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9570 STS™, 9670 STS™,

9770 STS™ and 9870
STS™ Combine Repair

9570 STS™, 9670 STS™, 9770 STS™
and 9870 STS™ Combine
TM101919 13JUL10 (ENGLISH)

For complete service information also see:

9570 STS™, 9670 STS™, 9770 STS™ and 9870

STS™ Combines
Diagnosis and Tests............................................ TM101819
Alternators and Starting Motors ........................ CTM77
PowerTech™ 4.5 L & 6.8 L Diesel
Engines—Base Engines ..................................... CTM104
PowerTech 6.8 L Diesel Engine—Level 14
Diagnostics ­ Electronic Fuel Systems with
Denso HPCR ........................................................ CTM320
PowerTech 9.0 L Tier 3/Stage IIIA OEM Diesel
Engines—Base Engine ....................................... CTM400
PowerTech 9.0 L Diesel Engine—Level 14
Diagnostics ­ Electronic Fuel Systems with
Denso HPCR ........................................................ CTM385
PowerTech 13.5 L Diesel Engines—Base
Engine................................................................... CTM415
PowerTech 13.5 L Diesel Engines— Level 15
Electronic Fuel Systems with Delphi EUI.......... CTM370
100 Series Hydraulic Cylinders .......................... CTM103519
120 Series Hydraulic Cylinders Repair.............. CTM114319

John Deere Harvester LITHO

WorksIN U.S.A.
This manual is written for an experienced technician. Information is organized in groups for the various
Essential tools required in performing certain service work components requiring service instruction. At the
are identified in this manual and are recommended for beginning of each group are summary listings of all
use. applicable essential tools, service equipment and tools,
Live with safety: Read the safety messages in the other materials needed to do the job, service parts kits,
introduction of this manual and the cautions presented specifications, wear tolerances, and torque values.
throughout the text of the manual. Technical Manuals are concise guides for specific
machines. They are on­the­job guides containing only the
This is the safety­alert symbol. When you see this vital information needed for diagnosis, analysis, testing,
symbol on the machine or in this manual, be alert to the and repair.
potential for personal injury.
Fundamental service information is available from other
Technical manuals are divided in two parts: repair and sources covering basic theory of operation, fundamentals
operation and tests. Repair sections tell how to repair of troubleshooting, general maintenance, and basic type
the components. Operation and tests sections help you of failures and their causes.
identify the majority of routine failures quickly.
DX,TMIFC ­19­29SEP98­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



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Section 10—General Group 10—Hydraulic Pumps
Group 05—Safety Group 15—Hydraulic Valves
Group 10—Specifications Group 20—Hydraulic Cylinders
Group 15—Tune­Up and Adjustment Group 25—Motors
Group 20—Fuels And Lubricants Group 30—Accumulator

Section 20—Engine Section 80—Separator Shell

Group 05—Remove And Install Engine Group 05—Gull Wing Doors
Group 10—Cooling System
Section 90—Operator Station Repair
Section 30—Fuel And Air Repair Group 05—Air Conditioning System (R134a)
Group 05—Air Intake System Group 10—System Components
Group 10—Diesel Fuel System Group 15—Cab

Section 40—Electrical System Section 110—Feeder House Repair

Group 05—Batteries Group 05—Conveyor
Group 10—Harness And Connector Repair Group 10—Top Shaft And Slip Clutch
Group 15—Wire Harness Routing Group 15—Feeder House Drives And Reverser Gear
Group 20—Power Distribution Case
Group 25—Lighting Group 20—Lateral Tilt Cylinder
Group 30—Operators Station Group 25—Lateral Tilt Frame
Group 35—Sensors And Switches Group 30—Five Speed Feeder House Drive Gear Case
Group 40—Wiper
Group 45—Alternator Section 120—Separator
Group 50—Starting Motor Group 05—Separator Repair
Group 55—GreenStar Components Group 10—Separator Drives
Group 15—Residue Disposal
Section 50—Power Train Repair Group 20—Conveyor Augers, Cleaning Fan And
Group 05—Transmission And Differential—Three Chaffer And Sieve Frame
Speed Transmission Group 25—Tailings Elevator And Augers
Group 10—Hydrostatic System—Three Speed Group 30—Primary Countershaft Gear Case
Transmission Group 35—Header Electromagnetic Clutch
Group 15—Transmission And Differential—Two­Range
Automatic Transmission Section 130—Grain Tank And Unloading
Group 20—Hydrostatic Drive Pump—Two­Range System Repair
Automatic Transmission Group 05—Grain Tank Cross Augers
Group 25—Hydrostatic Drive Motor—Two­Range Group 10—Unloading Auger System Drives
Automatic Transmission Group 15—Vertical Unloading Auger And Lower Gear
Group 30—Single Reduction Final Drive—Heavy Duty Case
Group 35—Cam Lobe Motor Group 20—Horizontal Unloading Auger And Gear Case
Group 40—Tires And Wheels Group 25—Clean Grain Elevator
Group 30—Grain Tank And Extensions
Section 60—Power Steering And Brakes
Group 05—Steering Section 140—Engine Gear Case And
Group 10—Brakes Control Valve Repair
Group 15—Brakes—Two­Range Automatic Group 05—Engine Gear Case And Valve
Section 199—Dealer Fabricated Tools
Section 70—Hydraulic Repair Group 05—Dealer Fabricated Tools
Group 05—Hydraulic Reservoir

Original Instructions. All information, illustrations and specifications in this

manual are based on the latest information available at the time of publication.
The right is reserved to make changes at any time without notice.
Moline, Illinois
All rights reserved.
A John Deere ILLUSTRUCTION ® Manual
Previous Editions
Copyright © 2007, 2008, 2009

TM101919 (13JUL10) i 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



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TM101919 (13JUL10) ii 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



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Section 10

Page Page

Group 05—Safety ........................................10­05­1 SAE Four Bolt Flange Cap Screw

Torque Values—Standard
Group 10—Specifications Pressure Applications.............................. 10­10­29
Ground Speeds (Fast Idle) Two SAE Four Bolt Flange Cap Screw
Speed Four Wheel Drive ........................... 10­10­1 Torque Values—High Pressure
Turning Radius .............................................. 10­10­1 Applications ............................................. 10­10­30
Operating Speeds ­ 9570 STS External Hexagon Port Plug Torque
Combine .................................................... 10­10­2 Chart........................................................ 10­10­30
Specifications ­ 9570 STS Prevent Hydraulic System
Combine .................................................... 10­10­4 Contamination ......................................... 10­10­31
Dimensions ­ 9570 STS Combine.................. 10­10­5 Check Oil Lines and Fittings........................ 10­10­31
Dimension Reference Points ­ Basic Electrical Component
9570 STS Combine ................................... 10­10­6 Handling / Precautions For
Operating Speeds ­ 9670 STS, Vehicles Equipped With
9770 STS Combines ................................. 10­10­7 Computer Controlled Systems................. 10­10­32
Specifications ­ 9670 STS ............................. 10­10­9
Specifications ­ 9770 STS ........................... 10­10­11 Group 15—Tune­Up and Adjustment
Dimensions ­ 9670 STS, 9770 STS Tune­Up and Adjustment............................... 10­15­1
Combines ................................................ 10­10­13 Care and Maintenance of Belts ..................... 10­15­2
Dimension Reference Points ­ 9670 Defective Belts............................................... 10­15­3
STS, 9770 STS Combines ...................... 10­10­14 Prevent Hydraulic System
Operating Speeds ­ 9870 STS Contamination ........................................... 10­15­4
Combine .................................................. 10­10­15 Check Oil Lines and Fittings.......................... 10­15­5
Specifications ­ 9870 STS Basic Electrical Component
Combine .................................................. 10­10­17 Handling / Precautions For
Dimensions ­ 9870 STS Combine................ 10­10­19 Vehicles Equipped With
Dimension Reference Points ­ Computer Controlled Systems................... 10­15­6
9870 STS Combine ................................. 10­10­20 Programming Control Units ........................... 10­15­7
Metric Bolt and Screw Torque
Values ...................................................... 10­10­21 Group 20—Fuels And Lubricants
Unified Inch Bolt and Screw Torque Handle Fuel Safely—Avoid Fires................... 10­20­1
Values ...................................................... 10­10­22 Handling and Storing Diesel Fuel .................. 10­20­1
Sealants and Adhesives Diesel Fuel..................................................... 10­20­1
Cross­Reference Chart............................ 10­10­23 Biodiesel Fuel ................................................ 10­20­2
Face Seal Fittings Assembly Lubricity of Diesel Fuel .................................. 10­20­3
and Installation—All Pressure Testing Diesel Fuel ........................................ 10­20­3
Applications ............................................. 10­10­24 Heavy Duty Diesel Engine
Metric Face Seal And O­Ring Coolant ...................................................... 10­20­4
Stud End Fitting Torque Operating in Warm Temperature
Chart—Standard Pressures .................... 10­10­25 Climates..................................................... 10­20­5
Metric Face Seal and O­Ring Stud Supplemental Coolant Additives.................... 10­20­5
End Fitting Torque Chart—High Additional Information About
Pressure Applications.............................. 10­10­26 Diesel Engine Coolants and
SAE Face Seal and O­Ring John Deere LIQUID COOLANT
Stud End Fitting Torque CONDITIONER ......................................... 10­20­6
Chart—Standard Pressures .................... 10­10­27 Testing Diesel Engine Coolant....................... 10­20­7
SAE Face Seal and O­Ring Stud Diesel Engine Break­In Oil ............................ 10­20­7
End Fitting Torque Chart—High Diesel Engine Oil ........................................... 10­20­8
Pressure Applications.............................. 10­10­28 OILSCAN ™ and COOLSCAN ™.................. 10­20­9
Four Bolt Flange Fittings Assembly Hydrostatic Drive System, Main
and Installation—All Pressure Hydraulic System and Main
Applications ............................................. 10­10­28 Engine Gearcase Oils................................ 10­20­9

Continued on next page

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­1 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



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Transmission (Non Two Range

Automatic Transmission
Machines), Final Drives, Loading
Auger, Primary Countershaft
and Two­Speed Separator Drive
Gear Cases ............................................. 10­20­10
Feeder House Reverser Gear
Case ........................................................ 10­20­11
Grease......................................................... 10­20­11
Brake Fluid (Non Two Range
Automatic Transmission
Machines) ................................................ 10­20­11
Lubricant Storage ........................................ 10­20­12
Alternative and Synthetic
Lubricants ................................................ 10­20­12
Mixing of Lubricants..................................... 10­20­12

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­2 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



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Group 05

Recognize Safety Information

This is a safety­alert symbol. When you see this symbol
on your machine or in this manual, be alert to the potential
for personal injury.
Follow recommended precautions and safe operating

T81389 —UN—07DEC88

DX,ALERT ­19­29SEP98­1/1

Understand Signal Words

A signal word—DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION—is
used with the safety­alert symbol. DANGER identifies the
most serious hazards.
DANGER or WARNING safety signs are located near
specific hazards. General precautions are listed on

TS187 —19—30SEP88
CAUTION safety signs. CAUTION also calls attention to
safety messages in this manual.

DX,SIGNAL ­19­03MAR93­1/1

Handle Fluids Safely—Avoid Fires

When you work around fuel, do not smoke or work near
heaters or other fire hazards.
Store flammable fluids away from fire hazards. Do not
incinerate or puncture pressurized containers.

TS227 —UN—23AUG88
Make sure machine is clean of trash, grease, and debris.
Do not store oily rags; they can ignite and burn

DX,FLAME ­19­29SEP98­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­05­1 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



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Prevent Battery Explosions

Keep sparks, lighted matches, and open flame away from
the top of battery. Battery gas can explode.
Never check battery charge by placing a metal object
across the posts. Use a volt­meter or hydrometer.

TS204 —UN—23AUG88
Do not charge a frozen battery; it may explode. Warm
battery to 16°C (60°F).

DX,SPARKS ­19­03MAR93­1/1

Handling Batteries Safely

CAUTION: Battery gas can explode. Keep sparks

and flames away from batteries. Use a flashlight
to check battery electrolyte level.
Never check battery charge by placing

TS204 —UN—23AUG88
a metal object across the posts. Use a
voltmeter or hydrometer.
Always remove grounded (­) battery clamp
first and replace it last.

Continued on next page AG,OUMX005,1408 ­19­01MAY00­1/2

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­05­2 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



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CAUTION: Sulfuric acid in battery electrolyte is

poisonous. It is strong enough to burn skin,
eat holes in clothing, and cause blindness
if splashed into eyes.
Avoid the hazard by:
1. Filling batteries in a well­ventilated area.
2. Wearing eye protection and rubber gloves.
3. Avoiding breathing fumes when
electrolyte is added.
4. Avoiding spilling or dripping electrolyte.
5. Use proper jump start procedure.
If you spill acid on yourself:
1. Flush your skin with water.
2. Apply baking soda or lime to help
neutralize the acid.
3. Flush your eyes with water for 15—30 minutes.
Get medical attention immediately.
If acid is swallowed:

TS203 —UN—23AUG88
1. Do not induce vomiting.
2. Drink large amounts of water or milk, but
do not exceed 2 L (2 quarts).
3. Get medical attention immediately.

WARNING: Battery posts, terminals, and related

accessories contain lead and lead compounds, chemicals
known to the State of California to cause cancer and
reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.
AG,OUMX005,1408 ­19­01MAY00­2/2

Prepare for Emergencies

Be prepared if a fire starts.
Keep a first aid kit and fire extinguisher handy.
Keep emergency numbers for doctors, ambulance
service, hospital, and fire department near your telephone.

TS291 —UN—23AUG88

DX,FIRE2 ­19­03MAR93­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­05­3 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



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Prevent Acid Burns

Sulfuric acid in battery electrolyte is poisonous. It is strong
enough to burn skin, eat holes in clothing, and cause
blindness if splashed into eyes.
Avoid the hazard by:
1. Filling batteries in a well­ventilated area.
2. Wearing eye protection and rubber gloves.
3. Avoiding breathing fumes when electrolyte is added.
4. Avoiding spilling or dripping electrolyte.
5. Use proper jump start procedure.
If you spill acid on yourself:
1. Flush your skin with water.
2. Apply baking soda or lime to help neutralize the acid.
3. Flush your eyes with water for 15—30 minutes. Get
medical attention immediately.
If acid is swallowed:
1. Do not induce vomiting.
2. Drink large amounts of water or milk, but do not

TS203 —UN—23AUG88
exceed 2 L (2 quarts).
3. Get medical attention immediately.

DX,POISON ­19­21APR93­1/1

Avoid High­Pressure Fluids

Escaping fluid under pressure can penetrate the skin
causing serious injury.
Avoid the hazard by relieving pressure before
disconnecting hydraulic or other lines. Tighten all

X9811 —UN—23AUG88
connections before applying pressure.
Search for leaks with a piece of cardboard. Protect hands
and body from high­pressure fluids.
If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately. Any fluid
injected into the skin must be surgically removed within
a few hours or gangrene may result. Doctors unfamiliar
with this type of injury should reference a knowledgeable
medical source. Such information is available in Moline, Illinois, U.S.A., by calling 1­800­822­8262 or +1
English from Deere & Company Medical Department in 309­748­5636.
DX,FLUID ­19­20AUG09­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­05­4 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



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Service Accumulator Systems Safely

Escaping fluid or gas from systems with pressurized
accumulators that are used in air conditioning, hydraulic,
and air brake systems can cause serious injury. Extreme
heat can cause the accumulator to burst, and pressurized
lines can be accidentally cut. Do not weld or use a torch

TS281 —UN—23AUG88
near a pressurized accumulator or pressurized line.
Relieve pressure from the pressurized system before
removing accumulator.
Relieve pressure from the hydraulic system before
removing accumulator. Never attempt to relieve hydraulic
system or accumulator pressure by loosening a fitting.
Accumulators cannot be repaired.
DX,WW,ACCLA2 ­19­22AUG03­1/1

Wait Before Opening High­Pressure Fuel

High­pressure fluid remaining in fuel lines can cause
serious injury. Only technicians familiar with this type of
system should perform repairs. Before disconnecting fuel
lines, sensors, or any other components between the

TS1343 —UN—18MAR92
high­pressure fuel pump and nozzles on engines with
High Pressure Common Rail (HPCR) fuel system, wait a
minimum of 15 minutes after engine is stopped.

DX,WW,HPCR2 ­19­07JAN03­1/1

Park Machine Safely

Before working on the machine:
• Lower all equipment to the ground.
• Stop the engine and remove the key.
• Disconnect the battery ground strap.
• Hang a "DO NOT OPERATE" tag in operator station.

TS230 —UN—24MAY89

DX,PARK ­19­04JUN90­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­05­5 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Support Machine Properly

Always lower the attachment or implement to the ground
before you work on the machine. If the work requires
that the machine or attachment be lifted, provide secure
support for them. If left in a raised position, hydraulically
supported devices can settle or leak down.

TS229 —UN—23AUG88
Do not support the machine on cinder blocks, hollow tiles,
or props that may crumble under continuous load. Do not
work under a machine that is supported solely by a jack.
Follow recommended procedures in this manual.
When implements or attachments are used with a
machine, always follow safety precautions listed in the
implement or attachment operator’s manual.
DX,LOWER ­19­24FEB00­1/1

Wear Protective Clothing

Wear close fitting clothing and safety equipment
appropriate to the job.
Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause impairment
or loss of hearing.

TS206 —UN—23AUG88
Wear a suitable hearing protective device such as
earmuffs or earplugs to protect against objectionable or
uncomfortable loud noises.
Operating equipment safely requires the full attention of
the operator. Do not wear radio or music headphones
while operating machine.
DX,WEAR ­19­10SEP90­1/1

Work in Clean Area

Before starting a job:
• Clean work area and machine.
• Make sure you have all necessary tools to do your job.
• Have the right parts on hand.

T6642EJ —UN—18OCT88
• Read all instructions thoroughly; do not attempt

DX,CLEAN ­19­04JUN90­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­05­6 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Service Machines Safely

Tie long hair behind your head. Do not wear a necktie,
scarf, loose clothing, or necklace when you work near
machine tools or moving parts. If these items were to get
caught, severe injury could result.

TS228 —UN—23AUG88
Remove rings and other jewelry to prevent electrical
shorts and entanglement in moving parts.

DX,LOOSE ­19­04JUN90­1/1

Work In Ventilated Area

Engine exhaust fumes can cause sickness or death. If
it is necessary to run an engine in an enclosed area,
remove the exhaust fumes from the area with an exhaust
pipe extension.

TS220 —UN—23AUG88
If you do not have an exhaust pipe extension, open the
doors and get outside air into the area.

DX,AIR ­19­17FEB99­1/1

Illuminate Work Area Safely

Illuminate your work area adequately but safely. Use
a portable safety light for working inside or under the
machine. Make sure the bulb is enclosed by a wire cage.
The hot filament of an accidentally broken bulb can ignite
spilled fuel or oil.

TS223 —UN—23AUG88
DX,LIGHT ­19­04JUN90­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­05­7 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Replace Safety Signs

Replace missing or damaged safety signs. See the
machine operator’s manual for correct safety sign

TS201 —UN—23AUG88
DX,SIGNS1 ­19­04JUN90­1/1

Use Proper Lifting Equipment

Lifting heavy components incorrectly can cause severe
injury or machine damage.
Follow recommended procedure for removal and
installation of components in the manual.

TS226 —UN—23AUG88
DX,LIFT ­19­04JUN90­1/1

Remove Paint Before Welding or Heating

Avoid potentially toxic fumes and dust.
Hazardous fumes can be generated when paint is heated
by welding, soldering, or using a torch.
Remove paint before heating:

TS220 —UN—23AUG88
• Remove paint a minimum of 100 mm (4 in.) from area
to be affected by heating. If paint cannot be removed,
wear an approved respirator before heating or welding.
• If you sand or grind paint, avoid breathing the dust.
Wear an approved respirator.
• If you use solvent or paint stripper, remove stripper with
soap and water before welding. Remove solvent or
paint stripper containers and other flammable material
from area. Allow fumes to disperse at least 15 minutes Do all work in an area that is well ventilated to carry toxic
before welding or heating. fumes and dust away.

Do not use a chlorinated solvent in areas where welding Dispose of paint and solvent properly.
will take place.
DX,PAINT ­19­24JUL02­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­05­8 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Avoid Heating Near Pressurized Fluid Lines

Flammable spray can be generated by heating near
pressurized fluid lines, resulting in severe burns to yourself
and bystanders. Do not heat by welding, soldering,
or using a torch near pressurized fluid lines or other
flammable materials. Pressurized lines can accidentally

TS953 —UN—15MAY90
burst when heat goes beyond the immediate flame area.

DX,TORCH ­19­10DEC04­1/1

Service Tires Safely

CAUTION: Explosive separation of a tire and rim

parts can cause serious injury or death.
Do not attempt to mount a tire unless you
have the proper equipment and experience
to perform the job.

Always maintain the correct tire pressure. Do not inflate

the tires above the recommended pressure.
Never weld or heat a wheel and tire assembly. The heat
can cause an increase in air pressure resulting in a tire
explosion. Welding can structurally weaken or deform
the wheel.
When inflating tires, use a clip­on chuck and extension
hose long enough to allow you to stand to one side and
NOT in front of or over the tire assembly. Use a safety
cage if available.
Check wheels for low pressure, cuts, bubbles, damaged
rims or missing lug bolts and nuts.

TS211 —UN—23AUG88
DX,RIM1 ­19­27OCT08­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­05­9 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Avoid Harmful Asbestos Dust

Avoid breathing dust that may be generated when
handling components containing asbestos fibers. Inhaled
asbestos fibers may cause lung cancer.
Components in products that may contain asbestos

TS220 —UN—23AUG88
fibers are brake pads, brake band and lining assemblies,
clutch plates, and some gaskets. The asbestos used in
these components is usually found in a resin or sealed in
some way. Normal handling is not hazardous as long as
airborne dust containing asbestos is not generated.
Avoid creating dust. Never use compressed air for
cleaning. Avoid brushing or grinding material containing
asbestos. When servicing, wear an approved respirator.
A special vacuum cleaner is recommended to clean Keep bystanders away from the area.
asbestos. If not available, apply a mist of oil or water on
the material containing asbestos.
DX,DUST ­19­15MAR91­1/1

Practice Safe Maintenance

Understand service procedure before doing work. Keep
area clean and dry.
Never lubricate, service, or adjust machine while it is
moving. Keep hands, feet , and clothing from power­driven
parts. Disengage all power and operate controls to relieve
pressure. Lower equipment to the ground. Stop the
engine. Remove the key. Allow machine to cool.
Securely support any machine elements that must be
raised for service work.
Keep all parts in good condition and properly installed.
Fix damage immediately. Replace worn or broken parts.
Remove any buildup of grease, oil, or debris.
On self­propelled equipment, disconnect battery ground
cable (­) before making adjustments on electrical systems
or welding on machine.
On towed implements, disconnect wiring harnesses from
tractor before servicing electrical system components or
welding on machine.
TS218 —UN—23AUG88

DX,SERV ­19­17FEB99­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­05­10 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Construct Dealer­Made Tools Safely

Faulty or broken tools can result in serious injury. When
constructing tools, use proper, quality materials, and good
Do not weld tools unless you have the proper equipment

LX1016749 —UN—01JUL97
and experience to perform the job.

DX,SAFE,TOOLS ­19­10OCT97­1/1

Use Proper Tools

Use tools appropriate to the work. Makeshift tools and
procedures can create safety hazards.
Use power tools only to loosen threaded parts and

TS779 —UN—08NOV89
For loosening and tightening hardware, use the correct
size tools. DO NOT use U.S. measurement tools on
metric fasteners. Avoid bodily injury caused by slipping
Use only service parts meeting John Deere specifications.

DX,REPAIR ­19­17FEB99­1/1

Dispose of Waste Properly

Improperly disposing of waste can threaten the
environment and ecology. Potentially harmful waste used
with John Deere equipment include such items as oil, fuel,
coolant, brake fluid, filters, and batteries.

TS1133 —UN—26NOV90
Use leakproof containers when draining fluids. Do not use
food or beverage containers that may mislead someone
into drinking from them.
Do not pour waste onto the ground, down a drain, or into
any water source.
Air conditioning refrigerants escaping into the air can
damage the Earth’s atmosphere. Government regulations
may require a certified air conditioning service center to
recover and recycle used air conditioning refrigerants.
Inquire on the proper way to recycle or dispose of waste
from your local environmental or recycling center, or from
your John Deere dealer.
DX,DRAIN ­19­03MAR93­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­05­11 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Use Adequate Service Facilities Be sure all electrical outlets and tools are properly
Keep the service area clean and dry. Wet or oily floors grounded.
are slippery. Wet spots can be dangerous when working Use adequate light for the job at hand.
with electrical equipment.
Service the machine on a level, hard­surfaced area.
Make sure the service area is adequately vented.
Use lifting equipment and safety stands which have
Periodically check the shop exhaust system for leakage. adequate strength for the job being performed.
Engine exhaust gas is dangerous.
HX,1401,1005,A ­19­11DEC92­1/1

Live With Safety

Before returning machine to customer, make sure
machine is functioning properly, especially the safety
systems. Install all guards and shields.

TS231 —19—07OCT88
DX,LIVE ­19­25SEP92­1/1

Servicing Electronic Control Units

IMPORTANT: Do not open control unit and do
not clean with a high pressure spray.
Moisture, dirt and other contaminants may
cause permanent damage.

RG16946 —UN—31MAR09
1. Control units are not repairable; replace only if
indicated in the diagnostic procedure.
2. Since control units are the components LEAST likely
to fail, isolate failure before replacing by completing
the diagnostic procedure.
3. The wiring harness terminals and connectors for
electronic control units are repairable.
4. Before putting back into service, verify the control unit
IMPORTANT: Misleading diagnostic messages and is programmed identical to the original controller.
poor performance may occur if an electronic
control unit is not programmed identical
to the original controller.
DX,WW,ECU01 ­19­11JUN09­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­05­12 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Welding Near Electronic Control Units

IMPORTANT: Do not jump­start engines with arc
welding equipment. Currents and voltages are
too high and may cause permanent damage.

1. Disconnect the negative (­) battery cable(s).

TS953 —UN—15MAY90
2. Disconnect the positive (+) battery cable(s).
3. Connect the positive and negative cables together. Do
not attach to vehicle frame.
4. Clear or move any wiring harness sections away from
welding area.
5. Connect welder ground close to welding point and
away from control units. 6. After welding, reverse Steps 1—5.
DX,WW,ECU02 ­19­14AUG09­1/1

Keep Electronic Control Unit Connectors Clean

IMPORTANT: Keep terminals clean and free of foreign

debris. Moisture, dirt and other contaminants 3. Observe the locking mechanism of the connector
may cause the terminals to erode over time and when disconnecting and reconnecting.
not make a good electrical connection. 4. Do not pull on wires to disconnect.
1. If a connector is not in use, put on the proper dust cap 5. Before reconnecting:
or an appropriate seal to protect it from foreign debris
and moisture. • Look for bent terminals; do not force connectors into
each other.
IMPORTANT: Do not probe through the wire insulation • Replace any terminal where corrosion exists.
or through the back of the connector. Do • Clean the connector of any foreign debris.
not insert items such as paper clips or • Dry the connector of any moisture.
wires into connector terminals.
6. When reconnecting, make sure seals around the
connector pairs are functional.
2. Make measurements on a connector terminal using
JDG10466 Flex Probe Kit in SERVICEGARD.
DX,WW,ECU03 ­19­11JUN09­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­05­13 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­05­14 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair


Group 10

Ground Speeds (Fast Idle) Two Speed Four equipped with 35.5 x 32 R2 drive tires are
Wheel Drive shown with 28L x 26 R2 rear tires.

NOTE: Speeds shown are for combines equipped

with 18.4 x 26 R1 rear tires. Except combines
Speed in Km/h (mph)
Front Tire 2WD 2­Speed 4WD First Gear Second Gear Third Gear
30.5 x 32 R1 X 6.1 (3.8) 11.4 (7.1) 30.4 (19.0)
30.5 x 32 R1 Low 4.7 (2.9) 7.3 (4.6) 12.1 (7.6)
High 5.4 (3.4) 9.1 (5.7) 18.1 (11.3)
800/65R32 X 6.1 (3.8) 11.4 (7.1) 30.4 (19.0)
800/65R32 Low 4.7 (2.9) 7.3 (4.6) 12.1 (7.6)
High 5.4 (3.4) 9.1 (5.7) 18.1 (11.3)
30.5L x 32R2 X 6.3 (3.9) 11.7 (7.3) 31.2 (19.5)
30.5L x 32 R2 Low 4.8 (3.) 7.4 (4.6) 12.3 (7.7)
High 5.5 (3.4) 9.3 (5.8) 18.5 (11.6)
30.5L x 32 R3 X 5.8 (3.6) 10.8 (6.8) 28.8 (18.0)
18.4 x 38 R1 X 5.9 (3.7) 11.1 (6.9) 29.5 (18.4)
18.4 x 38 R1 Low 4.6 (2.9) 7.1 (4.4) 11.9 (7.4)
High 5.2 (3.3) 8.9 (5.6) 17.8 (11.1)
18.4 x 38 R2 X 6.1 (3.8) 11.4 (7.1) 30.4 (19.0)
18.4 x 38 R2 Low 4.7 (2.9) 7.3 (4.6) 12.2 (7.6)
High 5.4 (3.4) 9.1 (5.7) 18.3 (11.4)
20.8 x 38 R1 X 6.1 (3.8) 11.4 (7.1) 30.4 (19.0)
20.8 x 38 R1 Low 4.7 (2.9) 7.3 (4.6) 12.1 (7.6)
High 5.4 (3.4) 9.1 (5.7) 18.1 (11.3)
18.4 x 42 R1 X 6.3 (3.9) 11.8 (7.4) 31.3 (19.6)
18.4 x 42 R1 Low 4.8 (3.0) 7.4 (4.6) 12.2 (7.6)
High 5.5 (3.4) 9.3 (5.8) 18.4 (11.5)
35.5 x 32 R2 X 6.8 (4.3) 12.7 (7.9) 33.8 (21.1)
35.5 x 32 R2 Low 5.2 (3.3) 8.1 (5.1) 13.5 (8.4)
High 6 (3.8) 10.1 (6.3) 20.2 (12.6)
68 x 50­32, HF3 X 5.8 (3.6) 10.8 (6.8) 28.8 (18.0)
68 x 50­32, HF3 Low 4.5 (2.8) 7 (4.4) 11.8 (7.4)
High 5.1 (3.2) 8.7 (5.4) 17.5 (10.9)
AG,OUO6022,1688 ­19­24JUL00­1/1

Turning Radius
Combine Two Speed Powered
Front Tires Rear Tires Non­Powered Rear Axle
Model Rear Axle
7.4 m 7.4 m
9570 STS 30.5L­32 18.4­26 (24 ft 2 in.) (24 ft 2 in.)
9670 STS, 9770 STS 7.73 m 8.19 m
and 9870 STS 30.5L­32 18.4­26 (25 ft 3 in.) (26 ft 10 in.)

OUO6083,0000655 ­19­07JUN07­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­1 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Operating Speeds ­ 9570 STS Combine

Speeds shown are average and can vary from machine Operating speeds specifications and design subject to
to machine. Speeds are rated at high idle with separator change without notice.
engaged, no load.
Engine Speeds
Slow Idle (Separator Off) 1300 rpm
Mid Speed (Separator Off) 1850 rpm
Fast Idle (Separator Off) 2550 rpm
Full Load Rated Speed 2400 rpm

Separator Drive Shaft Speed 1546 rpm

Main Countershaft Speed 1546 rpm

Separator Speeds
High Range 480 ­ 1300 rpm
Low Range 230 ­ 600 rpm

Feeder House Lower Shaft Speeds

Standard Variable Speed 520 ­ 780 rpm
Heavy Duty Variable Speed 520 ­ 780 rpm
Fixed Speed 520 rpm

Fixed Speed Feeder House Drive Chain Speeds

22 Tooth Fixed Speed Chain 48 rpm
26 Tooth Fixed Speed Chain 57 rpm
38 Tooth Fixed Speed Chain (Optional) 83 rpm

Feed Accelerator Speeds

Feed Accelerator 440/800 rpm
Feed Accelerator (Optional Slow Speed) 320/790 rpm

Discharge Beater Speed 849 rpm

Jackshaft Speeds
Front Right­Hand Jackshaft 532 rpm
Rear Right­Hand Jackshaft 532 rpm

Cleaning Fan Speeds

Standard Speed 620 ­ 1200 rpm
Special Slow Speed 250 ­ 500 rpm

Elevator Speeds
Clean Grain Elevator 394 rpm
Clean Grain Loading Auger 424 rpm
Tailings Elevator, Lower Auger 405 rpm
Tailings Elevator, Upper Auger 640 rpm
Shoe Drive 300 rpm
Conveyor Augers 433 rpm

Unloading System Speeds

Unloading System Countershaft 1087 rpm
Unloading Auger Gear Box, Input Shaft 450 rpm
Unloading Vertical Auger 450 rpm
Unloading Outer Auger 450 rpm
Grain Tank Horizontal Augers 420 rpm

Continued on next page OUO6083,0000F1A ­19­16JUL07­1/2

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­2 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Chopper Speeds
Chopper/Discharge Beater Jackshaft 2002 rpm
Chopper (Two Speed) 1600/2500 rpm
OUO6083,0000F1A ­19­16JUL07­2/2

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­3 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Specifications ­ 9570 STS Combine

NOTE: Specifications and design subject to
change without notice.
Make John Deere
Model 6068HH061
6068HH059 (Export)
Type six­cylinder, in line, valve­in­head, air­to­air aftercooled diesel
Rated Power at 2400 rpm 198 kW (265 hp)
Power Bulge at 2300 rpm 212 kW (284 hp)
Power Boost 220 kW (295 hp)
Displacement 6.8 L (415 cu. in.)
Firing Order 1­5­3­6­2­4
Air Cleaner Dry­type with safety element

Electrical System
Type 12 volt, negative ground with 200 amp alternator

Transmission Speeds
Manual Transmission Three Speeds

Service Brake Type

Manual Transmission Hydraulic Shoe

Park Brake Type

Manual Transmission Mechanical Shoe

Feed Accelerator
Number of Wings 10

Separator Elements
Threshing Elements Corn/Small Grain 15
Tines 18

Number of Concaves 3
Number of Bars Per Concave Grain—Front 20, Mid/rear 20; Corn 25

Number of Grates 3

Discharge Grate
Number of Grates 3

Discharge Beater
Number of Wings 5

Grain Tank
Capacity 7750 L (220 bu.)
Capacity (Optional) 8850 L (250 bu.)
Average Unloading rate 4650 L/min (132 bu/min)
Maximum Unloading rate 5285 L/min (150 bu/min)

Corn Combine — less header 13,148 kg (28,991 lb)

Continued on next page FS41334,0000178 ­19­14JUL08­1/2

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­4 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Turning Radius
Rear Wheel Tread Width 3.3 m (10 ft. 10 in.)
Turning Radius (Non­Powered Axles) 7.73 m (25 ft. 4 in.)
Turning Radius (Powered Axles) 8.19 m (26 ft. 9 in.)

Fuel Tank 757 L (200 gal)
Cooling System w/heater 43 L (45.5 qt)
Engine Crankcase w/filter 32 L (34 qt)
Manual Transmission 9.6 L (10 qt)
Final Drives 8 L (8.5 qt)
Heavy Duty Feeder House Reverser Gear Case w/o cooler 2.3 L (4.75 pt)
Heavy Duty Feeder House Reverser Gear Case w/ cooler 3.5 L (7.4 pt)
Countershaft Drive Gear Case 1.2 L (2.5 pt)
Loading Auger Gear Case 3.8 L (4 qt)
Two Speed Separator Drive Gear Case 2.4 L (2.5 qt)
Engine Gear Case w/transfer 21.3 L (22.5 qt)
Hydraulic/Hydrostatic Reservoir 35 L (37 qt)
FS41334,0000178 ­19­14JUL08­2/2

Dimensions ­ 9570 STS Combine

NOTE: Dimensions are approximate and subject

to change without notice.
Dimensions 800/70R38 R1 Front Tires
600/65R28 R1 Rear Tires
A 8.36 m (27 ft. 4 in.) w/ 4.80 m (15 ft. 7 in.) Unloading Auger
9.31 m (30 ft. 5 in.) w/ 5.64 m (18 ft. 5 in.) Unloading Auger
10.22 m (33 ft. 5 in.) w/ 6.55 m (21 ft. 5 in.) Unloading Auger
B 8.36 m (27 ft. 4 in.)
C 4.46 m (14 ft. 6 in.)
D 4.02 m (13 ft. 2 in.) w/ 7750 L (220 bu.) Extensions
4.16 m (13 ft. 6 in.) w/ 8850 L (250 bu.) Extensions
E 3.88 m (12 ft. 7 in.)
F 0.57 m (1 ft. 9 in.)
G 3.53 m (11 ft. 6 in.)
H 5.30 m (17 ft. 4 in.) w/ 4.80 m (15 ft. 7 in.) Unloading Auger
6.19 m (20 ft. 3 in.) w/ 5.64 m (18 ft. 5 in.) Unloading Auger
7.05 m (23 ft. 1 in.) w/ 6.55 m (21 ft. 5 in.) Unloading Auger
I 4.56 m (15 ft. 0 in.) w/ 4.80 m (15 ft. 7 in.) Unloading Auger
4.78 m (15 ft. 7 in.) w/ 5.64 m (18 ft. 5 in.) Unloading Auger
4.99 m (16 ft. 4 in.) w/ 6.55 m (21 ft. 5 in.) Unloading Auger
J 3.97 m (13 ft. 0 in.) w/ 4.80 m (15 ft. 7 in.) Unloading Auger
4.19 m (13 ft. 7 in.) w/ 5.64 m (18 ft. 5 in.) Unloading Auger
4.41 m (14 ft. 5 in.) w/ 6.55 m (21 ft. 5 in.) Unloading Auger
Ka 3.98 m (13 ft. 1 in.) w/ 4.80 m (15 ft. 7 in.) Unloading Auger
4.21 m (13 ft. 8 in.) w/ 5.64 m (18 ft. 5 in.) Unloading Auger
4.43 m (14 ft. 15 in.) w/ 6.55 m (21 ft. 5 in.) Unloading Auger
L Refer to Ground Drive and Rear Axle Section
M Refer to Ground Drive and Rear Axle Section
• For 18.4R38*** R1 Duals and 480/80R38 (149A8) R1, • For 30.5L­32 14PR R2, subtract 82 mm (3.2 in.)
subtract 141 mm (5.6 in.) • For 30.5LR32*** R1, subtract 118 mm (4.7 in.)
• For 20.8R38** R1 Duals and 520/85R38 (155A8) R1, • For 800/65R32 (172A8) R1W, subtract 93 mm (3.7 in.)
subtract 103 mm (4.1 in.)
• For 30.5L­32 14PR R1, subtract 111 mm (4.4 in.)
Dimension is measured 1.22 m (4 ft.) from the grain spill point. This represents the unloading auger when centered over the grain cart.
OUO6083,0000F1C ­19­01MAY07­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­5 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Dimension Reference Points ­ 9570 STS Combine

H87463 —UN—20FEB07

OUO6083,0000F1D ­19­01MAY07­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­6 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Operating Speeds ­ 9670 STS, 9770 STS Combines

Speeds shown are average and can vary from machine Operating speeds specifications and design subject to
to machine. Speeds are rated at high idle with separator change without notice.
engaged, no load.
Engine Speeds
Slow Idle (Separator Off) 1200 rpm
Mid Speed (Separator Off) 1680 rpm
Fast Idle (Separator Off) 2340 rpm
Full Load Rated Speed 2200 rpm

Separator Drive Shaft Speed 1546 rpm

Main Countershaft Speed 1546 rpm

Separator Speeds
High Range 380 ­ 1000 rpm
Low Range 210 ­ 550 rpm

Feeder House Lower Shaft Speeds

Heavy Duty Variable Speed 520 ­ 780 rpm
High Torque Variable Speed (Optional) 520 ­ 780 rpm
Fixed Speed 520 rpm

Fixed Speed Feeder House Drive Chain Speeds

22 Tooth Fixed Speed Chain 48 rpm
26 Tooth Fixed Speed Chain 57 rpm
38 Tooth Fixed Speed Chain 83 rpm

Feed Accelerator Speeds

Feed Accelerator 440/800 rpm
Feed Accelerator (Optional Slow Speed) 320/790 rpm
Feed Accelerator (High Speed High Capacity) 520/1000 rpm

Discharge Beater Speed 849 rpm

Jackshaft Speeds
Front Right­Hand Jackshaft 532 rpm
Rear Right­Hand Jackshaft 532 rpm

Cleaning Fan Speeds

Standard Speed 620 ­ 1200 rpm
Special Slow Speed 250 ­ 500 rpm

Elevator Speeds
Clean Grain Elevator 426 rpm
Clean Grain Loading Auger 458 rpm
Tailings Elevator, Lower Auger 405 rpm
Tailings Elevator, Upper Auger 640 rpm
Shoe Drive 300 rpm
Conveyor Augers 433 rpm

Unloading System Speeds

Unloading System Countershaft 1087 rpm
Unloading Auger Gear Box, Input Shaft
Standard Grain Tank 450 rpm
High Unload Rate Grain Tank 516 rpm
Slow Speed Rice (Standard Grain Tank) 460 rpm
Continued on next page OUO6083,0000F1E ­19­16JUL07­1/2

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­7 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Unloading Vertical Auger

Standard Grain Tank 450 rpm
High Unload Rate Grain Tank 516 rpm
Slow Speed Rice (Standard Grain Tank) 460 rpm
Unloading Outer Auger
Standard Grain Tank 450 rpm
High Unload Rate Grain Tank 516 rpm
Slow Speed Rice (Standard Grain Tank) 460 rpm
Grain Tank Horizontal Augers
Standard Grain Tank 420 rpm
High Unload Rate Grain Tank 344 rpm
Slow Speed Rice (Standard Grain Tank) 305 rpm

Chopper Speeds
Chopper/Discharge Beater Jackshaft 2002 rpm
Chopper (Two Speed) 1600/2500 rpm
OUO6083,0000F1E ­19­16JUL07­2/2

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­8 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Specifications ­ 9670 STS

NOTE: Specifications and design subject to
change without notice.
Make John Deere
Model 6090HH008
6090HH006 (Export)
Type six­cylinder, in line, valve­in­head (four valve), air­to­air aftercooled
diesel turbocharged
Rated Power at 2200 rpm 227 kW (305 hp)
Power Bulge at 2100 rpm 243 kW (326 hp)
Power Boost 252 kW (338 hp)
Displacement 9.0 L (549 cu. in.)
Firing Order 1­5­3­6­2­4
Air Cleaner Dry­type with safety element

Electrical System
Type 12 volt, negative ground with 200 amp alternator

Transmission Speeds
Manual Transmission Three Speeds

Service Brake Type

Manual Transmission Hydraulic Shoe

Park Brake Type

Manual Transmission Mechanical Shoe

Feed Accelerator
Number of Wings 10

Separator Elements
Threshing Elements Corn/Small Grain 15
Rice Option 24
Tines 24

Number of Concaves 3
Number of Bars Per Concave Grain—Front 25, Mid/rear 25; Corn 31

Number of Grates 4

Discharge Grate
Number of Grates 3

Discharge Beater
Number of Wings 5

Grain Tank
Capacity 8850 L (250 bu.)
Capacity 10570 L (300 bu.)
Average Unloading rate (Standard Unload Rate) 4650 L/min (132 bu/min)
Average Unloading rate (Optional High Unload Rate) 6977 L/min (198 bu/min)
Maximum Unloading rate (Standard Unload Rate) 5285 L/min (150 bu/min)
Maximum Unloading rate (Optional High Unload Rate) 7612 L/min (216 bu/min)

Continued on next page FS41334,0000179 ­19­14JUL08­1/2

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­9 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Corn Combine — less header 13,917 kg (30,682 lb)
Rice Combine — less header 14,619 kg (32,230 lb)

Turning Radius
Rear Wheel Tread Width 3.3 m (10 ft. 10 in.)
Turning Radius (Non­Powered Axles) 7.73 m (25 ft. 4 in.)
Turning Radius (Powered Axles) 8.19 m (26 ft. 9 in.)

Fuel Tank 945 L (250 gal)
Cooling System w/heater 53 L (56 qt)
Engine Crankcase w/filter 29 L (30.7 qt)
Manual Transmission 9.6 L (10 qt)
Final Drives 8 L (8.5 qt)
Heavy Duty Feeder House Reverser Gear Case w/o cooler 2.3 L (4.75 pt)
Heavy Duty Feeder House Reverser Gear Case w/ cooler 3.5 L (7.4 pt)
Extra Heavy Duty Feeder House Reverser Gear Case w/ cooler 4.9 L (10.4 pt)
Countershaft Drive Gear Case 1.2 L (2.5 pt)
Loading Auger Gear Case 3.8 L (4 qt)
Two Speed Separator Drive Gear Case 4.7 L (5 qt)
Engine Gear Case w/transfer 21.3 L (22.5 qt)
Hydraulic/Hydrostatic Reservoir 35 L (37 qt)
FS41334,0000179 ­19­14JUL08­2/2

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­10 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Specifications ­ 9770 STS

NOTE: Specifications and design subject to
change without notice.
Make John Deere
Model 6090HH008
6090HH006 (Export)
Type six­cylinder, in line, valve­in­head (four valve), air­to­air aftercooled
diesel turbocharged
Rated Power at 2200 rpm 268 kW (360 hp)
Power Bulge at 2100 rpm 287 kW (385 hp)
Power Boost 293 kW (393 hp)
Displacement 9.0 L (549 cu. in.)
Firing Order 1­5­3­6­2­4
Air Cleaner Dry­type with safety element

Electrical System
Type 12 volt, negative ground with 200 amp alternator

Transmission Speeds
Manual Transmission Three Speeds

Service Brake Type

Manual Transmission Hydraulic Shoe

Park Brake Type

Manual Transmission Mechanical Shoe

Feed Accelerator
Number of Wings 10

Separator Elements
Threshing Elements Corn/Small Grain 15
Rice Option 24
Tines 24

Number of Concaves 3
Number of Bars Per Concave Grain—Front 25, Mid/rear 25; Corn 31

Number of Grates 4

Discharge Grate
Number of Grates 3

Discharge Beater
Number of Wings 5

Grain Tank
Capacity 10570 L (300 bu.)
Average Unloading rate (High Unload Rate) 6977 L/min (198 bu/min)
Maximum Unloading rate (High Unload Rate) 7612 L/min (216 bu/min)

Corn Combine — less header 14,707 kg (32,423 lb)
Rice Combine — less header 15,457 kg (34,077 lb)

Continued on next page FS41334,000017A ­19­14JUL08­1/2

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­11 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Turning Radius
Rear Wheel Tread Width 3.3 m (10 ft. 10 in.)
Turning Radius (Non­Powered Axles) 7.73 m (25 ft. 4 in.)
Turning Radius (Powered Axles) 8.19 m (26 ft. 9 in.)

Fuel Tank 945 L (250 gal)
Cooling System w/heater 53 L (56 U.S. qt)
Engine Crankcase w/filter 29 L (30.7 U.S. qt)
Manual Transmission 9.6 L (10 U.S. qt)
Final Drives 8 L (8.5 U.S. qt)
Heavy Duty Feeder House Reverser Gear Case w/o cooler 2.3 L (4.75 U.S. pt)
Extra Heavy Duty Feeder House Reverser Gear Case w/ cooler 4.9 L (10.4 pt)
Countershaft Drive Gear Case 1.2 L (2.5 U.S. pt)
Loading Auger Gear Case 3.8 L (4 U.S. qt)
Two Speed Separator Drive Gear Case 4.7 L (5 U.S. qt)
Engine Gear Case w/transfer 21.3 L (22.5 U.S. qt)
Hydraulic/Hydrostatic Reservoir 35 L (37 U.S. qt)
FS41334,000017A ­19­14JUL08­2/2

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­12 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Dimensions ­ 9670 STS, 9770 STS Combines

NOTE: Dimensions are approximate and subject
to change without notice.
9670 STS 9670 STS and 9770 STS 9670 STS and 9770 STS
800/65R32 Front Tires 800/65R32 Front Tires 800/65R32 Front Tires
18.4x26 Rear Tires 18.4x26 Rear Tires 18.4x26 Rear Tires
6.55 m (21 ft. 5 in.) Standard 6.86 m (22 ft. 5 in.) High Unload 6.86 m (22 ft. 5 in.) High Unload
Unload Auger Rate Auger Rate Power Fold Auger
A 10.47 m (34 ft. 3 in.) 11.00 m (36 ft. 1 in.) 11.00 m (36 ft. 1 in.)
B NA NA 9.12 m (29 ft. 9 in.)
C 8.38 m (27 ft. 5 in.) 8.38 m (27 ft. 5 in.) 8.38 m (27 ft. 5 in.)
D 4.53 m (14 ft. 9 in.) 4.53 m (14 ft. 9 in.) 4.53 m (14 ft. 9 in.)
4.04 m (13 ft. 3 in.) w/ 8850 L 4.04 m (13 ft. 3 in.) w/ 8850 L
(250 bu.) Extension (250 bu.) Extension
E 4.04 m (13 ft. 3 in.)
4.15 m (13 ft. 6 in.) w/ 10,572 L 4.15 m (13 ft. 6 in.) w/ 10,572 L
(300 bu.) Extension (300 bu.) Extension
F 3.79 m (12 ft. 4 in.) 3.79 m (12 ft. 4 in.) 3.79 m (12 ft. 4 in.)
G 0.49 m (1 ft. 6 in.) 0.49 m (1 ft. 6 in.) 0.49 m (1 ft. 6 in.)
H 3.53 m (11 ft. 6 in.) 3.53 m (11 ft. 6 in.) 3.53 m (11 ft. 6 in.)
I 7.26 m (23 ft. 8 in.) 7.66 m (25 ft. 1 in.) 7.66 m (25 ft. 1 in.)
J 4.95 m (16 ft. 2 in.) 5.09 m (16 ft. 7 in.) 5.09 m (16 ft. 7 in.)
K 4.37 m (14 ft. 3 in.) 4.38 m (14 ft. 4 in.) 4.38 m (14 ft. 4 in.)
La 4.39 m (14 ft. 4 in.) 4.45 m (14 ft. 6 in.) 4.45 m (14 ft. 6 in.)
Refer to Ground Drive and Rear Refer to Ground Drive and Rear Refer to Ground Drive and Rear
Axle Section Axle Section Axle Section
Refer to Ground Drive and Rear Refer to Ground Drive and Rear Refer to Ground Drive and Rear
Axle Section Axle Section Axle Section
• For 18.4R42 *** R1 Duals (480/80R42), add 2 mm
(0.1 in.) • For 30.5L­32 14PR R2, add 11 mm (0.4 in.)
• For 20.8R38 ** R1 Duals (520/85R38), subtract 10 • For 30.5LR32 *** R1, subtract 25 mm (1.0 in.)
mm (0.4 in.) • For 35.5L­32 12PR R2, add 101 mm (4.0 in.)
• For 20.8R42 ** R1 Duals (520/85R42), add 39 mm • For 900/65R32 (172A8) R2, add 75 mm (3.0 in.)
(1.5 in.) • For 800/70R38 (173A8) R1W, add 93 mm (3.7 in.)
• For 20.8R42 ** R2 Duals, add 70 mm (2.8 in.) • For 76X50­32 16PR HF3, add 77 mm (3.0 in.)
• For 30.5L­32 14PR R1, subtract 18 mm (0.7 in.)
Dimension is measured 1.22 m (4 ft.) from the grain spill point. This represents the unloading auger when centered over the grain cart.
OUO6083,0000F21 ­19­01MAY07­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­13 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Dimension Reference Points ­ 9670 STS, 9770 STS Combines

H87465 —UN—20FEB07

OUO6083,0000F22 ­19­01MAY07­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­14 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Operating Speeds ­ 9870 STS Combine

Speeds shown are average and can vary from machine Operating speeds specifications and design subject to
to machine. Speeds are rated at high idle with separator change without notice.
engaged, no load.
Engine Speeds
Slow Idle (Separator Off) 1200 rpm
Mid Speed (Separator Off) 1680 rpm
Fast Idle (Separator Off) 2300 rpm
Full Load Rated Speed 2200 rpm

Separator Drive Shaft Speed 1546 rpm

Main Countershaft Speed 1546 rpm

Separator Speeds
High Range 420 ­ 1000 rpm
Low Range 230 ­ 550 rpm

Feeder House Lower Shaft Speeds

Fixed Speed 520 rpm
Five Speed 1st Gear: 510—530 rpm, 2nd Gear: 560—580 rpm, 3rd Gear: 620—640
rpm, 4th Gear: 700—720 rpm, 5th Gear: 770—790 rpm

Fixed Speed Feeder House Drive Chain Speeds

22 Tooth Fixed Speed Chain 48 rpm
26 Tooth Fixed Speed Chain 57 rpm
38 Tooth Fixed Speed Chain 83 rpm

Feed Accelerator Speeds

Feed Accelerator 440/800 rpm
Feed Accelerator (Optional Slow Speed) 320/790 rpm
Feed Accelerator (High Speed High Capacity) 520/1000 rpm

Discharge Beater Speed 849 rpm

Jackshaft Speeds
Front Right­Hand Jackshaft 532 rpm
Rear Right­Hand Jackshaft 532 rpm

Cleaning Fan Speeds

Standard Speed 620 ­ 1350 rpm
Special Slow Speed 250 ­ 500 rpm

Elevator Speeds
Clean Grain Elevator 426 rpm
Clean Grain Loading Auger 458 rpm
Tailings Elevator, Lower Auger 405 rpm
Tailings Elevator, Upper Auger 640 rpm
Shoe Drive 300 rpm
Conveyor Augers 433 rpm

Unloading System Speeds

Unloading System Countershaft 1087 rpm
Unloading Auger Gear Box, Input Shaft 516 rpm
Unloading Vertical Auger 516 rpm
Unloading Outer Auger 516 rpm
Grain Tank Horizontal Augers 344 rpm

Continued on next page OUO6083,0000F23 ­19­16JUL07­1/2

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­15 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Chopper Speeds
Chopper/Discharge Beater Jackshaft 2002 rpm
Chopper (Two Speed) 1600/2500 rpm
OUO6083,0000F23 ­19­16JUL07­2/2

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­16 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Specifications ­ 9870 STS Combine

NOTE: Specifications and design subject to
change without notice.
Make John Deere
Model 6135HH001
6135HH002 (Export)
Type six­cylinder, in line, valve­in­head, air­to­air aftercooled diesel
Rated Power at 2200 rpm 328 kW (440 hp)
Rated Power at 2200 rpm (Intelligent Power Management) 358 kW (480 hp)
Power Bulge at 2100 rpm 351 kW (471 hp)
Power Bulge at 2100 rpm (Intelligent Power Management) 383 kW (514 hp)
Power Boost 353 kW (473 hp)
Power Boost (Intelligent Power Management) 383 kW (513 hp)
Displacement 13.5 L (824 cu. in.)
Firing Order 1­5­3­6­2­4
Air Cleaner Dry­type with safety element

Electrical System
Type 12 volt, negative ground with 200 amp alternator

Transmission Speeds
Manual Transmission Three Speeds
Two­Range Automatic Transmission Two Ranges, Low and High

Service Brake Type

Manual Transmission Hydraulic Shoe
Two­Range Automatic Transmission Hydraulic Disk Pack

Park Brake Type

Manual Transmission Mechanical Shoe
Two­Range Automatic Transmission Hydraulic Disk Pack—Spring Applied, Hydraulically Released

Feed Accelerator
Number of Wings 10

Separator Elements
Threshing Elements Corn/Small Grain 15
Rice Option 24
Tines 24

Number of Concaves 3
Number of Bars Per Concave Grain—Front 25, Mid/rear 25; Corn 31

Number of Grates 4

Discharge Grate
Number of Grates 1

Discharge Beater
Number of Wings 10

Grain Tank
Capacity 10570 L (300 bu.)

Continued on next page FS41334,000017B ­19­09JUL08­1/2

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­17 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Average Unloading rate 6977 L/min (198 bu/min)

Maximum Unloading rate 7612 L/min (216 bu/min)

Corn Combine — less header 15,246 kg (33,617 lb)
Rice Combine — less header 15,956 kg (35,178 lb)
Grain Combine — less header (Intelligent Power Management) 15,291 kg (33,711 lb)

Turning Radius
Rear Wheel Tread Width 3.3 m (10 ft. 10 in.)
Turning Radius (Non­Powered Axles) 7.73 m (25 ft. 4 in.)
Turning Radius (Powered Axles) 8.19 m (26 ft. 9 in.)

Fuel Tank 1,155 L (305 gal)
Cooling System w/heater 65 L (68.7 qt)
Engine Crankcase w/filter 39.1 L (41.3 qt)
Manual Transmission 9.6 L (10 qt)
Final Drives 8 L (8.5 qt)
Extra Heavy Duty Feeder House Reverser Gear Case w/o cooler 3.6 L (7.7 pt)
Five Speed Feeder House Reverser Gear Case w/ cooler (optional) 5.2 L (11 pt)
Countershaft Drive Gear Case 1.2 L (2.5 pt)
Loading Auger Gear Case 3.8 L (4 qt)
Two Speed Separator Drive Gear Case 4.7 L (5 qt)
Engine Gear Case w/transfer (Non Five Speed Feeder House Drive) 21.3 L (22.5 qt)
Engine Gear Case w/transfer (Five Speed Feeder House Drive) 31.7 L (33.5 qt)
Hydraulic/Hydrostatic Reservoir 35 L (37 qt)
FS41334,000017B ­19­09JUL08­2/2

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­18 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Dimensions ­ 9870 STS Combine

NOTE: Dimensions are approximate and subject
to change without notice.
800/65R32 Front Tires 800/65R32 Front Tires
Dimension 18.4x26 Rear Tires 18.4x26 Rear Tires
6.86 m (22 ft. 5 in.) Standard Unloading Auger 6.86 m (22 ft. 5 in.) Power Fold Auger
A 11.00 m (36 ft. 1 in.) 11.00 m (36 ft. 1 in.)
B NA 9.12 m (29 ft. 9 in.)
C 8.38 m (27 ft. 5 in.) 8.38 m (27 ft. 5 in.)
D 4.45 m (14 ft. 6 in.) 4.45 m (14 ft. 6 in.)
E 4.15 m (13 ft. 6 in.) 4.15 m (13 ft. 6 in.)
F 3.79 m (12 ft. 4 in.) 3.79 m (12 ft. 4 in.)
G 0.49 m (1 ft. 6 in.) 0.49 m (1 ft. 6 in.)
H 3.53 m (11 ft. 6 in.) 3.53 m (11 ft. 6 in.)
I 7.66 m (25 ft. 1 in.) 7.66 m (25 ft. 1 in.)
J 5.09 m (16 ft. 7 in.) 5.09 m (16 ft. 7 in.)
K 4.38 m (14 ft. 4 in.) 4.38 m (14 ft. 4 in.)
La 4.45 m (14 ft. 6 in.) 4.45 m (14 ft. 6 in.)
M Refer to Ground Drive and Rear Axle Section Refer to Ground Drive and Rear Axle Section
N Refer to Ground Drive and Rear Axle Section Refer to Ground Drive and Rear Axle Section
• For 18.4R42 *** R1 Duals (480/80R42), add 2 mm (0.1 in.) • For 30.5LR32 *** R1, subtract 25 mm (1.0 in.)
• For 20.8R38 ** R1 Duals (520/85R38), subtract 10 mm (0.4 in.) • For 35.5L­32 12PR R2, add 101 mm (4.0 in.)
• For 20.8R42 ** R1 Duals (520/85R42), add 39 mm (1.5 in.) • For 900/65R32 (172A8) R2, add 75 mm (3.0 in.)
• For 20.8R42 ** R2 Duals, add 70 mm (2.8 in.) • For 800/70R38 (173A8) R1W, add 93 mm (3.7 in.)
• For 30.5L­32 14PR R1, subtract 18 mm (0.7 in.) • For 76X50­32 16PR HF3, add 77 mm (3.0 in.)
• For 30.5L­32 14PR R2, add 11 mm (0.4 in.)
Dimension is measured 1.22 m (4 ft.) from the grain spill point. This represents the unloading auger when centered over the grain cart.
OUO6083,0000F25 ­19­01MAY07­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­19 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Dimension Reference Points ­ 9870 STS Combine

H87465 —UN—20FEB07

OUO6083,0000F26 ­19­01MAY07­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­20 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Metric Bolt and Screw Torque Values

TS1670 —UN—01MAY03

4.8 8.8 9.8 10.9 12.9 12.9

4.8 8.8 9.8 10.9 12.9 12.9

Bolt or Class 4.8 Class 8.8 or 9.8 Class 10.9 Class 12.9
Screw Lubricateda Dryb Lubricateda Dryb Lubricateda Dryb Lubricateda Dryb
Size N∙m lb.­in. N∙m lb.­in. N∙m lb.­in. N∙m lb.­in. N∙m lb.­in. N∙m lb.­in. N∙m lb.­in. N∙m lb.­in.
M6 4.7 42 6 53 8.9 79 11.3 100 13 115 16.5 146 15.5 137 19.5 172
N∙m lb.­ft. N∙m lb.­ft. N∙m lb.­ft. N∙m lb.­ft.
M8 11.5 102 14.5 128 22 194 27.5 243 32 23.5 40 29.5 37 27.5 47 35
N∙m lb.­ft. N∙m lb.­ft. N∙m lb.­ft.
M10 23 204 29 21 43 32 55 40 63 46 80 59 75 55 95 70
N∙m lb.­ft.
M12 40 29.5 50 37 75 55 95 70 110 80 140 105 130 95 165 120
M14 63 46 80 59 120 88 150 110 175 130 220 165 205 150 260 190
M16 100 74 125 92 190 140 240 175 275 200 350 255 320 235 400 300
M18 135 100 170 125 265 195 330 245 375 275 475 350 440 325 560 410
M20 190 140 245 180 375 275 475 350 530 390 675 500 625 460 790 580
M22 265 195 330 245 510 375 650 480 725 535 920 680 850 625 1080 800
M24 330 245 425 315 650 480 820 600 920 680 1150 850 1080 800 1350 1000
M27 490 360 625 460 950 700 1200 885 1350 1000 1700 1250 1580 1160 2000 1475
M30 660 490 850 625 1290 950 1630 1200 1850 1350 2300 1700 2140 1580 2700 2000
M33 900 665 1150 850 1750 1300 2200 1625 2500 1850 3150 2325 2900 2150 3700 2730
M36 1150 850 1450 1075 2250 1650 2850 2100 3200 2350 4050 3000 3750 2770 4750 3500
Torque values listed are for general use only, based on the strength of Shear bolts are designed to fail under predetermined loads. Always
the bolt or screw. DO NOT use these values if a different torque value or replace shear bolts with identical property class. Replace fasteners with
tightening procedure is given for a specific application. For stainless steel the same or higher property class. If higher property class fasteners are
fasteners or for nuts on U­bolts, see the tightening instructions for the used, tighten these to the strength of the original. Make sure fastener
specific application. Tighten plastic insert or crimped steel type lock nuts threads are clean and that you properly start thread engagement. When
by turning the nut to the dry torque shown in the chart, unless different possible, lubricate plain or zinc plated fasteners other than lock nuts,
instructions are given for the specific application. wheel bolts or wheel nuts, unless different instructions are given for the
specific application.
“Lubricated” means coated with a lubricant such as engine oil, fasteners with phosphate and oil coatings, or M20
and larger fasteners with JDM F13C zinc flake coating.
“Dry” means plain or zinc plated without any lubrication, or M6 to M18 fasteners with JDM F13B zinc flake coating.
DX,TORQ2 ­19­08DEC09­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­21 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Unified Inch Bolt and Screw Torque Values

TS1671 —UN—01MAY03

Bolt or SAE Grade 1 SAE Grade 2a SAE Grade 5, 5.1 or 5.2 SAE Grade 8 or 8.2
Screw Lubricatedb Dryc Lubricatedb Dryc Lubricatedb Dryc Lubricatedb Dryc
Size N∙m lb.­in. N∙m lb.­in. N∙m lb.­in. N∙m lb.­in. N∙m lb.­in. N∙m lb.­in. N∙m lb.­in. N∙m lb.­in.
1/4 3.7 33 4.7 42 6 53 7.5 66 9.5 84 12 106 13.5 120 17 150
N∙m lb.­ft. N∙m lb.­ft.
5/16 7.7 68 9.8 86 12 106 15.5 137 19.5 172 25 221 28 20.5 35 26
N∙m lb.­ft. N∙m lb.­ft.
3/8 13.5 120 17.5 155 22 194 27 240 35 26 44 32.5 49 36 63 46
N∙m lb.­ft. N∙m lb.­ft. N∙m lb.­ft.
7/16 22 194 28 20.5 35 26 44 32.5 56 41 70 52 80 59 100 74
N∙m lb.­ft.
1/2 34 25 42 31 53 39 67 49 85 63 110 80 120 88 155 115
9/16 48 35.5 60 45 76 56 95 70 125 92 155 115 175 130 220 165
5/8 67 49 85 63 105 77 135 100 170 125 215 160 240 175 305 225
3/4 120 88 150 110 190 140 240 175 300 220 380 280 425 315 540 400
7/8 190 140 240 175 190 140 240 175 490 360 615 455 690 510 870 640
1 285 210 360 265 285 210 360 265 730 540 920 680 1030 760 1300 960
1­1/8 400 300 510 375 400 300 510 375 910 670 1150 850 1450 1075 1850 1350
1­1/4 570 420 725 535 570 420 725 535 1280 945 1630 1200 2050 1500 2600 1920
1­3/8 750 550 950 700 750 550 950 700 1700 1250 2140 1580 2700 2000 3400 2500
1­1/2 990 730 1250 930 990 730 1250 930 2250 1650 2850 2100 3600 2650 4550 3350
Torque values listed are for general use only, based on the strength of the bolt Replace fasteners with the same or higher grade. If higher
or screw. DO NOT use these values if a different torque value or tightening grade fasteners are used, tighten these to the strength of the
procedure is given for a specific application. For plastic insert or crimped steel original. Make sure fastener threads are clean and that you
type lock nuts, for stainless steel fasteners, or for nuts on U­bolts, see the properly start thread engagement. When possible, lubricate
tightening instructions for the specific application. Shear bolts are designed to fail plain or zinc plated fasteners other than lock nuts, wheel bolts
under predetermined loads. Always replace shear bolts with identical grade. or wheel nuts, unless different instructions are given for the
specific application.
Grade 2 applies for hex cap screws (not hex bolts) up to 6. in (152 mm) long. Grade 1 applies for hex cap screws over 6
in. (152 mm) long, and for all other types of bolts and screws of any length.
“Lubricated” means coated with a lubricant such as engine oil, fasteners with phosphate and oil coatings, or 7/8
in. and larger fasteners with JDM F13C zinc flake coating.
“Dry” means plain or zinc plated without any lubrication, or 1/4 to 3/4 in. fasteners with JDM F13B zinc flake coating.
DX,TORQ1 ­19­08DEC09­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­22 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Sealants and Adhesives Cross­Reference Chart

U.S. Part Number Canadian Part Color Size Description Loctite® Number


PM37513 PM38606 BLACK and 4 gm Epoxy Adhesive 445

PM37391 PM38615 CLEAR 2 gm Gel Super Glue 454


PM38655 PM38625 PURPLE 50 mL Flexible Form­in­Place Gasket 515

PM37559 PM38600 BROWN 4 oz General Purpose Gasket Dressing —
PM38657 PM38628 BLUE 50 mL High­Flex Form­in­Place Gasket 17430
PM37553 — BURGUNDY 16 oz High Tack Gasket Dressing —
PM37465 PM38616 METALLIC 80 mL Ultra Blue RTV Silicone 587
H154379 — Green — Sealant —


PM37509 PM38611 GREEN 4.5 oz Cure Primer 7649


PM37485 — GREEN 36 mL Maximum Strength 680

PM38652 PM38626 GREEN 36 mL High­Temperature 620

Thread Locking and Sealing

PM37477 PM38622 BLUE 36 mL Medium Strength 242

PM37418 PM38621 BLUE 6 mL Medium Strength 242
PM38654 PM38623 RED 36 mL High Strength 271
PM37421 PM38623 RED 6 mL High Strength 271
PM38656 PM38627 RED 36 mL High Strength 277
PM37398 PM38613 WHITE 6 mL Pipe Sealant with TEFLON® 592
PM37397 PM38613 WHITE 50 mL Pipe Sealant with TEFLON 592

Loctite is a trademark of Henkel Corporation

TEFLON is a trademark of Du Pont Co.
OUO6083,00002F1 ­19­17MAR09­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­23 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Face Seal Fittings Assembly and Installation—All Pressure Applications

Face Seal O­Ring to Stud End Installation 4. Remove thimble.
1. Inspect the fitting surfaces. They must be free of dirt Face Seal Straight Stud End O­Ring Installation
and/or defects.
1. Install a thimble over the fitting threads to protect the
2. Inspect the O­ring. It must be free of damage and/or
O­ring from nicks.
2. Slide the O­ring over the thimble into the turned down
3. Lubricate O­rings and install into groove using
section of the fitting.
petroleum jelly to hold in place.
3. Remove thimble.
4. Push O­ring into groove with petroleum jelly so O­ring
is not displaced during assembly. Fitting Installation
5. Index angle fittings and tighten by hand pressing joint 1. Install fitting by hand until snug.
together to insure O­ring remains in place.
2. Position adjustable fittings by unscrewing the fitting no
6. Tighten fitting or nut to torque value shown on the more than one turn.
chart per dash size stamped on the fitting. DO NOT
allow hoses to twist when tightening fittings. 3. Apply assembly torque per table.
Face Seal Adjustable Stud End O­Ring Installation Assembly Torque
1. Back off lock nut (jam nut) and washer to full exposed 1. Use one wrench to hold the connector body and one
turned down section of the fitting. wrench to tighten nut.
2. Install a thimble over the fitting threads to protect the 2. For a hydraulic hose, it may be necessary to use three
O­ring from nicks. wrenches to prevent twist; one on the connector body,
one on the nut, and one on the body of the hose fitting.
3. Slide the O­ring over the thimble into the turned down
section of the fitting.
OUO6435,0001557 ­19­29JUL04­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­24 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Metric Face Seal And O­Ring Stud End Fitting Torque Chart—Standard Pressures
N79757 —UN—13FEB08


A—Straight Stud and Tube Nut D—90° Adjustable Stud Elbow G—Tube Nut
B—Bulkhead Union and E—Port Plug H—Swivel Nut
Bulkhead Jam Nut F— Stud End I— Jam Nut
C—90° Swivel Elbow and Tube

Metric Face Seal and O­Ring Stud End Fitting Torque Chart—Standard Pressure­Below 27.6 MPA (4,000 PSI)
Nominal Tube OD O­Ring Face Seal/ Bulkhead Jam Nut O­Ring Straight, Adjustable, and External Port
Hose ID Tube Swivel Nut TorqueA Plug Stud EndsA
Met­ Inch Tube OD Thread Swivel Tube Jam Jam Nut Thread Size Straight Adj Steel Alu­
ric Size Nut Nut/Swivel Nut Torque Hex Lock Nut or minum
Tube Hex Nut Torque Hex SizeB Hex Gray Iron or
OD Size Size Size Torque Brass
mm Dash in. mm in. mm N∙m lb­ft mm N∙m lb­ft mm mm mm N∙m lb­ft N∙m lb­ft
4 ­2 0.125 3.18 — — — — — — — M8 X 1 12 12 8 6 5 4
5 ­3 0.188 4.76 — — — — — — — M10 X 1 14 14 15 11 10 7
6 ­4 0.250 6.35 9/16­18 17 16 12 22 32 24 M12 X 1.5 17 17 25 18 17 12
8 ­5 0.312 7.92 — — — — — — — M14 X 1.5 19 19 40 30 27 20
10 ­6 0.375 9.53 11/16­16 22 24 18 27 42 31 M16 X 1.5 22 22 45 33 30 22
12 ­8 0.500 12.70 13/16­16 24 50 37 30 93 69 M18 X 1.5 24 24 50 37 33 25
16 ­10 0.625 15.88 1­14 30 69 51 36 118 87 M22 X 1.5 27 27 69 51 46 34
20 ­12 0.750 19.05 1­3/16­12 36 102 75 41 175 129 M27 X 2 32 32 100 74 67 49
22 ­14 0.875 22.23 1­3/16­12 36 102 75 41 175 129 M30 X 2 36 36 130 96 87 64
25 ­16 1.000 25.40 1­7/16­12 41 142 105 46 247 182 M33 X 2 41 41 160 118 107 79
28 — — — — — — — — — — M38 x 2 46 46 176 130 117 87
32 ­20 1.250 31.75 1­11/16­12 50 190 140 50 328 242 M42 X 2 50 50 210 155 140 103
38 ­24 1.500 38.10 2­12 60 217 160 60 374 276 M48 X 2 55 55 260 192 173 128
50 ­32 2.000 50.80 — — — — — — — M60 X 2 65 65 315 232 210 155
Tolerance is +15%, minus 20% of mean tightening torque unless otherwise specified.
The straight hex wrench sizes listed apply to connectors only and may not be the same as the corresponding plug of the same thread size.
These torques were established using steel plated connectors in aluminum and brass.

OUO6083,000005C ­19­02JUL08­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­25 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



Metric Face Seal and O­Ring Stud End Fitting Torque Chart—High Pressure Applications
N79757 —UN—13FEB08


A—Stud Straight and Tube Nut D—90° Adjustable Stud Elbow G—Tube Nut
B—Bulkhead Union and E—Port Plug H—Swivel Nut
Bulkhead Lock Nut F— Stud End I— Lock Nut
C—90° Swivel Elbow and Tube

Metric Face Seal and O­Ring Stud End Fitting Torque Chart—High Pressure­Above 27.6 MPA (4,000
PSI), Working Pressure­41.3 MPA (6,000 PSI)
Nominal Tube OD O­Ring Face Seal/ Bulkhead Jam Nut O­Ring Straight, Adjustable, and External
Hose ID Tube Swivel Nut TorqueA Port Plug Stud EndsA
Met­ Inch Tube OD Thread Size Swivel Tube Jam Jam Nut Thread Size Straight Adj Steel
ric Nut Hex Nut/Swivel Nut Hex Torque Hex SizeB Lock Nut or
Tube Size Nut Torque Size Hex Size Gray Iron
OD Torque
mm Dash in. mm in. mm N∙m lb­ft mm N∙m lb­ft mm. mm mm N∙m lb­ft
4 ­2 0.125 3.18 — — — — — — — M8 X 1 12 12 8 6
5 ­3 0.188 4.76 — — — — — — — M10 X 1 14 14 15 11
6 ­4 0.250 6.35 9/16­18 17 24 18 22 32 24 M12 X 1.5 17 17 35 26
8 ­5 0.312 7.92 — — — — — — — M14 X 1.5 19 19 45 33
10 ­6 0.375 9.53 11/16­16 22 37 27 27 42 31 M16 X 1.5 22 22 55 41
12 ­8 0.500 12.70 13/16­16 24 63 46 30 93 69 M18 X 1.5 24 24 70 52
16 ­10 0.625 15.88 1­14 30 103 76 36 118 87 M22 X 1.5 27 27 100 74
20 ­12 0.750 19.05 1­3/16­12 36 152 112 41 175 129 M27 X 2 32 32 170 125
22 ­14 0.875 22.23 1­3/16­12 36 152 112 41 175 129 M30 X 2 36 36 215 159
25 ­16 1.000 25.40 1­7/16­12 41 214 158 46 247 182 M33 X 2 41 41 260 192
28 — — — — — — — — — — M38 x 2 46 46 320 236
32 ­20 1.250 31.75 1­11/16­12 — 286 211 50 328 242 M42 X 2 50 50 360 266
38 ­24 1.500 38.10 2­12 — 326 240 60 374 276 M48 X 2 55 55 420 310
Tolerance is +15%, minus 20% of mean tightening torque unless otherwise specified.
The straight hex wrench sizes listed apply to connectors only and may not be the same as the corresponding plug of the same thread size.

OUO1073,00022E2 ­19­29JAN08­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­26 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



SAE Face Seal and O­Ring Stud End Fitting Torque Chart—Standard Pressures
N79757 —UN—13FEB08


A—Stud Straight and Tube Nut D—90° Adjustable Stud Elbow G—Tube Nut
B—Bulkhead Union and E—Port Plug H—Swivel Nut
Bulkhead Lock Nut F— Stud End I— Lock Nut
C—90° Swivel Elbow and Tube

SAE Face Seal and O­Ring Stud End Fitting Torque Chart—Standard Pressure­Below 27.6 MPA (4,000 PSI)
Nominal Tube OD O­Ring Face Seal/ Bulkhead Jam O­Ring Straight, Adjustable, and External Port Plug Stud EndsA
Hose ID Tube Swivel Nut Nut TorqueA
Metric Inch Tube OD Thread Swivel Tube Nut Jam Jam Thread Straight Adj Steel Aluminum
Tube Size Nut Hex Swivel Nut Nut Size Hex Lock or or
OD Size Nut Hex Torque SizeB Nut Gray Iron Brass
Torque Size Hex Torque TorqueC
mm Dash in. mm in. in. N∙m lb­ft N∙m lb­ft in. in. in. N∙m lb­ft N∙m lb­ft
5 ­3 0.188 4.78 — — — — — — — 3/8­24 5/8 9/16 12 9 8 6
6 ­4 0.250 6.35 9/16­18 11/16 16 12 13/16 32 24 7/16­20 5/8 5/8 16 12 11 8
8 ­5 0.312 7.92 — — — — — — — 1/2­20 3/4 11/16 24 18 16 12
10 ­6 0.375 9.53 11/16­16 13/16 24 18 1 42 31 9/16­18 3/4 3/4 37 27 25 18
12 ­8 0.500 12.70 13/16­16 15/16 50 37 1­1/8 93 69 3/4­16 7/8 15/16 50 37 33 25
16 ­10 0.625 15.88 1­14 1­1/8 69 51 1­5/16 118 87 7/8­14 1­1/16 1­1/16 69 51 46 34
20 ­12 0.750 19.05 1­3/16­12 1­3/8 102 75 1­1/2 175 129 1­1/16­12 1­1/4 1­3/8 102 75 68 50
22 ­14 0.875 22.23 1­3/16­12 — 102 75 — 175 129 1­3/16­12 1­3/8 1­1/2 122 90 81 60
25 ­16 1.000 25.40 1­7/16­12 1­5/8 142 105 1­3/4 247 182 1­5/16­12 1­1/2 1­5/8 142 105 95 70
32 ­20 1.25 31.75 1­11/16­12 1­7/8 190 140 2 328 242 1­5/8­12 1­3/4 1­7/8 190 140 127 93
38 ­24 1.50 38.10 2­12 2­1/4 217 160 2­3/8 374 276 1­7/8­12 2­1/8 2­1/8 217 160 145 107
50.8 ­32 2.000 50.80 — — — — — — — 2­1/2­12 2­3/4 2­3/4 311 229 207 153
Tolerance is +15%, minus 20% of mean tightening torque unless otherwise specified.
The straight hex wrench sizes listed apply to connectors only and may not be the same as the corresponding plug of the same thread size.
These torques were established using steel plated connectors in aluminum and brass.

OUO1073,00022DE ­19­29AUG08­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­27 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



SAE Face Seal and O­Ring Stud End Fitting Torque Chart—High Pressure Applications
N79757 —UN—13FEB08


A—Stud Straight and Tube Nut D—90° Adjustable Stud Elbow G—Tube Nut
B—Bulkhead Union and E—Port Plug H—Swivel Nut
Bulkhead Lock Nut F— Stud End I— Lock Nut
C—90° Swivel Elbow and Tube

SAE Face Seal and O­Ring Stud End Fitting Torque Chart—High Pressure ­ Above 27.6 MPA (4,000
PSI), Working Pressure­41.3 MPA (6,000 PSI)
Nominal Tube OD O­Ring Face Seal/ Bulkhead Jam Nut O­Ring Straight, Adjustable, and External
Hose ID Tube Swivel Nut TorqueA Port Plug Stud EndsA
Met­ Inch Tube OD Thread Size Swivel Tube Jam Jam Nut Thread Straight Adj Steel
ric Nut Hex Nut/Swivel Nut Hex Torque Size Hex SizeB Lock or
Tube Size Nut Torque Size Nut Gray Iron
OD Hex Torque
mm Dash in. mm in. in. N∙m lb­ft N∙m lb­ft in. in. in. N∙m lb­ft
5 ­3 0.188 4.78 — — — — — — — 3/8­24 5/8 9/16 18 13
6 ­4 0.250 6.35 9/16­18 11/16 24 18 13/16 32 24 7/16­20 5/8 5/8 24 18
8 ­5 0.312 7.92 — — — — — — — 1/2­20 3/4 11/16 30 22
10 ­6 0.375 9.53 11/16­16 13/16 37 27 1 42 31 9/16­18 3/4 3/4 37 27
12 ­8 0.500 12.70 13/16­16 15/16 63 46 1­1/8 93 69 3/4­16 7/8 15/16 75 55
16 ­10 0.625 15.88 1­14 1­1/8 103 76 1­5/16 118 87 7/8­14 1­1/16 1­1/16 103 76
20 ­12 0.750 19.05 1­3/16­12 1­3/8 152 112 1­1/2 175 129 1­1/16­12 1­1/4 1­3/8 177 131
22 ­14 0.875 22.23 1­3/16­12 — 152 112 — 175 129 1­3/16­12 1­3/8 1­1/2 231 170
25 ­16 1.000 25.40 1­7/16­12 1­5/8 214 158 1­3/4 247 182 1­5/16­12 1­1/2 1­5/8 270 199
32 ­20 1.25 31.75 1­11/16­12 1­7/8 286 211 2 328 242 1­5/8­12 1­3/4 1­7/8 286 211
38 ­24 1.50 38.10 2­12 2­1/4 326 240 2­3/8 374 276 1­7/8­12 2­1/8 2­1/8 326 240
Tolerance is +15%, minus 20% of mean tightening torque unless otherwise specified.
The straight hex wrench sizes listed apply to connectors only and may not be the same as the corresponding plug of the same thread size.

OUO1073,00022E0 ­19­18JAN08­1/1

Four Bolt Flange Fittings Assembly and Installation—All Pressure Applications

1. Inspect the sealing surfaces for nicks or scratches, 4. For single piece flange; put hydraulic line in the center
roughness or out­of­flat condition. Scratches cause of the flange and install four cap screws. With the
leaks. Roughness causes seal wear. Out­of­flat flange centrally located on the port, hand tighten cap
causes seal extrusion. If these defects cannot be screws to hold it in place. Do not pinch O­ring.
polished out, replace the component.
5. For both single piece flange and split flange, be sure
2. Install the correct O­ring (and back­up washer if the components are properly positioned and cap
required) into the groove using petroleum jelly to hold screws are hand tight. Tighten one cap screw, then
it in place. tighten the diagonally opposite cap screw. Tighten the
3. For split flange; loosely assemble split flange halves, two remaining cap screws. Tighten all cap screws
being sure that the split is centrally located and within the specified limits shown in the chart.
perpendicular to the port. Hand tighten cap screws to DO NOT use air wrenches. DO NOT tighten one cap
hold parts in place. Do not pinch O­ring. screw fully before tightening the others. DO NOT
OUO6435,0001558 ­19­17DEC01­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­28 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



SAE Four Bolt Flange Cap Screw Torque Values—Standard Pressure Applications

H70423 —UN—30NOV01
SAE Four Bolt Flange Cap Screw Torque Values—27,600 KPA (4,000 PSI) Pressure Applications
Newton Meters Foot Pounds
Nominal Flange Size Screw Sizea,b Min Max Min Max
1/2 5/16­18 UNC 20 31 15 23
3/4 3/8­16 UNC 28 54 21 40
1 3/8­16 UNC 37 54 27 40
1­1/4 7/16­14 UNC 47 85 35 63
1­1/2 1/2­13 UNC 62 131 46 97
2 1/2­13 UNC 73 131 54 97
2­1/2 1/2­13 UNC 107 131 79 97
3 5/8­11 UNC 187 264 138 195
3­1/2 5/8­11 UNC 158 264 117 195
4 5/8­11 UNC 158 264 117 195
5 5/8­11 UNC 158 264 117 195
JDM A17D, SAE Grade 5 or better cap screws with plated hardware.
b Lock washers are permissible but not recommended.
OUO6435,0001549 ­19­20NOV01­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­29 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair



SAE Four Bolt Flange Cap Screw Torque Values—High Pressure Applications

H70423 —UN—30NOV01
SAE Four Bolt Flange Cap Screw Torque Values—41,400 KPA (6,000 PSI) Pressure Applications
Newton Meters Foot Pounds
Nominal Flange Size Screw Sizea,b Min Max Min Max
1/2 5/16­18 UNC 20 31 15 23
3/4 3/8­16 UNC 34 54 25 40
1 7/16­14 UNC 57 85 42 63
1­1/4 1/2­13 UNC 85 131 63 63
1­1/2 5/8­11 UNC 159 264 117 195
2 3/4­10 UNC 271 468 200 345
JDM A17D, SAE Grade 5 or better cap screws with plated hardware.
b Lock washers are permissible but not recommended.
OUO6435,000154C ­19­29NOV01­1/1

External Hexagon Port Plug Torque Chart

Port or Stud End Thread Sizea Torque
M8 x 1 10 N∙m (89 lb­in)
M10 x 1 17 N∙m (150 lb­in)

H70356 —UN—30NOV01
M12 x 1.5 28 N∙m (20.6 lb­ft)
M14 x 1.5 39 N∙m (28.7 lb­ft)
M16 x 1.5 48 N∙m (35.4 lb­ft)
M18 x 1.5 60 N∙m (44.2 lb­ft)
M20 x 1.5 60 N∙m (44.2 lb­ft)
M22 x 1.5 85 N∙m (62.7 lb­ft)
M27 x 2 135 N∙m (99.6 lb­ft)
M30 x 2 165 N∙m (121.7 lb­ft)
M33 x 2 235 N∙m (173.3 lb­ft)
M38 x 2 245 N∙m (180.7 lb­ft)
M42 x 2 260 N∙m (191.8 lb­ft)
M48 x 2 290 N∙m (213.9 lb­ft)
M60 x 2 330 N∙m (243.4 lb­ft)
Port to JDS­G173.1; stud end to JDS­G173.3.
OUO6083,0000109 ­19­24JUL08­1/1

TM101919 (13JUL10) 10­10­30 70 Series STS™ Combine Repair


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