English 9 q1 Module 2 Conditionals

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Quarter 1

English – Grade 9
Quarter 1 – Module 2: Conditionals

Development Team of the Module

Contextualizer: Rowena T. Jakosalem, TI, Tisa National High School

Lea Christine I. Icoy, TI, Ramon Duterte Memorial NHS

Content/ Roquessa B. Sabejon, PSDS, North District 7

Language / Layout Diosdarlina L. Cabreros, MTII, Don Vicente Rama MNHS
Editors: Charina V. Yparraguirre, TIII, Don Carlos A. Gothong MNHS
Sheryll Mae M. Bontuyan, TIII, Taptap Integrated School
Management Team:
Rhea Mar A. Angtud, Schools Division Superintendent
Danilo G. Gudelosao, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Grecia F. Bataluna, Curriculum Implementation Division Chief
Norman R. Gabales, EPSvr-English
Vanessa L. Harayo, EPSvr-LRMS

Printed in the Philippines by DepEd – Cebu City Division. Region VII

Office Address: Imus Avenue, Cebu City
Telefax: (032) 255 – 1516 / (032) 253 - 9095
E-mail Address: [email protected]

A few reminders in using this module:
1. Be sure to take good care of this module.
2. Answer the PRETEST before proceeding to the other parts of the module.
3. Make reading a habit; to make sure that the instructions are followed.
4. Having a positive mindset in dealing with each task found in the module
is encouraged.
5. Develop awareness by asking your teacher for any clarification in parts
that you find confusing.
6. Return this module to your teacher / facilitator once you accomplish all
the lessons.

Asking for help is a sign of strength, for it shows that you recognize your
weaknesses. If you encounter a moment of confusion in your lessons, share it
with your teacher or facilitator. We hope that through this module, you will find
independent learning and deep understanding to be efficient at your own pace.
This module is divided into six (6) lessons :
Part I – (Pretest)
Lesson 1 – Looking Back Into Verb Tenses
Lesson 2 – Conditionals (Zero Conditionals)
Lesson 3 – First Conditionals
- (Post Test)
Part II – (Pretest)
Lesson 4 – Second Conditionals
Lesson 6 – Third Conditionals
- (Post Test)

-Final Task Have fun in learning!

Day 1


A. How well do you know the verb forms and its tenses? Complete the
sentences below by filling in the correct form of the verb. Write your
answer on separate sheet of paper.

1. People __________to observe health protocols as prevention against

Covid-19 infections these days a month ago.
A. had needed C. needed
B. need D. will need
2. President Rodrigo Duterte _________clear his stand on the resumption of
classes last month: No vaccine, no classes.
A. made C. makes
B. make D. will make

3. Every day, our country __________ COVID-19 cases.
A. experience C. experiences
B. experienced D. will experience
4. Brazil __________ the Covid-19 vaccine developed by China.
A. had been manufactured C. manufactured
B. manufacture D. will manufacture
5. The United Nations for the first time __________their virtual general assembly
in the middle of this global lockdown.
A. had held C. will hold
B. hold D. held

B. Zero and First(1st) Conditionals: Choose the correct verb phrase/verb to

complete the zero/1st conditional sentences.

1. If they __________ her a visit, the teachers will know the reasons for her
A. pay C. paid
B. pays D. will pay
2. The Covid-19 cases continue to increase if people __________ the health
protocols set by the DOH.
A. disregard C. have disregard
B. disregards D. will disregard
3. If I _________ reading the text, I will answer the questions at the back.
A. finish C. finishes
B. finished D. will finish
4. DepEd will declare formal opening of classes by August 24, 2020 if they
__________ ready for it.
A. are C. was
B. is D. were
5. She will catch the 9:00 AM bus if she __________ up.
A. hurry C. hurried
B. hurries D. will hurry
6. If the oxygen supply is cut-off from a man’s body, he/she _________
A. die C. died
B. dies D. dying
7. People will attend on-line masses if the government _________ them from
attending masses physically.
A. disallow C. disallowed
B. disallows D. has disallowed
8. If they __________ study, students fail.
A.do not c. did not Good job!
You finished it. Now
B. does not d. doesn’t
check how many
items you got right.
9. Plants die if there __________ no rain.
A. is C. ws
B. are D. were

10. If you like sweet foods, your blood sugar __________ .
A. increase C. increases
B. increased D. have increased


What I Need to Know

Verb tenses are introduced to us since our grade school years. In this
lesson, we will be reintroduced to verb tenses and how they are used and
developed into sentences.
At the end of this module, the students are expected to:
1. identify the different tenses of the verb;
2. determine when these tenses are used and how they
are formed; and
3. write effective sentences using the correct tense of the verb.

What’s In?

Photo taken from The Philippines Star * see reference

Study the picture above and write your impressions about it in at least three (3)
sentences. Be sure to underline the verbs you use.
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________

Day 2

What’s New

Let us review on verbs.

Read the sentences below and underline the verbs.
1. The Local Government Unit ensures safety and security among its
2. He helped the frontliners.
3. The barangay captain will provide free face masks.
4. Mother had cooked lunch when the children came.
5. Some teachers will be teaching virtually in this new normal.
Now that you have already identified the verbs, it is time for you to
determine its different tenses. Please read on.
This part discusses the four (4) tenses of the verb, namely: simple present,
simple past, simple future and past perfect tense of the verb.

1. PRESENT TENSE – we use this tense to show:

Habitual action
Ex. The boys play Mobile Legend every afternoon after class.

Note: The verb here does not end in “-s” or “-es” because the subject is
plural; “boys” is in plural form.

General truths or scientific facts.

Ex. The moon gives light during nighttime.

Note: The verb here ends in “-s” because the subject of our sentence is
singular; “moon” is in the singular form.

As long as the tense of the verb is in the present tense, the verb takes two
forms: Vo- main verb (no “-s” or “-es” ending, if the subject is plural) and the
second form is Vs- (means add “-s” or “-es” to the main verb if the subject is

Present event or action.

Ex. The world is in pandemic right now.

Future event or action.

It is alright to use the present tense form of the verb to express future actions.
Ex. Classes will open on August 24,2020.

2. PAST TENSE – we use this tense to express:

Action/event which is completed during a definite past time. Indicators

include last month, yesterday, a month ago, etc.
Ex. He played basketball yesterday afternoon.
They fled to the province about a month ago.

Habitual action in the past.

Ex. It rained almost everyday last month.

Note: There is only on form of the verb in the simple past, even if the
subject of the sentence is singular or plural as seen from the example above.The
form of the verb is Ved (adding “-d” or “-ed” to the main verb if it is a regular verb.)
Ex. watch – watched.

However, if the verb is an irregular verb, then we must change the vowel,
the consonant, or by making no change at all.
Ex. give – gave, read – read

3. FUTURE TENSE – We use this tense to express:

An action that will take place at some definite future time.

Ex. They will see you tomorrow.

An action that will be in progress at a specific time in the near

Ex. She will be joining my class on Google Classroom at 8:00, tonight.

Note: In simple future tense the form of the verb is: will + Vo ( will + see=
will see) or will +be+ Ving ( will+be+joining = will be joining). These forms of the
verbs will be used regardless of the number of subject in the sentence: whether
the subject is singular or plural.

4. PAST PERFECT TENSE – We use this tense to show an action which took
place before another past action. It means the time element here is in the
past. The two past actions and past perfect tense showed the first of the two
past actions.

Ex. When the Americans came, the Spaniards had built schools and
churches in the country.

Note: The past perfect tense is formed by using the helping verb had+past
participle of the main verb.

Ex. The Filipinos had traded with other countries before the Spaniards came.

What I can Do

GAME TIME: Determine at the verbs below. Draw a circle on the

space provided it if it is in the present tense; a star, if it is in the
past tense; a rectangle, if it is in the future tense; and a diamond,
if it is in the past perfect tense of the verb.

1. watched ________ 6. wrote ________

2. had taken ________ 7. take ________
3. will buy ________ 8. had gone ________
4. smiles ________ 9. play ________
5. sell ________ 10. carried ________

The game you have just played involved the different tenses of the verb.
We will see if you get all the items correct!!!!

What I Have Learned

What have I learned about tenses?
At this point, I learned that…

What’s More?
A. MASTERING THE VERB FORMS: Complete the table below showing the
different tenses of the verb.

Main Verb (Vo) Past ( Ved ) Past Participle ( Ven)

1. Watch

2. seen

3. took

4. caught

5. gone

B. MASTERING THE TENSES: Determine the correct tenses used in each of the
following sentences below by giving the correct form of the verb.
1. Lucy _____(finish ) making her assignment, when her brother told her
about the class suspension.
2. The students hope , they _____ ( have ) face-to-face classes once this
pandemic ends.
3. I _____(miss ) my classmates and school during this pandemic.

4. Linda _____ (dream ) of going back to school and meeting her classmates
once again before her younger brother shook and woke her up.
5. Last March 16, 2020 _____ (be ) the last day of our classes due to COVID
19 pandemic.
C. CHANGING THE TENSE: Read the following sentences and change their
tense as directed.
1. We will not allow our fears to take over us during this time of pandemic.
(change to simple past) ________________________.
2. The DOH officials did their work diligently, (change to simple present)
3. Most Filipinos wanted this pandemic to end. (change to simple future)
4. The infection spread before strict quarantine measures were strictly
implemented. (change to past perfect tense) ____________________________.
5. Let us all pray for this pandemic to end. (change to present tense).

Day 3


What I Need to Know

At the end of the lesson, it is expected that the learner can achieve the
1. identify the conditional sentences from the excerpt of the poem.
2. write effective conditional sentences.

What’s In

Read and underline verbs from the poem excerpt “If” by Rudyard Kipling.

Rudyard Kipling
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or , being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise

Read the excerpt once again and answer the questions that follow:
1. Have you experienced same situations in your life as those being mentioned
in the poem? How did you feel?
2. What are the situations mentioned in the poem that are relatable to our
present condition? E.g. Our battle with the pandemic, our embattled
leaders with their seeming failures in handling the health crisis.
3. What are the positive traits suggested in the poem that we should develop?
4. Complete the sentences that follow:
a. If I keep my patience despite frustrating situations, ________________
b. When a person knows how to let go of hatred, _____________________
c. If our leaders are open-minded, ___________________________________
d. If we do not trust ourselves, ______________________________________
e. When people boast, _______________________________________________

What’s New?

Well, the answer to question number 4 (a-e) involve situations that result
when certain conditions are met. These kind of sentences or structures are called
CONDITIONALS. Conditionals are sometimes called the IF CLAUSES.
situations that might happen in the present or in the future or situations that
might have happened in the past but didn’t. They are formed by using the
different tenses of the verb from the three simple tenses (past, present, future)
and perfect tense (past perfect).
There are two parts of a conditional sentence.
IF CLAUSE – describes a possible situation or a condition; while,
CONSEQUENCE CLAUSE – describes the result or the consequence of
the situation or the condition.
Ex. If am a rich man, I will set up a foundation to help the poor.
(If clause) (Consequence clause)

Note: You can interchange the clauses, but that does not change the meaning.
Ex. I will set up a foundation to help the poor if I am a rich man.

First, we will discuss the very basic type of conditional.

This is a sentence that shows situations/conditions in which one thing
causes another. They show permanent truths, laws, rules, scientific facts and
general habits.

How is it structured?

IF/WHEN Clause – Use present tense form of the verb,

CONSEQUENCE Clause – use the present tense form of the verb.
Ex. If the moon’s shadow blocks the sun, a solar eclipse occurs.
When light passes through water, a rainbow appears.

As you read the two examples above, they show that these conditions are
always true for they are the laws of nature. So, when describing them, we will
use the structure of the zero conditional. The Zero Conditional is also called
Present Real Conditional. This is used to talk about what you normally do in real-
life situations.

SHALL WE PRACTICE? Write at least two (2) zero conditional sentences showing
conditions/situations that are always true for they show scientific facts or general
habits, or what you normally do in real-life situations.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________

What I Can Do
A. To polish your skill in using/expressing the Zero Conditional, try this activity:
Complete the dialogue below by using zero conditional.

1. When I get tired, ______________________________________________________.

2. People turn to God ____________________________________________________.
3. When people feel sick, _________________________________________________.
4. If people develop herd immunity against viruses,________________________.
5. When a disaster strikes, _______________________________________________.

B. Charade: Let us pretend you are Ate Sophie, your school guidance
counselor. You will give advice to students who are having learning and
behavioral problems. What advice can you give?
Ex. When learning becomes difficult, don’t give up.
When learning becomes difficult, try asking your teacher for help.
Write at least 5 school/classroom problems you encounter and give advice to
solve it using zero conditional.

What I Have Learned

The insights I gained from this lesson are:


Day 4


What I Need to Know

At the end of the lesson, it is expected that the learner can achieve the
1. identify First Conditional sentences and how they are structured.
2. write effective first conditional sentences.

What’s In
Try to give the effects of the following causes using the Zero Conditional
1. If you cut trees indiscriminately, __________________________________________.
2. If teenagers go out in this quarantine seasons, ____________________________.
3. If dynamite fishing is done, _______________________________________________.

What’s New

Bakshi,Sreoshi “.7 things you just can’t miss before going to the beach.” Women Triangle.,June
17,2017.www.women triangle.com/7-things-just-can’t-miss-before-.going-to-the-beach.

Study the picture above. It’s lovely spending your day at the beach, right? Well,
list down below at least three conditions that allow you to go to the beach. Use
“if” in your sentences.

How about this? If the weather is fine tomorrow, I will go to the beach. So,
the condition is a fine weather, then I will go to the beach. These are conditions
that are likely to happen. They are expressed using the First Conditional.

What then is First Conditional?

It is a conditional sentence showing that under a certain condition (as

shown in the If-Clause) a specific result will likely happen in the future. This type
of conditional shows real present condition and real future consequence. It is
used to talk about things which might happen in the future or to describe possible
things which could easily come true.

How is it structured?

IF/WHEN Clause- Use present tense form of the verb.

CONSEQUENCE Clause- Use the modals (WILL, CAN, MUST +Main form of the
verb.) It is also common to use this structure with “unless”, “as long as”, “as soon
as” and “in case” instead of IF.

If+ present simple,… modal + main form of the verb

Ex. If my sister finishes her studies, she will go abroad to work.

Ex. As long as a person does not show any COVID-19 symptoms for ten days,
he will be eligible for discharge from the hospital.

Remember, use the First Conditional to talk about REALISTIC present/

future situations.

SHALL WE PRACTICE? Complete the following sentences using the First

Conditional structure.

1. If classes resume, _________________________________________________________.

2. If you want to donate gadgets to DepEd, ____________________________________.
3.If your teacher checks your project, _________________________________________.

What I Can Do
Supply the blank with a correct consequence clause.

1. If there are no more rooms in the hospital for the Covid-19 patients,
2. If the U.S. helps the Philippines in their cause against China’s aggressive
presence in the West Philippine Sea, ______________________________________.
3. When people no longer heed the lockdown imposed by the
4. If IATF lifts Cebu City’s quarantine restrictions,____________________________
5. When a patient recovers from the Covid-19 disease, _______________________

What I Have Learned

I have learned that First Conditional sentences expresses/shows _______



Carefully read the following sentences and choose the correct responses by
writing the letter of the answer on the blank.
1. Someday, after this crisis the family ______ the Vatican in Rome.
A. visit C. visited
B. visits D. will visit
2. If you ______ oily foods, you will have skin break outs like acne.
A. ate C. eats
B. eat D. eaten
3.When the sea turns red, there ______ a presence of algal bloom in it.
A. is C. were
B. was D. will be
4.Last night, I ______ a beautiful dream.
A. has C. have
B. had D. is having
5.If Mario calls, ______ answer?
A. can you C. shall you
B. do you D. will you
6.If a person exposes himself too much on gadgets, he _______ techno stress.
A. suffer C. suffered
B. suffers D. will suffer
7.She ______ positive things all around her always.
A. saw C. sees
B. see D. seen
8.When Covid-19 cases spike anew, NCR ______ back to ECQ.
A. revert D. reverted
B. reverts D. has reverted
9.If our teacher talks, everybody ______ .
A. listen C. listened
B. listens D. will listen
10.You ______ well in school if you habitually cut classes.
A. won’t do C. haven’t done
B. can’t do D. didn’t do
11.You ______ bloated, if you drink too much water.
A. will feel C. felt
B. feel D. feels
12.When my husband cooks, he ______ canola oil for health purposes.
A. use C. will use
B. uses D. has used

13.Many COVID-19 referral hospitals ______ out of ventilators before new ones
Good job!
A. run C. will run You finished it. Now
B. runs D. had run check how many
14.Whenever I go out, I _______my shades. items you got right.
A. wear C. am wearing
B. wears D. will wear
15.If I cook crab meat, ______ have some?
A. will you C. can you
B. do you D. did you

Day 6


A. Complete the sentences below by filling in the blank the correct form of the

1. If I had a hundred masks, I _______ most to you.

A. will give C. would give
B. would given D. would have given
2. If I had learned to drive a car, I _______ a car by now.
A. will drive C. would drive
B. would driven D. would have driven
3. If I were you, I _______ for another job.
A. will look C. would look
B. looked D. would have looked
4. She would have been infected by COVID if she _______ her face mask.
A. wore C. didn’t wore
B. hadn’t worn D. wouldn’t worn
5. The government would have been very disappointed if the people ________.
A. cooperated C. had cooperated
B. hadn’t cooperated D. would have cooperated

For numbers 6-7, choose the correct conditional for every blank.
I made a tonic out from ginger and lime. If I (6)_______, I (7)_______ sick.
6. A. had C. hadn’t
B. would have D. would have not
7. A. had C. have
B. would have been C. would have not been

We did not hold a party, but if we (8)_______ them, they (9)_______.

8. A. invited C. had invited
B. would have invited D. would had invited

9. A. had come C. have come
B. would have come D. would had come
10. If you had worked hard, ______________________________________.
A. you will get the promotion C. you would have the promotion.
B. you would get the promotion D. you would have gotten the promotion
11. If you get there, __________________.
A. would you call me? C. will you call?
B. will you call me? D. would you have called me?
12. _________________, water will pour.
A. If you turn the tap, C. If you have turned the tap
B. If you turned the tap, D. If you had turned the tap,
13. If I were him, _________________.
A. I will marry her C. I would have married her
B. I would marry her D. I would had marry her
14. Would you buy this house if _________________?
A. you have a million pesos? C. you had had a million pesos?
B. you had a million pesos? D. you have had a million pesos?
15. I didn’t know that he was in the hospital. If I _______, I would have visited
A. had known C. known Good job!
B. have known D. knew You finished it.
Now check how
many items you
got right.


What I Need to Know

Over the past few months, we have experienced an unprecedented shift in

our way of life due to COVID-19. Prepandemic, who would have thought that
alcohol could become as precious as gold! There are a lot of realizations and one
can only think about the things that could have been.

At the end of the lesson, it is expected that the learner can achieve the
1. identify Second Conditional sentences and how they are structured;
2. write effective second conditional sentences.

What’s In
When COVID-19 came, most of the countries were left unprepared.
Based on what you heard from the news and from local sources, there is so
much information to process. In your own words, supply appropriate thoughts
in order to make the sentence complete.

1. If most countries invested in medical advances, ________________________


2. If Filipinos had a healthy diet, _________________________________________


What’s New
In this section, we will talk about conditionals that may never happen in
the future; this is called the Second Conditional?

What is Second Conditional?

This is a sentence that shows outcomes that are completely unrealistic

or is not likely to happen in the future.

How is it structured?

IF Clause – use the simple past tense form of the verb.

CONSEQUENCE Clause- use modals, choose either one of them: would,
could and might + main form of the verb.

Ex. If I knew how to skydive, I might invite you to join me.

If the government allowed classes to open during the pandemic,
many students would take it as a challenge and enroll.

The above situations show impossibilities. The conditions and the

consequences shown in the examples above are impossible to happen, so we
use the Second Conditional to express them.

SHALL WE PRACTICE? Create a dialogue that show imaginary, unreal or

impossible situations and consequences of these situations. Use the Second
Conditional to express them.


What I Can Do

Journal Making: “The children are the hope of our nation”. As young as you are,
you have witnessed a lot already in this pandemic. In this activity, you are asked
to write a journal of your learning. What will you apply moving forward? You will
be graded according to the rubrics found after your journal.


What I Have Learned

Provided below is a Venn Diagram for you to answer; compare and

contrast the First Conditional and the Second Conditional.

First Conditionals Second Conditionals

What’s More
Choose the conditional from the given choices below to complete the sentences.
Encircle you answers.

1. The Cebu administration (loosened, would loosen) the status of Cebu if we

(had, would have) listened by heart to the set precautionary measures.
2. The companies in Cebu (would declare, declare) bankruptcy if the
quarantine (continued, would continue).
3. If everyone (cooperated, would cooperate), the quarantine (end, would end).
4. If big companies (would give, gave) a donation, the government (would
implement, implement) other extensive measures to raise awareness and
5. We (travel, would travel) the world now if COVID-19 (is, was) contained.


MASTERING SECOND CONDITIONALS. Complete the following sentences

using the correct form of the verb provided.

1. It’s rainy season today, but if it ___________________ (be) summer, I

______________________ (go) to the beach.
2. Some do not have any work now, but if they ___________________ (have)
some, they _________________ (have) money to buy food for the family.
3. Frontliners go to work always, but if they ___________________ (be) free, they
___________________ (spend) their time with their families.
4. I would call them if I ___________________ (have) their telephone number.
5. If the administration ___________________ (keep) Cebu on ECQ, they
____________________ (advice) when to start classes.

Day 7 and 8


What I Need to Know

Actions done in the significant past cannot be undone. Sometimes, we are
left to think what ifs and what could have been done better.

At the end of the lesson, it is expected that the learner can achieve the

1. develop mastery of the different forms of the verbs especially in

structuring conditional sentences
2. complete the dialogues using third conditionals, and
3. write sentences using third conditionals.

What’s In

In our previous discussion, we talked about how to structure the Second


IF Clause – use the simple past tense form of the verb.

CONSEQUENCE Clause- use modals, choose either one of them: would, could
and might + base form of the verb.
Ex. If I knew how to skydive, I might invite you to join me.
If I had enough money, I would go and live in Japan.

What is there to expect in the “New Normal”? Even when society starts up
again, there will still be restrictions and we are facing essential shifts to our way
of life. So, what does a New Normal look like? Shown below are measures and
realities in our current condition moving forward.


• Masks and gloves may be commonplace, depending on where in the world
you live.

• Queuing is now the norm, be it when visiting health professionals, going to

the shops, or even getting in a lift.

• Public transport looks very different, with social distancing in place and
commuters wearing masks and gloves.

• We do a double-take when we hear someone cough, sneeze, or sniffle.

We’ve been conditioned these past few months to be hypervigilant for these
symptoms, but hopefully this might also mean that higher standards of
hand and personal hygiene will continue.

• We’ll start to holiday more in our own backyards due to travel

restrictions, which can only be a good thing for local economies as they cope
with the decline in overseas and interstate tourist numbers. Wanderlust for
overseas exotic locations will also be on the rise, and Instagram will no
doubt fuel those desires.
- Article taken from https://theskillcollective.com/blog/coronavirus-new-normal

After reading the information, provide your thoughts by completing the

clause below.
If I had researched, ____________________________________________________

What’s New
Actions done cannot be undone; this is the general idea followed by the simple
past. When applied in other grammatical processes, we can use the action to
describe a situation that didn't happen as well as to imagine the result of this
situation; this is the 3rd Conditional.

What then is the Third Conditional?

THIRD CONDITIONAL – is a sentence that shows past regret or different
outcome that would have happened if a specific condition had been meet.
Another way of looking at it is using this conditional to show things that
didn’t happen in the past and their imaginary results.

How is it structured ?

IF Clause – Use the helping verb HAD + Past Participle form of the verb ( had
given), CONSEQUENCE Clause= modal WOULD + have +Past Participle
form of the verb( would +have + done)

Ex. If Mary had seen the consequences of her actions, she would have done
the right thing.
If people had obeyed the health protocols, they would have enjoyed
COVID free environment.
If you carefully read the examples above, you would notice the hint of regret
in the lines, and all the things mentioned did not actually happen and all were in
the past.
SHALL WE PRACTICE? Think of something you failed to do in the past and
its consequences. Express them using the 3rd conditional.

1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________

What I Have Learned

I have learned that Third Conditional expresses/shows
__________________________________________________________________ ___________

What I Can Do
Based on the short text entitled “The Way We Live is Different”, create your
own sentences using the Third Conditionals.

1. ________________________________________________________________________
B. __________________________________________________________________
C. __________________________________________________________________

What’s More

Choose the correct phrase from the box below to complete the sentences. Write
the letter of the correct phrase on the space provided for.

1. I would have forgotten my face mask… __________

2. If I had celebrated my birthday during quarantine… __________
3. I would have washed my hands… __________
4. I would have spent 2 hours in the queue… __________
5. If I had heard someone coughing… __________

a. … I would have barangay officials on my doorstep.

b. … I would have ran for the hills.
c. … if you hadn’t asked me to hold the door.
d. … if you hadn’t called me back to get it.
e. … if you hadn’t told me frontliners are prioritized.

Day 9


Multiple Response Test: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1.President Duterte has a lot on his plate right now. The country would have gone
to peril if he _____ the president.
A. had not C. would not been
B. have not D. had not been
2.Reading informative news now is very relevant. If I _____ interest in reading, I
would have been passive of recent news.
A. will have C. had not taken
B. would have D. have not taken
3.If I had been a doctor, I _______ a lot of people.
A. will have help C. would have helped
B. have helped D. would had looked
4.She would have been infected by COVID if she _______ her face mask.
A. wore C. didn’t wore
B. hadn’t worn D. wouldn’t worn
5.The government would have been very disappointed if the people _______.
A. cooperated C. had cooperated
B. hadn’t cooperated D. would have cooperated

For numbers 6-7, choose the correct conditional for every blank.

The WHO has a big responsibility in this current crisis. If they (6)_____ a cure,
they (7)_______ the number of sick people.
A. had found C. found
B. would have found D. will have found
A. had mitigated C. have mitigated
B. would mitigate D. would had mitigated

The economy must recover. If it (8)_______ sooner, the people (9)_______

from their current home conditions.
A. were C. had been
B. have been D. would have been
A. recovers C. have recovered
B. would have recovered D. would had recover

10.If you had saved money hard, _________________.

A. you will have enough budget.
B. you would have had enough budget.
C. you would have enough budget.
D. you would have gotten enough budget.

11.If I were him, _________________.

A. I will marry her C. I would have married her
B. I would marry her D. I would had marry her
12.Being with your family now helps a lot to get through this crisis. If you had
stayed away from them, you ________________ them a lot.
A. would have missed C. will have missed
B. have missed D. had missed
13.If you get there, _________________.
A. would you call me? C. will you call?
B. will you call me? D. would you have called me?
14. It is important to look after your health. If you experienced mental issues,
you _________________ medical attention.
A. shall seek C. seek
B. would have sought D. should seek
15.Now is the perfect time to perfect a skill. If you hadn’t wasted your time on
Netflix, you _________________ a talent by now.
A. would have had C. would have
B. would had D. will have had

Day 10

Final Task

A. Write your own conditionals based on the article, “The Way We Live is
Different.” Be sure to follow the rules on forming them and be mindful of the
changes of the verbs in each of the structures.




A. Class Survey: Conduct an interview among classmates. Choose 3 classmates
to answer your question, “What would you have done?” on 5 topics. Refer to
the table below and write/type in it your classmate’s response. Remember to
use the 3rd Conditional.

Your sentence should start with “I wouldn’t have done that. I would
ex: I wouldn’t have done that. I would have eaten fresh fruits.

“What would you have done?”
Questions Classmate 1 Classmate 2 Classmate 3
eating w/o hand
social gathering

not saving money

eating junk food

always using your

mobile phone

Bakshi, Sreoshi. “7 Thins You Can Not Miss Before Going To The
Beach.”Women Tirangle”., June 17,2017.www. women triangle.com/7-
things-you-just-can’t-miss-before-going –to-the-beach.

“Conditionals.” www.learningenglish.britishcounci.org.

“Conditional sentences, If clauses type I, II, III.” www.englishch-hilfen.de.

“Past Conditionals.” Englishpage.com., www.englishpage.com-


Robrico, Jenee Grace U.-Independent Consultant Journalist. April 8,2020.

Covid19 and the Discrimination of Medical Personnel in the

Seonaid. “Conditionals.” Perfect English Grammar., www.perfect-english-


Journal Making Rubric taken from:


“The New Normal”.(2020). Article:



Romero, Alexis. “Cebu City Back To ECQ”The Philippine Star.June 17,2020

www.magzter.com/article/Newspaper/The Philippine Star.

ISPI-Italian Institute For International Political

Studies.www,ispionline.it/en/pubblicazione/covid-19-and –
discrimination-medical-personnel-philippines -25.

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