English 9 Quarter 1 Module 2

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Modals of Obligation

Express Permission, Obligation and Prohibition using Modals.
What I Need to Know

A modal verb is so essential in English language. Utterances like giving advice,

recommendations, and more use modal verbs in conversations. It gives emphasis to
what the speaker wants to convey and the function of the main verb. Furthermore, this
lesson helps students to recognize and be able to use modals which express
obligation properly.

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Express permission, obligation, and prohibition using modals.

Learning Objectives:
After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. identify modals that express obligation;

2. use modals of obligation in different situations;
3. express obligation using appropriate modals; and

4. write an explanatory essay using modals expressing obligation.

What I Know

A. DIRECTIONS: Write YES if the sentences express OBLIGATION or NO if not.

Write your answer on your answer sheet.
1. Employees must check the files properly to avoid losing them.
2. Patients have to wear face mask and face shields in entering


3. I should go to college.
4. Participants can leave immediately after the contest.

5. You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.

6. Children can freely roam around that part of the park.

7. Parents must send their children in school.

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8. Teenagers can’t have their driver’s license until they reach the age

of 18.

9. Contestants ought to pass through all levels in the contest.

10. Consumers can avail the promo by showing their official receipts.

B. DIRECTIONS: Explain briefly the household chores you do at home. Use modals
expressing obligation. Write your answer on a separate sheet.

What’s In
From the previous activity on page 1, there are five sentences that express
OBLIGATION. Can you write down those sentences and underline the modals used?
Use a separate sheet for your answer.
1. _ _.
2. _ _.

3. _ _.
4. _ _.
5. _ _.

Now let’s recall the examples of modals of prohibition which you learned
in Module 1. On a separate sheet of paper, construct two (2) sentences and
underline the modal of prohibition used.
1. _.
2. _ .

What’s New
This new lesson about modals will focus on expressing obligation. You will
come across four expressions to be used in this lesson. Before going further, try this
new activity to give you a basic understanding on modals expressing obligation.

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A. DIRECTIONS: Supply each box with words associated with the word
OBLIGATION. Choose from the pool of words listed below the illustration. Use
separate sheet for your answer.


Neglect Permission Promise

Contract Prohibition Commitment

Responsibility Postponement Exemption

What is It


There are two types of

modal verbs of obligation:
those that primarily express
a firm obligation or
necessity – must and have
to and those that express a
recommendation or moral
obligation – should and
ought to.

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Take note of the sample sentences for better understanding.

1. I have to work on Sunday.

2. I must hand in my module by Friday.
3. If you are not feeling well, you should seek a
doctor’s advice.
4. I ought to know your reasons why you left the
room during the meeting.
5. The security guard had to check all rooms to
ensure safety in the area.
6. The pregnant woman has to complete all
required check-ups before her due date.

For additional information, take note of the important points given on each
shape below.

Have to shows that the obligation comes from someone else, not the
speaker. This is usually referring to a rule or a law.
•We have to book our schedule for the renewal of our PRC license. (comes
from someone else; rule or a law)
•I have to leave the office at 4:45 PM as prescribed by the Civil Service
Commission. (comes from someone else; rule or law)

Must shows us the obligation comes from the speaker.

• I really must see my children. (comes from the
• We must go back to our classroom now. ( comes
from the speaker/subject)

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Ought to is more used in written Should is used to give advice to
language. It expresses an someone and to say that
objective view.
something is a good idea. It is
• I ought to call my parents.(moral used to express subjective
• We ought to drink a lot of water
everyday.(recommendation) • You should tell the truth.

• What should I eat?

A. DIRECTIONS: Use must, have to, should, ought to correctly in the following
sentences. Use a separate sheet for your answer.

1. You _ be wearing a mask when you go out to be safe from having Covid-19.
2. You _try to lose weight.
3. You _follow the rules of Inter-Agency Task Force.
4. You eat fruits and vegetables to boost your immune system.
5. As a community leader, you _ keep the peace and order of your community.
6. You _ be at home now.
7. I _ provide proper treatment and diagnosis for sick people.
8. We avoid going out in this time of pandemic.
9. I _wear your face mask and face shield whenever you go out of the house.
10. Teachers and other employees __ _ work from home.
11. You not smoke, it is not good for your health.
12. I to work on weekends.

B. DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blanks with MUST or HAVE TO. Use a separate
sheet for your answer.

1. I to brush my teeth three times a day.

2. I tell you something.
3. Children _ stay home.
4. I will work tomorrow.
5. We _ go.
6. She _ work harder.
7. To apply financial aid, you ____________ fill out an application form.
8. Bicyclists remember to signal when they turn.

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What I Have Learned

DIRECTIONS: Explain what you have learned in this lesson. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. Have to

2. Must

3. Should

4. Ought to

What I Can Do
A. Remember that the modal MUST is used to express a firm obligation or

DIRECTIONS: Using the situation below, write sentences that express obligation
using MUST. Use a separate sheet for your answer.
It’s your final examination next week. You have a lot of catching up to do to
qualify as one of the honor students. Jot down five things that you must do in
preparing for the exams.

1. I must _
2. I must _
3. I must _
4. I must _
5. I must _ _

B. Remember that the modal HAVE TO is used to express a firm obligation or

necessity and shows that the obligation comes from someone else, not from
the speaker. This is usually referring to a rule or a law.

DIRECTIONS: Using the situation below, write sentences that express obligation
using HAVE TO. Use a separate sheet for your answer.
Below is the step-by-step procedure to secure an examination permit.
1. Secure Examination Permit Form.
2. Fill-up the form.
3. Present the permit to the examiner.
1. I have to _
2. I have to _
3. I have to _

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C. Remember that the modal SHOULD is used to express subjective opinion.

DIRECTIONS: Using SHOULD in your sentences, write down your subjective

opinion about the topic: “Taking care of my parents when they
grow old.” Use a separate sheet for your answer.
1. I should _
2. I should _
3. I should _

D. Remember that the modal OUGHT TO is used to express objective view.

DIRECTIONS: Write a sentence on each road sign. Use OUGHT TO to express your
objective opinion. Use separate sheet for your answer.

1. Sentence

_ _


2. Sentence

_ _

3. Sentence

_ _


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A. DIRECTIONS: Rewrite these sentences using modals of obligation. Use a
separate sheet for your answer.

1. It’s an obligation to go to church on Sundays and attend mass.

You .
2. It’s obligatory for all drivers to have a driver’s license.
All drivers _ .
3. Doctor advises patient to exercise.
You .
4. We need your help. It’s too much work for us.
You .
5. It’s necessary to wear helmet when driving a motorcycle.
You .

B. DIRECTIONS: Writing. Write an essay about the given topic below. Use a
separate sheet for your answer.

My obligations in my community in this time of pandemic

_ __
_ __
_ __
_ _ _

Additional Activity
DIRECTIONS: Writing. Answer the given question below. Write a five-
sentence paragraph using modals of obligation. Use a separate sheet for your answer.
As a member of the family, what are the things you must do to keep each
member close and keep the relationship strong? You can ask a member of your


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Answer Key
What I Know
A. 1. YES 4. NO 7. YES 10. NO
2. YES 5. NO 8. NO
3. YES 6. NO 9. YES
B. Answers may vary.

What’s In
1. Employees must check the files properly to avoid losing them.
2. Patients have to wear face mask and face shields in entering hospitals.
3. I should go to college.
4. Parents must send their children in school.
5. Contestants ought to pass through all levels in the contest.
1. You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.
2. Teenagers can’t have their driver’s license until they reach the age of 18.

What’s New What’s More

Responsibility 1. have to 5. must 9. must
Promise 2. should 6. must 10. ought to/should
Commitment 3. have to 7. must 11. should
Contract 4. should 8. should 12. must
1. have to 5. must
2. must 6. must
3. must 7. must
4. have to 8. must
What I Have Learned What I Can Do
Answers may vary. (A, B, C) Answers may vary.
1. Drivers in all lanes ought to stop and remain stopped
until pedestrian has finished crossing.
2. You ought to fasten your seatbelt.
3. You ought to turn right with care.
A. 1. You must go to church on Sundays and attend mass.
2. All drivers must have a driver’s license.
3. You should exercise.
4. You must help us.
5. You must wear helmet when driving a motorcycle.
B. Answers may vary.

ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY. Answers may vary.

Almonte, L. R. et al. A Journey Through Anglo-American Literature. Vibal Group Inc., 2014
On line Sources:

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Name: Date:
Section: Score: _

A. DIRECTIONS: Write the missing word in each sentence. Choose from the
modal verbs in the box below.
must should have to

1. To apply for financial aid, you _ _ fill out an application form.

2. My mother says that I make my bed.
3. In our school we wear a uniform.
4. The exams are next week. I _ study harder.
5. Sorry, I _ go now. I don’t want to be late.
6. You read this book. It’s really good.
7. Policemen obey orders.
8. I wear glasses because I can’t see very well.
9. You see a doctor.
10. She _ buy a new car.

B. DIRECTIONS: Writing. Answer the given question below. Write a 5-sentence

paragraph using modals of obligation. Use separate sheet for your answer.
As a youth, what are the things you must do to protect our environment?
_ ___
_ ___
_ _ _

Level Description
Outstanding Well written and very organized. Excellent grammar
Clear and concise statements.
Excellent effort and presentation with detail.
Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic.
Value: 5

Level Description
Good Writes fairly clear. Good grammar mechanics.
Good presentation and organization.
Sufficient effort and detail.
Value: 4

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Level Description
Fair Minimal effort. Minimal grammar mechanics.
Fair presentation.
Few supporting details.
Value: 3

Level Description
Poor Somewhat unclear. Shows little effort. Poor grammar
Confusing and choppy, incomplete sentences.
No organization of thoughts.
Value: 2

Level Description
Very Poor Lacking effort. Very poor grammar mechanics.
Very unclear.
Does not address topic.
Limited attempt.
Value: 1

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