J.Electrochem - Soc. 2014 Los D593 9
J.Electrochem - Soc. 2014 Los D593 9
J.Electrochem - Soc. 2014 Los D593 9
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5 authors, including:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewcz-Instytut Chemii Przemysłowej
Marcin Masalski
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
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Copper electrorefining and electrowinning industrial processes are carried out on industrial scale as current-controlled processes
practically from the beginning of the commercial exploitation. However, it is the electrode potential which is a driving force of
electrochemical process. The copper electrodeposition from industrial electrolytes is in fact a very complex multi-ion process.
Consequently, the theoretical analysis of the experimental results should take into account that in concentrated and complex matrix
electrolytes migration, convection and diffusion are mass transfer modes. However, there is only very limited number of papers
where copper electroreduction from concentrated electrolytes is considered and most of the published theoretical and experimental
studies are carried out in diluted electrolytes of relatively simple compositions where only diffusion of copper ions is considered
in theoretical analysis. In the present paper some basic aspects of potential-controlled electrolysis of copper in concentrated and
industrial electrolytes as a new method of copper electrorefining and electrowinning are presented and discussed. The pilot scale
tests results of copper potential-controlled electrolysis are published for the first time. Apart from the possible industrial applications,
studies of the electrochemical processes in concentrated electrolytes are very important from the basic research point of view.
© The Author(s) 2014. Published by ECS. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse of the work in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited. [DOI: 10.1149/2.1171410jes] All rights reserved.
Manuscript submitted June 23, 2014; revised manuscript received July 25, 2014. Published August 6, 2014.
Numerous experimental and theoretical studies have been carried - changes in real surface area of the cathodes and anodes
out by P. Los and co-workers on laboratory, pilot and industrial scales - variation in the distance between the cathode and the anode
to recover metal nanoparticles and powders from copper industrial - crystallization of copper sulfate at the anode
electrolytes and by-products of copper industry. This was subject of a - production of compact, adjacent to the surface of the electrode,
large number of publications and presentations at the conferences.1–14 anode sludge layer
Potential-controlled copper electrorefining and electrowinning pro- - adsorption of organic inhibitors on the surface of the anode
cesses have been studied subsequently by the same research group.
Current publication is the first in a series where the results of pilot scale During copper electrorefining process surface roughness of the cath-
copper potential-controlled electrolysis investigations are discussed. ode might change, too. The latter effect has been very seldom taken
Industrial copper electrowinning and electrorefining processes are into account in the previous investigations of the copper electrodepo-
carried out (with the exception of e.g. printed circuit board manufac- sition process. However, knowledge of the real (or electrochemical)
turing) on industrial scale as current-controlled processes. It should surface area of the electrode is crucial to understanding any hetero-
be noted that in 2013 global production of refined copper exceeded 20 geneous electrochemical process17 as it is pointed out by the IUPAC
Mt (metric tons). Although most of the industrial processes of metals publication.18
electrodeposition are carried out either in concentrated electrolytes The above limitation of the current density of current-controlled
or in molten salts, there is only a very limited number of fundamen- copper electrodeposition process is removed when the process is car-
tal studies concerning electroreduction of metals from concentrated ried out under potential controlled regime. As it was shown in our
electrolytes. This paper might help in better understanding of such previous studies2–14 high quality and purity of copper deposits are
processes. It is well known that current density is a measure of the elec- obtained using potential-controlled electrolysis even at the potentials
trochemical process rate. Consequently, during the current-controlled where limiting current density is achieved. In the current study a
(e.g. galvanostatic) electrochemical process a constant rate of elec- very rare results obtained in the industrial electrolytes are presented
trochemical reaction is imposed, regardless of what processes occur at the very high negative potentials which in turn leads to the very
at the electrodes. Current-controlled copper industrial electrorefining high cathode current densities of copper electroreduction. One of the
process is carried out at a fraction of limiting current density under most important factors influencing the potential-controlled process
activation or mixed controll i.e. as a irreversible or quasi-reversible in concentrated electrolytes at diffusion control regime is related to
electrochemical process. It is generally known that at higher current the natural convection at the electrodes resulting from the buoyancy
densities electrodeposited copper is characterized by poor chemical forces. According to the reference [16] at the initial stages of copper
purity and structure (especially, dendrites and powders formation). electrodeposition diffusion and migration are the main ion-transport
One of the reasons of such behavior is that either in the industrial phenomena. However, due to the electrochemical reaction (e.g. copper
or laboratory copper electrorefining the current density distribution is electrodeposition at the cathode and copper dissolution at the anode
not uniform when dc current is applied to the electrolytic cell. Cur- in the electrorefining process) the buoyancy force becomes dominant
rent density varies at different cathode – anode pairs of industrial and causes the electrolysis to achieve the steady-state which is related
electrolysis cell.14 The uneven distribution of current density at the to the natural convection. There are numbers of theoretical approaches
cathode causes local (non-uniform) distribution in the potential, too. which show that the mass transport of electroactive species in concen-
Another important factor is the influence of the non-uniform current trated electrolytes might be further complicated by e.g. the influence
distribution at a single electrode, especially cathode on the quality of the formation of the space charge distribution in the vicinity of
of the electrodeposited copper. Numerical analysis of copper elec- the electrode which might affect the thickness of the local diffusion
trodeposition even in diluted copper sulfate and sulfuric acid aqueous layer.19 The influence of the migration of indifferent electrolyte on the
solution show substantial non-uniformity of current density along the buoyancy forces should be analyzed properly, too.20 Consequently,
cathode.15,16 The reasons of the non-uniform potential distribution and the local concentrations profiles of non-electroactive ions may have
its changes with time of the current-controlled i.e. currently conducted strong effect on the value of the limiting current density.21,22 In the
industrial copper (and other metals) electrorefining processes are: present paper a basic properties of the concentrated electrolytes in the
copper electrodeposition process will be experimentally tested and
E-mail: [email protected] analyzed.
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D594 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 161 (10) D593-D599 (2014)
The electrorefining and electrowinning of copper in laboratory
scale was studied by chronoamperometry. All measurements were
carried out using AUTOLAB GSTST30 system. General Purpose
Electrochemical System version 4.5 was the program used for data
acquisition. The measurements were conducted in two electrodes con-
figuration. Copper plates of high purity (99.99% Cu, Good Fellow,
Great Britain) of surface about 2 cm2 were used as the cathodes. The
auxiliary electrode (acting also as the reference electrode) was a cop-
per plate of (99.99% Cu, Good Fellow, Great Britain) with a surface
about 200 cm2 . The cell temperature was maintained at 25◦ C.
In the pilot scale installation, tests were performed in electrolytic
cell made of PVC-U of internal dimensions 500 mm × 700 mm ×
400 mm using a industrial rectifier (Munk, Netherlands) connected to
electrolytic cell via coaxial cable. The rectifier (output rating: 0–24 V
and 0–600 A) with voltage and current control mode, was equipped
with system of data logging (all electrical parameters: voltage, current, Figure 1. Chronoamperometric curves of laboratory scale copper electrore-
time, electrical charge can be stored every second). The external device fining at E = −0.50V for different copper ion concentrations: (a) 2, (b) 5, (c)
providing circulation and heating of electrolyte solution equipped with 7, (d) 10, (e) 14, (f) 22, (g) 29, (h) 37 and (i) 44 g/L.
a pump and a heater was connected to the electrolytical cell. The heater
was connected to the bath in such a way that the heated solution was
pumped into the bath through a hole positioned at the bottom, while
the suction was executed on the opposite side from a position at the V vs copper reference electrode immersed in the studied electrolyte
upper edge of the cell. Copper plates of high purity were used as the has been chosen in Fig. 1 because limiting current is achieved at this
cathodes as well as anodes in the electrorefining tests. The surface of potential for all copper concentrations. Longer times of observation
the cathode was 0.19 m2 and the anodes 0.38m2 . In electrowinning might cause electrodeposition (particularly at higher current densities)
measurements the lead anodes of surface of 0.38 m2 were employed. of large copper crystallites which might change the electrochemical
The distance between the cathode and the anode was 5 cm. surface area of copper cathode and consequently to the variations of
The electrolytes identical to refinery electrolyte of composition current electrolysis. That is why the observations are limited to 60 s
similar to those used e.g in KGHM PM copper refinery (Poland) were in this case.
investigated. The average composition of such industrial electrolyte1–6 In Table I the experimental values of the steady-state chronoam-
is the following: 1–44 g dm−3 Cu, 170–200 g dm−3 H2 SO4 , and perometric currents (see Fig. 1) for different copper concentrations
numerous impurities such as Ni, As, Fe (>1000 mg dm−3 ), Cd, Co, industrial electrolytes and different applied potentials are presented.
Bi, Ca, Mg, Pb, Sb (between 1 mg dm−3 and 1000 mg dm−3 ) and The gray colored regions mark the conditions where impure copper is
Ag, Li, Mn, Pd, Rh (<1 mg dm−3 ) and also 1–10 parts per million of obtained due to the co-deposition of arsenic at the cathode. From the
leveling and grain-refining agents (e.g. animal glue and thiourea).The obtained results it is very clear that using potential-controlled elec-
electrolytes were stored longer than one month and consequently, one trolysis in laboratory scale experiments pure copper can be obtained
may assume that active animal glue and thiourea concentrations are at the cathode at the very low copper concentrations and at the very
negligible. negative applied potentials even at limiting current densities. Figures
Scanning electron microphotographs were recorded on JOEL JSM 2a and 2b present the voltammetric curves registered in the industrial
6490 LV (Japan) instrument equipped with EDS. electrolytes of different concentrations of copper. Fig. 2b shows the
results from Fig. 2a but after ohmic drop correction (ac impedance
measurements were used to establish the ohmic resistance of the sys-
Results and Discussion tem). Figs. 2a and 2b enable proper understanding of data from Table
I, especially the limiting currents potentials for all range of copper
In our previous study it has been shown that due to the com-
concentrations can be identified.
plexity and coupling of the mass transfer processes at the copper
According to the above discussion in the case of industrial (con-
cathode immersed in the industrial electrolyte the responses of the
centrated) copper electrolytes one should analyze mass transport flux
electrochemical systems might be different for potential- and current-
on the basis of the gradient of electrochemical potential27 i.e. the
controlled electrolysis.14 The results show that at higher current den-
activities25 of the electroactive ions should be taken into account as
sities when the mass transfer control influences strongly the electro-
well as migration. In the latest paper of Hong Zhao and co-workers26
chemical process current-controlled electrolysis becomes “unstable”
the influence of migration on the value of limiting current has been
and reproducibility of the measurements is quite low. This might be
confirmed at high molar concentrations of copper ions even at 9M con-
observed for current densities which gives the steady-state potentials
centrations of supporting electrolyte. Consequently, applied in many
of approximately −0.40 V versus copper reference electrode. The
publications (see e.g. 24 ) the equation describing limiting current (1)
comparison of current-potential curves for potential-controlled and
should not be used for the estimation of neither mass transfer coeffi-
current-controlled laboratory scale copper electrolysis confirmed that
cient nor thickness of the diffusion layer.
the electrochemical window of pure copper deposition is wider of
approximately 200 mV in the case of potential-controlled electroly- Ilim = nFD c◦ /δ [1]
sis than in the case of current controlled electrolysis (potentials were
not corrected for ohmic drop iR). It was shown that both registered where: Ilim – limiting current density, n – number of electrons, F–
current-potential curves are very close up to the potential of approx- faradaic constant, D – diffussion coeficient, co – bulk concentration of
imately −0.30 V i.e. when the copper electrodeposition process is electroactive ions; δ – thickness of the diffusion layer; D/ δ – mass
controlled predominantly by the charge transfer process (activation transfer coefficient km
control). It is interesting to note that when the above equation is applied to
Fig. 1 shows that in the industrial electrolytes of different copper the data from Table I the mass transfer coefficients, km varies between
concentrations a steady-state current is achieved in less than 20 s of 0.00031cm/s and 0.00055 cm/s and assuming the copper diffusion
electrolysis. Steady-state currents are achieved due to the convective- coefficient in industrial electrolytes at room temperature as approx-
diffusion mode of mass transport.16,19,23–26 The potential of – 0.50 imately 0.000005 cm2 /s the thickness of diffusion layer varies from
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Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 161 (10) D593-D599 (2014) D595
Table I. The experimental values of the steady-state chronoamperometric currents densities registered for copper laboratory electrorefining
process for different copper concentrations industrial electrolytes and different applied potentials. Accuracy of current density determination is
ca 3%.
i/A m−2
E/V 46g/L 44g/L 37g/L 29g/L 22g/L 14g/L 10g/L 7 g/L 5g/L 2g/L 1g/L
−0.10 75.1 78.0 78.1 41.8 36.2 22.9 18.1 9.0
−0.15 102.9 139.8 125.3 65.5 54.2 33.4 20.8 9.9
−0.20 303.5 293.3 264.0 264.2 199.0 168.0 81.0 72.1 40.2 23.8 10.9
−0.25 404.6 396.9 350.8 334.8 242.8 195.7 88.0 78.3 44.0 24.3 10.8
−0.30 493.5 494.1 422.2 387.8 269.0 212.1 95.7 81.2 45.1 24.0 11.0
−0.35 579.5 578.0 466.9 405.1 280.9 217.4 96.6 83.9 45.4 24.7 11.6
−0.40 651.0 644.5 497.8 418.6 288.1 222.3 96.0 80.0 45.1 25.5 11.7
−0.45 702.0 691.5 510.5 426.8 292.4 229.0 94.7 86.4 44.8 26.8 -
−0.50 734.0 729.0 526.0 431.5 297.4 237.3 99.0 93.9 48.3 29.1 -
−0.55 758.0 762.5 543.5 449.4 309.5 266.4 104.0 98.6 53.8 37.3 -
−0.60 783.5 814.0 603.0 534.6 359.0 333.9 121.3 118.9 72.2 46.9 -
0.9 μm to 1.7 μm which is much lower than the values given in the might change during a whole copper cathode manufacturing cycle in
literature.24 However, as stated earlier proper calculation of these pa- the range from −200 mV to −450 mV.
rameters require the knowledge of the copper activity coefficients for According to our knowledge, this study is an important step in
the whole range of concentrations. It is evident that assuming constant better understanding of the copper electrolysis in industrial (concen-
value of mass transfer coefficient for limiting currents registered at trated) electrolytes as well as in further development of industrial prac-
different copper concentrations the relationship between limiting cur- tices which are shortly described in the Introduction. Consequently,
rent density and copper concentrations is not linear (as it is predicted potential-controlled copper electrolysis is a new (from fundamental
by equation 1). point of view) copper electrorefining and electrowinning processes
Figure 3 presents the exemplary SEM/EDX results obtained at which enable manufacturing of high purity and quality copper even
different conditions of electrolysis (see Table I). The results confirm at the very low copper concentrations (current processes claim that
that high purity copper can be obtained at the laboratory scale experi- comercial purity of copper can be obtained only for copper concen-
ments even at the very low copper concentrations and very high current trations higher than 15–20 g/L) and very high current densities as
densities. Presented results show that potential-controlled electrolysis high as limiting current density. Such laboratory results enabled to
is a new process which is characterized by a series of advantages scale up the tests and the studies were continued in a pilot scale
apart from higher economical effectivity related to much higher cur- copper electrorefining and electrowinning electrolysis. It should be
rent densities in the electrorefining process and better recovery of stressed that in pilot tests the real industrial electrolyte, either lead
pure copper by electrowinning process. The most important advan- or copper anodes as well as copper and stainless steel cathodes were
tage of potential-controlled electrolysis is that current density might used. Reproducibility of the pilot scale potential-controlled copper
change according to the changes of actual conditions of the indus- electrowining is illustrated in Fig. 4. Reproducibility of the registered
trial electrolysis. Consequently, a high purity copper is obtained by current time curves registered at the initial 5 minutes of electrolysis
potential-controlled electrolysis even when such fundamental condi- is very high e.g. at – 2150 mV potential applied between the copper
tions of copper electrodeposition process varies as copper concen- cathode and pair of lead anodes currents densities regsitered after 2.5
tration, temperature, concentration of additives (e.g. animal glue and minutes and 5 minutes are respectively, 302 A/m2 and 300 A/m2 and
thiourea) etc. Presently used in the industry, current-controlled (gal- standard deviations of these parameters are respectively 3 A/m2 and
vanostatic) copper electrolysis processes are very sensitive to changes 5 A/m2 .
of the copper electrolysis conditions. It should be added, that in the Table II presents the parameters of pilot scale potential-controlled
current-controlled processes cathode-anode pair potential difference electrorefining of copper performed for 1 h duration at 60◦ C. The
Figure 2. Voltammetric curves in industrial electrolytes of different copper concentrations: a) without ohmic drop correction, b) after ohmic drop correction; scan
rate: 10mV/s.
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D596 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 161 (10) D593-D599 (2014)
Figure 3. SEM pictures and EDS results of copper deposition for 300s at: a) E = −0.55 V, c = 44g/L, b) E = −0.50 V, c = 7g/L, c) E = −0.45 V, c = 2g/L.
exemplary current potential curves for those processes are given in in real surface area of the cathode. The high purity and structure of
Figure 5.The increase of current density during low cathode potential the copper cathode deposit obtained even at the very high current
(high current desnsity) electrolysis at −0.60 V is due to the increase densities is confirmed by SEM/EDX results presented in Figure 6.
Neither dendrites nor copper powders are observed during the
The above positive results are confirmed when much longer, 12
hours electrolysis were performed. The parameters of the potential-
controlled copper electrorefining conducted at E = −0.40 V and E
= −0.55 V are presented in Table III. Current-time curves registered
during electrolysis are presented in Figure 7 and SEM/EDX results of
cathode surface in Figure 8.
Higher than 100% current efficiences presented in Tables II and
III result from the fact that copper electroreduction/oxidation is a
two stage process where copper(I) and copper(II) ions are involved.
Figure 4. The results of pilot scale copper electrowinning reproducibility – −0.30 V 253 102.1 ± 0.2* 248
copper concentration 44g/L, temperature 42◦ C ± 1◦ C, flow of the electrolyte −0.40 V 429 101.5 ± 0.2* 333
4.0 ± 0.2 l/min, cathode surface 0.186 m2 , distance between cathode-anode: −0.50 V 585 101.0 ± 0.1* 417
5 cm. −0.60 V 752 99.8 ± 0.1 507
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Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 161 (10) D593-D599 (2014) D597
Avarage cathodic
current Current Energy
E Time/h density, A m−2 efficiency,% consumption, kWh/t
−0.40 V 12 392 102.0 ± 0.2* 331
−0.55 V 11 626 101.0 ± 0.1* 453
Figure 6. Cathodes photographs, SEM images and EDS results of copper deposit obtained after 1h pilot scale copper electrorefining at 60◦ C at: a) E = −0.50 V,
b) E = −0.60 V.
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D598 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 161 (10) D593-D599 (2014)
Figure 8. Cathodes photographs, SEM images and EDS results of copper deposit obtained by pilot scale copper electrorefining at 60◦ C and at : a) E = −0.40 V
for 12 h, b) E = −0.55 V for 11h.
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Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 161 (10) D593-D599 (2014) D599
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