Some Question On Process Management in Operating System
Some Question On Process Management in Operating System
(a) Can two processes be concurrently executing the same program executable?
(b) Can two running processes share the complete process image in physical memory (not just
parts of it)?
2. Consider a process executing on a CPU. Give an example scenario that can cause the process to
3. Consider a parent process P that has forked a child process C. Now, P terminates while C is still
running. Answer yes/no, and provide a brief explanation.
4. A process in user mode cannot execute certain privileged hardware instructions. [T/F]
Ans: True, some instructions in every CPU’s instruction set architecture can only be executed
when the CPU is running in a privileged mode (e.g., ring 0 on Intel CPUs).
5. Which of the following C library functions do NOT directly correspond to (similarly named) sys-
tem calls? That is, the implentations of which of these C library functions are NOT straightforward
invocations of the underlying system call?
6. Which of the following actions by a running process will always result in a context switch of the
running process, even in a non-preemptive kernel design?
(a) Servicing a disk interrupt, that results in another blocked process being marked as ready/runnable.
(b) A blocking system call.
(c) The system call exit, to terminate the current process.
(d) Servicing a timer interrupt.
7. Consider two machines A and B of different architectures, running two different operating systems
OS-A and OS-B. Both operating systems are POSIX compliant. The source code of an application
that is written to run on machine A must always be rewritten to run on machine B. [T/F]
Ans: False. If the code is written using the POSIX API, it need not be rewritten for another POSIX
compliant system.
8. Consider the scenario of the previous question. An application binary that has been compiled for
machine A may have to be recompiled to execute correctly on machine B. [T/F]
Ans: True. Even if the code is POSIX compliant, the CPU instructions in the compiled executable
are different across different CPU architectures.
9. A process makes a system call to read a packet from the network device, and blocks. The scheduler
then context-switches this process out. Is this an example of a voluntary context switch or an
involuntary context switch?
Ans: Voluntary context switch.
10. A context switch can occur only after processing a timer interrupt, but not after any other system
call or interrupt. [T/F]
Ans: False, a context switch can also occur after a blocking system call for example.
11. A C program cannot directly invoke the OS system calls and must always use the C library for this
purpose. [T/F]
Ans: False, it is cumbersome but possible to directly invoke system calls from user code.
12. A process undergoes a context switch every time it enters kernel mode from user mode. [T/F]
Ans: False, after finishing its job in kernel mode, the OS may sometimes decide to go back to the
user mode of the same process, without switching to another process.
13. Consider a process P in xv6 that invokes the wait system call. Which of the following statements
is/are true?
(a) If P does not have any zombie children, then the wait system call returns immediately.
(b) The wait system call always blocks process P and leads to a context switch.
(c) If P has exactly one child process, and that child has not yet terminated, then the wait system
call will cause process P to block.
(d) If P has two or more zombie children, then the wait system call reaps all the zombie children
of P and returns immediately.
Ans: (c)
14. Consider a process P that executes the fork system call twice. That is, it runs code like this:
int ret1 = fork(); int ret2 = fork();
How many direct children of P (i.e., processes whose parent is P) and how many other descendants
of P (i.e., processes who are not direct children of P, but whose grandparent or great grandparent
or some such ancestor is P) are created by the above lines of code? You may assume that all fork
system calls succeed.
(a) This scheduler is an example of a non-preemptive scheduling policy.
(b) This scheduling policy can result in the starvation of low priority processes.
(c) This scheduling policy guarantees fairness across all active processes.
(d) This scheduling policy guarantees lowest average turnaround time for all processes.
17. Consider the following scheduling policy implemented by an OS. Every time a process is sched-
uled, the OS runs the process for a maximum of 10 milliseconds or until the process blocks or
terminates itself before 10 milliseconds. Subsequently, the OS moves on to the next ready process
in the list of processes in a round-robin fashion. Which of the following statements is/are true
about this scheduling policy?
(a) This policy cannot be efficiently implemented without hardware support for timer interrupts.
(b) This scheduler is an example of a non-preemptive scheduling policy.
(c) This scheduling policy can sometimes result in involuntary context switches.
(d) This scheduling policy prioritizes processes with shorter CPU burst times over processes that
run for long durations.
18. Consider a process P that needs to save its CPU execution context (values of some CPU registers)
on some stack when it makes a function call or system call. Which of the following statements
is/are true?
(a) During a system call, when transitioning from user mode to kernel mode, the context of the
process is saved on its kernel stack.
(b) During a function call in user mode, the context of the process is saved on its user stack.
(c) During a function call in kernel mode, the context of the process is saved on its user stack.
(d) During a function call in kernel mode, the context of the process is saved on its kernel stack.
19. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding how the trap instruction (e.g., int n in x86)
is invoked when a trap occurs in a system?
(a) When a user makes a system call, the trap instruction is invoked by the kernel code handling
the system call
(b) When a user makes a system call, the trap instruction is invoked by userspace code (e.g., user
program or a library)
(c) When an external I/O device raises an interrupt, the trap instruction is invoked by the device
driver handling the interrupt
(d) When an external I/O device raises an interrupt signaling the completion of an I/O request,
the trap instruction is invoked by the user process that raised the I/O request
Ans: (b)
20. Which of the following statements is/are true about a context switch?
(a) A context switch from one process to another will happen every time a process moves from
user mode to kernel mode
(b) For preemptive schedulers, a trap of any kind always leads to a context switch
(c) A context switch will always occur when a process has made a blocking system call, irre-
spective of whether the scheduler is preemptive or not
(d) For non-preemptive schedulers, a process that is ready/willing to run will not be context
switched out
21. Consider the following C program. Assume there are no syntax errors and the program executes
correctly. Assume the fork system calls succeed. What is the output printed to the screen when
we execute the below program?
22. Consider a parent process P that has forked a child process C in the program below.
int a = 5;
int fd = open(...) //opening a file
int ret = fork();
if(ret >0) {
a = 6;
else if(ret==0) {
printf("a=%d\n", a);
read(fd, something);
After the new process is forked, suppose that the parent process is scheduled first, before the child
process. Once the parent resumes after fork, it closes the file descriptor and changes the value of
a variable as shown above. Assume that the child process is scheduled for the first time only after
the parent completes these two changes.
(a) What is the value of the variable a as printed in the child process, when it is scheduled next?
(b) Will the attempt to read from the file descriptor succeed in the child? Explain.
23. Consider the following pseudocode. Assume all system calls succeed and there are no other errors
in the code.
Let us call the original parent process in this program as P. Draw/describe a family tree of P and
all its descendents (children, grand children, and so on) that are spawned during the execution of
this program. Your tree should be rooted at P. Show the spawned descendents as nodes in the tree,
and connect processes related by the parent-child relationship with an arrow from parent to child.
Give names of the form C¡number¿ for descendents, where child processes created by fork ”i”
above should have numbers like ”i1”, ”i2”, and so on. For example, child processes created by
fork3 above should have names C31, C32, and so on.
Ans: P has three children, one in each fork statement: C11, C21, C31. C11 has two children in
the second and third fork statements: C22, C32. C21 and C22 also have a child each in the third
fork statement: C33 and C34.
24. Consider a parent process that has forked a child in the code snippet below.
int count = 0;
ret = fork();
if(ret == 0) {
printf("count in child=%d\n", count);
else {
count = 1;
The parent executes the statement ”count = 1” before the child executes for the first time. Now,
what is the value of count printed by the code above? Assume that the OS implements a simple
fork (not a copy-on-write fork).
Ans: 0 (the child has its own copy of the variable)
25. Consider the wait family of system calls (wait, waitpid etc.) provided by Linux. A parent process
uses some variant of the wait system call to wait for a child that it has forked. Which of the
following statements is always true when the parent invokes the system call?
Ans: (d)
26. Consider a simple linux shell implementing the command sleep 100. Which of the following
is an accurate ordered list of system calls invoked by the shell from the time the user enters this
command to the time the shell comes back and asks the user for the next input?
(a) wait-exec-fork
(b) exec-wait-fork
(c) fork-exec-wait
(d) wait-fork-exec
Ans: (c)
27. Consider a process P1 that forks P2, P2 forks P3, and P3 forks P4. P1 and P2 continue to execute
while P3 terminates. Now, when P4 terminates, which process must wait for and reap P4?
Ans: init (orphan processes are reaped by init)
28. Consider the following three processes that arrive in a system at the specified times, along with the
duration of their CPU bursts. Process P1 arrives at time t=0, and has a CPU burst of 10 time units.
P2 arrives at t=2, and has a CPU burst of 2 units. P3 arrives at t=3, and has a CPU burst of 3 units.
Assume that the processes execute only once for the duration of their CPU burst, and terminate
immediately. Calculate the time of completion of the three processes under each of the following
scheduling policies. For each policy, you must state the completion time of all three processes,
P1, P2, and P3. Assume there are no other processes in the scheduler’s queue. For the preemptive
policies, assume that a running process can be immediately preempted as soon as the new process
arrives (if the policy should decide to premempt).
(c) SRTF: P2 at 4, P3 at 7, P1 at 15
(d) RR: P2 at 7, P3 at 10, P1 at 15
29. Consider an application that is composed of one master process and multiple worker processes
that are forked off the master at the start of application execution. All processes have access to
a pool of shared memory pages, and have permissions to read and write from it. This shared
memory region (also called the request buffer) is used as follows: the master process receives
incoming requests from clients over the network, and writes the requests into the shared request
buffer. The worker processes must read the request from the request buffer, process it, and write
the response back into the same region of the buffer. Once the response has been generated, the
server must reply back to the client. The server and worker processes are single-threaded, and the
server uses event-driven I/O to communicate over the network with the clients (you must not make
these processes multi threaded). You may assume that the request and the response are of the same
size, and multiple such requests or responses can be accommodated in the request buffer. You may
also assume that processing every request takes similar amount of CPU time at the worker threads.
Using this design idea as a starting point, describe the communication and synchronization mech-
anisms that must be used between the server and worker processes, in order to let the server
correctly delegate requests and obtain responses from the worker processes. Your design must
ensure that every request placed in the request buffer is processed by one and only one worker
thread. You must also ensure that the system is efficient (e.g., no request should be kept waiting
if some worker is free) and fair (e.g., all workers share the load almost equally). While you can
use any IPC mechanism of your choice, ensure that your system design is practical enough to be
implementable in a modern multicore system running an OS like Linux. You need not write any
code, and a clear, concise and precise description in English should suffice.
Ans: Several possible solutions exist. The main thing to keep in mind is that the server should
be able to assign a certain request in the buffer to a worker, and the worker must be able to notify
completion. For example, the master can use pipes or sockets or message queues with each worker.
When it places a request in the shared memory, it can send the position of the request to one of the
workers. Workers listen for this signal from the master, process the request, write the response,
and send a message back to the master that it is done. The master monitors the pipes/sockets of all
workers, and assigns the next request once the previous one is done.
30. Consider the following events that happen during a context switch from (user mode of) process P
to (user mode of) process Q, triggered by a timer interrupt that occurred when P was executing, in
a Unix-like operating system design studied in class. Arrange the events in chronological order,
starting from the earliest to the latest.
(A) The CPU program counter moves from the kernel address space of P to the kernel address
space of Q.
(B) The CPU executing process P moves from user mode to kernel mode.
(C) The CPU stack pointer moves from the kernel stack of P to the kernel stack of Q.
(D) The CPU program counter moves from the kernel address space of Q to the user address space
of Q.
(E) The OS scheduler code is invoked.
31. Consider a system with two processes P and Q, running a Unix-like operating system as studied
in class. Consider the following events that may happen when the OS is concurrently executing P
and Q, while also handling interrupts.
(A) The CPU program counter moves from pointing to kernel code in the kernel mode of process
P to kernel code in the kernel mode of process Q.
(B) The CPU stack pointer moves from the kernel stack of P to the kernel stack of Q.
(C) The CPU executing process P moves from user mode of P to kernel mode of P.
(D) The CPU executing process P moves from kernel mode of P to user mode of P.
(E) The CPU executing process Q moves from the kernel mode of Q to the user mode of Q.
(F) The interrupt handling code of the OS is invoked.
(G) The OS scheduler code is invoked.
For each of the two scenarios below, list out the chronological order in which the events above
occur. Note that all events need not occur in each question.
(a) A timer interrupt occurs when P is executing. After processing the interrupt, the OS sched-
uler decides to return to process P.
(b) A timer interrupt occurs when P is executing. After processing the interrupt, the OS sched-
uler decides to context switch to process Q, and the system ends up in the user mode of
(a) C F G D
(b) C F G B A E
32. Which of the following pieces of information in the PCB of a process are changed when the
process invokes the exec system call?
Ans: (a) does not change. (b) and (c) change because the process gets a new memory image (and
hence new page table entries pointing to the new image).
33. Which of the following pieces of information about the process are identical for a parent and the
newly created child processes, immediately after the completion of the fork system call? Answer
“identical” or “not identical”.
Ans: (a) is not identical, as every process has its own unique PID in the system. (b) is identical,
as the child gets an exact copy of the parent’s file descriptor table.
34. Consider the following sample code from a simple shell program.
command = read_from_user();
int rc = fork();
if(rc == 0) { //child
else {//parent
Now, suppose the shell wishes the redirect the output of the command not to STDOUT but to a
file “foo.txt”. Show how you would modify the above code to achieve this output redirection. You
can indicate your changes next to the code above.
Modify the child code as follows.
35. Consider a simple program shown below. The OS uses a copy-on-write fork implementation.
Indicate the line of code whose execution causes the OS to start making two separate copies of the
memory image for the parent and child processes. Assume that the parent process is scheduled to
run before the child after the fork system call.
int a = 0;
int rc = fork();
if(rc == 0) { //child
a = -1;
else {//parent
a = 1;
36. What is the output of the following code snippet? You are given that the exec system call in the
child does not succeed.
else {
37. When a process makes a system call and runs kernel code:
(a) How does the process obtain the address of the kernel instruction to jump to?
(b) Where is the userspace context of the process (program counter and other registers) stored
during the transition from user mode to kernel mode?
(a) From IDT (interrupt descriptor table) (b) on kernel stack of process (which is linked from the
38. Consider a process P1 that is executing on a Linux-like OS on a single core system. When P1 is
executing, a disk interrupt occurs, causing P1 to go to kernel mode to service that interrupt. The
interrupt delivers all the disk blocks that unblock a process P2 (which blocked earlier on the disk
read). The interrupt service routine has completed execution fully, and the OS is just about to re-
turn back to the user mode of P1. At this point in time, what are the states (ready/running/blocked)
of processes P1 and P2?
(a) State of P1
(b) State of P2
(a) P1 is running (b) P2 is ready
39. Consider the following code snippet, where a parent process forks a child process. The child
performs one task during its lifetime, while the parent performs two different tasks.
With the way the code is written right now, the user has no control over the order in which the
parent and child tasks execute, because the scheduling of the processes is done by the OS. Below
are given two possible orderings of the tasks that the user wishes to enforce. For each part, briefly
describe how you will modify the code given above to ensure the required ordering of tasks. You
may write your answer in English or using pseudocode.
Note that you cannot change the OS scheduling mechanism in any way to solve this question. If a
process is scheduled by the OS before you want its task to execute, you must use mechanisms like
system calls and IPC techniques available to you in userspace to delay the execution of the task
till a suitable time.
(a) We want the parent to start execution of both its tasks only after the child process has finished
its task and has terminated.
Ans: Parent does wait() until child finishes, and then starts its tasks.
(b) We want the child process to execute its task after the parent process has finished its first
task, but before it runs its second task. The parent must not execute its second task until the
child has completed its task and has terminated.
Ans: Many solutions are possible. Parent and child share two pipes (or a socket). Parent
writes to one pipe after completing task 1 and child blocks on this pipe read before starting
its task. Child writes to pipe 2 after finishing its task, and parent blocks on this pipe read
before starting its second task. (Or parent can use wait to block for child termination, like in
previous part.)
40. Consider a system with a single CPU core and three processes A, B, C. Process A arrives at t = 0,
and runs on the CPU for 10 time units before it finishes. Process B arrives at t = 6, and requires
an initial CPU time of 3 units, after which it blocks to perform I/O for 3 time units. After returning
from I/O wait, it executes for a further 5 units before terminating. Process C arrives at t = 8, and
runs for 2 units of time on the CPU before terminating. For each of the scheduling policies below,
calculate the time of completion of each of the three processes. Recall that only the size of the
current CPU burst (excluding the time spent for waiting on I/O) is considered as the “job size” in
these schedulers.
41. Consider the following code snippet running on a modern Linux operating systems (with a reason-
able preemptive scheduling policy as studied in class). Assume that there are no other interfering
processes in the system. Note that the executable “good long executable” runs for 100 seconds,
prints the line “Hello from good executable” to screen, and terminates. On the other hand, the file
“bad executable” does not exist and will cause the exec system call to fail.
int ret1 = fork();
if(ret1 == 0) { //Child 1
printf("Child 1 started\n");
printf("Child 1 finished\n");
else { //Parent
int ret2 == fork();
if(ret2 == 0) { //Child 2
sleep(10); //Sleeping allows child 1 to begin execution
printf("Child 2 started\n");
printf("Child 2 finished\n");
} //end of Child 2
else { //Parent
printf("Child reaped\n");
printf("Parent finished\n");
42. What are the possible outputs printed from this program shown below? You may assume that the
program runs on a modern Linux-like OS. You may ignore any output generated from “some executable”.
You must consider all possible scenarios of the system calls succeeding as well as failing. In your
answer, clearly list down all the possible scenarios, and the output of the program in each of these
} else {
Ans: Case I: fork and exec succeed. Hello1, Hello3 are printed. Case II: fork succeeds but exec
fails. Hello1, Hello2, Hello3 are printed. Case III: fork fails. Hello4 is printed.
43. Which of the following operations by a process will definitely cause the process to move from
user mode to kernel mode? Answer yes (if a change in mode happens) or no.
44. Consider the following sample code from a simple shell program.
(a) In the code shown above, do the two commands cmd1 and cmd2 execute serially (one after
the other) or in parallel? Ans: parallel.
(b) Indicate how you would modify the code above to change the mode of execution from serial
to parallel or vice versa. That is, if you answered “serial” in part (a), then you must change
the code to execute the commands in parallel, and vice versa. Indicate your changes next to
the code snippet above. Ans: move the first wait to before second fork.
45. What is the output printed by the following snippet of pseudocode? If you think there is more
than one possible answer depending on the execution order of the processes, then you must list all
possible outputs.
int fd[2];
int rc = fork();
if(rc == 0) { //child
read(fd[0], bufc, bufc_size);
else {//parent
write(fd[1], bufp, bufp_size);
Ans: If child scheduled before parent: child1, parent1, child2, parent 2. If parent scheduled before
child, parent1, child1, child2, parent2.