Earth in Space Notes 2020

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Topic: ​Earth- Stella

Our Place in Space Notes 12 18 20
Date: __________________________________
Link to​ Slides 6

Essential Question: What are the unique characteristics that allowed Life to exist on
Earth, and not other planets?
Listening/Watching Task: What 8 characteristics are most significant and unique about Earth in the Universe
Complete these notes after that have allowed life to develop and flourish on the planet?
watching the ​Edpuzzle: Goldilocks
Zone distance
1. Correct _________________ from Star: just the right temperature, change in
season moderate but leads to adaptation, gravity works, tilt, circumstellar
________________________ zone.
Protected Shield
2. ________________ by Giant planets-gravitationally _____________ earth from
asteroid/comet impacts.
3. Type of _____________-Spectral Type G2 Main Sequence, not too hot or too
cold, Goldilocks!!

Large axis
4. _______________ Moon-¼ size, stabilizes earth on _______, causes tides which,
like seasons, lead to adaptation and diversity
5. Terrestrial
____________________- thin crust just thick enough to maintain plate
tectonics vital for cycling of materials.
6. ______________ Core-__________enough to still generate ______________________
Iron hot
field, protects from solar wind & flares.
7. Atmosphere-___________________ and oxygen rich, provides/sustains climate,
protection, liquid water, life!
8. Liquid ________________ ! Dynamic ____________ of water to land.

What is Earth’s period of Revolution

(orbit) and Rotation(spin)?
revolves 365.26
Earth ____________________ (orbits) the Sun in _______________ days in
A slightly __________________________ path. This is called a ___________________.
elliptical year
distance constant
The ________________between Earth and the Sun stays relatively___________________
throughout the earth’s _____________, ranging from 147 million km at perihelion
closest furthest
(__________________) to 152 million km at aphelion (___________________).

rotates axis
Earth ________________________ on it’s __________________ every 24 hours. This is called
a ______________.
It is ____________________ when the side of the ______________ you are on is
daytimethe sun, and ____________ time planet
the sun. night
when it is facing _____________ from
The sun appears to rise in the east and sets in the west because of the prograde
or clockwise direction of Earth’s rotation relative to polaris the North star..

What are the layers of the earth?

The thick molten/liquid Mantle causes the Earth to _______________ around the
____________________ as it spins, and also to wobble bulge
_________________ slightly .
The wobble is relatively slight, because the Earth is stabilized by the
The Iron core of the Earth results in the formation of a strong, protective,
_________________ field, ________________ our planet from harmful solar __________​ ​of
magnetic protecting
dangerous ______________________________.
What is the tilt of the Earth?
​Earth is tilted on its axis ______________ degrees, possibly the result of a
________________ at some point in early Earth’s history, or
_______________________ related movement.
energy straight side
Solar _____________ travels in a ____________ line, so only the ________ of an
object like the Earth or Moon ____________ the sun is
____________________(“given” light).

This also means that solar energy hits different

___________________ parts of the
____________ Earth at different _______________-more _______________ at the
curved angles directly
_______________________ and __________ directly at the ______________.
equator less poles
Why do we have Seasons?

● During ​Summer​ in the Northern

hemisphere, ​the axis of the Earth is
​_______________​ the sun​, resulting
pointed towards
in ​________________​ direct sunlight
● During ​winter​ in the northern
hemisphere, ​the axis of the earth is
pointed ​________​ from the sun​, resulting in
_________ direct sunlight.
less ● __________________________ means
equal night, and on this date, the length of
the day and night are the same.
● ________________________ solstice has
the longest period of sunlight, and
________________________ solstice has the
shortest period of sunlight​.

Summary/Reflection: ​Own the big idea! The way that the Earth rotates a ects our years and days. It also
chooses the times of night and daylight. Earths position a ects
life on Earth and gives it the ability to ourish. Earth rotates
around its axis which creates a day. It is rotated 23.5 degrees on
its axis, and although the reason for this is unknown scientists
think that someone hit the Earth and caused this to happen.
Seasons Writing: ​Try to describe your favorite season indirectly, without stating what season it is. Be creative!

Although it doesn't snow here during this season it shows in

many placesThe air is colder and brisk and frost coats roofs 1 grass
all over the world celebrate majorholidays such as Christmas

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