ENG 571 - Lecture - Notes - Week - 7 - Part - 1

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High-frequency response of

Amplifiers (part 2)
Sina Vafi
College of Engineering, IT and Environment
High-frequency response of CG

• In addition to Cgd and

Cgs , effect of CL is being
• CL appears as a
capacitor at the output,
in parallel with Cgd.
High-frequency response of CG (cont.)

Frequency response without effect of ro:

Equivalent circuit of CG (ro is ignored)

1 1
f P1  fP2 
1 2(C gd  C L )R L
2C gs ( Rs || )
High-frequency response of CG (cont.)
Frequency response with effect of ro:
Effect of Cgs Effect of (Cgd+CL)

Rgs=Rin||RS Rgd=RL||Rout
fH of Common-gate: fH 
2[C gs R gs  (C gd  C L )R gd ]
Source follower (Common drain)

• Ignore Body effect.

Voltage gain:
R′L=RL||ro Output resistance:
vo g R
vo=gmvgsR´L Av   m L 1
vgs=vi-vo vi 1  gm RL R o  || r o
g m ro
RL→∞: A vo  R o  1/ g m
1  g m ro
Frequency response of source follower

Determination of Zero values:

1. Transfer the circuit to the Laplace (s) domain
2. Determine value of s that make vo=0
• Vo=0 when 1/(SCL) becomes zero. Therefore one zero at s=∞
• Vo=0 when the current of (R′L||CL) is equal to zero. Therefore,
(gm+sCgs)Vgs=0 sZ=-gm/Cgs or ωZ=gm/Cgs

MOSFET ωT: ωT=gm/(Cgs+Cgd) Cgd<<Cgs. Therefore : fz≈fT

Frequency response of source follower
Determination of poles:
• Find the resistance seen by each of three
Capacitances (Cgd,Cgs and CL)

Rgs=(Rsig+R′L)/(1+gmR′L) 1 1
fH  
2H 2(C gs R gs  C gd R gd  C L R CL )

• None of internal capacitances (Cgs, Cgd and CL) suffers from Miller’s effect.
• Main advantage of source follower: its excellent high frequency response
Emitter follower (common collector)

 Rsig || RB 
Rout  ro || re  
Page 461   1 
RB (ro || R L )
Gv 
R B  R sig R sig || R B
 re  ( ro  R L )
 1
High-frequency response:
•At the frequency sz =|jωz| the current of R´L
is set to zero: gmvπ +Vπ/rπ+vπ SCπ=0.
ωZ=1/(Cп re)≈ωT

Rμ=R′sig|| [rп+(β+1)R′L]

R sig  R L 1 1
R  fH  
R sig R L 2H 2(C R   C  R  )
1 
r re

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