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High Performance

Computing with Python

Final Report
Oskar von Waldenfels
[email protected]

August 12, 2023


1 Introduction 2
1.1 Lattice Boltzmann Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Shear Wave Decay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Couette Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 Poiseuille Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.5 The Sliding Lid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.6 Goal of this Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 Methods 4
2.1 Lattice Boltzmann Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 Shear Wave Decay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3 Couette Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.4 Poiseuille Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.5 The Sliding Lid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3 Implementation 8

4 Results 12
4.1 Shear Wave Decay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.2 Couette Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.3 Poiseuille Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.4 The Sliding Lid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

5 Conclusions 19



1.1 Lattice Boltzmann Equation

The Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) is a powerful numerical technique
used for simulating fluid flow and other complex phenomena. It is based on
the discrete Boltzmann transport equation and is particularly well-suited for
simulating fluid dynamics in complex geometries. In the LBM, the fluid is
represented by a set of discrete particles or "lattice cells," and the evolution
of the fluid properties is governed by a set of discrete Boltzmann equations.

1.2 Shear Wave Decay

The shear wave decay experiment involves the study of the decay of a shear
wave in a fluid medium. The fluid is subjected to an initial perturbation,
and the evolution of the shear wave is observed over time. This experiment
provides valuable insights into the viscoelastic properties of the fluid and
can be used to study various material behaviors.

1.3 Couette Flow

Couette flow is a classic fluid dynamics experiment involving the flow of a
viscous fluid between two parallel plates, with one plate moving relative to
the other. This experiment helps us understand the basic principles of fluid
flow and viscosity. The velocity profile of the fluid is expected to exhibit a
linear distribution across the channel.

1.4 Poiseuille Flow

The Poiseuille flow experiment explores the flow of a viscous fluid through
a channel with a linear pressure gradient. The pressure variation along the

channel drives the flow, resulting in a parabolic velocity profile across the
channel. The Poiseuille flow experiment is widely used to study fluid flow
in confined geometries and is an important benchmark for validating fluid
flow simulations.

1.5 The Sliding Lid

The sliding lid experiment involves simulating the flow of a fluid within a
square domain with three hard reflecting walls and one moving boundary.
The moving boundary (sliding lid) introduces dynamic flow patterns within
the domain. This experiment allows us to observe the temporal evolution
of the fluid velocity field and provides valuable insights into fluid dynamics
in confined geometries.

1.6 Goal of this Report

This report aims to present a comprehensive study of fluid flow simulations
using the Lattice Boltzmann Method. We will explore the shear wave de-
cay experiment, Couette flow, Poiseuille flow, and the sliding lid experiment.
The report will provide detailed explanations of the methods and implemen-
tation used for each experiment. Additionally, we will analyze the results
obtained from these simulations and draw meaningful conclusions about the
fluid behavior in different scenarios. Finally, we will discuss the implications
and significance of the findings in the context of fluid dynamics research.



In this chapter, we will outline the fundamental concepts and mathematical

foundations underlying the Lattice Boltzmann Method. We will provide
an overview of the discrete Boltzmann transport equation and the lattice
structure used for representing fluid properties. Additionally, we will discuss
the numerical techniques employed for solving fluid flow problems, such as
domain decomposition, boundary conditions, and parallelization strategies.

2.1 Lattice Boltzmann Equation

Figure 2.1: (a) Discretization on the velocity space according to D2Q9,(b)

Uniform 2D grid for discretization in the physical space

The Bolzmann transport equation is given by:

∂f (r, v, t)
+ v∇r f (r, v, t) + a∇v f (r, v, t) = C (f (r, v, t)) (2.1)
The streaming operator is given by:

fi (r + ci ∆t, t + ∆t) = fi (r, t) (2.2)

The equilibrium distribution function is given by :
9 3
feqi (ρ(r), u(r)) = wi ρ(r) 1 + 3ci · u(r) + (ci · u(r))2 − |u(r)|2 (2.3)
2 2
The density is given by :
ρ(x, y) = dv f (x, y, v) (2.4)

The velocity is given by:

v(x, y) = dv f (x, y, v) · c(v) (2.5)
ρ(x, y)

wi is defined for a D2Q9 lattice by:

wi = (4/9, 1/9, 1/9, 1/9, 1/9, 1/36, 1/36, 1/36, 1/36) (2.6)

2.2 Shear Wave Decay

To induce a shear wave decay, we select two initial distributions for density
ρ(r, t) and velocity u(r, t) as follows:
Forthe first experiment, we choose the initial conditions: ρ(r, 0) = ρ0 + ϵ ·
sin 2πx
Lx and u(r, 0) = 0.
For the second experiment, we select: ρ(r, 0) = 1 and ux (r, 0) = ϵ · sin 2πy
Ly .
In both experiments, the objective is to observe the decay of the shear wave
over time. The kinematic viscosity will be calculated, and we will compare
it with the theoretical value. The theoretical viscosity can be computed as:
1 1 1
v= −
3 ω 2

2.3 Couette Flow

we choose a an initial distibution of ρ (0) = 1andu(0) = 0attime t = 0 we
apply bounce-back boundary conditions on the lower wall, as shown here:

Bounce-Back Boundary conditions in a schematic

we apply periodic boundary contitions in x directions, as shown here:

Periodic Boundary conditions in a schematic

and we apply a moving top shown here:

Moving wallBoundary conditions in a schematic

And we will observe how the velocity field looks like over time.

2.4 Poiseuille Flow

We apply bounce-back boundary conditions in the y-direction, as depicted
in Figure 2.2. Additionally, we implement periodic boundary conditions in
the x-direction with a pressure variation, as illustrated here:

Periodic Boundary conditions with presure variance in a schematic

We will observe the evolution of the velocity profile in the x-direction at

the inlet and in the middle of the channel over time. Additionally, we will
monitor the density along the centerline of the channel as time progresses.
Furthermore, we will compare the observations from the simulation with an
analytical solution.
The analytical solution is given as:
∂p(x) 1 ∂ 2 ux (y)
= (2.7)
∂x µ ∂y 2
1 dp
u(y) = − (h − y) (2.8)
2µ dy

2.5 The Sliding Lid
We will apply bounceback boundary conditions on the left lower and on the
right wall. On the Top wall we will apply a moving top boundary condition.
We will set up a square with the dimensions 300x300 as our simulation
domain and we will set our initial conditions to ρ(t = 0) = 1, ux (t = 0) = 0
and uy (t = 0) = 0. We will analyse the evolution of the velocity flied with
a streamplot. We will observe different flow pattern for different Reynolds
numbers. The Reynolds number is given by:

Re = (2.9)
Finaly we will parallelize the Code and we will measure the Million Lattice
Updates Per Second (MLUPS). It is intended to parallelize our code using
domain decomposition and the Message Passing Interface (MPI) along with
libraries such as ‘mpi4py‘ and ‘ipyparallel‘.



In this chapter, we will present the implementation details of the Lattice

Boltzmann Method for each experiment. The numerical domain is initialized
by selecting values for the X and Y dimensions, denoted as NX and NY. The
value for omega is assigned to the variable omega, and the value for wall
velocity is assigned to the variable vn. The simulation duration is chosen
using the Steps variable, while the frames variable specifies the number of
plots desired.
wi and ca i are initialized as follows:
w_i = np . a r r a y ( [ 4 / 9 , 1 / 9 , 1 / 9 , 1 / 9 , 1 / 9 , 1 / 3 6 , 1 / 3 6 , 1 / 3 6 , 1 / 3 6 ] )
c_ai = np . a r r a y ( [ [ 0 , 1 , 0 , −1, 0 , 1 , −1, −1, 1 ] , #x components
[ 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , −1, 1 , 1 , −1, − 1 ] ] ) #y components
ρ is calculated as follows:
def compute_density ( f_inm ) :
return np . einsum ( ’ inm−>nm ’ , f_inm )
v is calculated as follows:
def u ( f_inm , c_ai , rho_nm ) :
return np . einsum ( ’ i a , inm−>anm ’ , c_ai . T, f_inm ) / rho_nm
The equilibrium funtion is calculated as follows:
def f e q ( c_ai , rho_nm , w_i , u_anm ) :
wr = np . einsum ( ’ i , jk−>i j k ’ , w_i , rho_nm )
cu = np . einsum ( ’ i a , anm␣−>inm ’ , c_ai . T, u_anm)
c u s q u a r e = np . einsum ( ’anm , anm−>nm ’ ,u_anm , u_anm)
return wr∗(1+3∗ cu +(9/2)∗ cu ∗∗2 −(3/2)∗ c u s q u a r e )
The Boltzman transport Equation is Implemented as follows:
def f b t e ( f_inm , feq_inm , omega ) :
return ( f_inm + ( feq_inm−f_inm ) ∗ omega )
The first Shearwave experiment is initialized as follows:

u_anm = np . z e r o s ( ( 2 ,NX,NY) )
rho_nm = np . z e r o s ( (NX,NY) )
rho_nm = 1 + ( 0 . 0 1 ∗ np . s i n ( ( 2 ∗ np . p i ∗X. T) /NX) )
The second Shearwave experiment is initialized as follows:
u_anm = np . z e r o s ( ( 2 ,NX,NY) )
u_anm [ 0 ] = 0 . 0 1 ∗ np . s i n ( ( 2 ∗ np . p i ∗Y. T) /NY)
rho_nm = np . o n e s ( (NX,NY) )
the vicosity is calculated analyticly by:
def a n a l v i s c ( omega ) :
return 1 / 3 ∗ ( 1 / omega −1/2)
the vicosity on basis of the simulation is calculated by:
def c l c v i s c ( u1 , u2 ) :
m1 = max( u1 [ 0 ,NX/ / 2 , : ] )
m2 = max( u2 [ 0 ,NX/ / 2 , : ] )
return ( ( ( np . l o g (m1)−np . l o g (m2) ) / ( ( 2 ∗ np . p i /NY) ∗ ∗ 2 ∗ 7 5 0 ) ) )
streaming is done by
def s t r e a m i n g ( f_inm , c_ai ) :
f o r i in range ( 0 , 9 ) :
f_inm [ i ] = np . r o l l ( f_inm [ i ] , c_ai . T [ i ] , a x i s = ( 0 , 1 ) )
return f_inm
The boundary conditions for the Cuetteflow are implemented by:
def c o u e t t e f l o w ( f_inm ) :
un = 0 . 0 0 1
#moving t o p boundary
f_inm [ 4 , : , − 2 ] = f_inm [ 2 , : , − 1 ]
f_inm [ 7 , : , − 2 ] = np . r o l l ( f_inm [5 ,: , −1] , −1) − un/6
f_inm [ 8 , : , − 2 ] = np . r o l l ( f_inm [ 6 , : , − 1 ] , 1 ) + un/6
#b o u n c e b a c k on bottom
f_inm [ 2 , : , 1 ] = f_inm [ 4 , : , 0 ]
f_inm [ 5 , : , 1 ] = np . r o l l ( f_inm [ 7 , : , 0 ] , 1 )
f_inm [ 6 , : , 1 ] = np . r o l l ( f_inm [ 8 , : , 0 ] , − 1 )
return f_inm
The equilibrium density function for the inlet and the outlet of the Poiseuille
Flow are implemented as follows:
def f e q 1 d ( c_ai , rho_n , w_i , u_an ) :
wr = np . einsum ( ’ i , j −> i j ’ , w_i , rho_n )
cu = np . einsum ( ’ i a , an␣−>i n ’ , c_ai . T, u_an )
c u s q u a r e = cu ∗∗2
return wr ∗(1+(3∗ cu ) + ( ( 9 / 2 ) ∗ ( c u s q u a r e ) ) − ( ( 3 / 2 ) ∗ ( c u s q u a r e ) ) )

The boundary conditions for the Poiseuille Flow are implemented by:
def P o i s e u i l l e f l o w ( f_inm , feq_inm , d e l t a p , u_anm) :
c = 1/3
r h o i n = np . o n e s (NY+2)#c a l c u l a t e r h o i n
r h o o u t = ( ( c ∗ r h o i n )− d e l t a p ) / c #c a l c u l a t e r h o o u t
u i n = u_anm [ : , 1 , : ]#c l c v i n
uout = u_anm [ : , − 2 , : ]#c l c v o u t
#p e r i o d i c boundary c o n d i t i o n w i t h p r e s s u r e v a r i a t i o n on x a x e s
f_inm [ : , 0 , : ] = f e q 1 d ( c_ai , r h o i n , w_i , uout ) +
( f_inm [ : , − 1 , : ] − feq_inm [ : , − 1 , : ] )
f_inm [ : , − 1 , : ] = f e q 1 d ( c_ai , rhoout , w_i , u i n ) +
( f_inm [ : , 0 , : ] − feq_inm [ : , 0 , : ] )
f o r i in range ( 0 , 9 ) :
f_inm [ i ] = np . r o l l ( f_inm [ i ] , c_ai . T [ i ] , a x i s = ( 0 , 1 ) )
#b o u n c e b a c k on bottom
f_inm [ 2 , : , 1 ] = f_inm [ 4 , : , 0 ]
f_inm [ 5 , : , 1 ] = np . r o l l ( f_inm [ 7 , : , 0 ] , 1 )
f_inm [ 6 , : , 1 ] = np . r o l l ( f_inm [ 8 , : , 0 ] , − 1 )
#b o u n c e b a c k on t o p
f_inm [ 4 , : , − 2 ] = f_inm [ 2 , : , − 1 ]
f_inm [ 7 , : , − 2 ] = np . r o l l ( f_inm [ 5 , : , − 1 ] , − 1 )
f_inm [ 8 , : , − 2 ] = np . r o l l ( f_inm [ 6 , : , − 1 ] , 1 )
return f_inm
The Boundary conditions for the sliding Lid are implemented as follows:
def s l i d i n g l i d ( f_inm , up , down , l e f t , r i g h t ) :
i f boundary_k [ 0 ] : # l e f t
f_inm [ [ 1 , 8 , 5 ] , 1 ] = l e f t
i f boundary_k [ 1 ] : # r i g h t
f_inm [ [ 3 , 7 , 6 ] , − 2 ] = r i g h t
i f boundary_k [ 2 ] : # down
f_inm [ [ 2 , 5 , 6 ] , : , 1 ] = down
i f boundary_k [ 3 ] : # t o p ( moving w i t h v _ w a l l )
f_inm [ 4 , : , − 2 ] = up [ 0 ]
f_inm [ 7 , : , − 2 ] = up [1] − vn /6
f_inm [ 8 , : , − 2 ] = up [ 2 ] + vn /6
return f_inm
The Communication and Calculation for the sliding Lid Experiment are
implemented as follows:
def c l c _ p l t _ s l i d i n g l i d ( ) :
f_inm=np . o n e s ( ( 9 , nxsub , nysub ) ) / 9
f o r i in range ( s t e p s ) :

# communication
r i g h t=f_inm [ [ 1 , 5 , 8 ] , − 2 ] . copy ( )
l e f t =f_inm [ [ 3 , 6 , 7 ] , 1 ] . copy ( )
r e c v b u f = np . z e r o s ( ( 3 , nysub ) )
cartcomm . Sendrecv ( r i g h t , dR , r e c v b u f = r e c v b u f , s o u r c e = sR )
f_inm [ [ 1 , 5 , 8 ] , 0 ] = r e c v b u f
cartcomm . Sendrecv ( l e f t , dL , r e c v b u f = r e c v b u f , s o u r c e = sL )
f_inm [ [ 3 , 6 , 7 ] , − 1 ] = r e c v b u f
r e c v b u f = np . z e r o s ( ( 3 , nxsub ) )
up=f_inm [ [ 2 , 5 , 6 ] , : , − 2 ] . copy ( )
down=f_inm [ [ 4 , 7 , 8 ] , : , 1 ] . copy ( )
cartcomm . Sendrecv ( up , dU , r e c v b u f = r e c v b u f , s o u r c e = sU )
f_inm [ [ 2 , 5 , 6 ] , : , 0 ] = r e c v b u f
cartcomm . Sendrecv ( down , dD , r e c v b u f = r e c v b u f , s o u r c e = sD )
f_inm [ [ 4 , 7 , 8 ] , : , − 1 ] = r e c v b u f
#c a l c u l a t i o n
f_inm = s t r e a m i n g ( f_inm )
f_inm = s l i d i n g l i d ( f_inm , up , down , l e f t , r i g h t )
rho_nm = c l c _ r h o ( f_inm )
u_anm = clc_u ( c_ai , f_inm , rho_nm )
feq_inm = f e q ( c_ai , rho_nm , w_i , u_anm)
f_inm = f b t e ( f_inm , feq_inm , omega )
return f_inm
The MLUPS are calculated as follows:
def measure_performance (numCpu , NX,NY, time , t i m e s t e p s ) :
mlups = ( (NX∗NY) ∗ t i m e s t e p s ) / time
dat = np . a r r a y ( ( [ int (numCpu ) ] , [ mlups ] ) )
np . s a v e ( f o l d e r p a t h + s t r (numCpu ) , dat )
The domain decomposition was achieved using the following code:
i f NX < NY:
s e c t s X=int ( np . f l o o r ( np . s q r t ( s i z e ∗NX/NY) ) )
s e c t s Y=int ( np . f l o o r ( s i z e / s e c t s X ) )
e l i f NX > NY:
s e c t s Y=int ( np . f l o o r ( np . s q r t ( s i z e ∗NY/NX) ) )
s e c t s X=int ( np . f l o o r ( s i z e / s e c t s Y ) )
e l i f NX==NY:
s e c t s Y=int ( np . f l o o r ( np . s q r t ( s i z e ) ) )
s e c t s X=int ( s i z e / s e c t s Y )



In this chapter, we will present and analyze the results obtained from the
Lattice Boltzmann simulations for each experiment. We will showcase the
temporal evolution of the fluid velocity field using graphical representations
such as streamplots or velocity vectors. Additionally, we will calculate and
compare various flow parameters to gain insights into the fluid behavior in
different scenarios.

4.1 Shear Wave Decay

We will analyze the decay of the shear wave over time and compare the nu-
merical results with theoretical predictions. This will allow us to determine
the viscoelastic properties of the fluid and validate the accuracy of the LBM
simulation. The Plot of the first Experiment of the Shear wave decay is
shown underneath, ω is set to 1.

Plot of the first Schear wave decay experiment

When observing the plot, it becomes evident that the initial sinusoidal os-
cillation is gradually damped over time. Starting from time step 9950, a
straight line emerges, indicating a density that is uniformly 1 throughout
the domain. The Plot of the second Experiment of the Shear wave decay is
shown underneath, ω is set to 1.

Plot of the second Schear wave decay experiment

When observing the plot, it becomes evident that the initial sinusoidal os-
cillation is gradually damped over time. Starting from time step 10000, a
straight line emerges, indicating a velocity that is uniformly zero throughout
the domain. The Plot of the Analytical and the measured Viscosity is shown
underneath. Omega was chosen at intervals of 0.01 between 0 and 2. U was
initialized using a sine wave, and ρ was initialized to one.

Plot of the Analytical and the measured Viscosity

When observing the plot, one notices that the analytical solution yields an
increasing viscosity for smaller values of omega and a decreasing viscosity for
larger values of omega. To be more precise, as omega approaches zero, the
viscosity tends towards infinity, while as omega approaches 2, the viscosity
approaches zero. In the case where the kinematic viscosity was calculated
from the simulation results, it can be observed that for omega approaching
zero, the viscosity tends towards zero as well. Moreover, the graphs exhibit
identical behavior starting from an omega value of 0.25. The fact that both
density and velocity decrease after each iteration, transitioning from the
sinusoidal initial state to a linear one, indicates the correct functioning of
the code. The fact that the theoretical and practical viscosity values behave
identically starting from an omega of 0.25 indicates that the code functions
correctly beyond an omega value of 0.25.

4.2 Couette Flow

We will study the velocity profile of the fluid in Couette flow and compare
it with the expected linear distribution. The Plot of the Couette Flow
experiment is shown underneath, ω is set to 1 and the wall velocity to 0.001.

Plot of the Couette Flow experiment

After 100 time steps, it can be observed that the velocities in the x-direction
closely resemble the velocities at the walls. A significant portion of the
velocity is zero, except for the last part which rapidly increases to match
the velocity of the upper wall. After 1000 time steps, the velocity alignment
with the lower wall (velocity = 0) becomes less prominent, and the gradual
increase towards the upper wall’s velocity starts earlier and takes longer.
Starting from time step 35000, a linear trend is noticeable, indicating a
direct increase in velocity from 0 to the velocity of the upper wall. The fact
that the simulated value doesn’t differ after a time step of 35000 suggests
that the code is suitable for simulations beyond time steps of 35000.

4.3 Poiseuille Flow
In the Poiseuille flow experiment, we will investigate the parabolic velocity
profile and the pressure variation along the channel. We will compare the
numerical results with analytical solutions to validate the accuracy of the
Lattice Boltzmann simulations. The Plot of velocity in the x direction at
the inlet during the Poiseuille Flow experiment is shown underneath, ω is
set to 1.

Plot of the velocity at the inlet during the Poiseuille Flow experiment

It can be observed that at the entrance of the Poiseuille Flow channel, the
velocities at the top and bottom remain equal to zero. In the middle of
the channel, they gradually rise from zero to the flow velocity. Initially,
an almost linear trend is noticeable. Starting from the 7700th time step,
a parabolic pattern becomes clearly visible, expanding further over time.
After the 11000th iteration, the simulation matches the analytical solution.
The Plot of velocity in the x direction at the centerline during the Poiseuille
Flow experiment is shown underneath

Plot of the velocity at centerline during the Poiseuille Flow experiment

You can observe that the x-velocity remains unchanged from the inlet to the
middle of the channel. The parabolic shape remains consistent.

The Plot of density at the centerline during the Poiseuille Flow experiment
is shown underneath, ω is set to 1.

Plot of the density at thecenterline during the Poiseuille Flow experiment

It can be observed that the density decreases sinusoidally from 1 to 0.999999

initially. Starting from the 1600th time step, the density changes linearly
from 1 to 0.99999.

4.4 The Sliding Lid

For the sliding lid experiment, we will observe the dynamic flow patterns
and analyze the temporal evolution of the fluid velocity field. The following
2 plots are with dimensions of 300x300

Plot of the velocity Profile during the Sliding Lid experiment with Dimensions of

After the 1000th iteration, we can observe the formation of a vortex at the
upper-right corner.

Plot of the velocity Profile during the Sliding Lid experiment with Dimensions of

After the 200000th iteration, it becomes apparent that this vortex has shifted
towards the center, forming a whirlpool there. Small eddies can be observed
at the corners. The steady state has been reached.
The following 2 plots are with dimensions of 1200x1200

Plot of the velocity Profile during the Sliding Lid experiment with Dimensions of

After the 100000th iteration, it becomes apparent that this vortex has shifted
slighty towards the center, forming a whirlpool there. One Small whirl can
be observed at the right corner.

Plot of the velocity Profile during the Sliding Lid experiment with Dimensions of

After the 100000th iteration, it becomes apparent that this vortex has shifted
slighty towards the center, forming a whirlpool there. When comparing the
last two plots, it becomes evident that the lower Reynolds number con-
tributes to an earlier establishment of the steady state.
The following plot illustrates the MLUPS (Million Lattice Updates Per Sec-
ond) for different numbers of CPUs.

Plot of the MLUPS of the Sliding Lid experiment.

It can be observed that with a low number of CPUs, adding CPU cores makes
a more significant difference compared to a higher number of CPUs. This can
be explained by the fact that there is a computational time required, which
decreases as the number of CPUs increases. On the other hand, there’s a
communication time needed for data exchange, and this time increases as
the number of CPUs rises. Eventually, the advantage of faster computation
becomes balanced out, and it even requires more time.



In this final chapter, we will summarize the key findings and conclusions
drawn from the Lattice Boltzmann simulations. In summary, the lattice
Boltzmann method can be effectively used under specific conditions. These
conditions include:
One should use an omega value between 0.25 and 1.7. This is because the
simulation matches the expected behavior starting from an omega of 0.25,
and using an omega greater than 1.7 leads to ultrasonicsound velocities in
the results.
A simulation duration greater than 35000 should be chosen, as the sim-
ulation values before that point do not align with theoretical expectations.
When using a grid size of 300x300, it’s recommended to utilize 36 CPUs
to minimize the time to obtain results.
Following these restrictions, one can effectively simulate the behavior of
fluids using the lattice Boltzmann method.



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