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Introduction to Digital Electronics
Digital electronics is a branch of electronics which deals with digital format of data and codes.

Digital stand for digit, digital electronics basically has two conditions which are possible, 0 (low logic) and 1 (high logic).

Digital electronic systems use a digital signal that are composed of mathematical features to work.
"1" as true and "0" as false are called bit and the group of bits are named byte.
Digital electronic circuits are usually made from large assemblies of logic gates.

Digital describes electronic technology that generates, stores, and processes data in terms of two states: 1 and number 0.

A modem is used to convert the digital information in your computer to analog signals for your device and to convert analog
signals to digital information for your computer.

Analog Versus Digital

Analog = Continuous waves

Digital = Discrete waves
Numbering System
Converting Decimal to Binary
Converting Binary to Decimal
To convert a binary number to decimal,
we multiply each digit with his weight and sum them.
Basic Logic Operation

Digital gate is a Digital Device used to perform the logic operation

Logic gates (or simply gates) are the fundamental building blocks of digital circuitry

Electronic gates require a power supply.

Gate INPUTS are driven by voltages having two nominal values,

e.g. 0V and 5V representing logic 0 and logic 1 respectively.

The OUTPUT of a gate provides two nominal values of voltage only,

e.g. 0V and 5V representing logic 0 and logic 1 respectively.

In general, there is only one output to a logic gate except in some special cases.
Truth Table

Truth table are used to help show the function of a logic gate.
Relation between outputs and inputs.
Number of entries on the table is

being the number of entries and base 2 because

it is related to the binary numbering 0 and 1.

Switching equivalent of NOT gate
Application of NOT gate
Types of Logic Gate

 NOT Gate
 Output is the invert of the input;
 Always one input.
 OR Gate
 Output is the binary sum of the inputs.
 AND Gate
 Output is the binary multiplication of the inputs.
OR Gate

The OR gate is an electronic circuit that gives a high output (1) if one or
more of its inputs are high. A plus (+) is used to show the OR operation.
Switching equivalent of OR gate
Application of OR gate
AND Gate
The AND gate is an electronic circuit that gives a high output (1) only if all
its inputs are high. A dot (.) is used to show the AND operation (X.Y),
Bear in mind that this dot is sometimes omitted (XY).
Application of AND gate
Switching equivalent of AND gate
NOR Gate

This is a NOT-OR gate which is equal to an OR gate followed by a NOT gate. The
outputs of all NOR gates are low if any of the inputs are high. The symbol is an OR
gate with a small circle on the output. The small circle represents inversion.
Switching equivalent of NOR gate
This is a NOT-AND gate which is equal to an AND gate followed by a NOT
gate. The outputs of all NAND gates are high if any of the inputs are low.
The symbol is an AND gate with a small circle on the output. The small
circle represents inversion.
Switching equivalent of NAND gate
XOR Gate
The 'Exclusive-OR' gate is a circuit which will give a high output if its
two inputs are different.
An encircled plus sign is used to show the EOR operation.
Application of XOR GATE
Application of XOR GATE
 XNOR Gate: The 'Exclusive-NOR' gate circuit does the opposite to the
XOR gate. It will give a low output when its two inputs are different. The
symbol is an EXOR gate with a small circle on the output. The small circle
represents inversion.

Translating English Statement into Prepositional

To translate an English statement into prepositional logic,

we need to identify the logical operators and propositions within the


and then represent them using symbols .

● It deals with propositions or statements that are either true or false.

● It involves the use of logical operators, such as

● Negation

● Conjunction

● Disjunction

● Implication

● Equivalence

to create more complex statements from simpler ones.

Negation (¬): This operator negates or denies a proposition.

Conjunction (∧): This operator combines two propositions with an "and" logical connective.

Disjunction (∨): This operator combines two propositions with an "or" logical connective.

Implication (→): This operator expresses a conditional relationship between two propositions: if the first
proposition is true, then the second proposition must also be true.

Equivalence (↔): This operator expresses a biconditional relationship between two propositions: both
propositions are either true or false together.
For example,

Let's consider the English statement

"If it rains, then the ground will be wet."

We can break this down into two propositions:

"it rains" and "the ground is wet",

We can represent them using the variables p and q, respectively.

Negation (¬): the negation of the proposition "It is raining" would be "It is not raining".

Denoted as: ¬p

Conjunction (∧): the conjunction of the propositions "It is raining" and "The ground is wet"
would be "It is raining AND the ground is wet".

Denoted as: p∧q

Disjunction (∨): the disjunction of the propositions "It is raining" and "The ground is
wet" would be "It is raining OR The ground is wet".

Denoted as: p ∨q
Implication (→): the implication of the propositions "If it is raining, then the ground is wet"
would be "IF it is raining, THEN the ground is wet".

Denoted as: p→q

Equivalence (↔): the equivalence of the propositions "It is raining if and only if the ground is
wet" would be "It is raining IF AND ONLY IF the ground is wet".

Denoted as: p↔q

Applications of Prepositional Logic

Artificial intelligence: Prepositional logic is used extensively in artificial intelligence (AI) to

model reasoning and decision-making.

Computer science: Prepositional logic is the foundation of Boolean algebra, which is

used in computer science to design digital circuits, computer networks, and other systems.

Mathematics: Prepositional logic is a fundamental concept in mathematical logic, which is

used to study the foundations of mathematics.
Applications of Prepositional Logic

Artificial intelligence: Prepositional logic is used extensively in artificial intelligence (AI) to

model reasoning and decision-making. AI systems use prepositional logic to represent and
reason about knowledge and beliefs, and to perform tasks such as natural language
processing, automated planning, and robotics.

Computer science: Prepositional logic is the foundation of Boolean algebra, which is

used in computer science to design digital circuits, computer networks, and other systems.
Boolean algebra allows computer engineers to reason about the behavior of complex
systems using simple logical operations.
Philosophy: Prepositional logic is used in philosophy to study the structure of
arguments and to analyze the validity of philosophical claims. Philosophers use
prepositional logic to reason about the truth or falsity of propositions and to construct
logical proofs.

Law: Prepositional logic is used in legal reasoning to analyze legal arguments and to
determine the validity of legal claims. Lawyers and judges use prepositional logic to
construct logical arguments and to evaluate the evidence in legal cases.

Science: Prepositional logic is used in scientific research to reason about the

relationships between scientific concepts and to construct logical arguments. Scientists
use prepositional logic to model complex systems and to analyze the results of scientific
Computer science: Prepositional logic is the foundation of Boolean algebra, which is
used in computer science to design digital circuits, computer networks, and other systems.
Boolean algebra allows computer engineers to reason about the behavior of complex
systems using simple logical operations.

Linguistics: Prepositional logic is used in linguistics to study the structure of language

and to model the semantics of natural language expressions. Linguists use prepositional
logic to analyze the meaning of sentences and to identify the logical relationships
between propositions.
Real-life examples
Legal reasoning: Lawyers and judges often use prepositional logic to reason about legal

For example, in a criminal case, the prosecutor may argue that "If the defendant committed
the crime, then there should be evidence of their involvement." This statement uses the
logical implication operator to express a conditional relationship between two propositions.

Engineering design: Engineers use prepositional logic to design complex systems, such as
airplanes or computer networks.

For example, an engineer may reason that "If the temperature of the engine exceeds a certain
threshold, then the cooling system should be activated." This statement uses the logical
implication operator to express a conditional relationship between two propositions.
Medical diagnosis: Doctors use prepositional logic to diagnose medical conditions based on
a patient's symptoms.

For example, a doctor may reason that "If the patient has a fever and a rash, then they may
have measles." This statement uses the logical conjunction operator to express a relationship
between two propositions.

Computer programming: Computer programmers use prepositional logic to write code that
performs complex tasks.

For example, a programmer may write a function that checks whether a number is prime by
reasoning that "If the number is divisible by any integer between 2 and the square root of the
number, then it is not prime." This statement uses the logical conjunction operator and the
logical negation operator to express a relationship between several propositions.

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