Daily Lesson Log: June 04 - 06, 2018

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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Occidental Mindoro
Daily Lesson Log
School CAMINAWIT NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL San Jose, Occidental Mindoro
Grade Level GRADE 7 Quarter FIRST
Learning Area MATHEMATICS Section and Magalang(8:30-9:30); Maaasahan(9:45-10:45);
Date June 04 – 06, 2018 Time Matiyaga(10:45-11:45); Matulungin(2:30-3:30)

Content The learners demonstrate understanding of key concepts of sets and the real number system.
Performance The learners are able to formulate challenging situations involving sets and real numbers and solve these in a variety
Standard of strategies.
Learning The learners describe well-defined sets, subsets, universal sets, and the Numbers and Number
Competencies null set and cardinality of sets. CONTENT Sense
Code M7NS-Ia-1
In this lesson, you are expected to:
Objectives LM (pp. 1 – 4)
1. Describe and illustrate (a) well-defined sets; (b) subsets; (c) universal References TG (pp. 1 – 5)
set, and; (d) the null set. E-Math (pp. 2 – 9)
2. Use Venn Diagrams to represent sets and subsets.
PROCEDURES Monday (June 04) Tuesday (June 05) Wednesday (June 06)
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Show groups / sets of objects and
presenting the new lesson find the one that is OUT of PLACE.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Group and Label the group of
lesson objects.
C.Presenting examples / Given the set of whole numbers 1 –
instances of the new lesson 100, form smaller sets.
D.Discussing new concepts and Points to remembers about SETS
practicing new skills # 1 by sample of groups in the class.
E. Discussing new concepts and Notations, symbols and description
practicing new skills # 2 of SETS
F. Developing mastery (leads to Give at least 3 examples of well –
Formative Assessment 3) defined sets
G.Finding practical application of Using SETS, give example of
concepts and skills in daily group of things in your place, or at
living home.
H.Making generalizations and Summarized the lesson by
abstractions about the lesson examples of sets.
I. Evaluating learning Activity: Group the objects
accordingly (at least 5)
J. Additional activities for Supplemental: Draw things that
application or remediation share common characteristic.
REMARKS Lesson not yet done Lesson not yet done Lesson not yet done

Lesson done Lesson done Lesson done

A. No. of learners earned Magalang B. No. of learners who Magalang
80% in the evaluation. Maaasahan require additional Maaasahan
activities for
Matiyaga Matiyaga
Matulungin Matulungin
E. Did the remedial F. No. of learners who
lessons work? No. of Magalang continue to require Magalang
learners who have Maaasahan remediation Maaasahan
caught up with the Matiyaga Matiyaga
Matulungin Matulungin
J. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
K. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
L. What innovative or localized materials
did I use / discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Date checked / Observed:


Teacher I

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