7d-Word Sheet

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7D Word Sheets

7Da – Exploring the world

Word Pronunciation Meaning
organisms A living thing.

7Da – Variation
Word Pronunciation Meaning
continuous variation Data values that change gradually and can have any
value are continuous. Examples include time and length.
Continuous variation is any variation in organisms that
has values that change gradually.
discontinuous Data values that can only have one of a set number of
variation options are discontinuous. Examples include shoe sizes
and days of the week. Discontinuation variation is any
variation in organisms that only has values with a set
number of options.
habitat The place where an organism lives, for example
hybrid An organism produced when members of two different
species reproduce with each other.
inter-specific Meaning between different species.
intra-specific Meaning within the same species.
offspring The new organisms produced by reproduction.
reproduce When organisms reproduce, they make more organisms
like themselves.
species spee-shees or A group of organisms that can reproduce with each
spee-sees other to produce offspring that will also be able to
variation vair-ee-ay-shun The differences between things.

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7D Word Sheets

7Da – Charts and graphs

Word Pronunciation Meaning
bar chart A chart displaying data as bars with gaps between them.
Bar charts are used when you want to compare things.
data Observations or measurements collected in
dependent variable The variable that is measured in an investigation. The
values of the dependent variable depend on those of the
independent variable.
frequency diagram Any chart or graph that shows a frequency (the number
of things) on the y-axis.
independent variable The variable that you chose to change in an
line of best fit A line drawn on a scatter graph that goes through the
middle of the points, so that about half the points are
above the line and about half of them are below the line.
mass The amount of matter that something is made from.
Mass is measured in grams (g) and kilograms (kg).
normal distribution When many things have a middle value with fewer
things having greater or lesser values. This sort of data
forms a bell shape on charts and graphs.
relationship A link between two things, so that when one thing
changes so does the other. Best seen by using a scatter
scatter graph A graph in which data for two variables is plotted as
points. This allows you to see whether there is a
relationship between the two variables.
variable vair-ee-ab-el Anything that can change and be measured.

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7D Word Sheets

7Db – Adaptations
Word Pronunciation Meaning
abiotic Something that is abiotic has nothing to do with living
organisms (e.g. temperature, the wind).
adaptations add-app-tay-shuns The features that something has to enable it to do a
certain job or survive in a particular place.
adapted If something has adaptations for a certain job or for
survival in a particular place, it is said to be adapted for
that job or place.
community All the organisms that live in a habitat.
ecosystem All the physical environmental factors and all the
organisms that are found in a habitat.
egg cell The female sex cell (gamete).
environment The conditions in a habitat caused by physical
environmental factors.
fertilised egg cell What is produced when two gametes fuse.
gamete A cell used for sexual reproduction.
gene jeen Section of the long strand of DNA found in a
chromosome, which contains instructions for a
inherited variation Differences between organisms passed on to offspring
by their parents in reproduction.
physical The non-living conditions in the environment of an
environmental factors organism, such as temperature and light.
sexual reproduction ree-prod-uck-shun Reproduction that needs two individuals to produce a
new organism of the same type.
sperm cell The male sex cell (gamete).
zygote zy-goat Another term for fertilised egg cell.

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7D Word Sheets

7Dc – Effects of the environment

Word Pronunciation Meaning
bulb (biology) Plant organ that is usually underground. Some plants
only have leaves at certain times of the year and remain
as bulbs at other times.
daily changes Changes in the physical environmental factors that
happen during a day, for example it gets dark at night.
deciduous des-id-U-us Plants that lose their leaves in winter are deciduous.
environmental Differences between organisms caused by
variation environmental factors.
evergreen Plants that do not lose their leaves in winter are
hibernation hy-ber-nay-shun When animals hide away during the winter and become
very inactive.
migration my-gray-shun When animals move to different areas depending on the
nocturnal Organisms that are active at night are nocturnal.
photosynthesis A process that plants use to make their own food. It
needs light
to work.
seasonal changes Changes in the physical environmental factors of an
environment that happen during the course of a year, for
example it gets colder in winter.
seed A small part of a plant formed by sexual reproduction
that can grow into a new plant.

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7D Word Sheets

7Dd – Effects on the environment

Word Pronunciation Meaning
apex predator Another term for top predator.
biotic factor An activity of an organism that affects another organism
(such as competition or predation).
carnivore carn-ee-vore An animal that only eats other animals.
competition com-pet-ish-un Some organisms need the same things as each other.
We say that they compete for those things.
consumer con-syou-mer An organism that has to eat other organisms to stay
alive. Animals are consumers.
extinct Something that no longer exists is extinct.
food chain A way of showing what eats what in a habitat.
food web Many food chains linked together.
herbivore herb-ee-voor An animal that only eats plants.
interdependent Species that depend on one another are said to be
inter-specific Meaning between different species. For example,
competition inter‑specific competition is when organisms from
different species compete with one another.
intra-specific Meaning within the same species. For example,
competition intra‑specific competition is when organisms from the
same species compete with one another.
omnivore om-nee-voor An animal that eats both plants and other animals.
oxygen A gas that makes up about 21% of the air.
population pop-U-lay-shun The number of a certain organism found in a certain
predation pred-ay-shun A biotic factor in which an animal (the prey) is killed and
eaten by another (the predator).
predator An animal that catches and eats other animals.
prey pray An animal that is caught and eaten by another animal.
producer An organism that is able to make its own food. Plants
are producers.
resource rez-ors Something needed by an organism. For example, plants
need light as a resource; animals need food as a
top predator The last animal in a food chain.

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7D Word Sheets

7De – Transfers in food chains

Word Pronunciation Meaning
endangered When a type of organism is in danger of ceasing to exist.
energy Something that is needed to make things happen or
persistent A chemical substance that does not get broken down in
nature very quickly is persistent. It stays around for a
long time.
pest An organism that damages things that humans want to
pesticide pess-ti-side A chemical substance that kills pests.
pyramid of numbers Way of showing the numbers of different organisms in a
food chain. It is drawn as a stack of bars of different
lengths, with producers on the bottom bar.
trophic level trO-fic lev-ell Feeding level in a food chain, such as producer, primary
consumer, secondary consumer.

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