4-Acute-On-chronic Liver Failure, An Update (Gut, 2017)

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Recent advances in clinical practice

Acute-on-chronic liver failure: an update

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670 on 4 January 2017. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on March 11, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Ruben Hernaez,1 Elsa Solà,2,3,4 Richard Moreau,5,6,7,8,9 Pere Ginès2,3,4
Section of Gastroenterology ABSTRACT extrahepatic organ failure (OF) associated with
and Hepatology, Department Acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) is a syndrome short-term mortality. The current narrative review
of Medicine, Baylor College
of Medicine and Michael E.
characterised by acute decompensation of chronic liver will provide insights on the current understanding
DeBakey Veterans Affairs disease associated with organ failures and high short- of ACLF with emphasis on established definitions,
Medical Center, Houston, term mortality. Alcohol and chronic viral hepatitis are the epidemiology, pathophysiology and treatment/man-
Texas, USA most common underlying liver diseases. Up to 40%– agement options.
Liver Unit, Hospital Clinic 50% of the cases of ACLF have no identifiable trigger;
de Barcelona, Universitat de
Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain in the remaining patients, sepsis, active alcoholism and Heterogeneity of definitions
Institut d'Investigacions relapse of chronic viral hepatitis are the most common ACLF is a syndrome characterised by acute and
Biomediques August Pi i reported precipitating factors. An excessive systemic
Sunyer (IDIBAPS), Barcelona,
severe hepatic abnormalities resulting from differ-
inflammatory response seems to play a crucial role in the ent types of insults, in patients with underlying
Centro d'Investigaciones
development of ACLF. Using a liver-adapted sequential chronic liver disease or cirrhosis but, in contrast to
Biomedicas en Red, organ assessment failure score, it is possible to triage decompensated cirrhosis, has a high short-term
enfermedades Hepaticas and prognosticate the outcome of patients with ACLF. mortality, mimicking the prognosis of acute liver
y Digestivas (CIBEReHD), The course of ACLF is dynamic and changes over the
Barcelona, Spain failure. Nevertheless, the key terms of the defin-
course of hospital admission. Most of the patients will ition ‘acute’, ‘chronic liver’ and ‘failure’ have
Inserm, U1149, Centre de
Recerche sur l'inflammation have a clear prognosis between day 3 and 7 of hospital several variations and, a recent systematic review
(CRI), Paris, France admission and clinical decisions such as evaluation for reported up to 13 definitions of ACLF.6 Given this
Faculté de Médicine, liver transplant or discussion over goals of care could be
Université Paris Diderot, Paris,
heterogeneity and the importance of identifying
tailored using clinical scores. Bioartificial liver support patients with ACLF for a more expedited triage
Départment Hospitalo- systems, granulocyte-colony stimulating factors or stem- and work-up, four major societies/organisations
Universitaire (DHU) UNITY, cell transplant are in the horizon of medical care of this have provided working definitions that,
Service d'Hépatologie, Hôpital patient population; however, data are too premature to although not consistent, lay the groundwork for
Beaujon, AP-HP, Clichy, France implement them as standard of care.
Laboratoire d'Excellence future research (table 1)5 7–9 and have been used
(Labex) Inflamex, CUE clinically.10 11 Overall, the APASL provided the first
Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris, consensus definition on ACLF in 2009,4 later
France INTRODUCTION updated in 2014.5 The main difference with all
European Foundation for the
Study of Chronic Liver Failure Cirrhosis is a pathological diagnosis characterised other definitions is that hepatic insults are only
(EF-CLIF), Barcelona, Spain by diffuse fibrosis, severe disruption of the intrahe- taken in consideration if they lead to liver failure
patic arterial and venous flow, portal hypertension ( jaundice and HE).
Correspondence to and, ultimately, liver failure.1 Traditionally, cirrhosis The North American Consortium for the Study
Dr Pere Ginès, Liver Unit,
has been dichotomised in compensated and decom- of End-Stage Liver Disease (NACSELD) centred
Hospital Clinic of Barcelona,
University of Barcelona, Institut pensated, and the transition to decompensated cir- their efforts to understand the factors associated
d'Investigacions Biomèdiques rhosis happens when any of the following with mortality in hospitalised infected patients with
August Pi I Sunyer (IDIBAPS), hallmarks occurs: presence of ascites, variceal cirrhosis.7 Consequently, all other triggers were not
Barcelona 08036, Spain; haemorrhage and/or hepatic encephalopathy (HE).2 considered and the generalisability of their findings
[email protected]; pgines@
clinic.ub.es Once cirrhosis transitions from the compensated to to non-infected patients with cirrhosis is unknown.
the decompensated stage, it is associated with The European Association for the Study of the
RM and PG are joint senior short-term survival (3–5 years) and evaluation for Liver-chronic liver failure (EASL-CLIF) Consortium
authors. liver transplant is recommended in the absence of and called the EASL-CLIF Acute-on-Chronic Liver
contraindications. If cirrhosis is mediated by a treat- Failure in Cirrhosis (CANONIC) study is the most
Received 18 July 2016
Revised 10 October 2016 able cause (eg, chronic viral hepatitis, ongoing comprehensive registry to understand outcomes on
Accepted 13 October 2016 alcohol consumption, obesity, etc), then patients hospitalized patients with cirrhosis.9 Similar to
Published Online First may have transition from a decompensated to a NACSELD, the inclusion criteria were patients with
4 January 2017 compensated phase. cirrhosis, but there were no restrictive inclusion
The concept of acute-on-chronic liver failure criteria and operational definitions for OF in
(ACLF) has been widely used in critical care hepa- EASL-CLIF were clearly outlined (table 2).
tology to study patients who underwent artificial The CANONIC investigators adapted the
support therapies as a bridge to liver transplant- Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) to
ation (LT).3 In 2009, the Asian Pacific Association their cohort to predict short-term mortality
for the Study of the Liver (APASL) provided the (CLIF-C ACLF, available at http://www.clifresearch.
first consensus on ACLF, defined as “an acute com/ToolsCalculators.aspx)(10). Finally, the World
hepatic insult manifesting as jaundice and coagulo- Gastroenterology Organisation (WGO), cognizant
pathy, complicated within 4 weeks by ascites and/or of the differences between Western and Eastern
encephalopathy”.4 The 2014 definition was further definitions, has recently provided some suggestions
To cite: Hernaez R, Solà E, expanded to include ‘high 28-day mortality’.5 Such to improve the operational definition of ACLF and
Moreau R, et al. Gut initiative led the scientific community to identify its validity remains to be determined using pro-
2017;66:541–553. new venues of research of a syndrome with spective studies.8
Hernaez R, et al. Gut 2017;66:541–553. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670 541
Recent advances in clinical practice
Table 1 Characteristics of the available definitions for acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF)
APASL definition4 5
EASL-CLIF definition9 NACSELD definition7 WGO proposal8

Category of Report of a consensus involving international experts from Prospective, observational study in 1343 patients with Prospective, observational study in 507 Report of a consensus involving
study that led the APASL cirrhosis admitted to 29 Liver Units in 12 European countries patients with cirrhosis hospitalised in 18 international experts from the WGO
to the definition (CANONIC study), in the context of the EASL-CLIF Consortium Liver Units across the USA and Canada, in
the context of the NACSELD Consortium
Population ▸ Acute liver deterioration (see below) in patients with ▸ Patients with an acute decompensation of cirrhosis* ▸ Patients with infection at admission or ▸ Patients with chronic liver
considered in previously diagnosed or undiagnosed chronic liver ▸ Patients with prior decompensation of cirrhosis are during hospital stay† disease with or without
the definition disease (including cirrhosis) included ▸ Patients with prior decompensation of previously diagnosed cirrhosis
▸ Both compensated cirrhosis and non-cirrhotic chronic cirrhosis are included
liver disease (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, related
chronic hepatic injury or chronic hepatitis with fibrosis,
or fibrosis due to other reasons) qualify as chronic liver
Population ▸ Patients with bacterial infections ▸ Admission for scheduled procedure or treatment ▸ Outpatients with infection Not stated
excluded of the ▸ Patients with cirrhosis and known prior ▸ Hepatocellular carcinoma outside Milan criteria ▸ HIV infection
definition decompensation ( jaundice, encephalopathy or ascites) ▸ Severe chronic extrahepatic diseases ▸ Prior organ transplant
who develop acute deterioration of their clinical status ▸ HIV infection; ongoing immunosuppressive treatments ▸ Disseminated malignancies
that is either related or unrelated to precipitating
events are considered to have acute decompensation
but not ACLF
A priori criteria Experts consider the failing liver as the driver of severity ▸ Pre-specified criteria for organ failure(s) (according to the ▸ Prespecified criteria for organ failures ▸ Not developed but stated
of severity CLIF-SOFA scale; see table 2) (see table 2) CLIF-SOFA ‘is an important step
▸ Association of organ failures at enrolment and a 28-day in this direction’
transplant-free mortality of 15% or more
Basis of the Liver failure is defined as jaundice (a serum bilirubin level ▸ Absence of ACLF because 28-day mortality is <5% in ▸ Absence of ACLF: ACLF is a syndrome characterised
definition of ≥5 mg/dL) and coagulopathy (an INR of ≥1.5 or patients with: ▸ No organ failure by acute hepatic decompensation
prothrombin activity of <40%). Liver failure is complicated – No organ failure ▸ Presence of any single organ failure resulting in liver failure ( jaundice
within 4 weeks by clinical ascites and/or encephalopathy – Single organ failure in patients with a serum creatinine ▸ Presence of ACLF (called here and prolongation of the INR) and
in patients with previously diagnosed or undiagnosed level of <1.5 mg/dL and no hepatic encephalopathy infection-related ACLF) one or more extrahepatic organ
chronic liver disease (including cirrhosis) – Cerebral failure in patients with a serum creatinine level ▸ Two organ failures or more failures that is associated with
of <1.5 mg/dL increased mortality within a period
▸ ACLF grade 1 because 28-day mortality is 22% in patients of 28 days and up to 3 months from
with: onset
– Single kidney failure
– Single liver, coagulation, circulatory or lung failure that
is associated with a serum creatinine level of 1.5–
1.9 mg/dL and/or hepatic encephalopathy grade 1 or
grade 2
– Single brain failure with a serum creatinine level of 1.5–
1.9 mg/dL
▸ ACLF grade 2 because 28-day mortality is 32% in patients
– Two organs failures
▸ ACLF grade 3 because 28-day mortality is 77% in patients
– Three organ failures or more

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670 on 4 January 2017. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on March 11, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Recent advances in clinical practice
Underlying chronic liver disease and triggering factors

▸ Type C: decompensated cirrhosis

†In the NACSELD study, definitions of infections were as follows: (1) spontaneous bacteraemia: positive blood cultures without a source of infection; (2) spontaneous bacterial peritonitis: ascitic fluid polymorphonuclear cells >250/mL; (3) lower respiratory
Prevalence of ACLF

APASL, Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver; CANONIC, EASL-CLIF Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure in Cirrhosis; EASL-CLIF, European Association for the Study of Liver-Chronic Liver failure; INR, international normalised ratio; NACSELD, North
positive stool culture for Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia, Campylobacter or pathogenic Escherichia coli; (6) soft-tissue/skin infection: fever with cellulitis; (7) urinary tract infection: urine white blood cell >15/high-power field with either positive urine Gram
▸ Type B: compensated cirrhosis

temperature >38 C or <36 C, shivering or leucocyte count >10 000/mm3 or <4000/mm3) in the absence of antibiotics; (4) Clostridium difficile infection: diarrhoea with a positive C. difficile assay; (5) bacterial enterocolitis: diarrhoea or dysentery with a
tract infections: new pulmonary infiltrate in the presence of: (i) at least one respiratory symptom (cough, sputum production, dyspnoea, pleuritic pain) with (ii) at least one finding on auscultation (rales or crepitation) or one sign of infection (core body
▸ Type A: chronic liver disease

stain or culture; (8) intra-abdominal infections: diverticulitis, appendicitis, cholangitis, etc; (9) other infections not covered above and (10) fungal infections as a separate category. Definition of each organ failure used in the NACSELD study is given in
The variety of definitions makes quite difficult to predict what

WGO divides ACLF into three

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670 on 4 January 2017. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on March 11, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
would be an accurate proportion of patients with cirrhosis who
would meet criteria for ACLF. Nevertheless, based on hospital
registries it is reasonable to estimate that ACLF is present in
WGO proposal8

between 24% and 40% of patients with cirrhosis admitted to

the hospital.7 9 12–15

Aetiology of chronic liver disease in ACLF

Adapted from Abbas and Shazi,16 table 3 summarises selected
original publications examining the underlying chronic liver
▸ Significantly decreased in patients with

▸ Significantly decreased with two organ

The probability of survival at 30 days was:

▸ Not significantly decreased in patients

disease in populations with ACLF. Viral hepatitis, alcohol or a

▸ 96% in the absence of organ failure

any other single ‘non-kidney’ organ

combination of both are the predominant causes of underlying

chronic liver disease in ACLF in the world. The change in
dietary patterns and lifestyle will likely lead to a shift on the
with single kidney failure

ACLF predisposing disease and, as other areas in hepatology, it

NACSELD definition7

would not be surprising if non-alcoholic steatohepatitis took the

failures or more

lead in years to come.17

Triggers of decompensation in ACLF


The prevalence of potential triggers also varies by the area of

the world. For example, in the CANONIC study, bacterial infec-
tions and alcoholism are the two major identifiable factors, com-
pared with China, where relapse of hepatitis B was predominant
*Acute decompensation was defined by the recent development of ascites, encephalopathy, GI haemorrhage, bacterial infection or any combination of these.
into account the new score, age and white cell count has
▸ A score predicting mortality of patients with ACLF, taking

followed by bacterial infections9 14 (table 4).

▸ The CLIF-SOFA score has been subsequently simplified10

Despite exhaustive examination, in 20%–45% of cases, the

American Consortium for Study of End-stage Liver Disease; SOFA, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment; WGO, World Gastroenterology Organisation.

trigger remains unknown. The type of injury also seems to influ-

ence ACLF outcomes as recently published by Shi et al.14 Four
hundred and five Chinese patients who met CANONIC criteria
were divided in hepatic-ACLF trigger, that is, driven by primar-
ily liver toxins (alcohol, hepatitis) vs extrahepatic-ACLF (eg,
infections). Both groups had high 28-day mortality (48.3% vs
50.7%), but this difference changed after 90 days (58.9% vs
68.3%) and 1-year mortality (63.9% vs 74.6%).
EASL-CLIF definition9

been established10

Organ failure
In the CANONIC study, the kidneys were the most common
affected organs (55.8% of patients), followed by the liver (43.6%
of patients), coagulation (27.7% of patients), the brain (24.1% of
patients), circulation (16.8% of patients) and the lungs (9.2% of
patients).9 In the NACSELD study, 55.7% had grade III–IV HE,
17.6% developed shock, 15.1% required renal replacement
The APASL definition has been used to enrol patients in

therapy and 15.8% required mechanical ventilation.7 The pro-

portions in the American study are lower compared with the
European one, but are likely a reflection of a broader inclusion
randomised clinical trials evaluating different

of patients with cirrhosis in the CANONIC study.


Systemic inflammation is a hallmark of ACLF;9 24 white cell
count and plasma levels of C reactive protein (CRP) and

pro-inflammatory molecules such as interleukin (IL)-6, IL-1β,

APASL definition4

IL-8 are higher in patients with ACLF than in those


without.25 26 Currently, there is no mouse model of ACLF, this

is why results obtained in translational studies performed in
patients are important to consider. Before commenting on
Table 1 Continued

inflammation in the context of ACLF, it is important to have in

mind some general information on the inflammatory process.

General principles of the inflammatory response


table 2.

The inflammatory response develops when inducers of inflam-

mation are recognised by sensors that engage effectors of the
Hernaez R, et al. Gut 2017;66:541–553. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670 543
Recent advances in clinical practice

Table 2 Examples of available definitions of organ failures used in patients with cirrhosis
Asian Pacific Association for the European Association for the Study of

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670 on 4 January 2017. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on March 11, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Failing Study of the Liver organ failures Liver-Chronic Liver failure organ failures North American Consortium for Study of End-stage Liver
organ definition (4, 5) definition (9) Disease organ failures definition (7)

Liver Total bilirubin ≥5 mg/dL and INR ≥1.5 Bilirubin level of >12 mg/dL –
Kidney Acute Kidney Injury Network criteria Creatinine level of ≥2.0 mg/dL or renal Need for dialysis or other forms of renal replacement therapy
Brain West-Haven hepatic encephalopathy West-Haven hepatic encephalopathy grade West-Haven hepatic encephalopathy grade 3–4
grade 3–4 3–4
Coagulation INR ≥1.5 INR ≥2.5 –
Circulation – Use of vasopressor (terlipressin and/or Presence of shock defined by mean arterial pressure <60 mm Hg or
catecholamines) a reduction of 40 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure from baseline,
despite adequate fluid resuscitation and cardiac output
Respiration PaO2/FiO2 of ≤200 or SpO2/FiO2 of ≤214 Need for mechanical ventilation
or need for mechanical ventilation
FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; INR, international normalised ratio; PaO2, partial pressure of arterial oxygen; SpO2, pulse oximetric saturation.

Inducers of inflammation recognised by dedicated receptors but detected through the

Inducers of inflammation are either exogenous or endogen- effects of their activity (a process called functional feature recog-
ous.27–29 Among exogenous inducers, only microbial inducers nition) (figure 1).28 32 At the site of infection, the detection of
will be discussed because the others have been already the presence of the bacteria via the recognition of structural and
reviewed28 and are beyond the scope of ACLF. functional bacterial features is thought to induce complementary
responses aiming to eliminate the invading microbe.32
Microbial inducers
Bacterial inducers Other microbes
Bacteria trigger inflammation by using two distinct classes of Viruses or fungi are recognised by different PRRs (table 5). For
molecules: pathogen-associated molecular patterns example, viral nucleic acids can be recognised by endosomal
(PAMPs)27 29–31 and virulence factors.27–29 PAMPs are unique TLRs, cytosolic receptors (RLRs or DNA sensors). Fungi
molecular signatures that are recognised via dedicated receptors express PAMPs that are detected by C-type lectin receptors.
called pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs), a process called Like detection of bacterial PAMPs, that of viral or fungal
structural feature recognition (figure 1)32 (table 5). PAMPs can trigger inflammation (figure 1).
PRRs are expressed in innate immune cells and epithelial
cells.32 PRRs include toll-like receptors (TLRs), nucleotide- Endogenous inducers
binding oligomerisation domain-like receptors (NLRs), retinoic Endogenous inducers are released by necrotic cells or as a result
acid-inducible gene (RIG)-I (a member of the RIG-I-like recep- of extracellular matrix breakdown.28 33 These endogenous indu-
tor (RLR) family), cytosolic DNA sensors, inflammatory cers are called danger-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs)33
caspase-4/5 in humans and caspase-11 in mice.27 29–31 PRR because they alert the host’s immune system about the presence
engagement by PAMPs stimulates intracellular signalling cas- of a serious tissue injury. DAMPs are recognised by receptors of
cades that activate transcription factors, for example, nuclear the host (table 6) and this recognition induces sterile
factor-κB.30 31 PRR-activated transcription factors induce a inflammation.
broad variety of genes encoding molecules involved in inflam-
mation such as cytokines, chemokines, among others.30 31 Outcomes of the inflammatory response
Virulence factors represent the second class of bacterial indu- In the context of bacterial infection, the inflammatory response
cers of inflammation.27–29 32 These factors are generally not is complex and generally involves the innate and adaptive

Table 3 Example of studies examining the underlying cause of chronic liver disease in acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF)
First author, year (ref) Country/region ACLF definition No Viral, n (%) Alcohol, n (%) n (%) Cryptogenic, n (%) Miscellaneous, n (%)
Du, 2005 China N/R 650 524 (81) 80 (12) 46 (7)
Xia, 201319 China # 857 602 (70) 56 (7) 149 (17) 50 (6)
Kedarisetty, 201420 Asia Pacific APASL 1363 335 (25) 645 (47) 220 (20) 106 (8)
Shi, 201521 China APASL 540 405 (75) 30 (6) 62 (11) 28 (5) 15 (3)
Wehler, 200122 Germany SOFA 143 20 (14) 108 (75) 5 (4) 10 (7)
Cholongitas, 200623 UK APASL 312 54 (17) 203 (65) 14 (5) 41 (13)
Moreau, 20139 Europe CANONIC 303 38 (12) 170 (56) 27 (9) 68 (22)
Bajaj, 20147 USA NACSELD 507 124 (25) 74 (15) 138 (27) 78 (15) 93 (18)
(#) (1) acute deterioration of pre-existing chronic liver disease; (2) extreme fatigue with severe digestive symptoms, such as obvious anorexia, abdominal distension, nausea and
vomiting; (3) progressively worsening jaundice within a short period (serum total bilirubin level ≥10 mg/dL or a daily elevation ≥1 mg/dL); (4) an obvious haemorrhagic tendency with
prothrombin activity ≤40% (approximate prothrombin time ≥18.3 s, international normalised ratio >1.50).
APASL, Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver; CANONIC, EASL-CLIF Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure in Cirrhosis; NACSELD, North American Consortium for Study of
End-stage Liver Disease; SOFA, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment.

544 Hernaez R, et al. Gut 2017;66:541–553. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670

Recent advances in clinical practice
response to bacteria can be excessive and cause organ damage
Table 4 Reported triggers of acute-on-chronic liver failure,
(a process called immunopathology) decreasing short-term sur-
number (%)
vival. In the context of sterile inflammation, the primary

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670 on 4 January 2017. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on March 11, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
CANONIC Shi et al purpose of the inflammatory response is to promote tissue
n=303, (9) n=405, (14) repair (figure 1).35 The tissue-repair response can involve specia-
Exacerbation hepatitis B – 145 (35.8)
lised components of the innate and adaptive immunity, but does
Bacterial infection 98 (32.6) 113 (27.9)
not lead to adaptive immunity.32 35 In some cases, the sterile
GI haemorrhage 40 (13.2) 40 (9.8)
inflammatory response can be excessive and become systemic
Active alcoholism within the past 3 months 69 (24.5) 25 (6.1)
causing severe multiorgan damage.36
Other (TIPSS, surgery, large volume paracentesis 25 (8.6) 9 (2)
The excessive inflammatory response to PAMPs or DAMPs
without albumin, hepatitis, alcoholic hepatitis) can be due to host genetic factors. In the general population, in
Not identifiable 126 (43.6) 83 (20.4) the context of infections, single nucleotide polymorphisms
More than one 39 (13.5) 36 (8.9) (SNPs) related to genes encoding molecules involved in the
CANONIC, EASL-CLIF Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure in Cirrhosis; TIPSS, transjugular
immune response have been shown to be associated with the
intrahepatic portosystemic shunt. risk of severe inflammation. For example, significant poly-
morphisms have been found in CD14 (encoding a cell surface
receptor that contributes with TLR4 and MD2 to recognition
immune systems.32 The primary purpose of the inflammatory of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)), TNF (encoding tumour necrosis
response to bacterial infection is to promote host resistance by factor (TNF)-α), LTA (encoding lymphotoxin-α), TLRs (TLR1,
reducing bacterial burden. When local defences are ineffective TLR4, see table 5), TIRAP (encoding toll/IL-1 receptor domain-
in containing infection, the immune system stimulates a systemic containing adapter protein, transducing TLR4 signalling), MIF
response to fight against the spreading microbe. For example, (encoding macrophage migration inhibitory factor), SERPINB2
IL-6 and IL-1β (among others) induce the production of acute- (encoding plasminogen activator inhibitor 2), ADRB2 (encoding
phase response proteins, including CRP, serum amyloid proteins β-2 adrenergic receptor) (reviewed in37 38).
and complement proteins to stimulate bacterial clearance by The severity of infection can also be related to pathogens
phagocytes.34 In some cases, the early systemic inflammatory (Gram-negative infections being more severe than Gram-positive

Figure 1 Inflammation caused by microbes. Top: Microbes (bacteria, viruses, fungi) induce inflammation via two classes of molecules:
pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and virulence factors. Sensors of the innate immune system recognise the invading microbe via
recognition of PAMPs, which are conserved molecular patterns (structural feature recognition). Sensors are known as pattern-recognition receptors.
The second class of microbial inducers of inflammation includes a large number of virulence factors. Most of these factors are generally not
recognised by dedicated receptors but can be sensed via the effects of their activity (functional feature recognition). For example, there are bacterial
virulence factors which cause modifications and inactivation of host Rho GTPases and these alterations are sensed by the Pyrin inflammasome.
Infection may be associated with tissue damage caused by the bacteria or by the immune response to bacteria. Tissue damage can induce
inflammation which is committed to tissue repair (see text and reference32). Bottom: Proposed interventions. MELD, Model For End-Stage Liver
Disease score.
Hernaez R, et al. Gut 2017;66:541–553. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670 545
Recent advances in clinical practice

Table 5 Examples of PRRs, their ligands (PAMPs) and their origin Table 6 Examples of DAMPs and their receptors
PRR PAMP Origin DAMP Receptor

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670 on 4 January 2017. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on March 11, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
TLRs Released by necrotic cells
TLR1 Triacylated lipopeptides Bacteria ATP Purinoceptors
TLR2 Peptidoglycan Bacteria, viruses Monosodium urate NACHT, LRR and PYD domains containing
TLR3 Double-stranded RNA Virus protein 3 (also known as cryopyrin; encoded
by NLRP3, alias NALP3)
TLR4 Lipopolysaccharides Bacteria
Nuclear DAMPs
TLR5 Flagellin Bacteria
High-mobility group protein 1 ▸ Advanced glycosylation end
TLR6 Diacylated lipopeptides Bacteria, viruses
(encoded by HMGB1) product-specific receptor (encoded by
TLR7 (human TLR8) Single-stranded RNA Virus, bacteria AGER also known as RAGE)
TLR9 CpG-DNA Virus, bacteria ▸ TLRs
NLR Histone deacetylase complex C-type lectin domain family 4 member E
NOD1 γ-D-Glutamyl-mesodiaminopimelic Bacteria subunit SAP130 (encoded by CLECSF9 also known as
acid MINCLE)
NOD2 Muramyl dipeptide Bacteria Extracellular histones Unknown
RIG-I-like receptors HSPs TLR2, TLR4
DDX58 (alias: RIG-I) Short double-stranded RNA Viruses HSP-60
IFIH1 (MDA5) Long double-stranded RNA Viruses IL-1 family
Cytosolic DNA receptors IL-1α IL-1R-1 and IL-1RAcP
AIM2 Double-stranded DNA Virus, bacteria IL-33 IL-1 receptor-like 1 (also known as protein
IFI16 ST2) and IL-1RAcP
ZBP1 S100 calcium-binding protein family
MB21D1 (alias cGAS) S100A8, S100A9 TLR4
C-type lectin receptors S100A12 AGER
Dectin-1 β-Glucan Fungi Mitochondrial DAMPs
Dectin-1 β-Glucan Fungi Mitochondrial DNA TLR9
MINCLE SAP130 Fungi N-formylated peptides Formyl peptide receptor
AIM2, absent in melanoma 2; cGAS, cyclic GMP-AMP synthase; CpG-DNA, DNA Peroxiredoxins TLR2, TLR4
containing the unmethylated phosphate-guanine (CpG) dideoxynucleotide motif; Products of extracellular matrix breakdown
IFI16, interferon, gamma-inducible protein 16; MINCLE, macrophage inducible C-type
lectin; NLR, NOD-like receptor; NOD, nucleotide-binding oligomerisation domain;
Low-molecular weight TLR4
PAMP, pathogen-associated molecular patterns; PRR, pattern recognition receptor; fragments of hyaluronic acid
RIG-I, retinoic acid-inducible gene I; ZBP1, Z-DNA binding protein 1, MB21D1, *Protein names used for DAMPs and receptors are official names provided by
Mab-21 domain containing 1; TLR, toll-like receptor. UniProtKB (http://www.uniprot.org); genes symbols are provided by Hugo Gene
Nomenclature Committee (http://www.genenames.org).
DAMP, danger-associated molecular pattern; HSP, heat shock protein; IL, interleukin;
IL-1R-1, IL-1 receptor type 1; IL-1RAcP, IL-1 receptor accessory protein; LRR, leucine-
rich repeats; MINCLE, macrophage inducible C-type lectin; NACHT, NAIP, CIITA, HET-E
infections) or to the site of infection (intra-abdominal sites and TP1; PYD, pyrin domain; TLR, toll-like receptor.
having the highest risk of death and urinary the lowest).38
However, the role of excessive inflammation in the higher sever-
ity of infections, depending on the pathogen or site of infection,
is unclear. mechanisms that explain the excessive inflammation in cirrhosis.
There are studies that focused on the ex vivo response to LPS in
ACLF with identified inducers of inflammation freshly isolated monocytes or peripheral blood mononuclear
Sepsis-induced ACLF cells from patients with cirrhosis and without cirrhosis. These
Systemic inflammation and the development of OFs are attribu- studies suggest an excessive innate immune response to LPS
ted to bacterial infection in approximately 30% of patients with related to defective negative feedback mechanisms of the
ACLF.9 These patients have sepsis-induced ACLF. The most TLR4-mediated response. These defects involved the phosphoi-
common infection causing sepsis-induced ACLF is spontaneous nositide 3kinase/AKT/glycogen synthase kinase pathway as well
bacterial peritonitis (SBP).9 SBP is a paradigm in that it is often as the induction of IL1 receptor associated kinase M (reviewed
caused by Gram-negative bacteria that have migrated from the in27). There are also studies showing that single nucleotide poly-
intestinal lumen to ascitic fluid via the systemic circulation. morphism (SNP) is some selected genes involved in the innate
During the acute phase bacterial infection, patients with cir- immune response were associated with increased risk of infec-
rhosis have higher plasma levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines tion and mortality (reviewed in29). However, nothing is known
(TNF-α and IL-6) than patients without cirrhosis.39 Among about the mechanisms by which these SNPs might interfere with
patients with SBP, those who develop kidney failure have higher the immune response to bacteria. Moreover, the association of
plasma TNF-α and IL-6 than those who do not develop this these SNPs with patients’ outcome needs to be confirmed by
complication.40 Mortality related to bacterial sepsis is greater in using genome-wide association studies in a large series of
patients with cirrhosis than in those without.30 Interestingly, cir- patients with cirrhosis.
rhotic rats challenged with LPS (a bacterial PAMP recognised by
the PRR (TLR4)) exhibit excessive systemic inflammation, Severe alcoholic hepatitis
severe acute liver injury and early mortality relative to non- Severe alcoholic hepatitis (SAH) represents approximately 25%
cirrhotic animals (reviewed in27). Together these results suggest of the cases of ACLF.9 Severity is related to the development of
the existence of an excessive inflammatory response to bacteria OFs.9 Systemic inflammation develops in patients with SAH and
in cirrhosis. However, little is known about the underlying correlates with the outcome suggesting a role of inflammation in
546 Hernaez R, et al. Gut 2017;66:541–553. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670
Recent advances in clinical practice
the development of OFs.41 Systemic inflammation can be caused It has recently been shown that patients with ACLF had both
by bacterial infection which is present in ∼30% of patients marked systemic inflammation (ie, increased plasma cytokines
admitted to the hospital for SAH.42 Excessive alcohol consump- levels) and some features of immune suppression.24 Indeed, these

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670 on 4 January 2017. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on March 11, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
tion is associated with intestinal dysbiosis and increased intes- patients had increased frequency of circulating CD14-positive
tinal permeability, which favour translocation of viable monocytes that overexpressed the protein MER and exhibited a
bacteria.27 This may explain why SBP is the most common decreased ex vivo response to LPS.24 These results were expected
infection at admission of patients with SAH.42 However, sys- because MER receptors are members of the Tyro3, AXL onco-
temic inflammation is also observed in patients with SAH gene, MER (TAM) family receptor-tyrosine kinases, which are
without clinically detectable bacterial infection.9 41 In this known to inhibit TLR4 signalling.47 Another study found that
context, the mechanisms explaining systemic inflammation are plasma from patients with ACLF had increased levels of prosta-
unclear. Alterations in the gut microbiome and intestinal perme- glandin E2 (PGE2), which may inhibit macrophage cytokine pro-
ability may favour the translocation of bacterial PAMPs duction in response to LPS.48 In addition, PGE2 was found to
(eg, LPS) as suggested by the findings of increased systemic LPS decrease the macrophage ability to kill bacteria.48 Together, these
levels in patients with SAH.41 Therefore, increased circulating findings suggest that, in patients with ACLF, an immune suppres-
levels of PAMPs may engage their cognate PRRs and stimulate sion of monocytes/macrophages develops in parallel to the sys-
inflammation in the liver and the systemic compartment. temic inflammatory response. The suppression of monocyte/
Moreover, in patients with SAH, higher the LPS levels, higher is macrophage functions would explain the high risk of nosocomial
the intensity of the systemic inflammatory response.41 infections in patients with ACLF. It has been suggested that, in
Accordingly, in these patients, LPS-driven inflammation could patients with ACLF, immune suppression might be a regulation
play a major role in the development of OFs and subsequent whose purpose is to limit responses of effector monocytes to ele-
death.41 On the other hand, systemic inflammation may origin- vated amount of extracellular stimuli (PAMPs, DAMPs, soluble
ate in the diseased livers from patients with SAH. Indeed, signals, cytokines, chemokines).27 49 However, there is currently
several pro-inflammatory molecules are overexpressed in livers no evidence supporting this hypothesis. Future studies should
with SAH relative to livers without SAH,43 suggesting that these investigate whether the development of excessive systemic
molecules may spill-over the liver and reach systemic circulation. inflammation and that of immune suppression are related to each
Future studies should address the PAMP-induced and liver- other in patients with ACLF.
related theories for systemic inflammation in SAH.
Among all operational definitions of ACLF (table 1), the defin-
ACLF with no obvious trigger
ition and diagnostic criteria proposed by the EASL-CLIF
About 40%–50% of patients with ACLF have systemic inflam-
Consortium represent the first one based on large prospective
mation for which there are no clinically identifiable triggers.9
data including all patients with cirrhosis, regardless of the pres-
Three hypotheses may explain the induction of inflammation in
ence of infection, from a multicentre European prospective
this context (reviewed in27). In sum, the first hypothesis suggests
cohort, the CANONIC study. According to this cohort, ACLF is
that metabolites produced by gut bacteria may reach the sys-
defined as acute decompensation (AD) of cirrhosis associated
temic compartment and stimulate inflammation. This hypothesis
with OF and high short-term mortality (28-day mortality
is based on the following clues: (1) gut dysbiosis has been
≥15%).9 The SOFA score was the model used for the diagnosis
shown in patients with cirrhosis and (2) gut bacteria produce
of OF, as it is a widely used method in critically ill patients and
metabolites that may interact with the inflammatory response of
is superior to Model For End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score
the non-cirrhotic host. The second hypothesis for ‘unexplained’
in predicting prognosis in patients with AD of cirrhosis asso-
inflammation in ACLF involves translocation of bacterial PAMPs
ciated with OFs.9 50 Considering that the components of SOFA
and the third one suggests an action of DAMPs.
score (liver, kidney, brain, coagulation, circulation and lungs) do
High-throughput techniques investigating metabolome, lipi-
not take into account specific characteristics of patients with cir-
dome, glycome and metagenome would be useful to address
rhosis, the method used for the diagnosis of ACLF was a modi-
these hypotheses.
fied version of SOFA score, called CLIF-SOFA score. This was
later simplified in a new version called CLIF Consortium Organ
Remaining questions Failure score (CLIF-C OFs)10 (table 7).
Although excessive systemic inflammation is believed to be the The presence and the number of OFs as assessed by the
driver for the development of OFs, one cannot exclude that CLIF-SOFA or the CLIF-C OF scores were associated with
other mechanisms may contribute to this development. For 28-day and 90-day mortality. Moreover, some specific organ
example, there are studies under non-cirrhotic conditions, dysfunction such as kidney dysfunction and moderate HE, when
showing that severe outcome of bacterial infection can be associated with single OF, were also associated with prognosis.
caused by failure of mechanisms that are intrinsic to tissues and On this background, diagnostic criteria of ACLF were estab-
protect them against the noxious effects caused by the microbe lished according to the presence, type and number of OFs.
itself or the host’s immune response.44–46 In other words, infec- Severity of ACLF was graded into different stages according to
tion may be severe because of failed disease tolerance (ie, endur- the number of OFs on ACLF grade 1, grade 2 and grade 39
ance).44–46 There may be differences in disease tolerance among (table 1, under EASL-CLIF column) and mortality correlates
patients with ACLF. Thus, for any given level of systemic inflam- with ACLF severity (figure 2).
mation, patients with ACLF who had prior episodes of decom- It should be noted that ACLF may occur both in patients with
pensation of liver disease were less severe than those who did previously compensated or decompensated cirrhosis, and also in
not have prior episodes of decompensation.9 Patients with a patients with underlying chronic liver disease without cirrhosis.
prior history of liver decompensation may have acquired an In this context, the WGO proposed a further classification of
increased tolerance capacity that protected them when exposed ACLF into three groups, according to the underlying liver
to new noxious stimuli. disease: type A ACLF ( patients with underlying non-cirrhotic
Hernaez R, et al. Gut 2017;66:541–553. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670 547
Recent advances in clinical practice
lower mortality compared with those patients without previous
Table 7 CLIF Consortium Organ Failure Score: simplified version
decompensation (type B ACLF).9 The reason for this difference
of the CLIF-SOFA score
needs further investigation, but it could be related to a decrease

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670 on 4 January 2017. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on March 11, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Organ/ in the capacity of tolerance of vital organs to inflammatory
system Variable Score=1 Score=2 Score=3 response in patients without previous decompensations.
Liver Bilirubin (mg/dL) <6 6 to ≤12 >12
Kidney Creatinine (mg/dL) <2 2 to <3.5 ≥3.5 or RRT
Brain Encephalopathy grade 0 1–2 3–4
(West-Haven) ACLF grade predicts mortality
Coagulation INR <2 2 to <2.5 ≥2.5 As described above, ACLF is associated with high short-term
Circulation MAP (mm Hg) ≥70 <70 Vasopressors mortality. ACLF grade at diagnosis is associated with short-term
Respiratory PaO2/FiO2 or SpO2/FiO2 >300 ≤300 and ≤200 prognosis, with patients with ACLF grade 3 showing the worst
>357 >200 ≤214 prognosis compared with that of patients with ACLF grade 1
>214 and and 2. Data from the CANONIC study showed overall 28-day
mortality of 33% of all cases of ACLF, and specific 28-day mor-
Highlighted areas indicate the definition of each organ failure. tality rates in patients with ACLF grade 1, 2 and 3 was 22%,
CLIF, chronic liver failure; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; INR, international
normalised ratio; MAP, mean arterial pressure; PaO2, partial pressure of arterial 32% and 73%, respectively9 (figure 2).
oxygen; RRT, renal replacement therapy; SOFA, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment; Therefore, it is very important to stratify patients according
SpO2, pulse oxymetric saturation. to prognosis, in order to monitor treatment responsiveness,
determine emergency for transplantation, decide allocation in
the intensive care unit (ICU) and also to have a rational basis to
chronic liver disease), type B ACLF ( patients with previous com- decide futility.
pensated cirrhosis) and type C ACLF ( patients with previous
decompensated cirrhosis).8 Type A ACLF is that occurring in CLIF-C: a liver-specific score to predict outcomes in ACLF
patients with non-cirrhotic chronic liver disease and it may have Until recently, MELD score, MELD-Na and Child-Pugh-
a clinical presentation similar to that of acute or subacute liver Turcotte scores, the conventional scoring systems to assess prog-
failure. Considering that acute or reactivation of viral hepatitis nosis in patients with cirrhosis, were the only available methods
is the most common precipitating event in the East,5 type A to evaluate prognosis in patients with ACLF. However, these
ACLF would preferentially be more frequent in Eastern coun- scores have limited accuracy to predict prognosis in ACLF as
tries. Using the CANONIC study as a reference, type A patients they do not consider the existence of all the potential extrahepa-
with ACLF would need to have at least (1) single kidney failure; tic OFs, which have an important impact in the prognosis of
(2) single liver, coagulation, circulatory or lung failure that is these patients. As described above, the CANONIC study devel-
associated with a serum creatinine level of 1.5–1.9 mg/dL and/ oped the CLIF SOFA score, and its simplified version CLIF-C
or HE grade 1 or grade 2 or (3) single brain failure with a OFs, which were found to be useful to diagnose ACLF accord-
serum creatinine level of 1.5–1.9 mg/dL (table 7). The definition ing to the number and type of OFs. Besides being useful to
of ACLF type A needs further validation in prospectively col- determine the presence or absence of ACLF, CLIF SOFA and
lected cohorts to establish whether this patient population CLIF-C OF score were also found to be associated with progno-
indeed has a mortality rate ≥15% after 28 days. Type B or C sis.9 10 The performance of CLIF-C OFs in predicting short-
ACLF are those occurring in patients with underlying cirrhosis. term mortality was similar to that of CLIF-SOFA score and
Interesting data from the CANONIC study show that patients slightly but significantly superior to MELD, MELD-Na and
with previous decompensation (type C ACLF) had a significantly Child-Pugh-Turcotte scores.10

Figure 2 Relationship between organ

failure and mortality in
acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF).
Twenty-eight-day mortality rates of
patients with decompensated cirrhosis
with (red bars) and without (green
bars) ACLF according to the diagnostic
criteria proposed in the CANONIC
study.9 Patients are divided into the
following categories: patients with no
organ failure (OF); patients with a
single non-kidney organ failure without
kidney dysfunction (KD; a serum
creatinine level of 1.5–1.9 mg/dL) or
brain dysfunction (BD; grade 1–2
hepatic encephalopathy); patients with
a single kidney failure; patients with a
single non-kidney organ failure with
KD and/or BD; patients with two organ
failures and patients with three or
more organ failures. Adapted with
permission from Arroyo et al.27
548 Hernaez R, et al. Gut 2017;66:541–553. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670
Recent advances in clinical practice
A recent study also based on the CANONIC study popula- correlates with prognosis, the clinical course of the syndrome
tion, developed and independently validated a new scoring during hospitalisation was the most important determinant of
system with higher prognostic accuracy than conventional mea- short-term mortality. The majority of patients achieved their

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670 on 4 January 2017. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on March 11, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
sures (MELD, MELD-Na and Child-Pugh-Turcotte scores) and final grade of ACLF within the first week; therefore, the assess-
also than CLIF-SOFA score. This is the so-called CLIF-C ACLF ment of ACLF grade at days 3–7 after diagnosis predicted
score. In order to build this score, CLIF-C OFs was combined 28-day and 90-day mortality more accurately than ACLF grade
with other two baseline variables that were selected as the best at diagnosis.51 In keeping with these findings, when the previ-
predictors of mortality: age and log-transformed white blood ously described CLIF-C ACLF score was computed at 48 hours,
cell (WBC) count. CLIF-C ACLF score is calculated by the fol- 3–7 days and 8–15 days after the diagnosis of ACLF, the predict-
lowing equation: CLIF-C ACLFs=10×(0.33×CLIF-C OFs ive accuracy of 28-day mortality was significantly better than
+0.04×age+0.63×ln (WBC count)-–2) and the final score when the score was calculated at the diagnosis of the
ranges from 0 to 100.10 This score can be easily calculated in syndrome.10
the EF-CLIF website: http://www.efclif.com. Considering the newly defined scoring systems and recent
CLIF-C ACLF score showed a significantly higher predictive data indicating that sequential assessment of prognosis seems to
accuracy than MELD, MELD-Na and Child-Pugh-Turcotte score have higher accuracy than prognosis evaluated at the diagnosis
at all main time points after ACLF diagnosis (28, 90, 180 and of ACLF, stepwise algorithms have been proposed to assess
365 days). As compared with MELD, MELD-Na and prognosis and help decision making in patients with cirrhosis
Child-Pugh-Turcotte scores, the area under the receiver operat- and ACLF. In summary, it is suggested that when a patient is
ing curve estimated for the CLIF-C ACLF score to predict admitted to hospital with AD of cirrhosis, CLIF-C OF score
28-day and 90-day mortality were significantly higher and indi- should be applied. This score will divide patients according to
cated a 7%–11% improvement in the discrimination ability10 the presence or absence of ACLF. If ACLF is diagnosed, progno-
(figure 3). sis should be assessed by the CLIF-C ACLF score which should
be calculated at the diagnosis of the syndrome and also 3–7 days
ACLF is a dynamic process but final outcome can be after admission51 (figure 4).
predicted at day 7
When evaluating prognosis in patients with ACLF, it should be MANAGEMENT OF ACLF
noted that this is a dynamic syndrome that may improve or General management
worsen during hospitalisation. Therefore, the ideal scoring Currently, there is no specific effective treatment available for
system should be able to reflect the dynamic nature of the patients with ACLF, and therefore treatment is based on organ
disease and the responsiveness to medical treatment. In this support and treatment of associated complications.
context, a recent study performed in the cohort of patients When ACLF is associated with a precipitating factor (ie, bac-
from the CANONIC study investigated the clinical course of terial infections, GI bleeding, alcoholism, drug toxicity), early
ACLF and the predictors of course severity and mortality, identification and treatment of the precipitating factor are essen-
showing interesting results.51 Overall, ACLF resolved or tial. However, this may not prevent the development or worsen-
improved in 49% of patients, had a steady or fluctuating course ing of the syndrome. In addition, in up to 40% of patients a
in 30% and worsened in the remaining 20%. However, reso- precipitating factor may not be identified. Moreover, available
lution rate depended on the initial ACLF grade. While ACLF data suggest that although the precipitating factor may be the
resolved in 55% of patients with ACLF grade 1, it only resolved trigger of ACLF, it may not be an essential predictor of progno-
in 15% of patients with ACLF grade 3. An interesting finding of sis.9 Overall, patients with ACLF should be considered to be
this study is that although the ACLF grade at diagnosis admitted to the ICU and should be preferably managed in a

Figure 3 Comparison of the area

under the receiver operating curves
(AUROCs) to predict 28-day ( panel A)
and 90-day ( panel B) mortality of the
chronic liver failure Consortium
(CLIF-C) acute-on-chronic liver failure
(ACLF) score compared with Model For
End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD), Model
For End-Stage Liver Disease sodium
score (MELD-Na) and
Child-Pugh-Turcotte scores (CPs).
Adapted with permission from Jalan
et al.10

Hernaez R, et al. Gut 2017;66:541–553. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670 549

Recent advances in clinical practice

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670 on 4 January 2017. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on March 11, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 4 Proposed algorithm for the management of patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) or decompensated cirrhosis. A proposed
management strategy for patients with ACLF based on mortality rate data from the CANONIC study.8 The first step is the assessment of ACLF grade
at days 3–7 after initiation of medical management, including organ support. Liver transplantation should be assessed in all patients with ACLF
because of high 90-day mortality rates (>20%). Liver transplantation should be performed as early as possible in patients with ACLF grade 2 and
grade 3 as they are at considerable risk of short-term (28-day) mortality. In the case of contraindication of liver transplantation, the presence of four
or more organ failures (OFs) or a Chronic Liver Failure Consortium (CLIF-C) ACLF score of >64 at days 3–7 after diagnosis could indicate the futility
of care. ICU, intensive care unit. Adapted from Gustot et al51 and obtained from Arroyo et al27 with permission.

transplant centre. Organ function should be monitored fre- As described above, exceedingly high CLIF-C ACLF score
quently and early treatment provided according to each specific during the course of the disease may help establish futility
organ in order to avoid a stage of multiple OF. General manage- criteria.10 51
ment should be based on current guidelines and recent reviews Data on LT and outcome in patients with ACLF are scarce and
on the management of critically ill patients with cirrhosis.52 53 interpretation may be difficult due to different ACLF definitions
Therefore, this review will focus only on specific therapies for and short series of patients. Data from the CANONIC study are
ACLF. limited as only few patients were transplanted, 9% within
28 days and 15% within 90 days after admission. In patients
Specific therapies with ACLF grade 2 or 3, survival without LT was <20%, but
Liver transplantation increased to 80% in those patients who received LT, results com-
LT represents the definitive treatment for patients with ACLF. parable with those patients transplanted without ACLF. In this
Therefore, if there are no contraindications, all patients admit- cohort, the median delay between ACLF diagnosis and LT was
ted with ACLF should be evaluated for LT. Nevertheless, the 11 (1–28) days.9 Another study that included 238 patients used
use of LT in the context of ACLF is hampered by the shortage intention-to-treat analysis and showed a 5-year post-LT survival
of donors and also by the high frequency of contraindications of >80% for patients eligible for LT.54 However, it should be
that these patients may present (‘too sick to transplant’). Due noted that LT was feasible in <25% of patients’ cohort, as many
to a high MELD score, these patients can have rapid access to patients could not be transplanted due to age, active alcoholism,
transplant. However, the final indication for LT should be active infections or other comorbidities.
reconsidered according to standard criteria such as presence of The timing of transplantation is crucial particularly in patients
active infections, comorbidities or psychological aspects and with ACLF, as these patients may provide a short window of
also according to the progression of ACLF during admission. opportunity due to the risk of development of multiorgan
550 Hernaez R, et al. Gut 2017;66:541–553. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670
Recent advances in clinical practice
failure precluding LT. Considering the good outcomes described On this background, innovative therapies based on immuno-
so far, it could be suggested to include high-risk patients with modulatory or liver regenerative effects have been proposed as
ACLF as an indication for high urgency allocation for LT. new therapeutic approaches, including administration of

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670 on 4 January 2017. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on March 11, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
However, this may be controversial and is still not performed in granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) and stem cell
most countries, but it is an option that could be studied in transplantation.
future studies. G-CSF therapy in ACLF is only based on two randomised
clinical trials. Garg et al11 randomised 47 patients to 5 μg/kg
G-CSF subcutaneously (n=23) vs placebo/standard medical care
Liver support systems
(n=24) and found that the probability of survival at day 60 was
Extracorporal liver support systems, particularly albumin dialysis
66% vs 26%, respectively ( p=0.001). Other parameters such as
and/or plasma exchange have been proposed as new therapeutic
the Child-Pugh-Turcotte and SOFA scores improved and patients
options that could be used as a bridge to LT in patients with
receiving G-CSF were less likely to develop hepatorenal syn-
ACLF.55–58 These systems are aimed at improving clinical,
drome, HE or sepsis. In another study, Duan et al59 randomised
neurological and biological parameters. These improvements
55 patients with HBV-associated ACLF to G-CSF vs placebo/
could allow waiting for LT in better conditions. Trials performed
standard of care. The probability of survival at 90 days was 48%
to evaluate the usefulness of these liver support systems usually
in the G-CSF group compared with 21.4% in the placebo
include a heterogeneous population of patients with decompen-
group. Similar to the study by Garg et al, patients on G-CSF
sated cirrhosis associated with different degrees of OF.
achieved reduction in MELD score. Side effects were mild and
However, to date there are no studies evaluating these devices
expected from the use of G-CSF (nausea, vomits, fever, rash).
using the current definition of ACLF.
Overall, the use of G-CSF in patients with ACLF is still experi-
The most studied liver support devices include molecular
mental as it has been used in 102 patients but the results are
adsorbent recirculating system (MARS) and plasma separation
and absorption system (Prometheus), which are based on the
There is only one stem cells trial in humans. Shi et al60 using
principles of albumin dialysis. Prospective trials have shown that
an open-label controlled trial enrolled 43 hepatitis B patients
MARS is able to improve cholestasis, liver and kidney function
with ACLF to receive umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem
and haemodynamics in patients with decompensated cirrhosis;
cells (UC-MSC, n=24) vs 19 patients with saline as controls.
however, the effect on survival is not conclusive.56–58 A muti-
After 90 days, 79.2% on the UC-MSC survived vs 52.5% in the
centre European randomised controlled trial (RCT) of MARS
control group. MELD scores also decreased over time (in both
compared with standard medical therapy (SMT) in patients with
groups) but more in the UC-MSC (10 vs 15, p=0.04).
ACLF was recently reported (RELIEF trial). In this trial, ACLF
Self-limited fever from UC-MSC was reported, but no other sig-
was defined as bilirubin >5 mg/dL associated with at least one
nificant side effects.
of the following: HE grade 3–4, hepatorenal syndrome and bili-
Overall, both therapies (G-CSF and stem cells) showed
rubin >20 mg/dL. The most common precipitating events in
encouraging results, but the optimism is limited by the small
this population were alcohol abuse and bacterial infections. In
number of participants.
summary, there were no differences in 28-day or 90-day
transplant-free survival between MARS and SMT groups.58
Prevention of ACLF: syndrome awareness, identification of
Another multicentre European RCT evaluated Prometheus in
predisposing conditions and careful clinical examination
patients with ACLF. This was the Helios trial that defined ACLF
Nowadays, it is difficult to prevent ACLF unless the clinician is
as patients with cirrhosis and Child-Pugh score >10 and biliru-
aware of the syndrome and its clinical implications. Initiatives
bin >5 mg/dL. Results showed that the approach was safe and
such as this one, cohort studies (CANONIC, NACSELD) and
well tolerated but there is no survival benefit at 28 days.55
group consensus (APASL, WGO) help in the identification of
Overall, heterogeneity of patients and definitions and dur-
the syndrome. Borrowing terms from preventive medicine, the
ation of treatment and modalities makes difficult to evaluate the
current management of ACLF is a tertiary or, at its best, second-
usefulness of these devices particularly in patients with ACLF.
ary prevention. In other words, once ACLF have occurred, the
Therefore, further RCT with homogenous definition of the syn-
following days will determine whether the patient will undergo
drome are needed to re-evaluate the effect of liver support
recovery or not with full medical support including evaluation
systems on survival.
for liver transplant (tertiary prevention). In some occasions,
only one organ has failed and the aim is to prevent further OF
Future perspectives: pathophysiologial-based treatments involvement by providing aggressive medical care (eg, antibiotics
Considering that currently there is no specific treatment for the to prevent hepatorenal syndrome in the setting of gastrointes-
management of ACLF, research should be based on potential tinal bleeding (GIB)). Preventing other OFs is an example of
new treatments addressed to pathophysiological mechanisms secondary prevention (damage is present but aiming to reduce
leading to the development of the syndrome. Large body of evi- further damage).
dence from the last decades suggests that bacterial translocation It is the grail of ACLF treatment, however, to prevent the
(BT) and an excessive systemic inflammation are the key onset of syndrome (primary prevention). APASL has noted a
mechanisms leading to the progression of cirrhosis and the ‘golden window’, a short period of about 1 week before the
development of ACLF. Therapeutic interventions acting on BT onset of sepsis and development of extrahepatic OF in a patient
(ie, probiotics, norfloxacin, rifaximin) would probably act in the with ACLF.5 Interventions during this period are likely to
prevention of the development of ACLF rather than in the man- prevent OF and perhaps the development of ACLF (‘primary
agement of the syndrome itself once it has developed. In con- prophylaxis’). Currently, other than the thorough identification,
trast, therapeutic interventions addressed to mitigate the history, physical and pertinent laboratory/imaging studies, there
excessive systemic inflammation and to restore the immuno- are no other means to detect this ‘golden window’.
logical response should be investigated as potential treatment Prevention of ACLF should be based on treatments targeting
options. the key pathophysiological mechanisms leading to disease
Hernaez R, et al. Gut 2017;66:541–553. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670 551
Recent advances in clinical practice
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Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670 on 4 January 2017. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on March 11, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
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Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Nicki van Berckel, for her 20 Kedarisetty CK, Sarin SK, Anand L, et al. Liver failure determines the extra-hepatic
administrative support in putting together this paper. organ failure and outcome in patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure: analysis of
Contributors RH, PG, ES and RM wrote and contributed to this paper equally. 1363 patients of AARC Data Base. Hepatology 2014;60:556A.
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552 Hernaez R, et al. Gut 2017;66:541–553. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670

Recent advances
advances in clinical practice

Gut: first published as 10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670 on 4 January 2017. Downloaded from http://gut.bmj.com/ on March 11, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
EDITOR’S QUIZ: GI SNAPSHOT Lim Tian-Zhi,1 Faith Leong Qi Hui,1 Ker-Kan Tan1,2
Division of Colorectal Surgery, University Surgical Cluster, National University Health
Don’t mistake it as a polyp! System, Singapore, Singapore
Department of Surgery, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of
Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
ANSWER See page 540 for question Correspondence to Dr Lim Tian Zhi, University Surgical Cluster, 1E Kent Ridge
Inverted appendix. Road, National University Health System, Singapore 119228, Singapore;
Histology of the specimen confirmed the presence of a polyp- [email protected]
oid mass with a small lumen lined by colonic type epithelium,
Contributors All three authors are responsible for the collection of clinical
surrounded by a thick muscularis wall, compatible with an information and photos, and are involved in the preparation and drafting of this
inverted appendix. Scattered endometrial type glands with manuscript.
stroma were also found extending from the mucosa to the Competing interests None declared.
serosa, compatible with endometriosis.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Inverted appendix is an uncommon endoscopic finding but
an important consideration when faced with a polypoid lesion
in the caecal pole.1 There are only case reports of this condi-
tion, which is more common in adult females in their fourth
decade of life.1 Endometriosis is a recognised cause of inverted
To cite
cite Tian-Zhi
Tian-Zhi L,L, Leong
Published Online First: [ please
include Day Month
Received 1 August 2016 Year] doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312704
The work-up for such lesions should include CT imaging of
Received 19 August
August 2016
the abdomen, endoscopic evaluation and histological sampling.
Accepted 9Online First
August 8 September 2016
Management of an inverted appendix include surgical resection
with a limited caecectomy2 or endoscopic removal with devices Gut 2017;66:553.
2017;0:1–13. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312704
such as endoloops.2 Endoscopic removal using diathermy loop
should not be attempted due to the potential for perforation.3 REFERENCES
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Hernaez R, et al. Gut 2017;66:541–553. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312670 553

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