EU Organics Crops Statistics

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Unit of measure Hectare

Crops Utilised agricultural area excluding kitchen gardens Organic Crops EU

Agricultural production methods Total fully converted and under conversion to organic farming

TIME 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

GEO (Labels)
European Union (EU6-1958, EU9-1973, EU1 10,015,993 10,070,639 10,315,169 11,105,856 11,935,317 12,560,788 13,438,168 14,252,939
European Union - 27 countries (from 2020) 9,457,886 9,511,921 9,793,694 10,609,926 11,445,112 12,063,046 12,986,694 13,793,665
European Union - 28 countries (2013-2020) 10,047,896 10,070,639 10,315,169 11,105,856 11,935,317 12,560,788 13,438,168 14,252,939
Belgium 59,718 62,471 66,704 68,818 78,452 83,508 89,025 93,119
Bulgaria 39,138 56,287 47,914 118,552 160,620 136,618 128,839 117,779
Czechia 468,670 474,231 472,663 478,033 488,591 496,277 519,910 535,185
Denmark 194,706 169,310 165,773 166,788 204,950 226,307 256,711 285,526
Germany (until 1990 former territory of t 959,832 1,008,926 1,033,807 1,060,291 1,135,941 1,138,272 1,221,303 1,290,839
Estonia 142,065 151,164 155,560 155,806 180,852 196,441 206,590 220,737
Ireland 52,793 53,812 51,871 73,037 76,701 74,336 118,699 73,952
Greece 462,618 383,606 362,826 407,069 342,584 410,140 492,627 528,752
Spain 1,756,548 1,610,129 1,710,475 1,968,570 2,018,802 2,082,173 2,246,475 2,354,916
France 1,030,881 1,060,755 1,118,845 1,322,911 1,537,351 1,744,420 2,034,115 2,240,797
Croatia 31,904 40,660 50,054 75,883 93,593 96,618 103,166 108,127
Italy 1,167,362 1,317,177 1,387,913 1,492,571 1,796,333 1,908,570 1,957,937 1,993,225
Cyprus 3,923 4,315 3,887 4,699 5,550 5,616 6,022 6,240
Latvia 195,658 185,752 203,443 231,608 259,146 268,870 280,383 289,796
Lithuania 156,539 165,885 164,390 213,579 221,665 234,134 239,691 242,118
Luxembourg 4,130 4,447 4,490 4,216 4,528 5,444 5,782 5,814
Hungary 130,607 130,990 124,841 129,735 186,322 199,683 209,382 303,190
Malta 37 7 34 30 24 41 47 55
Netherlands 48,038 48,936 49,159 49,273 54,350 59,209 63,809 68,068
Austria 533,230 526,689 525,521 552,141 571,423 620,656 639,097 671,703
Poland 655,499 669,863 657,902 580,731 536,579 494,978 484,676 507,637
Portugal 200,833 197,295 212,346 241,375 245,052 253,786 213,118 293,213
Romania 288,261 286,896 289,252 245,924 226,309 258,471 326,260 395,228
Slovenia 35,101 38,664 41,237 42,188 43,579 46,222 47,848 49,638
Slovakia 164,360 157,848 180,307 181,882 187,024 189,148 188,986 197,565
Finland 197,751 204,810 210,649 225,235 238,240 259,271 297,442 306,484
Sweden 477,684 500,996 501,831 518,983 552,695 576,845 608,754 613,964
Iceland : 7,727 : 22,464 22,594 6,838 : 5,740
Norway 55,260 51,662 49,827 47,640 47,621 47,042 46,377 45,312
Switzerland 121,213 127,522 133,296 134,972 139,897 149,618 160,139 169,030
United Kingdom 590,011 558,718 521,475 495,929 490,205 497,742 457,378 459,275
North Macedonia : 10,370 10,019 2,174 3,245 3,193 4,408 3,711
Serbia : 8,229 9,548 15,298 14,358 13,423 19,255 21,266
Turkey : 474,766 515,817 518,499 533,218 567,936 646,251 551,718

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