Chemical Kinetics

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1. A reaction involving two different reactants can never be
1) biomolecular 2) second order reaction 3) first order reaction 4) unimolecular reaction
2. The rate constant of the reaction increases by
1) carrying out the reaction for longer period 2) increasing the temperature
3) increasing the conc. of reactants 4) none is correct
3. In Arrhenius plot, intercept is equal to

1) 2) ln A 3) ln K 4) log10A
4. The rate equation for the reaction 2A+BC, is found to be r=k [A][B]. The correct statement in
relation to this reaction is that the:
1) unit of k must be sec-1 2) value of k is independent of the initial concentrations of A and B
3) rate of formation of C is twice the rate of disappearance of A 4) t1/2 is a constant
5. Which of the following does influence the rate of a reaction
1) molar concentration 2) catalyst
3) temperature of the reaction 4) all of 1, 2, 3
6. In the reaction A+2BC+2D, the initial rate d[A]/dt was found to be 2.610-2 Ms-1. What is
the value of d[B]/dt
1) 2.610-2 2) 5.210-2 3) 1.0x10-2 4) 6.5x10-2
7. For 2N2O54NO2+O2, rate and rate constant are 1.02x10-4 and 3.4x10-5 respectively. Then the
concentration of N2O5 in mol dm-3 at that instant of time will be
1) 1.732 2) 3 3) 1.02x10-4 4) 3.4x105
8. In the catalytic conversion of N2 into NH3 by Haber’s process the rate of reaction was expressed
as change in the concentration of NH3 per time is 4010-3 mol lit-1 s-1. Then rate of the reaction as
expressed in terms of H2 is
1) 6010-3 mol lit-1 s-1 2) 2010-3 mol lit-1 s-1
3) 120010-3 mol lit-1 s-1 4) 10.310-3 mol lit-1 s-1
9. The reaction 2N2O5  2NO2 + O2 is
1) bimolecular and second order 2) unimolecular and first order
3) bimolecular and first order 4) bimolecular and zero order
10. Temperature co-efficient of a reaction is 2. When temperature is increased from 30 0C to 1000C,
the rate increases by
1) 128 times 2) 500 times 3) 250 times 4) 100 times
11. For a given reaction, t1/2=1/ka. The order of the reaction is
1) 1 2) 0 3) 3 4) 2
12. Half life of 10g of a radioactive isotope is 10 days. The half life of 20g is
1) 5 days 2) 10 days 3) 20 days 4) 40 days
13. The rate of a chemical reaction at constant temperature is proportional to
1) amount of products formed
2) product of masses of reactants
3) product of molar concentration of reactants
4) product of molar concentration of products

14. The order of a reaction
1) the number of reactants which take part in the reaction
2) the least number o molecules of the reactant needed for the reaction
3) the number of concentration terms in the velocity equation for reaction
4) sum of powers to which concentration terms are raised in velocity equation
15. The minimum energy a molecule should possess in order to enter into effective collision in
known as
1) reaction energy 2) collision energy 3) activation energy 4) threshold energy
16. For a reaction Ea=0 and the rate constant k=3.2x10 s at 300K. what is the rate constant at
6 -1

1) 3.2x106 s-1 2) 0 3) 6.4x106 s-1 4) 6.4x1012 s-1
17. The velocity of a chemical reaction doubles for every 100C rise of temperature. If the
temperature is raised by 500C , the velocity of the reaction increases nearly by
1) 10 times 2) 20 times 3) 30 times 4) 50 times
18. If the volume of the container is suddenly reduced to one half its original volume the rate will
increase by a factor of
1) 2 2) 4 3) 8 4) 16
19. A reaction proceeds with a uniform rate throughout. The order is
1) zero 2) one 3) two 4) three
20. 75% of a first order reaction was complete in 32min. When was the 50% of the reaction
1) 24min 2) 16min 3) 8min 4) 4min
21. For a chemical reaction rate constant value is 3.2x10 sec at 25 C the order of reaction is
-3 -1 0

1) 0 2) 1 3) 3 4) 2
22. Consider the following data for the reaction: A+B Products
Initial Concentration
Expt. No. Initial Concentration [B] Initial Rate
1 0.10M 1.0M 2.1x10-3
2 0.20M 1.0M 8.4x10-3
3 0.20M 2.0M 8.4x10-3
The rate equation of the reaction is
1) rate = k[A]2 2) rate = k[B]2 3) rate = k[A]2[B]1 4) rate = k[A]1[B]1
23. The half life of a chemical reaction at a particular concentration is 50min. When the
concentration of reactant is doubled. The half life becomes 100min, find the order
1) zero 2) first 3) second 4) third
24. Which of the following rate laws has an overall order of 0.5 for the reaction involving
substances x, y and z?
1) rate = k(Cx) (Cy) (Cz) 2) rate = k(Cx)0.5 (Cy)0.5 (Cz)0.5
3) rate = k(Cx)1.5 (Cy)-1 (Cz)0 4) rate = k(Cx) (Cy)n/2 (Cz)2
25. Velocity constant k for a reaction is affected by
1) change in the concentration of the reactant 2) change in the concentration of the product
3) change of the temperature 4) none of the above
26. Velocity constant of a reaction 290K was found to be 3.2x10-3. At 310K it will be about
1) 1.28x10-2 2) 9.6x10-3 3) 6.4x10-3 4) 3.2x10-4
27. A reaction AB follows a second order kinetics. Doubling the concentration of A will increase
the rate of formation of B by a factor of
1) 2 2) ½ 3) 4 4) ¼
28. Half-life of a substance A following first order kinetics is 5 days. Starting with 100g of A
amount left after 15 days is
1) 25g 2) 50g 3) 12.5g 4) 6.25g
29. For a reaction pA+qB products The rate law expression is r=k[A]l [B]m,
1) (p+q) = (l+m) 2) (p+q) > (l+m) 3) (p+q) may or may not be equal (l+m)
4) (p+q) (l+m)
30. A reaction was carried out at 300K and 280K the rate constant k1 and k2 are related as
1) k2=4k1 2) k2=2k1 3) k2=0.25k1 4) k2=0.5k1
31. Half life period of a reaction is found to be inversely proportional to the cube of the initial
concentration. The order of reaction is
1) 4 2) 3 3) 5 4) 2
32. The rate at which a substance reacts depends on its
1) atomic weight 2) atomic number 3) molecular weight 4) active mass
33. For a reaction A+BC+D, if the concentration of A is doubled without altering that of B, the
rate doubles. If concentration of B is increased nine times without altering that of A, the rate
triples. Order of reaction is
1 1
1 1
1) ½ 2) 3 3) 2 4) 2
34. Which one of the following is a second order reaction?
1) NH4NO3N2+3H2O 2) H2+Br22HBr
35. 2g at a radioactive sample having half life of 15 days was synthesised on 1 st Jan-2014. The
amount of the sample left behind on 1st March-2014 (including both the days)
1) 0 g 2) 0.125g 3) 1g 4) 0.5g
36. For a chemical reaction AB, the rate of the reaction is 210 mol dm-3 s-1 when the initial

concentration is 0.05 mol dm-3. The rate of the same reaction is 1.610-2 mol dm-3 s-1 when the
initial concentration is 0.1 mol dm-3. The order of the reaction is
1) 2 2) 0 3) 3 4) 1
37. The rate equation for a reaction : AB is r=K[A] . If the initial concentration of the reactant is a

mol dm-3, the half life period of the reaction is

1) 2) 3) 4)
38. The correct expression for the rate constant for reactions of zero order is

1) k=[A0]/2r 2) 3) 4)
39. For the first order gas phase decomposition reaction, A(g)B(g)+C(g)
If P0 is the initial pressure of A and Pt is total pressure after time t, then

1) 2)

3) 4)
40. The rate constant of the first order reaction at 27 0C is 10-3 min-1. The temperature coefficient of
this reaction is 2. The rate constant (in min-1) for this reaction at 170C will be
1) 210-3 2) 10-2 3) 10-3 4) 510-4

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