How To Use Chat GPT To Write Briefs

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How to Use Chat GPT to Write


Benefits of using Chat GPT

Using AI to write ad briefs can be a useful tool for several reasons.

● It can save time and brain power by automating the process of generating ideas and
streamlining the overall process. This is especially beneficial for agencies & brands
that have multiple brief writers on staff, as it can eliminate the need for these
positions and reduce costs.
● Additionally, the human brain is volatile and requires inspiration to come up with
ideas, so using AI can help to generate a consistent flow of ideas.
● In cases where team members are not available, AI can also provide a backup
solution for generating briefs.
● Using AI to write briefs can help brand owners, particularly startup brands with limited
capital, save time and money by eliminating the need to hire an agency.

→ AI Briefs are not here to replace brief writing completely

Importance of asking the right questions

Asking the right questions is an important factor in influencing the output of an AI. The way a
question is phrased and the specific details it includes can significantly impact the results
that an AI will produce.

- For example, if a question is too broad or vague, an AI may have difficulty generating
a relevant response.

- On the other hand, if a question is too specific or includes too many details, it may be
difficult for the AI to generalize and provide a response that is applicable to a wider
range of situations.

It is therefore important to carefully consider the questions being asked of an AI and to

ensure that they are phrased in a way that allows the AI to provide the most helpful and
accurate response possible.

This may involve rephrasing questions, providing additional context or details, or breaking a
complex question down into simpler, more specific components. By taking the time to
carefully craft questions, users can optimise the output of an AI and get the most value out of
this powerful tool.

Layers of Complexity
There are several levels of complexity when it comes to using the chat GPT tool to generate

As you progress through the levels, you can add more variables and control elements to the

It's entirely up to you which level you choose to work at. You can either write complete briefs
or just provide some ideas and angles for manual editing afterwards. There is no right or
wrong approach.

Level 1 - Basic

This is what I consider to be level 1:

- Simple request to create a “TikTok ad script” to sell X product link

This is what it spits out:
Let’s break it down:
- A decent script that we can work with
- It clearly spits out a Hook, USPs pf the product a CTA.
- A normal, UGC script youd find that most agencies produce.
- Not Adtok quality yet, though enough to work with.

Level 2 - With Control Elements

What are control elements? These are variables, which we use to give our creators to stick
to when filming the briefs.
Some control elements:
- Video Length
- Cut length
- Video Hook
- Video tonality
- Lighting
- General guidelines

Here’s how the control elements look like on a normal brief we hand to our creators:
Now how would it look like in Chat GPT?

- Straight to the point

- Control elements in the first questions added
- You can always add control elements later after you get a response to generate
another version

This is what it spits out:

- Pretty good
- It also gave a suggestions on how to film each scenes, which is very helpful
- In case it doesn't do that, simply ask it to do so and it will:
Next thing I did was ask for a few CTA suggestions:

Level 3 - Modular, Angles, Variations

The possibilities are endless with chat GPT. There are probably 100s of other methods to
experiment and systemise an approach to writing briefs.

Modular Framework

The biggest pain points most brands and agencies struggle with is creative iteration.

Macro analysis could be testing street interview ads versus single creator problem/solution
type ads versus Offer GIFs

We look to test new macro concepts on a monthly basis and micro concepts on a weekly

In the micro we’re talking about things that can be easily added/removed from an ad like the
hook, or how the hook is presented, is it a visual hook or auditory, or the type of text overlay
used, frequency of transitions, type of sound used, ad length, ad components etc.

Most of the ads we produce at we moved away from thinking about ads as just a
video or an image to thinking about them as the sum of their parts.

Introducing the modular framework

We've gotten better at iterating by breaking ads into smaller clips, analysing each one, and
using relevant metrics on ad platforms to figure out the best sequence.

Allowing us to reshuffle creatives and build variations based on data.

This guide here is not to go over how we do that, but to simply let you know that we CAN
write modular briefs using chat gpt.

This is what we asked Chat GPT to spit out a modular brief:

I simply added the structure of how I wanted the videos down below & it produced this:


If you want to create scripts based around other pain points, you can.) do you own research
and enter this:


You can ask chat gpt itself to do research for you:

I asked to create a script based on pain point number 3, which was about Lack of
support and tummy time. And here it is:

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