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Unit1 Home and away Home and away

Teacher`s name Medetova.R

Date 05.09.23
Class 5
Theme Homes
Learning objectives 5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair,
group and whole class exchanges
5.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at
sentence level on an increasing range of general topics
5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which
describe people, places and objects

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

- Understand specific information related to the target.
- Pronounce and name some words, according to the
- Recognize the theme and grammar material;
- Use prepositions to make sentences.
Speak about things in a room.
Lesson Teacher`s activity Learners` activity Assessment Resources
Beginning of Greeting. Teacher greets learners respond to greeting
the lesson learners Flashcards
S1 Brainstorming. PPT (slide – 1-
Types of houses 2)
learners make some words
and translate them Pictures

Middle of the Working with new PPT (slide – 3)

lesson vocabulary.
English Transcription

Desk [desk]

Chair [tʃɛː]

Mirror [mɪrə]

Lamp [læmp]

Clock [klɒk]

Table [teɪb(ə)l]

Bed [bed]

Shelves [ʃɛlvz]
Read the puzzles and guess Learners read the puzzle
what rooms they are. and guess room’s name Descriptor
1. We have breakfast, lunch, A learner:
dinner, supper there. -Read and
We eat in it. What room is it? translate
2. We cook dinner, wash up -Define
dishes there. There is cooker a rooms and
fridge, a dishwasher there. furniture’s
There are plates, cups,
-Answer the
cupboards there. questions
What room is it?
3. There is a bed, a picture, a
window, a curtain, a toilet table
in it.
What room is it?

End of the Assessment. Traffic light.

lesson Feedback. The teacher gives
comments about learners work
and awards learner. Students
will choose one and put on the
board their stickers.
Home task: Writing and
speaking “My room” Use what
you know

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