21st Century Module 25

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Module Writer: Lydia S. Villanueva, PhD.

Illustrators: Jericho DR. Santiago
Francis P. Gutierrez
Lay-out Artist: Lorenzo F. Moreno Jr.


21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World Module
aims to engage students in appreciation and critical study of 21st
Century Literature from the Philippines and the World, encompassing
their various dimensions, genres, elements,
structures, contexts, and traditions.

This module allows the students to embark on a journey from

Philippine regions to the different parts of the world through various liter-
ary encounters.

Here, the learners will be accompanied by Lito and Letty, the ship
captains of Balangay ( an old name of a Philippine boat). Lito is a Filipino
Ship Captain who is in-charge of the local destinations. And Letty is a
Lady Ship Captain from other country. She is in-charge of the tour
abroad. Lito and Letty assist each other in every module visit.



This Self Learning Kit is divided into 27 modules with varied

parts and respective icons:

Gearing Up

Testing the Water

(Pre-Test )

Leaving the Shore

( Priming Activity)

Rocking the Boat

( Activity Proper)

Plotting the Course

( Analysis)

Keeping Track
( Analysis)



Approaching Destination

Seeing the Lighthouse

( Reflection)

Dropping the Anchor

( Post Test)

Going Back to the Ocean

( Remediation)

Going Back to the Ocean

( Remediation)

Every module targets a specific Learning Competency and

asks learners to perform multiple tasks.


Hello, dear student, our fellow voyager!


I’m Letty. Are you ready to set sail and

BEGIN your voyage with this module?

I’m Lito
Well, it’s time to GO ABOARD to
set your quest for KNOWLEDGE
in motion.
Have FUN!


Horizon Overview

Learning Competency: EN12Lit-IIh-36:Understand literary mean-

ings in context and the use of critical reading strategies

Literary pieces from the world contain the heart and soul of the writer. For the user
of this Self Learning Kit, understanding the context is understanding the literary piece
and the writer. With the knowledge of the context and the specified reading strategies,
you will be able to reach the goal posed in this kit.

At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:

 understand the literary context of the selection

 use critical reading strategies to understand the selection
 appreciate contexts related to the literary piece.


Connect with the


1 Use the module with care especially in turning each


Be reminded to answer the Pre-Test before moving

2 on to the Self-Learning Kit (SLK) Proper.

Read and understand the directions in every exer-

3 cise.

Observe honesty in answering the tests and exer-

4 cises and in checking your answers.

Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of this

5 module.

Try to finish the task at hand before proceeding to

6 the next.


Gearing Up

Can you still recall the other term for

biographical context which was discussed in
module 22?

Yes! Biographical context is another term for

authorial context. How the author influence their
work in some way? How biographical context
can be used in understanding literary context?

 The author identifies with the main character or even the narrator in a novel or
the speaker in a poem, or that the events or experiences he or she describes
actually happened and the author is just reporting what he or she has witnessed
 Connects a particular work to the author’s life.
 What was going on in the author’s life? What personal circumstances, or specific
event, either at the time of composition or in the past, motivated the author to
write it?
 Had that career so far been successful or not.


Testing the Waters

DIRECTIONS: Using the given answer sheet, darken the circle that
corresponds to your answer.

1. The national dish of Korea is made up of spicy pickled cabbage with chilli
powder, onions, garlic, ginger and salted shrimp. This dish is beneficial to
those at risk of heart disease and diabetes.
A. Rice Cake
B. Kimchi
C. Bibimbap
D. Kimbap
2. Korean pop is a genre of popular music originating in South Korea. It is
generally indicates popular music within South Korea and spreads around
the globe. What is the short term for Korean pop?
A. Halyu Wave
B. Hwave
C. Kpop
D. Cpop
3. Which image illustrates a repairman?



Testing the Waters

DIRECTIONS: Using the given answer sheet, darken the circle that
corresponds to your answer.

4. Some Senior High School students jumped off the cliff and landed on the blue
sparkling water. Jump off means ____.

A. To hop
B. To skip
C. To leap
D. To sleep

5. “My mother pays a monthly rent of Php 3,500.00 to our landlord, who
owns the apartment where we live. Landlord is______.

A. A person who lends buildings, lands, houses

B. A person who is helpful
C. A person who keeps money
D. A person who guards property

Let’s Navigate

Let’s us use another context in understanding literary text. This

lesson deals with the significance of cultural context in under-
standing works or story written by a Korean. To establish your
background of the author, let us understand the socio cultural
context of the writer.


Leaving the Shore


DIRECTIONS: Look at the pictures below. Then answer the questions

that follow.

K _ _ _ _ i is a national dish of
Korea. It is _ _ _ _ y because of
chili. It is also known as healthy


Korean noodle is called r _ my_ _n. It is

regarded as Koreans staple food. Noodle
is a food industry in Korea.

https:// www.freepik.com/search?format2/23/19

In Korea, h _ _ _ _ k is
a traditional dress for semi- formal
or formal during traditional
occasion such as festivals, cele-
brations, and ceremonies.

Let’s continue with your journey. Go to the next page

of the module and discover more.


Rocking the Boat

DIRECTIONS: Let us try to understand Korean culture by reading the paragraphs

below. Answer the questions that follow on the sheet provided.

A Korean Family (1)

Family is the most important part of Korean society and they lead a family oriented
life where the father is the head of the family. Families following Confucius and his
teachings firmly believe that the father must take care of the health, shelter, food and
marriage of his family members. Hierarchical structure is evident in a conventional
Korean family. Fathers are responsible for their families and must be honored,
obeyed and respected. Fathers must approve the marriages of family members. Even
ancestral fathers are honored.

The custom is called filiopiety and even

today elements of it remain among Koreans.
The eldest male sits down and eats and drinks
before anyone else starts. The eldest son will
help his father in all the family matters, must
obey his father and follow his decisions. The
eldest son also has special duties: first to his
parents, then to his brothers from older to
younger, then to his sons, then to his wife, and
lastly to his daughters. Individual dreams and
needs are secondary and family welfare is the
first and foremost goal of every family
member. Confucius and his teachings have a
deep impact on Koreans and that's why they
believe in duty, loyalty, honor and sincerity.
korean-customs-and-beliefs/ )

Did you discover something about the Korean

family? Now let us have deeper understanding about
Korean culture.


Korean Beliefs and Practices (2)

Koreans believe in sincerity and

following protocols while meeting,
eating, praying or even celebrating is
very important. Let us have a look at
different Korean etiquette in this section
of the article.

Bowing is equivalent to the

handshake in Korean culture. Bowing
means showing gratitude and respect to
the person you are meeting with. The
younger generations have blended the
western culture with their native culture
by shaking hands after bowing to each

Gifts have remained an integral

part of their culture; however, gifts are
always given according to the capacity
and affordability of the other person
because Koreans firmly believe in
reciprocating. The quantity or numbers
also add value to your gifts; seven is
considered as a lucky number so any-
thing in multiples of seven will be
accepted heartily. However, they avoid
giving anything that falls in the multiple
value of four because Koreans consider
four as an unlucky number. Red, yellow
and pink colors denote happiness and
prosperity in the Korean culture. The
use of white, black or green colors for
wrapping is offensive and must be
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Plotting the Course

DIRECTIONS: There are two sets of activities for Paragraph 1 and 2.
Answer the questions that follow.

For Paragraph 1

1. Based from the paragraph, who is the head and responsible for the family in Ko-
rean family?____________________________
2. Whose teachings that says, the father must take care of the health, shelter, food
and marriage of his family members?____________________________
3. Who helps the father in all family matters, obeys his father, and follows his deci-
4. What custom of the Koreans honors ancestral fathers? _________________
5. Who sits down, eats and drinks before anyone else in the dining table?________

For Paragraph 2

Bowing in Korea means showing In the Philippines, we show respect to

gratitude and respect to the person the person we are meeting by
you are meeting with. ______________________________
We show our respect to our elders by

In the Philippines gifts are given dur-

Gifts have remained an integral ing
part of their culture; however, gifts ______________________________
are always given according to the ______________________________
capacity and affordability of the Also Filipino exchange gift during
other person because Koreans ______________________________
firmly believe in reciprocating. _____________________________

Did you able to compare the similarities and

difference between Korean and Filipino society?


Keeping Track

Understanding the background of the

author helps reader know the context of
the literary piece.

Culture refers to the beliefs, customs, values, and activities of a particular group
of people at a particular time.
Sociocultural context refers to the intersection of the social and cultural events of
a certain time period that inform various phenomena such as art and political
dealings. It varies across cultures, nations, time periods and many other. factors.

The following benefits can be attained from studying socio cultural back-
ground of an author.:

 Identify author’s background.

 Understand the context of the selection.
 Communicate with the author and text.
 Familiarize oneself with the environment of the author and the charac-
ter through the text.

Here are some facts about Korean culture that can be used in under-
standing the selection:

 Koreans believe ancestors are protecting their family’s welfare that is

why ancestor memorial day is religiously held to worship them
 Ancestors are based on the male family line.
 Koreans cook and bring the food to ancestor’s grave to celebrate their
ancestors. This is mostly done by Korean women, especially daughter
in laws.
 Traditionally, men are not allowed in a kitchen


Approaching Destination
Below is a story entitled, Sky Kong Kong the Pogo stick (2005), written by
Korean author, Kim Ae-ran. Fill each blank with the information from the
selection read.
A long time ago, there was an old street lamp that stood in front of our, or rather the
landlord’s house. Our place sat on the roof of the building so the lamp looked right
down at us, especially into the window of the room that my brother and I shared. In
those days, the tops of me and my brother’s heads were always soaked in a pool of
yellow light.
We were living in a prefabricated house in a small town. The owner built it on the
rooftop of his building without any city inspection and rented it out. His building sat
on high ground so we could see almost everything from the windows of our house.
My father ran an electrical repair shop, a tiny space about to explode with random
parts and wires tangled and coiled with each other like intestines.

1. The family lives on the__________ of the building.

2. Their house is located on a _________.
3. The boy could see almost everything from the windows of his
house because ________.

4. The place where the family lives has random parts and wires tangled and
coiled with each other like intestines. It is like that because the father is a

The three of us—my father, my brother, and me—lived in that little plastic box over-
looking the town. One day, my father said, ―I heard that you can get taller if you play
with Sky Kong Kong, the pogo stick.‖ I could’ve cared less about getting taller but
sure wanted Sky Kong Kong. He looked into my eyes brimming with excitement. ―I’ll
get you one if you show me your pee pee.‖ ―Show you what?‖ I turned pale. ―Your

5. Sky Kong kong is a ___________ that can be used in sports.

6. The father would give the pogo stick in exchange of showing the


Approaching Destination

With a trembling hand, I unzipped my pants. Out came my underwear with

Robot Taekwon-V1 holding his arm upright and his hand made into a fist, as if
he was just about to take off. My father smiled at me encouragingly.

The day when he looked at my pee pee, he looked happier than he might have
had he boarded the spaceship. I was so excited when I finally got Sky Kong
Kong that I dashed out of the house in my underwear. My bowl-shaped hair
waving in the wind, I bounced on it to my heart’s content. I grabbed the handle
with my two hands, hopped on the foothold, and jumped off the ground with all
my might! With the elastic force of the spring, my earlier shame flew away into
space. I was so good at Sky Kong Kong that once I hopped on it, I rarely
hopped off. I closed my eyes and tried to stay longer in the air. I took a quick
peek and blink, the street lamp winked at me.

7. The father is asking the boy to show his pee pee is an example of
closed re _ _ _ _ _ _shi_ among father and sons in Korean
8. The act of the boy showing his pee pee to his father symbolizes his
o _ _ _i _n _ e.
9. Sky kongkong in the selection is similar to the
10. Sky kong kong gives the boy a feeling of f _ _ _ _ _ m during the boy’s

How did you get on with the



Dropping the Anchor

DIRECTIONS: Look at the two the pictures below. Picture A is called

kadang kadang or tiyakad in the Philippines. Picture B is called Pogo stick.
Compare and contrast the two picture by answering the questions below.
Write the number of the question under the correct heading. Some
questions may require you to write numbers under both headings.

1. Which is made of poles? 5. Which has stepladders?

2. Which is played outdoor? 6. Which is made of metal, rubber, and
3. Which is made of a pair wooden? 7. Which is used by jumping off?
4. Which is used by stepping one 8. Which has handles?
at a time?

Picture A Picture B

__________ __________ __________ __________

__________ __________ __________ __________
__________ __________ __________
__________ _________ __________
__________ __________ _________ __________
__________ __________


Seeing the Lighthouse

DIRECTIONS: Reflect on the essay read. Then complete each paragraph

by writing appropriate sentences.

Korean family shows ________________________________


Father is __________________________________________

Koreans show respect _______________________________



(For scores 5-8)

You have succeeded in your journey to the exciting
atmosphere in the ocean. See you next time!

(For scores 1-4)

Hello there! Are you satisfied with your
gems? Do you want to gain more? Get ready
because I will be with you as you search for
more gems amidst the waters. Good luck!

Going Back to the Ocean

Culture refers to the beliefs, customs, values, and

activities of a particular group of people at a particular
time. Try to connect it with the text


Discovering the Gems

Hi! Here are the gems you’ve kept along

the course of your journey. Let’s count them.


1. B A B
2. C 1 4 9 2 7
3. D 2 5 10 5 8
4. C 3 6 6 10
5. A

Leaving the Shore Plotting the Course

1st Picture Possible answer: Paragraph 2

Kimchi Paragraph 1
Spicy 1. Greetings - Birthday/
2nd Picture 2. Kissing the Christening/
Ramyeon hands of elders housewarming
3rd Picture - Christmas Season

Approaching Destination Going Back to the Ocean

1. rooftop 1. B
2. Small town 2. A
3. High ground 3. C
4. Repairman 4. E
5. Pogo stick 5. D
6. Pee pee
7. Relationship
8. Obedience
9. Kadang kadang/tiyakad
10. freedom


DIRECTIONS: Help to understand more about the socio cultural context on

Korean society by choosing the letter of the correct answer

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_____1. Korean’ famous dish made from cooked rice and other ingredients rolled in
dried seeweeds.
_____2. Side dishes are important on Korean dining table.
_____3. Grilling meat is part of Koreans celebration
_____4. Korean military’s long range weapon dated 5th Century BC
_____5. National sports of Korea which means way of foot and fist


20th Century Korean literature.List– Books from Korea. Vol. 27. Spring
2015.ISNN2005-2790.; from LTI Korea website: ebook.klti.or.kr.

The traditions and customs of the Korean people.Social Studies Help: Cultures,
Governments & More / By Tarun Goel / Homework Help & Study Guides.
Korea Divided by Boundaries, United by Culture fromhttps://
www.brighthubeducation.com/social-studies-help/121158-korean customs


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