5 Сынып 1 Тоқ Home and Away

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Unit 1:Home School :

and away
Term 1
Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: 5 Number present: absent:

Learning 5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences
objective(s) and feelings
that this 5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions
lesson is 5.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at
contributing sentence level on an increasing range of general topics
to 5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during,
pair, group and whole class exchanges
5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to
talk about a limited range of general topics

Value links Teamwork: Learners will work well together in pairs/ groups
showing respect and being polite with each other.
Planne Teacher’s activities Student’s Assess Resource
d activities ment s
Beginn 1.Greeting . Organization Sts warm/greet Formati
ing moment the teacher ve ass-t PPT
Teacher greets learners then,
teacher hands out stickers
and asks learners to write a
compliment to a peer. Sts guess the
topic of the SB
Learners write wishes and
nice words to each other, so lesson
learners collaborate and
create a friendly atmosphere.
Setting the aim of the lesson
Emotico WB
Hang up three different n
posters (example - one of a Sts give the title
yurt, one of a skyscraper, one to the text Handout
of a cottage) in the three
corners of the classroom.
Tell students to choose one
corner to stand in, and talk Answer the oral Workshee
about why they chose that following ts
poster. Why do people use questions.
different houses

English Tongue Twisters

Peter Piper picked a peck

of pickled peppers. A peck
of pickled peppers Peter
Piper picked. If Peter Piper
picked a peck of pickled
peppers, Where's the peck
of pickled peppers Peter
Piper picked?

Middle Activity 1 (P, I) Learners Formati Audio

listen and read the dialogue. ve ass-t CDs
Then choose the correct
SB p.4
words in 1-3. Listen again
and practice the dialogue.

Activity 2 (W, P) Learners

ask and answer questions.
What are objects 1- 12 in Students listen
English? Use the words in and check
the box.
What is this in English? n
It’s a book.
Answer the
Activity 3(W, f) Teacher
show the pictures and questions.
students say what it is.

Consonant Game oral

You can play this game alone

or with a friend. Toss a
penny on the game board.
Say a word that begins with
the sound of the letter you
land on. How many different
words can you name?




End of Feedback: Learners give their own

the opinion on the learnt material
Learners write :
What did you learn today?
What parts of the lesson were
What parts of the lesson were

Homework: Draw your



Unit 1:Home and away School:

Term 1 Language Focus:
to be (singular).

Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: 5 Number present: absent:

Learning 5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences
objective(s) and feelings
that this 5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions
lesson is 5.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at
contributing sentence level on an increasing range of general topics
to 5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during,
pair, group and whole class exchanges
5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to
talk about a limited range of general topics

Value links Teamwork: Learners will work well together in pairs/ groups
showing respect and being polite with each other.
Planne Teacher’s activities Student’s Assess Resourc
d activities ment es
Beginn Greeting. Sts Formati
ing Look at the smart board. You can warm/gre ve ass-t PPT
see a picture that reflects the topic et the
we're going to discuss. What do you
think will be the theme of our Emotic
lesson? Sts guess on
Formulating the aim using Bloom the topic
taxonomy. of the
Recall, describe, compare, discuss.
Divide learners into two groups by Sts give
cut of pictures the title to stickers
Inner and outer circle the text
Pupils give feedback each other’s
and change their thoughts about Answer
home work the
Setting the aim of the lesson following
English Tongue Twisters questions

The thirty-three thieves thought that

they thrilled the throne throughout
Thursday. watching
with a

Middle Complete 10 Audio

the table CDs
Activity 1.(P,I) Look at the table
and complete the short forms of the Internet
verb “be”. material

Choose the correct words. Fill in the

Activity 2. (G)Complete the
sentences with words in the box.

Activity 3. (P) Complete the Pair

dialogue with the key phrases. work
Practice the dialogue. Change the
names in blue.
Alternative More-able learners can task
make up your own dialogue

Black box» method.

T explains grammar materials and Do

gives some examples. cinquains

. Check pronunciation of all words.

Ending Our lesson is over. I'd like you to express your Sts reflect the
of the attitude to the lesson and give your self- lesson
lesson assessment.
Use the following statements to help you
evaluate your learning:
The most difficult part of today's lesson was ...
With the information that I learnt today, I will be
able to ...
Today, I was able to make progress because ...
After today's lesson, I can now explain ...
I was surprised to learn that ...
The part of the lesson I found the easiest to
understand was ...
I am proud of myself today because ...
I think it is important to remember what I learnt
today because ...
I feel that the most important thing I learnt today
was ...
Homework: Draw your bedroom

Unit 1:Home School:

and away
Term 1
to be
Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: 5 Number present: absent:

Learning 5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions
objective(s) 5.UE11 use be on a limited range of familiar general and
that this curricular topic
lesson is 5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to
contributing talk about a limited range of general topics
to 5.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with
support on a limited range of general and curricular topics
5.W2 write with support a sequence of short sentences in a
paragraph on a limited range of familiar general topics

Value links Teamwork: Learners will work well together in pairs/ groups
showing respect and being polite with each other.
Planne Teacher’s activities Student’s Assessment Resourc
d activities es
Beginn Greeting. Sts Formative Student’s
ing Setting the aim of the lesson warm/greet ass-t book.
Pre-learning (W) the teacher
Sts guess the visual
Pupils watch the video about
sport, answer the questions topic of the demonstr
and try to guess the theme of lesson ations,
the lesson. pictures
Sts give the
title to the
The teacher interview
What is your name? Answer the
How old are you? following
Where are you from?

English Tongue Twisters

Can you can a can as a

canner can can a can?

Middle Activity 1.(P,I) Look at the 10 Picture

table and complete the short Formative
Sts matching ass-t English
forms of the verb “be”.
words. plus 7
Choose the correct words. grade,
Sts complete
Read the words with the the sentences
class which are usually
In a weaker class, give brief
definitions with the Stickers
examples; in a stronger
group ask to write sentences
with the words.

Work in ass-t
pairs Venn

Activity 2. (G)Complete the

sentences with words in the

Activity 3. (P) Complete the stickers

dialogue with the key
phrases. Practice the
dialogue. Change the names
in blue.

Alternative More-able
learners can make up your
own dialogue.

Game:Who Did It?

Who took the boy's hat? Use

the code to find out. Write
the words. Then draw a
picture to show who has the

Code * = short o + = short a

A= short e # = short u 0 =
short i

1. It is not the d #ck. _

2. It is not the c + t._

3. It is not the pOg_

4. Is it the f * x?_

5. No, it is the hAn. _

6. She needs it for a n ASt,

End of Giving the home task. Ex.5 Feedback on the work

the Students express their Students write a telegram to the teacher
lesson attitude to the lesson and in which they describe what they
give self-assessment using understood and what was difficult for
the method: “Six thinking them
 Green: How can you use
today's learning in different
 Red: How do you feel about
your work today?
 White: What have you leant
 Black: What were the
weaknesses of your work?
 Blue: How much progress
have you made in this
lesson? (Now I can, I still
need to work on, I've
improved in, Today I
learnt... )
Yellow: What did you like
about today's lesson?
"Six thinking hats"


Unit 1:Home School :

and away
Cities and
Date: Teacher name:
CLASS: 5 Number present: absent:
Learning .L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions
objective(s) 5.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at
that this sentence level on an increasing range of general topics
lesson is 5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which
contributing describe people, places and objects
to 5.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and

5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on

an increasing range of general and curricular topics
5.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems
creatively and cooperatively in groups

Value links Teamwork: Learners will work well together in pairs/ groups
showing respect and being polite with each other.
Planne Teacher’s activities Student’s Assessme Resourc
d activities nt es
Beginn Greeting. Sts Formative
ing warm/greet PPT
Organization moment the teacher ass-t

Teacher greets learners. Then, Sts guess

teacher hands out stickers and the topic of
asks learners to write a the lesson
compliment to a peer. Learners
write wishes and nice words to Sts give the
each other, so learners title to the
collaborate and create a friendly text
Answer the
Speaking: students make up a questions.
dialogue using key phrases on
the blackboard
Key phrases
How are you?
Fine, thanks.
This is my friend.
See you later.

Phonetic drill:
English Tongue Twisters

Roberta ran rings around the

Roman ruins.
Middle Listening 10 Audio
Formativ CDs
Students listen and read. Match Sts e ass-t
the s-s with pictures matching Ex.1,p.6
Writing words.
Students match the countries to Ex.2,p.6
the capitals, write s-s, then listen
and check their answers. Sts
complete Stickers
Role-play <Test your partner> the
Students make true and false s-s sentences Ex.4,p.6
about cities, countries and
The capital of Germany is Bonn.
e ass-t
No, the capital of Germany is
Berlin. Ss reviews
all words of
Game:Rhyme Hunt new lesson
and write to
Find these 5 words that rhyme
with copybook.
hide ride side tide wide
Find these 5 words that rhyme
king ring sing thing wing Work in
Hint: Words can go up and pairs
down, and left to right. Circle
the words. Then write them on a
separate piece of paper.
End Feedback: Learners fill the Feedback: Learners give their own
table. opinion on the learnt material

Saying Good bye.


Long-term plan School:

Date: and away Teacher name:
Grade:5 Number present: absent: -
Theme of the lesson: Language Focus. Subject pronouns.
Learning 5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions
objectives(s) that 5.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at
this lesson is sentence level on an increasing range of general topics (Ex.1-2 p.7)
5.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of
contributing to
general topics
5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair,
group and whole class exchanges
5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a limited range of general topics
5.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level during pair,
group and whole class exchanges ( Speak about age and birthplace)
5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on
general and curricular topics (Ex.6 p.7)
Time Teacher’s activities Student’s Assessmen Resources
Beginning Organizational moment Sts Formative
Teacher greets students; students
respond to greeting and take their warm/greet ass-t
Warming up
the teacher
Books closed. Say something true
about the size of my village e.g. Sts guess
I’m from Temir. It is big. Use my
hands to gesture big to the class. the topic of
Ask a student to repeat then go the lesson
around the rest of the class. Write
the sentences on the board.
Sts give the
Phonetic drill:
English Tongue title to the
Twisters text

I wish to wish the wish you wish Answer the

to wish, but if you wish the wish following
the witch wishes, I won't wish the
wish you wish to wish. questions.
Middle Greetings - practice 10 PPP
Task 1 (p.7) “Greetings”
Focus on the pictures A-D and
ask students what they can see in Sts ass-t
each one. Elicit that there are is matching
more than one child in each
picture. words.
Descriptor Emoticon
Listen and repeat the words. How
do you say we, you and they in https://
your language? www.youtube
Task 2 Sts .com/watch?
Answers: 1. ‘re 2.’re complete Stickers v=gVIFEVLz
Task 3 P4o
Answers: 1.She 2.We 3. They the
4.He 5.You
Task 4 (p.7)
Answers: 1.d 2.c 3.e 4.b 5.a
Task 5
Answers: 1.are 2.are 3.is\’s Formative
4.are 5.is\’s 6.am\’m 7.are\’re
The Iesson is over. Home work : ass-t
ex.4 (S.B. p.9, W.B. p.8
Game:Vowel Opposites
Read each word. Use the clues
to help you write its opposite.
♦ Emoticon
Clue Word
1. short i out
2. long a work
3. short u moon
4. short o cold Work in
5. long u me pairs
6. short a glad
7. long e wake
8. long i black stickers
9. long o stop
10. short e women

End Feedback
Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by putting their
thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using simple language

Unit 1:Home and away School:

Term 1 Numbers 1-20
Date: Teacher name:.

CLASS: Number present: absent:

Learning 5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions
objective(s) 5.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive
that this feedback to peers
lesson is
contributing 5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which
to describe people' s age ( How old are the people and animals?)

5.UE1 use a verb " to be" describing ages times and location,
speaking on a limited range of familiar general and curricular
Value links Teamwork: Learners will work well together in pairs/ groups
showing respect and being polite with each other.
Planne Teacher’s activities Student’s Assessmen Resourc
d activities t es
Beginn Greeting. Organization Sts Formative
ing moment warm/greet ass-t PPT
 Good morning, dear the teacher
children! Sit down!
 Who is on duty Sts guess the
today? topic of the
 What date is it
lesson Stickers
 Who is absent Sts give the
today? title to the
 What’s the weather
like today?
 How do you do? emoticon
Answer the
  I hope that you are following
fine! questions.
 Are you ready for
this lesson? That’s
All learners make a circle.
Each of learners choose cards
with picture and answer the

Setting the aim of the lesson

Speaking: students make up a
dialogue using key phrases on
the blackboard
Phonetic drill:
English Tongue Twisters

Picky people pick Peter Pan

Peanut-Butter, 'tis the peanut-
butter picky people pick.
Middle Listening 10 Audio
Teacher introduces new greeting phrases CDs
and vocabulary, students repeat first in
Sts matching Stickers
chorus and then individually. The list of words. Ex.1,p.8
words (phrases) includes the following: Self –
week, month, year, century, date, age, assessmen
how many
Students put new words( phrases) into t –
their vocabulary books. Sts complete Ex.2,p.8
Count from 20 to 100.
the sentences
Task 1 (p.8) www.yo
How old the people and animals in the the leader
picture? Play guess the age utube.co
He is____. She is _______. They are of the m
in group will
Task 2 Play Bingo. Work
be able
Whose nambers are concurred thst student pairs
is winner. evaluate
Task 3 Look at the picture and compiete the group
1-5 with numbers/
0) 1teacher 1) __ boys 2) __ mates
computer 3)__ girls
4) __ posters 5) __ books Formative
Rules: We use numbers when we assessment
count things.
One computer, five _____ is held
When we are not counting, we use a ( through
for one thing), some and a lot of.
There is some posters. There are a lot
of books. n/monitori
Task 4 (p.9) ng.
Answers: 1) a 2) There are 3) There
are 4) There are
5) a lot of 6) a lot of Comments
The Iesson is over. Home work : ex.4
(S.B. p.9, W.B. p.8

Students listen and repeat.

Point to the numbers.
Game:ABC Surprise
Color the squares in ABC
order. You can go across,
down, or up. The squares you
color must touch. What letter
does the pattern make?
End Feedback: Tree of success Sts
Green leaf - I totally understand
Yellow leaf - I understand the lesson but I need some helps
Red leaf - I don't understand
Homework: SB ex.5p.108
Saying goodbye reflect

Unit 1:Home and away School:

Term 1 Language Focus:
there is/ there are/ some/ a
lot of.
What's in my classroom
Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: 5 Number present: absent:

Learning 5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions
objective(s) 5.UE1 use appropriate countable and uncountable nouns,
that this including common noun phrases describing times and location,
lesson is on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics
contributing 5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on
to an increasing range of general and curricular topics
5.S6take turns when speaking with others in a growing range of
short, basic exchanges
5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which
describe people, places and objects
Value links Teamwork: Learners will work well together in pairs/ groups
showing respect and being polite with each other.
Planne Teacher’s activities Student’s Assessmen Resour
d activities t ces
Beginn .Greeting. Organization moment Sts Formative
ing  Good morning, dear warm/gree assessment PPT
children! Sit down! t the
 Who is on duty today?
 What date is it today?
 Who is absent today? to give a
 What’s the weather like picture of
today? the heart emoticon
 How do you do?
  I hope that you are
 Are you ready for this
lesson? That’s great!
Then, teacher hands out stickers
and asks learners to write a
compliment to a peer. Learners
write wishes and nice words to
each other, so learners
collaborate and create a friendly
Setting the aim of the lesson
Speaking: students make up a
dialogue using key phrases on the
Phonetic drill:
English Tongue Twisters

There those thousand thinkers

were thinking how did the other
three thieves go through.

Middle Speaking F.A. Audio

Teacher CDs
Students complete the pictures Answer gives stars
with numbers and make s-s. the Ex.1,4
question p.9
Students write s-s with there is\ Stickers
there are Ex.5,p.9
Complete Self –
Song «How old are you» the assessment  www.yo
question – utube.co
Listening m
Students listen the text and the leader ex.2,p.9
choose the correct words of the
group will
be able
evaluate the

End Reflection
- Put your stickers on the Sts
stains of success:
Homework: Ex6 the
pSaying goodbye

Long-term plan unit: School:

Home and away
Date: Teacher name:
Grade:5 Number present: absent: -
Theme of the lesson: Review. Unit 1
Learning objectives(s) that .UE1 use appropriate countable and uncountable nouns, including
common noun phrases describing times and location, on a limited range
this lesson is contributing to of familiar general and curricular topics
5.UE3 use a growing variety of adjectives and regular and irregular
comparative and superlative adjectives on a limited range of familiar
general and curricular topics
5.UE4 use determiners including any, no each, every on a limited range
of familiar general and curricular topics

Time Teacher’s activities Student’s Assessmen Resource
activities t s
Beginnin Organizational moment Sts Formative
Teacher greets students; students warm/greet ass-t PPT
respond to greeting and take their the teacher

Warming up Sts guess

Where are you from? the topic of
How old are you?
What colour is it? the lesson Stickers
How many srudents are there in
class? Sts give the
What day of the week today?
title to the
Phonetic drill:
English Tongue Twisters text emoticon
One-one was a race horse. Answer the
Two-two was one too. One-one
won one race. Two-two won
one too. questions.
Middle New lesson 10 Audio
Vocabulary CDs
Task 1. Match the words 1-8 to the
Sts Stickers
pictures. matching Ex.1,p.8
Answers: 1-b) book, 2-a) bag, 3-c)
computer, 4-h) boy, 5-e) teacher, 6-d)
bicycle, 7-f) phone, 8-g) pen
Task 2. Match the words 1-7 to the
numbers a-g. Sts
Answers: 1-c) eleven 2-e) five 3-f)
complete utube.co
fifteen 4-g) nine
5-d) twelve 6-b) three 7-a) eight the m
Task3. Recorder the letters and write Self –
the countries. assessmen
Answers: 1) Brazil 2)Japan 3)Great
Britain 4)Russia t –
5)Turkey 6)the USA Work in
Language focus
Task 4. Complete the sentences with the leader
the correct form of the
of be group will
1. I am a boy.
2. We are from Karagandy. be able
3. You are a girl. evaluate
4. Aru and Aibek are eleven years old. the group
5. Kazakhstan is a big country.
6. Anfrej is from Ljubjana in Slovenia.
7. You are my frienfs.

Task 5
Complete the sentences with the words
in the box.
( I you We They She It )
1. Where are you from, Petra?
2. This is my friend Dinara. She’s a Formative
student. assessment
3. I’m ten years old. is held
4. It’s a big city.
5. This Zhonart. We’re friends. through
6. ‘How old are Shokan and Altai?’ observatio
They are twelve years old. n/monitori
Task 6
Choose the correct answers.
1.There are some / a lot of peorle in
2. There’s a / some teacher in the
3. There’s / are some new houses in my
4. There are some / a lot of words in
5. There are some / a lot of cars in my

Task 7
Conplete the dialogue with the words in
the box.
( good, How, Hello,from, Fine, friend )
1) Hello 2)good 3)Fine 4) friend
5) from 6) How
End Feedback
5m Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by putting their
thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using simple language

Unit 1:Home and away School

Term 1 Reading for pleasure

Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: Number present: absent:

Learning 5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions
objective(s) 5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic
that this questions on general and curricular topics
lesson is 5.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited
contributing range of general topics
to 5.R2 understand with little support specific information and
detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and
curricular topics
5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on
an increasing range of general and curricular topics
Value links Teamwork: Learners will work well together in pairs/ groups
showing respect and being polite with each other.
Planne Teacher’s activities Student’s Assessme Resourc
d activities nt es
Beginn Greeting. Sts Formative
ing Setting the aim of the lesson warm/greet ass-t PPT
the teacher

. Organization moment. F.A.

T: Good afternoon! How are Teacher
you? Who is absent? What date gives stars
is it today? What is the weather
like today? Check
your homework. Stickers
T: What was your home task?
Self –

Phonetic drill: Formative

English Tongue Twisters ass-t
big black bug bit a big black
dog on his big black nose!

Middle New lesson F.A. Audio

New words Teacher
alien – жатжерлік (чужестранец)
Answer the gives stars
invention- ойлап табу Ex.1,4
Task 1. p.9
Students read these words: a dog, a
TV, a boy, a girl, a phone, a car.
There’s a dog on the picture 3. Sts order the
There’s a ____ on the picture_. words to
There’s a____ on the picture_. make
There’s a_____on the picture_. www.yo
There’s a____ on the picture_. sentences Stickers utube.co
There’s a____ on the picture_. m
Descriptor: Find these things in the Sts Self –
comic and say where they are. complete assessme ex.2,p.9
Task 2. the nt –
Teach the word invention to the class.
Questions: 1. What’s is Bob’s new
2. What animal is in the car?
Sts answer the leader
3. Is the animal an alient? the of the
4. Who is Bob’s sister? questions group will
Descriptor: Answer the questions. be able
1. Bob’s new invention is the Alien evaluate
Detector. the group
2. There’s a dog in the car. mates
3.No, the animai is not an alient.
4.Betty is Bob’s sister.
Read the texts and then answer
the questions. Discuss them
with the whole class.
Ask the students to find and
highlight the words 1-4 in the comic
strip. In pairs they discuss what they
think they mean.
1.Look! - қара (шы)
2.Are you sure? –сенімдісің бе ?
3.Sorry -кешіріңіз (өкінішті)
4.Help! -көмектес (іңдер)
Task 4
Act out the story in the comic.
Ask students to add their own details
to the story.
Each group performs their comic strip
for the rest of the class. Students vote
on which group performed best.
Feedback. Why do they / don’t they
like it?

End Feedback: Tree of success Sts

Green leaf - I totally understand
Yellow leaf - I understand the lesson but I need some helps
Red leaf - I don't understand
Homework: SB ex.5p.108
Saying goodbye reflect

Unit 1:Home and away School:
Term 1 Language Focus:
there is/ there are/ some/ a
lot of.
What's in my classroom
Date: Teacher name:

CLASS: 5 Number present: absent:

Learning 5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions
objective(s) 5.UE1 use appropriate countable and uncountable nouns,
that this including common noun phrases describing times and location,
lesson is on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics
contributing 5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on
to an increasing range of general and curricular topics
5.S6take turns when speaking with others in a growing range of
short, basic exchanges
5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which
describe people, places and objects
Value links Teamwork: Learners will work well together in pairs/ groups
showing respect and being polite with each other.
Planne Teacher’s activities Student’s Assessmen Resour
d activities t ces
Beginn .Greeting. Organization moment Sts Formative
ing  Good morning, dear warm/gree assessment PPT
children! Sit down! t the
 Who is on duty today?
 What date is it today?
 Who is absent today? to give a
 What’s the weather like picture of emoticon
today? the heart
 How do you do?
  I hope that you are
 Are you ready for this
lesson? That’s great!
Then, teacher hands out stickers
and asks learners to write a
compliment to a peer. Learners
write wishes and nice words to
each other, so learners
collaborate and create a friendly
Setting the aim of the lesson
Speaking: students make up a
dialogue using key phrases on the
Phonetic drill:
English Tongue Twisters

Birdie birdie in the sky laid a

turdie in my eye. If cows could
fly I'd have a cow pie in my eye.

Middle Speaking F.A. Audio

Teacher CDs
Students complete the pictures Answer gives stars
with numbers and make s-s. the Ex.1,4
question p.9
Students write s-s with there is\ Stickers
there are Ex.5,p.9
Complete Self –
Song «How old are you» the assessment  www.yo
question – utube.co
Listening m
Students listen the text and the leader ex.2,p.9
choose the correct words of the
group will
be able
evaluate the
End Reflection
- Put your stickers on the Sts
stains of success:
Homework: Ex6 the
pSaying goodbye

Long-term plan unit: 1 School:

Date: Teacher name:

Grade:5 Number present: absent: -
Theme of the lesson: Language Focus Reference (2)
Learning objectives(s) that this 5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom
lesson is contributing to instructions
5.L7 recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) in basic,
supported talk on an increasing range of general and
curricular topics
5.R2 understand with little support specific information
and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of
general and curricular topics
5.W2 write with support a sequence of short sentences in
a paragraph on a limited range of familiar general topics (
5.W7 use with some support appropriate layout at text
level for a limited range of written genres on familiar
general topics and some curricular
5.UE9 use simple present simple of a verb " to be" and
there is / there are to past regular and irregular forms to
describe routines, habits and states on a limited range of
familiar general and curricular topics
Value links Respect


Time Teacher’s activities Student’s Assessmen Resources

activities t

Beginning Organizational moment Sts Formative

Teacher greets students; students warm/gree assessment
respond to greeting and take their
places. t the
Hometask: Prepositions of place teacher PPT
and directions
behind, next tо, to give a
down, in front of, above, picture of emoticon
up, between, under the heart
Ex: 6. Answers : 1.have to
2.don’t have to 3.don’t have
to 4. have to SB
5.doesn’t have to
Warming up
Ask students to tell me the
months of the year in the correct
order one by one. Start with one
student who says January and
continue around the class.
Write the following numbers
on the board: 28/29,30,31. Ask
students to put the correct
months under the correct number
of day that they contain ( 28/29:
February; 30:April, June,
September, November; 31: all
other months).

Phonetic drill:
English Tongue Twisters
Bobby Bippy bought a bat.
Bobby Bippy bought a ball. With
his bat Bob banged the ball
Banged it bump against the wall

Middle New lesson F.A.

Task 1. Teacher
Focus students’ attention on the Answer gives stars
numbers in the box and explain the
that we call them ordinal WB
numbers.This means that they
tell us the order that things are
in. Stickers
Students complete the task Worksheets
individually and check their Complete Self –
answers in pairs. Check answers the assessment 
as a class. question – CD
2.eleventh 3.sixth 4.third
5.fourteenth 6.thirteenth
Descriptor: the leader of
-match the words in the box with the group
the ordinal numbers 1-6; will be able
- say the ordinal numbers evaluate the
group mates
Task 2.
Draw students’ attention to the
key phrases and explain that this
is how we say dates. Point out
that we do not write the words Stickers
the and of in dates, but that in
British English we always say Answer Self –
the assessment 
Students work in pairs to practice
the dates. question –
1. the second of June 2.the
twenty-sixth of August
the leader of
3.the fifteenth of January Complete
4.the first of March the group
5.the twenty-second of October
the will be able
6.the thirty-first of May question evaluate the
group mates
Explain the task and draw
students’ attention to the two
sentences. Students check their
answers in pairs. Check answers
as a class.
Conversation 1 is about a maths
Conversation 2 is about a
football match.
Descriptor: Choose the correct
words .

Task 4
Refer students to the in complete
sentences and explain the task .
Check answers as a class.
1.2th June 2.Wednesfay 3.17th
March 4.Saturday
Descriptor: Complete the
Task 4
Divide students into pairs and
allocate each student the role of
Carl or Lizzie. Ask them to
practice the conversation.
Monitor, checking that they are
using the dates correctly.

Home task: A famous

personality (wb); Ex.7 (p.62)
End Feedback
Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by
putting their thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using
simple language

Long-term plan unit: 1 Home School:

and away
Date: Teacher name:
Grade:5 Number present: absent: -
Theme of the lesson: Correction work. Unit revision.
Learning objectives(s) that this 5.W6 link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs
using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics
lesson is contributing to 5.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range
of familiar general and curricular topics
5.UE3 use a growing variety of adjectives and regular and irregular
comparative and superlative adjectives on a limited range of familiar
general and curricular topics
Value links Respect


Time Teacher’s activities Student’s Assessme Resources

activities nt

Beginnin Organizational moment Sts Formativ

g warm/greet e
Teacher greets students; students
respond to greeting and take their the teacher assessme
places. nt PPT
to give a
Warming up
picture of
Phonetic drill: the heart
English Tongue Twisters
Why do you cry, Willy? Why do you emoticon
cry? Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why, SB
Willy? Why?

Middle New lesson F.A.

Task 1. Teacher
Complete the country words and Answer the gives
match them to their capital cities. stars
question WB
1.T_ _ _ _ _ a) Prague
2.A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b)
3.G _ _ _ _ B _ _ _ _ _ _ c) Tokyo
4.R _ _ _ _ _ d) Complete Stickers Worksheets
Buenos Aires the question
5.C _ _ _ _ R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e) Self –
Ankara CD
6.J _ _ _ _ f) nt –
Answers:1. e 2.d 3.f 4.b 5.a
Task 2. leader of
Orfer the words to complete the
dialogue. Use the correct
the group
punctuation. There is one extra word will be
in each sentence. able
Hi Riccardo, friend / Rentra / is / evaluate
this / he my the group
Oh, hi Kentra. Are / how / you / is? mates
Fine / you / thanks / I’m.
Is / 2D / I’m / class / in.
Oh. We’re in 2A. you / later / are /
Silva / OK / bye
Bye Kenta.

Complete the list of numbers.
1.fourteen,fifteen, _______ ,
2. three, ______ , five, six
3. seventeen, ______ , nineteen,
4. one, _____ , three, four

Descriptor: Complete the list of

Hometask: My Phone
End Feedback
Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by putting
their thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using simple
Оқу ісі орынбасары: ________

Long-term plan unit: 4 Living School:

Date: Teacher name:
Grade:5 Number present: absent: -
Theme of the lesson: Families
Learning objectives(s) 5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions
that this lesson is
contributing to 5.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at
sentence level on an increasing range of general topics ( p.41)
5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to
talk about a limited range of general topics ( My Family, topic)
5.W2 write with support a sequence of short sentences in a
paragraph on a limited range of familiar general topics

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

talk about members of the family
use subject-specific vocabulary
understand the main content of text
Most learners will be able to:
practice using adverbs of manner
use and practice the possessive -s
Some learners will be able to:
use all structures correctly
Time Teacher’s activities Student ‘s Marks Resources
Organizational moment Sts respond to
greeting of the
Beginning Teacher greets students; students
respond to greeting and take teacher and Emoticon PPT
their places. take their
places Internet
Warming up materials
To get the students thinking Answer the
about the theme of family, ask following
them to think about the last They check Formative
family or special occation they their answers assessment
attended and to tell their partners with the
about it. oral Slide
Phonetic drill:
English Tongue Twisters Matching

Tommy Tucker tried to tie

Tammy's Turtles tie.

Middle New lesson Teacher’s

Task 1. SB (40). Speaking
Focus students’ attention on the
family photo on page 41. Allow
students 1-2 minutes to look at
the photo and ask: How many Answer the
girls, boys, women and men following PPT
there are in the photo? Elicit that
there are two girls, two boys,
three women and three men.
Answers:1. Sophie 2.Mark
3.Paul 4.Sarah 5.Becky SB
6. Matt 7. Emily
Task 2.
Male, female
Use the picture and text on page They answer Worksheets
33 the questions
Answers: 1.wife
2.grandmother 3. dauther
5.grandfather 6.father
Answers: 1.Prince Charles
2.The Obama sisters 3.snake
4.rabbits 5.Serena Williams PPT
Descriptor: Match the photos
to the sentences.
Answers: 1.singulsr Write T and F SB
2.plural statements
Answers: 1.Fiona is William’s
wife 2.Matt is Becky’s brother
3.david is Paul’s nephew
4.Sophie is Becky’s
grandmother 5.Emily is
Sophie’s grandgauther
6.William and Fiona are Emily’s
End Home task: WB p.26
Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by
putting their thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using
simple language

Оқу ісі орынбасары: ________

Long-term plan unit: 4 Living School:

Date: Teacher name:
Grade:5 Number present: absent: -
Theme of the lesson: A Festival
Learning 5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions
objectives(s) that 5.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
this lesson is 5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair,
group and whole class exchanges ( p.42)
contributing to
5.W2 write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph
on a limited range of familiar general topics
5.W7 use with some support appropriate layout at text level for a
limited range of written genres on familiar general topics and some
curricular topics
5.UE1 use appropriate structure "Have got" describing people in a

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

understand an article about a festival for twins
use subject-specific vocabulary
understand the main content of text
Most learners will be able to:
use new basic time expressions
use and practice the possessive –‘s
Some learners will be able to:
use all structures correctly
Time Teacher’s activities Student’s Marks Resourc
Beginning Organization moment activities Emoticon es
Teacher greets students; students
respond to greeting and take their Sts warm/greet the
places teacher Answer Formative Slide
Warming up the following assessment Teacher’
Ask the students if they can questions. They s book
remember who the famous Oral
answer the
people were in the photos on
page 40. questions 8
Allow students 1-2 minutes to
think about any twins they know

Phonetic drill:
English Tongue Twisters

Double bubble gum, bubbles

Middle New lesson Emoticon
Task 1. SB (42). Write T and F
Focus on the pictures of the statements
twins. Ask the students if they SB
look similar and elicit that yes,
they do look similar. Ask the
class if they think they have Filling the
similar personalities and elicit missing words
any feedback. Formative
Answers: The girls in the photo assessment
are twin sisters Lauren and Amy PPT
Descriptor: Who are the girls in
the photo?
Task 2. SB
Read the question together,
explaining any new vocabulary
and checking for understanding.
Do the first question together as
an example. Check answers as a Oral
Answers: 1. The festival is in a
small town in Ohio called Write T and F
Twinsburg. statements
2.This year there are 4,000 8
people at the festival.
3.Amy and Lauren are from
4. They are with their father.
5.It’s interesting because there Students check
are different activities every day. their answers in
Descriptor: Answer the pairs. Check as a
questions. class.
Refer students to the time
expressions in blue. Read
through them with the class and
check for understanding. They
find the words in the text in pairs
before completing the sentences
individually. Ask a few students
to real out their sentences for the
rest of the class.
Answers: Students own answers.
Descriptor: Find the phrases and
complete the sentences.
Ask and answer the questions
End Home task: WB p.27
Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by putting
their thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using simple

Оқу ісі орынбасары: ________

Long-term plan unit: 4 Living School:

Date: Teacher name:
Grade:5 Number present: absent: -
Theme of the lesson: My family and possessions
Learning 5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions
objectives(s) that on general and curricular topics ( Ex. 1 - 2 p.43)
this lesson is 5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in
short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
contributing to
5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which
describe people and their possessions
5.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range
of general topics ( ex. 1-2 p.44)
5.C5use feedback to set personal learning objectives
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
talk about their family and possessions
use the affirmative form of have got
use subject-specific vocabulary
understand the main content of text
Most learners will be able to:
use new basic time expressions
use the possessive adjectives
Some learners will be able to:
use all structures correctly
Time Teacher activities Student Marks Resources
Beginning Organization moment activities Emoticon
Teacher greets students; students
respond to greeting and take Sts warm/greet
their places. the teacher Formative
Warming up assessment Slide
Allow the students 1 minute
to tell each other things about Oral
their families. After 1 minute
ask each student to tell the
class one or two things about Answer the
their partner’s family, e.g. following PPT
brother is a student at questions 8
Phonetic drill:
English Tongue Twisters
Will you, William? Will you,
William? Will you, William?
Can't you, don't you, won't
you, William?
New lesson
Task 1. SB (43).
Draw the students’ attention to
the two girls and ask them to
compare them in pairs. Get some
feedback from the class and
elicit that the two girls in the
cartoon look and are wearing
identical clothes. Elicit that they
might be twins.
Middle Ask them to find them in the text Speaking Emoticon
about the girl twins on page 42
in order to complete them. They answer
Students check answers in pairs. the questions Formative
Check answers as a class. assessment Teacher’s
Answers: 1. ‘ve got 2. ‘s got Write T and book
3.’ve got 4. have got F statements Oral
Descriptor: Complete the
sentences 1-4 with forms have

Task 2. Choose the correct 8

Answers : 1.have 2.has
3.’ve got 4.’s got SB

Task3. Filling the

Students check answers in pairs. missing
Check answers as a class. words
Answers: 1,I’ve got 2.has got
3.’ve got 4.have got
5.’s got 6.have
got Write T and Emoticon
Descriptor:Include the correct F statements WB
form of have got.

Task4. (p.43) Formative

Allow students some time to assessment
work in pairs to complete the rest
of the table with the possessives Students check Oral
from the box. Check answers as their answers
a class. in pairs. Check 8
Answers: 1.Your 2.Her as a class.
3.Our 4.Their
Descriptor: Complete the table.
Use the words in the box.

Task5. (p.43)
Answers: 1.her 2.Their 3.Her
4.our 5.Its 6.my

End Home
task: WB p.28
Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by putting
their thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using simple

Оқу ісі орынбасары: ________

Long-term plan unit: 4. School:

Living things
Date: Teacher name:
Grade:5 Number present: absent: -
Theme of the lesson:Describing people and families
Learning 5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in
objectives(s) that this short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
lesson is contributing 5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which
describe people and their possessions
5.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range
of general topics ( ex. 1-2 p.44)
5.C5use feedback to set personal learning objectives
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
talk about their family and possessions
use the affirmative form of have got
use subject-specific vocabulary
understand the main content of text
Most learners will be able to:
use new basic time expressions
use the possessive adjectives
Some learners will be able to:
use all structures correctly
Time Teacher activities Student Marks Resources
Beginning Organization moment Teacher Sts
activities Emoticon
greets students; students respond to warm/greet
greeting and take their places. the teacher
Home task . W.B. p.28 Formative Slide
Answer the
Warming up assessmen
Ask students to work in pairs and to following t
describe their families using have questions.
got. Allow them about 1-2 minutes Oral
for this. They
Get some feedback from the class answer the
by asking a few students to describe questions
their partner’s family using have got,
e.g. Marat’s got one brother and two Write T and 8
sisters. F statements
Phonetic drill:
English Tongue Twisters
I wish you were a fish in my dish

New lesson
Task 1. SB (44).
Draw students’ attention to the
words in the box. Explain the
Middle task and refer them to pages 79-80 Speaking Emotico Teacher’s
of the Workbook. n book
Students check their answers in
pairs. Check answers as a class.
Answers: Appearance: fair, dark, Formativ
short, tall e
Opposites: horrible/nice, young/old, assessme
friendly/unfriendly, fair/dark, nt PPT
short/tall, noisy/quiet
Descriptor: Which four words Filling the Oral
describe appearance? Which are missing
opposites? words SB
Task 2. (p.44)
Look at the photo with the class. Ask
them which person they like the 8
most and elicit some feedback, Write T and
encouraging students to try to F statements
explain their answer.
Explain the task. Students work
individually and then compare their
answers in pairs. Check answers as a
class. Emotico
Answers :1.short and dark 2. old n
and nice 3.friendly and dark
4.tall and fair 5.young and noisy
6.quiet and good-looking Formativ
Descriptor: Choose two adjectives e
for each of the people in photos 1-6. assessme
Task3. nt
Write interview on the board and ask
students what it means. Ask them if Oral
they have ever seen a TV interview
and elicit some feedback. Students
Explain the task. Read the questions check their
with the class and check for answers in
understanding. Students do the task pairs. Check 8
as a class. PPT
in pairs.
Answers: Students own answers.
Descriptor: Guess the answers to
the questions.
Task4. SB
Listen to the programme. Which
questions from ex.3 do you hear?
Answers: 2,4,5,6,8

End Home task: WB p.29

Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by
putting their thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using
simple language
Оқу ісі орынбасары: ________

Long-term plan unit: 4. School:

Living things
Date: Teacher name:
Grade:5 Number present: absent: -
Theme of the lesson: People’s appearance and possessions
Learning 5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected
objectives(s) that comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics using a
this lesson is structure have got (affirmative, negative, questions and short
answers) p.45
contributing to
5.UE1 use appropriate form of " have got" describing people's
appearance and possessions
5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a limited range of general topics ( Ex. 1 - 3. p.45)
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
talk about their family and possessions
use have got in the affirmative, negative,questions and short answers
use subject-specific vocabulary
understand the main content of text
Most learners will be able to:
use new basic time expressions
ask questions about people’s appearance and possessions
Some learners will be able to:
use all structures correctly
Time Teacher activities Student Marks Resourc
Beginning Organization moment Emoticon
Teacher greets students; students respond
to greeting and take their places Sts warm/greet
Warming up the teacher Formative Slide
Remand students about the adjectives assessmen
from page 44 to describe people. Tell
them to work in pairs. Each pair should
choose a student from the class and try to
Answer the
describe that student using some of the
adjectives. Ask each pair to tell the rest of following
the class their description of their choose questions.
student. The rest of the class have to
guess who it is. Oral
Phonetic drill:
English Tongue Twisters They answer
the questions
If you understand, say ""understand"". If
you don't understand, say ""don't 8
understand"". But if you understand and
say ""don't understand"". how do I Write T and F
understand that you understand. statements
New lesson
Task 1. SB (45).
Draw students’ attention to the empty
table and the headings in each column.
Explain the task. Students complete the
task in pairs. Check answers as a class.
Point out we don/u use the short forms ‘s
or ‘ve in short answers, but that we can
use short forms in negative short answers:
hasn’t or haven’t.
Answers: Affirmative: They’ve got
twelve children; Charles has got his own

Middle Negative: The boy hasn’t Speaking Emoticon Teacher’

got dark hair; They s book
haven’t got different
rooms. Formative
Question: Have they got
any pets?; Has Mr Lewis
got a job?
Short answers: Yes, he Oral
has; No, they haven’t.
Descriptor: Complete the
columns with examples 1- Filling the missing
8 from the TV programme words
on page 36. 8 SB
Task 2. (p.45)
Refer students to the
sentences and explain the Write T and F
task. They complete the statements
activity individually.
Students check answers in
pair. Check answers as a
class. Emoticon
Answers :1.hasn’t got
2. hasn’t got 3.haven’t
got Formative
4. haven’t got 5. assessment
haven’t got 6. haven’t
got Oral
Descriptor: Make the
sentences negative. Use
the words in box.
Refer students to the
sentences. Tell them to 8
look through them quickly
and ask them how many of Students check their
them are affirmative, answers in pairs.
negative and questions. Check as a class.
Elicit there are three
questions (2,4 and 6), two
negatives ( 1 and 5) and PPT
one affirmative (3).
Explain the task. Students
check answers in pairs.
Check answers as a class.
Answers: 1. hasn’t SB
2.Have got you 3.have
4.has 5.haven’t
6.has she got
Descriptor: Choose the
correct words.

End Home task: WB p.29 Describe a member of your family

Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by putting their
thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using simple language

Оқу ісі орынбасары ________

Long-term plan unit: 4. School:

Living things
Date: Teacher name:
Grade:5 Number present: absent: -
Theme of the lesson: People in a photo
Learning 5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on
objectives(s) general and curricular topics ( ex 1 - 4 p.46)
that this lesson 5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe
people ( ex.4)
is contributing
5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and
to whole class exchanges
5.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others
( Teacher's book p.117)
Lesson All learners will be able to:
objectives talk about their family and possessions
use have got in the affirmative, negative,questions and short answers
use subject-specific vocabulary
understand the main content of text
Most learners will be able to:
use new basic time expressions
ask questions about people’s appearance and possessions
Some learners will be able to:
use all structures correctly

Time Teacher activities Student activities Marks Resources

Beginning Organization moment Sts warm/greet Emoticon
Teacher greets students; the teacher
students respond to greeting Answer the
and take their places. Formative Slide
Warming up assessment
Ask students to work in questions.
pairs to tell each other about Oral
They answer
their favourite photos at
home or on their computers. the questions
Get feedback from a few
Write T and F
pairs by asking a few
students to describe their statements 8
partner’s photos.
Phonetic drill:
English Tongue
Five frantic frogs fled from
fifty fierce fishes.
New lesson
Middle Task 1. SB (46). Speaking Emoticon Teacher’s
Focus on the photo and book
discuss it with the class. Ask
the students what they can Formative
see and elicit that there are assessment
two girls and two boys in the
photo. Oral
Answers: Students own PPT
Filling the
Task 2. (p.46) missing words
Explain the task. Remand 8 SB
them to use the adjectives tj
describe people to help
them. Students check Write T and F
answers in pair. Check statements
answers as a class.
Answers : A. Vicky
B.Livia C.Leo D.Jake Emoticon
Descriptor: Which people
in the photo are Leo and
Livia? Formative
Task5. (p.46)
Focus on the photos and the Oral
vocabulary in the box and
check for understanding.
Explain the task and refer
students to the examples.
Circulate as students ask and 8
answer questions about the Students check
photos. their answers in
Answers: Which one is pairs. Check as a
Max? class.
He’s the boy with the short,
fair hair and blue eyes. PPT
Which one is Hassan?
He’s the boy with the short,
dark hair and brown eyes.
Which one is Ruth? SB
She’s the one with long, fair
hair and green eyes.
Descriptor: Look at the
photos below and the
phrasws in box. Who’s

End Hometask: WB p.30

Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by
putting their thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using
simple language

Оқу ісі орынбасары ________

Long-term plan unit: 4. School:

Living things
Date: Teacher name:
Grade:5 Number present: absent: -
Theme of the lesson: Desctiging people for a blog
Learning 5.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a
objectives(s) limited range of general and curricular topics ( ex .1 p 47)
that this lesson 5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group
and whole class exchanges
is contributing
5.UE1 use appropriate conjunctions and, or, but describing people
to 5.UE3 use a growing variety of adjectives and on a limited range of
familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson All learners will be able to:
objectives describe people in photo
use phrases for describing people
use subject-specific vocabulary
understand the main content of text
Most learners will be able to:
use new basic time expressions
ask questions about people’s appearance and possessions
Some learners will be able to:
use all structures correctly
Time Teacher activities Student Marks Resources
Beginning Organization moment activities
Sts warm/greet Emoticon
the teacher
Teacher greets students; students
respond to greeting and take their Formative Slide
places. assessmen
Answer the t
Warming up
Ask students to tell each other following
questions. Oral
how often they use the internet
and what they use it for. After
about 1 minute, stop the students
and get some feedback from each
They answer
pair by asking a students to
describe their partner’s use of the the questions

Phonetic drill: Write T and F

English Tongue Twisters statements
Thirty-three thousand people
think that Thursday is their
thirtieth birthday.

New lesson
Task 1. SB (47).
Draw a students’ attention to the
model text and ask them where
Middle might see it. Elicit them they Speaking Emoticon Teacher’s
would see it on the internet. book
Explain that this is a blog like an
online diary or journal where Formative
people write about their life and assessment
Explain the task and allow Oral
students time to match the people PPT
with their descriptions. Students
check their answers in pair. Check Filling
answers as a class. the
Answers: 1.grandmother missing 8
2.mother 3.sister (Becky) words SB
4.uncle 5.cousin
Descriptor: Who are people 1-
5? Write their names. Write T
Task 2. (p.47) and F
Refer students to the incomplete statemen Emoticon
sentences and explain that they ts
need to be completed with and,
but, or in their text. Students Formative
check their answers in pair. Check assessment
answers as a class.
Answers : 1.and 2.but 3.or Oral
There is a comma(,) before but.
Descriptor: Complete the
sentences with and, but, or.
When is there a
comma (,) ? 8
Task4. (p.47)
Draw students’ attention to the
key phrases. Read through them
with the class and check for
understanding. Tell students to
think about the students in their Students
classroom and to make six check PPT
sentences using each of the their
photos. answers
Answers: Students own in pairs.
answers. Check as
Task 5. (p.47) SB
a class.
Go through the writing guide with
the class. Point out that it is
always important to think and
plan before beginning to write.
Students can invent their own
names for the people, where the
photo is taken and even what
possessions the people have.
Answers: Students own answers.
End Home task: A letter to a friend WB p.31
Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by putting their
thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using simple language

Оқу ісі меңгерушісі: ________

Long-term plan unit: 4. School:

Living things
Date: Teacher name:
Grade:5 Number present: absent: -
Theme of the lesson: My country. Living things (p.48)
Learning L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on
objectives(s) general and curricular topics
that this lesson 5.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence
level on an increasing range of general topics
is contributing
5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group
to and whole class exchanges
5.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of
general topics ( ex.1p.48)
5.UE1 use appropriate degree of comparison describing animals on a
limited range of familiar general and curricular topics ( ex 3 - 6 p.48)
Lesson All learners will be able to:
objectives use and, but, and or in the sentences
use phrases for describing people
use subject-specific vocabulary
understand the main content of text
Most learners will be able to:
write a blog about people
use the structure of a simple blog
Some learners will be able to:
use all structures correctly
Time Teacher activities Student activities Marks Resources
Organization moment Sts warm/greet the Emoticon
Beginnin Teacher greets students; teacher
g students respond to greeting
and take their places. Formative Slide
Home task : A letter to a assessment Teacher’s
friend WB p.31 book
Warming up Answer the
Write the word animals on following
the board. Allow students questions.
about 1 minute to brainstorm
the names of as many animals They answer the 8 PPT
as they can. Elicit ideas, then questions Emoticon
write mountain, forest, river,
desert, steppe and lake on the Write T and F
board. Ask students to put the statement Formative
animals they brainstormed in assessment
the correct category.
Phonetic drill:
English Tongue
Swan swam over the sea.
Swim, swan, swim!
Swan swam back again.
Well swum swan!

Middle New Emoticon

lesson Speaking
Task 1. SB (48).
Focus students’ attention on
the word in the box. Draw a Teacher’s
simple picture of a snake or a Formative book
spider on the board and ask Filling the missing assessment
students to match it to one of words
the words in the box. Invite
individual students to draw
pictures of the other animals
for their classmates to guess. Oral
If you have access to the
internet, you can show
students photos of the
animals instead. In pairs,
students do the animals quiz. Write T and F 8
New vocabulary: camel,
eagle, horse, sheep, dog,
wolf, cat, bear, leopard,
snake, spider, fox, lizard, seal
Task 2. (p.48)
Ask students if they have
seen any of the animals
mentioned in the quiz and if
they know any other
interesting facts about them. Emoticon
Elicit some ideas. Students check their
Answers : 1.b 2.a 3.c 4.c answers in pairs.
5.a 6.c 7.b 8.c 9.a Check as a class.
Descriptor: answer the quiz
in exercise 1.
Task3. (p.48)
Draw students’ attention to
the table and the words in
blue in the quiz. Explain the
Students check their answers Formative
in pair. Check answers as a assessment
Answers: 1.bigger 2.the
biggest 3.smaller 4.heavier
5.the most popular 6.the
most beautiful 7.more
Descriptor: Complete the
table with the words in blue
in the quiz. How do you form
comparatives and superlatives
in English?
Task 6. (p.48) Work in
Choose one of the animals in
ex.1 and prepare a quiz about
it. Use the questions below to
help you.
Answers: students own
End Home task: Animal in Kazakhstan (w)
Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by putting their thumbs
up/down and explaining the reasons using simple language

Оқу ісі орынбасары : ________

Long-term plan unit: 4. School:

Living things
Date: Teacher name:
Grade:5 Number present: absent: -
Theme of the lesson: Locations of items (p.49)
Learning UE9 use prepositions of place and a structure there is / there are to describe
objectives(s) where something is on a limited range of familiar general and curricular
that this lesson topics ( ex 1-2 p49)
5.C6 organise and present information clearly to others
is contributing
5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on
to general and curricular topics
5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
limited range of general topics
Lesson All learners will be able to:
objectives use vocabulary for talking about animals
use comparative and superlative adjectives
use subject-specific vocabulary
understand the main content of text
Most learners will be able to:
use interrohative pronouns
use the structure of a simple blog
Some learners will be able to:
use all structures correctly
Time Teacher activities Student Marks Resources
Beginning Organization moment Emoticon
Teacher greets students; students
respond to greeting and take their Sts warm/greet
places. the teacher Formative Slide
Home task : Animal in assessmen
Kazakhstan (w) ; ex.5 (p.48) t
Warming up
Draw students’ attention on your Oral
desk (ask them to stand up and
look at it if necessary). Ask them Answer the
what they can see on it, e.g. following
There’s a book. There’re some questions.
pens. Put any new vocabulary on 8
the board and model for They answer
pronunciation. the questions
New lesson
Task 1. SB (49). Write T and F
Draw students’ attention on the statements
illustration and ask them what it
Middle Elicit it is a classroom. Draw their Speaking Emoticon Teacher’s
attention to the words in the box book
and explain the task. Students
complete it individually and check Formative
their answers in pairs. Check assessmen
answers as a class. t
Answers: 1.calendar 2.scissors PPT
3.ruler 4.dictionary 5.glue stick
6.Sellotape Filling the
Task 2. (p.49)
missing words
Explain the task and draw
students’ attention to the SB
incomplete sentences. Using the
illustration, they complete the Write T and F
sentences individually before
checking their answers in pairs
Answers : 1.ruler 2.calculator
3.scissors 4.Sellotape
Descriptor: Complete the
Task3. (p.49)
Explain the task and draw
students’ attention to the question.
Say that they are going to hear the
three people-Tom, Helen and
Lucy-talking about various
objects and they have to decide
which of them has got a
calculator. Students check their
answers in pair. Check answers as
a class. Students check 8
Answers: Lucy’s got a their answers in
calculator. pairs. Check as
Descriptor: Who has got a a class.
calculator: Tom, Helen and Lucy?
Task4. (p.49) PPT
Refer students to the key phrases
and read through them together as
a class. Check for understanding.
If necessary, remand students of SB
the meaning of borrow. Explain
the task. Students check their
answers in pair. Check answers as
a class.
Descriptor: Number the phrases
in the order you hear them.
Task 5. (p.49)
Listen and repeat the dialogue.

End Home task: WB p.32

Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by
putting their thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using
simple language

Оқу ісі орынбасары : ________

Long-term plan unit: 4 School:

Living things
Date: Teacher name:
Grade:5 Number present: absent: -
Theme of the lesson: My Family. Project (p.50-51)
Learning 5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on
objectives(s) that general and curricular topics
this lesson is 5.S1 provide basic information about a family and a family tree others
at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics
contributing to
5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group
and whole class exchanges
5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a limited range of general topics
5.R3 understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar
general and curricular topics5
5.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in a song (Ex 1-4
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
understand specific information and ask information
use subject-specific vocabulary
understand the main content of text
Most learners will be able to:
use phrases for borrowing and asking where things are
understand a conversation between students
Some learners will be able to:
use all structures correctly
Time Teacher activities Student Marks Resources
Beginning Organization moment Sts warm/greet Emoticon
the teacher
Teacher greets students;
students respond to greeting Formative Slide
and take their places. Answer the
following Oral
Warming up
Write family on the board questions.
and tell students they have 1
They answer
minute to brainstorm
different members of a the questions
Write T and F
Put the different family
members on the board as statements
students shout them out.
Middle New Speaking Emoticon Teacher’s
lesson book
Task 1. SB (50).
Ask students to look at the
family tree and ask them
how many people they can
see. Elicit that they can see PPT
six people in the photos.
Refer students to the family
Filling the
tree and ask them who made
missing words
it. Elicit Akbota made the
8 SB
tree and point out her
position in it.
Students complete the Write T and F
sentences themselves.
Check answers as a class.
Answers: 1.Sayle
2.Assel 3.Mikhail
4.Nuraly and
Alen 5.Talgat
Descriptor: Complete the
Task 2. (p.50)
Draw students’ attention to
the sentences and read
through them together with
the class. Check for
understanding. Explain the
task. Check answers as a
Answers : 1.False: Students check
Akbota’s grand mother their answers in
Olga is Russian. pairs. Check as a
2.True 3.True 4.False:Her class.
uncle isn’t married.
5.False:Mikhali isn’t a pop PPT
Descriptor: Write true or
Task3. (p.50) SB
Make a poster of your
family. Follow the steps in
the project checklist.
Answers: Students own
Vocabulary puzzles.
Family. Adjectives.
Describing people.
Ex.1 (p.51)Use the code

End Home task: Family Tree

Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by putting
their thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using simple

Оқу ісі меңгерушісі: ________

Long-term plan unit: 4 School:

Living things
Date: Teacher name:
Grade:5 Number present: absent: -
Theme of the lesson: Review. Unit 4
Learning 5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on
objectives(s) general and curricular topics
that this 5.S1 provide basic information about a family and a family tree others at
sentence level on an increasing range of general topics
lesson is
5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and
contributing whole class exchanges
to 5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
limited range of general topics
5.R3 understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar
general and curricular topics5
5.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in a song
( Ex 1 - 4 p.53)
Lesson All learners will be able to:
objectives understand specific information and ask information
use subject-specific vocabulary
understand the main content of text
Most learners will be able to:
use phrases for borrowing and asking where things are
understand a conversation between students
Some learners will be able to:
use all structures correctly
Time Teacher activities Student activities Marks Resources
Beginning Organization moment Sts warm/greet the Emoticon
Teacher greets students; teacher
students respond to
greeting and take their Slide
Ex.1 grandmother Formative
2.daughter 3.wife assessment
4.brother 5.parents, Answer the
mother 6.uncle 7.aunt following
Ex.2 1.every year 2.This questions.
year 3.every day 4.today Oral
5.this evening They answer the
Warming up questions
Write family on the board
and tell students they have Write T and F
1 minute to brainstorm statements 8
different members of a
Put the different family
members on the board as
students shout them out.
Middle New lesson Speaking Emoticon Teacher’s
Task 1. SB (50). book
Ask students to look at the
family tree and ask them how
many people they can see. Elicit Formative
that they can see six people in assessment
the photos. Refers students to
the family tree and ask them Oral
who made it. Elicit Akbota PPT
made the tree and point out her
position in it.
Students complete the sentences Filling the
themselves. Check answers as a missing words
class. 8 SB
Answers: 1.Sayle 2.Assel
4.Nuraly and Alen
5.Talgat Write T and F
Descriptor: Complete the statements
Task 2. (p.50)students’ attention
to the sentences and read
through them together with the Emoticon
class. Check for understanding.
Explain the task. Check answers
as a class. Formative
Answers : 1.False: Akbota’s
grand mother Olga is Russian.
2.True 3.True 4.False:Her
uncle isn’t married. Oral
5.False:Mikhali isn’t a pop star.
Descriptor: Write true or false.
Task3. (p.50)
Make a poster of your family.
Follow the steps in the project
checklist. 8
Answers: Students own
answers. Students check
Vocabulary their answers in
puzzles.Family.Adjectives.Des pairs. Check as a
cribing people.
Ex.1 (p.51)Use the code to
write family words. PPT
Answers: 1.son 2.niece
3.cousin 4.uncle 5.sister
6.father 7.wife 8.granddaghhter
9.husband 10.grandfather

End Hometask: Family Tree

Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by putting their
thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using simple language

2. Match the questions to the answers.

1. Have you got a
pen? ..E..
2. Hae Larissa got a
sister? ....
3. Have we got an English lesson now?
Summative control work 4. Have they got a nice house?
Name…………………………………………… 5. Has Jake got any pets?
… ….
6. Has your town got a cinema?
1.Complete the sentences with the words ….
in the box. 7. Has we got a computer?
their, his, our, its, your, my, your ….
Is that your brother?
1.This is …………… new bicycle? A Yes, they have. B Yes, she
2……………. New house is very nice. We has.
like it. C Yes, it has. D No, we
3. My brother likes basketball. haven’t.
………………. E No, I haven’t F Yes, I
favourite team is the Chocago Bulls. have.
4. They’re a good band. I like ………….. G Yes, he has.
5. ………….. cousin’s good looking. 3. Match the sentences.
What’s his 1 This is my
name? grandmother. ..E...
6. My cat is noisy when it eats ………….. 2 My mother is Mary.
food! …..
3 That’s my sister. 4 your/ how/ got/ cousins/ have/ many/
….. you?
4 My cousin is Kanato. ………………………………………………
….. ……
5 My grandfather is Faisal. ………………………………………………
….. ……
6 My father is called Neil. 5 got/ their/ they/ have/ rooms/ where/ own?
….. ………………………………………………
7 This is my brother Juan. ……
….. ………………………………………………
A Her name’s Lucia.
B He loves computer games 5. Write questions with Have got or has
C He’s forty, and he’s maths teacher. got. Then write true short answers for
D He’s my uncle Kenta’s son. you.
E She’s ninty three! Have you got any pets?
1.brothers or sisters?
2. dark hair?
F She likes playing tennis. ………………………………………………
G He married my grandmother in 1932. ……
3 a mobile phone in your bag?
Grade …… Date ………………………………………………
………………………………. ……
4 own room?
4.Order the words to complete the ………………………………………………
sentences. Use the correct punctuation.
There is one extra word in each sentences.
got / you / when / bicycle / a / have 5 sport today?
Have you got a bicycle? ………………………………………………
1 got/ hair/ your/ brother/ his/ dark?
6. Choose the correct words.
……………………………………………… I don’t like that film star. He’s horrible /
2 many/ house/ got/ how/ has/ rooms/ your/
has? 1 Lisa is really nice and unfrienfly /
……………………………………………… friendly.
2 My sister has fair /dark hair. It’s black.
…… 3 Mmm. I think Erlan’s really plain / good-
3 got/ Holly/ green/ her/ eyes/ has? looking !
4 Sssh! You’re so noisy / quite!
5 Rory is short /tall. He’s in the basketball
Task 1
1 my 2 Our 3 His 4 Their 5 Your 6 its

Task 2
2b 3d 4a 5g 6c 7f

Task 3
2f 3a 4d 5g 6c 7b

Task 4
1 Has your brother got dark hair?
2 How many rooms has your house got?
3 Has Holly got green eyes her?
4 how many cousins have you got ?
5 Have they got their own rooms?

Task 5
1 Have you got any brothers and sisters?
2 Have you got a dark hair?
3 Have you got a mobile phone in your bag?
4 Have you got your own room?
5 Have you got sport today?

Task 6
1 friendly 2 dark 3 good-looking 4 niosy 5 tall
Оқу ісі орынбасары ________

Long-term plan unit: 4 School:

Living things
Date: Teacher name:
Grade:5 Number present: absent: -
Theme of the lesson: Correction work and Unit revision (p.52)
Learning objectives(s) Working on mistakes. Vocabulary, reflection task, check point.
that this lesson is Review of the Unit (p.52)
contributing to
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
understand specific information and ask information
use subject-specific vocabulary
understand the main content of text
Most learners will be able to:
use phrases for borrowing and asking where things are
understand a conversation between students
Some learners will be able to:
use all structures correctly
Time Teacher activities Student activities Marks Resources
Beginning Organization moment Sts warm/greet the Emoticon
Teacher greets students; teacher Answer the
students respond to following
greeting and take their Formative Slide
places. assessment
Hometask : review They answer the

Write T and F
Middle New Emoticon Teacher’s
lesson book

Vocabulary Formative
Task 1. SB (52). assessment
Complete the sentences
with the words in the Speaking Oral
box: PPT
Daughter, grandson,
grandmother, sister,
cousin, uncle, aunt,
grandfather 8 SB
1.My father’s mother is
my grandmother.
2.My uncles son is my
Filling the
missing words
3.My mother’s sister is
my aunt.
4.My son’s sister is my
5.My cousin’s father is
my uncle. 6.My Emoticon
grandmother’s husband
is my grandfather.
8.My brother is my
grandfather’s grandson.

Task 2. (p.52). Match

the pairs of opposite
1 young 2 short 3
horrible 4 unfriendly Write T and F
5 noisy 6 dark statements
a) tall b)fair c)old
d)quite e)nice
f)friendly Formative PPT
Answers : 1-c, 2-a, assessment
3-e, 4-f, 5-d, 6-b
Language focus
Task3. (p.52) Write
sentences with have got, SB
has got, haven’t got, or
hasn’t got. Oral
1 I / two brothers x
2 My cousins / dark hair
3 My brother and I / a
computer x 4 8
Steve / a new bicycle v
5 Ludia / a cat and a
dog. X 6
My grandmother / a car.
Answers: 1. haven’t
got 2.have got
3.haven’t got 4.gas got
5.hasn’t got 6.hasn’t

Ex.6 (p.52) Match 1-5
with a-d to make Students check
phrases. There is one their answers in
part you do not need. pairs. Check as a
1 That’s a class.
a long, dark hair.
2 Which one
b in the middle
3 He’s the boy with
c nice photo
4 Mukhtar is at the back
d is Tomas?

e in the front on the

left? f friendly
Answers: 1-c 2-d
3-a 4-f 5-b
Hometask: review
End Feedback
Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by putting
their thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using simple

Summative control work

Name……………………………………………… Grade 5…… Date



Task 1. Match the pairs of opposite adjectives.

1 young a) tall
2 short b)fair
3 horrible c)old
4 unfriendly d)quite
5 noisy e)nice
6 dark f)friendly

Answers : 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6-
Language focus

Task 2. Write sentences with have got, has got, haven’t got, or hasn’t got.

1 I / two brothers x
2 My cousins / dark hair v
3 My brother and I / a computer x
4 Steve / a new bicycle v
5 Ludia / a cat and a dog. x
6 My grandmother / a car. x

Task 3. Complete the sentsnces with the correct possessive adjectives.

1.Aizere and …………….. brother are at home today.

2.Lena and Batyr are with ……………… friends at the sports centre.
3.This my favourite café. ………………. name is The Bistro.
4.I’m with ……………… friend Gulfiya today.
5.’Here’s ……………….. DVD, Samat.’ ‘Thanks
Ex. 4 Complete the questions with Have or Has. Then match the questions and answers.
1…………… you got a cousin in the USA? A) No, he hasn’t.
2………… … your house got a garden? B) Yes, she has.
3. …………. Pete got fair hair? C) No, I haven’t
4………….. your parents got a dog? D) Yes, we have.
5………….. your grandmother got a Ferrari? E) No, they haven’t.6………….. you
and your friends got cameras? F) Yes, it has.
Answers: 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6-

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