business C could open a current account for daily business transactions,
a business credit card for credit transactions and even to pay for fuel for a
delivery vehicle (if required), and a fixed deposit for long-term savings.

2.2  Assignment: Choose the best bank fee option for different accounts
Learner’s Book page 211
Answers will differ.

2.3  Assignment: Use graphs to compare cash withdrawal and deposit fees
Learner’s Book page 218
Answers will differ.

2.4 Assignment: Use graphs to show investment values with different

growth rates and increased premiums
Learner’s Book page 221
Answers will differ.

2.5 Practise using graphs to show contributions and payouts in a stokvel

Learner’s Book page 223

Thembeka’s stokvel contributions and payments



Value (R)



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


2. a. Learners compare graphs.

b. Stokvel contribution of R150 per person.
R75 is paid out to each member in turn.
R75 is deposited into the bank account.
Interest rate: 4,5% p.a.
R75 deposit per member × 12 members
= R900 per month deposited into stokvel account

TERM 2  •  UNIT 2 111

Month Opening Deposit Interest Closing
balance earned balance
1 0 R900 R3,38 R903,38
2 R903,38 R900 R6,67 R1 810,14
3 R1 810,14 R900 R10,16 R2 720,30
4 R2 720,30 R900 R13,58 R3 633,88
5 R3 633,88 R900 R17,00 R4 550,88
6 R4 550,88 R900 R20,44 R5 471,32
7 R5 471,32 R900 R23,89 R6 395,21
8 R6 395,21 R900 R27,36 R7 322,57
9 R7 322,57 R900 R30,83 R8 253,40
10 R8 253,40 R900 R34,33 R9 187,73
11 R9 187,73 R900 R37,83 R10 125,56
12 R10 125,56 R900 R41,35 R11 066,91

c.  enette receives R22,24 of interest (a __

H 1
​​ 12   ​​share of the interest earned).

2.6 Investigation: Compare the effects of changing interest rates,

investment amounts and repayments on the final value of an
investment or a loan
Learner’s Book page 228
Answers will differ.

Unit 3
Learner’s Book pages 231–250

Teaching tips
• The work done on inflation in this unit should be linked to work learners
did in Term 1 on income-and-expenditure statements and budgets. You
can use some of the statements and budgets in the activities in Term 1 as
additional resources for calculating the impact of inflation – for example,
ask learners to recalculate a given provincial or municipal budget if the
inflation rate is 3% or 8,5%.
• In doing calculations in this unit, ask learners to analyse and explain
how price rises due to inflation affect the purchasing power of the
people or businesses concerned. In this way, learners can develop their
understanding of how a financial process such as inflation affects many
aspects of people’s daily lives, ability to plan for the future and so on.
• The concept of an average is important in the section on average price
increases. Check that learners understand what an average tells us about
a situation – it gives a general picture of the size of an increase in prices,
although an item or a service may change by a percentage that differs from
the average price increase due to inflation. By comparing inflation rates
for different goods and services, learners will get a better understanding of
this concept. Here, as in earlier units, a key calculation skill that learners
must have is the ability to calculate percentage increases.


• Let learners compile a list of their households basket of goods as a basis
for tracking the effect of inflation on their lives. They can then repeat this
activity by focusing on different groups of people to see how inflation
affects certain sectors of society. For example, a basket of goods for
babies and young children may have an inflation rate that differs from
that for teenagers; people who are chronically ill may experience inflation
more severely than people who do not need to buy medicine or special
foods on a regular basis.
• The inflation graphs in the Learner’s Book give learners the opportunity
to develop their graph-reading skills. These graphs are also resources for
analysing increasing inflation rates and declining/decreasing inflation
rates. The graphs show that a decrease in the inflation rate is not a
decrease in prices – it is a smaller increase in prices. You will find graphs
that give up-to-date inflation rates and trends in the business sections of
newspapers and on the internet.
• The last section of the unit links inflation to investment accounts and
interest rates. Learners can research the current average inflation rate
and compare various investment account options offered by banks in the
same period to see which accounts could let long-term savings grow at an
interest rate that is higher than inflation.

3.1 Practise calculating changes in purchasing power because of inflation
Learner’s Book page 234

1. Year 1 Income Expenditure

Fixed salary R6 600 Home loan repayment R2 150,00
 Train fare R826,00
 Groceries and food R2 500,00
 Clothing account R750,00
 Cellphone contract R159,00
 Total R6 385,00
 Credit balance R215,00
End of year Amount
Fixed salary R6 600,00
Home loan (R2 150 + 0,5%) R2 160,75
Train fare (R826 + 7,5%) R887,95
Groceries and food (R2 500 + 6,2%) R2 655,00
Clothing account R750,00
Cellphone contract R159,00
 R6 612,70
Debit balance R12,70

 t the start of the year, Fikile’s salary covered 100% of his expenses, with
a credit balance left over.
At the end of the year, his salary covered _______
​​ R6R6612,70
  ​​× 100% = 99,81 of his
b. Year 2
Salary: R6 600 + 5% increase = R6 930,00
Expenditure: R6 612,30
Fikile’s salary now covers all his expenses, with a credit balance of
R6 930 – R6 612,30 = R317,70 left over.

TERM 2  •  UNIT 3 113

2. a. Saving of R1 500 per month × 10 = R15 000 cost of new equipment
R15 000 + 12% increase = R16 800
Jocelyn needs to save an extra R1 800.
b. J ocelyn will need to save for an extra two months to afford the
equipment at the new price.
c. T he price of the equipment will increase again in the next two months.
3. a. Weekly wage: R  25,60 per hour is about the same as his income × 35
= R896,00
His expenditure is about the same as his income (R896,00).
R896 + 7,5% = R963,20
Increase in weekly wage: R963,20 ÷ 35 = R27,52
His pay must increase by R27,52 per hour.
b. R 963,20 ÷ R25,60 per hour = 37,625
Rounded up to 38 hours per week
Zuban will need to work an extra three hours.

3.2 Investigation: Compile a basket of goods table for your household

Learner’s Book page 237
Answers will differ.

3.3 Practice comparing rates of price change

Learner’s Book page 238

1. Item Old price New price Percentage Rank

increase (lowest to
a. Electricity R0,6160/kWh R0,8194/kWh 33,02 5
b. Taxi fare R5 per trip R5,50 per trip 10 3
c. Flat screen R4 599 R4 299 –6,52 2
d. Movie ticket R12,50 R16,50 32 4
e. Apples R11,25 per kg R6,80 per kg –39,56 1

2. a. June to September: ​​ ___________

R15,40 − R12,10
R12,10  ​​ 
  × 100% = 27,3%

J anuary to June: ___________

R12,10 − R14,50
b. ​​  R14,50  ​​ 
  × 100% = −16,6%
June to December: ​​ ___________
R18,64 − R12,10
R12,10  ​​× 100% = 54,1%

From June to December there was the highest increase.

January to April: ​​ __________

R9,95 − R14,50
c. ​​ 
R14,50    × 100% = −31,38%

3. January to December: ___________

R18,65 − R14,50
​​  R14,50  ​​× 100% = 28,6%

3.4 Assignment: Analyse how inflation rates differ for different food items
Learner’s Book page 238
Answers will differ.


3.5 Practice reading graphs of inflation
Learner’s Book page 241
1. a. September 2010 to January 2012
b. Administered prices has the highest rate of inflation for the period.
c. Public transport
d. Public transport
e. Food
f. i. F
 ebruary 2011
ii. June 2011
2. a. Answers will differ.
b. January 1992 to September 1993, January 1995 to January 1996,
January 1997 to January 1998, January 1999 to January 2000
c. Answers will differ.
d. i. M  ost different: January 1991 to January 1996
ii. Most similar: January 1997 to September 2001
3. a. The annual inflation rate and the growth rate for house prices are
b. Answers will differ.
c. About 37%
In 1981, house prices were growing at an annual rate of 37% p.a.
d. The rate of inflation for house prices declined for the period 2004
to 2008.
e. 1992: R450 000
1993: R450 000 + 5% = R472 500
1994: R472 500 + 7% = R505 575
The house would have been worth between R472 500 and R505 575 if
sold in 1994.
f. Answers will differ.
4. a. i. Jan 2009: R5,70
 Oct 2011: R10,24
 ​​ __________
R10,24 − R5,70
R5,70  ​​ 
  × 100% = 79,649% ≈ 80%
ii. Jan 2009: R6,40
 Oct 2011: R9,45
 ​​ __________
R9,45 − R6,40
R6,40   ​​× 100% = 47,66% ≈ 48%

b. Jan 2010: R7,78

June 2010: R8,00
​​ __________
R8,00 − R7,78
R7,78   ​​× 100% = 2,83% ≈ 3%

c. Jan 2010: R6,76

June 2010: R7,49
​​ __________
R7,49 − R6,76
R6,76   ​​× 100% = 10,80% ≈ 11%

The diesel price rose at a higher rate over the period.
d. Answers will differ.

TERM 2  •  UNIT 3 115

Revise and consolidate
Learner’s Book page 246
1. Single loan
Year Capital amount Interest Closing balance
1 R36 000,00 R3 024,00 R39 024,00
2 R39 024,00 R3 278,02 R42 302,02
3 R42 302,02 R3 553,37 R45 855,39

 otal interest paid: R9 855,39

Three separate loans (fully paid back at end of each year)
Year Capital Interest Closing balance
1 R12 000 R1 008 R13 008
2 R10 500 R882 R11 382
3 R13 500 R1 134 R14 614
R39 024

Total interest paid: R3 024

The three separate loans option is a much cheaper option for Luvuyo.
2. a. 35 months
b. i. b etween 16,7% and 30%
ii. between R143 185 and R170 139
c. R1 000
d. Answers will differ.
3. a. Interest calculated monthly/quarterly/half-yearly
b,c. Answers will differ.
3. d. Interest Interest rate Interest Closing
calculated earned balance
Monthly 4,20% (0,35% per month) R2 186,73 R27 186,73
Quarterly 4,20% (1,05% per quarter) R2 178,82 R27 178,82
Half-yearly 4,20% (2,1% per half-year) R2 185,80 R27 167,08
Annually 4,28% R2 185,80 R27 185,80
On expiry 4,37% R1 092,50 R26 092,50

Investing the R25 000 at a rate of 4,2% with interest calculated

monthly, or at a rate of 4,28% with interest calculated annually will
give the largest closing balance.
e. Interval at Growth of first investment Growth of second
which interest (R16 000) with interest investment (R16 000) with
is compounded compounded quarterly interest compounded
(months) at 4,4% p.a annually at 4,48% p.a.
0 R16 000,00 R16 000,00
3 R16 176,00
6 R16 353,94
9 R16 533,83
12 R16 715,70 R16 716,80
15 R16 899,57
18 R17 085,47
21 R17 273,41


Interval at Growth of first investment Growth of second
which interest (R16 000) with interest investment (R16 000) with
is compounded compounded quarterly interest compounded
(months) at 4,4% p.a annually at 4,48% p.a.
24 R17 463,42 R17 465,71
27 R17 655,52
30 R17 849,73
33 R18 046,07
36 R18 244,58 R18 248,18

The second investment of R16 000, where interest is compounded

annually, grows slightly better than the first investment of R16 000
where interest is compounded quarterly.
4. If Mervyn invests the money in a fixed deposit, reinvests the money
every 36 months (and takes a one-year investment in the final year), he
would receive a total of R224 000,18 (assuming interest rates for the fixed
deposit remain unchanged).
The amount is less than the minimum amount given for the retirement
R39 700 × ​​​(______ ) ​​​  ​​ × (​​ ​  100    ) 
100 + 6,4 27 _______
100 + 5,69
​  100 ​   ​ ​​
= R224 000,18
5. a. She pays back the whole debit balance three days after the due date.

Month Opening Purchases Payments Interest Closing

balance balance
June – 5 997,52 112,45 6 109,97
July 6 109,97 12 962,38 6 109,97 243,04 13 205,42
August 13 205,42 5 601,05 13 205,42 105,02 5 706,07
September 5 706,07 11 778,55 5 706,07 220,85 11 999,40

b. S
 he pays 75% of the debit balance by the due date.

Month Opening Purchases Payments Interest Closing

balance balance
June – 5 997,52 4 498,14 28,11 1 527,49
July 1 527,49 12 962,38 10 867,40 67,92 3 690,39
August 3 690,39 5 601,05 6 968,58 43,55 2 366,41
September 2 366,41 11 778,55 10 608,72 66,30 36 602,54

c. She pays off the whole debit balance every second month.

Month Opening Purchases Payments Interest Closing

balance balance
June – 5 997,52 112,45 6 109,97
July 6 109,97 12 962,38 19 072,35 0 –
August – 5 601,05 105,02 5 706,07
September 5 706,07 11 778,55 17 484,62 0 –

6. a. The stokvel consists of 11 people who each contribute R60 a month.

Each member, therefore, contributes R660 in one year and receives
this amount at the end of the year.

TERM 2  •  UNIT 3 117

b. Month Opening Contribution Interest Closing
balance earned balance
1 0 R600 R1,60 R601,50
2 R601,60 R600 R3,20 R1 204,80
3 R1 204,80 R600 R4,81 R1 809,61
4 R1 809,61 R600 R6,43 R2 416,04
5 R2 416,04 R600 R8,04 R3 024,08
6 R3 024,08 R600 R9,66 R3 633,74
7 R3 633,74 R600 R11,29 R4 245,03
8 R4 245,03 R600 R12,92 R4 857,95
9 R4 857,95 R600 R14,55 R5 472,50
10 R5 472,50 R600 R16,19 R6 088,69
11 R6 088,69 R600 R17,84 R6 706,53
12 R6 706,53 R600 R19,48 R7 326,01
c. R 7 326,01 ÷ 10 members = R732,60
7. a. A homeowner could increase the monthly bond repayments and
reduce the rate of interest.
b. A nswers will differ.
8. a. R6 990,98
b. T otal interest (20 years): R927 835,20
Total interest (15 years): R659 704,20
The homeowner would save:
R927 835,20 – R659 704,20
= R268 131,00 in interest
c. Total cost of loan at 9,2% over 15 years: R1 385 368,20
Total cost of loan at 9,2% over 20 years: R1 642 732,80
9. a. Year Consumer price Food price index Difference:
index CPI – FPI
2007 7,1% 10,4% –3,3%
2008 11,5% 16,7% –5,2%
2009 7,1% 9,3% –2,2%
2010 4,3% 0,8% 3,5%
2011 5,0% 7,2% –2,2%

Consumer price index (CPI)
Food price index

Mar. 2007

Jun. 2007

Sep. 2007

Dec. 2007

Mar. 2008

Jun. 2008

Sep. 2008

Dec. 2008

Mar. 2009

Jun. 2009

Sep. 2009

Dec. 2009

Mar. 2010

Jun. 2010

Sep. 2010

Dec. 2010

Mar. 2011



c. Year Opening Average Inflationary Closing Purchasing
amount inflation amount amount power
2007 R7 452,00 7,1% R529,09 R7 981,09 93,37%
2008 R7 981,09 11,5% R917,83 R8 898,92 83,74%
On 1 January 2009, Mrs Jooste’s salary had the purchasing power of
88,74% of her salary in January 2007.
d. In January 2009, her salary increased by 8,3% to R8 070,52.
The purchasing power of her salary was then:
​​ _______
R8 070,52
​​× 100% = 90,69%
R8 898,92  

e. R
 3 500 + 0,8% = R3 528
The Mohole family needed to spend an extra R28 per month.
f. R
 3 500 + 7,2% = R3 752
or, R3 528 + 7,2% = R3 782,02

Unit 4
Learner’s Book pages 251–258

Teaching tips
• This unit helps to revise and apply the concepts that learners developed in
Grade 10 and Grade 11.
• This year, learners are expected to express scale as a unitary ratio (in the
form of 1: another number), so it is important that you revise the basic
concepts of equivalent ratios and simplifying ratios before tackling this
topic. You can find examples in the basic skills section of the Learner’s
Book (pages 513 and 514).
• Make sure the learners are able to measure distances on maps and convert
them to real distances before you ask them to work with real distances and
draw their own scaled diagrams. The revision tasks in the Learner’s Book
can be used to do this.
• In order to make it easy to manage this unit, some real lengths are given.
However, it will be more interesting and engaging if you let the learners
measure real distances at school and use these to developed scaled
diagrams of school buildings. They can work in groups and use a long
measuring tape (the industrial type).

4.1  Practise working out distances using a map scale
Learner’s Book page 252
1. a. 60 mm = 60 km b. 40 mm = 144 km
10 mm = 10 km 1 0 mm = 36 km
1 cm = 10 km 1 cm = 36 km
c. 40 mm = 120 m d. 40 mm = 140 m
10 mm = 30 m 10 mm – 35 m
1 cm = 30 m 1 cm = 35 m

TERM 2  •  UNIT 4 119

2. a. 120 000 mm = 120 m
b. 3 cm = 30 mm × 120 000 mm
= 3 600 000 mm
= 3,6 km
c. 1 2,5 cm × 120 000
= 1 500 000 cm
= 15 km
d. 3 8,25 cm × 120 000 = 4 590 000 cm
= 45,9 km
3. a. 29 mm × 150 = 4 350 mm
= 4,35 m
= 0,00435 km
b. 2 9 mm × 1 500 = 43 500 mm
= 43,5 m
= 0,0435 km
c. 2 9 mm × 15 000 = 435 000 m
= 435 m
= 0,0435 km
d. 2 9 mm × 150 000 = 4 350 000 mm
= 4,35 km
e. 2 9 mm × 1 500 000 = 43 500 000 mm
= 43,5 km
f. 2 9 mm × 15 000 000 = 435 000 000 mm
= 435 km
g. 29 mm × 150 000 000 = 4 350 000 000 mm
= 4 350 km
4. a. Length: 68 mm ÷ 10 mm × 0,8 m
= 5,44 m (internal measurement)
Width: 49 mm ÷ 10 mm × 0,8 m
= 3,92 m (internal measurement)
b. 1 3 mm ÷ 10 mm × 0,8 m
= 1,04 m
= 104 cm
c. D iameter = 14 mm
14 mm ÷ 10 mm × 0,8 m
= 1,12 m
= 112 cm
d . 10 mm 33 mm
10 mm

10 mm

6 mm 27 mm
6 mm
22 mm

16 mm

10 mm

Length of rectangle A: 33 mm ÷ 10 mm × 0,8 m = 2,64 m

Length of rectangle B: 22 mm ÷ 10 mm × 0,8 m = 1,76 m
Width of rectangles A and B: 10 mm ÷ 10 mm × 0,8 m = 0,8 m


Length of sides of square C: 10 mm ÷ 10 mm × 0,8 m = 0,8 m
Height of triangle D: 6 mm ÷ 10 mm × 0,8 m = 0,48 m
Base of triangle D: 6 mm ÷ 10 mm × 0,8 m = 0,48 m
Surface area of desk:
Area of A + area of B + area of C + area of D
= (2,64 × 0,8 m) + (1,76 × 0,8 m) + (0,8 × 0,8 m) + _​​ 12 ​​(0,48 × 0,48 m)
= 2,112 + 1,408 + 0,64 + 0,1152
= 4,2752 m2

4.2  Practise measuring map distances and working with scale

Learner’s Book page 252

1. Answers will differ.

2. a. Distance on map: 10 mm
10 mm × 15 000 000
= 150 000 000 mm
= 150 km
b. 4 mm × 15 000 000
= 60 000 000 mm
= 60 km
c. 23 mm × 15 000 000
= 345 000 000 mm
= 345 km
d. 17 mm × 15 000 000
= 255 000 000 mm
= 255 km

TERM 2  •  UNIT 4 121

4.3  Practise using real distances to calculate measurements on a plan
Learner’s Book page 254

1. a. 1 : 200

42,50 m

23,75 m


b. 1 : 500 c. 1 : 1000

42,50 m
42,50 m
23,75 m

23,75 m
2. Answers will differ.

4.4  Practise determining scale in the form of a ratio

Learner’s Book page 255
1. a. 15 mm = 10 m b. 13 mm = 1 km
15 mm = 10 000 mm 1 3 mm = 1 000 000 mm
Map scale: 1 : 667 1 = 76 923,07
Map scale: 1 : 76 923
2. a. 6,1 cm = 312 cm b. 6,7 cm = 1,68 m
1 = 51,15 6 ,7 cm = 168 cm
Scale: 1 : 51 1 = 25,07
Scale: 1 : 25
c. 98 mm = 3 714 mm
1 : 37,89
Scale: 1 : 38
3. 65 mm = 48,75 km
65 mm = 48 750 000 mm
1 : 750 000

4.5 Practise determining scale and using it to determine dimensions

Learner’s Book page 257
1. (Using suggestion for scale)
a. 90 mm = 900 m
90 mm = 900 000 mm
1 : 10 000
b. 98 mm × 10 000 = 980 000 mm
= 0,98 km
c. 32 mm + 12,5 + 5 = 49,5
≈ 50 mm
50 mm × 10 000 = 500 000 mm
= 0,5 km

TERM 2  •  UNIT 4 123

d. 5 0 mm × 10 000 = 500 000 m
= 0,5 km
Approximately 550 m
e. Leaners discuss estimations.
2. a. 1 cm = 20 km
1 cm = 2 000 000 cm
1 : 2 000 000
b. Distance in centimetres Distance in km
(cm) on map
Start – Station 1 4 80
Station 1–2 3,3 66
Station 2–3 2 40
Station 3–4 5,7 114
Station 4–5 5,7 114
Station 5–6 2,5 50
Station 6–7 2 40
Station 7–8 5,5 110
Station 8 – finish 5,8 116

c. 7 30 km
d.  ime = ​​ ______
T distance
speed   ​​ 
 = ​​ ______
730 km
45 km/h 
 = 16,22 hours
 = 16 hours 13 minutes 12 seconds
3. a. 730 km ÷ 6 km/ℓ = 121,67 ℓ
b. 121,67 ÷ 90 ℓ = 1,35
The vehicle would need 2 tanks of petrol.
c. Answers will differ.

Unit 5
Learner’s Book pages 259–282

Teaching tips
• In this unit, learners are expected to apply and combine the skills they
already have to work with a range of plans and maps in different contexts.
Much of the learning is assumed and you may need to check that learners
remember how to read and interpret different types of map and other
information before you introduce them to the tasks.
• Learners have worked with floor plans and simple maps before. In this
unit, they will work with the same kinds of maps in different contexts.
They will also learn how to read and interpret street maps with an index
and grid system, maps that show larger areas (maps of South Africa) and
elevation maps (also called cross sections).
• It will be useful to have floor plans of local shopping centres. You may
find such floor plans at the information kiosks at the centres. Use these


floor plans to revise the basic skills of locating places on a map. Working
with maps of places that are familiar to the learners can help them
formalise their spatial and mapping abilities.
• Street maps books of your province are also a useful classroom resource
as they have maps of small areas and they also contain a detailed index to
place names that you can refer to as you work through the unit. Learners
can make up activities for each other to complete using local area maps.
• At this level learners are expected to work with compass directions when
they are giving or interpreting directions. This topic should not be difficult
for learners at all as they have previously used compass directions (also in
Social Studies and last year when working with elevations).
• At the very least, you should have an atlas available in class for the
learners to use. Remind them that atlas maps tend to show north at the top
and that they can work out the other directions when they know where
north is.
• The most common use of road maps is probably to find your way while
driving. Make sure the learners understand how to read the distance
indicators on these maps. They may be presented in different ways by
different publishers.
• If someone has access to a GPS system, use it to show the class how maps
and routes appear on these systems. The distances given by the GPS are
exact, and it could be a fun activity to compare these with distances given
on a map.
• Make sure that learners remember and understand that a profile or
elevation map is like a line graph that shows distance (in kilometres) on
the horizontal axis and height (in metres usually) on the vertical axis. The
height (or altitude) is often given on both sides of the graph to make it
easier to read the values.

5.1  Practise describing the positions of places on a map
Learner’s Book page 259
1. a. Add the number of seats in one long row.
19 + (9 × 23) – [17 – (7 + 1) + 17 – (6 + 1)]
= 19 + 207 – (9 + 10)
= 207 seats
b. Starting at entrance 2, go to the fourth row from the back. This is
row G. Seat G19 is the fifth seat from the right.
c. The sound and lighting box is positioned at the back of the theatre
between seats I7 and J6 on the left and I17 and J17 on the right.
d. G1
e. Rows A, I and J have fewer seats.
Rows I and J have fewer seats because of the position of the sound
and ligting box. There are fewer seats in row A so that the audience in
this row can see more of the stage.
f. S eat number 12 or less for rows B to J. Seats 10 or less for row A.
2. Instructions will differ. Learners can check each other’s work.
3. a. The suburb Silvamonte is shown on grid DU 109 on page 58 of the
map book.
b. Grid EB86, page 126

TERM 2  •  UNIT 5 125

c. T  here are two Similane Streets on page 176 with similar grid
references (EN 113 for Ncala and EM 113 for Skozona).
d. S immonds Street runs across Park Central, Braamfontein and
e. Y es. Germiston and Simmerfield is at grid DX 115 on page 111 and
Simmerfield is also on grid DX 113 on the same page.
4. a. It is located in DU 100 between Simmonds Street and Loveday Street.
b. T he Civic Centre
c. B otswana
d. T  he National School of the Arts is at the T-junction where Simmonds
Street joins Hoofd Street.
e. T  he Witwatersrand University’s East Campus is northeast of the
Joburg Theatre on Jan Smuts Avenue.
f. i. D  S 100
ii. D  U 99
iii. DS 99
g. Escombe Avenue
h. i. 4
ii. M1
iii. Parktown Boys’ High School
i. No, Nisha cannot take the first right into Hoofdt Street. It is a one-way

5.2  Practise using a street map

Learner’s Book page 263
1. D rive south on Jan Smuts Avenue. Turn left into Ameshoff Street.
Continue along Ameshoff Street and turn left in to Simmonds Street.
The Joburg Theatre is on your right.
2. Sandile should walk north along Rissik Street. He should turn left into
Viljoen Street and turn right into Station Street. Rosebank College is on
the right.
3. Sandile should walk west along Kotze Street. He should turn left into
Joubert Street and follow it as it turns to the right and become De Korte
Street. Sandile should walk north along Rissik Street. He should turn left
into Viljoen Street and turn right into Station Street. Rosebank College is
on the right.
4. a. Approximately 8 000 m
b. A pproximately 7,3 km
c. 2 00 m × 100 m = 20 000 m2
(The scale is approximately 10 cm : 1 km, thus 1 : 10 000.)

5.3  Practise working with compass directions

Learner’s Book page 265
1. a. North
b. W
c. E ast
d. N  orth and then west along Kudu Crescent, and turning south into the
parking area
2. a. If the shops are on Main Street, then Andile is facing south. If the
shops across Ndlovu Drive are to Andile’s right, he is facing north.
b. E  ast


c. From To Direction
Post office Petrol station East
Petrol station Mosque North
Mosque School Southwest
School Community health centre Northeast
Church Post office Southeast

4. A
 nswers will differ.
5. a. Paul Roux
b. Excelsior
c. From To Direction
Armenia Dam Allemanskraal Dam North
Allemanskraal Dam Erfenis Dam Southwest
Bethlehem Buthu-Buthe South
Maseru Bethlehem Northeast
Verkeerdevlei Brandfort Northwest

5.4  Practise reading and making sense of different maps

Learner’s Book page 267
1. 5 0 mm = 2 850 km
1 mm = 57 km
1 mm = 57 000 000 mm
1 : 57 000 000
2. s = ​​ _dt  ​​  3 h 50 min. = 3,833 h

= ______
​​  23,833
850 km
= 743,5 km/h
3. East-southeast (ESE)
4. 1 cm = 5 km
1 cm = 500 000 cm
1 : 500 000
5. The map of Africa
6. The map of Mauritius
7. a. Southeast
b. Approximate distance: 3 cm on map
So, 15 km
c. Time = ​​ ______
speed   ​​ 
 = ​​ ______
15 km
45 km/h 
 = 0,33 h
 = 18 min.
8. a. Departure time – 2 h – time to travel to the airport
9:15 a.m. – 2 h – 18 min.
= 6:57 a.m.
b. Departure time 9:15 (Mauritius time)
Flight duration  3:50
Arrival time 13:05 (Mauritius time)
Arrival time 11:05 (SA time)

TERM 2  •  UNIT 5 127

5.5  Practise planning and budgeting for a trip
Learner’s Book page 268
1. a. 7 532 × 3,5569 = 26 790,57 rupees
b. 2 6 790,57 + (26 790,57 × 0,26%)
= 26 790,57 + 69,66
= 26 860,23
c. 0,28114 : 1
2. a. Durban is much cheaper than the other cities.
b. A  bout $111 per day
c. $111 × R8,64 = R959,04
d. R  959,04 × 3,5569 = 3 411,21 rupees
3. a. (4 × 3) + (16 × 4) = 76 seats
b. r ows 5–20
c. seats 5A–5D
d. 5 A or 5D
e. Answers will differ.
4. a. Seat 9D is 12 rows from the back, where the toilet (lavatory) is
located. Seat 9D is on the starboard side of the plane (on the right
when facing forward). The bathroom is at the back on the port (left
side when facing forward).
b. S eat 9D is in the 9th row from the front of the aeroplane.
c. The nearest emergency exits are located on either side of the aircraft at
the front of the cabin.

5.6  Practise working with directions and distances

Learner’s Book page 270
1. a–c. Answers will differ.
d. S
2. a. 29,1 km b. 23 min.
c. 0,3 km d. 12 km
3. a. The ICC is west of Snell Road.
b. Pierre will see the beach front and the ocean.
c. • Head south on Snell Road.
• Take first right into OR Tambo Parade.
• At the roundabout, turn left into KE Masinga Road.
• Turn left into Sylvester Ntuli Road.
• Turn right in Bram Fisher Road.
• Carry on straight along Bram Fisher Road.
• The hotel is on the right.
d. Drive in an easterly direction past the Sahara stadium, Kingsmead on
your left. Turn right into Florence Nzama Street and right into Bram
Fisher Road. The ICC is on your left.

5.7  Practise working with strip maps

Learner’s Book page 273
1. a–c. Answers will differ.
d. Map A
2. a. 130 km b. 5 45 km – 210 km = 335 km
c. 439 km d. Kokstad; Brook’s Nek


3. a. Durban–Port Shepstone 280 km
Port Shepstone–Port St Johns 251 km
Port St Johns–N2 112 km
Umtata–East London 245 km
East London–PE  259 km
  1 147 km
b. Time = ​​  speed   ​​  

 = ​​ ______
1 147 km
95 km/h  ​​
 = 12,07 h
= 12 h 4 min. 12 s
c. Departs Durban 5:00
Duration to East London* 9:21
Coffee break 0:30
Lunch break  1:15
* Time to get to East London: 1 147 km – 259 km = 888 km
​​ ______
888 km
​​= 9,35 h = 9 h 21 min.
95 km/h 
Pierre arrives in East London at 16:06.
d. ​​ ______
259 km
100 km/h  = 2,59 h
 = 2 h 35 min. 24 s
4. a. 1 147 km ÷ 12,5 km/ℓ = 91,76 ℓ
b. 91,76 ℓ × R11,85/ℓ = R1 087,36
c. R
 297 × 2 = R594
5. Renting a car
Rental R594,00
Petrol R1 087,36
R1 681,36
R  eturn flight: R3 294 ÷ 2 = R1 647 for a single ticket
T  ravelling by car R1 681,36
T  ravelling by aeroplane R1 647,00
It costs R34,36 more to travel from Durban to Port Elizabeth in a hired car.
6. a. Arrival 14:55
Departure 13:35
Flight duration 1:20
​​ _____
687 km
​​= 515,38 km/h
1 h 20 min. = 1,333 hours
b. Driving distance along the N2: 964 km
Flying distance: 687 km
The flying distance is 277 km shorter than the driving distance.
The driving distance as calculated for question 3(a): 1 147 km
The flying distance is also 460 km shorter than the distance of 1 147 km.
7. A
 nswers will differ.

5.8  Practise interpreting route and elevation maps

Learner’s Book page 276
1. a. Answers will differ. It is about 1 : 250 000.
b. Answers will differ. It is about 60 km.
c. Answers will differ. It would take about 3 h 20 min. if the route is 60 km.

TERM 2  •  UNIT 5 129

2. A nswers will differ.
3. a. 113 km
b. 3 50 m
c. Answers will differ.
4. a. Mostly level
b. U phill
c. There are three pairs of uphill and downhill sections.
d. M ostly level
5. Answers will differ.
6. Answers will differ.
7. a. Answers may differ, the example is based on the answer to
question 1(b) and a distance of 60 km.
Pierre: ​​ ______
60 km
13 km/h  = 4,615 ≈ 4 h 36 min. 54 s
  ≈ 4 h 37 min.
Cousin: ​​ _______
60 km
13,5 km/h = 1,905 ≈ 1 h 54 min. 20 s
b. Pierre’s cousin would finish first. She would wait almost two hours
and 43 minutes for Pierre to finish.
c. The example answer is based on a distance of 60 km.
2 h 29 min. = 2,483 h
Speed = ____
​​  60 km
​​= 24,16 km/h
2,48 h  
This is slower than the cousin’s speed; it is quite slow.

Revise and consolidate

Learner’s Book page 280
1. a. 30 mm b. 15 mm
c. 40 mm d. 45 mm
e. 10 mm
2. a. a. 100 km b. a. 37,5 km
b. 50 km b. 18,75 km
c. 133,33 km c. 50 km
d. 150 km d. 56,25 km
e. 33,33 km e. 12,5 km
c. a. 90 000 mm = 90 m d. a. 9 000 000 mm = 9 km
b. 45 000 mm = 45 m b. 4 500 000 mm = 4,5 km
c. 120 000 mm = 120 m c. 12 000 000 mm = 12 km
d. 135 000 mm = 135 m d. 13 500 000 mm = 13,5 km
e. 30 000 mm = 30 m e. 3 000 000 mm = 3 km
3. a. i. 6 7,5 km ii. 290 km
b. i. North east ii. South west
4. 40 mm : 150 km
40 mm : 150 000 000 mm
1: 3 750 000
a. approximately 260 km
b. 2 h 45 min. = 2,75 h (​​ __
45 _ 3
60 ​​ = ​​  4 ​​ = 0,75)
​​ _____
260 km
​​= 95 km/h
2,75 h  


c. A  nswers will differ.
Using the distance estimated in question 4(a):
260 km ÷ 8 km/ℓ = 32,5 ℓ
d. R11,85 × answer from question 4(c):
R11,85 × 32,5 ℓ = R385,13
5. a. Answers depends on answer in question 4(c).
An example is given below.
6,68 × R11,85 + 19,25c + 9,35c
= 79,158c/km + 28,6c/km
= 107,758c/km
≈ 108c/km
b. Answers will differ.
An example is R1,08/km.
c. Answers will differ.
An example is R1,08 + 12,5% × R1,08 = R1,21/km.
d. Answers will differ.
6. a. Elevation maps
b. Route 1: 9 km
Route 2: 19 km
7. a. 506 m b. 558 m
c. 510 m d. 558 m – 506 m = 52 m
8. a. Going uphill b. Cycling on level ground
c. Going downhill d. Going uphill

Unit 6
Measuring length and distance
Learner’s Book pages 283–300

Teaching tips
• Learners have been developing their skills at length and distance
measurement throughout their schooling, so in this Grade 12 unit, the
emphasis is on more complex applications of these skills in a variety of
• The first section of the unit focuses on estimation skills – learners should
develop a systematic approach to length estimation, rather than relying
on random guesses in different situations. The examples set out in the
Learner’s Book can be augmented or replaced with appropriate examples
from a local context. For example, the estimation of street length can be
replaced by an estimation of a given distance between two landmarks on a
street, farm or other familiar environment.
• Estimation, calculation and costs are also linked in this unit. Learners
will do many activities in later measurement units that involve costing
materials needed for building projects. The practice work they do in this
unit to estimate and calculate the costs of different lengths or distances
will give them an opportunity to revise skills they will need to apply later
in the course.
• Compiling a travel logbook and a travel budget for tax or business
purposes is an opportunity to revise content that was first introduced in

TERM 2  •  UNIT 6 131

Grade 11, and that is referred to again in later measurement units and also
in relation to income tax in the unit on taxation in Term 3.
• There are various opportunities in this unit for learners to practise and
extend their skills at reading diagrams and plans, in order to calculate
materials needed for construction projects. Reading maps is also involved
in the interpretation of information relating to contexts such as distances
travelled and internet connections.

6.1  Practise estimating lengths and costs
Learner’s Book page 289
1,2. Answers will differ.
3. a. Estimated gap between trees:
146,4 m ÷ (16 + 2 trees) = 8,13 m per tree
1 000 m ÷ 8,13 m = 123 trees
b. 2 400 ÷ 8,13 m = 295,20 ≈ 295 trees
c. (295 trees × 90 minutes per tree ÷ 60 minutes × R100/h)
+ (R349,99 per tree × 295 trees)
= R44 250 + R103 247,05
= R147 497,05
4. 146,4 m ÷ 10 m = 14,64
 = 14 benches
5–8. Answers will differ.

6.2  Practise estimating and calculating lengths

Learner’s Book page 295
1. a. Length: 29 cm
Width: 39 cm
b. L
 eg lengths: 7 0 cm (height) + 5 cm (handles) – 5 cm (height of castors)
= 70 cm
Height of castors: 5 cm
c. 39 cm
d. Sides must be 29 cm apart.
Length of supporting bars: 28 cm
e. Legs: 70 cm each
Side bars: 28 cm each
Handles: 38 mm each
(4 × 70) + (6 × 28) + (2 × 38)
= 280 + 168 + 76
= 524 cm
f,g. Answers will differ.
2. a. Section Cupboard Width
Solid panel  1 and 2  250 mm
Solid panel 3  200 mm
Glass doors 2  250 mm
Solid doors 1  350 mm
Solid doors  2 and 4  250 mm
Solid doors 3  300 mm


b. i. W
 ood for cupboard doors:
 (350 mm + 4 × 250 mm) length × 500 mm width
 = 1 350 mm × 500 mm piece of wood
 Cupboard panels:
 4 panels × 250 mm width × 500 mm height
 = 1 000 mm × 500 mm
or 2 500 mm × 2 000 mm piece of wood
ii. Glass doors: 250 mm width × 500 m height × 3 doors
= 500 mm × 750 mm sheet of glass
Answers will differ.

6.3  Practise reading and interpreting information about Internet

connections around Africa
Learner’s Book page 298
1. It connects Melkbosstrand and Mtunzini. It is larger than the other cables.
2–4. Learners discuss and explain their answers.
5. Terabits/gigabits
6–8. Learners discuss their answers.

6.4  Investigation: What does a road cost?

Learner’s Book page 300
Answers will differ.

Unit 7
Measuring mass
Learner’s Book pages 301–319

Teaching tips
• In this unit, learners continue the work they did in Grade 10 and Grade 11
using a variety of scales to measure small and large masses. A focus of
this unit is the body mass of adults and children, and learners do a variety
of activities to monitor body mass in relation to accepted norms of adult
and child health.
• The body mass index (BMI) weight status categories are the focus of a
group of activities that involve gathering and organising mass data for
adults. Learners calculate the BMI of a few adults, and then monitor and
compare the weight status of different groups of adults, based on the BMI
data collected for people in each group.
• The body mass of children is monitored with reference to the Road to
health chart for very young children and BMI charts for older children.
Learners read and interpret these charts, using their skills at reading
graphs. They then do an investigation to monitor the growth patterns of
children using data they collected.
• Mass measurement is related to health concerns in the section on food,
nutrient mass and body mass. Learners interpret information about mass
given on food packaging, and critically assess a news report about food
and body mass.

TERM 2  •  UNIT 7 133

• Calculating the cost of food portions by mass is the focus of the next
section. Learners calculate the costs of food portions and the prices that
must be set to give a desired percentage profit. They apply these methods
to developing a healthy daily diet for young children and calculating the
cost of such a diet.
• The relationship between mass and cost is also investigated in the contexts
of postal and air freight tariffs for parcel transport.
• Choosing a combination of masses to achieve a target mass is the focus of
the section on packing for lightweight travel.
• The skills of calculating correct dosage in relation to mass are applied in
the contexts of medicine dosage and pest control ingredients.

7.1  Practise using the BMI to determine weight status
Learner’s Book page 302
1. Name Average Height (m) BMI Weight
mass (kg) status
a. Lucien 72,3 1,76 23,34 Normal
b. Tshepiso 61,5 1,55 25,60 Overweight
c. Noor 69,2 1,89 19,37 Normal
d. Hein 58,5 1,48 26,71 Overweight
e. Zodwa 54,6 1,70 18,89 Normal

2–4. A
 nswers will differ.

7.2  Practise reading and interpreting charts for young children

Learner’s Book page 305
1. a. Length: 51 cm
Weight: 3,2 kg
b. 2 5%
c. True
d. Y  es, Zuki’s height is within the curves on the chart, even though she is
very tall for her age.
e. Answers will differ.
f. 8,4 kg
g. Zuki is tall and thin. She is the 90th percentile for height, but below
the 25th percentile for weight.
2. a. Maria has a low birth weight. Her birth weight is in the 10th percentile.
Reason: Answers will differ.
b. H er growth rate in the first six months was slow, growing at a rate
equal to that of the bottom two percentiles.
c. Her weight declined and is now outside of the normal curves.
d. N
 o, she is not developing normally. Her height and weight are below
the length-for-age and weight-for-age percentiles.

7.3  Practise reading and interpreting data about body mass and BMI
Learner’s Book page 309
1. a. 15,6 BMI
b. 1 5,3 BMI
46,4 kg
2. a. ​​ _______ ​= _____

(1,54 cm)2
   ​​  2,3716   
​​ = 19,56


b. H e is above the median for his age (17,8) and is close to the 75th
percentile for his age. His BMI is greater than average for his age.
3. a. Anita is close to the 90th percentile. Her BMI is more than that of
almost 90% of the girls in her age group.
b. She is overweight and needs to lose some weight.
4. 25th percentile
5. Learner Gender Age Height Mass BMI Classification
(m) (kg)
Selina F 12 1,38 25 13,13 underweight
Bhuthi M 18 1,49 61 27,47 overweight
Koos M 15 1,47 46 21,29 normal
Nomi F 15 1,47 46 21,29 normal
Naadira F 16 1,54 72 30,36 obese
Thabiso M 16 1,72 72 24,34 normal
Andrea F 18 1,65 66 24,24 normal

7.4  Practise reading information about nutrients in lists and tables

Learner’s Book page 314
1.  gg yolk (6 g in one large egg)
2. You should include eggs in a sugar-free diet. They do not contain sugar.
3. There is no cholesterol in egg white. Egg yolk is high in cholesterol.
4. Percentage of protein in chicken × weight of piece of chicken
= 30% × 100 g
= 30 g
A 100 g slice of chicket contains 30 g of protein.
5. Pork
6. Chicken
7. Cheese per per Percentage of Percentage of
100 g 200 g RDA of 44% RDA of 88%
(200 g)
Energy 1 660 kJ 3 320 kJ
Protein 24,8 g 49,6 g 93% 186%
Carbohydrates 1,4 g 2,8 g 5% 10%
Total fat 33 g 66 g 125% 250%
Total dietary 0g 0g 0% 0%
Sodium 574 mg 1,148 g 0,0002% 0,0004%
8. Cheese

7.5  Practise reading and interpreting a report about body mass

Learner’s Book page 314

1. R  egular chocolate consumption was correlated to lower BMI.

2. It is the composition of the calories, not the number of calories, that is
more important.
3,4. Answers will differ.

TERM 2  •  UNIT 7 135

7.6  Practise calculating costs of portions of food
Learner’s Book page 317
1. a. Ingredient Cost/kg Mass per portion Cost per portion
Hake R39,95 150 g R5,99
Potatoes R12,30 180 g R2,21
Cooking oil R18,90 75 g R1,42
Total R9,62
b. Ingredient Cost/kg Mass per portion Cost per portion
Pizza dough R21,45 200 g R4,29
Cheese R56,20 80 g R4,50
Tomatoes R15,85 120 g R1,90
Total R10,69
c. Ingredient Cost/kg Mass per portion Cost per portion
Frozen peas R32,00 75 g R2,40
Onions R8,45 10 g R0,08
Mint leaves R42,60 5g R0,21
Dried R14,80 10 g R0,15
Total R2,84

2. a.  i. Fish and chips ii. Pizza margherita

 Cost + 12% × cost   10,69 + 12% × R10,69
 = R9,62 + 12% × R9,62  = R11,97
 = R10,77
 iii. Pea soup
 R2,84 + 12% × R2,84
 = R3,18
b. i. Fish and chips ii. Pizza margherita
 Cost + 22,5% × cost   10,69 + 22,5% × R10,69
 = R9,62 + 22,5% × R9,62  =
 = R11,78
 iii. Pea soup
 R2,84 + 22,5% × R2,84
 = R3,48
c. i. Fish and chips ii. P
 izza margherita
 R9,62 + 60% × R9,62  R
 10,69 + 60% × R10,69
 = R15,39  =
 iii. Pea soup
 R2,84 + 60% × R2,84
 = R4,54
3. VAT rate = 15%
a. i. Fish and chips ii. P
 izza margherita
 R10,77 + 15% × R10,77  R
 11,97 + 15% × R11,97
 = R12,39  =
 iii. Pea soup
 R3,18 + 15% × R3,18
 = R3,66


b. i. F
 ish and chips ii. P
 izza margherita
 R11,78 + 15% × R11,78   13,10 + 15% × R13,10
 = R13,55  = R15,07
Pea soup
 R3,48 + 15% × R3,48
 = R4,00
c. i. F
 ish and chips ii. P
 izza margherita
 R15,39 + 15% × R15,39   17,10 + 15% × R17,10
 = R17,70  = R19,67
 iii. Pea soup
 R4,54 + 15% × R4,54
 = R5,22

7.7  Assignment: Compile a table of medicine dosages for paracetamol

Learner’s Book page 319
Answers will differ.

Unit 8
Measuring volume
Learner’s Book pages 320–333

Teaching tips
• In this unit, learners apply methods they learned in previous grades to a
range of contexts in which volumes must be calculated, measured and
combined in different ratios.
• In the context of craft activities, they must read instructions involving
ratios, volumes and costs to calculate the quantities and costs of materials
for different projects.
• In the context of environmental concerns about water consumption,
learners interpret and critically compare research data about the volume of
household water consumption. They then use data about dam capacity to
calculate the volume of water available per person in a South African city.
You can augment or adapt this activity by using data from your region
about the volume of water in the dams that serve this region. Local dam
volumes and capacities are given in newspapers from time to time, or
you can consult the website of the Department of Water Affairs
• Learners calculate the run-off rate of rainwater in a whole neighbourhood
– this is an extension of an activity done in Grade 11 to calculate run-off
rates for individual roofs.
• The last section of the unit focuses on monitoring concentrations of
substances in liquids. Learners interpret information about the E coli
bacterium, and do calculations using information about how to disinfect
water that may be contaminated with E coli. They also use communication
skills to prepare a set of instructions about this disinfection method for
people who do not speak English, or are not able to read English easily.

TERM 2  •  UNIT 8 137

8.1  Practise calculations with volumes and the costs of materials
Learner’s Book page 324
1. a. She needs 0,5 ℓ.
5 ℓ = 20 m2
ratio: 1 ℓ : 4 m2
0,5 ℓ : 2 m2
0,125 ℓ : 0,5 m2
= 125 ml : 0,5 m2
i. T  ransparent glaze
Item Parts Quantity
Transparent enamel 2 ​​ _24 ​​× 125 ml = 62,5 ml

Purified linseed 1 ​​ _14 ​​× 125 ml = 31,25 ml

Turpentine oil 1 ​​ _14 ​​× 125 ml = 31,25 ml

Artist’s oil paint A few squeezes

ii. Scumble glaze

Item Parts Quantity
Eggshell enamel 2 ​​ _25 ​​× 125 ml = 50 ml

Boiled linseed oil 2 ​​ _25 ​​× 125 ml = 50 ml

Mineral turpentine 1 ​​ _15 ​​× 125 ml = 25 ml

Tinter’s/artist’s oil paint A few squeezes

iii. Water-based glaze

Item Parts Quantity
PVA paint 2 ​​ _25 ​​× 125 ml = 50 ml

Water 2 ​​ _25 ​​× 125 ml = 50 ml

Commercial glazing coat 1 ​​ _15 ​​× 125 ml = 25 ml

iv. Milk varnish

Item Parts Quantity
Matt varnish 1 ​​ _12 ​​× 125 ml = 62,5 ml

Mineral 1 ​​ _12 ​​× 125 ml = 62,5 ml

White eggshell enamel A small amount

b.  iving room size: 20 m2

Scumble glaze required: 5 ℓ


Item Parts Quantity
Eggshell enamel 2 _
​​  2 ​​× 5 ℓ = 2 ℓ

Boiled linseed oil 2 _

​​  2 ​​× 5 ℓ = 2 ℓ

Mineral turpentine 1 _
​​  1 ​​× 5 ℓ = 1 ℓ

Tinter’s/artist’s oil paint A small quantity

c.  edroom size: 7,5 m2

Transparent glaze required: 1,875 ℓ
Item Parts Quantity
Transparent enamel 2 _
​​  2 ​​× 1 875 ml = 937,5 ml

Purified linseed 1 _
​​  1 ​​× 1 875 ml = 468,75 ml

Turpentine oil 1 _
​​  1 ​​× 1 875 ml = 468,75 ml

Artists’ oil paint A small quantity

d. A  nswers will differ.

3. Answers will differ.
4. a. 400 ml mug + 10% × 400 ml
= 440 ml
Aysha can round off the size of the mug to 450 ml.
b. 750 ml bowl + 10% × R750 ml
= 825 ml
Aysha can round off the size of the bowl to 850 ml.
c. i. 6 mugs × 450 ml capacity per mug ÷ 1 000 ml × 500 g clay
 = 1 350 g clay
 = 1,35 kg clay
ii. 6 bowls × 850 ml capacity per bowl ÷ 1 000 ml × 500 mg clay
 = 2 550 g clay
 = 2,55 kg clay

8.2  Practise interpreting statistics about water consumption

Learner’s Book page 326
1–3. Answers will differ.

8.3  Practise calculating volumes of water available per person in a city

Learner’s Book page 327

1. 8 98 300 Ml (megalitre)
2. 8 98 200 000 000 ℓ ÷ 3 750 000 people
=  239 546,67 ℓ
3,4. Answers will differ.

TERM 2  •  UNIT 8 139

5. Dam Capacity Percentage capacity Actual volume of water
1 58 644 Ml 49,4 28 970,1 Ml
2 33 517 Ml 42,3 14 177,7 Ml
3 31 767 Ml 49,7 15 788,2 Ml
4 164 122 Ml 45,1 74 019 Ml
5 480 250 Ml 54,1 259 815,3 Ml
6 130 000 Ml 59,7 77 610 Ml
6. 470 380,3 Ml
7. 470 380 300 000 ℓ ÷ 3 750 000 people
=  125 434,7 ℓ

8.4 Assignment: Calculate the run-off rate of rainwater for a whole

Learner’s Book page 328
Answers will differ.

8.5  Practise using information about concentrations of liquids

Learner’s Book page 332
1. a. Safe b. Safe
c. 500 parts per 1 000 ℓ d. Unsafe
= 50 parts per 100 ml
This mixture is safe.
e. 1 000 000 parts per kl
= 1 000 000 parts per 1 000 ℓ
= 1 000 000 parts per 1 000 000 ml
= 1 part per 1 ml
The mixture is safe.
2. a. 50 ℓ container × 1 drop per litre (7% to 10% chlorine in the bleach)
= 50 drops of bleach
50 ℓ of water are required.
b. 50 ℓ container × 10 drops of bleach per litre = 500
You need 500 drops of bleach.
c. 50 ℓ container × 1 drop per litre = 50
You need 50 drops of bleach.
d. 35 ℓ × 10 drops of bleach per litre = 350
You need 350 drops of bleach.
e. 35 ℓ × 10 drops of bleach per litre × 2 = 700
You need 700 drops of bleach.
f. It will take 30 minutes for the water that is brown to be purified.


Unit 9
Measuring temperature
Learner’s Book pages 334–339

Teaching tips
• This unit begins with calculations with temperature information, and
converting between temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius
in the context of weather. Learners then use temperature information to plan
a journey; this involves using other available information to judge whether a
given temperature is given in Celsius or Fahrenheit.
• The next section of the unit, focuses on interpreting temperature
information concerning the safe storage of food. Measurement:
Assignment 5 gives learners the opportunity to measure temperatures in
their home fridges, and plan food storage accordingly. If there are learners
in your class who do not have fridges at home, adapt the activity as a
whole so that the class measures temperatures in a fridge at the school or
in a suitable home environment (to avoid causing embarrassment among
learners whose homes are not suitably equipped for the activity).

9.1  Practise calculating with temperature information
Learner’s Book page 335
1. Temperatures for Los Angeles and Mexico City are in Fahrenheit;
the rest are in Celsius.
2. a. summer
b. winter
3,4. Temperatures are rounded off to the nearest integer.
48 °F = 9 °C
55 °F = 13 °C
77 °F = 25 °C
86 °F = 30 °C

9.2  Investigation: Use temperature information to plan a journey

Learner’s Book page 336
Answers will differ.

9.3 Practise interpreting information about freezer storage of foods

Learner’s Book page 339
1. Type of food Number of months food item can be
stored in freezer
Cooked food 1–2
Ice cream 1–2
Puddings 1–2
Fish 3–4
Bread 3–4
Cheese 5–6
Vegetables (onions) 5–6

TERM 2  •  UNIT 9 141

Type of food Number of months food item can be
stored in freezer
Processed or convenience food 5–6
Lamb 7–8
Pizza 7–8
Duck 7–8
Chicken 9–10
Vegetables (mushrooms, carrots) 9–10
Rabbit 9–10

2. A
 nswers will differ.

Unit 10
Calculating perimeter, area and volume
Learner’s Book pages 340–372

Teaching tips
• The first section revises concepts and methods for finding perimeter,
area and volume using accurate measurement and estimation. Learners
should already be familiar with the methods used, and in this section,
they practise achieving accuracy in measurements to levels suitable for
different contexts.
• They then revise methods for using formulae to calculate perimeter, area
and volume, and apply these methods to composite shapes.
• The next sections of the unit apply these methods in diverse practical
contexts to find the quantities of materials needed and calculate the costs
of these materials. Contexts include laying carpeting on a floor, tiling a
given area, finding the surface area of a roof, and calculating quantities of
material needed for small structures used on farms.
• Throughout these sections, learners build up a set of methods that they
apply later in the unit to more complex investigations into the quantities
and cost of building materials for a small house and a budget for a
children’s play park.
• The section on housing density introduces learners to this concept, and
guides them through a calculation of housing density in the area where
they live. In the investigation in this section, you should decide on a
suitable location for learners to study. They should be able to go door to
door in a street collecting data, and also make contact with local municipal
planning officers who can talk to them about housing density policy in the
area they investigate.

10.1  Practise accurate measurements to millimetre, centimetre and metre
accuracy levels
Learner’s Book page 345

1–4. Answers will differ.


10.2  Practise measuring and calculating perimeter, area, surface area and
Learner’s Book page 350
1. a. i. P = (2 × w) + (​​ _14 ​​× 2πr) + r + l
= (2 × 0,5 m) + (​​ _14 ​​× 2 × 3,142 × 2 m) + 2 m + 2 m
= 1 m + 3,142 m + 4 m
= 8,142 m
ii. A = (l × b) + ​​(___
​  πr4   )​ ​​

= (2 m × 0,5 m) + ( ​)
3,142 × 2 m2
​​ ________
​  4   ​​

= 1 m + 3,142 m 2

= 4,142 m2
b. i. P = (​​ _32 ​​ πr) + (2s)
= ​​ _32 ​​(3,142 × 74 cm) + 2(74 cm)
= 348,762 cm + 148 cm
= 496,762 cm
ii. A = ​​ _34 ​​ πr2 + s2
= ​​ _34 ​​× 3,142 × (74 cm)2 + (74 cm)2
= 12 904,194 cm2 + 5 476 cm2
= 18 380,194 cm2
c. i. P = ​​ _32 ​​ πr + 9,9 cm
= ​​ _32 ​​× 3,142 × 7 cm + 9,9 cm
= 42,891 cm
ii. A = ​​ _34 ​​  πr2 + _​​  12 ​​  h × b

= (​​  4 ​​× 3,142 × 72) + (​​ _12 ​​× 7 × 7)


= 115,4685 + 24,5
= 139,9685 cm2
d. i. P = 4(​​ _12 ​​× 2πr) + (8 × 9)
= 4(​​ _12 ​​× 2 × 3,142) + 72
= 113,112 + 72
= 185,112 m
ii. A = s2 – 2πr2
= 362 – 2 × 3,142 × 92
= 1 296 – 509,004
= 786,996 m2
2. a. i. V = lbh
= 82 cm × 16 cm × 40 cm
= 52 480 cm3
ii. Surface area = 2lh + 2lb + 2hb
= 2 × 82 × 40 + 2 × 82 × 16 + 2 × 16 × 40
= 10 464 cm2
b. i. V = lbh + ​​  2 ​​  lbh
= 6,2 × 2,1 × 2,9 + ​​ _12 ​​× 6,2 × 2,9 × (3,4 – 2,1)
= 49,445 m3

TERM 2  •  UNIT 10 143

ii. Surface area
2,1 2,1

2,9 x
2,1 2,9 x
1,3 2,1 1,3

1,3 2,92 + 1,32 = x2

2,1 2,9 3,4 x 8,41 + 1,69 = x2
x 10,1 = x2
3,178 = x
2,1 x = 3,178
Surface area
= 2,1 × 6,2 + 2,9 × 6,2 + 3,4 × 6,2 + 6,2 × 3,178 + 2(2,9 × 2,1
+ ​​ _12 ​​ × 1,3 × 2,9)
= 13,02 + 17,98 + 21,08 + 19,7036 + 2(6,09 + 1,885)
= 71,7836 + 15,95
= 87,7336 cm2
c. i. r = 58 ÷ 2 = 29 cm
V = πr2h
= 3,142 × (29)2 × 5
= 13 212,11 cm3
ii. Surface area = 2πr (r + h)
= 2 × 3,142 × 29 × (29 + 5)
= 182,236 × 34
= 6 196,024 cm2
d. i. r = 2,5 ÷ 2 = 1,25
V = ​​ _12 ​​ πr2h
= ​​ _12 ​​× 3,142 × 1,252 × 7,9
= 19,392 m2
ii. Surface area = _​​ 12 ​​ 2πr (r + h)
= ​​ _21 ​​× 2 × 3,142 × 1,25 × (1,25 + 7,9)
= 3,9275 × (9,15)
= 35,94 m2
3. a. Surface areas of 4 sides
= 2(2 × 0,08) + 2(1 × 0,08)
= 4,8 m2
b. Small triangle on top, a circle, a square, a long triangle below
Each square = 100 cm2: 10 cm × 10 cm
12 blocks per row in each square
∴ the sides of each block are 10 cm ÷ 12 = 0,833 cm
Surface area = _​​ 12 ​​  lh + πr2 + s2 + _​​  12 ​​  lh
= (​​ _12 ​​[4 × 0,833] × [2 × 0,833]) + [3,142 × (2 × 0,833)2]
+ (4 × 0,833)2 + [​​ _12 ​​(4 × 0,833 × 6 × 0,833)]
= (1,666 × 1,666) + 8,720797 + 11,102224 + 8,3266668
= 30,925245 cm2


c. Surface area of inner diamond:
2 × ​​ _12 ​​× 4 × 0,833 × 2 × 0,833
= 5,551112 cm2
Total surface area 30,925245 cm2
Blue tiles 5,551112 cm2
Green tiles 25,374133 cm2
d,e. If 10 cm blocks:
1 m ÷ 10 cm = 100 cm ÷ 10 cm = 10 blocks
If 8 cm blocks × 0,833 blocks = 6,664 cm
1 m ÷ 6,664 cm = 15,006 blocks
≈ 15 blocks
There are 15 patterns along the short side of the fishpond.
Along the side with a length of 2 m:
2 m ÷ 6,664
= 30
There are 30 patterns along the side of the pond.
f–h. Answers will differ.
4. Answers will differ.

10.3  Practise finding perimeter, area, surface area and the volume of real
objects with composite shapes
Learner’s Book page 352
Answers will differ.

10.4  Practise calculating quantities and costs of materials

Learner’s Book page 358

1. a. 5,5 m
4,5 m

1,5 m

3,5 m 2m

Single piece of carpet

= 5,5 m × 4,5 m
= 24,75 m2
Unused area of carpet
A = 2 m × 1,5 m
= 3 m2
Two pieces of carpet; no wasted carpet
= 5,5 m × 3 m + 3,5 m × 1,5 m
= 16,5 m2+ 5,25 m2
= 21,75 m2

TERM 2  •  UNIT 10 145

If a customer wants a single piece of carpet:
Options: Coir @ R330/m2
Acrylic @ R194/m2
The area is 24,75 m2
The unused area is 3 m2
Cost of coir: 24,75 m2 × R330/m2 = R8 167,50
Cost of unused carpet: 3 m2 × R330/m2 = R990
Cost of acrylic: 24,75 m2 × R194 m2 = R4 801,50
Cost of unused carpet: 3 m2 × R194/m2 = R582
If the customer accepts having a join in the carpeting
Area of carpeting: 21,75 m2
Cost of sisal: R295/m2 × 21,75 m2 × R6 416,25
Cost of coir: R330/m2 × 21,75 m2 = R7 177,50
Cost of acrylic: R194/m2 × 21,75 m2 = R4 219,50
Cost of wool: R359/m2 × 21,75 m2 = R7 808,25
b. Mrs Jojobe can afford a single piece of acrylic carpet that will fit the
whole room. It will cost R4 801,50. The unused piece of carpeting
required costs R582,00.
2. a. 5 mm is added to some of the lengths and widths so that material can
be folded over the edge of the container (three edges of the box and
three edges of the lid) when a folded box is covered. The width of the
flaps is estimated to be 8 mm. If the box is folded and glued before it
is covered, it is not necessary to include all the flaps when the amount
of material is calculated – only the flaps of the lid need to be included.
Calculations are then done as follows:
Surface area of rectangle A (no need for flaps on the short side):
110 mm × (32 mm + 5 mm) = 4 070 mm2
Surface area of rectangle B: 110 mm × 70 mm = 7 700 mm2
Surface area of rectangle C: 110 mm × 32 mm = 3 520 mm2
Surface area of rectangle D:
[110 mm + 2(8 mm + 5 mm)] × (70 mm + 8 mm + 5 mm)
= 11 288 mm2
Surface area of rectangles E and F: 7 0 mm × (32 mm + 5 mm)
= 2 590 mm2
Total surface area of box (including three flaps and six sides where
5 mm of the velvet will be folded over the edges):
= 4 070 mm2 + 7 700 mm2 + 3 520 mm2 + 11 288 mm2 + 2(2 590) mm2
= 31 758 mm2
= 317,58 cm2
(To make the calculation even more accurate, you could subtract
338 mm2 from the surface area of 31 758 mm2 (for the square corners
of the flaps on the length of the lid as they will be cut off). This will
make the total surface area 31 420 mm2 and change the answer to
question 2(b) to 222 boxes and that for question 2(c) to R1,26.)

If the net of the box is covered before it is folded, all the flaps will be
covered at the same time. (The flaps are seen as rectangular.) However,
if the short sides of some flaps will be diagonal, they can be cut like
this before the flaps are covered – this would be four very small surface
areas and so the material can simply be folded over these diagonal sides.
It is not necessary to subtract these areas from the total amount of velvet
that is needed. Calculations for working in this way are as follows:
Surface area of rectangle A: 110 mm × (32 mm + 5 mm) = 4 070 mm2


Surface area of rectangle B: 110 mm × 70 mm = 7 700 mm2
Surface area of rectangle C: 110 mm × 32 mm = 3 520 mm2
Surface area of rectangle D:
[110 mm + (8 mm + 5 mm)]× (70 mm + 8 mm + 5 mm) = 11 288 mm2
Surface area of rectangle E and F:
[70 mm + 2(8 mm + 5 mm)] × (32 mm + 5 mm) = 3 552 mm2
Total surface area of box (including seven flaps and six sides where
5 mm of the velvet will be folded over – less material can be used to
fold over when the net, and not the folded box, is covered with velvet):
[4 070 + 7 700 + 3 520 + 11 288 + 2(3 552)] mm2
= 33 682 mm2
= 336,82 cm2
b. Area of velvet: 5 000 mm × 1 400 mm = 7 000 000 mm2
Surface area of box: 31 758 mm2
7 000 000 mm2 ÷ 31 758 mm2
= 220,42
≈ 220 boxes
Surface area of net (including all flaps): 33 682 mm2
7 000 000 mm2 ÷ 33 682 mm2
= 207,83
≈ 207 boxes
c. R279,50 ÷ 220 boxes = R1,27
Cost of covering one box: R1,27
R279,50 ÷ 207 boxes = R1,35
Cost of covering the net of one box: R1,35
3. a. 120 cm
60 cm

x = 63,25 cm

80 cm

x2 = 602 + (​​​ ______ ​) ​​​  ​​

​  1202–  80 
= 60 + 20 2

= 4 000
x = ​​√ 4 000 ​​ 
= 63,25 cm
2 × 580 × 63,25 + 2 × (80 × 60 + 60 × 20) + 580 × 80
= 73 370 + 12 000 + 46 400
= 131 770 cm2
= 13,177 m2
b. P = 2 × 1,2 m + 2 × 5,8 m
= 14 m
14 m plastic is required per trough.
c. V = lbh + lbh
= 80 × 60 × 580 + 40 × 60 × 580
= 2 784 000 + 1 392 000
= 4 176 000 cm3
= 4 176 ℓ

TERM 2  •  UNIT 10 147

d. 3 480 ℓ ÷ (4 ℓ per day × 15 animals) = 69,6
The farmer can refill once every 69 days.
4. a. Rods: 7 × 10,8 m = 75,6 m
P = πr
= 3,142 × (6 m ÷ 2) = 9,426 m
Total length requried:
75,6 m + 2 × 9,426 m
= 94,452 m
b. A = ​​ _12 ​​× 2πr (r + h) + 10% (​​ _12 ​​× πr2)
= 3,142 × 3(3 + 10,8) + 10% (​​ _12 ​​× 3,142 × 32)
= 130,0788 + 1,4139
= 131,4927 m2
c–e. Answers will differ.
5. a. Side view

2,8 m
12,6 m


2,8 m

9,2 m

b. Area of side wall:

12,6 m × 2,8 m = 35,28 m2
Convert to cm2
= 352 800 cm2
Area of brickface:
25 cm × 5,5 cm = 137,5 cm2
352 800 cm2 = 137,5 cm2
= 2 565,82
= 2 566 bricks
Area of front/back wall:
9,2 m × 2,8 m = 25,76 m2
Convert to cm:
257 600 cm2 ÷ 137,5 cm2
= 1 873,45
= 1 874 bricks
Bricks required:
2 × 2 566 + 2 × 1 874 bricks
= 8 880 bricks


c,d. Answers will differ.
e. Learners are not expected to redo the calculations in questions 5(b)
and (d) to include the mortar, but you could add this as an activity for
revision or assessment at a later stage.
6. Answers will differ.
7. a. R802
b. R610 + R802 = R1 412
c. Answers will differ.

10.5  Assignment: Update a construction budget for a house

Learner’s Book page 362
You may want to choose one of the two activities for the class to do; the
assignment is a less complex approach than the investigation of the same topic
of new house construction costs (Measurement: Investigation 5).

10.6  Investigation: Housing density where you live

Learner’s Book page 365
Answers will differ.

Revise and consolidate

Learner’s Book page 369
1. a. Running cost calculation (assume petrol price is R11,70):
Fuel factor + service and repair costs + tyre costs
6,91 × R11,70/ℓ + 17,18 + 9,57
= 107,507
≈ 108c
= R1,08
Fixed cost element: 94c
Total operating cost: R1,08 + 94c = R2,02
b. Running cost:
8,26 × R11,70/ℓ + 19,23 + 16,32
≈ 132,192c
= R1,32
Fixed cost element: 134c
Total operating cost: R1,32 + R1,34 = R2,66
c. Running cost:
6,91 × R11,70/ℓ + 17,09 + 9,57
= 107,507c
= 108c
≈ R1,08
Fixed cost element: 116c
Total operating cost: R1,08 + R1,16 = R2,24
2. Running costs (assume petrol price is R11,70 per litre):
Fuel factor + service and repair costs + tyre costs
= 8,26 + R11,7/ℓ + 19,23 + 16,32
= 132,19c
= R1,32
Total operating costs:
= R1,32 + 4,09
= R5,41

TERM 2  •  UNIT 10 149

3. a. 8,06 m
b. 8,06 m ÷ 0,5 m = 16,12 = 16
16 support posts are required.
c. Area of patio
5,06 m × 3 m
= 15,18 m2
Area of tiles + grouting per tile
A = 0,5 m tile + 0,005 m grouting × 0,5 m tile + 0,005 m grouting
= 0,505 m × 0,505 m
= 0,255025 m2
15,18 m2 ÷ 0,255025 m2
= 59,52
= 60 tiles
d. Answers will differ.
e. Total area of floor:
4,2 × 2,56
= 10,752 m2
Areas around which to cut carpeting:
0,52 m × 0,52 m
= 0,2704 m2
2,3 m × 0,95 m
= 2,185 m2
0,2704 m2 + 2,185 m2
= 2,4554 m2
Total area to be carpeted:
10,752 m2 – 2,4554 m2
= 8,2966 m2
f. 4,2 m
0,8 m

0,52 m
2,0 m
2,56 m

0,52 m
0,95 m

0,8 m

1,9 m 2,3 m

It will be necessary to make joins, as the width of the carpet is only
2 m while the width of the room is 2,56 m.
g. R75 × 8,2966 m2 = R622,25
4. a. Outside walls
[2,5 m + (2 m + 2,3 m) + 2,5 m + 2,56 m] × 2,7 m – (0,813 × 2,032) m2
= 30,369984 m2
Convert 30,369984 m2 to squared centimetre (cm2): 303 699,84 cm2
Area of a brick: 25 cm × 5,5 cm = 137,5 cm2


303 699,84 cm2 ÷ 137,5 cm2
= 2 208,726
= 2 209 bricks
b. Inside walls
(4,2 m + 2,5 m) × 2,7 – 2(0,813 m × 2,032 m)
= 18,09 m2 – 3,304032 m2
= 14,785968 m2
Convert 14,785968 m2 to squared centimetre (cm2): 147 859,68 cm2
147 859,68 cm2 ÷ 137,5
= 1 075,34
= 1 076 bricks
5. Learners compare answers.
6. a. V = πr2h
= 3,142 × 45 cm × 160 cm
= 22 622,4 cm3
b. Convert to litres:
22 622,4 cm3 ÷ 1 000 cm3 = 22,6224 ℓ
22,6224 ℓ × 780 g
= 17 645,472 g
= 17,645472 kg
c. 2πr (r + h)
2 × 3,142 × 45 cm (45 cm + 160 cm)
= 57 969,9 cm2
= 5,79699 m2
5,7699 m2 × 2
d. The barrel must be coated inside and outside: _________
​​  40 m2    ​= 0,29 packets

e. 0,29 × R849 = R246,21
But the coating is sold in packets of 15 kg at R849 per packet. So, the
waterproofing will cost R849.
7. a. Normal weight
b. Obese
c. Normal weight
d. Normal weight
8. a. 4 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 1 = 16 parts
5 kg = 5 000 g
Mass of each part: 5 000 g ÷ 16 = 312,5 g
Linseeds: 4 parts × 312,5 g = 1 250 g
Pumpkin seeds: 4 parts × 312,5 g = 1 250 g
Sunflower seeds: 4 parts × 312,5 g = 1 250 g
White sesame seeds: 3 parts × 312,5 g = 937,5 g
Black sesame seeds: 1 part × 312,5 g 312,5 g
b. 5 000 g seed mix × 30 ml olive or avocado oil ÷ 500 g seed mix
= 300 ml olive or avocado oil
9. a. Fahrenheit
b. 4,4 °C to 15,56 °C
Item should be refrigerated or kept cool.
10. You can cook the fish pie at about 195 °C for 25 minutes and then at
215 °C for 5 minutes to 10 minutes to make the crust crispy (cook at
approximately 15 °C hotter).
11. a. 1 920 m2 = 0,192 ha
One dwelling can be built on 0,192 ha.

TERM 2  •  UNIT 10 151

b. 16 ÷ 0,192 = 83,33 dwellings/ha
The housing density is 83 dwellings per hectare.
c. 16 houses × 5 people = 80 people per 0,192 ha
80 ÷ 0,192 = 416,67/ha
The housing density is 416 people per hectare.
12. a. 500 houses ÷ 4,4 ha = 113,64 dwellings per hectare
A density of 113,64 dwellings per household is fewer than the
municipal limit of 120 dwellings per hectare. However, the
development does not satisfy the municipaly’s housing policy.
Explanations will differ.
b. Answers will differ.




Unit 1
Learner’s Book pages 374–399

Teaching tips
• In this unit, learners work with three forms of taxation: value-added tax
(VAT), contributions to the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF), and
employee and personal income tax.
• Learners also worked with VAT and UIF in Grade 10 and Grade 11. You
can use the first activity to assess their ability to calculate VAT, prices that
include VAT and ones that exclude VAT, and understand and calculate the
employee and employer contributions to the UIF.
• The VAT rate in South Africa has changed from 14% to 15%. If learners
are using older editions of the Learner Book, you will need to guide them
to use the new VAT rate in their calculations, instead of the old rate given
in the Learner Book.
• The remainder of the unit focuses on employee income tax and personal
income tax.
Learners should be able to calculate employee tax, personal income
tax and net pay based on information given about gross pay, PAYE,
deductions, tax credits and so on. The Learner’s Book gives a flow chart
and a detailed example to help learners follow the steps in the calculation
process. Encourage them to use these guidelines when they do the
calculation activities. If they follow the example step by step, they will
arrive at the correct tax calculation in each case.
• Learners should also be able to work with weekly, fortnightly and monthly
tax tables, as well as the table of tax brackets and formulae to calculate
the tax payable on different amounts of taxable remuneration. Detailed
examples of these calculations are given in the Learner’s Book. You can
download the full tax tables for the current year from the SARS website
( You could print a few pages from the different tables
(or let learners access the tables online) and ask the learners to practise
reading off values for different remuneration amounts and payment
periods. You will also find more recent tables of tax brackets and formulae
on the SARS website (; use these to keep the examples
in the activities up to date.
• Learners need to be able to analyse information about income tax on IRP5
forms provided by employers, as well as the SARS IRP5/3T(a) return for
employee tax and the ITR12 return for personal income tax. The Learner’s
Book works through examples of these forms. (The forms can be downloaded
directly from the SARS website ( You can use blank forms
to give learners further practice in analysing the forms by filling in details you
give them for other examples of employee pay and deductions.

TERM 3  •  UNIT 1 153

• Understanding tax return terminology is an important prerequisite for
working with these documents. The terms used on income tax forms are
explained in the Learner’s Book, and then used to discuss the methods of
calculating income tax. Make sure that learners can interpret and use these
terms accurately in the activities in this section.
• Once learners understand how to calculate tax payable on a given amount
of taxable income, they should investigate how an increase in pay can
affect the amount of tax payable. Ensure that they understand not only the
basic calculation method for the new amount of pay, but also the concept
that income tax can increase at a higher rate (percentage) than a pay
increase, if the pay increase pushes the new taxable income into a higher
tax bracket. This is explained in the unit, with reference to examples. If
necessary, work though more examples with the learners before they do
the activities, to ensure that they grasp this concept fully.

1.1  Practise doing VAT and UIF calculations
Learner’s Book page 377
1. a. R682,61 b. R117,75
c. R902,75 d. R102,39
e. R15 586,96 f. R17 925
g. R103 913,04 h. R137 425


2. a. Month Gross sales Income from Income from VAT (R)
income (R) zero-rated taxable
goods (R) goods (R)
April 884 301,25 190 445,25 693 856,00 90 502,96
May 901 308,67 198 300,78 703 007,89 91 696,68
June 852 549,40 175 400,35 677 149,05 88 323,79
July 934 210,32 210 207,45 724 002,87 94 435,16
August 912 767,35 187 744,65 725 022,70 94 568,18
September 895 335,20 203 358,30 691 976,90 90 257,86
Total 5 380 472,19 549 784,63
The supermarket must pay R549 784,63 VAT.
b. Net sales = gross sales income – VAT payable
= R5 380 472,19 – R549 784,63
= R4 830 687,56
3. a. R11 430 × 1% = R114,30
b. R8 005 × 1% = R80,05
c. R29 660 × 1% = R296,60
4. a. R678 × 1% = R6,78
b. R712,50 × 1% = R7,13
R7,13 – R6,78 = R0,35
Lesego’s UIF increased by 35c per week.
5. a. Wage of R1 588,50 × 4 weeks × 1% UIF dedution
= R63,54 (for each employee)
Fortnight’s wage of R4 550 × 2 fortnights per month × 1% UIF
= R91
Salary of R15 436,80 × 1% UIF
= R154,37
b. 2 × R63,54 + R91 + R154,37
= R372,45
c. Zwelethu’s UIF contributions for one year:
(2 × R15,88 × 52 + R45,50 × [52 ÷ 2] + R154,37 × 12)
= R4 686,96
Employer’s contribution: R4 686,96
Total UIF contributions
= 2 × R4 686 ,96
= R9 373,92
6. Maximum UIF rate: 58%
R4 355,40 × 58% = R2 526,13
(Every two weeks for a maximum of 288 days.)
Alternative calculation:
A fortnight’s wage of R4 335,40, means a monthly wage of R8 710,80.
58% of R8 710,80 = R5 052,26 per month for a maximum of 7,9 months
(238 days ÷ 30 days).
The maximum UIF benefit she could receive is about R3 992,85 per
month for a period of 238 days.
Or, using the fortnightly wage of R4 335,40:
R4 335,40 ÷ 14 = R311,10 per day
58% × R311,10 = R180,44 per day
She received R180,44 per day for 238 days.

TERM 3  •  UNIT 1 155

1.2 Practise using tax tables, tax brackets and formulae
Learner’s Book page 386
1. a. R341 b. R311
c. R317 d. R273
2. a. The 72-year-old pays more PAYE per month.
A 65-year-old who earns R25 725 per month will pay R4 258 tax
per month.
A 72-year-old who earns R25 966 per month will pay R4 335 tax
per month.
b. The 27-year-old will have more PAYE deducted from the monthly salary.
The 44-year-old who earns R27 928 will have R5 449 PAYE deduced
from the salary.
The 27-year-old who earns R29 005 will have R5 778 PAYE deducted
from the montly salary.
c. The 68-year-old will have more PAYE deducted from the monthly
The 51-year-old who earns R24 412 per month will have R4 393
PAYE deducted from the salary.
The 68-year-old who earns R26 412 per month will have R4 457
PAYE deducted from the salary.
3. a. R75 401 × 18%
= R13 572,18
b. R28 800 + 25% × (R189 833 – R160 000)
= R36 258,25
c. R128 400 + 38% × (R608 071 – R484 000)
= R175 546,98
d. R128 400 + 38% × (R494 775 – R484 000)
= R132 494,50
e. R51 300 + 30% × (R282 369 – 250 000)
= R61 010,70
f. R80 100 + 35% × (R399 000 – R346 000)
= R98 650
4. a. 
Thabong’s monthly taxable income of R27 500 is equivalent to an
annual taxable income of R330 000.
His new monthly taxable income of R28 883 is equivalent to an
annual taxable income of R346 596.
i. Difference: R346 596 – R330 000 = R16 596
ii. Percentage increase: 5,03%
Income tax payable on a monthly taxable income of R27 500
(or R330 000 p.a.):
R51 300 + 30% of (R330 000 – R250 000)
= R75 300
Income tax payable on an increased monthly taxable income of
R28 883 (or R346 596 p.a.):
R80 100 + 35% of (R346 596 – R346 000)
= R80 308,60
i. Difference in income tax payable:
R80 308,60 – R75 300,00 = R5 008,60
ii. Percentage increase in income tax payable:
​​ _______ × ___
5 008,60
75 300,00  ​​  100
1   ​​ = 6,65%


Dorothy’s monthly taxable income of R20 325 is equivalent to an
annual taxable income of R243 900.
Her new monthly taxable income of R22 459 is equivalent to an
annual taxable income of R269 508.
i. Difference: R25 608
ii. Percentage increase:10,5%
Income tax payable on a monthly taxable income of R20 325
(or R243 900 p.a.):
R28 800 + 25% of (R243 900 – R160 000)
= R49 775
Income tax payable on an increased monthly taxable income of
R22 459 (or R269 508 p.a.):
R51 300 + 30% of (R269 508 – R250 000)
= R57 152,40
i. Difference in income tax payable:
R57 152,40 – R49 775,00 = R7 377,40
ii. Percentage increase in income tax payable:
​​ _______ × ___
7 377,40
49 775,00  ​​  100
1   ​​ = 14,8%
Jan-Hendrik’s monthly taxable income of R51 287 is equivalent to an
annual taxable income of R615 444.
His new monthly taxable income of R52 000 is equivalent to an
annual taxable income of R624 000.
i. Difference: R8 556
ii. Precentage increase: 1,39%
Income tax payable on a monthly taxable income of R51 287
(or R615 444 p.a.):
R128 400 + 38% of (R615 444 – R484 000)
= R178 348,72
Income tax payable on an increased monthly taxable income of
R52 000 (or R624 000 p.a.):
R178 940 + 40% of (R624 000 – R617 000)
= R181 749
i. Difference in income tax payable:
R181 740,00 – R178 348,72 = R3 391,28
ii. Percentage increase in income tax payable:
​​ _______ × ___
3 391,28
178 348,72  ​​  100
1   ​​ = 1,9%

1.3 Practise calculating taxable income and income tax payable

Learner’s Book page 389
1. a. Gross income
Annual salary (R34 800 × 12) R417 600
Interest on bank account R15 500
Car allowance from employer (R500 × 12) R6 000
Total gross income R439 100
UIF contribution (1% of gross salary) R4 176
Pension fund contribution (R300 × 12) R3 600
Total non-taxable deductions R7 776
Taxable income R431 324

TERM 3  •  UNIT 1 157

b. R80 100 + 35% (R431 324 – R346 000)
= R109 963,40
c. Total tax payable (according to tax table) R109 963,40
Subtract primary tax rebate – 10 755,00
99 208,40
PAYE deducted by employer
12 × R7 100 –85 200,00
Balance owed by Laureen R14 008,40
2. Taxable income R463 068,00
Total tax payable as per tax tables: R121 073,80
R80 100 + 35% (463 068 – 346 000)
Subtract tax rebate
Primary tax rebate R10 755,00
Secondary tax rebate R6 012,00
Subtract tax credits
Medical aid for Moeletsi and his wife (R230 each) R5 520,00
Total tax payable R98 763,80
PAYE deducted by employer (12 × 3 250) R39 000,00
Balance tax payable R59 786,80

3. a. Gross income for year

Annual salary (R9 450 × 12) R113 400,00

Housing subsidy from employer R9 000,00
(R750 × 12)
Total gross income R122 400,00
Pension fund contribution (R450 × 12) R5 400,00
Employee UIF contribution R1 134,00
(1% of gross salary)
Total non-taxable deductions R6 534,00
Taxable income R115 866,00

b. 18% × R115 866 = R20 855,88

c. Total tax payable on taxable income R20 855,88
Subtract primary tax rebate – R5 700
Total tax payable R15 155,88
d. R834 × 12 = R10 008
e. R5 147,88
4. a. Gross income for the year
Rental income (R16 000 × 12) R192 000
Interest on investments R9 800
Total gross income R201 800
Rental expenses (R3 560 × 12) R42 720
Total non-taxable deduction R42 720
Taxable income R159 080

R159 080 × 18% = R28 634,40


c. Tax rebate
Primary tax rebate R9 900
Tax credits
Medical aid for Josiah and his
Josiah: R200 × 12 R2 400
First dependant: R200 × 12 R2 400
Second dependant: R144 × 12 R1 728
Third dependant: R144 × 12 R1 728
Fourth dependant: R144 × 12 R1 728
Total tax credits R9 984

d. Total tax payable on taxable income R28 634,40

Subtract primary tax rebate – R9 900
Subtract tax credits
Subtract medical aid tax credit – R9 984
Total tax payable R8 750

1.4 Practise analysing tax forms

Learner’s Book page 398
1. a. 2011
b. Price Davidson Accountants (Pty) Ltd
c. 12 months of the tax year
d. 12
e. R417 420
f. Pension fund R31 306
Medical aid R16 710
g. R89 037,73
h. R96 456,37
2. Answers will differ.
3. a. Gift from daughter to the value of R25 000 and a foreign pension of
R87 950
b. No
c. R42 366
d. 16 182 km
e.  Fuel and oil of R7 330 + maintenance and repairs of R1 296 +
insurance and licence fees of R6 832 + wear and tear of R12 000
= R27 458
4. a. R12 569 b. Provisional tax
c. R7 740 d. R572 499
e. R180 124,60 f. R151 405
g. Answers will differ.

TERM 3  •  UNIT 1 159

Unit 2
Exchange rates
Learner’s Book pages 400–417

Teaching tips
• This unit consolidates and extends what learners learned in Grade 11
about the exchange rates that are used to buy foreign currency. The
Learner’s Book gives a range of examples of exchange rate tables, as
published in daily newspapers, on websites and in the foreign currency
sections of banks. If possible bring current versions of these tables to
class for the learners to use – they can compare the rates in current tables
with those in the Learner’s Book, and discuss whether the currencies have
become stronger or weaker relative to the rand.
• Learners need to be able to use estimation to convert foreign currencies
into rand, and rand into different foreign currencies – they do not need
to use algebra or accurate calculations to many decimal places. They
can do estimation by rounding off an exchange rate to the nearest whole
number, or to two decimal places if prices are being given in, for example,
dollars and cents. Help learners to develop their estimation skills by doing
rapid mental estimations with rates: for example, if US$1 is about R8,50,
approximately what does it cost to buy US$10, US$50, and so on?
• Budgeting with foreign currency involves checking how the exchange
rate changes for the foreign currency you want to use – learners should
develop the habit of comparing exchange rates they used in a previous
activity with the exchange rate for the same currency that they find at
a later time to see if the currency now costs more or fewer rand. The
Learner’s Book assignment on preparing a budget for a foreign trip can
be used as a preparatory task before learners tackle the bigger assignment,
Finance: Assignment 8, which involves a more extended exercise in
budgeting to pay for travel costs and accommodation.
• To understand strong and weak currencies, let learners discuss a range
of examples of goods that are imported from foreign countries (for
example, CDs, clothes, computers and cars) and where the strength of
the foreign currency affects whether the price in rand will increase or
decrease. Examples of this are given in the Learner’s Book, and learners
can research further examples by looking at the prices of goods in dollars,
pounds, euros and so on on the internet, and converting these prices to
rand using the daily exchange rate for a few days. They will soon see
whether the rand becomes stronger (if the price of the item decreases)
or weaker (if the price of the item increases).
• To understand the concept of the buying power of a currency, learners
need to think about the cost of goods in that currency for the people who
live in that country (for example, the price of goods in US$ for people
who live in the USA) relative to the amount of money people earn in the
same country. The table in the Learner’s Book that shows the number of
hours needed to earn enough money to buy 1 kg of bread, 1 kg of flour, a
Big Mac or an iPod nano is a concrete way to express the buying power of
a currency when compared to other currencies. Learners may need help to
see how this concept works in practice. If necessary give more examples
of goods that can be used to compare buying power (for example, how
many months or years a South African who earns R10 000 per month must
work to afford a car that costs R250 000 and how many months or years


German who earners €2 500 per month must work to afford the same car
that costs €17 000 in Germany).
• Finance: Assignment 8, Plan a holiday in southern Africa, brings together
a number of concepts and methods that learners have worked with during
this course. They must use exchange rate tables to estimate the costs
of transport and accommodation and use these estimates to draw up a
budget; they must read tariff tables to find the costs of different sections
of the journey; they must interpret maps and transport timetables to find
information about the time taken to cover the different possible routes, and
which scheduled trains or buses to catch; and they must combine all this
information to create a travel schedule that fits into the available number
of days (21), stays within the budget limit (R10 000), and covers at least
three countries.

2.1 Revise using estimations of currency values
Learner’s Book page 401
1. a. Nigerian naira 1 960,33
b. R261,96
c. 550 Algerian dinar ÷ 81,5549 = $6,74
3 000 Zambian Kw ÷ 4 727,5 = $0,63
550 Algerian dinar cost more.
d. R750 = 554,33 Egyptian pound
You do not have enough to afford the room.
e. Angola kw: 795 ÷ 11,6316 = R68,35
Mozambican metical: 280 ÷ 3,4088 = R82,14
The Angolan price is better.
2. a. 30 400 Angolan kwanza = R2 613,57
b. 7 2 600 Tanzanian shillings = R377,90
c. 1 600 Kenyan shilings = R156,73
d. 30 000 Zambian kwacha = R52,14
e. 95 Namibian dollars = R94,95

2.2 Assignment: Prepare a budget estimate for a foreign trip

Learner’s Book page 403
Answers will differ.

2.3 Practise comparing stronger and weaker currencies

Learner’s Book page 485
1. a. March 2009: £1 = R14,5361; £1 = R14,54
May 2010: £1 = R11,2282; £1 = R11,23
April 2011: £1 = R10,5008; £1 = R10,50
July 2012: £1 = R12,5275; £1 = R12,53
b. The pound became weaker against the rand because it decreased in
value from £1 : R14,54 to £1 : R11,23.
c. Answers will differ.
d. March 2009: €1 = R12,92
May 2010: €1 = R9,25
April 2011: €1 = R9,57
July 2012: €1 = R9,84

TERM 3  •  UNIT 2 161

e. May 2010
f,g. Answers will differ.
2. a. i. April 2011
ii. US$10,99 × R6,5711/$ = R72,22
b. i. April 2011
ii. £12,50 × R10,5008/£ = R131,26
c. i. May 2010
ii. €328,90 × R9,2515/€ = R3 042,82
3. a. May 2010: R7 500 ÷ R11,2282/£ = £667,96
July 2012: R7 500 ÷ R12,5275/£ = £598,68
She would save £69,28 if she bought the painting in July 2012.
b. March 2009:
R189,95 per pair × 2 000 pairs ÷ R12,9248/€
= €29 393,10
April 2011:
R189,95 per pair × 2 000 pairs ÷ R9,5663/€
= €39 712,32
April 2001 €39 712,32
March 2009 €29 393,10
Difference €10 319,22
c. €70 × R9,5663/€ = R669,64
$65 × R6,5711/US$ = R427,12
d. i. €70 + 5% = €73,50
€65 + 5% = €68,25
ii. $73,50 × R9,8369/$ = R723,01
$68,25 × R8,0136/$ = R546,93
Euro tariff:
​​ ______________
R723,01 − R669,64
   R669,64 ​​  × 100% = 7,97%

US dollar tariff:
​​ _____________
R546,93 − R427,12
   R427,12   ​​× 100% = 28,05%

2.4 Practise analysing an article about the buying power of different

Learner’s Book page 407

1. Answers will differ.

2. The Netherlands
3. Amsterdam, Berlin, Dubai, London, New York, Sydney, Tokyo and Zurich
4. a.  Amsterdam, Berlin, Dubai, Johannesburg, London, New York,
Singapore, Sydney, and Zurich
b. London, New York, Zurich
5. Answers will differ.
6. False. The less time it takes to earn the money to buy an iPod, the greater
the buying power of the currency compared to our countries.
7. Answers will differ.


Revise and consolidate
Learner’s Book page 411
1. a. R249 550 × 15% = R37 432,50
b. 60 kg × 89,98/10 kg × 15% = R80,98
c. 150 ℓ at R230/30 ℓ inclusive of VAT
150 ℓ × R230/30 ℓ ÷ 115 × 15 = R150,00
2. a. R899,99 ÷ 115 × 100 = R782,60
b. R3 450 ÷ 115 × 100 = R3 000,00
c. R350 (VAT inclusive) for 10 light bulbs
R35 (VAT inclusive) for 1 light bulb
R35 ÷ 115 × 100 = R30,43
3. a. 200 bags at R10,50/bag = R2 100 (zero-rated)
b. (R1 650 ÷ 4) + 15% = R474,38 per tyre (inclusive)
4. Details Total sales income Sales of zero- Sales of taxable VAT amount (R)
(VAT incl.) (R) rated goods (R) goods (R)
January 12 688 944,32 994 782,16 11 694 162,16 1 525 325,50
February 14 067 881,17 1 338 157,98 12 729 723,19 1 660 398,68
VAT payable 3 185 724,18
March 14 993 015,46 1 655 981,53 13 337 033,93 1 739 613,12
April 13 872 172,06 894 716,33 12 977 455,73 1 692 711,62
VAT payable 3 432 324,74
May 15 221 954,34 2 672 841,95 12 549 112,39 1 636 840,75
June 15 008 925,17 2 115 390,88 12 893 534,29 1 681 765,34
VAT payable 3 318 606,09

5. i. a. R20,45 per week ii. a. R20,45 per week

b. R92,33 per fortnight b. R92,33 per fortnight
c. R392,28 per month c. R392,28 per month
d. R4 257,78 per year d. R4 257,78 per year
6. a. R13 674 b. R136,74
c. R14 439,74 d. R144,40
7. a. R1 135 ÷ 7 = R162,14 per day
58% of R162,14 = R94,04 per day
b. Learners dicuss answers.
8. a. R75 250 + 35% × (R390 235 – R325 000)
= R98 082,25
b. R168 250 + 40% × (R1 200 345 – 580 000)
= R416 388
c. R127 720 × 18% = R22 989,60
d. R128 750 + 38% × (R43 566 – R455 000)
= R139 605,08
e. R27 000 + 25% × (R228 300 – R150 000)
= R46 575
f. R27 000 + 25% × (R198 038 – R150 000)
= R39 009,50
9. a. Taxable income
R16 503 × 12 = R198 036

TERM 3  •  UNIT 2 163

Tax payable
R27 000 + 25% × (R198 036 – R150 000)
= R39 009
Taxable income after increase
R17 196 × 12 = R206 352
Tax payable after increase
R27 000 + 25% × (R206 352 – R150 000)
= R41 088
b. Taxable income: R40 297 × 12 = R483 564
Tax payable:
R128 750 + 38% × (R483 564 – R455 000)
= R139 604,32
Taxable income after increase: R43 561 × 12 = R522 732
Tax payable after increase:
R128 750 + 38% × (R522 732 – R455 000)
= R154 488,16
c. Taxable income: R100 029 × 12 = R1 200 348
Tax payable:
R168 250 + 40% × (R1 200 348 – R580 000)
= R416 389,20
Taxable income after increase: R112 032 × 12 = R1 344 384
Tax payable:
R168 250 + 40% × (R1 344 384 – R580 000)
= R474 003,60
d. Taxable income: R19 025 × 12 = R228 300
Tax payable:
R27 000 + 25% × (R228 300 – R150 000)
= R46 575
Taxable income after increase: R23 591 × 12 = R283 092
Tax payable:
R48 250 + 30% × (R283 092 – 235 000)
= R62 677,60
10. a. i. Annual taxable income

Gross income
Annual salary (R19 450 × 12) 233 400
Additional income (R16 000 × 12) 192 000
Total gross income 425 400
Business expenses (R2 150 × 12) 25 800
Pension contribution (295 × 12) 3 540
UIF 2 334
Subtract total non-taxable deductions 31 674
Taxable income 393 726

ii. Total tax payable according to tax tables

(R75 250 + 35% (R393 726 – R325 000)) 99 304,10
Subtract primary tax rebate – 10 755,00
PAYE deducted by employer
(R2 217,50 × 12) – 26 610,00
Balance owing R61 339,10


b. i. Gross income
Sale of furniture R338 450
Interest earned on investment R44 280
Total gross income R382 730
Business expenses R18 700
Retirement annuity fund contributions R8 400
Subtract total non-taxable deductions – R27 100
Taxable income R355 630
ii. Total tax payable (according to tax tables):
R75 250 + 35% (R355 630 – 325 000)) R85 970,50
Subtract primary tax rebate – R10 755,00
Tax payable R75 215,50
c. ii. Gross income

Annual wage (R7 280 × 52) 378 560,00

Study bursary (R1 250 × 12) 15 000,00
Total gross income 393 560,00
Pension fund contrution (R350 × 52) 18 200,00
UIF 3 785,00
Subtract total non-taxable deductions 21 985,60
Taxable income 371 514,40

ii. Tax payable as per tax tables:

(R75 250 + 35% (371 574,40 – 325 000)) 91 551,04
Less primary tax rebate – 10 755,00
PAYE deducted by employer
(R1 130 × 52) – 58 760,00
Tax payable R22 036,04
11. a. IRP5
b. R302 660
c. R6 400
d. R35 875,24
e. No, Thoko only worked eight pay periods.
f. ITR12
g. Yes
h.  The end period should be 20111031, not 20120228.
The taxpayer only worked eight pay periods.
i. Learners discuss answers.
j. Physiotherapist
k. Learners discuss answers.
l. Answers will differ.
12. a. 8 209,25 Swedish krona
b. 2 175,53 Turkish lira
c. US$1 224,07
d. 37 517,59 Mauritian rupees
e. 68 247,74 Indian rupees
f. 1 389 069,10 South Korean won
13. 40 roubles = R10,21842131 ≈ R10,22
Export costs: R2 per watermelon
R10,22 – R2,00 = R8,22
The maximum income from the sale of one watermelon is R8,22.

TERM 3  •  UNIT 2 165

14. Package holiday costs
Adults: 12 000 Turkish lira × 3 36 000
Children: 6 200 Turkish lira × 3 18 600
Airfares: 22 995 lira × 6 137 970
192 270
192 570 ÷ 0,217553 = R885 257,21
They have enough funds to go on holiday to Turkey.
15. a. Iranian rial (R1 = 1 500,458960 rials)
b. Answers will differ.
16. Currency US$ ZAR
Algerian dinar Stronger Stronger
Angolan kwanza Stronger Weaker
Botswana pula Weaker Weaker
Egyptian pound Weaker Stayed the same
Ghanian cedi Weaker Stronger
Kenyan shilling Stronger Weaker
Mozambican metical Stayed the same Weaker
Malawi kwacha Stronger Weaker
Mauritian rupee Stronger Stronger
Nigerian naira Stronger Weaker
Zambian kwacha Stronger Stronger

Unit 3
Floor and elevation plans
Learner’s Book pages 418–429

Teaching tips
• Learners worked with a range of simple floor plans in Grade 10 and
Grade 11. This year they will extend this work to include the floor plans
of more complex structures. They will also use elevation plans (views of
a structure from the back, front and sides). Once learners can read and
interpret plans, they will need to apply their skills in Unit 5 when they
build scaled 3D models of a hall and solve spatial problems by modelling
using 2D scaled diagrams and by calculation.
• Note that we have used the architectural and surveying convention of
labelling elevation plans. In this convention, the elevations are labelled
according to the direction that they face. In other words, a north elevation
shows the north-facing side of a building. If you were standing looking at the
north elevation, you would be facing south. We have used this convention
as it is the one used by the building industry in South Africa. Note also
that some elevations on plans are not labelled using compass directions if
the building is not oriented towards one specific direction. In such cases,
elevations are labelled according to the street they face. For example,
Kromboom Road Elevation (the side facing Kromboom Road).
• Make sure the learners can work with line scales and ratio scales as these
will be used throughout this unit.


3.1 Assignment: Work with floor plans and assembly diagrams
Learner’s Book page 419
1. a. The floor plan of a single bedroom flat
b. Answers will differ.
c. Two windows
d. Inwards
e. Bath, toilet, sink and fittings, kitchen sink, oven, fridge
f.  When you enter the flat, you will see the kitchen on the left, the living
room straight ahead, with the bedroom to the right of the living room.
The bathroom is on the right.
2. a, b, d.
D D D D D D D: desk
C: cabinet




c. Filing cabinet:
Length: ​​ _____
6 mm
90 mm  ​​× 12 000 mm = 800 mm long

Width: ​​ _____
3,5 mm
​​× 12 000 mm = 467 mm wide
90 mm  

L-shaped desk:
Length: ​​ _____
12 mm
​​× 12 000 mm = 1 600 mm
90 mm  

Width: ​​ _____
3,5 mm
​​× 12 000 mm = 467 mm
90 mm  

Length on ​​ _____
8 mm
90 mm  ​​ 
× 12 000 m = 1 067 mm
1 600 mm

467 mm

1 133 mm
1 067 mm

600 mm

467 mm

​​ _____
5 mm
90 mm  ​​× 12 000 mm = 667 mm

A chair occupies a space of 667 mm × 667 mm.

TERM 3  •  UNIT 3 167

e. Answers will differ.
Below is an example.





3. a. Plug B
b. The pins are rectangular in the UK and not round like South African
c. Answers will differ.

3.2  Practise interpreting elevation plans

Learner’s Book page 422
1. Answers will differ.
2. 2 400 mm (2,4 m)
3. ​​ ______
24,5 mm
​​× 2 400 mm = 3 920 mm
15 mm   
The height of the roof is 3,92 m.
4. a. 
The door is to the right of the windows on the left and 2 400 m from
the edge of the wall.
b. There are 11 windows (excluding the window on the door).
c. Four windows
d. About 875 mm and 612,5 mm

3.3 Practise finding features on an elevation plan

Learner’s Book page 424

1–4. Answers will differ.

3.4 Practise answering questions about compass directions in

Learner’s Book page 425
1. During midsummer (the middle of December) the room gets the least
The angle between roof and angle c is 75°.
2. The angle changes from season to season because the southern
hemisphere’s position to the sun changes during the year. The angle
becomes smaller from summer to winter.
3. The sun is lower in the sky during winter.
4. North-facing rooms face towards the sun and are, therefore, warmer.
South-facing rooms face away from the sun and are, therefore, colder.


5. A slight roof overhang provides some shade in summer, but it lets in the
sun during winter, so that a room is not cold.
6. a.  Solar panels are installed on the north-facing side of a roof to face the
sun as much as possible. This makes them more effective in trapping
the energy from the sun.
b.  You would install it at an incline facing the north to trap as much of
the sun’s energy as possible.

3.5 Assignment: Draw scaled elevation plans and use them to calculate

measurements and costs
Learner’s Book page 426

3 850 mm

2 700 mm
7 100 mm
North elevation
3 850 mm

2 700 mm

7 100 mm
South elevation
3 850 mm

2 700 mm

7 300 mm
East elevation

TERM 3  •  UNIT 3 169

3 850 mm

2 700 mm
7 300 mm
West elevation
2. North elevation:
7 100 mm × 2 700 mm + _​​ 12 ​​× 7 100 mm × (3 850 mm – 2 700 mm)
– (2 × 1 511 mm × 949 mm + 2 100 mm × 950 mm)
= 19 170 000 mm2 + 4 082 500 mm2 – (2 867 878 mm2 + 1 995 000 mm2)
= 18 389 622 mm2
= 18,389622 m2
South elevation:
18 389 622 mm2 + 1 511 mm × 949 mm
= 18 389 622 mm2 + 1 433 939 mm2
= 19 823 561 mm2
= 19,823561 m2
East elevation:
2 700 mm × 7 300 mm – (2 × 1 022 mm × 949 mm)
= 19 710 000 mm2 – 1 939 756 mm2
= 17 770 244 mm2
= 17,770244 m2
West elevation:
2 700 mm × 7 300 mm
= 19 710 000 mm2
= 19,710000 m2
Total surface area = 75,693427 m2
3. (R9,50 + R12,60) × 75,693427 m2
= R1 672,82

Revise and consolidate

Learner’s Book page 428
1. a. 76 mm = 35 600 mm
1 mm = 468,42
40 mm : 19 500 mm
1 mm : 487,5
Approximately 1 : 480
b. About 1 m
c. 10 080 mm ≈ 10 m
d. 9,2 m × 9,5 m – 2 m × 2 m
= 87,4 m2 – 4 m2
= 83,4 m2
e. 7,2 m × 3,4 m = 24,48 m2
1,5 m from side fence


f. Pool on plan:
10 mm × 15 mm × 1 500 mm
= 4 800 mm × 7 200 mm × 1 500 mm
Pool in real life:
4,8 m × 7,2 m × 1,5 m
= 51,84 m3
2. a. Answers will differ.
b. Bedroom:
7' × 30,5 cm = 213,5 cm
13' × 30,5 cm = 396,5 cm
So, 2,135 m × 3,965 m = 8,465275 m2
Living room:
13' × 30,5 cm 396,5 cm
11'' × 2,5 cm 27,5 cm
424,0 cm
8' × 30,5 cm 244,0 cm
8'' × 2,5 cm 20,0 cm
264,0 cm
So, 4,24 m × 2,64 m = 11,1936 m2
8' × 30,5 cm 244,0 cm
12' × 30,5 cm 366,0 cm
6'' × 2,5 cm 15,0 cm
381,0 cm
So, 2,44 m × 3,81 m = 9,2964 m2
14' × 30,5 cm = 427,0 cm
22' × 30,5 cm = 671,0 cm
∴ 4,27 m × 6,71 m = 28,6517 m2
c. South and west
d. Answers will differ.
e. 2 m × 0,3 m = 0,6 m2
(28,6517 m2 + 9,2964 m2) ÷ 0,6
= 63,25
= 64
They need 64 floor boards.
f. 64 boards × 2 m × R39,65 + R487,80
= R5 563,00

Unit 4
Learner’s Book pages 430–447

Teaching tips
• Before you work through this topic, you may need to revise the basic
terminology used to talk about probability. You can use the list and the
activity on pages 430 and 431 in the Learner’s Book to do this.
• In this unit, learners will continue to work with games that make use
of coins and dice and weather predictions to revise and consolidate the

TERM 3  •  UNIT 4 171

concepts and terminology that were introduced last year. They will also
continue to use two-way tables and tree diagrams to represent the sample
space and outcomes of different events. Remember though that they do
not need to use tree diagrams to calculate probability. They only use them
to represent all the possible outcomes of one or more events.
• The contexts for teaching probability are extended in this unit to include
lottery results and gambling. The aim is for learners to understand that
the chances of winning in these contexts are very small, and for them to
consider and evaluate some of the common statements about winning in
these contexts critically.
• Learners will also work with a range of contexts where there is a
chance of getting an incorrect result. Learners should be familiar with
advertisements that make statistical claims (for example, 80% of teenagers
who use this face wash reported fewer pimples). Now they will also
investigate the concept of risk in terms of probability. For example,
insurance companies charge higher premiums if a driver is below the age
of 25 as young drivers have a higher risk of being involved in an accident.
Similarly, some insurance companies charge women less than men as their
studies show women have a lower risk profile and are less likely to be
involved in an accident. Encourage learners to make a collection of these
kinds of claim from print media and discuss them in class.

4.1 Practise revising probability terms
Learner’s Book page 431
1. a. Naeem can take out a black, white, green or yellow sweet.
b. An experiment
c. An outcome
d. Impossible
e. Answers will differ.
f.  Getting a black sweet; there is a 12 in 35 chance (34%) of getting a
black sweet.
2. Answers will differ.

4.2 Practise determining and estimating probability

Learner’s Book page 432
1. a. 1 in 9 b. 1 in 6 × 6 = 1 in 36 c. 1 in 2
d. 1 in 2 e. 1 in 12 f. 1 in 6
2. a. 3 in 50 b. 7 in 50 c. 40 in 50 – 4 in 5
3. a. 1 in 13 b. 3 in 13 c. 9 in 13
4. An experiment is not likely to give the same results as calculating the
theoretical probability.
5. a. 1 in 200
b. 199 in 200
c. 12 000 ÷ 200 = 60 babies will be obese out of 12 000.
6. a. 23 in 1 000 are obese.
977 in 1 000 are not obese.
12 000/1 000 × 23 = 276 babies will be obese out of 12 000.
b,c. Answers will differ.


4.3 Practise working out the odds
Learner’s Book page 434
1. a. 0,000004% b. 2%
c. 0,990099% ≈ 0,99% d. 10%
e. 31,25%
2. a. 52,1% = ​​ ___ ​​ = ____
52,1 1
100   ​​  1,919

1 in 1,919
47,9% = ​​ ___ ​​ = _____
100   ​​  2,0877

1 in 2,0877
b. 25% = ​​ ___
25 _1
100  ​​ = ​​  4 ​​
1 in 4 chance
0,028% = ​​ ____ ​​ = ______ = _______
c. 100    ​​  10028000
​​  3 571,428

1 in 3 571,43 chance
d. 50% = ​​ ___
​​ = _​​  12 ​​
1 in 2 chance
24,4% = ​​ ___ ​​ = ____ ____
e. 100   ​​  1244 1
000  ​​ = ​​  4,098

1 in 4,098 chance

4.4 Practise deciding which method to use to predict probability

Learner’s Book page 436
1. a. Carry out a survey
b. Experiment
c. Historical
d. Theoretical probability
e. Theoretical (historical)
f. Theoretical probability
g. Historical/survey
h. Theoretical probability
2. a. A  Women of average weight have a 50% higher chance of heart
attack than women who weigh 15% below average.
B  There is a 67% probability an earthquake of a magnitude of 6,7
or larger will strike in the greater Los Angeles area in the next
30 years.
There is a 63% probability that an earthquake of similar magnitude
will strike in the San Francisco Bay area in the next 30 years.
The San Andreas fault has a probability of 59% or larger of
generating an earthquake of 6,7 magnitude in the next 30 years.
C  There is a 70% to 80% probability that the HIV virus sampled in
four local women came from the same source.
D  Smokers have a risk of getting heart disease that is two to four
times that of non-smokers.
E  Smokers have a 1 in 10 chance (10% probability) of contracting
lung cancer. Non-smokers have a 1 in 100 chance (1% probability)
of contracting lung cancer.
F The probability of a seat-belt failing is 0,015%.
b. Answers will differ.

TERM 3  •  UNIT 4 173

4.5 Practise predicting probability based on data
Learner’s Book page 437
1. a. 212
b. 89 pensioners
c. 71
d. i. 62 out of 212
= 29,25% or 1 in 3,42
ii. 45 + 13 = 58
58 out of 212
= 27,36% or 1 in 3,66
iii. 23 + 45 = 68
68 out of 212
= 12,26% or 1 in 8,15
e. Adult female: ​​ _____
56 ​​ 
23 +   × 100% = 29,1%
Pensioner female: _____
​​  4545
+  26 ​​ 
× 100% = 63,4%
Adult male: _____
​​  1919
+  25 ​​ 
× 100% = 43,2%
Pensioner male: ​​ _____
15 ​​ 
13 +   × 100% = 72,2%
The male pensioner is most likely to buy yoghurt.
f. The adult female group is least likely to buy yoghurt.
g. Answers will differ.
2. a. ​​ ____
1 000  ​​ × 100% = 42,3%
= 0,423
b. Answers will differ.
3. a, b. Answers will differ.
c. 20 000 × 0,23 = 4 600
4, 5. Answers will differ.
6. a. Type of accident Odds of dying in one Lifetime odds of dying
All transport 0,000163371 ≈ 0,016% 0,012658227 ≈ 1,27%
Accidents involving 0,000020485 ≈ 0,002% 0,001594896
a pedestrian
Bicycle incident 0,000003126 ≈ 0,0003% 0,000243249 ≈ 0,02%
Motorcycle accident 0,000014795 ≈ 0,001% 0,0011507 ≈ 0,12%
Motor vehicle 0,000049185 ≈ 0,005% 0,003831417 ≈ 0,38%
Aeroplane accident 0,000001989 ≈ 0,0002% 0,000154798 ≈ 0,02%

b. Accident involving a pedestrian

No, she could be involved in an accident as a pedestrian or a
Yes, there is a much lower probability of dying in an aeroplane
accident than in a vehicle accident, or as a pedestrian in an accident.


4.6 Practise representing sample spaces for compound events
Learner’s Book page 440
1. a.


stop at traffic lights

stop at traffic lights stop at zebra crossing

don't stop
stop at traffic lights

stop at zebra
stop at zebra crossing

don't stop
stop at traffic lights

don't stop stop at zebra crossing

don't stop

not gamble
not gamble

2. a. Score on spinner 1

Score on spinner 1
1 2 3 4 5
Score on spinner 2

1 2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6 7
3 4 5 6 7 8
4 5 6 7 8 9
5 6 7 8 9 10

TERM 3  •  UNIT 4 175

b. The scores with the highest probability is 6 (6 is the mode of all the
scores in the data set).
c. 15 in 25 chance
= 3 in 5 chance or 60% probability
3. a.
positive test
drug users
negative test
positive test
non-drug users
negative test

b. Yes, it is possible to have a false positive result. Errors in the

laboratorium’s precedures, contaminated samples, and even other
chemicals that produce similar results, may result in false positives.
4. a. Nine outcomes
b. RR
c. 1 in 9 chance = 11,11%
≈ 11%
d. 4 in 9 chance = 44,44%
≈ 44%

4.7 Assignment: Determining and interpreting the probability for Lotto

Learner’s Book page 442
1. a. 3,7 and 20
b. 48
c. i. 2 out of 48 chance ii. 28 out of 48
A 1 in 24 chance = 4,2% = 58,33% probability
iii. 14 out of 48 chance iv. 10 out of 48 chance
= 29,2% = 20,8%
2. a. 1 out of 49 = 2,04% b. 24 out of 49 = 48,98%
≈ 49%
c. 9 out of 49 = 18,37% d. 10 out of 49 = 20,41%
≈ 18% ≈ 20%
3. Answers will differ.
4. a. 16 (drawn 200 times) b. 36 (drawn 138 times)
c. 8 288 ÷ 49 balls = 169 times d–f. Answers will differ.
5. a. About 0,0000071% b. 0,0355%
c–e. Answers will differ.


4.8 Practise interpreting results that may be wrong
Learner’s Book page 445

1. a. There is a 2% probability that the test will give a false result.

b. No, her brother might not be using drugs. However, it is 98% probable
that he is using drugs.
c. No, her brother might be using drugs. However, it is 98% probable
that he is not using drugs.
2. a.
test positive
use drugs
test negative
test positive
does not use drugs
test negative

b. Learner status Tests positive for Tests negative for Total

drugs (fail test) drugs (pass test)
Learners who use 274 6 280
Learners who do 14 706 720
not use drugs
Total 288 712 1 000

c. ​​ ___
288  ​​ = 0,0486 = 4,86% ≈ 5%
There is a 5% chance that a learner who is not using drugs will fail
the test.
​ ___
d. ​ 6
712   ​​ = 0,008426966
There is a 0,84% chance that a learner who is using drugs will pass
the test.
e. Answers will differ.

Revise and consolidate

Learner’s Book page 446
1. a. A 25% chance of winning
b. A 100% chance the event will happen
c. A greater than 50% chance of winning than losing
d. The estimated chance that an event will happen
e. Data that is an outcome of an experiment
f. By chance and unplanned; not predetermined
2. Answers will differ.
3. a. 2 out of 36 chance of winning
= 0,0556
b. Unfair. There is a very low probability of winning the R10.
c. 250 × R5 – 250 × R10 × 0,0556
= R1 250 – R139
= R1 111

TERM 3  •  UNIT 4 177

male male
male female
male female
male male
female female
female female
male male
male female
female male
female female
male male
female female
female male

b. 6 in 16 = 0,375
c. 1 in 16 = 0,0625
5. a. 12 out of 17 500 are vaccinated but get the disease. There is a
0,0006857 probability of being vaccinated and getting disease.
This is a 0,9993 probability that the vaccine is effective
(greater than 99%).
b. 5,245 ≈ 5 children
6. Answers will differ.

Unit 5
Using models to investigate shape and space
Learner’s Book pages 448–454

Teaching tips
• Mathematical modelling is a very useful life skill. At a basic level, people
may draw diagrams of a room and use scaled versions of furniture to see
how to arrange it. People may also make a model or prototype of an item
(scaled or life size) to see how it will work and what it will look like. For
example, architects often build scaled models of housing and/or office
developments to show prospective buyers what they would get if they
bought into a project. Engineering firms often make one version of an
item and then use that as a template to manufacture many more. Jewellers
make single items or they carve models out of wax and use these to make
or case many more identical items.
• Learners will need to construct models in this unit. Make sure you have
a supply of cardboard (such as old packaging containers or file covers),
scissors and/or craft knives, adhesive tape and/or glue for learners to use.


5.1 Practise modelling a container

Learner’s Book page 448

1–6. Answers will differ.


5.2 Assignment: Containers and how much they hold
Learner’s Book page 449

1–6. Answers will differ.

5.3  Investigation: The best shape and size of boxes

Learner’s Book page 449
Answers will differ.

5.4 Practise making and using a model of a building

Learner’s Book page 450
Answers will differ.

5.5 Investigation: Use scaled models to decide on the placement of

furniture and fixtures for a fund-raising event
Learner’s Book page 451
Answers will differ.

Revise and consolidate

Learner’s Book page 452
1. a. Octagon
b. 2 × 8 = 16 sets of doors
c. 38 tables
d. 12 chairs per table × 38 tables = 456 chairs
456 people can be seated at the tables.
e. Answers will differ.
2. a. 84 mm × 500 = 42 000 mm
= 42 m
​​  12 ​​× (54 mm × 500) × (66 × 500) × 8
= ​​ _12 ​​× (27 000 mm) × (33 000 mm) × 8
= ​​ _12 ​​× 27 m × 33 m × 8
= 3 564 m2
3. Area per stand:
(6 mm × 500) × (7 mm × 500)
= 3 000 mm × 3 500 mm
= 3 m × 3,5 m
= 10,5 m2
Number of stands: 61
61 × 10,5 m2 = 640,5 m2
area covered by stands
______________ ______ 640,5 ​m​ 2​
​​   total floor area   ​​ = ​ 3 564 ​m​ 2  
   ​× 100%

= 18%
4,5. Answers will differ.

TERM 3  •  UNIT 5 179

Learner’s Book pages 455–495

Exemplar Paper 1: Memorandum

Learner’s Book pages 476–485

Total: 150 marks

Question 1 (33 marks)
1.1.1 ​​ _34 ​​ of ​​√ 9 673 ​​ 
– 0,5 (5,9352 + 2,16937)
= 73,763 558… – 4,052 285
= 69,711 273… ✓
≈ 69,71 ✓
1.1.2 22,25% of R136,00
= ​​ ____
​​ × R136 ✓
or 0,2225 × R136 ✓
= R30,26 ✓
1.1.3 450 m = (450 ÷1 000) km
= 0,45 km ✓
1.1.4 5,34 million = 5,34 × 1 000 000 = 5 340 000 ✓

1.1.5 Price per egg = ____

​​  6   
​​ ✓
= R1,32 ✓
1.1.6 Total number of days from January to July
= 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31
= 212 ✓
So, the 200th day is in July. ✓
1.2.1 19:00 or 7 p.m. or 19h00 ✓ ✓
1.2.2 Wage = R18,00 × 12 × 2​​ _12 ​​ ✓
= R540 ✓
1.3.1 Total income = profit + expenses
= R135 400 + R235 656 ✓
= R371 056 ✓
1.3.2 Sihle’s share = R135 400 – R54 160
= R81 240 ✓
Ratio = 54 160 : 81 240 ✓
= 2 : 3 or 1 : 1,5 ✓
or 27 080 : 40 620
or 13 540 : 20 310
or 5 416 : 8 124
1.3.3 An increase of 8% implies 108% ✓
Profit in 2020 = ​​ ___
100  ​​× R135 400 or 1,08 × R135 400
= R146 232 ✓


Increased amount = ___ 8
​​ 100   ​​ × R135 400 or 0,08 × R135 400

= R10 832 ✓
Profit in 2020 = R135 400 + R10 832 ✓
= R146 232 ✓
1.4.1 0; 24; 38; 38; 42; 50; 52; 56; 86 ✓
1.4.2 38 ✓
52+ 86 + 24 + 38 + 56 + 42 + 0 + 50 + 38
1.4.3 Mean = ​​       
9  ​​

= ​​ ___
9   ​​ ✓
= 42,8888…
≈ 42,89 ✓
1.5.1 Internet ✓
1.5.2 Difference = 605% – 48,4%
= 12,1% ✓
1.5.3 Computers ✓
Number of schools = ​​ ___
1.5.4 ​​× 2 500 ✓
= 0,246 × 2 500
= 615 ✓

Question 2 (32 marks)

2.1.1 A = R150 000(1 + 0,66)3 ✓ ✓
= R181 703,32 ✓
2.1.2 R1,00 (ZAR) = ¥ (CNY)
Amount = 15 000 × 0,89 ✓
= ¥13 350 CNY ✓
2.2.1 a. Number of coloureds = 4 424 100 ✓ ✓
b. Number of white females = 2 277 400 ✓ ✓
2.2.2 A = 24 329 000 – (19 314 500 + 646 600 + 2 243 000) ✓
= 2 124 900 ✓
2.2.3 Difference = 19 324 500 – 18 901 000 ✓
= 413 500 ✓
2.2.4 Asian females: ​​ _______
652 300

25 662 300  ​​ 
✓ × 100%
= 2,546%
= 2,55 ✓
2.2.5 Male increase = 460 300 ✓
Female increase = 210 500 ✓
So, there was the greatest increase for males. ✓
2.3.1 R75 ✓ ✓
(Accept any amount between R73 and R77.)
2.3.2 24 single trips ✓ ✓
2.3.3 Number of single trips = 3 × 2 = 6 ✓
Cost = R45 ✓ ✓
(Accept any amount between R43 and R47.)
Cost of 22 single trips
2.3.4 ​​ ______________
22 return trips  ​​
= 2 × R165 ✓
= R330 ✓
(Accept any amount between R326 and R334.)


Question 3 (36 marks)
3.1.1 Cost = 3 × R5,75 + 5 × R1,25 ✓
= R23,50 ✓
R31,75 – (4 × R5,75)
3.1.2 Number of carrots = ​​ ______________
   R1,25  ​​ ✓

= ​​ ____
3.2.1 Area = 2,5 m × 1,5 m ✓
= 3,75 m2 ✓
3.2.2 Volume = 2,5 m × 1,5 m × 7,5 cm ✓
= 2,5 × 1,5 × 0,075 ✓
= 0,28125 m3
= 0,28 m3 ✓
3.3.1 a. A = 100% – (48% + 10,6% + 2,7% + 31,5%) ✓
= 7,2% ✓
b. Packets of cabbage seeds = 48% of 525 ✓
= 0,48 × 525
= 252 ✓

✓ 10%



3.4.1 a. Volume = 3,14 × (0,988 m)2 × 2,398 m ✓

= 7,81238… m3
≈ 7,812 m3 ✓
b. Height = ___ 80
​​  100   ​​ × 2,498 m ✓

= 1,9984 m
≈ 1,998 m ✓
3.4.2 Surface area of the tank
= 3,14 × 1 m × (2 × 2,5 m + 1m) ✓ ✓
= 3,14 m × 6 m ✓
= 18,84 m2 ✓
3.4.3 5 mm in 1 minute, so, average rate = 5 mm/min.
Time taken = ​​ _______
1 200 mm
5 mm/min.   ​​ 
= 240 min. ✓


3.5.1 7,5 × A = 30 ✓
A = ​​ ___
7,5  ​​ workers
= 4 workers ✓
B × 8 = 30 ✓
B = ​​ __
8  ​​ h
= 3,75 h ✓
3.5.2 Inverse proportion or indirect proportion ✓

Question 4 (28 marks)

4.1.1 P = R600,00 ✓ ✓
Q = R800,00 + 1 000 × R0,05 ✓
= R850,00 ✓
4.1.2 Cost per month
= R600,00 + (number of copies more than 2 500) × R0,10 ✓ ✓ ✓
4.1.3 Cost of renting a photographer
1 200
1 100 P Company A
1 000 P Company B
Cost in rand


0 1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000 6 000 7 000 8 000

Copies made

4.1.4 6 000 copies ✓ ✓

4.1.5 Saving = R1 050 – R1 000 ✓
= R50
Company A ✓
4.2.1 Stationery room ✓
Kitchen ✓
4.2.2 Actual width = 1,33 cm × 300 ✓
= 399 cm ✓
= 3,99 m ✓


Number of copies made
600 P



Number of copies
300 P



Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri.
Day of the week

4.3.2 Wednesday ✓

Question 5 (21 marks)

5.1.1 2 tanks = 2 × 26 gallons
= 52 gallons
5.1.2 16 gallons ✓ ✓
(Accept values more than 15, but less than 175.)
5.1.3 3 gallons ✓ ✓
(Accept any value from 3 to 5.)
5.1.4 18 gallons = 18 × 4,546 ℓ
= 81,83 ℓ ✓
5.1.5 Cost = 15,76 ℓ × R9,92/ℓ ✓
= R156,34 ✓
Percentage decrease = ​​ ___
5.1.6 ​​ × 100% ✓ ✓
= 9,66935…%
≈ 8,67%
5.2.1 B2 or 2B ✓ ✓
5.2.2 Karoo National Park ✓
Bontebok National Park ✓
5.2.3 Northwest ✓ ✓
5.2.4 Average speed = ​​ _____
153 km
​   ​ h
​​ ✓

= 306 km/h ✓
(Source: Reproduced with permission from the Department of Basic Education)


Exemplar Paper 2: Memorandum
Learner’s Book pages 486–495

Total: 150 marks

Question 1 (28 marks)
1.1.1 45 mm = 4,5 cm ✓
4,5 cm : 265 cm ✓
= 1 : 58,88
= 1 : 58,89 ✓
1.1.2 6 m wide plastic
He would have to buy 3 m (and would have a lot of material left over).
Cost = 3 m × R44,99/m ✓
= R134,97 ✓
Cut to order plastic
Area = 380 cm × 265 m ✓
= 10,07 m2 ✓
Cost (excl. VAT) = R10,07 m2 × R12,24/m2
= R123,26 ✓
Cost including VAT:
100% + 15% = 115%
So, cost = ​​ ___
100  ​​ × R123,26
= R141,75 ✓
The more economical way of buying the ground sheet is to buy the
6 m wide plastic sheeting. ✓
1.2.1 9 hours ✓ ✓
1.2.2 7 ºC ✓
15:00 ✓
1.2.3 Between 00:00 and 09:00 ✓
1.2.4 Day 1:
Range = 15ºC – (–4 ºC) ✓
= 19 ºC
Day 2:
Range = 1=7 ºC – (–1,6 ºC) ✓
= 8,6 ºC
He should go on day 1. ✓ Although the day–night temperatures are
colder than on day 2, the daytime temperatures are higher and the
temperature range is larger. ✓ ✓
Or, he should go on day 2. Although the daytime temperatures are
colder than day 1, the nighttime temperatures are warmer.
1.3.1 1513; 912; 1513; 1003; 1052 ✓
5 fish ✓
1.3.2 median ✓ ✓

Question 2 (18 marks)

2.1.1 The profits for 2016 and 2018 were not plotted on graph B. ✓ ✓
2.1.2 Graph B ✓
Graph B conceals the years where the annual profit went down or
where it remained the same, thus creating an impression that profits
only increased every year. ✓ ✓


2.2.1 Volume = 3,14 × (10 cm)2 × 35 cm ✓ ✓
= 10 990 cm3
= 10 990 ml ✓
Total volume of juice = 9 × 1 200 ml ✓
= 10 800 ml ✓
The container is big enough to mix the juice in. ✓
2.2.2 40 servings of 200 ml = 40 × 200 ml
= 8 000 ml ✓
Juice left after 40 servings = 10 800 ml – 8 000 ml ✓ ✓
= 2 800 ml
Number of 140 ml-servings = ​​ ______
2 800 ml
140 ml   

= 20 ✓
2.2.3 Number of 140-ml servings
= ​​ ___________
10 800 – 200 × x
140 ml   ​​ ✓

Question 3 (30 marks)

3.1.1 Theft, using vulgar language and so on ✓ ✓
3.1.2 Percentage copying in Grade 10 = ___
​​ 156
559  ​​ × 100% ✓
= 27,91% ✓
Percentage copying in Grade 11 = ​​ ___
559  ​​ × 100%
= 33,45% ✓
Percentage copying in Grade 12 = ​​ ___
559  ​​ × 100%
= 38,64% ✓
Increase from Grade 10 to Grade 11 = 33,45% – 27,91%
= 5,54% ✓
Increase from Grade 11 to Grade 12 = 38,64% – 33,45%
= 5,19% ✓
Mr Khan was correct; the percentage does increase by more than 5%
in each grade.
Reasons could include:
• Senior learners are more stressed by the marks for assignments,
tests and examinations and they fall into the trap of copying. ✓
• The increase in copying could be attributed to the higher academic
demands in Grades 11 and 12. ✓
3.1.3 In most types of offence, there has been a decrease/decline in the
number of offences from Grade 10 to Grade 12, except for copying
that has increased. ✓
• The decline could be as a result of learners getting 
more mature as
they grow. ✓
• Most prefects/team captains are in senior classes and 
they behave
better as they are in leadership roles.
• In Grade 10 they do not know each other in their chosen subjects
and they are not as tolerant of each 
• The increase in copying could be attributed to the 
academic demands in Grades 11 and 12. ✓
(Any other relevant reason)


3.1.4 He could have used a compound bar graph to represent the data. It
would clearly show the comparison between the different offences and
between the different grades. ✓ ✓
Or, he could have used three pie charts. Each pie chart could represent
a grade and it would be easy to compare the sectors of the pie charts.✓
3.2 Percentage of learners who arrive late daily (12A)
= ​​ ___
50  ​​ × 100%
≈ 8,21% ✓
Percentage of learners wo arrive late daily (12B)
= ​​ ___
50  ​​ × 42 × 100%
≈ 8,19% ✓
Mr Abel’s claim is not valid as the number of learners who arrive late
daily is approximately the same for both classes.
Mr Abel probably based his claim on the fact that more learners from
12B arrived late than learners from 12A.
There are more learners is 12B than in 12A, so we could expect more
absentees in 12B than in 12A. ✓
3.3.1 School starts at 07:35.
Time for assembly and period 1 = 5 min. + 45 min.
= 50 min. ✓
Time until the start of period 2 = 7 h 35 min. + 50 min.
= 8 h 25 min.
So, Tom arrived at 08:25. ✓
3.3.2 Tom did not go to school. ✓ ✓
Or, Tom arrived at school after Mr Abel had left the school to attend a
workshop. ✓ ✓
Or, Mr Abel was teaching another class when Tom arrived. ✓ ✓
3.3.3 Zara arrived at school late seven times.
Total = (33 + 16 + 4 + 21 + 7 + 11) min.
= 119 min. ✓
Zara’s mean = ​​ ___
7   ​​ min. ✓
= 17 min. ✓

Question 4 (32 marks)

4.1.1 Time to leave home = 8 h 15 min. (2​​ _12 ​​ h)
= 5 h 45 min.
So, latest time to leave home is 05:45. ✓
4.1.2 Cost of petrol = R650 × 4 ✓
= R2 600 ✓
Maintenance costs = 2 × 65 km × 22 × R0,35/km
= R1 001 ✓
Colleague’s contribution = 4 × R330
= R1 320 ✓
Total expenses = R2 600 + R1 001 – R1 320 ✓
= R2 281 ✓


4.2 Time taken = 42 min. = __
​​ 43
60 ​​h = 0,7 h ✓
Average speed = ______
​​ distance
time   ​​ ✓

85,8 km/h = ______

​​ distance
0,7 h   ​​ ✓

Distance = 85,8 km/h × 0,7 h

= 60,06 km ✓
4.3.1 First destination is Rosebank. ✓
Cost of the ticket to the second destination
= R70 – R43 = R27 ✓
The second destination is Rhodesfield. ✓
4.3.3 Total cost of travelling by Gautrain
= cost of ticket + cost of parking + cost of petrol + cost of bus
= R1 435 + 22 × R10 + R150 + 22 × 2 × R6
= R1 435 + R220 + R150 + R264 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
= R2 069 ✓
Cost of travelling by car (from 4.1.2) = R2 281
Savings = R2 281 – R2 069 ✓
= R212 ✓
4.3.4 Yes. ✓
She would save R212 per month ✓
She would save the wear and tear on her car. ✓

Question 5 (42 marks)

5.1.1 a. 75% of expenses = R520 + R390 + R140
= R1 050 ✓
Weekly expenses
= ​​ _____
R1 050
75%   ​​ ✓

= _____
​​  R175050
   ​​ ✓

= R1 400 ✓
b. Total cost (R) per week = R1 400 + 4 × x
c. R2 400 = R1 400 + (R4 × number of sandwiches produced) ✓ ✓
R1 000 = R4 × number of sandwiches produced ✓
250 = number of sandwiches produced ✓
5.1.2 A will have no value since 0 sandwiches are made. ✓ ✓
B cannot have an answer as the ingredients for one sandwich cost R4.
So, the total costs cannot be less than the cost for one sandwich. ✓ ✓
Or, you cannot produce a negative number of sandwiches.


Relationship between the total cost of producing one sandwich
and the number of sandwiches produced per week



Total cost (in rand) of producing one sandwich




8 P P

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Number of sandwiches produced per week

5.1.4 a. 700 sandwiches ✓

b. 29 – ​​ _____
R1 400
x ​​  = 4 ✓

29 – 4 = R​​ ____
1 400

25 = ​​ _____
R1 400
x    ​​ ✓

x = ​​ _____
R1 400
25   ​​ 
= 56 ✓
5.2.1 a. d = s  2 ​​ ×
= ​​√ 2 ​​  × 110 mm ✓
= 155,56 mm
≈ 16 cm ✓
b. Diagonal of box = 105% of 16 cm
= 1,05 × 16 cm
= 16,8 cm ✓
Thus, length of sticker = ​​ _23 ​​× 16,8 cm
= 11,2 cm ✓

5.2.2 Thickness of triangular box = 60 × ___

​​ 105
100  ​​ mm
= 60 × 1,05 mm ✓
= 63 mm

Side of triangular box = 110 × ​​ ___

100  ​​ mm
= 110 × 1,05 mm ✓
= 115,5 mm


Sandwiches can be packed along the width or the length of the box.

Top view of the carton

breadth = 58 cm

Number of sandwiches along length = _______

946 mm
​​ 115,5  ​​ 
mm  ≈8✓

Number of sandwiches along width = ______

​​ 580 mm
​​≈ 9 ✓
63 mm  
Number of sandwiches on the bottom layer of the box
= 144 sandwiches ✓
Number of layers = _______
360 mm
​​ 115,5  ​​ 
mm  ≈3✓

Number of sandwiches in box = 144 × 3 = 432 ✓

Top view of the carton

length = 94,6 cm

Number of sandwiches along length = ______

​​ 94663mm ​​ ≈ 15 ✓

Number of sandwiches along width = _______

580 mm
​​ 115,5  ​​ 
mm  ≈5

Number of sandwiches in bottom layer of box

= 15 × 5 × 2 = 150 sandwiches ✓
Number of layers = ​​ _______
360 mm
115,5 mm   ​​ 

Number of sandwiches in a box = 150 × 3 = 450 ✓

Maximum number of sandwiches is 450. ✓




A Photocopiable additional activities  195

(Measurement and Finance assignments and investigations)
B Additional activities: solutions 233
C Multiplication tables 238
D Transparencies 241


A  Photocopiable additional activities

Term 1

Measurement: Investigation 1
Create a body-based conversion table
Create a conversion table based on your body that you can use when you need
to measure things and you do not have measuring instruments with you. Work
with a partner who can measure your body parts and record them.
1. Decide which measurements you can record for parts of your body. For
example, you can record some lengths to convert into metric units, such
as the length of your index finger, the width of the first knuckle joint on
your thumb, the distance from the middle fingertip on one hand to the
opposite shoulder. But can you find mass, volume, area or other types of
measurement using your body as a measuring unit?
2. Take turns measuring the body parts you have agreed to use with an
accurate measuring tool.
3. Record these measurements in a conversion table that shows the metric
equivalent of each body measurement.
4. How reliable is your body-based measurement system? Which body
measurements will stay the same over time, and which could change?
Discuss this in class.
5. Repeat the body measurement activity after six months, and check the
new measurements against those you used for the conversion table.
Update the conversion table if necessary.

Measurement: Investigation 2
Research the meaning and use of measuring units
There are many measuring units that relate to aspects of our daily lives.
Choose one unit listed below and work with a partner to research its meaning
and use. Write a short report about the unit, including at least the following:
• what the measuring unit describes
• how the measurements are calculated
• who uses (or could use) the measuring unit and how
• examples of the measuring unit in use in practical situations.

1. Scoville units (Someone who grows or cooks with chillis will find this
unit helpful.)
2. The DIN system of paper sizes (A4 and A5 paper are DIN sizes.)
3. Blood pressure measurement units
4. Heart rate measurement units
5. Blood-glucose measurements (Diabetic people measure their
blood‑glucose levels every day.)
6. Micromorts (If you do risky activities, this measurement could be useful.)
7. The Big Mac Index (People use Big Macs to compare purchasing power
in different countries.)
8. The dollar-a-day measure of poverty in different societies
S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es 195
Measurement: Investigation 3
Crop production schedules in your region

1. Interview a farmer in your area who produces any fruit, vegetable or grain
crop, or a dairy farmer to find information about the production schedule
for sowing, harvesting, packaging and distributing the farmer’s product.
(Even if you live in an urban area, you should be able to find a small-scale
farmer in the area.) You can use the coffee production schedule on page 16
in the Learner’s Book as a model, or design a timetable layout to record
the information you collect.
2. Work with the rest of your class to combine the farm production schedules
everyone collected from local farmers into one composite timetable that
shows when all the crops grown in your area are sown, harvested and
distributed to consumers in South Africa or to export markets.
3. Use this composite production schedule for a class discussion about the
following questions:
a. Which food crops will be affected by droughts, floods or other weather
crisis conditions in your region at different times of the year?
b. If you were to eat only foods that are produced in your region, which
foods would you eat at different times of the year?

Finance: Investigation 1
Opening a filing/record-keeping system for household financial documents
How does your household store important financial documents? Answer
question 1 or question 2 and then take part in a class discussion about
these topics.
1. Investigate how financial documents are stored in your home, and how
easy or difficult it is to find a document when it is needed.
a. Describe the system(s) your parents and/or other adults in the
household use. If you have your own
system for storing personal financial
documents, describe it as well.
b. Interview people in your home to
find out if they have problems finding
documents they need.
c. Write a short report on the strengths and
weaknesses of the storage system(s)
that are used in your household.

2. Find out how some organised and
efficient people you know store their
a. Report on some of their systems
or ideas for filing documents,
keeping them safe from water
and other hazards, and so on.
b. Write a short proposal for a
storage system that could work in
The bank statements for
your home. Include suggestions last year are in the third
for who should be responsible container from the left,
for the system and where the on the top shelf.
documents should be stored.

196 S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es
Finance: Assignment 1
Organise tariff information into an easy-to-use format
Cities with bus rapid transport (BRT) systems need to educate passengers about
the new type of tariff system that uses a smartcard. The MyCiti bus system in
Cape Town has a website with information about tariffs, fare increases, loading
money onto a smartcard. Passengers could get confused by all the different
details on the website.
Study the website pages below, and decide which tariff information is most
important for passengers to know. Organise this information into an easy-to-use
format such as a table. Use examples to illustrate how many trips a passenger
could take, if they loaded different amounts of money onto their smartcard.

Your examples could look like this one:

If you load R65,00 onto your card, it will be allocated as follows: R63,37
(value load on the card) + R1,63 (bank fees of 2,5%) = R65,00. If your journey
is on any route inside Table View, you will be able to use the card for 12 trips
of R5 each, with R3,37 left on the card.

How it works
1. Get your card

Get a myconnect card for R23 from MyCiTi station kiosks or

participating retailers and load it with money for travel. You will
need cash to both get your card and load money.

There is a fee of 2.5% (minimum R1.50) of the amount loaded

at MyCiTi station kiosks and 3.5% (minimum R1.50) of the
amount loaded at participating retailers. The load fee is only
charged when you load money onto your card, and not when
you tap to enter a station or bus. For more information about
load fees click here.

You will be given a receipt for your myconnect card. If you

stop using MyCiTi or leave Cape Town, take your myconnect
card and receipt to a MyCiTi station kiosk to have the money
you paid for the card refunded.

Please read the MyCiTi rules before getting a myconnect card.

By accepting a card, you accept the rules. The full set of rules and terms and conditions for using
the card are available at station kiosks and on the website by clicking here.

2. Tap your card

Tap in by holding your card against this symbol on the validator

as you board a MyCiTi bus or enter a station. Once the four green
lights on the validator have lit up, remove your card and wait for
the beep.

1 beep – transaction successful

2 beeps – Warning, transaction successful but there is less than
R20 on your card. Top up as soon as possible.
5 beeps – Error, transaction declined. Reasons could include that
your card has not been properly read by the validator or there is
insufficient money available. Try tapping your card again or visit
a MyCiTi station kiosk for help.

You will be charged a penalty if you enter a bus or station without

tapping your card or with insufficient money on your card to travel.

3. Top up your card

Remember to top up your myconnect card
at MyCiTi station kiosks, participating
retailers or selected cash-accepting ATMs
to ensure you always have enough money
on your card to travel. You will not be able
to enter a station or bus if you do not have
enough money loaded on your card.

Absa bank customers can load money directly from their bank card to their myconnect card at any
Absa ATM, for immediate use. Absa customers can also load money via internet banking although
you still need to visit an Absa ATM or MyCiTi station kiosk to have the money transferred to your
myconnect card. Click here for more information about myconnect services available to Absa

S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es 197
Please note that MyCiTi is a card-based system, except on the airport route.

Each passenger needs a myconnect card loaded with sufficient money for travel. Certain
contactless cards displaying this symbol are also accepted.

You need cash to get your myconnect card and load money, available at MyCiTi station kiosks and
participating retailers. All MyCiTi users can also load money at selected cash-accepting Absa ATMs
for immediate use. Absa bank customers can load money directly from their bank card to their
myconnect card, or via internet banking.

Click here to find out more about myconnect.

R23 myconnect card

F1 Gardens – Civic – Waterfront

F14 Big Bay – Table View – Parklands East
F15 Parklands East – Table View – Blouberg Sands
F16 Marine Circle – Table View – Blouberg Sands
R10.60 T1 Table View – Civic Centre
Free Children under 1 metre tall and under 4 years old

Airport service
Paper tickets for the airport service are available at Civic Centre and Airport station kiosks for
children and others using concessionary fares. Adults can either use their myconnect card or
purchase a paper ticket for this service.

R57 Civic Centre – Airport route (A1)

R28.10 Civic Centre – Airport route (A1) for children 4–11 years old

Free Children under 1 metre tall and under 4 years old

Monthly ticket offering unlimited travel on the Airport – Civic Centre route (A1).
This option works out cheaper if you travel between the Airport and Civic Centre
R449.50 more than 8 times a month. This ticket cannot be used by anyone else and must
have the name of the ticket holder on it. Write your name on the ticket as soon as
you buy it.

Finance: Investigation 2
Compile a transport tariff guide for your area
People who use public transport (trains, buses, taxis and BRT systems) need
to know what all the tariffs are for these services, so that they can choose
the most economical way to travel. For example, a person may always take
the train, even though on weekends it could cost less to use a bus for the
same journey.
Research the forms of public transport in your area, and the tariffs for each
form of transport. Compile this information into a poster or booklet. Include
the following information for each form of transport:
• tariffs for weekdays, nights, weekends and public holidays
• whether the transport travels on main routes, in suburbs, and so on
• whether there are discounts available (season tickets), and what the
discount tariffs are.

Finance: Investigation 3
Compile a personal budget for the year after you complete Grade 12
Do this investigation after you have
completed 5.3 Assignment: Compile a personal
income-and-expenditure statement and
budget on page 93 in the Learner’s Book.

1. What are your plans after you complete Grade 12

and leave school? Write a brief outline of what you
intend to do next year – where you will live, what
you will study or what work you will do, and so on.
2. Prepare a budget that covers your projected
expenses for next year. Use suitable categories
and be as specific as possible about your expenses.

198 S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es
For example, if study at college is in your outline for the year, list the
college fees, costs of study materials, transport fees or residence fees, and
so on. Do research to find the exact cost or a good estimate for each item.
3. Use your income-and-expenditure statement from 5.3 Assignment to
calculate how much your living expenses for next year will be. Decide
whether the expense items will stay the same, and whether the amount for
each item will increase, stay the same or decrease.
4. If you will move out of home next year, do research to find out what the
cost will be to stay in a residence, share a flat with friends, or rent a room
in someone’s house.
5. Compile a list of all the sources of income you expect to have next year.
Give accurate amounts or good estimates for each source of income.
6. Calculate whether you will have a surplus or a shortfall in your budget for
the year.
7. If you will have a budget shortfall, write a brief explanation of how you
could increase your income possibilities for the year, or reduce your

Finance: Investigation 4
Budget for a dream holiday
Prepare a budget for your dream holiday anywhere in the world. Do research
on the internet and at travel agencies to collect accurate information about the
cost of the holiday – all travel, accommodation, tours, passport and visa costs,
insurance and any other expenses.
Your budget should include copies of all the documents you have used to
find costs for the trip – travel brochures, visa forms, adverts for local tours and
accommodation, and so on.

3 DAYS, FR R2042

2 nights accommodation in Stone Town

Return transfers from Dar es Salaam
1 Zanzibar Island activity
Daily breakfast

If you’re short on time but don’t want tomiss

out on a visit to this incredible paradise, a
‘mini-stay’ is the perfect option. We take care of SWIM WITH DOLPHINS
all your transport from Dar es Salaam (including FULL DAY, FR R607
ferries) so there is absolutely no hassles and From the village of Kizimkazi on the south
you can concentrate on relaxing. You’ll get an coast of Zanzibar, there’s the opportunity to
included activity in the package, choose from go out in a local boat and swim with the large
a Stone Town tour or Spice tour if you choose resident pods of humpbacked and bottlenose
‘Basic’ accommodation and a Dhow Sailing dophins. Grab your flippers and hoist yourself
cruise or Swimming with Dolphins if you choose into the warm Indian Ocean while your friends
‘Classic’ accommodation. Fill the rest of your stand ready with the camera. More than likely
days lazing up on the beach and swimming in a friendly local will pop up next to you in the
the turquoise sea. Please note this package is waves – it’s easier than you think.
also available as a 4 day option.

S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es 199
Finance: Investigation 5
Analyse your local municipality’s budget
If you are able to access your municipality’s reports and budgets via the
internet, complete part 1 of this investigation. If not, complete part 2 of the
investigation. When you have done part 1 or part 2, complete part 3. Work
with a partner.

Part 1
1. Do an internet search to find your municipality’s most recent budgets and annual reports.
2. Analyse the budget for two consecutive years, and write a short report in which you
explain what you noticed about the main items of income and expenditure in the budget,
and how these increased, decreased or stayed the same from one year to the next.
3. If you are able to find an annual report that includes an income-and-expenditure
statement for a specific year, compare this statement to the budget for the same year.
List any income or expenditure items in the statement that are different from the
budgeted amounts for the same items (for example, income from electricity service
charges that was budgeted to be R20 billion, but that was actually R18 billion in the
income and expenditure statement).

Part 2
1. Arrange a meeting with an official in your municipality who can give you information
about the budgets and income-and-expenditure statements for the municipality.
2. Prepare a few questions to ask the official about how they draw up a budget each year.
3. Ask the official to show you examples of actual income and expenditure amounts that
were different from the amounts budgeted for that year.
4. Find out what the municipality does if the income received in a year is less than the
budgeted expenditure for that year.

Part 3
1. With your partner, make a list of the repair and maintenance work and new services
that are needed in your community and that you think the municipality should provide
(for example, fixing leaking pipes on council property to save water, placing speed
bumps on neighbourhood roads to slow the traffic, clearing a piece of open ground to
make a public sports field).
2. Rank the items on your list in order from most needed to least needed.
3. Estimate the cost of providing each item on your list. Your estimate can be a very
rough one, but it should include a note explaining how you did your calculations for
the estimate.
4. Study the municipal budget documents you found. Could the items on your list fit in
any of the categories in the budget? (For example, new speed bumps could fit into a
category such as traffic control or road safety.)
a. If each item could fit into an existing category, state what percentage increase
in funds would have to be budgeted for that category to provide for the costs of
the item.
b. By what percentage would the total municipal budget have to increase to cover
the costs of all the items on your list?
b. If there is any item on your list that does not fit into a category in the budget, in
the budget, discuss ways in which you could persuade the municipality to budget
for this item in future.

200 S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es
Finance: Investigation 6
A case study of a small business
Do this investigation with one or two learners in your class.
1. Identify a small business in your neighbourhood and ask the owner/manager
if they are willing to share information about the business with you.
2. Prepare a list of questions that will help you to get the following
information from the owner or manager:
a. total business expenses for a month, grouped in the categories fixed
costs and running costs
b. total sales for the month – how many of each item or service the
business sells per month
c. how the business sets the selling prices of its goods or services
d. actual prices of the main goods or services offered by the business.
The owner or manager may not be able to give you exact totals for these
amounts. Ask them to give you a reasonable estimate of each amount.
3. Using the information you gathered, write a short report about the
business, with tables, equations and graphs where useful, to set out the
following information:
a. an income-and-expenditure statement for the year
b. a budget for total annual sales income from the different goods and
services offered, using the prices and sales quantities you found
c. a break-even analysis showing how many of all the items or services
combined must be sold for the business to reach break-even point for
the year
d. the approximate percentage profit that the business could be making
for the year, based on the information you found
e. any comments you want to make about whether the business could
earn more sales income if it changed its selling price or cost price for
any of the goods or services it sells.

Term 2
Finance: Assignment 2
Analyse information about long-term investment and debt/loan scenarios

1. The table gives information about a retirement annuity. Use it to answer

the questions.

Retirement annuity number 90013#21

Date on which annuity commences 01 September 1997
Date on which annuity holder retires 01 September 2025
Annuity payment R500,00
Payment frequency Monthly
Projected value on retirement – minimum R187 621,08
Projected value on retirement – maximum R389 131,95

a. Over how many years does the annuity holder pay for this retirement
b. What is the total of all his payments?
c. What is i the highest ii the lowest amount of money he could expect to
have available for his retirement from this annuity?
d. Could this amount of money be lower or higher than the amounts
given in the table?

S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es 201
2. Use the funeral plan leaflet on page 195 in the Learner’s Book to answer
these questions.
a. A Standard Bank customer who is married with three children aged
6 months, 5 years and 15 years takes out a FuneralPlan with the bank.
If he lives for another 40 years, give his total premium payments.
b. If the planholder dies two years after taking out the plan, what benefits
will the bank pay to his family?
c. If the planholder decides to include his father, his mother and his
wife’s mother in the plan, how much will he pay altogether as a
monthly premium?
d. What benefits will the plan pay out to his parents and his wife’s
mother, if he dies?
3. The table below sets out details of a funeral plan offered by another bank.

What are the benefits?

• The benefit is kept simple, giving you the choice of how to use it and therefore keeping you in control of your own plans
• Up to R120 000 accidental death benefit for the plan holder and spouse
• Whole life cover for children, as long as the plan remains in force
• In the event of death of the plan holder, a memorial benefit of R5 000 is payable in addition to the cash benefit
• 12 months free cover for the remaining members after the plan holder’s death
• The plan pays out the cash benefit ranging from R5 000 to R60 000 in the event of death of any of the insured persons,
including a R1 000 payout for stillborn for the plan holder or spouse (after the 26th week of pregnancy)
• Quick payouts
• No medicals required

What are the options and what will they cost?

The funeral plan provides flexibility by allowing you to choose who you want to cover as well as offering you different
cover amount options to choose from.

Cover Main member fee Spouse fee

R5 000 R30.00 R13.00

R10 000 R40.00 R17.00

R15 000 R47.00 R22.00

R20 000 R55.00 R35.00

R30 000 R67.00 R44.00

R40 000 R79.00 R55.00

R50 000 R90.00 R64.00

R60 000 R102.00 R73.00

Cover Extended Family fee Parents fee

<65 >=65 <65 >=65
R5 000 R34.00 R60.00 R30.00 R55.00
R10 000 R60.00 R100.00 R55.00 R90.00

R15 000 N/A N/A R80.00 R130.00

Cover Child fee

R5 000 R3.00
R10 000 R6.00


a. In the Family Package, how much will it cost a planholder every

month to buy funeral cover worth R20 000 for herself and R5 000 for
her children?

202 S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es
b. How much extra will it cost if she wants to include six extra family
members in the plan?
c. Which is the best package option for a single person who wants family
cover for himself and his parents?
d. If the single man is 35 years old and he has a maximum of R100 to
spend every month, how much funeral cover can he buy for himself
and his parents?
e. Compare the packages offered by the bank above with the funeral plan
set out on page 195 in the Learner’s Book. Which bank offers a better
funeral plan? Explain your choice by giving examples of the different
benefits and costs each plan offers.
4. The table below comes from a calculator tool offered by a bank to help
people work out how much a home loan will cost them. Use it to answer
the questions that follow.

Number of months of loan 12

Interest rate 14.2 %
Total amount of loan 96,000.00

Payment no. Payment amount Interest amount Capital reduction Balance due

1 R8,638.60 R1,136.00 R7,492.60 R88,507.40

2 R8,638.60 R1,047.34 R7,581.26 R80,926.14
3 R8,638.60 R957.63 R7,670.97 R73,255.16
4 R8,638.60 R866.85 R7,761.75 R65,493.42
5 R8,638.60 R775.01 R7,853.59 R57,639.82
6 R8,638.60 R682.07 R7,946.53 R49,693.29
7 R8,638.60 R588.04 R8,040.56 R41,652.73
8 R8,638.60 R492.89 R8,135.71 R33,517.02
9 R8,638.60 R396.62 R8,231.98 R25,285.04
10 R8,638.60 R299.21 R8,329.39 R16,955.65
11 R8,638.60 R200.64 R8,427.96 R8,527.69
12 R8,638.60 R100.91 R8,527.69 R0.00

Totals for year 1

You will spend R 103,543.20 for the whole year
R 7,543.20 will go towards INTEREST
R 96,000.00 will go towards the CAPITAL

a. What is i the interest rate ii the term iii the monthly instalment of this
b. How much money will the bond make available towards the cost of a
c. How much interest will the borrower have paid altogether by the end
of the term?
d. At the end of the seventh month, how much money will the borrower
still owe the bank?
e. If the borrower paid off this amount in total at the end of the seventh
month, how much interest would he save?
f. Which patterns do you notice in the interest amounts and the amounts
of capital paid, month-by-month for the duration of the bond?

S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es 203
Finance: Investigation 7
Compare bank fee options offered to students
Most banks are keen to attract students to open accounts at their bank because,
in general, people who have an account at one bank seldom change to another
bank later in life. The bank that offers low fees and special deals to students
knows that these students will spend more on bank fees, interest payments,
and so on once they start earning an income, buying a house or doing other
long-term bank transactions.
1. Working with a partner, collect tariff lists and marketing brochures from at
least four banks about the student account options they offer. You will find
this information on bank websites and at local branches of the banks.
2. Use this information to compare the different options. Your comparison
should cover not only the fees charged per transaction, but also extra
services offered by each bank – for example, free cellphone banking and a
student loan account.
3. Use tables of values, graphs and any other suitable means to show
examples of how one bank’s options are better or worse those that of
another bank.
4. Decide which student account option you would choose if you were a
college or university student, and write a short report in which you explain
the reasons for your choice.

Finance: Assignment 3
Compare interest owing on credit card and loan accounts
Mzwandile and Thobeka both have to spend R5 000 on textbooks and
laboratory equipment for their university studies.
Mzwandile sees the advertisement on the next page, and decides to apply
to this bank for a loan of R5 000 that is repayable after 12 months.
Thobeka has a credit card, and she decides to buy the books and equipment
with her card instead of taking out a bank loan. She buys the books on
1 February, and plans to repay the R5 000 into her credit card account by
31 January of the following year. The debit interest rate on her credit card is
22,1% p.a., and the terms and conditions of this credit card state:
You will be liable to pay interest to us in respect of each transaction,
calculated monthly on the daily balances as set out on your statement.

1. Use tables of values to calculate the real cost of the R5 000 for:
a. Mzwandile
b. Thobeka
2. Draw graphs of both tables of values on the same set of axes.
3. Is there any time during the 12-month period when the real cost of
Thobeka’s credit card debt will be lower than the real cost of Mzwandile’s
loan up to that point, or Mzwandile’s loan up to that point will be lower
than Thobeka's credit cared debt? Explain.

204 S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es
Get an Absa Personal or Micro-Loan


R13 002
R21 670
R30 338
Just like you, your Absa Loan has a birthday – but you
get the gift! Take up a new Absa Personal or Micro-Loan


Credit Life
and you’ll get 1% of your loan value back, every year.

Bank on five more reasons to be with Absa:
1 Borrow from R3 000 to R150 000


R19 362
R27 252
R11 472
2 Get it paid into any bank account

3 Pay it back over 12 to 84 months*


Repayable Credit Life

4 Apply at any Absa branch, or using Absa Cellphone
or Internet Banking
5 Choose Credit Life Cover for added peace of mind


R17 108
R24 245
R9 970
Apply now at your nearest Absa branch, logon to

36, call 0860 100 372 or apply from your


Repayable Credit Life

cellphone at

*Terms and conditions apply. All loans are subject to credit assessment.


R14 909
R21 320
R8 498

Simply bring the following documentation to finalise


Repayable Credit Life

your application:

• Green bar-coded Identity Document

Micro-Loans Repayment Table

• Latest proof of income


R12 766
R18 476
R7 055

• Proof of physical address

(e.g. utility bill not older than 3 months)

Credit Life

R1 064
R1 540

• 3 months’ bank statements (not required


for Absa customers)

Absa Bank Ltd. Reg No 1986/004794/06.


R10 000
R15 000
R5 000

Authorised Financial Services Provider. Registered Credit Provicer. Reg No NCRCP7.

Personal Loans Personal Loans

S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es 205
Finance: Assignment 4
Analyse information about a long-term investment
Financial service providers publish newsletters to advise their customers about
how to invest. The article that follows offers advice about long-term savings.
Use it to answer the questions that follow.

The cost of waiting to save Graph 1 Delays can be costly

Required increases in monthly contribution

Whether you want to save 140%
for your retirement, a child’s 120%
education or an overseas trip, 100%
starting now can significantly 80%
reduce the cost of reaching your 60%
goals. Each month that you put 40%
off saving in favour of spending 20%
either increases the amount 0%
that you will have to save in the 0 3 6 9 12 15 19 21 24 27 30
Delay before starting to save (months)
remaining months, or it pushes 10 year objective 5 year objective
the date at which you will reach
your goal further into the future. Starting to save earlier allows you to gain maximum
benefit from the power of compounding.
The black line on graph 1 shows that if investments are growing at 9% per year
and you need to meet your objective (goal) in 10 years’ time, delaying saving for just
18 months will increase the amount you need to save per month by more than 25%.
The lighter line on the graph shows that when your timeframe for reaching your
objective is 5 years, an 18-month delay in starting to save means you will have to
save 50% more per month to reach your target amount.
(Source: simplified extract from GrayIssue 6 July 2012, Issue no. 133, published by Allan Gray Pty Ltd.)

1. Explain in your own words what the numbers along the horizontal axis of
the graph represent.
2. Explain in your own words what the percentages along the vertical axis
3. A child was born in March 2013. When she is born her parents decided
to take out an education savings policy as a way to save money to pay for
her education, which would start in 2018. They waited until she was six
months old before they started paying monthly premiums on the policy.
By what percentage must they increase their monthly contribution to still
reach their investment goal by 2018?
4. If they wanted to pay R250 into the policy each month, how much must
this amount increase to still meet their goal?
5. A first-year college student decided to start saving for a round-the-world
trip five years later. She could afford to pay a monthly contribution
of R500 into an investment account. Because of unexpected college
expenses, she started making contributions two years later than she
planned. How much must she contribute to the policy each month if she
still wants to reach her savings target?
6. The article above assumes that investments are growing at 9% per year.
If the investments are growing at a lower rate (for example, 6% per year)
should you save more money or less money each month to be able to
reach your target amount by the term of the policy?

206 S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es
Finance: Investigation 8
Compare bank accounts suitable for stokvel investment
Many banks now offer savings accounts aimed specifically at stokvels
and other savings groups. The group is allowed to act as one collective
accountholder, and the bank fees and interest rates are designed to be suitable
for many small deposits made by members over time.
Working with a partner, investigate the investment options that three
different banks offer to stokvels.
Contact FNB Online Assistance Fraud Prevention Home
Bank Online User ID Password Login Absa Club Account
Prevx SafeOnline™ Reset access details Terms and Conditions Verify payments Register
Designed for groups, such as Stokvels or Burial Societies, that need a simple and convenient
Apply online Now Search our site Go way to administer their collective savings. You need only R50,00 to open the account and
no monthly administration fee is payable. With tiered interest rates, the more you save the
how can we help you?
greater your returns. Interest is calculated daily and paid into the account monthly, and
Home For Me For My Business Private Banking Rates & Pricing Contacts & Tools About FNB your money is immediately available from any branch. A key benefit of the Absa Club
Account is that the first deposit per month is free of charge. This product is not card-based
CONTACT Comes with a Debit
Just for Savings
thus no card-type transactions are permitted.
us now
Smart Account Easy Account Stokvel Account
FNB Savings Account Mzansi Account Smart Save Account Transaction Type Fee Transaction Type Fee
Call me back Fluid Account Islamic Smart Account
Islamic Youth Account Monthly Fees Balance Enquiries
Monthly Administration Fee No charge Branch Counter R2,45
087 575 9404
Stokvel Account
A book-based savings account for a group of individuals who wish to save together Deposits Absa ATM N/A

Benefits Absa-supported ATM N/A

Cheque Deposit: Branch Counter R11,00
• Groups can save for a common purpose Saswitch ATM N/A
• Personalised service at FNB branches Cheque Deposit: Absa ATM No charge
• Better return on savings POS N/A
• Better interest rates Cash Deposit: Branch Counter R485 + R1,15/R100
Post Office Terminal N/A
Free Cash Deposit: Absa ATM N/A
Statement Fees
If you keep a balance of at least R5 000 in your Smart Save Account at ALL Cash Withdrawals Branch Counter Full Statement R8,00
times during the month, you get 10 free transactions.
R27,00 + R1,15/R100
This excludes cash deposits, special instructions, and penalty fee and Branch Counter Absa ATM Ministatement N/A
(max. R500)
statement charges.
Absa ATM N/A Absa CAT Terminal Full Statement N/A
Mailed Statement R8,00
Point-of-Sale (POS) N/A
South Africa
eStatement(1) No charge
Absa-supported ATM N/A
Copies of Statements N/A
Personal Business Corporate & Institutions Private Clients About Us Saswitch ATM N/A
(per Statement)
You are here : Home » Personal » Banking » Savings and investment accounts » Society Scheme Overseas ATM/POS N/A • Less than 4 months old R12,50
• 4 months or older R32,00
Savings and Society scheme Post Office Terminal N/A
investment accounts Administration Fees
AccessSave If you are part of an informal group that wants to save together then a Society Scheme is Purchases
ideal for you. It is the classic group savings account for diverse groups from stokvels and Bank Cheque R65,00
PureSave burial societies through social clubs to investment clubs. Prepaid Top-up at Absa ATM or POS N/A
Stop Payment Instruction
PlusPlan Funds can be withdrawn on demand and deposits can be made at any time. Society (Debit Orders/Bank Cheque)
Scheme is a book-based account so all transactions have to be done over the counter at POS – Local N/A R30,00
E Plan
a Standard Bank branch. Special Clearance R65,00
Society Scheme POS – Overseas N/A
Interest is paid on a tiered basis meaning that the interest rate steps up as the account
MarketLink balance increases. Interest calculated daily and paid monthly. Debit Card Replacement Fee N/A
Account Payments and Funds Transfers
MoneyMarket Call Account
For more information on interest rates click here. Other Fees
Account Payments
Fixed Deposits
Your group must have at least five members and three or four members must be selected • Branch Counter R27,00 No charge
Notice Deposits to act as account signatories on behalf of the group. All signatures must be present when Notification Fee (SMS or E-mail)(2)
• Absa ATM N/A
opening the account at a Standard Bank branch and they must:-
Debit and Stop Orders Dishonoured/Returned Payment R36,00
• be South African citizens aged 18 or older
• present valid South African identity documents • Internal Debit Orders R3,85 Declined Fee (Insufficient Funds)
• make a minimum account opening deposit of R500 • External Debit Orders R7,15 • Absa ATM N/A
Banking • Stop Orders No charge • Absa-supported ATM N/A
No credit reference checks are performed and no proof of employment or salary are
required when opening a Society Scheme account. However, Funds Transfers • Saswitch ATM N/A
• Signatories have to consent to identity and fraud prevention checks and the sharing • Branch Counter R27,00 • POS N/A
of information relating to their application through the South African Fraud Prevention • Absa ATM N/A • Post Office Terminal N/A
CashSendTM (Absa ATM) N/A Returned Cheque Deposit R65,00
Feature Benefits Apply

It is recommended but not madatory for your group to have a constitution. All transactions
are branch based and, in this regard,
• All cash and cheque deposits are free, and your group enjoys two free cash withdrawals
and two free cheque withdrawals per month
• Accounts with monthly balances kept at R5 000 or more are not charged the monthly
service fee and enjoy two further free debit transactions per month
• All withdrawal instructions must be signed by at least two signatories to protect the rest
of the group against misappropriation
For convenient depositing and withdrawing, stop order and debit order payments can be
made into and out of the account. Branch inter-account transfers and branch account
payments can also be made out of the account.

1. Describe each account’s main features.

2. Explain how this account is (or is not) more suitable for a stokvel group
than an individual savings or investment account.
3. Compare the different accounts you have analysed, and explain how they
are similar or differ from each other. Use examples of stokvel investment
amounts to show how each account’s fees and/or interest rates will affect
the stokvel’s money.

S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es 207
Finance: Investigation 9
Analyse how inflation will affect different goods and services in
your budget
In Finance: Investigation 3, you compiled a personal budget for the year after
you complete Grade 12. Update this budget by adjusting the cost of each
item to allow for inflation. Use the table below as a guideline. It shows a
breakdown of how certain items and groups of items could increase in price,
based on past inflation rates for these items.

Product group Inflation rate for Inflation rates for items within the
this product group product group
Food +10,7% Prices show average inflation increases
within the food group, although the
price of meat, oils and fats increase at the
fastest rate.
Housing and +6,6% Water: + 9,2%
utilities Electricity: + 17,4%
Transport +6,8% Petrol: + 21,6%
Public transport: + 13%
Education +8,6% Primary, secondary and tertiary education
show similar inflation rates.

(Source: adapted from

2012%20at%20270212.pdf )

208 S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es
Finance: Assignment 5
Analyse how inflation affects people in different income categories
Read the paragraph and the table below and answer the questions that follow.

Food, housing and utilities, and transport are items that households,
especially poorer households, cannot easily avoid. Poorer households spend
a higher proportion of their total income on these items than more affluent
households. This means that poorer households will feel the effect of inflation
more strongly as they attempt to buy essential goods and services. This is
also reflected in the fact that the inflation rate for poor households was almost
2% higher than the average national inflation rate of 6,3% in 2012.
The table below provides a picture of the inflation rate for different
expenditure groups from the lowest income to highest income and the
impact of inflation rate for these groups. The very low group experienced an
inflation rate of 8,1%, higher than the national inflation rate of 6,3%, while
the very high group had an inflation rate of 6,7%.

Inflation rate
Income groups Monthly expenditure
January 2012
National average 6,3%
Very low Up to R1 213 per month 8,1%
Low R1 213 up to R1 939 per month 7,8%
Middle R1 940 up to R3 062 per month 7,4%
High R3 063 up to R6 596 per month 7,2%
Very high R6 596 and more 6,7%

1. The first row of the table shows that the national inflation rate for 2012
was 6,3%. Which income group experienced an inflation rate closest to the
national average?
2. Which income group experienced the highest inflation rate for the year?
3. If a family budgeted about R2 050 per month for household expenses, by
how much did this amount need to increase in 2012 so that they could buy
everything in their budget?
4. If the inflation rate for people in the high income group was 7,2% in 2012,
by how much did their purchasing power decrease in that year? (Give
your answer in rand, not as a percentage.)
5. Give an example to explain the statement, ‘Poorer households spend a higher
proportion of their total income on food than more affluent households’.
6. The table below sets out the government social grants paid to some South
Africans in 2011 and 2012.
a. Calculate the percentage increase in each grant from 2011 to 2012.
b. Did the increases allow each type of grant to maintain the same
purchasing power in 2012 as it had in 2011? Explain.

Type of grant 2011 amount 2012 amount

Old age pension (people over 75) R1 160,00 R1 220,00
Disability grant R1 140,00 R1 200,00
Child support grant   R260,00   R280,00
Foster child grant   R740,00   R770,00

S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es 209
Finance: Assignment 6
Analyse how inflation affects pensioners
Read the article below and answer the questions that follow.

Pensioners spend a greater share of their income on housing and utilities

than even the richest 20% of the general population does. Health-related
costs make up 1,5% of the national CPI basket of goods, but 2,4% of the
pensioners’ basket.

Inflation 2003
to 2011
Average pensioner inflation 6,0%
Average general inflation rate 5,2%
Difference 0,7%
Difference compounded over 10 years 7,4%
Difference compounded over 20 years 15,2%
Difference compounded over 30 years 23,7%
Additional savings required as percentage of savings 7,8%
Additional savings required as percentage of salary 1,0%

1. Write a sentence in which you describe how the general inflation rate
changed from 2009 to 2011.
2. Write a sentence in which you compare the changes in pensioners’
inflation to general inflation for the same period.
3. Was there any time when pensioners experienced lower inflation than the
general public?
4. In the period from 2003 to 2011, by what percentage did employed
people need to increase their savings so that they would have the same
purchasing power in spite of inflation?
5. In this period, by what percentage did pensioners need to increase their
savings to keep the same purchasing power in spite of inflation?
6. How easy is it for pensioners to increase the amount they save every
month or every year? Explain your answer.
7. Why do pensioners tend to experience inflation rates that are different
from the inflation experienced by the general population? Give an
example to explain your answer.

Finance: Investigation 10
Linking income to the inflation rate
1. The extract from a news report below quotes a former South African
Minister of Finance about how workers can protect themselves against
inflation. Read the article and answer the questions that follow.

Inflation should not erode wages, says Manuel

15 May 2008 – Staff Reporter
South Africa’s Finance Minister Trevor is above 8% ask workers to take a 4%
Manuel said on Thursday that it was increase”. South Africa’s labour unions
important to ensure that inflation did not have indicated they would ask for
erode workers’ salaries. double-digit wage increases this year to
Manuel told journalists at the launch cushion workers against rising prices.
of South Africa’s 2008 tax season, ‘You
can’t in an environment where inflation
(Source: Adapted from

210 S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es
a. How do workers try to maintain the purchasing power of their wages
and salaries when prices increase as a result of inflation?
b. If employers offer their staff a salary increase of 4% when the inflation
rate is 8%, how will this affect the workers’ purchasing power?
Included in your answers, give an example of how this would work.
c. Give an example of how a worker’s weekly wage would need to
change so that an annual inflation rate of 7,2% did not damage the
purchasing power of their wage.
d. Find out what percentage wage or salary increases workers in a
local business have received over the past two years. Compare these
increases with the inflation rate for the past two years, which you will
find on the website of Stats SA ( Write a brief
report in which you compare the workers’ rate of pay increase with the
inflation rate for the same period.
2. Some people buy goods such as jewellery, art and property that increase
in value over time. They hope that the value of the goods will increase at a
higher rate than inflation. Then, if they need to sell the goods to get cash,
they will get enough cash back so that they will have the same level of
purchasing power as they had when they bought these items.
  The graph compares the inflation rate of jewellery with the inflation rate for
personal effects (all personal goods such as clothing, phones and cameras).
The inflation rate for jewellery and general personal effects

Inflate rate (%)

Jan. 2008 Jul. 2008 Jan. 2009 Jul. 2009 Jan. 2010 Jul. 2010 Jan. 2011 Jul. 2011 Jan. 2012
General personal effects Jewellery, clocks and watches

a. Write a short paragraph in which you describe how the inflation rate
for jewellery, clocks and watches compared with the inflation rate for
general personal effects during the period 2008 to 2012.
b. If Pat bought a gold ring in July 2009 for R3 500, approximately how
much would the same ring cost in January 2012?
c. If Ismael bought a pair of shoes for R1 500 in July 2009,
approximately how much would the same pair of shoes cost in
January 2012?
d. Collect information from a local jeweller about how prices have
changed for certain items of jewellery over the last three years.
Choose five or six specific items to compare (for example, a gold ring
with one diamond and a pair of gold earrings) and compile a table of
selling prices for three years. Calculate and draw a graph to show the
average inflation rate for the jewellery items over this period.

S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es 211
e. Collect information about the prices of five or six items of clothing,
or electric/electronic goods, for the same three years. Calculate the
average inflation rate for these goods and draw a graph of this rate on
the same set of axes as the jewellery graph above.
f. Write a sentence in which you compare the two inflation rates.
3. The graph of house prices on page 243 in the Learner’s Book shows
that property prices increase at rates that are not always the same as the
general inflation rate. Over time most houses increase in value, because
inflation means that it costs more and more to build a new house. But if
you sell a house, there is no guarantee that the amount you receive will
have enough purchasing power to match the higher cost of living caused
by inflation.
  This table sets out average changes in house prices in a few major
South African metropolitan areas over a five-year period.

Annual percentage price change

City 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Pretoria 16,5 1,1 0,38 9,8 2,2
Cape Town 10,4 2,46 0,13 9,5 2,2
Greater Johannesburg 15,5 3.25 3,1 2,8 6,9
Durban/Pinetown 14,9 0,07 6,5 8,7 9,6
East London 11,7 12,8 1,16 3,07 17,0
Bloemfontein 22,6 1,8 0,6 15,8 2,7
Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage 12,7 3,07 8,8 9,9 4,1

a. Work out the average house price inflation rate across all these
metropolitan areas in each of the five years.
b. Use these averages to draw a graph of house price inflation in South
African metropolitan areas from 2007 to 2011.
c. Work out the average house price inflation rate in each metropolitan
area for the same five-year period.
d. If the general inflation rate in South Africa over this five-year period
was 6,3%, in which metropolitan areas would income from property
sales have had the same (or more) purchasing power in 2011 as
in 2007?
d. Consider a house in each metropolitan area that cost R1 000 000 in
2007. If that house were sold at the end of 2007, how much would the
new owner have paid for it?
e. If the same house were sold again at the end of 2008, 2009, 2010 and
2011, what would the cost of the house have been at the end of 2011?
f. Find out how house prices have changed in your neighbourhood over
the last five years. What has the average house price inflation rate been
for this period? Is this greater or smaller than the average inflation rate
in South Africa, for the same period?

212 S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es
Measurement: Assignment 1
Estimate the lengths of roads and pavements in a settlement
The street plan shows part of an informal settlement where the municipality
plans to upgrade the roads. Use the scale bar on the plan to help you answer
the questions.

Market Street


Mountain Road

Dolphin Road

0 40 80 m

(Source: ‘The Desmond and Leah Treatment Centre, Masiphumelele’,

Digest of South African Architecture 2004/2005 p. 81)

1. Estimate the total length of all the roads marked on the plan. Explain
how you worked out your estimation. How accurate do you think your
estimated measurement is?
2. The municipality plans to create pavements along both sides of every road.
What will the total estimated length of the pavements be?
3. The pavements will be edged with concrete kerbstones. If one kerbstone is
0,6 m long, how many kerbstones will be needed for this job?
4. If the kerbstones are priced at R750 per 500 m, what will the municipality
have to pay for the total quantity of concrete kerbstones they need?
5. There is a chance that this part of the upgrading could be delayed by
one to two years, even though it is in this year’s budget. How would you
advise the municipality to adjust its budgeted amount for the kerbstones,
in case there is a delay?

Measurement: Investigation 1
Complete a travel logbook

1. Complete at least one month of travel information using a copy of the

logbook on page 291 in the Learner’s Book. Also insert the vehicle details
at the top of the logbook page. (Note that the dates are for Mondays.
You may complete details for any four weeks – not only those listed in
the logbook.)
  The best way to complete the logbook will be for you to find a person
who runs a small business and can help you fill in real distances travelled
for business and personal reasons, week by week. If the person you ask
does not keep a log of accurate distances, help them estimate at least one
week’s distances.

S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es 213
Base your estimate on:
• the odometer reading at the start of the week
• the odometer reading at the end of the week
• a list of all the trips that the vehicle made for business and personal
reasons during the week.
If you cannot find a business manager or owner to help you, work with
a partner in your class to estimate distances for at least one month of the
logbook, for an imaginary business owner. For example, a young mother
with three children, who runs a business from home that makes gift boxes
and fancy stationery to sell to the public.
2. Use the details in your logbook to work out the average kilometres travelled
by this vehicle, per month and per year, for business and for personal
reasons. Add rows for all the weeks that have not been listed in the logbook.
3. Use the average annual distances travelled for business and personal
reasons to work out what proportion of the total distance covered in a year
is for business reasons, and what proportion is for personal reasons.

Measurement: Assignment 2
Calculate vehicle operating costs

1. Use the average distance travelled in a year that you calculated in

question 2 of Measurement: Assignment 1 above to work out the operating
cost of the vehicle for which you gave information in the logbook. To do
this use the method you learned to use in Grade 11:

Step 1
Find out what the average petrol consumption is for this car (ask the owner, look
it up on a website, or ask a dealer who sells this make of car). For example: a car
has average petrol consumption of 7,8 ℓ/100 km. This means it uses about 7,8 ℓ to
travel 100 km. So it uses 7,8 ÷ 100 = 0,078 ℓ to travel 1 km.
Step 2
Use a rate calculation to work out how much petrol this vehicle uses to travel
the average distance travelled in a year. For example: the car with average petrol
consumption of 7,8 ℓ/100 km travels 47 350 km in a year.
The car uses 0,078 ℓ to travel 1 km.
So it will use 0,078 × 47 350 to travel 47 350 km.
0,078 × 47 350 = 3 693,3 ℓ (Use a calculator to make it easier to work with the
decimal values.)
Step 3
Use the current price of petrol to work out what 3 693,3 ℓ of petrol costs.
The changing price of petrol means this method will not give you a completely
accurate cost. To get an idea of the total cost, either find out what the petrol price
was in each month of the year and work out the average for the year, or make a
reasonable estimate of an average price, based on the current petrol price.

2. Now use the method set out in the AA tool op pages 292 to 294 in the
Learner’s Book to calculate operating costs for the same vehicle. You will
need to find the purchase price and engine capacity of the vehicle from
the owner. If you invented a vehicle for your logbook, decide what type of
vehicle it is, how much it cost you, and what its engine capacity is.
3. Compare your answers to questions 1 and 2 above. What do they tell you
about the benefits of using each method to calculate operating costs?

214 S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es
Measurement: Assignment 3
Calculate materials and budget for a built-in wardrobe unit
When she leaves school, Lerato moves into a new loft room built into the roof
of her parents’ house. The room has no furniture in it, and parts of the walls
slope steeply because they follow the line of the roof. Lerato sees the drawing
below in a magazine, and asks her father if he will pay a cabinetmaker to
build something like this for her new living space. Her father says he will do
so, if the whole unit can be built for less than R2 000.

1. The length of the wall where this unit will go is 3,2 m. The ceiling height
at its top point is 2,1 m. Use these measurements to decide on lengths
for all the parts of this wardrobe unit that match the proportions of the
different sections as shown in the diagram.
2. Decide how deep the wardrobe unit should be – how far it should jut out
into the room.
3. Use your measurements to calculate the total length of construction
material that will be needed for the sides, top, shelves and drawer of
the unit.
4. Do research to find out which materials would be suitable for this unit,
and what the cost will be of each type of material. If the materials only
come in standard sizes, will there be any wastage of unused materials
once the unit is built?
5. Is it possible to construct the whole unit for under R2 000? Report on
your findings.
6. Suggest ways in which the size of the unit sections could be changed to
reduce the cost, or to use the material most effectively (with the least
amount of unused material left over).

Measurement: Investigation 2
Growth patterns in children aged 2 to 20
The charts on the next two pages show the percentile curves for height
(stature) and weight (mass) for both males and females aged 2 to 20.
The scales are given in both metric and imperial units.
The mean weight (in kilograms) and height (in centimetres) of a
representative sample of urban learners is given in the table that follows
the two charts.

S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es 215
2 to 20 years: Boys NAME
Stature-for-age and Weight-for-age percentiles RECORD #

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Mother’s Stature Father’s Stature cm in
Date Age Weight Stature BMI*
95 74
185 S
180 T
50 70 A
175 T
25 68 U
170 R
10 66
165 E
in cm 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5
160 160
62 62
155 155
S 60 60
T 150 150
A 58
T 145
U 56
140 105 230
E 135 100 220
130 95 95 210
125 90 200
48 190
120 85
46 180
115 80
44 170
110 75
42 160
105 50 70
150 W
100 65 140 E
38 I
95 60 130 G
36 90 H
5 55 120
34 85 50 110
32 80 45 100
40 90
80 35 35 80
W 70 70
30 30
E 60 60
I 25 25
G 50 50
H 20 20
40 40
15 15
30 30
10 10
lb kg AGE (YEARS) kg lb
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Published May 30, 2000 (modified 11/21/00).
SOURCE: Developed by the National Center for Health Statistics in collaboration with
the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2000).

216 S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es
2 to 20 years: Girls NAME
Stature-for-age and Weight-for-age percentiles RECORD #

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Mother’s Stature Father’s Stature cm in
Date Age Weight Stature BMI*
185 S
180 T
70 A
175 T
68 U
170 R
75 66
165 E
in cm 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 50
160 25 160
62 62
155 10 155
60 5 60
150 150
140 105 230
S 135 100 220
T 52
A 130 95 210
T 125 90 200
48 190
R 120 85
E 95 180
115 80
44 170
110 90 75
42 160
105 70
150 W
100 75 65 140 E
38 I
95 60 130 G
36 90 H
55 120
25 T
34 85 50 110
32 80
45 100
40 90
80 35 35 80
W 70 70
30 30
E 60 60
I 25 25
G 50 50
H 20 20
40 40
15 15
30 30
10 10
lb kg AGE (YEARS) kg lb
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Published May 30, 2000 (modified 11/21/00).
SOURCE: Developed by the National Center for Health Statistics in collaboration with
the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2000).

S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es 217
Age (to nearest whole year) 12 13 14 15 16 17
Male learners
Mean weight (kg) 42,98 50,00 56,66 61,61 64,82 68,03
Mean height (cm) 152,3 159,8 166,7 171,4 174,3 175,5
Female learners
Mean weight (kg) 46,59 50,46 54,18 56,47 58,06 57,57
Mean height (cm) 155,2 158,8 161,4 162,2 162,7 162,9

1. Plot the data for each age group on the appropriate graph.
2. Comment on what you can learn about the sample group from this data.
3. Collect height and mass data from a sample of male and female learners in
each age group in your school or community.
a. Calculate the mean mass and height for each age group.
b. Plot the data on the appropriate graph (see the graphs above).
c. Comment on what this graph shows.
d. How does the data from your sample compare with the data given in
the table above? Suggest reasons for any differences.
4. Calculate the mean BMI for each age group using the data given in the table.
a. Use the BMI percentile graphs in this unit and plot the BMI for
each group.
b. How does the plotted mean BMI for girls compare with the median
BMI for each age group?
c. What percentage of 17-year old boys has a BMI above the mean for
this sample group?
5. Use the given data together with the data you collected and write a short
paragraph in which you compare the growth patterns and BMI findings for
male and female learners.

Measurement: Assignment 4
Prepare a set of instructions about E coli and water purification
The people who are most at risk of E coli infection may not be able to read
warnings and instructions in English. Follow the steps in this assignment to
prepare an easy-to-use leaflet for them.
Step 1
Plan a page of the leaflet on which you set out the information given on
pages 330 to 332 in the Learner’s Book about E coli in a few pictures that tell
the same story. (For example, you could include a picture of sewage spilling
out of a broken pipe into a stream near a few houses, followed by a picture of
a child playing in the river, with a big cross through this picture to show that
children must not play in contaminated water.)
Step 2
Design a clear sign that could be placed near any contaminated water, warning
people not to use the water. The sign should include wording in at least two
South African languages.
Step 3
Convert the written guidelines for purifying water into a set of visual
instructions (pictures) that show each step in the process. Use a few words or
numbers where necessary to explain what must be done.

218 S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es
Step 4
Translate the guidelines above into at least one other South African language,
and present them in an easy-to-read leaflet. If you do not speak more than one
language, find a partner in the class to work with you, or find someone in your
neighbourhood who can translate the English text into another local language.

Measurement: Assignment 5
Collect information about temperatures in your home fridge and plan your
food storage accordingly
Use the cold storage guidelines on pages 338 and 339 in the Learner’s Book
to analyse the temperatures in the fridge and/or freezer at home, and decide
on the best ways to pack food into it. You will need a thermometer that shows
temperatures between about 10 °C and –20 °C.
Take all the temperature readings in the same fridge, so that you can
compare the changes. (Different fridges may have slightly different
temperature ranges, because of wear and tear or different cooling mechanisms.)
1. On a specific date, take a reading of the temperature in the following parts
of the fridge. For each measurement, put the thermometer in position and
leave it there for at least five minutes. It is not necessary to move the food
in the fridge out of the way. Record your measurements for each position
in the fridge.
a. the top shelf, near the back b. the top shelf, near the front
c. the bottom shelf, near the back d. the bottom shelf, near the front
e. an inside rack of the door
f. one of the drawers at the bottom of the fridge
2. Empty the fridge and let it stand empty for half an hour and then repeat
the measurements. (You may need to store some of the foods in a
neighbour’s fridge for an hour.) Record your new measurements.
3. Repack the food in the fridge. Follow the guidelines in the table on
page 338 in the Learner’s Book as far as possible. Leave the fridge like
this for at least an hour, then repeat the measurements and record them.
4. Draw up a table to set out your three sets of measurements, so that you
can easily compare how the temperatures did or did not change in each
situation. The table could look like the one that follows.

S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es 219
Fridge packed as Fridge emptied Fridge repacked
usual according to guidelines
Position Temperature in degrees Celsius (°C)
top shelf, near back
top shelf, near front
bottom shelf, near back
bottom shelf, near front
inside rack of door
drawer at bottom of fridge

5. Write a few sentences in which you give guidelines about where to pack
different types of food in your fridge so that it maintains the most suitable
temperatures for storage.

Measurement: Investigation 3
Tiling a given area
Example 3 on pages 354 to 356 in the Learner’s Book sets out the basic
method for calculating quantities and costs for a tiling project. It made
allowance for grouting between tiles. Use this method, or any other method
for this investigation.
1. Choose an area in your house that could be tiled (for example, the wall
above the kitchen sink or the stove, a bathroom or kitchen wall or a floor
in one of the rooms).
2. Measure the dimensions of this area accurately, and prepare a sketch
diagram to show the shape of the area and all the measurements of its
sides. Calculate the total area of the surface you want to tile.
3. Visit one or two tile suppliers and choose tiles that would be suitable.
(Some tiles are only suitable for walls, as they are not strong enough to
be used for floors.) Measure each tile accurately. Write down the price of
each tile you choose and find out how the tiles are sold (how many tiles
are in one box). Ask the assistant how much grouting and tile adhesive
you would need for the area you want to cover, and calculate the costs.
  Or, if there is no tile supplier near where you live, do research on
the internet to find what different sizes of floor or wall tiles cost, how
much grouting and adhesive are needed for different areas, and what
these items cost. Or find a builder or home do-it-yourself person in your
neighbourhood, and ask them to help you estimate costs and tile sizes for
your project.
4. Using the information you collected above, work out how many tiles are
needed to cover the area you chose for this investigation. Indicate if some
tiles will need to be cut so that the whole area can be tiled.
5. Prepare a budget for this tiling project, including the following.
a. the cost of tiles
b. the cost of grouting and adhesive
c. the total cost, including VAT
6. Calculate how many uncut tiles will be left over after the area has been

220 S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es
Measurement: Investigation 4
What is the replacement cost of your home?
In this investigation, you will find out what it would cost to rebuild your
house. This is a complex investigation, and you may prefer to work in groups
of two or three learners. If you work in groups, choose one group member’s
house for the investigation.
Many people take out insurance cover for their cars, jewellery, cellphones,
household goods and office equipment. The insurance cover is based on what
the owner says the goods are worth.
If you are a home owner, or if you are paying monthly instalments on a
bond (home loan), you also need to take out insurance on the building. This
means that you will have insurance cover if the building is destroyed or badly
damaged by a fire or a rock fall, or if building collapses or there is another

The insurance for a building is based on the replacement cost of the building
– this is the cost of rebuilding the same structure, with the same materials. It
only refers to the walls, floors, windows, doors, roof, plumbing and electric
wiring of the building. All the interior features such as carpets, furniture and
kitchen equipment are not covered by this insurance.
Building costs increase annually and every few years, home owners need
to check whether the replacement cost stated in their insurance policy is still
be enough to rebuild the house. Every year the management of blocks of flats
looks at the replacement costs at which the building is insured to see if they
should update the total value of the insurance.
To investigate the replacement costs of the building where you live, follow
the steps that follow.
Part 1
1. Draw a simple plan of the building, showing the walls, doors and windows.
2. Measure the dimensions of each wall, door and window, and add these to
the plan.
3. Calculate the area of each wall in the building, and find the total area of all
the walls.
4. Calculate the total area of all the windows and doors in the building,
and subtract this total from the total wall area. This gives you the actual
wall area.

S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es 221
5. Calculate the total floor area of the house.
6. If you are investigating a house, estimate the area of the roof that covers
the house. (Hint: Compare the surface area of the roof with the total floor
area of the building. Let the roof estimate be slightly more than the area of
the floors.)
7. If you are investigating a flat, calculate the total area of all the ceilings in
the flat. (Hint: Think about whether the ceilings are the same size as the
floors in all the rooms.)
8. Measure the perimeter around all the walls in each room, excluding the
doors. Add the perimeters to get a very rough estimate of how long the
electric cables will be.
Part 2
Now you have the measurements of the main elements, use each measurement
to find the quantities and costs of materials needed to rebuild these elements.
Note: You can take your calculations of the walls, floors, roof, window and
door sizes to a building supply store and ask the staff to help you if necessary.
1. Find out how many bricks are needed to rebuild all the walls, and what
they will cost.
2. Find out what it will cost to replace the floors with new flooring of the
same type the house has now.
3. Find out what doors and windows of the same sizes and types will cost.
4. Investigate the types of roofing material that could be used to replace your
existing roof, and get an estimate of what this would cost.
5. Ask an electrician to help you estimate the cost of rewiring a building
with the dimensions on your plan, and the perimeters of the walls you
Part 3
1. Use all the information you collected in part 2 and calculate the estimated
total cost for rebuilding your house.
2. Find out what the current replacement cost is for your house as given in
the insurance policy. If your parents cannot give you this information, ask
the home loans department at a bank to help you.
  Or, if your house is not covered by building insurance, or you cannot
find information about replacement costs for the building, ask a local
builder to estimate what it would cost to rebuild your home (excluding
labour costs). Compare this estimate with your calculations.
3. Write a short report about the information you found about the following:
a. the replacement costs of the building
b. the problems of trying to work out how much it will cost to replace a
building. How difficult was it to find out what materials cost? What
problems did you experience when trying to measure the quantities
of materials needed? Was it difficult to get help from the experts you
4. Based on your report, take part in a class discussion about whether people
ought to know what the replacement values of their houses are and how to
help them get access to this information.

222 S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es
Measurement: Investigation 5
Quantities and costs of materials for a low-cost house
Below is the plan for a low-cost (RDP) house with a total floor area of 40 m2.
The owners received a subsidy of R62 000 to construct the top structure (walls
and roof, wiring and plumbing). Investigate whether the subsidy will cover all
the construction costs.

2 500

2 500
790 × 1856
990 × 1 205 990 × 1 205

5 000 8 000
Front elevation Side elevation

2 500
2 500

790 × 1 856
990 × 1 205

5 000 8 000
Rear elevation Side elevation


1. Use the plan to work out the dimensions of the exterior walls, windows and
doors of the house. All measurements on the plan are given in millimetres.
2. Find out from a building supply store which materials could be used for
the walls, roof, doors and windows, and the costs of these materials. Ask
the staff to advise you about the approximate quantities of bricks and
roof tiles for a house of this size. If they cannot help you, consult a local
builder for advice before you go back to the building supply store to find
the costs of the materials.
3. Use this information to calculate the basic top structure cost. If there are
different options for some materials (such as brick or timber for the walls,
timber or steel for the window frames), calculate the costs for one or more
combinations of materials that you think will be suitable.
4. Research the cost of installing basic plumbing and electrical wiring. To do
this, you will need to show the plan to a plumber and an electrician who
usually work on building projects, and ask how they estimate costs. Show
them the plan above, and also the plan on the next page of the interior of
the house.
5. Use the information you collected to draw up a budget for the construction
of the house. Will the subsidy be enough to cover costs?

S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es 223
8 200
2 600
200 4 000 200 3 600 200


990 × 1 205
2 200

990 × 1 205

2 800


990 × 1 205

2 400


790 × 856

1 800

790 × 856
200 5 800 200 1 800 200
SITE PLAN scale 1 : 50
(Source: )

Term 3

Finance: Assignment 7
Calculate personal income tax for an employee
Below is the payslip received by Miriam Mufamadi at the end of January.


PO Box 65 DATE 31/01/2012
Durban North RATE 233.44
Gross salary 27 785.00

GROSS PAY 27 785.00

Use of motor vehicle 660.00

Pension 0.00 2 083.88
PAYE Tax 0.00 4 898.00
UIF Contribution 0.00 277.85



1. Show how the tax amount on this payslip was calculated, using
the following.
a. the tax tables on the next page that apply to monthly remuneration
b. tax brackets and formulae, as set out in the table in Term 3, Unit 1 in
the Learner’s Book.
2. In June Miriam receives a salary increase: her new monthly gross income
is 29 452. How will this change the amount of PAYE deducted from her
monthly pay?
3. Compare the amount of tax shown in the tax tables for Miriam’s gross
income in April with the amount of tax payable that you calculate using
tax brackets and formulae. Find reasons for any differences that you see in
the two tax values.

224 S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es
R 24,788 - R 24,838 R 297,756 R 4,516 R 3,983 R 3,806 R 27,338 - R 27,388 R 328,356 R 5,281 R 4,748 R 4,571
R 24,839 - R 24,889 R 298,368 R 4,531 R 3,998 R 3,821 R 27,389 - R 27,439 R 328,968 R 5,296 R 4,763 R 4,586
R 24,890 - R 24,940 R 298,980 R 4,546 R 4,014 R 3,836 R 27,440 - R 27,490 R 329,580 R 5,311 R 4,779 R 4,601
R 24,941 - R 24,991 R 299,592 R 4,561 R 4,029 R 3,851 R 27,491 - R 27,541 R 330,192 R 5,326 R 4,794 R 4,616
R 24,992 - R 25,042 R 300,204 R 4,577 R 4,044 R 3,867 R 27,542 - R 27,592 R 330,804 R 5,342 R 4,809 R 4,632
R 25,043 - R 25,093 R 300,816 R 4,592 R 4,060 R 3,882 R 27,593 - R 27,643 R 331,416 R 5,357 R 4,825 R 4,647
R 25,094 - R 25,144 R 301,428 R 4,607 R 4,075 R 3,897 R 27,644 - R 27,694 R 332,028 R 5,372 R 4,840 R 4,662
R 25,145 - R 25,195 R 302,040 R 4,623 R 4,090 R 3,913 R 27,695 - R 27,745 R 332,640 R 5,388 R 4,855 R 4,678
R 25,196 - R 25,246 R 302,652 R 4,638 R 4,105 R 3,928 R 27,746 - R 27,796 R 333,252 R 5,403 R 4,870 R 4,693
R 25,247 - R 25,297 R 303,264 R 4,653 R 4,121 R 3,943 R 27,797 - R 27,847 R 333,864 R 5,418 R 4,886 R 4,708
R 25,298 - R 25,348 R 303,876 R 4,669 R 4,136 R 3,959 R 27,848 - R 27,898 R 334,476 R 5,434 R 4,901 R 4,724
R 25,349 - R 25,399 R 304,488 R 4,684 R 4,151 R 3,974 R 27,899 - R 27,949 R 335,088 R 5,449 R 4,916 R 4,739
R 25,400 - R 25,450 R 305,100 R 4,699 R 4,167 R 3,989 R 27,950 - R 28,000 R 335,700 R 5,464 R 4,932 R 4,754
R 25,451 - R 25,501 R 305,712 R 4,714 R 4,182 R 4,004 R 28,001 - R 28,051 R 336,312 R 5,479 R 4,947 R 4,769
R 25,502 - R 25,552 R 306,324 R 4,730 R 4,197 R 4,020 R 28,052 - R 28,102 R 336,924 R 5,495 R 4,962 R 4,785
R 25,553 - R 25,603 R 306,936 R 4,745 R 4,213 R 4,035 R 28,103 - R 28,153 R 337,536 R 5,510 R 4,978 R 4,800
R 25,604 - R 25,654 R 307,548 R 4,760 R 4,228 R 4,050 R 28,154 - R 28,204 R 338,148 R 5,525 R 4,993 R 4,815
R 25,655 - R 25,705 R 308,160 R 4,776 R 4,243 R 4,066 R 28,205 - R 28,255 R 338,760 R 5,541 R 5,008 R 4,831
R 25,706 - R 25,756 R 308,772 R 4,791 R 4,258 R 4,081 R 28,256 - R 28,306 R 339,372 R 5,556 R 5,023 R 4,846
R 25,757 - R 25,807 R 309,384 R 4,806 R 4,274 R 4,096 R 28,307 - R 28,357 R 339,984 R 5,571 R 5,039 R 4,861
R 25,808 - R 25,858 R 309,996 R 4,822 R 4,289 R 4,112 R 28,358 - R 28,408 R 340,596 R 5,587 R 5,054 R 4,877
R 25,859 - R 25,909 R 310,608 R 4,837 R 4,304 R 4,127 R 28,409 - R 28,459 R 341,208 R 5,602 R 5,069 R 4,892
R 25,910 - R 25,960 R 311,220 R 4,852 R 4,320 R 4,142 R 28,460 - R 28,510 R 341,820 R 5,617 R 5,085 R 4,907
R 25,961 - R 26,011 R 311,832 R 4,867 R 4,335 R 4,157 R 28,511 - R 28,561 R 342,432 R 5,632 R 5,100 R 4,922
R 26,012 - R 26,062 R 312,444 R 4,883 R 4,350 R 4,173 R 28,562 - R 28,612 R 343,044 R 5,648 R 5,115 R 4,938
R 26,063 - R 26,113 R 313,056 R 4,898 R 4,366 R 4,188 R 28,613 - R 28,663 R 343,656 R 5,663 R 5,131 R 4,953
R 26,114 - R 26,164 R 313,668 R 4,913 R 4,381 R 4,203 R 28,664 - R 28,714 R 344,268 R 5,678 R 5,146 R 4,968
R 26,165 - R 26,215 R 314,280 R 4,929 R 4,396 R 4,219 R 28,715 - R 28,765 R 344,880 R 5,694 R 5,161 R 4,984
R 26,216 - R 26,266 R 314,892 R 4,944 R 4,411 R 4,234 R 28,766 - R 28,816 R 345,492 R 5,709 R 5,176 R 4,999
R 26,267 - R 26,317 R 315,504 R 4,959 R 4,427 R 4,249 R 28,817 - R 28,867 R 346,104 R 5,725 R 5,192 R 5,015
R 26,318 - R 26,368 R 316,116 R 4,975 R 4,442 R 4,265 R 28,868 - R 28,918 R 346,716 R 5,743 R 5,210 R 5,033
R 26,369 - R 26,419 R 316,728 R 4,990 R 4,457 R 4,280 R 28,919 - R 28,969 R 347,328 R 5,760 R 5,228 R 5,050
R 26,420 - R 26,470 R 317,340 R 5,005 R 4,473 R 4,295 R 28,970 - R 29,020 R 347,940 R 5,778 R 5,246 R 5,068
R 26,471 - R 26,521 R 317,952 R 5,020 R 4,488 R 4,310 R 29,021 - R 29,071 R 348,552 R 5,796 R 5,264 R 5,086
R 26,522 - R 26,572 R 318,564 R 5,036 R 4,503 R 4,326 R 29,072 - R 29,122 R 349,164 R 5,814 R 5,281 R 5,104
R 26,573 - R 26,623 R 319,176 R 5,051 R 4,519 R 4,341 R 29,123 - R 29,173 R 349,776 R 5,832 R 5,299 R 5,122

R 24,074 - R 29,173 TABLE C

MONTHLY TAX DEDUCTION TABLES (2013 TAX YEAR) Revision: 4 Page 12 of 19


Annual Tax Annual Tax
Remuneration Remuneration
Equivalent Under 65 65 - 74 Over 75 Equivalent Under 65 65 - 74 Over 75

R 29,174 - R 29,224 R 350,388 R 5,850 R 5,317 R 5,140 R 31,724 - R 31,774 R 380,988 R 6,742 R 6,210 R 6,032
R 29,225 - R 29,275 R 351,000 R 5,868 R 5,335 R 5,158 R 31,775 - R 31,825 R 381,600 R 6,760 R 6,228 R 6,050
R 29,276 - R 29,326 R 351,612 R 5,885 R 5,353 R 5,175 R 31,826 - R 31,876 R 382,212 R 6,778 R 6,245 R 6,068
R 29,327 - R 29,377 R 352,224 R 5,903 R 5,371 R 5,193 R 31,877 - R 31,927 R 382,824 R 6,796 R 6,263 R 6,086
R 29,378 - R 29,428 R 352,836 R 5,921 R 5,389 R 5,211 R 31,928 - R 31,978 R 383,436 R 6,814 R 6,281 R 6,104
R 29,429 - R 29,479 R 353,448 R 5,939 R 5,406 R 5,229 R 31,979 - R 32,029 R 384,048 R 6,831 R 6,299 R 6,121
R 29,480 - R 29,530 R 354,060 R 5,957 R 5,424 R 5,247 R 32,030 - R 32,080 R 384,660 R 6,849 R 6,317 R 6,139
R 29,531 - R 29,581 R 354,672 R 5,975 R 5,442 R 5,265 R 32,081 - R 32,131 R 385,272 R 6,867 R 6,335 R 6,157
R 29,582 - R 29,632 R 355,284 R 5,992 R 5,460 R 5,282 R 32,132 - R 32,182 R 385,884 R 6,885 R 6,352 R 6,175
R 29,633 - R 29,683 R 355,896 R 6,010 R 5,478 R 5,300 R 32,183 - R 32,233 R 386,496 R 6,903 R 6,370 R 6,193
R 29,684 - R 29,734 R 356,508 R 6,028 R 5,496 R 5,318 R 32,234 - R 32,284 R 387,108 R 6,921 R 6,388 R 6,211
R 29,735 - R 29,785 R 357,120 R 6,046 R 5,514 R 5,336 R 32,285 - R 32,335 R 387,720 R 6,939 R 6,406 R 6,229
R 29,786 - R 29,836 R 357,732 R 6,064 R 5,531 R 5,354 R 32,336 - R 32,386 R 388,332 R 6,956 R 6,424 R 6,246
R 29,837 - R 29,887 R 358,344 R 6,082 R 5,549 R 5,372 R 32,387 - R 32,437 R 388,944 R 6,974 R 6,442 R 6,264
R 29,888 - R 29,938 R 358,956 R 6,100 R 5,567 R 5,390 R 32,438 - R 32,488 R 389,556 R 6,992 R 6,460 R 6,282
R 29,939 - R 29,989 R 359,568 R 6,117 R 5,585 R 5,407 R 32,489 - R 32,539 R 390,168 R 7,010 R 6,477 R 6,300
R 29,990 - R 30,040 R 360,180 R 6,135 R 5,603 R 5,425 R 32,540 - R 32,590 R 390,780 R 7,028 R 6,495 R 6,318
R 30,041 - R 30,091 R 360,792 R 6,153 R 5,621 R 5,443 R 32,591 - R 32,641 R 391,392 R 7,046 R 6,513 R 6,336
R 30,092 - R 30,142 R 361,404 R 6,171 R 5,638 R 5,461 R 32,642 - R 32,692 R 392,004 R 7,063 R 6,531 R 6,353
R 30,143 - R 30,193 R 362,016 R 6,189 R 5,656 R 5,479 R 32,693 - R 32,743 R 392,616 R 7,081 R 6,549 R 6,371
R 30,194 - R 30,244 R 362,628 R 6,207 R 5,674 R 5,497 R 32,744 - R 32,794 R 393,228 R 7,099 R 6,567 R 6,389
R 30,245 - R 30,295 R 363,240 R 6,225 R 5,692 R 5,515 R 32,795 - R 32,845 R 393,840 R 7,117 R 6,585 R 6,407
R 30,296 - R 30,346 R 363,852 R 6,242 R 5,710 R 5,532 R 32,846 - R 32,896 R 394,452 R 7,135 R 6,602 R 6,425
R 30,347 - R 30,397 Finance:
R 364,464 Assignment
R 6,260 R 5,728 8
R 5,550 R 32,897 - R 32,947 R 395,064 R 7,153 R 6,620 R 6,443
R 30,398 - R 30,448 R 365,076 R 6,278 R 5,746 R 5,568 R 32,948 - R 32,998 R 395,676 R 7,171 R 6,638 R 6,461
R 30,449 - R 30,499
Plan a holiday
R 365,688 R 6,296
in southern
R 5,763 R 5,586
R 32,999 - R 33,049 R 396,288 R 7,188 R 6,656 R 6,478
R 30,500 - R 30,550 R 366,300 R 6,314 R 5,781 R 5,604 R 33,050 - R 33,100 R 396,900 R 7,206 R 6,674 R 6,496
R 30,551 - R 30,601 The map
R 366,912 shows
R 6,332 train Rand
R 5,799 5,622bus routes
R 33,101 between
- R 33,151 a few towns
R 397,512 and cities
R 7,224 R 6,692 in R 6,514
R 30,602
R 30,653
R 30,652
R 30,703
R 367,524
R 368,136
R 6,349
R 6,367
The timetables
R 5,817
R 5,835
R 5,639
R 5,657
and tariffs for most
R 33,152 - R 33,202
R 33,203 - R 33,253
of the
R 398,124
R 398,736
main RRroutes
R 7,242
R 7,260
R 6,532
R 6,550
R 30,704 - R 30,754
given inR 6,385
R 368,748
the tables
R 5,853
R 5,675
the map. Information Ris399,348
R 33,254 - R 33,304
also given
R 7,278
about the average
R 6,745 R 6,568
R 30,755 - R 30,805 cost of Raccommodation
R 369,360 6,403 R 5,871 in a student
R 5,693 R 33,305 hostel in each
- R 33,355 country.
R 399,960 An exchange
R 7,296 R 6,763 rate
R 6,586
R 30,806 - R 30,856 R 369,972 R 6,421 R 5,888 R 5,711 R 33,356 - R 33,406 R 400,572 R 7,313 R 6,781 R 6,603
R 30,857 - R 30,907 table
R 370,584 gives
R 6,439the rates
R 5,906 for a
R 5,729few southern African
R 33,407 - R 33,457 currencies
R 401,184 as
R 7,331 well as
R 6,799 other
R 6,621
R 30,908 - R 30,958 currencies
R 371,196 thatR are
R 6,457 5,924 used in the tariff
R 5,747 R 33,458tables. If you
- R 33,508 want information
R 401,796 R 7,349 R 6,817about
R 6,639
R 30,959
R 31,010
R 31,009
R 31,060
routes not
R 371,808
R 372,420
R 6,474
R 6,492
R 5,942
R 5,960
use the
R 5,764
R 5,782
internet to find Rup-to-date
R 33,509 - R 33,559
R 33,560 - R 33,610
R 402,408
R 7,367
R 7,385
R 6,834
R 6,852
R 6,657
R 6,675
R 31,061 - R 31,111 tariffs for
R 373,032 trains
R 6,510 or buses.
R 5,978 R 5,800 R 33,611 - R 33,661 R 403,632 R 7,403 R 6,870 R 6,693
R 31,112 - R 31,162 R 373,644 R 6,528 R 5,995 R 5,818 R 33,662 - R 33,712 R 404,244 R 7,420 R 6,888 R 6,710
R 31,163 - R 31,213 R 374,256 R 6,546 R 6,013 R 5,836 R 33,713 - R 33,763 R 404,856 R 7,438 R 6,906 R 6,728
R 31,214 - R 31,264 R 374,868 R 6,564 R 6,031 R 5,854 R 33,764 - R 33,814 R 405,468 R 7,456 R 6,924 R 6,746
R 31,265 - R 31,315 R 375,480 R 6,582 R 6,049 R 5,872 R 33,815 - R 33,865 R 406,080 R 7,474 R 6,942 R 6,764
R 31,316 - R 31,366
S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es
R 376,092 R 6,599 R 6,067 R 5,889 R 33,866 - R 33,916 R 406,692 R 7,492 R 6,959 R 6,782
R 31,367 - R 31,417 R 376,704 R 6,617 R 6,085 R 5,907 R 33,917 - R 33,967 R 407,304 R 7,510 R 6,977 R 6,800
R 31,418 - R 31,468 R 377,316 R 6,635 R 6,103 R 5,925 R 33,968 - R 34,018 R 407,916 R 7,528 R 6,995 R 6,818
R 31,469 - R 31,519 R 377,928 R 6,653 R 6,120 R 5,943 R 34,019 - R 34,069 R 408,528 R 7,545 R 7,013 R 6,835
R 31,520 - R 31,570 R 378,540 R 6,671 R 6,138 R 5,961 R 34,070 - R 34,120 R 409,140 R 7,563 R 7,031 R 6,853
1. Use this information to plan a holiday route that satisfies the following
• It can be completed in three weeks.
• It costs less than R10 000 in total. Use estimated costs based on
the included exchange rate table. (Where train or bus fares are not
available for a section of your route, estimate these fares based on
other fares given in the tables.)
• You will spend time in at least three countries.
2. When you have planned the holiday, write a description of the route you
propose from start to finish, with a table of costs (in rand).

Key K E N YA
Passenger trains Kisumu
GABON D E M O C R AT I C Nairobi
Tabora Mombasa

TA N Z A N I A Dar es

ZAMBIA Kapiri Mpushi


Livingstone Harare

Hwange Mutare

Bulawayo M
NAMIBIA Francistown

Beitbridge Chicualacuala
Windhoek Musina
Walvis Bay B O T S WA N A Polokwane
Lubatso Komatipoort
Keetmanshoop Johannesburg Pretoria Maputo

Karasburg Kimberley Ladysmith

Bloemfontein Pietermaritzburg
De Aar Durban
AFRICA East London
N Cape Town Port Elizabeth
0 1 000 km

Train schedules and tariffs

KENYA – trains
Nairobi ►Kisumu Kisumu ►Nairobi
Days of running Monday & Friday Days of running Monday & Friday
Nairobi depart 18:30 Kisumu depart 18:30
Naivasha arr/dep 22:30 Nakuru arr/dep 02:55
Nakuru arr/dep 01:05 Naivasha arr/dep 04:55
Kisumu arrive 09:00 Nairobi arrive 09:00

1st class sleeper 3 010 Kenya shillings (£17/$32) per person sharing a 2-berth compartment including dinner &
Children (aged 3–11) 1 925 Kenya shillings, children under 3 free
2nd class sleeper 2 210 Kenya shillings (£12/$24) per person sharing a 4-berth compartment including dinner &
breakfast, or 1 685 shillings without dinner
Children (aged 3–11) 1 525 Kenya shillings, children under 3 free
3rd class seat 500 Kenya shillings (£3/$5)
Children (aged 3–11) 250 Kenya shillings, children under 3 free

226 S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es
KENYA – trains
Nairobi ►Mombasa Mombasa ►Nairobi
Days of running Monday & Friday Days of running Monday & Friday
Nairobi depart 19:00 Mombasa depart 19:00
Makindu arr/dep 23:15 Voi arr/dep 23:20
Mtito Andei arr/dep 01:11 Mtito Andei arr/dep 01:50
Voi arr/dep 04:00 Makindu arr/dep 03:50
Mombasa arrive 10:00 Nairobi arrive 10:00

1st class sleeper 4 405 Kenya shillings (£38/$60) per person sharing a 2-berth compartment including dinner
& breakfast
This is the ticket office price, if you prebook through a reliable agency the fare is usually
around $75
Children (aged 3–11) 2795 Kenya shillings, children under 3 free
2nd class sleeper 3 385 Kenya shillings (£29/$45) per person sharing a 4-berth compartment including dinner
& breakfast, or 2 335 shillings without dinner
This is the ticket office price, if you prebook through a reliable agency the fare is usually
around $65
Children (aged 3–11) 2 285 Kenya shillings, children under 3 free
3rd class seat 680 Kenya shillings (£4/$6)
Children (aged 3–11) 340 Kenya shillings, children under 3 free


Departure schedule
Day/Night From town To town Departure time Estimated arrival time
Day Nairobi via Busia Kampala 07:00 20:00
Day Nairobi via Malaba Kampala 07:00 20:00
Day Nairobi (Royal) Kampala 07:15 20:00
Night Nairobi via Busia Kampala 19:30 09:30
Night Nairobi via Malaba Kampala 21:30 11:00


MOMBASA – DAR ES SALAAM (Tanzania) bus service...
A daily bus leaves Mombasa at 08:00, arriving Dar es Salaam at 18:00. Northbound, it leaves Dar es Salaam at
08:00, arriving Mombasa 17:30. Fare 1 600 Kenyan shillings or 19 000 Tanzanian shillings (£13/$21).
NAIROBI – ARUSHA – DAR ES SALAAM (Tanzania) bus service...
Akamba bus run a daily bus, departing Nairobi at 06:30 and arriving Dar es Salaam at 21:00. Fare in region of
3 200 Kenyan shillings or 38 000 Tanzanian shillings (£22/$38)


Dar es Salaam ►Kigoma/Mwanza
Km Towns 1st & 3rd class 1st, 2nd & 3rd class
    0 Dar es Salaam depart 17:00 Tuesdays & Fridays 17:00 Tuesdays & Fridays
  465 Dodoma 08:10 Wednesdays & Saturdays 08:10 Wednesdays & Saturdays
  840 Tabora arrive 18:25 Wednesdays & Saturdays 18:25 Wednesdays & Saturdays
  840 Tabora depart 20:10 Wednesdays & Saturdays 20:10 Wednesdays & Saturdays
1 256 Kigoma arrive 07:25 Thursdays & Sundays -
1 220 Mwanza arrive - 07:25 Thursdays & Sundays

S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es 227
Kigoma/Mwanza ►Dar es Salaam
Km Towns 1st & 3rd class 1st, 2nd & 3rd class
    0 Mwanza depart 17:00 Thursdays & Sundays 18:00 Thursdays & Sundays
  465 Kigoma depart 04:30 Fridays & Mondays -
  840 Tabora arrive 18:25 Fridays & Mondays 18:25 Fridays & Mondays
  840 Tabora depart 20:10 Fridays & Mondays 20:10 Fridays & Mondays
1 256 Dodoma 07:25 Saturdays & Tuesdays 18:40 Fridays & Mondays
1 220 Dar es Salaam arrive - 07:25 Saturdays & Tuesdays

One way per person
Dar es Salaam to Kigoma 80 000 shillings (£28/$45) 1st class sleeper
40 000 shillings (£20/$35) 2nd class sleeper
19 900 shillings 3rd class seat

Dar es Salaam ►Mbeya ►Kapiri Mposhi

Km Towns Classes Mukuba or Kilimanjaro Mukuba or Kilimanjaro
express train ordinary train
1s, 2s, 2, 3, M or R 1s, 2s, 2, 3, R
    0 Dar es Salaam depart 15 50 Tuesdays 13:50 Fridays
  849 Mbeya arrive 13:08 Wednesdays 14:10 Saturdays
depart 13:23 Wednesdays 14:40 Saturdays
  969 Tunduma (frontier) arrive 17:02 Wednesdays 18:38 Saturdays
depart 17:17 Wednesdays 18:53 Saturdays
  970 Nakonde arrive 18:22 Wednesdays 17:59 Saturdays
depart 18:47 Wednesdays 18:18 Saturdays
1 852 Kapiri Mposhi (new) arrive 09:26 Thursdays 13:37 Sundays

Kigoma/Mwanza ►Dar es Salaam

Km Towns Classes Mukuba or Kilimanjaro Mukuba or Kilimanjaro
express train ordinary train
1s, 2s, 2, 3, M or R 1s, 2s, 2, 3, R
    0 Kapiri Mposhi (new) depart 18:00 Tuesdays 14:00 Fridays
  882 Nakonde arrive 08:39 Wednesdays 09:13 Saturdays
depart 09:09 Wednesdays 09:23 Saturdays
  883 Tunduma (frontier) arrive 10:14 Wednesdays 10:30 Saturdays
depart 10:29 Wednesdays 10:45 Saturdays
1 003 Mbeya arrive 14:13 Wednesdays 14:32 Saturdays
depart 14:29 Wednesdays 15:00 Saturdays
1 852 Dar es Salaam arrive 12:35 Thursdays 15:48 Sundays

One way per person. Express train fares. Ordinary train fares are around 20% less
Dar es Salaam to Kapiri Mposhi 82 600 shillings (£28/$48) 1st class sleeper
52 800 shillings (£21/$35) 2nd class sleeper
Dar es Salaam to Mbeya 22 400 shillings (£13/$21) 1st class sleeper
23 800 shillings (£9/$16) 2nd class sleeper
Kapiri Mphoshi to Dar es 1st class sleeper, express = 261 400 Zambian kwacha (£33/$55)
Salaam 2nd class sleeper = 198 000 kwacha (£25/$50)
2nd class seat = 171 600 kwacha (£23/$44)
2rd class seat = 145 200 kwacha (£18/$35)
Kapiri Mphoshi to Mbeya 1st class sleeper, express = 118 8 Zambian kwacha (£14/$28)
2nd class sleeper = 86 600 kwacha (£12/$24)
2nd class seat = 79 100 kwacha (£11/$21)
2rd class seat = 71 400 kwacha (£10/$20)

228 S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es
Livingstone ►Lusaka ►Kitwe Kitwe ►Lusaka ►Livingstone
  0 km Livingstone depart 20:00 Mon. & Fri. Kitwe depart 08:45 Mon. & Fri.
arrive 13:20 Tues. & Sat.
467 km Lusaka Ndola arrive/depart 11:30 Mon. & Fri.
depart 14:20 Tues & Sat.
652 km Kapiri Mposhi arrive/depart 21:30 Tues & Sat. Kapiri Mposhi arrive/depart 16:42 Mon. & Fri.
arrive 23:50 Mon. & Fri.
785 km Ndola arrive/depart 02:50 Wed. & Sun. Lusaka
depart 00:30 Tues & Sat.
851 km Kitwe arrive 06:00 Wed. & Sun. Livingstone arrive 20:00 Tues. & Sat.

One way per person in economy class
Livingstone – Lusaka 30 000 ZMK (£4/$7)
Livingstone – Kapiri Mposhi 43 000 ZMK (£6/$10)
Lusaka – Kapiri Mposhi 13 000 ZMK (£2/$3)

Bulawayo ►Victoria Falls Victoria Falls ►Bulawayo
472 km, runs every day 472 km, runs every day
Bulawayo Depart 19:30 Victoria Falls Depart 19:00
Dete Arrive/depart 08:00 Hwange Arrive/depart 22:22
Hwange Arrive/depart 03:04 Ete Arrive/depart 00:50
Victoria Falls Arrive 09:00 Bulawayo Arrive 07:00

Bulawayo ►Harare Harare ►Bulawayo

486 km, runs Mon., Thurs., Sat. 486 km, runs Tues., Fri., Sun.
Bulawayo Depart 20:00 Harare Depart 21:00
Harare Arrive 08:00 Bulawayo Arrive 08:00

Fares are very cheap, even judged at the very poor official exchange rate. The one-way 1st class
sleeper fare from Bulawayo to Victoria Falls is $12 (£17.50), bedding now $4 extra. A 2nd class
sleeper is $8 (£5) without bedding.

Harare ►Mutare Mutare ►Harare

Runs Wed., Fri., Sun. Runs Mon., Thur., Sat.
Harare Depart 21:30 day 1 Mutare Depart 21:00 day 1
Mutare Arrive 05:25 day 2 Harare Arrive 05:20 day 2

The train has 1st and 2nd class sleepers and economy seats. Distance: 273 km
Fares: 1st class sleeper $7, 2nd class sleeper $5, economy seat $4

Bulawayo ►Chiredzi Chiredzi ►Bulawayo

Runs Mon., Thur., Sat. Runs Mon., Thurs., Sat.
Bulawayo Depart 21:30 day 1 Chiredzi Depart 15:20 day 1
Rutenga Arrive/depart 08:43 day 2 Rutenga Depart 20:05 day 1
Chiredzi Arrive 12:30 day 2 Bulawayo Arrive 07:45 day 2

The train has 1st and 2nd class sleepers and economy seats. Distance: 523 km
Fares: 1st class sleeper $14, 2nd class sleeper $10, economy seat $8

S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es 229
Bulawayo ►Beitbridge (border with South Africa) Beitbridge ►Bulawayo
Runs Thursdays & Sundays Runs Mondays & Fridays
Bulawayo Depart 18:00 day 1 Beitbridge Depart 21:00 day 1
Beitbridge Arrive 19:00 day 2 Bulawayo Arrive 08:45 day 2

The train has 1st and 2nd class sleepers and economy seats. Distance not known.
You can take local transport across the Beitbridge-Musina border and take the Shosholoza Meyl train from
Musina to Pretoria & Johannesburg

Bulawayo to Chicualacuala & Maputo (Mozambique)

Bulawayo ►Chicualacuala Chicualacuala ►Bulawayo
Runs Wednesdays Runs Wednesdays
Bulawayo Depart 12:15 Wed. Maputo Depart 13:00 Wed.
Chicualacuala Arrive 13:00 Thurs. Chicualacuala Arrive 03:42 Thurs.
(change trains) Depart (change trains) Depart
Maputo Arrive 05:49 Fri. Bulawayo Arrive 03:52 Fri.

International trains
South Africa to Botswana by train
There are no trains from Botswana to South Africa, as the daily train to Mafikeng and weekly train to Johannesburg
were withdrawn in 1999. However, you can take a comfortable train between Cape Town and Johannesburg. Then
there’s a daily bus between Johannesburg and Gaborone leaving Johannesburg at 14:30 and arriving Gaborone
at 21:10. In the other direction, the bus leaves Gaborone daily at 08:30 and arrives in Johannesburg at 13:00.
For times, fares and online booking see
Zimbabwe to Botswana by train
In 1999, the weekly Johannesburg–Gaborone–Bulawayo train was withdrawn and the daily Mafikeng–Gaborone–
Bulawayo blue train was cut back to run purely within Botswana, Francistown–Gaborone–Lobatse. However, after
an absence of six years, an international train service between Zimbabwe and Botswana restarted in June 2006,
from Francistown to Bulawayo, three times a week.

Francistown ►Bulawayo Bulawayo ►Francistown

Towns Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Towns Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Francistown Depart 09:00. Bulawayo Depart 11:00.
Bulawayo Arrive 15:00 Francistown Arrive 16:30

NAMIBIA trains
StarLine passenger trains
Regular passenger trains marketed as StarLine are run by TransNamib, on the following routes:
• Windhoek to Swakopmund & Walvis Bay, runs daily except Saturdays, departs 19:55, arrives next
day at Swakopmund 05:20 & Walvis Bay 07:15.
• Walvis Bay & Swakopmund to Windhoek, runs daily except Saturdays, departs Walvis Bay 19:00,
Swakopmund 20:45, arrives Windhoek 07:00 next day.
• Windhoek–Keetmanshoop, runs daily except Saturdays, departs 19:40, arrives at 07:00 next day.
• Keetmanshoop–Windhoek, runs daily except Saturdays, departs 18:50, arrives 07:00 next day.
• Keetmanshoop–Karasburg – see the StarLine timetable.
• Windhoek–Tsumeb & Windhoek–Gobabis trains have been cancelled indefinitely as from
January 2009.

Windhoek–Walvis Bay costs around N$80 (£5 or US$10), Windhoek–Keetmanshoop around N$87 (£5.50 or
US$11), in economy class. Business class costs N$20 extra. However, fares vary from N80 – N$130 according to
time of year and peak/off-peak. Children under 2 free, children 2, but under 12 half fare.

230 S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es
The Desert Express
TransNamib also operates a weekly tourist-orientated train between Windhoek and Swakopmund called
the Desert Express. The train has sleepers (with en suite shower/toilet), a restaurant, bar & lounge.
• Departs Windhoek 12:00 (13:00 in summer) on Fridays, arrives Swakopmund 10:00 next day.
• Departs Swakopmund 15:00 on Saturdays, arrives Windhoek 10:30 next day.

Fares: N$1 850 (£115 or US$230) sharing, N$2 400 (£150 or US$300) single occupancy.


Johannesburg & Pretoria ►Maputo
1. Take a South Arrican train from Johannesburg to Komatipoort.
This train is the Komati, run by Shosholoza Meyl. It currently runs three times a week and has economy seats
only, there are no sleepers.
Johannesburg Depart 18:10 Mon., Wed., Fri.
Pretoria Depart 19:40 Mon., Wed., Fri.
Nelspruit (for Kruger Park) Arrive/depart 04:15 next morning
Kaapmuiden Arrive/depart 05:15 next morning
Komatipoort Arrive 06:38 next morning
2. Walk across the border from Komatipoort to Ressano Garcia.
It’s only a few kilometres. The CFM train used to cross the border, but this proved too difficult for the customs
authorities, so now you must walk across.
3. Take a CFM train from Ressano Garcia to Maputo.
This train is run by CFM, the Caminhos de Ferro do Mozambique.
It runs daily, and has 3rd class seats.
Ressano Garcia (Mozambique) Depart 12:10 on Mon.–Fri., 12:30 on Sat & Sun.
Maputo (Mozambique) Arrive 16:40 on Mon.–Fri., 17:20 on Sat. & Sun.

Maputo ►Pretoria & Johannesburg

1. Take a CFM train from Maputo to Ressano Garcia.
This train is run by CFM, the Caminhos de Ferro do Mozambique. It runs daily, with 3rd class seats.
Maputo (Mozambique) Depart 07:45 on Mon.–Fri., 08:00 on Sat & Sun.
Ressano Garcia (Mozambique) Arrive 11:20 on Mon.–Fri., 11:35 on Sat. & Sun.
2. Walk across the border from Ressano Garcia to Komatipoort.
It’s only a few kilometres. The CFM train used to cross the border, but this proved too difficult for the customs
authorities, so now you must walk across.
3. Take a CFM train from Komatipoort to Johannesburg.
This train is the Komati, run by Shosholoza Meyl. It runs three times a week. It has economy seats only, there
are no sleepers.
Komatipoort Depart 18:00 Tues., Thurs., Sun.
Kaapmuiden Arrive/depart 19:39 Tues., Thurs., Sun.
Nelspruit (for Kruger Park) Arrive/depart 20:40 Tues., Thurs., Sun.
Pretoria Arrive 04:50 next morning
Johannesburg Arrive 06:16 next morning

• Johannesburg to Komatipoort costs R170 (about £14 or US$21)
• Ressano Garcia to Maputo costs 15MT (about 30p or less than $1)

S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es 231
Find up-to-date information about fares and schedules for South African buses and trains on the internet
or at your local bus and train stations. This map shows main South African bus and train routes that
connect with other countries in southern Africa.

Swakopmund Windhoek
BOTSWANA Louis Trichardt
Walvis Bay

NAMIBIA Gaborone
Pretoria Komatipoort
Johannesburg Maputo
Germiston SWAZI-

Karasburg Kroonstad
Kimberley Ladysmith

Upington Bloemfontein
LESOTHO Pietermaritzburg
De Aar Durban

Beaufort West
The Blue Train

East Premier Class Trains

London Shosholoza Mail Tourist Class
Cape Town Port Elizabeth Shosholoza Mail Economy Class

Other rail routes

N 0 200 400 km Bus

Average cost of student hostel accommodation Exchange rates

Country Cost of accommodation per night Country Currency One rand buys
Botswana 234,56 Botswana pula Botswana Pula 0,938
Kenya 1 010,40 Kenyan shillings Kenya Shilling 10,267
Mozambique 976,50 Mozambique metical Mozambique Metical 3,411
Malawi 4 147,55 Malawian kwacha Malawi Kwacha 32,942
Namibia 85,00 Namibian dollars Namibia Dollar 1,000
Tanzania 63 121,92 Tanzanian shillings Tanzania Shilling 188,265
Uganda 34 790,00 Ugandan shillings Uganda Shilling 297,625
Zambia 88 380,00 Zambian kwacha United Kingdom Pound 0,077
Zimbabwe 6 514,20 Zimbabwe dollars USA Dollar 0,119
Zambia Kwacha 591,528
Zimbabwe Dollar 43,180

232 S e c t i o n 4     •     Res o u r c es
B Additional activities: solutions

Most investigations and assignments depend on the topics learners choose and
on local conditions. Learners should discuss their findings – if possible, in
class discussions. Assignments and investigations included in this Teacher’s
Guide are listed below. Solutions are given for certain assignments and

Term 1
Investigations 1 to 3

Investigations 1 to 6
Assignment 1

Term 2
Assignments 1 to 5
Investigations 1, 3, 5

Measurement: Investigation 2
Growth patterns in children aged 2 to 20
Teacher’s Guide page 214
1. The data for the boys and girls has been plotted on the graphs on the next
two pages.
2. Valid comments on the data:
• The sample groups of boys all have mean weights slightly above the
median (the 50th percentile). As the group ages rise from 12 to 17,
their mean weights come closer to the median. This indicates that the
sample groups of boys tend towards a more normal weight for their
age, as they get older.
• The sample groups of boys all have mean heights between the 50th
and 75th percentiles – this indicates that they are all slightly taller than
the median height for their age groups.
• The sample groups of girls all have mean weights slightly between the
50th and 75th percentiles – their weights are above the median for their
age. As they get older, their mean weights came closer to the median –
this indicates that they are becoming less overweight as they grow up.
• The sample groups of girls all have mean heights slightly above the
median (the 50th percentile), and as they get older their heights come
closer to the median. This suggests that some girls go through a phase of
growing faster than normal when they are about 12 or 13 years old, but
their heights tend to become more normal as they get into their late teens.
3–5. Answers will vary depending on the data collected from samples by
the learners.


Plotted data for girls

2 to 20 years: Girls NAME

Stature-for-age and Weight-for-age percentiles RECORD #

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Mother’s Stature Father’s Stature cm in
Date Age Weight Stature BMI*
185 S
180 T
70 A
175 T
68 U
170 R
75 66
165 E
in cm 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 50
160 25 160
62 62
155 10 155
60 5 60
150 150
140 105 230
S 135 100 220
T 52
A 130 95 210
T 125 90 200
48 190
R 120 85
E 95 180
115 80
44 170
110 90 75
42 160
105 70
150 W
100 75 65 140 E
38 I
95 60 130 G
36 90 H
55 120
25 T
34 85 50 110
32 80
45 100
40 90
80 35 35 80
W 70 70
30 30
E 60 60
I 25 25
G 50 50
H 20 20
40 40
15 15
30 30
10 10
lb kg AGE (YEARS) kg lb
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Published May 30, 2000 (modified 11/21/00).
SOURCE: Developed by the National Center for Health Statistics in collaboration with
the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2000).


Plotted data for boys

2 to 20 years: Boys NAME

Stature-for-age and Weight-for-age percentiles RECORD #

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Mother’s Stature Father’s Stature cm in
Date Age Weight Stature BMI*
95 74
185 S
180 T
50 70 A
175 T
25 68 U
170 R
10 66
165 E
in cm 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5
160 160
62 62
155 155
S 60 60
T 150 150
A 58
T 145
U 56
140 105 230
E 135 100 220
130 95 95 210
125 90 200
48 190
120 85
46 180
115 80
44 170
110 75
42 160
105 50 70
150 W
100 65 140 E
38 I
95 60 130 G
36 90 H
5 55 120
34 85 50 110
32 80 45 100
40 90
80 35 35 80
W 70 70
30 30
E 60 60
I 25 25
G 50 50
H 20 20
40 40
15 15
30 30
10 10
lb kg AGE (YEARS) kg lb
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Published May 30, 2000 (modified 11/21/00).
SOURCE: Developed by the National Center for Health Statistics in collaboration with
the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2000).


Measurement: Investigation 4
What is the replacement cost of your home?
Teacher’s Guide page 220
This is a challenging investigation, and you may want to choose only part of
it for learners to focus on. Learners may also have difficulty getting access
to information about the current replacement values stated in the insurance
policy for their home, or they may live in informal dwellings where there is
no such insurance. If possible, ask an insurance company assessor to visit the
class and talk to them about how insurers calculate these replacement costs.
He or she could then also comment briefly on whether learners’ calculations
seem realistic.

Assignments 2 to 6
Investigations 7 to 10

Term 3

Finance: Assignment 7
Calculate personal income tax for an employee
Teacher’s Guide page 223
Assignments will differ.

Note: The difference between the figures on the payslip on page 391 in the
Learner’s Book for UIF and for PAYE and those given below may be due to
thresholds for UIF and for calculating tax.
1. a. Gross salary R27 785,00
Plus use of motor vehicles R660,00
Gross income R28 445,00
Less non-taxable deductions
Pension: R2 083,88
UIF contribution: R277,85
PAYE tax: R 4 898,00
(based on R28 445,00 – R2083,88 – 277,85
= taxable income of 26 083,27)
Total deductions R7 259,73
Net pay R20 525,27
(R27 785,00 – total deductions of R7 259,73 = R20 525,27)


b. Gross income
Annual salary (R27 785 x 12 months) R 333 420,00
Use of motor vehicle (R660 x 12 months) R 7 920,00
Total gross income R 341 340,00
Pension (R2 083,88 x 12 months) R 25 006,56
UIF (1% of annual salary) R 3 334,20
Less total non-taxable deductions (R28 340,76)
Taxable income R312 999,24
Tax payable according to tax tables R70 199,77
(R51 300 + 30% x (R312 999,24 –
R250 000,00)
Less primary tax rebate (R11 440,00)
Tax payable R58 759,77

R58 759,77 divided by 12 months = R4 896,65

2. Gross salary R29 452,00
Plus use of motor vehicles R660,00
Gross income R30 112,00
Less non-taxable deductions
Pension: R2 083,88
UIF contribution: R294,52
PAYE tax* R5 403,00
Total deductions R7 781,40
Net pay R21 670,60
(R29 452,00 – total deductions of R7 781,40 = R21 670,60)
Based on a gross salary of R30 112,00 – R2083,88 – R294,52
= taxable income of R27 733,60
3. Answers will differ because the monthly tax tables give a single amount
for a monthly tax deduction for a range of incomes while the annual
amount uses a formula to calculate the tax amount.

Assignment 8


C Multiplication tables

The 1 times table The 4 times table

  1 × 1 = 1 1×4=4
  2 × 1 = 2 2×4=8
  3 × 1 = 3   3 × 4 = 12
  4 × 1 = 4   4 × 4 = 16
  5 × 1 = 5   5 × 4 = 20
  6 × 1 = 6   6 × 4 = 24
  7 × 1 = 7   7 × 4 = 28
  8 × 1 = 8   8 × 4 = 32
  9 × 1 = 9   9 × 4 = 36
10 × 1 = 10   10 × 4 = 40
11 × 1 = 11   11 × 4 = 44
12 × 1 = 12   12 × 4 = 48

The 2 times table The 5 times table

1×2=2 1×5=5
2×2=4 2 × 5 = 10
3×2=6 3 × 5 = 15
4×2=8 4 × 5 = 20
5 × 2 = 10 5 × 5 = 25
6 × 2 = 12 6 × 5 = 30
7 × 2 = 14 7 × 5 = 35
8 × 2 = 16 8 × 5 = 40
9 × 2 = 18 9 × 5 = 45
10 × 2 = 20 10 × 5 = 50
11 × 2 = 22 11 × 5 = 55
12 × 2 = 24 12 × 5 = 60

The 3 times table The 6 times table

1×3=3 1×6=6
2×3=6 2 × 6 = 12
3×3=9 3 × 6 = 18
4 × 3 = 12 4 × 6 = 24
5 × 3 = 15 5 × 6 = 30
6 × 3 = 18 6 × 6 = 36
7 × 3 = 21 7 × 6 = 42
8 × 3 = 24 8 × 6 = 48
9 × 3 = 27 9 × 6 = 54
10 × 3 = 30 10 × 6 = 60
11 × 3 = 33 11 × 6 = 66
12 × 3 = 36 12 × 6 = 72


The 7 times table The 10 times table
1×7=7 1 × 10 = 10
2 × 7 = 14 2 × 10 = 20
3 × 7 = 21 3 × 10 = 30
4 × 7 = 28 4 × 10 = 40
5 × 7 = 35 5 × 10 = 50
6 × 7 = 42 6 × 10 = 60
7 × 7 = 49 7 × 10 = 70
8 × 7 = 56 8 × 10 = 80
9 × 7 = 63 9 × 10 = 90
10 × 7 = 70 10 × 10 = 100
11 × 7 = 77 11 × 10 = 110
12 × 7 = 84 12 × 10 = 120

The 8 times table The 11 times table

1×8=8 1 × 11 = 11
2 × 8 = 16 2 × 11 = 22
3 × 8 = 24 3 × 11 = 33
4 × 8 = 32 4 × 11 = 44
5 × 8 = 40 5 × 11 = 55
6 × 8 = 48 6 × 11 = 66
7 × 8 = 56 7 × 11 = 77
8 × 8 = 64 8 × 11 = 88
9 × 8 = 72 9 × 11 = 99
10 × 8 = 80 10 × 11 = 110
11 × 8 = 88 11 × 11 = 121
12 × 8 = 96 12 × 11 = 132

The 9 times table The 12 times table

1×9=9 1 × 12 = 12
2 × 9 = 18 2 × 12 = 24
3 × 9 = 27 3 × 12 = 36
4 × 9 = 36 4 × 12 = 48
5 × 9 = 45 5 × 12 = 60
6 × 9 = 54 6 × 12 = 72
7 × 9 = 63 7 × 12 = 84
8 × 9 = 72 8 × 12 = 96
9 × 9 = 81 9 × 12 = 108
10 × 9 = 90 10 × 12 = 120
11 × 9 = 99 11 × 12 = 132
12 × 9 = 108 12 × 12 = 144


Times tables
Quick reference chart

× 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

3 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36

4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48

5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

6 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72

7 0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84

8 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96

9 0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108

10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

11 0 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132

12 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144


D Transparencies

Alpha-numeric grid



Graph paper


Pie chart


|| || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | |
| | | | || | | |
|||| | 90 100 | | | || | |
|| || | 80 1 1 | | |
|||| | 70 100 90 80 7
12 | | | | |
|| | 0 1 0 0 0 |
| ||
| || | 6
1 6 0 1
| | |||
50 0 1 3
50 0
40 | | ||

|| |

|| |

30 | | | | | |


| ||


||| |

| || |

|||| |
|| | |


|| | | |

|| |||

160 10

| | | | || |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | | |


||| |||| |||| | |

170 180
180 170

30 20
29 30
28 40
27 50

26 60
25 70
24 80
23 90

9 23
8 24
7 25
6 26
5 27
4 28
3 29
2 30

Set square

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 16





Insert your own notes and documents, for example the CAPS document for
Mathematical Literacy in this section.


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