Fundamentals of Thermal Radıatıon 1

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Chapter 12
Fundamentals of Thermal

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Classify electromagnetic radiation, and identify thermal
Understand the idealized blackbody, and calculate the total
and spectral blackbody emissive power.
Calculate the fraction of radiation emitted in a specified
wavelength band using the blackbody radiation functions.
Understand the concept of radiation intensity, and define
spectral directional quantities using intensity.
Developp a clear understanding g of the p
p emissivity,
absorptivity, reflectivity, and transmissivity on spectral and
total basis.
Apply Kirchhoff law’s to determine the absorptivity of a
surface when its emissivity is known.

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Introduction 1

The hot object in vacuum chamber will Radiation differs from conduction
eventually cool down and reach and convection in that it does not
thermal equilibrium with its require the presence of a material
surroundings by a heat transfer medium to take place.
mechanism: radiation. Radiation transfer occurs in solids as
well as liquids and gases.

Unlike conduction and convection, heat transfer
by radiation can occur
FIGURE 12–1 between two bodies, even when they are separated
A hot object in a vacuum chamber by a medium colder than both.
loses heat by radiation only.

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Introduction 2

Accelerated charges or changing electric currents give rise to electric and magnetic
fields. These rapidly moving fields are called electromagnetic waves or
electromagnetic radiation, and they represent the energy emitted by matter as a
result of the changes in the electronic configurations of the atoms or molecules.
Electromagnetic waves transport energy just like other waves and they are
characterized by their frequency  or wavelength . These two properties in a
medium are related by
c  c0 / n
c, the speed of propagation of a wave in that medium
c0  2.9979  108 m/s, the speed of light in a vacuum
n, the index of refraction of that medium
n =1 for air and most ggases, n = 1.5 for gglass, and n = 1.33 for water
It has proven useful to view electromagnetic radiation as the propagation of a collection
of discrete packets of energy called photons or quanta. In this view, each photon of
frequency n is considered to have an energy of
e  hv  The energy of a photon is inversely proportional to its wavelength.

h  6.626069  10 34 J  s is Planck's constant:
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Thermal Radiation 1

The type of electromagnetic

radiation that is pertinent to heat
transfer is the thermal radiation
emitted as a result of energy
transitions of molecules, atoms, and
electrons of a substance.
Temperature is a measure of the
strength of these activities at the
microscopic level, and the rate of
thermal radiation emission
increases with increasing
Thermal radiation is continuously
emitted by all matter whose
temperature is above absolute zero. The electromagnetic wave spectrum.
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Thermal Radiation 2

Everything around us constantly emits thermal radiation.

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Thermal Radiation 3

Light is simply the visible portion of the A body that emits some radiation in the
electromagnetic spectrum that lies visible range is called a light source.
between 0.40 and 0.76 m. The sun is our primary light source.
Table 12-1 The electromagnetic
g radiation emitted byy
The wavelength ranges of different colors the sun is known as solar radiation, and
Color Wavelength Band
nearly all of it falls into the wavelength
Violet 0.40 to 0.44 m band 0.3–3 m.
Blue 0.44 to 0.49 m Almost half of solar radiation is light (i.e.,
Green 0.49 to 0.54 m it falls into the visible range), with the
Yellow 0.54 to 0.60 m remaining being ultraviolet and infrared.
Orange 0.60 to 0.67 m
Red 0.63 to 0.76 m

The radiation
Th di ti emitted
itt d by
b bodies
b di att room temperature
t t falls
f ll into
i t the
th infrared
i f d region
i off the
spectrum, which extends from 0.76 to 100 m.
The ultraviolet radiation includes the low-wavelength end of the thermal radiation
spectrum and lies between the wavelengths 0.01 and 0.40 m. Ultraviolet rays are to be
avoided since they can kill microorganisms and cause serious damage to humans and
other living beings.
About 12 percent of solar radiation is in the ultraviolet range. The ozone (O3) layer in the
atmosphere acts as a protective blanket and absorbs most of this ultraviolet radiation.
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Thermal Radiation 4

In heat transfer studies, we are interested in the

energy emitted by bodies because of their
temperature only. Therefore, we limit our
consideration to thermal radiation.

Food is heated or cooked in a microwave oven
by absorbing the electromagnetic radiation
energy generated by the magnetron of the oven.

The electrons, atoms, and molecules of all solids,

liquids, and gases above absolute zero temperature FIGURE 12–6
are constantly in motion, and thus radiation is Radiation in opaque solids is considered
constantly emitted, as well as being absorbed or a surface phenomenon since the
transmitted throughout the entire volume of matter. radiation emitted only by the molecules
That is, radiation is a volumetric phenomenon. at the surface can escape the solid.

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Blackbody Radiation 1

• Different bodies may emit different amounts of radiation per unit surface area.
• A blackbody emits the maximum amount of radiation by a surface at a given
• It is an idealized body to serve as a standard against which the radiative properties
of real surfaces may be compared.
• A blackbody is a perfect emitter and absorber of radiation.
• A blackbody absorbs all incident radiation, regardless of wavelength and direction.

The radiation energy emitted by a blackbody:

Eb  T    T 4  W/m  2

Blackbody emissive power

  5.670  108 W/m 2 .K 4

Stefan–Boltzmann constant FIGURE 12–7
A blackbody is said to be a diffuse emitter since it
emits radiation energy uniformly in all directions.

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Blackbody Radiation 2

Spectral blackbody emissive Power: The

amount of radiation energy emitted by a
blackbody at a thermodynamic temperature
Tpper unit time,, p
per unit surface area,, and
per unit wavelength about the wavelength .

Eb   , T  
 5  exp  C2 / T    1
 W/m 2
 μm  Planck’s
C1  2 hc02  3.74177 108 W  μm 4 / m 2 A large isothermal cavity at
temperature T with a small
C2  hc
h 0 / k  1.43878
1 43878 104 μm  K opening of area A closely
resembles a blackbody of
surface area A at the same
k  1.38065  10 23 J/K Boltzmann’s constant

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Blackbody Radiation 3

The wavelength at which the peak

occurs for a specified temperature is
given by Wien’s displacement law:

 T max poewr  2897.8 μm  K

The variation of the blackbody emissive power
with wavelength for several temperatures.

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Blackbody Radiation 4

Observations from the figure

• The emitted radiation is a continuous function of wavelength. At any
specified temperature, it increases with wavelength, reaches a peak, and
then decreases with increasing wavelength.
• At any wavelength, the amount of emitted radiation increases with
increasing temperature.
• As temperature increases, the curves shift to the left to the shorter
wavelength region. Consequently, a larger fraction of the radiation is
emitted at shorter wavelengths at higher temperatures.
• The radiation emitted by the sun, which is considered to be a blackbody
at 5780 K (or roughly at 5800 K)
K), reaches its peak in the visible region of
the spectrum. Therefore, the sun is in tune with our eyes.
• On the other hand, surfaces at T < 800 K emit almost entirely in the
infrared region and thus are not visible to the eye unless they reflect light
coming from other sources.

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12-3 Blackbody Radiation 5

 W/m 

Eb T    Eb   , T  d    T 4 2

FIGURE 12–11
FIGURE 12–10 On an Eb −  chart, the area under a curve
A surface that reflects red while for a given temperature represents the total
absorbing the remaining parts of the radiation energy emitted by a blackbody at
incident light appears red to the eye. that temperature.

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12-3 Blackbody Radiation 6

The radiation energy emitted by a blackbody per unit area over a wavelength
band from  = 0 to  is

 W/m 

Eb , 0   T    Eb   , T  d  2
Blackbody radiation function f:
The fraction of radiation emitted
from a blackbody at temperature T
in the wavelength band from  = 0
to .

Eb   , T  d 
f T   0

T 4
f 1 2 T   f 2 T   f 1 T 

FIGURE 12–13
On an Eb– chart, the area under the curve to the left of the   1 line represents the radiation
energy emitted by a blackbody in the wavelength range 0–1 for the given temperature.

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12-3 Blackbody Radiation 7

2 1
Eb   , T  d   Eb   , T  d 
f 1 2 T    0 
 f 2 T   f 1 T 
T 4

FIGURE 12–14
Graphical representation of the fraction of radiation emitted in the wavelength band from 1 to 2 .

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12-3 Blackbody Radiation 8

Table 12-2
Blackbody radiation functions f
 T , μm  K f  T , μm  K f
200 0.000000 6200 0.754140
400 0.000000 6400 0.769234
600 0.000000 6600 0.783199
800 0.000016 6800 0.796129
1000 0.000321 7000 0.808109
1200 0.002134 7200 0.819217
1400 0.007790 7400 0.829527
1600 0.019718 7600 0.839102
1800 0.039341 7800 0.848005
2000 0.066728 8000 0.856288
2200 0.100888 8500 0.874608
2400 0.140256 9000 0.890029
2600 0.183120 9500 0.903085
2800 0.227897 10,000 0.914199
3000 0.273232 10,500 0.923710

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12-3 Blackbody Radiation 9

 T , μm  K f  T , μm  K f
3200 0.318102 11,000 0.931890
3400 0.361735 11,500 0.939959
3600 0.403607 12,000 0.945098
3800 0.443382 13,000 0.955139
4000 0.480877 14,000 0.962898
4200 0.516014 15,000 0.969981
4400 0.548796 16,000 0.973814
4600 0.579280 18,000 0.980860
4800 0.607559 20,000 0.985602
5000 0.633747 25,000 0.992215
5200 0.658970 30,000 0.995340
5400 0.680360 40,000 0.997967
5600 0.701046 50,000 0.998953
5800 0.720158 75,000 0.999713
6000 0.737818 100,000 0.999905

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12-4 Radiation Intensity 1

Radiation is emitted by all parts of

a plane surface in all directions
into the hemisphere above the
surface, and the directional
distribution of emitted (or incident)
radiation is usually not uniform.
Therefore, we need a quantity that
describes the magnitude of
radiation emitted (or incident) in a
specified direction in space.
This quantity is radiation intensity,
denoted by I.

FIGURE 12–16
Radiation intensity is used to describe the
variation of radiation energy with direction.

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12-4 Radiation Intensity 2

Solid Angle
Now consider a watermelon, and let its attempt to quantify the size of a slice.
g we can do it by
Again y specifying
p y g the outer surface area of the slice (the
( green
part), or by working with angles for generality. Connecting all points at the edges
of the slice to the center in this case will form a three-dimensional body (like a
cone whose tip is at the center), and thus the angle at the center in this case is
properly called the solid angle. The solid angle is denoted by , and its unit is the
steradian (sr). In analogy to plane angle, we can say that the area of a surface on
a sphere of unit radius is equivalent in magnitude to the solid angle it subtends
(both are 4𝜋 for a sphere of radius r = 1).
This can be shown easily by considering a differential surface area on a sphere
dS  r 2 sin θ dθ d, as shown in Fig. 12-18, and integrating it from θ = 0 to
θ = 𝜋, and from  = 0 to  = 2𝜋. We get
2  
S  dS   
  0  0
r 2 sin  d   2 r 2 
 0
sin  d  4 r 2 12 - 10 

FIGURE 12–17
which is the formula for the area of a sphere. For r = 1 it reduces to S = 4𝜋,
and thus the solid angle associated with a sphere is  = 4𝜋 sr. For a hemi- Describing the size of a slice
sphere, which is more relevant to radiation emitted or received by a surface, of pizza by a plane angle and
it is  = 2𝜋 sr. the size of a watermelon slice
by a solid angle.
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12-4 Radiation Intensity 3

The differential solid angle d subtended by a differential area dS on a sphere of radius r can be expressed as

d   sin  d d 12 - 11
N t that
th t the
th area dS is
i normall to
t the
th direction
di ti off viewing
i i sincei dS is
i viewed
i d from
f the
th center
t off the
th sphere.
h In
general, the differential solid angle d sub-tended by a differential surface area dA when viewed from a point at a
dis-tance r from dA is expressed as
dAn dA cos 
d   12 - 12 
r2 r2
where α is the angle between the normal of the surface and the direction of viewing, and thus dAn = dA cos α is the
normal (or projected) area to the direction of viewing.
Small surfaces viewed from relatively large distances can approximately be treated as differential areas in solid
angle calculations. For example, the solid angle subtended by a 5 cm 2 plane surface when viewed from a point
at a dis-tance of 80 cm along the normal of the surface is

An 5 cm 2
   7.81 104 sr
r 2  80 cm 2
If the surface is tilted so that the normal of the surface makes an angle of α = 60° with the line connecting the point
of viewing to the center of the surface, the projected area would be dAn  dA cos    5 cm 2  cos 60o  2.5 cm 2 ,
and the solid angle in this case would be half of the value just determined.

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12-4 Radiation Intensity 4

Intensity of Emitted Radiation

The radiation intensity for emitted radiation Ie(θ, ) is defined as the rate at which radiation energy dQ&e
is emitted in the (θ, ) direction per unit area normal to this direction and per unit solid angle about this
direction. That is,
dQ&e dQ&e
I e  ,    
dA cos   d  dA cos  sin  d d
 W/m 2
 sr  12 - 13 

The radiation flux for emitted radiation is the emissive power E (the rate at which radiation energy is emitted per
unit area of the emitting surface), which can be expressed in differential form as
dE   I e  ,  cos sin  d d  12 - 14 

FIGURE 12–18
The emission of radiation
from a differential surface
element into the surrounding
hemispherical space through
a differential solid angle.

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12-4 Radiation Intensity 5

Noting that the hemisphere above the surface intercepts all the radiation rays emitted by the surface, the emissive
power from the surface into the hemi-sphere surrounding it can be determined by integration as

 W/m 
2  /2
E  dE    I e  ,   cos  sin  d d 2
12 - 15 
  0  0

The intensity of radiation emitted by a surface, in general, varies with

direc-tion (especially with the zenith angle θ). But many surfaces in
practice can be approximated as being diffuse. For a diffusely emitting
surface, the intensity of the emitted radiation is independent of
direction and thus Ie = constant.
2  /2
Noting that  
0 0
cos  sin  d d   , the emissive power relation in

Eq. 12–15 reduces in this case to

FIGURE 12–19
Diffusely emitting surface: E = 𝜋Ib  W/m 
12 - 16 
Radiation intensity is based on
Blackbody: Eb = 𝜋Ib projected area, and thus the
calculation of radiation emission
where Eb   T is the blackbody emissive power.
from a surface involves the
projection of the surface.
Eb T  T 4
Blackbody : I b T  

 W/m 2
 Sr 

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12-4 Radiation Intensity 6

Incident Radiation
All surfaces emit radiation, but they also receive radiation emitted or reflected by other surfaces. The intensity of
incident radiation Ii ((θ,, ) is defined as the rate at which radiation energy
gy dG is incident from
f ( , ) direction
the (θ,
per unit area of the receiving surface normal to this direction and per unit solid angle about this direction (Fig.
12–20). Here θ is the angle between the direction of incident radiation and the normal of the surface.
The radiation flux incident on a surface from all directions is called irradiation G, and is expressed as

 W/m 
2 2 /
G  dG    I i  ,   cos  sin  d d 2
12 - 19 
 0 0

Therefore irradiation represents the rate at which radiation

energy is incident on a surface per unit area of the surface.
When the incident radiation is diffuse and thus Ii = constant,
constant Eq.
12–19 reduces to

Diffusely incident radiation: G = 𝜋Ii  W/m 

12 - 20 

Again note that irradiation is based on the actual surface area (and
thus the factor cos θ), whereas the intensity of incident radiation is FIGURE 12–20
based on the projected area.
Radiation incident on a surface
in the direction (, ).
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12-4 Radiation Intensity 7

Surfaces emit radiation as well as reflecting it, and thus the radiation leaving a surface consists of emitted and
reflected components, , as shown in Fig.
g 12–21. The calculation of radiation heat transfer between surfaces involves
the total radiation energy streaming away from a surface, with no regard for its origin. Thus, we need to define a
quantity that represents the rate at which radiation energy leaves a unit area of a surface in all directionst. This
quantity is called the radiosity J, and is expressed as

 W/m 
2  /2
J   I e  r  ,   cos  sin  d d 2
12 - 21
 0 0

where Ie + r is the sum of the emitted and reflected intensities. For

a surface that is both a diffuse emitter and a diffuse reflector, Ie + r
= constant,
constant and the radios
ity relation reduces to

Diffuse emitter and reflector: J = 𝜋 Ie + r  W/m 

12 - 22 
FIGURE 12–20
For a blackbody, radiosity J is equivalent to the emissive power The three kinds of radiation flux
Eb since a blackbody absorbs the entire radiation incident on it  in W/m2  : emissive power,
and there is no reflected component in radiosity.
irradiation, and radiosity.

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12-4 Radiation Intensity 8

Spectral Quantities
But sometimes it is necessary to consider the variation of radiation with wave-length as
well as direction, and to express quantities at a certain wavelength  or per unit
wavelength interval about . Such quantities are referred to as spectral quantities to draw
attention to wavelength dependence. The modifier "spectral" is used to indicate "at a
given wavelength."
The spectral radiation intensity I (, θ, ), for example, is simply the total radiation
intensity I(θ, ) per unit wavelength interval about . The spectral intensity for emitted
radiation I, e (, θ, ) can be defined as the rate at which radiation energy dQ&e
is emitted at the wavelength  in the (θ, ) direction per unit area normal to this direction,
per unit solid angle about this direction, and it can be expressed as
I , e  ,  ,   
dA cos   d   d 
 W/m
/ 2
 sr  μm  12 - 23 

Then the spectral emissive power becomes

 W/m 
2  /2
E    I  , e   ,  ,   cos  sin  d d 2
12 - 24 
 0 0

Similar relations can be obtained for spectral irradiation G, and spectral radiosity J by
replacing I, e in this equation by I, i and I, e + r, respectively.
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12-4 Radiation Intensity 9

When the variation of spectral radiation intensity I with wavelength  is known, the total
radiation intensity I for emitted, incident, and emitted + reflected radiation can be
determined by integration over the entire wave-length spectrum as (Fig. 12-22)
  
Ie   I, e d ,
Ii   I , i d  ,
and I e r   I  , e r d 
12 - 25 
These intensities can then be used in Eqs. 12-15, 12-19, and 12-21 to determine the
emissive power E, irradiation G, and radiosity J, respectively.
Similarly, when the variations of spectral radiation fluxes E, G, and J with
wavelength  are known, the total radiation fluxes can be determined by integration over
the entire wavelength spectrum as
  
E   E d  ,
G   G d  ,
and J   J d
12 - 26 
When the surfaces and the incident radiation are diffuse, the spectral radiation fluxes are
related to spectral intensities as

E   I  , e , G   I  , i , and J    I  , er 12 - 27 

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12-4 Radiation Intensity 10

Note that the relations for spectral and total radiation quantities are of the same form.
The spectral intensity of radiation emitted by a blackbody at a thermody-namic
temperature T at a wavelength A has been determined by Max Planck, and is expressed as
I b   , T  =
  exp  hc0 /  kT   1
5  W/m 2
 sr  μm  12 - 28 

where h  6.626069  1034 J.s is the Planck constant,

k  1.38065  1023 J/K is the Boltztnann constant, and
c0  2.9979  10 8 m/s is the speed of light in a vacuum.
Then the spectral blackbody emissive power is, is from
Eq. 12-27,

Eb   , T    I b   , T  12 - 29  FIGURE 12–22

Integration of a “spectral”
quantity for all wavelengths
gives the “total” quantity.

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12-5 Radiative Properties 1

Most materials encountered in practice, such as metals, wood, and bricks, are opaque to
thermal radiation, and radiation is considered to be a surface phenomenon for such materials.
Radiation through semitransparent materials such as glass and water cannot be considered to
be a surface phenomenon since the entire volume of the material interacts with radiation.
A blackbody can serve as a convenient reference in describing the emission and absorption
characteristics of real surfaces.

• Emissivity: The ratio of the radiation emitted by the surface at a given temperature to
the radiation emitted by a blackbody at the same temperature. 0    1.
• Emissivity
E i i it isi a measure off how
h closely
l l a surface
f approximates
i t a blackbody
bl kb d (
( = 1).
• The emissivity of a real surface varies with the temperature of the surface as well as
the wavelength and the direction of the emitted radiation.
• The emissivity of a surface at a specified wavelength is called spectral emissivity .
The emissivity in a specified direction is called directional emissivity  where  is the
angle between the direction of radiation and the normal of the surface.

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12-5 Radiative Properties 2

I  , e   , ,  , T 
  ,   ,  ,  , T   spectral directional emissivity
I b   , T 

I e  ,  , T 
   ,  , T   total directional emissivity
I b T 

E   , T 
  ,T   spectral hemispherical emissivity
Eb    , T 

E T 
 T   total hemispherical emissivity
Eb T 
 The ratio of the total radiation energy
E T       , T  Eb    , T  d  emitted by the surface to the radiation
 T    0
emitted by a blackbody of the same
Eb T  T 4 surface area at the same temperature

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12-5 Radiative Properties 3

 1  constant, 0   < 1

    2  constant, 1   < 2

 3  constant, 2   < 

1 2 
1  Eb d   2  Eb d   3  Eb d 
 T  
 1

Eb Eb Eb
 1 f 0 1 T    2 f 1 2 T    3 f 2  T 

FIGURE 12–24
Approximating the actual variation of
emissivity with wavelength by a step function.

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12-5 Radiative Properties 4

A surface is said to be diffuse if its properties are independent of direction, and gray if its
properties are independent of wavelength.
The gray and diffuse approximations are often utilized in radiation calculations.
I radiation
In di i analysis,
l i iti is
i common practice i to assume the
h surfaces
f to bbe diff
diffuse emitters
with an emissivity equal to the value in the normal ( = 0) direction.
Real surface:
εθ ≠ constant
ε ≠ constant
 is the angle measured
from the normal of the
Diffuse surface: surface
εθ = constant

Grayy surface:
ε = constant

Diffuse, gray surface:

ε = ε = εθ = constant
FIGURE 12–25 FIGURE 12–26
The effect of diffuse and Typical variations of emissivity with direction for
gray approximations on the electrical conductors and nonconductors.
emissivity of a surface. Access the text alternative for slide images.

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12-5 Radiative Properties 5

FIGURE 12–27
Comparison of the emissivity (a) and emissive power (b) of a real surface with those of
a gray surface and a blackbody at the same temperature.
Access the text alternative for slide images.

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12-5 Radiative Properties 6

FIGURE 12–28
The variation of normal emissivity with (a) wavelength and (b) temperature for various materials.

Access the text alternative for slide images.

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12-5 Radiative Properties 7

FIGURE 12–29
Typical ranges of emissivity for various materials.
Access the text alternative for slide images.

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12-5 Radiative Properties 8

Absorptivity, Reflectivity, and Transmissivity

Absorbed rediation Gabs
Absorptivity :   , 0  1
Incident radiation G Irradiation, G:
R fl t d rediation
Reflected di ti G Radiation flux incident
Reflectivity :   ref , 0   1
Incident radiation G on a surface.
Transmitted rediation Gref
Transmissivity :   , 0  1
Incident radiation G

Gabs + Gref + Gtr = G

     1
   1 for opaque surfaces

FIGURE 12–31
The absorption, reflection, and transmission of
incident radiation by a semitransparent material.

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12-5 Radiative Properties 9

spectral spectral directional

G , abs   
    hemispherical absorptivity
G    absorptivity
l , abs   ,  ,  
  ,   ,  ,   
l , i   ,  ,  
G , ref   
     hemispherical spectral directional
G   
reflectivity reflectivity
l , ref   ,  ,  
spectral   ,   ,  ,   
G , tr    l , i   ,  ,  
     hemispherical
G    transmissivity

G: the spectral irradiation, W/m 2  μm

Average absorptivity, reflectivity, and transmissivity of a surface: FIGURE 12–32
  
Different types of reflection
  G d 
, 

  G d 
, 
 0
  G d 
from a surface: (a) actual or
  
 0
G d   0
G d   0
G d  irregular, (b) diffuse, and
Access the text alternative for slide images.
(c) specular or mirrorlike.

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12-5 Radiative Properties 10

In practice, surfaces are assumed to reflect in a perfectly specular or diffuse manner.

Specular (or mirrorlike) reflection: The angle of reflection equals the angle of
incidence of the radiation beam.
Diffuse reflection: Radiation is reflected
f equally
q y in all directions.

FIGURE 12–33 FIGURE 12–34

Variation of absorptivity with the temperature The absorptivity of a material may be quite
of the source of irradiation for various different for radiation originating from sources
common materials at room temperature. at different temperatures.

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12-5 Radiative Properties 11

Kirchhoff’s Law Gabs   G   T 4

Eemit   T 4

As T 4  As T 4
ε (T) = α (T) Kirchhoff’s law
The total hemispherical emissivity of a surface at
temperature T is equal to its total hemispherical
absorptivity for radiation coming from a blackbody
at the same temperature.

FIGURE 12–35 ε (T) = α (T) spectral form of Kirchhoff’s law

The small body contained in a large
The emissivity of a surface at a specified wavelength,
isothermal enclosure used in the
direction, and temperature is always equal to its
development of Kirchhoff’s law.
absorptivity at the same wavelength, direction, and
ε, θ (T) = α, θ (T). temperature.

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Thermal Radiation.
Blackbody Radiation.
Radiation Intensity.
• Solid Angle.
• Intensity of Emitted Radiation.
• Incident Radiation.
• Radiosity.
• Spectral Quantities.

Radiative Properties.
• Emissivity.
• Absorptivity, Reflectivity, and Transmissivity.
• Kirchhoff’s Law.
• The Greenhouse Effect.

Atmospheric and Solar Radiation.

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