Arbitrage Betting

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Arbitrage Betting

Mr Ashlin Darius Govindasamy

University of South Africa

October 26, 2022


This paper produces methodologies and ideas on how to do Arbitrage Betting. Arbitrage Betting
is explained from first principles mathematically. Source Code for calculating arbitrage bets is also
provided in Python. Pros and Cons of Arbitrage Betting are also discussed. Optimization of Arbitrage
Betting is also discussed. Real World problems are solved in this paper.

1 Introduction 2
1.1 Introduction to Arbitrage Betting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.1 Theory of Arbitrage Betting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Learning to Bet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Betting on all the Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Mathematics of Arbitrage Betting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Betting in the Real World 7

2.1 Finding the most Optimized Arbitrage Bet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Python Class to Compute Arbitrage Bets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Opportunities from this . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3 Simulation Analysis 11
3.1 Running an Arbitrage Betting Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Chapter 1


1.1 Introduction to Arbitrage Betting

Betting arbitrage (”sure bets”, sports arbitrage) is an example of arbitrage arising on betting markets
due to either bookmakers’ differing opinions on event outcomes or errors. When conditions allow,
by placing one bet per each outcome with different betting companies, the bettor can make a profit
regardless of the outcome. Mathematically, arbitrage occurs when there are a set of odds, which
represent all mutually exclusive outcomes that cover all state space possibilities (i.e. all outcomes) of
an event, whose implied probabilities add up to less than 1. In the bettors’ slang an arbitrage is often
referred to as an arb; people who take advantage of these arbitrage opportunities are called arbers.

1.1.1 Theory of Arbitrage Betting

Consider the variables for a soccer betting market as follows: Let us suggest that there are there events
in a soccer match.

P(Home Team Wins) = p1

P(Draw) = p2
P(Away Team Wins) = p3

When betting a match a bookmaker will offer odds for each of the three possible outcomes.

Some examples of odds are as follows:

Odds(Home Team Wins) = o1

Odds(Draw) = o2
Odds(Away Team Wins) = o3

The purpose of Arbitrage Betting is to find a set of odds that will allow us to make a profit regard-
less of the outcome of the match.

Before we can do this we need to understand the relationship between odds and probabilities. I
will explain below how betting odds work. Learning to Bet

Bet Amount/Punt Amount When betting on a match you will be asked to place a bet amount.
Odds are the ratio of the amount of money that you will win to the amount of money that you bet.
Probability is the likelihood of an event occurring.
Profit is the amount of money that you will win.
Return is the amount of money that you will win plus the amount of money that you bet.

Example: There is a soccer match between Manchester United vs Everton.

The odds for Manchester United to win are 1.5.

The odds for a draw are 3.5.
The odds for Everton to win are 5.

Now the ratio of the amount of money that you will win to the amount of money that you bet is
as follows:

Manchester United to win = 1.5

Draw = 3.5
Everton to win = 5

You may be wondering how the odds are calculated.

The bookmaker will calculate the odds based on the probability of the event occurring. For interest
sake Manchester United compared to Everton, Manchester United is the favourite to win. Everton is
the underdog. The bookmaker will calculate the odds based on the probability of the event occurring.
The bookmaker will calculate the probability of the event occurring by looking at the history of the
teams. There are many factors that the bookmaker will take into account. Different bookmakers will
have different odds for the same match. This is where we will take advantage later in our paper to do
Arbitrage Betting.

Lets take a bet for Manchester United to win.

Bet Amount = R100

P(Manchester United to win) = 1.5

Our profit is calculated as follows:

Profit = (Bet Amount × P(Manchester United to win)) − Bet Amount

Profit = (R100 × 1.5) − R100
Profit = R50

Return = Bet Amount + Profit

Return = R100 + R50
Return = R150

As you can see we have made a profit of R50.

If we bet R100 on Manchester United to win we will win R150.

But what happens if Everton wins?

We will have a loss of R100.

Even a draw will result in a loss of R100.

This is why we need to find a set of odds that will allow us to make a profit regardless of the
outcome of the match. This is when we will use Arbitrage Betting. Betting on all the Outcomes

As we have seen above, we can make a profit by betting on Manchester United to win.

Let us see what happens if we bet on all the outcomes.

We will bet R100 on Manchester United to win, R100 on a draw and R100 on Everton to win in total

our investment is R300.

Case 1: Manchester United wins.

Winning = Bet Amount × P(Manchester United to win)

Winning = R100 × 1.5
Winning = R150
Return = Bet Amount + Winning
Return = R100 + R150
Return = R250
Profit/Loss = Return − TotalInvestment
Profit/Loss = R250 − R300
Loss = −R50

Case 2: Draw.

Winning = Bet Amount × P(Draw)

Winning = R100 × 3.5
Winning = R350

Return = Bet Amount + Winning

Return = R100 + R350
Return = R450

Profit/Loss = Return − TotalInvestment

Profit/Loss = R450 − R300
Profit = R150

Case 3: Everton wins.

Winning = Bet Amount × P(Everton to win)

Winning = R100 × 5
Winning = R500

Return = Bet Amount + Winning

Return = R100 + R500
Return = R600

Profit/Loss = Return − TotalInvestment

Profit/Loss = R600 − R300
Profit = R300

As we can see by doing this there is times where we will make a profit and times where we will make
a loss. In reality the odds wont be exactly the same as the ones that we have used in our example. It
is more dangerous to bet on all the outcomes because the odds will be different.
There is still risk involved in betting on all the outcomes.
But now i will introduce you to Arbitrage Betting where we will make guaranteed profits. Mathematics of Arbitrage Betting

Arbitrage Betting is a betting strategy that allows us to make a profit regardless of the outcome of
the match.

In order to do Arbitrage Betting we need to find a set of odds that will allow us to make a profit
regardless of the outcome of the match.

Mn O1 O2 O3
M1 1.5 3.5 5
M2 2 3.6 5
M3 1.6 12 0.5

Table 1.1: Table of Odds


Let us generate 3 superficial game odds with 3 outcomes that can occur in a game. In the matrix
we may say that all the odds computed are from the same bookmaker.

The odds are as follows:

Where Mn is the match number, O1 is the odds of the first outcome, O2 is the odds of the second
outcome and O3 is the odds of the third outcome.

How do we recognise Arbitrage Betting opportunities?

Let us denote An as the arbitrage probability of the Mn .

If the the sum of the An is < 1 then we have an Arbitrage Betting opportunity.

We can calculate the probability of the Mn as follows:

An = On =1 On (1.1)
Where NO is the number of odds in the match and On is the current odds in the loop of the sum.

Example: Calculating the opportunity of a match

Let us calculate the arbitrage probability of the first match M1 .

A1 = O1O=1 O11
1 1
A1 = 1.5 + 3.5 + 15
A1 = 1, 15238095
As we can see in A1 we do not have an Arbitrage Betting opportunity.

Solving for the other matches we get the following:

A2 = 0.97777778
A3 = 2, 70833333
As we can see in A2 we have an Arbitrage Betting opportunity.

Since we now found an opportunity let us get to work on computing our profit for A2 .

Example: Calculating the Arbitrage Statistics for A2

Let us calculate the arbitrage statistics for the second match M2 .

Given A2 = 0.97777778

Since we have an Arbitrage Betting opportunity we can calculate the following:

P rof it = (Investment/ArbitrageP ercentage) − Investment (1.2)

Where Investment is the amount of money that we are going to invest in the match.

Let us say that we are going to invest R100 in the match.

P rof it = (R100/0.97777778) − R100

P rof it = R2.27
As we can see we are going to make a profit of R2.27. With zero risk. We bet on all the outcomes
and we are guaranteed to make a profit.

Now we need to find the stake for each outcome.

We can calculate the stake for each outcome as follows:

Individualbets = (Investment × IndividualArbitrageP ercentage)/T otalArbitrageP ercentage

I × Acurrent
Sn =
Where Sn is the stake for the Mn at On odds, I is the investment, Acurrent is the arbitrage per-
centage of the current On odd and Atotal is the total arbitrage percentage of Mn .

Let us compute the stake for all the outcomes of M2 .

R100× 1
S1 = 0.97777778

S1 = R51.14
S2 = 0.97777778

S2 = R38.41
R100× 1
S3 = 0.97777778

S3 = R20.45
As we can see we are going to bet R51.14 on the first outcome, R38.41 on the second outcome and
R20.45 on the third outcome.

To get a guaranteed profit of R2.27

Our return on investment is as follows:
P rof it
ROI = × 100 (1.4)
ROI = R2.27
R100 × 100
ROI = 2.27%
Now that your are aware of the concept of Arbitrage Betting, In the real world you get On outcomes
and Mn matches.
The odds are never given like that in the real world by the bookies they are always one step ahead of
But i am going to show you how to get the odds in the real world and introduce your to Arbitrage
Betting in different bookmakers at once.
You can start looking for opportunities with this current knowledge but further in this paper we will
look at how to automate the process of finding Arbitrage Betting opportunities. Talk about issues
with the current solutions and how we can improve on them.
Hope your enjoyed my introduction to Arbitrage Betting.

Chapter 2

Betting in the Real World

2.1 Finding the most Optimized Arbitrage Bet

We have learnt how to find arbitrage bets in the previous section. Now we will learn how to find
the most optimized arbitrage bet. This is done by finding the most optimized arbitrage bet in the
following way:
We look at n amount of bookmakers B. We formulate a matrix of On odds for the same match Mn

I wrote the odds in a form Ooddtype, matrixentrynumber in the matrix

 
B1 B2 B3 ... Bn
O1,1 O2,3 O3,5 ... O4,7 
 
Mn = O1,2 O2,4 O3,6 ... O4,8 (2.1)
 

 .. .. .. .. .. 
 . . . . . 
O1,k O2,k+1 O3,k+2 ... O4,k+(n−1)
We then find the most optimized arbitrage bet by finding the maximum value for each row in the
matrix Mn
Resulting in a matrix of On odds for the same match Mn
Bx By Bz ... Bp
OptMn = (2.2)
O1,maxentry O2,maxentry O3,maxentry . . . On,maxentry
Where Bvar is the bookmaker with the highest odds for the match Mn
In theory the more bookmakers we have the more optimized our arbitrage bet will be. The more
optimized bet results in yielding a higher profit for the arbitrage bet.

But always remember for it to be an arbitrage bet the An must be less than 1.

2.2 Python Class to Compute Arbitrage Bets
Using the Python Class we can compute arbitrage bets. The Python Class is called Arbitrage.
I wrote this class based on the mathmatical logic of arbitrage betting as discussed in the previous

The Arbitrage class is defined as follows:

class Arbitrage :
def __init__ ( self , odds , investment ) : self . odds = odds ; self . investment = investment
def is_arbitrage ( self ) :
arbitrageP = 0
for odd in self . odds : arbitrageP + = 1 / odd
if arbitrageP < 1 : return True
else : return False
def c a l c u l a t e _ a r b i t r a g e _ p e r c e n t a g e ( self ) :
arbitrageP = 0
for odd in self . odds : arbitrageP + = 1 / odd
return arbitrageP
def c a l c u l a t e _ a r b i t r a g e _ r o i ( self ) : return self . c a l c u l a t e _ a r b i t r a g e _ s t a t s () [ ’
r e t u r n O n I n v e s t m e n t ’]
def c a l c u l a t e _ a r b i t r a g e _ s t a t s ( self ) :
arbitrageP = self . c a l c u l a t e _ a r b i t r a g e _ p e r c e n t a g e () ; bArbitrage = self . is_arbitrage () ;
actualProfit = self . investment / arbitrageP -
self . investment ; Individ ualBets = [ ] ;
r e t u r n O n I n v e s t m e n t = actualProfit / self .
investment * 100 ; r e t u r n O n I n v e s t m e n t = str (
r e t u r n O n I n v e s t m e n t ) + ’% ’; Payouts = [ ]
for odd in odds : Indivi dualBets . append ( self . investment * ( 1 / odd / arbitrageP ) ) ; Payouts .
append ( self . investment * ( 1 / odd / arbitrageP ) *
odd )
return { ’ arbitrageP ’: arbitrageP , ’ bArbitrage ’: bArbitrage , ’ actualProfit ’: actualProfit
, ’ Individu alBets ’: IndividualBets , ’
r e t u r n O n I n v e s t m e n t ’: returnOnInvestment , ’
Payouts ’: Payouts }

Let us do an example of how to use the Arbitrage class.

Assumption: We have computed the best odds for a match from different bookmakers.

We have resulted in a matrix of odds for the same match.

B1 B2 B3
M1 = (2.3)
O1 = 2.6 O2 = 7.8 O3 = 5
Let our investment I be R100
odds = [ 2 .6 , 7 .8 , 5 ]
investment = 100
objArbitrage = Arbitrage ( odds , investments )
print ( objArbitrage . c a l c u l a t e _ a r b i t r a g e _ s t a t s () )

The output of the above code is as follows:

{ ’ arbitrageP ’: 0 . 7128205128205127 , ’ bArbitrage ’: True , ’ actualProfit ’: 40 .

28776978417267 , ’ Ind ividualB ets ’: [ 53 .
956834532374096 , 17 . 985611510791372 , 28 .
0 57 55 39 5 68 34 53 6 ] , ’ r e t u r n O n I n v e s t m e n t ’: ’ 40
. 28 77697841 7267 % ’ , ’ Payouts ’: [ 140 .
28776978417267 , 140 . 2877697841727 , 140 .
2877 69784172 67 ] } Opportunities from this

The above code can be used to compute arbitrage bets.

We can use that code to compute arbitrage bets to compute the

most optimized arbitrage bet.

If we have a matrix of different odds for the same match from

different bookmakers. We can compute the most optimized arbi-
trage bet by finding the maximum value for each row in the matrix
Bx By Bz ... Bp
Optn =
O1,maxentry O2,maxentry O3,maxentry . . . On,maxentry
We can introduce Data Science methodologies scrape data from
different bookmakers and compute the most optimized arbitrage
I wont be showing how to do that in this paper it is up to you to figure
that out.

There is already websites that do this for you.

Example of a website that does this for you:

There is also an web application i have developed that does this for

It is powered by the Oddspedia API.

Limitations of this method:

The websites are not always up to date.
Odds change all the time.
There are some bookmakers that are not on the websites.
Some bookmakers change the odds live during the match.
You will have to manually check the odds on the bookmakers website
before placing the bet.
You will have to have many bookmakers accounts to place the arbitrage
Money withdrawal from bookmakers can take a long time.

Figure 2.1: Oddspedia

Figure 2.2:

Chapter 3

Simulation Analysis

This is just a chapter running a simulation to see how much money you can make if you quit your full
time job and do this for a living.

3.1 Running an Arbitrage Betting Operation

Operation: Use the arbitrage betting method to make money. We start of with an Investment I of
R100 per bet we do 10 Arbitrage A bets per day over time t. We try and make at least 1% ROI from
each bet. We set our constaints as follows: ROI ∈ [1%, 3%]

Let us see how much money we can make if we do this for a year.

We will be putting back the profits in the bets each day so it can be reinvested and profits can
grow exponentially.

We set up our experiment as follows:

Per bet we use a random function to generate a random number between 1% and 3% to determine the
ROI of the bet.
We declare a Dp variable for profit per day.
We declare a Dt variable for total profit over time.
We declare a Di variable for investment per day.
T is set for 365 days.

In reality there is chances of losing money. But for the sake of this experiment we will assume we
will always make money.
We could also make more money by doing more bets per day. But for the sake of this experiment we
will assume we do 10 bets per day.
The Return on Investment can be always be higher than 3%. But for the sake of this experiment we
will assume ROI ∈ [1%, 3%]
From that we estimate a general formula to create a simulation of the arbitrage betting operation over T

Dp + I × ROI if ROI ∈ [1%, 3%]
Dp = (3.1)
Dp if ROI ∈
/ [1%, 3%]
Once complete the simulation we can plot the results. Using the simulation we can see how much
money we can make if we do this for a year.

Once done that we will fit the data into this growth formula here.

Dt = I ∗ e(Dp ×T ) (3.2)
We can now plot the results of the simulation and the growth formula.

Figure 3.1: Plot of the simulation

Figure 3.2: Plot of the simulation and the growth formula

Our best fit is Dt = 1000 × e0.02t

From this we can see that we can make a lot of money if we do this for a year.
Starting with an investment R1000 and R100 per bet doing 10 bets a day we can make R1,000,000 in
a year.

It is also cool to see this model fit the data so well.

Running many iterations we can see that our model is very accurate.

Therefore we can see that if we increase the investment per bet we can make more money.
below is the code for the simulation.
import random

Dt = 0
I = 1000

Date = [ ]
Dp = [ ]
Droi = [ ]

# get random values from 1 % -3 %

def get_rand om_roi () :
return random . uniform ( 0 . 01 , 0 . 03 )

for d in range (1 , 365 ) :

Dt = d
ROI = ge t_rando m_roi ()
I = I + ( I * ROI )
Droi . append ( ROI )
Date . append ( Dt )
Dp . append ( I )

import seaborn as sns

import matplotlib . pyplot as plt

# plot Date , Dp and Droi sub graphs

fig , ( ax1 , ax2 ) = plt . subplots (2 , 1 , figsize = ( 10 , 10 ) )
ax1 . plot ( Date , Dp , ’b ’)
ax1 . set_title ( ’ Profit per day ’)
ax1 . set_xlabel ( ’ Day ’)
ax1 . set_ylabel ( ’ Profit in ( R ) ’)
ax1 . t i c k l a b e l _ f o r m a t ( useOffset = False , style = ’ plain ’)
# add legend
ax1 . legend ( [ ’ Dp ’] )
ax2 . plot ( Date , Droi , ’r ’)
ax2 . legend ( [ ’ Droi ’] )
ax2 . set_title ( ’ ROI per day ’)
ax2 . set_xlabel ( ’ Day ’)
ax2 . set_ylabel ( ’ ROI in % ’)
ax2 . t i c k l a b e l _ f o r m a t ( useOffset = False , style = ’ plain ’)
# save plot
fig . savefig ( ’ images / plot . png ’)

# curve fit Dp and Droi

import numpy as np
from scipy . optimize import curve_fit

def func ( Dp , T ) :
return 1000 * np . exp ( T * Dp )

xdata = np . array ( Date )

ydata = np . array ( Dp )

popt , pcov = curve_fit ( func , xdata , ydata , maxfev = 5000 )

# print e q u a t i o n
print ( ’ Dt = 1000 * exp ( T * Dp ) ’)
# print Dt at 1
equation = ’ Dt = 1000 * exp ( ’+ str ( round ( popt [ 0 ] ,2 ) ) + ’t ) ’

# plot curve fit Dp and Droi sub graphs

fig , ( ax1 , ax2 ) = plt . subplots (2 , 1 , figsize = ( 10 , 10 ) )
ax1 . plot ( xdata , ydata , ’b ’ , label = ’ data ’)
ax1 . plot ( xdata , func ( xdata , * popt ) , ’r - ’ , label = ’ fit ’)
ax1 . set_title ( ’ Profit per day ’)
ax1 . set_xlabel ( ’ Day ’)
ax1 . set_ylabel ( ’ Profit in ( R ) ’)
ax1 . t i c k l a b e l _ f o r m a t ( useOffset = False , style = ’ plain ’)
# add legend
ax1 . legend ( [ ’ Actual Profit at time t ’ , equation ] )
ax2 . plot ( Date , Droi , ’r ’)
ax2 . legend ( [ ’ Droi ’] )
ax2 . set_title ( ’ ROI per day ’)
ax2 . set_xlabel ( ’ Day ’)
ax2 . set_ylabel ( ’ ROI in % ’)
ax2 . t i c k l a b e l _ f o r m a t ( useOffset = False , style = ’ plain ’)
plt . show ()

# save plot
fig . savefig ( ’ images / fit . png ’)

3.2 Conclusion
In conclusion we can see that we can make a lot of money if we do this for a year. There is also so
much risk involved as the odds can change at any time. Multiple bets can also be made at the same
time. This can also be done with other sports. If the odds change some losses can be made. But if
the odds change in our favour we can make a lot of money.
You will have to manage and records where your money is going. This can be done with a spreadsheet
or database
Finally I will like to tell your that you can get banned from the bookies if you do this. So be careful
but there is always ways you can trick the algorithm/system. I think this could be a good way to make
money. But you will have to do a lot of research and testing.
This can become a full time job.
Once scaled up you can get other people to do the betting for you.


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