Nstp-Reflection Paper

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Name: Angilyn V.


Gender and Development

(Reflection paper)
Today February 19, 2023. Our topic is all about the gender and development and our
speaker Associate Professor Julienne Thesa Y. Baldo-Cubelo. After we’ve watched the
video, I learned about the importance of gender and development to encourages
women's empowerment and works to make sure that they are fully included into
society. It also reveals how men and women can cooperate, how to treat each other
equally at work, and how to gain access to a secure and healthy atmosphere. God has
created us all as equals. Everyone has one body, two eyes, two legs, two hands, and
two hands. But it is humans, who make variances in everything. Every person in a
society has the right to live their life as they like without facing any discrimination. Yet,
there are still numerous social ills, such as caste prejudice and gender inequality. As
what speaker says on the video, the gender and development is anchored in the
feminist concepts of equality/ equity, standpoint/embodiment and intersectionality. An
issue about the LBQT community and some of them were killed because to their sexual
orientation. There may be solutions to stop these kinds of problems, yet some people
are opposed to the LGBT movement. Several people hold varied views and attitudes
about the LGBT community, and some don't wish to accept them in society. As a
educator in order to help the society to become live their life as they like without facing
any discrimination it is imperative that awareness of gender issues and sex disparities
grow. In every aspect of society, gender concerns are prevalent. We need to begin
altering the mentality of the younger generation in order to reduce these, as they are
the ones who can bring about further change with their contemporary beliefs, practices,
and ideas. I came to the conclusion that gender and development must be covered in
early childhood education since, in the eyes of a young child, playing or donning a
particular outfit simply implies "I like this." Children are still developing their knowledge
of how gender may influence their decisions. Children will learn to value their gender
and sexuality as they mature, and they will also learn how to respect and accept people
regardless of their gender. Regardless of whether a person is born male, female, or a
part of the LGBT community, they should be able to enjoy equal rights, responsibilities,
and opportunities. Boys and girls should be allowed to develop their abilities and make
decisions based on their own interests and capacities without being constrained by
gender norms and discrimination.

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