Wind Load EC1v1.08

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08 ASCE7-10 EC1-4 ANF NV65-2009

A Wind parameters V(asce10)=V(asce05)*sqrt(1.6) Gust speed 1h= 10min 1min 3sec=
Wind Speed 21.1 22.1 26.35 33.0 (1min: V=25.7m/s Ref Ministry of land management)

0 parameter building L= 18 m (perpendicular to wind) L= 18 m (perpendicular) L= 18 m (perpendicular to wind)

B= 41.5 m (parallele to wind) B= 41.5 m B= 41.5 m
ns= 8 number of storey (<50) H= 34.4 m H= 34.4 m
h= 4.30 m storey heigth
1 wind speed: V= 33.036 m/s (3sec gust speed) V= 22.134 m/s (10min gust speed) V= 22.134 m/s
V= 118.9 km/h Vb,0= 79.7 km/h (see figure) Vb,0= 79.682 km/h
qs= 0.669 kN/m2: 0.613*V^2 qb= 0.306 kN/m2; qb=1/2*p*V^2 q10= 0.301 kN/m2; qb=V^2/1630
H= 34.40 m p= 1.25 p=1.25kg/m3
(or p=1.225kg/m3 French NA)
2 terrain B/C/D= C 0,II,IIIa,IIIb,IV= IV French NA T= 0.29
α= 9.5 z0= 1.00 m (to check) ξ= 0.9 (see figure)
zg= 274.3 Zmin= 15.00 m τ= 0.3 (see figure)
z0,II= 0.050 m τ= 0.323 limit
B C D B: town θ= 0.744 (see figure)
α= 7 9.5 11.5 C: in between B and D H/d= 0.829 β= 1.000
zg= 365.76 274.32 213.36 D: sea δ= 0.771 (see figure)
ks = 1 (see figure)
Given Z= 34.4 m <=H Given Z= 34.4 m <=H Ze2= 18 Given Z= 34.4 m <=H
3 Category Importantce (I) I,II,III,IV= III (III if it severs more than 300 peoples)
4 terrain slop Kzt= 1 (if no slop Kzt=1) C0= 1 if no slop of terrain
kl= 0=auto, if not imposed (kl=1)
5 Cp (external pressure) correction Kd= 0.85 (by default 0.85 for building) Kdc= 0=auto, if not imposed (Kdc=1)
Kdc= 0.850 =0.15/4*(H/d-1)+0.85
6 Gust factor G= 0.85 (for rigid building G=0.85, otherwise G is to calcualted)CsCd= 0.85 >=0.85: structural factor
at Ze2
7 exposure factor: Kz(Z)= 1.298 0.84888 Ce(Z)= 1.849 Ce(Z)=C0^2*Cr^2*(1+7*Iv(Z) 1.408 factor= 1.070
Kz(Z)=2.01*(max(Z,4.575)/zg)^(2/α) Cr= 0.8291 Cr=kr*ln(z/z0) 0.6773
kz(H)= 1.298 kr= 0.2343 kr=0.19*(z0/z0,II)^0.07 0.2343 Ks*q(H)= 0.4171 kN/m2
B/L= 2.3 Iv(Z)= 0.2414 Iv=kl/(C0*ln(z/z0)) 0.2955 qH=q10*2.5*(H+18)/(H+60)
kl= 0.8542 1-2e-4*(log(z0)+3)^6 0.8542 Ks*q(H)= 0.4171 limit 0.3<X<1.7
8 Velocity pressure qs(Z)= 0.849 kN/m2 qp(Z)= 0.5662 kN/m2 0.4310 b*d*Ks*q(H)= 0.3216 kN/m2
qs(H)= 0.849 kN/m2 67% 1.4996
9 pressure coeficient Cp= 0.800 1 -0.5 -0.5 Cpe= 0.78 0.8 -0.5 Ce= 0.80
2 -0.3 0.45 0.78 -0.45 0.50
Cpi= 0.18 4 -0.2 Cpi= 0.2 0.7 -0.3 Ci= 0.2 surpression
0.18 Gcpi=0.18 if building is partially, Enclosed 0.3 0.3 depression
ASCE05 ASCE10 at Ze2
10 wind pressure (kN/m2) p (Z,Cp)= 0.425 Windward (front) Surpression 0.679 p(D-front)= 0.222 surpression 0.169 p(D)= 0.193 surpression
p (H,Cp)= 0.153 Leeward (back) Surpression 0.245 p(E-back)= 0.282 surpression 0.215 p(E)= 0.225 surpression
p (Z,Cp)= 0.730 Windward (front) Depression 1.168 p(D-front)= 0.462 depression 0.352 p(D)= 0.354 depression
p (H,Cp)= -0.153 Leeward (back) Depression -0.245 p(E-back)= 0.041 depression 0.032 p(E)= 0.064 depression
p sides S= 0.153 . . . 0.245
p sides D= -0.153 . . . -0.245

11 total pressure pt= 0.577 kN/m2 0.924 pt= 0.504 kN/m2 0.384 pt= 0.418 kN/m2
Differeces= 115% 138% Differeces= 87% 121% Differeces= 72% 83%

12 Base Shear T= 32.1 Ton T= 27.3 Ton

Rule 1 applied! SSE-EXCEL SECTION! The author will not be responsible for the use of this software! 85%

Advance design 2018 uses

1. V speed of ASCE7-5
then multiply 1.6 to pressure found
2. to include risk category,
include it in Wind speed

ASCE=V(3sec gust speed)

EC1/NV65=V(10min gust speed)


kz=Ce*0.67*0.67*A / (kd*kzt*I)
Or Ce=kz*kd*kzt*I / (0.67*0.67*A)
A=f(Z) see table below



NV65 gives small pressure
but in combination 1.2 factor plus

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