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Human Factors in Healthcare 2 (2022) 100030

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Human Factors in Healthcare

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Original Article

Medication safety for intensive care patients transferring to a hospital

ward: A Hierarchical Task Analysis
Richard S Bourne a,b,∗, Denham L Phipps b, Jennifer K Jennings a, Emma Boxall c, Franki Wilson d,
Helen March e, Darren M Ashcroft b,f
Departments of Pharmacy and Critical Care, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield, UK
Division of Pharmacy and Optometry, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, Manchester Academic Health Sciences Centre (MAHSC),
The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
Pharmacy Department, Salford Royal Hospital, Northern Care Alliance NHS Group, Salford, UK
Pharmacy Department, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Leeds, UK
Pharmacy Department, Royal Oldham Hospital, Northern Care Alliance NHS Group, Oldham, UK
National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Greater Manchester Patient Safety Translational Research Centre (PSTRC), School of Health Sciences, Faculty
of Biology, Medicine and Health, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Aims and objectives: To identify the task steps involved in intensive care patients transferring to a hospital ward
Critical care and their potential for human errors, and to prioritise areas to improve medication safety.
Ergonomics Background: Intensive care patients recovering to transfer to a hospital ward experience challenges to care con-
Medication errors
tinuity and safety, including medication safety. Medication errors are common on this interface of patient care,
Patient safety
contributing to the risk of adverse drug events on the hospital ward and beyond. Human factors are an important
consideration in these transfer-related medication errors.
Methods: A hierarchical task analysis, based on a goal of safe continuity of medication for intensive care patients
on transfer to a hospital ward, was developed from local processes taken from four north of England hospital
Trusts with electronic prescribing systems. The task analysis was developed and refined by the research team,
incorporating documentary review of policies and procedures, and healthcare professional interviews. Failure
modes for the key task steps impacting directly on patient medication safety were identified. Finally, ten intensive
care healthcare professionals, individually graded each failure mode (1-5) in terms of the probability, criticality
and detectability. Median grades for each parameter were used to determine an overall clinical risk score for each
task step.
Results: Ten task steps were identified (one conditional), comprising a total of 56 subordinate task steps (two
conditional). Conditionality was based on integrated electronic prescribing system resource across the care in-
terface. Thirty-four of the 56 (61%) subordinate task steps were considered by the research team to specifically
involve medication continuity or safety aspects. Action omissions (operation, check, information communication)
accounted for failure modes in twenty-four of the 34 (71%) task steps. Most task steps (25/34 (74%)) had one
or more recovery steps, providing further safety opportunities. The medication review task for reviewing and
re-introducing long-term medication had the highest cumulative risk score. The top six clinical risk scores for the
failure modes involved task steps with some element of communication around medicines.
Conclusions: The safe continuity of medication for intensive care patients on transfer to a hospital ward is complex
and prone to human error. Failure mode analysis indicated that medication review on intensive care prior to
patient transfer, and communication around medication changes and plans, are particularly important risks that
require addressing in any intervention developed to improve medication safety in this patient care transition.

Abbreviations: Electronic, e; ICU, Intensive Care Unit; HRA, Health Research Authority; HTA, hierarchical task analysis; NHS, National Health Service; SHERPA,
systematic human error reduction and prediction approach.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (R.S. Bourne).

Received 14 August 2022; Received in revised form 16 November 2022; Accepted 17 November 2022
2772-5014/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. This is an open access article under the CC BY
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
R.S. Bourne, D.L. Phipps, J.K. Jennings et al. Human Factors in Healthcare 2 (2022) 100030

Problem Statement process starts with a defined goal, then identifies task steps required
to achieve that goal. Execution of the task steps is required to deliver
To address challenges to medication safety for intensive care pa- the subgoals, which in turn need to be achieved to realise the over-
tients transferring to a hospital ward, an evaluation of the human all (defined) goal. The plan is the chronological order of these subgoal
factors involved is required to prioritise interventions designed to steps.
improve patient care. The HTA was formed over several steps (Fig. 1). Firstly, the research
team, comprised of clinical subject experts and a human factors spe-
cialist (BBB), agreed the HTA goal. We then collated formalised ICU to
Introduction hospital ward medicines safety transfer guidelines, protocols and stan-
dardised operating procedures from four National Health Service (NHS)
Intensive care units (ICUs) provide urgent and dynamic care to some hospital centres in the North of England. These NHS centres provided
of the most vulnerable patients in a hospital setting. Such patient care a range of Teaching and non-Teaching hospitals and variations in elec-
is complex, requiring effective co-ordination of multiple healthcare pro- tronic (e-) prescribing system integration between the ICU and hospital
fessionals and care teams, working in a technologically advanced and ward. We used these procedures to provide the first iteration of the in-
time pressurised environment. dividual constituent task steps and that were required to achieve the
When patients recover sufficiently from their critical illness, transfer goal.
to a lower acuity clinical area usually precedes hospital discharge. This To supplement our documentary analysis, we reviewed the tran-
interface in patient care presents a challenge to patient care continu- scripts of interviews with ICU and ward staff (medical staff, pharmacists,
ity and safety. ICU patients frequently experience adverse events after advanced nurse practitioners and critical care outreach team members)
transfer to a hospital ward (Sauro et al., 2020). These adverse events in- conducted for a previous study of inter-hospital transfers. More details
clude adverse drug events, potentially related to the high rates of med- about this interview study are provided in a separate paper (Bourne
ication errors patients experience on transfer from ICU (Bosma et al., et al., manuscript under peer review in a health service journal); in
2018; Heselmans et al., 2015; Tully et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2022). brief, the study explored healthcare staff views on medication safety
The reported clinical significance of these medication errors varies ac- at this interface of care using a topic guide based on the Systems Engi-
cording to study design. Prospective intervention studies,(Bosma et al., neering Initiative for Patient Safety (SEIPS 3.0) model,(Carayon et al.,
2018; Heselmans et al., 2015) reporting higher rates of potential patient 2020) and London Protocol (Taylor-Adams & Vincent, 2004). The SEIPS
harm related to adverse drug events (25-38%), compared to retrospec- 3.0 model is based on the System-Process-Outcome description inform-
tive cohort studies (Tully et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2022). ing quality of health care, including an expanded process component,
Although ICU care provision benefits from the use of many tech- focusing on the patient pathway to describe patient interactions with
nological solutions, an over-reliance on technology to mitigate against multiple care settings over time (Carayon et al., 2020). The London Pro-
medication errors underestimates the complexity of the systems and pro- tocol was developed from Reason’s accident causation model to capture
cesses involved in medicines management, and the pivotal role that hu- the contributing factors and context around specific patient safety inci-
man factors play in this (Bueno et al., 2019; Manias et al., 2012; Scanlon dents and adverse events (Taylor-Adams & Vincent, 2004). The research
& Karsh, 2010). An example is the need for effective team collaboration team used the information about the task process elicited by these inter-
and communication (Donchin et al., 2003), to reduce the risk of errors views to ensure the HTA task steps included all key medication safety
in ICU care; particularly important on patient transition from ICU to steps identified by team discussion and consensus agreement. The draft
the hospital ward (Stelfox et al., 2017; van Sluisveld et al., 2015). In HTA was then sent to all healthcare professionals who had previously
common with wider healthcare delivery, ICU and its care transitions participated in the interviews for respondent validation. After partici-
is dependent on a complex interaction of technology, tasks and peo- pant feedback and revision, the HTA was then finalised by the research
ple (McNab et al., 2020). As such, there is an appreciation of the vi- team.
tal role human factors engineering has on ICU medication management
and patient safety pathways (Carayon et al., 2014; Donchin et al., 2003;
Scanlon & Karsh, 2010). Systematic Human Error Reduction and Prediction Approach (SHERPA)
A hierarchical task analysis (HTA) is intended to provide a de-
tailed behavioural description for examining the actions or cogni-
tive processes involved in a given work activity (Stanton, 2006). We then extended the task analysis by performing SHERPA (Fig. 1).
Task analysis has previously been used in several hospital settings The SHERPA provides a behaviour-related taxonomy to the completion
including; ICU,(Sutherland et al., 2019) anaesthesia,(Phipps et al., of each step (action; planning; evaluation; selection; checking; infor-
2008) emergency medicine,(Hayden et al., 2018) and in medicines mation retrieval; information entry; information communication; and
safety,(Lane et al., 2006; Sutherland et al., 2019) to identify human calculation) (Stanton & Young, 2002). Firstly, the research team iden-
factors issues affecting safety in clinical practice. The HTA is then en- tified the key task steps with failure modes likely to impact directly on
hanced by a systematic human error reduction and prediction approach patient medication safety. Next, representative views of the ICU mul-
(SHERPA), that provides a taxonomy of errors to assist with the iden- tiprofessional interview participants (pharmacist, advanced nurse prac-
tification of the types of errors possible, the likely consequences, the titioner, medical staff and outreach team member) from a single cen-
criticality, any recovery steps and design recommendations (Stanton & tre were sought. Working with the research team, they suggested er-
Young, 2002). rors that may occur during task execution, before identifying the sin-
The aim of this study was to identify the task steps involved in ICU gle most likely task failure mode, related consequences, and any po-
patients transferring to a hospital ward and their potential for human tential recovery steps available within the HTA, as well as potential
errors, to prioritise areas to improve medication safety remedial action to take. Finally, ten ICU healthcare professionals (4
pharmacists, 2 medical, 2 advanced nurse practitioners, 2 outreach
Methods team members) drawn from the research team and interview panel,
individually graded each failure mode (1-5) in terms of the probabil-
Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) ity, criticality and detectability via an online survey (Qualtrics XM,
Utah, USA (www.qualtrics.com)). The median grade for each param-
HTA provides a systematic method allowing analysis of complex pro- eter scored was used to calculate an overall clinical risk score for each
cesses in terms of the behaviours involved (Lane et al., 2006). The HTA task step.

R.S. Bourne, D.L. Phipps, J.K. Jennings et al. Human Factors in Healthcare 2 (2022) 100030

Fig. 1. Development process for the Hierarchical Task Analysis and Systematic Human Error Reduction and Prediction Approach, HTA: hierarchical task analysis;
NHS: National Health Service; SHERPA: systematic human error reduction and prediction approach

Results The top 6 clinical risk scores for the failure modes involved 5 task
steps with some element of communication around medicines (3.6 [Rea-
Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) son permanently discontinued medicines were stopped], 4.8 [Rationale
for antimicrobials], 4.9 [Medication follow-ups required], 5.1 [Tran-
Ten task steps were identified, comprising a total of 56 subordinate scription of prescriptions and comments], 9.6 [Medications requiring
task steps (Table 1 ). Task 5 was conditional; in that it was only required a “review” for re-titrating, re-initiating or weaning off]).
if the ICU and hospital ward e-prescribing systems were not integrated.
In this case two subordinate tasks were required to transcribe the medi-
cation from one system to another and the need for clinical pharmacist
verification of the e- prescriptions.
Main findings

Systematic Human Error Reduction and Prediction Approach (SHERPA) Our HTA and SHERPA analysis identified ten tasks and fifty-six sub-
ordinate tasks involved in the goal of safe continuity of medication for
Thirty-four of the 56 (61%) subordinate task steps were identified ICU patients on transfer to a hospital ward. The number of subordinate
to specifically involve medication continuity or safety aspects (Table 2 tasks, scope and number of ICU and ward-based healthcare profession-
). The failure mode most commonly associated with each medication- als involved in the delivery of these tasks and primary failure modes
related task was A8 (Operation omitted). Indeed, when the other omit- identified, highlight the complexity and vulnerability of this medication
ted failure modes were included (C1 (Check omitted); I1 (Information system process. The SHERPA analysis illuminated the highest-risk task
not communicated)), omitted failure modes accounted for twenty-four steps to address and the inherent recovery modes that are already built
of the 34 (71%) task steps. In terms of mitigation, most task steps (25/34 into the plan. The most frequently identified failure modes were based
(74%)) had one or more recovery steps, that is, there was other oppor- on omission of an action (operation, check or information transfer).
tunities to reduce errors within the overall plan. The HTA tasks identified involve a minimum of three ICU health-
The ICU healthcare professional panel completing the SHERPA anal- care professional groups and their respective hospital ward colleagues,
ysis had a median (IQR) 6 years (3.5; 12) experience in their current likely involving multiple personnel within each group, requiring effec-
post. tive collaboration and communication (Donchin et al., 2003). The im-
In the SHERPA, Task 4 (Review and start/re-titrate appropriate portance of strengthening communication around medication-related
long-term medications) had the highest cumulative clinical risk score information is highlighted by five of the top six clinical risk scores hav-
(Table 3). The most common recovery mode code within Task 4 was ing elements of communication failure within their remit. We have pre-
4.10 (Pharmacist performs a prescription “clinical check” or verifica- viously identified that interventions to improve information transfer are
tion (Operation omitted)). one of the most investigated in medication safety for ICU patient trans-

R.S. Bourne, D.L. Phipps, J.K. Jennings et al.
Table 1
Hierarchical task analysis for goal of safe continuity of medication for ICU patients on transfer to a hospital ward

Goal: Safe continuity of medication for ICU patients on transfer to a hospital ward
Task Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Description Assess patient to Carry out Review and stop Review and Transcribe Prepare Medical team Transfer patient Nurse handover Pharmacist
decide if they are transfer any ICU specific start/re-titrate prescriptions and medications for handover handover
fit for transfer procedure checks medications appropriate comments on transfer
long-term new ward
medications prescribing
Process Do 1.1 to 1.9 in Do 2.1 then 2.2. Do 3.1 to 3.7 in Do 4.1 to 4.9 in If transcription of Do 6.1 to 6.4 in Do 7.1 to 7.5 in Do 8.1 to 8.7 in Do 9.1 to 9.7 in Do 10.1 to 10.2
plan order If a pharmacist order order. If a prescription to a order order order. 8.3-8.5 order for high-risk
available, then pharmacist different only required if patients or
2.3 available, then prescribing ICU and hospital medications
4.10 system is needed, ward systems not
do 5.1. If integrated
pharmacy staff

available then
5.2. If
transcription is
not required,
then go to Task 6
1.1 Review level 2.1 Ensure all 3.1 Review ICU 4.1 Update 5.1 Transcribe 6.1 Ensure any 7.1 Contact the 8.1 Confirm 9.1 Use ICU 10.1 ICU
Subordinate of care required medications prescriptions prescription with prescriptions and paper charts of ward medical patient ready for e-prescribing pharmacist hands
task steps administered any additional comments onto fluids/infusions team transfer system or over high-risk
have been medicines new ward system required are transfer report to patient to ward
recorded on ICU required (e.g. completed handover which pharmacy team
prescribing restarted medications have using ward
system(s) long-term been recently e-handover
medication) given, omitted or form/ email or
nearly due to telephone call
hospital ward

Human Factors in Healthcare 2 (2022) 100030

(continued on next page)
R.S. Bourne, D.L. Phipps, J.K. Jennings et al.
Table 1 (continued)

Goal: Safe continuity of medication for ICU patients on transfer to a hospital ward
Task Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1.2 Perform 2.2 Ensure all 3.2 Review 4.2 Prescribe 5.2 Pharmacy 6.2 Collect 7.2 Handover 8.2 Ensure ICU 9.2 Hand over 10.2 Hospital
physical nursing tasks pre-admission medication that staff conduct a medicines owned patient to transfer report any paper drug clinical
assessment complete on ICU medica- requires prescription by the patient/ hospital ward (with medication charts (if pharmacist
e-prescribing tions/medicines re-titration or transcription patient specific medical team sections) is applicable) acknowledges
system reconciliation re-initiation on check medication, using SBAR tool. completed medication plan
ward including Include any immediately and action
medicines in the relevant prior to transfer
fridge and CD medication issues
cabinet, ready for for follow up
transfer to new

1.3 Assess vital 2.3 Ensure 3.3 Review 4.3 “Suspend” 6.3 Identify 7.3 Hospital 8.3 Print/ upload 9.3 Complete
signs medicines patient any medication continued ICU ward medical ICU medication bedside check of
reconciliation co-morbidities just prescribed medications team transfer report IV running
complete in ICU that is not yet (hospital ward acknowledges medications
e-prescribing clinically unlikely to have medication plan
system appropriate stock of) and action
1.4 Assess lab 3.4 Stop any ICU 4.4 Put a 6.4 Obtain up to 7.4 Refer to 8.4 Place transfer 9.4 Explain
results specific “review” in place 12 hours’ worth specialist team report into medications
medications no for suspended, of non-ward e.g. Outreach or patient medical supplied with
longer indicated re- stocked Diabetes Team (if notes patient to
titrated/initiated medication applicable) hospital ward
medication nurse
(continued on next page)

Human Factors in Healthcare 2 (2022) 100030

R.S. Bourne, D.L. Phipps, J.K. Jennings et al.
Table 1 (continued)

Goal: Safe continuity of medication for ICU patients on transfer to a hospital ward
Task Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1.5 Assess 3.5 Prescribe 4.5 Add rationale 7.5 Specialist 8.5 If medication 9.5 Identify with
medical history weaning regime for changes to team changes prior to hospital ward
for medication medications (if acknowledges transfer, nurse any
requiring not already referral for re-print/upload medications
weaning off documented) follow up an updated needing supply
transfer report from pharmacy
1.6 Decide 3.6 Document 4.6 Adjust doses 8.6 Book porter 9.6 Explain
whether patient medications that according to which
fit for transfer are permanently ward practice (if medications have
discontinued applicable) a “review” for
with rationale for re-titrating,
why they have re-initiating or
been stopped weaning off
1.7 Deem patient 3.7 Document 4.7 Adjust routes 8.7 Transfer 9.7 Hospital
fit for transfer to indications and according to patient to ward nurse
a ward plans for any ward practice (if hospital ward acknowledges
acute medicines applicable) with medication medication plan
commenced in and any and action
ICU with ongoing appropriate

indications additional
requiring further prescription
review after ICU charts
1.8 Inform 4.8 State
patient/ family rationale for
plan for transfer antimicrobials
to a ward (and codes for
antibiotics if
1.9 Contact ward 4.9 State any
regarding bed medication
space and follow-ups
confirm required in the
approximate medication plan

Human Factors in Healthcare 2 (2022) 100030

time of bed
4.10 Pharmacist
performs a
“clinical check”
or verification
R.S. Bourne, D.L. Phipps, J.K. Jennings et al. Human Factors in Healthcare 2 (2022) 100030

Table 2
Medication-related task steps SHERPA

Step Failure Mode Description Consequence Recovery Remedial measures

2.1 A9 (Operation incomplete) Not all medication Patient at risk of duplicate 9.1 Include all medication administration
administered is recorded on dose on transfer to the ward check as part of transfer checklist for
the patient e-prescribing nursing staff
2.3 A8 (Operation omitted) Best possible medication Delay in medicines Incomplete medication history
history not completed by reconciliation which can in documentation creates a flag for hospital
medicines reconciliation and turn delay ability to do ward clinical pharmacy team to prioritise
entered on ICU e-prescribing structured medication review to complete
system prior to patient and increasing medication
transfer error risks for the patient
3.4 A8 (Operation omitted) Medication intended for Increased polypharmacy 3.1-3.3 Include rationale for all acute medicines
short-term or ICU only burden for the patient when prescribed
indication e.g., stress potentially long-term
ulceration not stopped increasing the risk of adverse
drug events
3.5 A8 (Operation omitted) Medication requiring Risk of patient withdrawal 4.10, 10.1 Include rationale for all acute medicines
weaning regimen may not be symptoms (adverse drug when prescribed and document need for
weaned corrected event) if stopped abruptly or weaning regimen rather than abrupt
potential for inappropriate stopping.
long-term continuation and Inform patient and family when
increased polypharmacy appropriate
burden (again increased
adverse drug event risk for
3.6 A8 (Operation omitted) Medication with ongoing Opportunity for medication 10.1 Include rationale for all acute medicines
indication but requiring a review decreased and when prescribed. Inform patient and
review according to clinical increased polypharmacy family when appropriate.
progress or status not burden for the patient
identified potentially long-term
increasing the risk of adverse
drug events
3.7 A8 (Operation omitted) Medication permanently Risk of inappropriate 4.10, 10.1 Include documentation and rationale for
discontinued and rationale restarting of the medication all medication permanently discontinued.
not documented at a later date with patient Inform patient and family when
re-exposure to adverse event appropriate
4.1 A8 (Operation omitted) Medication that could be Potentially important 10.1 Encourage prescribing of all medication in
re-started prior to transfer long-term medication is ICU and then suspending medication not
remains omitted delayed restarting, or not currently indicated. Include medication
restarted and may lead to an review and prompt to restart clinically
adverse drug event appropriate long-term medication check
in medication transfer checklist
4.2 A8 (Operation omitted) Medication that could be Potentially important 4.10 Include medication review and prompt to
re-titrated prior to transfer long-term medication is restart clinically appropriate long-term
remains omitted delayed restarting and may medication check in medication transfer
lead to an adverse drug checklist supported by education and
event, or medication is training on medicines and scenarios that
started at original dose and need re-titration of medicines
the patient experiences and
augmented response adverse
drug event
4.3 A9 (Operation incomplete) Medication that is not The medicine is 4.10 The e-prescribing system functionality
clinically appropriate to be administered, and the patient allows medication to be suspended within
restart yet, has an active is vulnerable to experience same menu as prescribing
prescription for nurse an adverse drug event
4.4 A9 (Operation incomplete) There is an indefinite Potentially important The e-prescribing system prompts entry of
suspension of prescribed long-term medication is a review period on all prescribed
medication without a date delayed restarting and may medicines suspended. Medication review
prompt for review lead to an adverse drug event undertaken on the ward shortly after
patient transfer (within 48 hours)
4.5 A8 (Operation omitted) Indication of the medication Making medication review 4.10, 10.1 Education and training for medicine
may be unclear more protracted so that the rationale/ indication to be added at time
review may be delayed or of prescribing to aid review
may not happen
4.6 A8 (Operation omitted) ICU dose of a specific Augmented effect of the 4.10, 10.1 Education and training for medicine
medicine continues into ward medicine with increased risk rationale/ indication to be added at time
use without the associated of adverse drug events of prescribing to aid review. Medication
monitoring without the ICU monitoring review undertaken on the ward shortly
after patient transfer (within 48 hours)
(continued on next page)

R.S. Bourne, D.L. Phipps, J.K. Jennings et al. Human Factors in Healthcare 2 (2022) 100030

Table 2 (continued)

Failure Mode Description Consequence Recovery Remedial measures


4.7 A9 (Operation incomplete) Some routes of medicines Potential for delay in dose 4.10, 9.1 Include medication route review prompt
continued on the hospital administration, need for in medication transfer checklist.
ward are not optimised for re-prescribing or increased Medication review undertaken on the
ward team administration risk of administration error ward shortly after patient transfer (within
48 hours)
4.8 I1 (Information not communicated) Microbiology code for Delay in antimicrobial 4.10, Microbiology codes added to
restricted antibiotic not administration of restricted 6.3-6.4, 9.1, antimicrobial medicines when prescribed.
provided on transfer antibiotic 9.4-9.5, Exemption of ICU transfer patients from
10.1 restricted antimicrobial policy
4.9 A8 (Operation omitted) Medication plan does not Delay to targeted medication 10.1 Medication review undertaken on the
contain relevant follow up review of important ward shortly after patient transfer (within
direct for the hospital ward medication issues 48 hours)
A8 (Operation omitted) Prescription chart medicines Increase in prescription 10.1 Medication review undertaken on the
4.10 not clinically checked/ medication errors with ward shortly after patient transfer (within
verified by a clinical potential for patient adverse 48 hours)
pharmacist prior to ICU events
5.1 I1 (Information not communicated) Prescription rationale and Delay to targeted medication 4.5, 4.9, Integrated e-prescribing system across
supporting information not review of important 4.10, 10.1 ICU and hospital wards. Medication
included on prescriptions in medication issues review undertaken on the ward shortly
hospital ward e-prescribing after patient transfer (within 48 hours)
5.2 A8 (Operation omitted) Prescription chart medicines Increased in prescription 10.1 Integrated e-prescribing system across
on hospital ward transcription medication ICU and hospital wards. Medication
e-prescribing system not errors with potential for review undertaken on the ward shortly
clinically checked/ verified patient adverse events after patient transfer (within 48 hours)
by a clinical pharmacist prior
to ICU transfer
6.1 A8 (Operation omitted) Additional paper chart that Missing prescription 8.7, 9.2 Integrated e-prescribing system across
may be required is not information that may mean a ICU and hospital wards that has
completed delay in medication functionality for all prescription types
administration or missed used in the hospital
6.2 A9 (Operation incomplete) Not all medication available Delayed or missed doses of 8.7, 9.4 Each patient has a designated location for
for transfer with the patient medicines on the hospital storing all their medicines together, when
ward possible, with a flag for any CDs or fridge
6.4 A9 (Operation incomplete) Not all medication required Delayed or missed doses of 9.4-9.5 Prompt on nurse transfer checklist for
transferred with the patient medicines on the hospital transfer to include required medication
ward supply
7.3 I1 (Information not communicated) Action plan not confirmed Follow up and action may be 8.2-8.4 Automatic documentation of handover
delayed or omitted action plan in hospital ward team task list
7.5 I1 (Information not communicated) Action plan not confirmed Specialist team follow up and Automatic documentation of handover
action may be delayed or action plan in specialist team task list
8.1 C1 (Check omitted) No check that patient is Patient transfer proceeds Transfer checklist completed prior to
ready for transfer without confirming the transfer of patient
patient is ready for transfer
8.2 A9 (Operation incomplete) Not all pertinent medication Hospital ward staff time 7.2-7.3, 9.6, Automatic pre-population of relevant
information included in the required to retrieve 10.1 medication fields in transfer report
transfer report information independently
from ICU patient episode.
Delay medication review of
follow up
8.5 A8 (Operation omitted) Paper copy of transfer report Transfer report may contain 9.1, 9.6 Transfer report accessible electronically in
is not accurate inaccurate medication hospital ward e-prescribing or patient
information record system
9.1 I3 (Information communication Not all pertinent medication Delay in medication Integrated e-prescribing system across
incomplete) information communicated administered, dose omitted ICU and hospital wards that has
to the hospital ward nurse or double dose given functionality for all prescription types
used in the hospital
9.2 A8 (Operation omitted) Not all paper prescription Delay in medication Integrated e-prescribing system across
charts are handed over to the administered, dose omitted ICU and hospital wards that has
hospital ward nurse or double dose given. functionality for all prescription types
Re-prescribing of paper chart used in the hospital
may be needed
(continued on next page)

R.S. Bourne, D.L. Phipps, J.K. Jennings et al. Human Factors in Healthcare 2 (2022) 100030

Table 2 (continued)

Failure Mode Description Consequence Recovery Remedial measures


9.3 C1 (Check omitted) Check of IV infusions not Increased risk of medication Hospital bedside safety check completed
completed administration error by hospital ward nurses
9.4 I1 (Information not communicated) Information not provided on Lack of understanding about Ward nurse completes own assessment of
medication supplied with medication supplied with medications needed vs medications
patient patient and action resulting supplied
in duplication of effort or
information retrieval
9.5 C1 (Check omitted) Check of medications Delay in medication dose Hospital ward nurses checks availability
requiring supply from administration or missed of all medicines required for patients
pharmacy not completed dose during their shift on e-prescribing system
9.6 I1 (Information not communicated) Information on medication Delay in medication review 8.2 Hospital ward nurses also reads
requiring weaning, and increased adverse drug medication transfer report
re-titration or re-initiating event risk
not provided
9.7 I3 (Information communication Hospital ward nurses does Not all medication 10.1-2 Nurse handover structure includes a
incomplete) not acknowledge all information acknowledged check of information and understanding
information provided and then available for action.
Suboptimal communication
of the medication plan and
related action(s)
A9 (Operation incomplete) Clinical pharmacist does not Increased risk of medication 7.2-7.3, If electronic handover, flag to prompt
10.2 acknowledge handover error unresolved with 8.2-8.4 identification and acknowledgement of
receipt and medication adverse drug event risk communication. Sufficient clinical
review delayed (>48 hours) pharmacy staff to undertake the required
or not undertaken patient services

Table 3
Task steps failure mode by clinical risk score

Failure mode Clinical Risk Score

4.7 Adjust routes according to ward practice (if applicable) (Operation incomplete) 45
9.6 Explain which medications have a “review” for re-titrating, re-initiating or weaning off (Information not communicated) 45
4.9 State any medication follow-ups required in the medication plan (Operation omitted) 40.5
4.8 State rationale for antimicrobials (and codes for restricted antibiotics if applicable) (Information not communicated) 39
3.6 Document medications that are permanently discontinued with rationale for why they have been stopped (Operation 36
5.1 Transcribe prescriptions and comments onto new ward system (Information not communicated) 36
4.4 Put a “review” in place for suspended, re-titrated/initiated medication (Operation incomplete) 31.5
3.7 Document indications and plans for any acute medicines commenced in ICU with ongoing indications requiring further 30
review after ICU transfer (Operation omitted)
4.1 Update prescription with any additional medicines required (e.g. restarted long-term medication) (Operation omitted) 30
4.3 “Suspend” any medication just prescribed that is not yet clinically appropriate (Operation incomplete) 30
6.1 Ensure any paper charts of fluids/infusions required are completed (Operation omitted) 28
3.5 Prescribe weaning regime for medication requiring weaning off (Operation omitted) 27
9.3 Complete bedside check of IV running medications (Check omitted) 27
8.5 If medication changes prior to transfer, re-print/upload an updated transfer report (Operation omitted) 26.25
3.4 Stop any ICU specific medications no longer indicated (Operation omitted) 24
4.5 Add rationale for changes to medications (if not already documented) (Operation omitted) 24
5.2 Pharmacy staff conduct a prescription transcription check (Operation omitted) 24
6.2 Collect medicines owned by the patient/ patient specific medication, including medicines in the fridge and CD cabinet, 24
ready for transfer to new ward (Operation incomplete)
7.5 Specialist team acknowledges referral for follow up (Information not communicated) 24
9.4 Explain medications supplied with patient to hospital ward nurse (Information not communicated) 24
9.5 Identify with hospital ward nurse any medications needing supply from pharmacy (Check omitted) 24
9.7 Hospital ward nurse acknowledges medication plan and action (Information communication incomplete) 24
10.2 Hospital clinical pharmacist acknowledges medication plan and action (Operation incomplete) 22.5
4.6 Adjust doses according to ward practice (if applicable) (Operation omitted) 21
6.4 Obtain up to 12 hours’ worth of non-ward stocked medication (Operation incomplete) 20
8.2 Ensure ICU transfer report (with medication sections) is completed immediately prior to transfer (Operation incomplete) 20
4.2 Prescribe medication that requires re-titration or re-initiation on ward (Operation omitted) 18.75
4.10 Pharmacist performs a prescription “clinical check” or verification (Operation omitted) 18
9.1 Use ICU e-prescribing system or transfer report to handover which medications have been recently given, omitted or nearly 18
due to hospital ward nurse (Information communication incomplete)
9.2 Hand over any paper drug charts (if applicable) (Operation omitted) 18
7.3 Hospital ward medical team acknowledges medication plan and action (Information not communicated) 16
2.1 Ensure all medications administered have been recorded on ICU prescribing system(s) (Operation incomplete) 15
2.3 Ensure medicines reconciliation complete in ICU e-prescribing system (Operation omitted) 15
8.1 Confirm patient ready for transfer (Check omitted) 15

R.S. Bourne, D.L. Phipps, J.K. Jennings et al. Human Factors in Healthcare 2 (2022) 100030

fers (Bourne, Jennings, Panagioti, et al., 2022). The importance of for- onciliation on ICU patient transfer to a hospital ward reduced medica-
mal structured handovers by medical and nursing staff when a critical tion errors four-fold and potential patient harm. Tully et al,(Tully et al.,
care patient transfers to a hospital ward is recognised, including the 2019) reported that in a multicentre, retrospective, point prevalence
need to include a medication plan (National Institute for Health and study, that medication transcription was associated with an almost 3-
Care Excellence (2007).; Joel Meyer, Andrew Slack, Carl Waldmann, fold lower odds ratio in medication errors at ICU transfer. This is pre-
Anthony Bastin, Melanie Gager, Joanne McPeake, Tara Quasim, 2021; sumably by enforcing a medicines reconciliation and medication re-
Rhodes et al., 2012). We also identified the importance of clinical phar- view opportunity to discontinue medication without an ongoing indi-
macist handovers in our HTA, but that omission of information or oper- cation (Task Step 3). Nevertheless, the additional transcription phase
ation incomplete was the most likely failure mode. creates an opportunity for error unless mitigated by a recovery step
such as clinical pharmacist verification. In a single centre study, Dabliz
Exploration with wider literature et al,(Dabliz et al., 2021) reported that the introduction of an integrated
e-prescribing system (ICU and hospital), reduced medication errors dur-
Mol et al, (van Mol et al., 2017) used intervention mapping to de- ing ICU transfers.
velop a person-centred discharge protocol in the ICU setting. However,
they did not specifically explore the medication continuity or safety as- Strengths and Limitations
pects of this patient and family care transition. Nevertheless, they did
highlight the complexity of high-quality patient transfer and that a sim- A notable strength of our results is that we included healthcare pro-
ple universal strategy would be unlikely to address the many individual fessionals and incorporated insights from four NHS centres with differ-
and care challenges. Recently, we have developed this understanding ent configurations and e-prescribing systems. Another strength was the
by identifying the priorities for medication-related intervention compo- triangulation of data from various sources (documentary analysis, inter-
nents to improve medication safety for intensive care patients transfer- views, and practitioner panel validation). These undertakings make our
ring to a hospital ward (Bourne, Jennings, & Ashcroft, 2022). results more generalisable and hence transferable to the wider critical
The challenges and considerations around implementing interven- care community. Our research team included a human factors specialist
tions to improve medication safety for ICU patients transferring to a (DLP), who facilitated team meetings and application of the HTA and
hospital ward have recently been explored (Mccarthy et al., 2022). Im- SHERPA techniques by the healthcare professionals, ensuring technical
plementation requires appropriate acknowledgement of local context, and subject expertise was provided. This combined approach strength-
resources and stakeholder involvement (healthcare professionals and ens our research findings.
patient and family) (Mccarthy et al., 2022). Moreover, the underpin- We appreciate that a group meeting, promoting discussion and con-
ning evidence base of the intervention is critical, as are the stakeholder sensus is an alternative method to individual healthcare professional
beliefs about consequences if the safety elements are to be fully en- grading of the clinical risk scores, which may have led to different
gaged with. An example of such a challenge is the onus put on phar- results (Ashley & Armitage, 2010; Franklin et al., 2012; Jeon et al.,
macist clinical check in the recovery mode provision for the highest risk 2007; Shebl et al., 2009). However, within the constraints of the unique
task (4 - medication review). (NHS England, 2022) Although clinical clinical demands within ICU and social distancing requirements dur-
pharmacists are widely available in UK critical care units, in line with ing COVID-19 pandemic, we felt that this was the best way to achieve
NHS England’s service specification for critical care staffing in hospitals full multiprofessional input. We also acknowledge the rater subjectiv-
(NHS England, 2022), geographical variations in UK staffing levels, 7 ity inherent in the SHERPA scoring, (Franklin et al., 2012) although
day services(Borthwick et al., 2018) and scope of practice exist, includ- by having a panel of ten healthcare professionals will have reduced this
ing the ability to undertake medication reconciliation on ICU patient effect. There are potentially inter-professional variation in severity scor-
transfer to a hospital ward (Bourne et al., 2018). As many patients are ing of failures and medication errors,(Bourne et al., 2016; Williams &
transferred outside the hours clinical pharmacy services are routinely Ashcroft, 2009) which we again reduced by combing multiprofessional
available, this limits the effectiveness of pharmacist-dependent recov- views. Finally, we acknowledge that the risk score results and prioriti-
ery modes. From a human factors perspective, a fundamental concern sation are sensitive to the numerical sum of the individual criticality,
with pharmacist checking as a single safety barrier is that relies on the probability and detectability scores (Franklin et al., 2012).
ability of pharmacists to detect and resolve discrepancies in the face of For each subordinate task step there were the potential for several
performance-shaping factors such as time pressure, interruptions and failure modes. However, we chose to focus on the primary or most likely
disorganised work environments (e.g. Sujan et al., 2011). failure mode for each task step given the considerable number of task
Task four (medication review) also had the highest cumulative risk steps involved. We feel it is unlikely that additional failure modes would
score. We have previously identified that multi-component interven- have changed the results and findings notably.
tions based on education of staff and guidelines were effective at re-
ducing inappropriate continuation of ICU-only medication by hospital Research and practice recommendations
discharge (Bourne, Jennings, Panagioti, et al., 2022). However, we ac-
knowledged that the appropriate recommencement of clinically impor- These HTA and SHERPA results provide further guidance on the re-
tant chronic medication was a much more complex process and would search and practice initiatives required to improve medication safety
require effective co-ordination across clinical areas and multiprofes- for ICU patients transferring to the hospital ward. Firstly, the complex-
sional teams including medicines reconciliation, and medication review ity around medication safety systems is clear. Intervention development
(Bourne, Jennings, Panagioti, et al., 2022). Our SHERPA results under- needs to acknowledge the importance of medication review and effec-
line this by identifying the clinical vulnerability of this task within the tive multiprofessional communication of medication-related informa-
plan for delivering safe continuity of medication for ICU patients on tion across the interface in care. Recovery systems in place need to be
transfer to a hospital ward. reliably delivered for all patients. Finally, the intervention will need
Task five (transcription) was conditional and only required to ad- to be appropriately evaluated, as any implementation of interventions
dress the increased risk of when ICUs and hospital wards used differ- must be based on a solid evidence base to be adopted in routine practice.
ent e-prescribing systems necessitating an additional transcription step.
This additional step could increase the risk of prescribing errors and Conclusions
loss of information (e.g. prescription annotation, loss of accessibility to
notes). In a two-centre study with unintegrated e-prescribing, Bosma The safe continuity of medication for ICU patients on transfer to a
et al,(Bosma et al., 2018) reported that pharmacist-led medicines rec- hospital ward is complex, involving many tasks and healthcare staff, and

R.S. Bourne, D.L. Phipps, J.K. Jennings et al. Human Factors in Healthcare 2 (2022) 100030

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