HabitableEarth PPT With Guided Notes

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• Recognize the uniqueness of the

Learning Earth, being the only planet in

the solar system with properties
Objectives necessary to support
life. (S11/12ES-Ia-e-3)
Specifically, you will be able to:
1. name the unique properties of the
Learning Earth that enables it to support life;
2. compare Earth to the other
Objectives planets in the solar system; and
3. recognize the impact of human
activities to our planet.
Guess the words that are depicted in the pictures.
What is common
among the
choices made by
Earth is unique in the Solar System as being the
only planet which is able to support life in all its
forms. There are many reasons why this happens.

Some characteristics that make a planet habita

for humans are oxygen, water, sunlight, protec
atmosphere, gravity, and temperature.

Essential Question-
What are the characteristics that make a planet
habitable for humans? What conditions need to
exist in order for life to survive?
Oxygen is a key ingredient to life.
All human beings breathe oxygen.
Oxygen is constantly put
into the atmosphere by
plants and trees.
Earth has a
Water on Earth can be found anywhere, in its
three states. It can be frozen, taking the form
of ice. It can be liquid, seen in
seas and oceans and lakes.
No other planet has liquid water.

Water is essential for life –

our bodies are 50-70% water.
Water can transport nutrients, absorb heat and
regulate body temperature.
Sunlight is very important. Heat, light, and energy all
come from the sun. Trees and plants need the Sun to
produce oxygen through a process called
photosynthesis. We also need sunlight to grow our
food - crops and animals.
Reason 4: Protective
The ozone is
the layer
around the
The earth that
protective screens out
atmosphere harmful
around the radiation.
earth is
needed to
for the
survival of
Reason Five: The Sun
If there was no Sun, there would be no life on
Earth. Earth would not exist.

Because of Earth's ideal distance from the

Sun, it receives the perfect amount of heat
and light to support life. Earth is the only
planet with the right temperature range for
there to be liquid water
Reason Six:
Gravity is what
holds us down to
the planet,
without it we
would fly out
into space.

Too little
Too much gravity
tires muscles,
results in
breaks bones and
would require a
bones and
lot more energy
to move.
Human Body
on Mars

Habitable Earth
Essential Questions-
1. What are the characteristics that make a planet habitable for humans?
2. What conditions need to exist in order for life to survive?

1. Oxygen (O2) 2. Water (H2O) 3. Light

Oxygen is a key Earth is the only planet with Trees and plants need the Sun to
ingredient to ____. ____________ water. produce ____________ through a
All __________ process called
breathe oxygen. Water is essential for _______- __________.
Our bodies are ____-____ water.
Earth is the only planet with
We also need sunlight to
Oxygen is constantly put into the ____________ water.
grow our _______.
___________________ by plants Water can:
and trees. ___________________________
Earth has a __________________ ___________________________

4. Protective Atmosphere 5. Distance from the Sun 6. Force of Gravity

The protective Because of Earth's ideal distance Gravity is what holds us down to
atmosphere from the _________, it receives the ___________, without it we
around the the perfect amount of _________ would fly out into ___________.
___________ is and ___________ to support
Too little Too much gravity
needed to for ________. Earth is the only
the ________of gravity results _____________
________ with the right
humans. in __________ _____________
____________ _____________
The _________ is the layer range for there
____________ _____________
around the earth that screens to be
____________ _____________
out harmful ___________
____________ _____________
____________. water.
____________ _____________

Habitable Earth
Essential Questions-
1. What are the characteristics that make a planet habitable for humans?
2. What conditions need to exist in order for life to survive?

1. Oxygen (O2) 2. Water (H2O) 3. Light

_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________
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_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________
___________ ___________ ___________
4. Protective Atmosphere 5. Distance from the Sun 6. Force of Gravity

_________________________________ _________________________________ Gravity is ___________________

_________________________________ _________________________________ __________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________ __________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________ __
Too little Too much gravity
_________________________________ _________________________________ gravity results _____________
_________________________________ _________________________________ in __________ _____________
_________________________________ _________________________________ ____________ _____________
_________________________________ _________________________________ ____________ _____________
_________________________________ _________________________________ ____________ _____________
_________________________________ _________________________________ ____________ _____________
_________________________________ _________________________________ ____________ _____________
_________________________________ _________________________________
___________ ___________ L1

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