XU Environmentalists

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Save the Environment

Join hands to save environment!

Prepared By
Table of Contents XU Environmentalist

1 2
Introducing the XU Environment about the
Environmentalist Philippines

3 4
Causes of Environment Effects of the Environment

5 6
Issues of our Environment What is waste disposal?

How did Xavier University care
for the Environment?





"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing".
Page 01
Environment about
the Philippines
The Philippines has a tropical,
marine climate. It is distinguished by
a generally warm temperature, high
humidity, and heavy rainfall. Because
of the depth of its culture and the
beauty of its surroundings, the
Philippines is known as Asia's pearl of
the Orient. Ancient monuments,
classic houses, centuries-old
churches, and contemporary
museums can all be found there.
There are 7,100 islands in the
Philippine archipelago. Two-thirds of
the world's biodiversity and between
70% and 80% of all plant and animal
species are found in the Philippines,
one of the world's 18 mega-
biodiverse nations. The Philippines
maintains 5% of the world's flora and
ranks fifth in terms of plant species.

Page 02
What are the Cause of our
One of the issues here in the Philippines is Air
pollution, this may cause by a vehicular emission, trash
burning. There are certain gases in the atmosphere that
can pollute the air. For instance, ozone gas is a
significant contributor to air pollution in urban area.
The air we breathe is contaminated by the smoke that
comes out of cars and factories. With this smoke, gases
like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide are released,
mixing with the air and seriously harming both people
and the surrounding flora and fauna. In our
communities, hazardous gases are also produced by
the coal, dry grass and leaves that are utilized as
residential fuels.

Page 03
What are the Effects of our
There are numerous ways in which air pollution can harm
trees and crops. Reduced development and survival of tree
seedlings, decreased yields of agricultural crops and
commercial forests, and increased vulnerability of plants to
disease, pests, and other environmental pressures are all
effects of ground-level ozone (such as harsh weather).
Respiratory issues, haze, and smoke are brought on by the
binding of carbon and dust particles in the air, which
results in smog. These are produced by the burning of
fossil fuels in manufacturing and industrial facilities as well
as the carbon dioxide emissions from moving vehicles.
These elements also affect birds' immune systems, making
them carriers of viruses and diseases. The system and
organs of the body are also affected.
Page 04
Air pollution is contamination of Water scarcity can be defined as
the indoor or outdoor a lack of sufficient water, or not
environment by any chemical, having access to safe water
physical or biological agent that supplies. Water is a pressing need
modifies the natural in many areas of the world. That
characteristics of the scarcity is spreading as water is
atmosphere. Household needed to grow and process food,
combustion devices, motor create energy, and serve industry
vehicles, industrial facilities and for a continually growing
forest fires are common sources population. Climate change is a
of air pollution. Sources of Air key contributing factor. There are
Pollution Pollution enters the two types of water scarcity, these
Earth's atmosphere in many are Physical Water Scarcity and
different ways. Most air pollution Economic Water Scarcity Physical
is created by people, taking the scarcity occurs when the demand
form of emissions from factories, of the population exceeds the
cars, planes, or aerosol cans. available water resources of a
Second-hand cigarette smoke is region. Economic water scarcity
also considered air pollution. occurs when water is adequate,
These man-made sources of but is unavailable due to a lack of
pollution are called significant investment in water
anthropogenic sources. Some infrastructure (IWMI, 2000;
types of air pollution, such as Rijsberman, 2006).
smoke from wildfires or ash from
volcanoes, occur naturally. These
are called natural sources. Air
pollution is most common in
large cities where emissions from
What are the
many different
Issues of our
prevent air
or tall
from Environment?
spreading out. This air pollution
often appears as a cloud making Deforestation is the
the air murky. It is called smog. purposeful clearing of forested
The word "smog" comes from land. Throughout history and
combining the words "smoke" and into modern times, forests
"fog." Air pollution affects all have been razed to make
things. It is harmful to our health,
space for agriculture and
and it impacts the environment
animal grazing, and to obtain
by reducing visibility and blocking
sunlight, causing acid rain, and
wood for fuel, manufacturing,
harming forests, wildlife, and and construction.
agriculture. Greenhouse gas Deforestation has greatly
pollution, the cause of climate altered landscapes around the
change, affects the entire planet. world.

Page 05
What is waste disposal?
Waste disposal refers to the removal, disposal, recycling, or disposal of
unwanted materials, sometimes referred to as waste, that are created by
industrial, residential, or agricultural goods. Less pollution and
environmental risks will result from using the proper disposal techniques
for garbage. The correct collection of garbage and scientific treatments
that may reduce air, water, and soil contamination are all vital stages in
good waste management.
5 Methods of proper disposal
In this process, garbage that involves non-reusable and non-
recyclable materials. They are being spread in a specific area
that is far away from a community. These areas are
unsuitable for construction of buildings for the next 20 years.
Incineration is a process of burning wastes turning them into
gases and ashes. In this method, we are putting risk in our
environment since incinerators needs to burn wastes, it will
result heavy metals that are dumped in landfills eventually
contaminate the air, water, and soil.
Generation Biogas
Wastes such as food items, animal waste, vegetable or fruit
peels and other organic industrial wastes are biodegradable
wastes. Microorganisms eat the organic, biodegradable
material that must be broken down or degraded. Both
bacterial, or without oxygen, and anaerobic, or with oxygen,
methods of producing biogas are possible.
Waste Compaction
In order to adequately compress garbage, it must be broken
down into tiny pieces, pushed together to mix, and placed in
voids to fill them. Garbage compaction reduces the quantity
and size of waste, which eventually leads to less
environmental impact. Recycling is the best example for this
One technique of waste disposal that starts in our kitchen is
composting. All organic waste, such as leftover food, yard
debris, and fruit and vegetable peels, are handled by it. These
materials decompose after being buried and left in the soil
Page 02 for a few days thanks to the activity of bacteria, fungus, and
other microorganisms.
Page 06
How did Xavier University
care for the Environment?

Xavier University Ateneo De Cagayan has made a

huge factor in prevention of climate change here in
Cagayan De Oro city. The Department of Environment
and Natural Resources (DENR). Acknowledges Xavier
University Sustainable and Eco-Friendly environment
and also in the nation for starting and incorporating
programs that are environmental in nature into
education, research, extension, and administration.
The institution distributes recycled plastic to the Villar
Foundation, which will make classroom chairs, in
addition to having trash segregation bins, a Materials
Recovery Facility (MRF). A strawless university
campaign is also being promoted by several student
organizations. The university is also home to a variety
of trees, including mahogany, narra, molave, and
palms. Additionally, each school maintains its own
gardens and energy-saving initiatives. Policies on
smoking and the entry and use of Styrofoam materials
are tightly enforced on its campuses in an effort to
reduce pollution.

Page 07

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