Chemical Kinetics

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2007 1. Express the rate of the following reaction of disappearance of hydrogen in the 1
3H2(g) + N2(g) 2NH3(g)
2.the rate of constant for a first order reaction is 60-2. How much time will it take to 3
reduce the concentration of the reactant to 1/10 of its initial value?
2008 1. Derive the general expression for half-life of a first order reaction. 2
2. The decomposition of NH3 in platinum surface is zero order reaction. What would be 3
the rates of production of N2 and H2 if k = 2.5 x 10-4 mol L-1 S-1 ?
3. List the factor which determine the rate of a chemical reaction. 2
4. The half-life for radioactive decay of 14C found is 5730 years. An archaeological 3
artefact containing wood had only 80% of the 14C found in a living tree. Estimate the
age of the sample.
5. Define order of a chemical reaction. 1
6. A first order reaction takes 40 min for 30% decomposition. Calculate t1/2. 3
2009 1. Define the following 2
(a) Elementary step in the reaction
(b) Rate of reaction
2. A first order reaction has a rate constant of 0.0051 min-1. If we begin with 0.10 M 3
concentration of the reactant, what conc. of the reactant will be after 3 hrs ?
3. For a decomposition reaction the values of rate constant k at two different temp. are
given below :- 3
K1 = 2.15 x 10-8 L mol-1 s-1 at 650 K
K2 = 2.39x 10-7 L mol-1 s-1 at 700 K
Calculate the values of activation energy for this reaction. (R = 8.314 J K-1 mol-1)
4. Define the following
(a) Order of a reaction 2
(b) Activation energy of a reaction
2010 1. Define the following 2
(a) Activation energy of a reaction
(b) Rate of reaction
2. the decomposition of phosphine PH3 proceeds according to the following equation :- 3
4PH3(g) P4 (g) + 6H2(g)
It is found that the reaction follows the following rate equation :
Rate = k[PH3]
The half-life of PH3 is 37.9 sec at 120
(a) How much time is required for th of PH3 to decompose ?
(b) What fraction of the original sample of PH3remains behind after 1 min ?
3. Explain 2
(a) Order of reaction
(b) Molecularity of a reaction
4. the rate of reaction increases 4 times when the temperature changes from 300 K to 3
320 K. Calculate the energy of activation of the reaction, assuming that it does not change
with temperature.
(R = 8.314 J K-1 mol-1 )
2011 1. Define order of reaction. 1
2. What do you understand by rate law and rate constant of a reaction ? identify the 2
order of a reaction if the unites of its rate constant are
L-1 mol s-1
L mol-1 s-1
3. The thermal decomposition of HCOOH is a first order reaction with a rate constant of 3
2.4 x 1-3 s at a certain temperature . calculate how long will it take to form of its
initial quantity of HCOOH to decompose (log = -0.6021)
4. A reaction is second order w.r.t a reactant. How is the rate of reaction affected if the 3
concentration of the reactant is reduced to half ? what is the unit of rate constant for
such a reaction ?
5. Define activation energy of a reaction. 1
2012 1. A reaction is second order with respect to a reactant. How is the rate of reaction 3
affected if the concentration of the reaction is
(a) Doubled
(b) Reduced to half
2. The reaction, N2(g) + O22NO(g) contributes to air pollution whenever a fuel is burnt 3
in air at a high temp. at 1500 K, equilibrium constant K for it is 1.0 x 10-5. Suppose in a
case [N2] = 0.80 M and [O2] = 0.02 M before any reaction occurs. Calculate the
equilibrium concentration of the reactant and the product after the mixture has been
heated to 1500 K.
2013 1. For a reaction, A + B P. the rate law is given by r = k[A]1/2[B]2 1
What is the order of this reaction ?
2. A first order reaction is found to have a rate constant k = 5.5 x 1014 s-1. Find the half- 2
life of the reaction ?
3. The rate of the reaction become 4 times when the temperature changes from 293 K 3
to 313 K. Calculate the energy of activation (Ea) of the reaction assuming that it does
not change with temperature .
(R = 8.314 J K-1 mol-1, log 4 = 0.6021)
2014 1. For chemical reaction R P the variation in the concentration (R) vs. time (t) plot is 2
given as


(a) predict the order of a reaction
(b) what is the slop of the curve ?
2. The following data were obtain during the first order thermaldecomposition of SO2Cl2 3
at const.
SO2Cl2(g) SO2(g) + Cl2(g)

Experiments Time (s-1) Total pressure/atm

1. 0 0.4
2. 100 0.7
Calculate the rate constant.
( Given : log 4 = 0.6021,log 2 = 0.3010 )

2015 1. For the hydrolysis of methyl acetate in aq. Solution, the following result were 3
obtained :
t/s 0 20 40
[CH3COOH3]/mol 0.04 0.02 0.01

(a) Show that it follows pseudo first order reaction , as the conc. of water remain
(b) Calculate the average rate of reaction between the time interval 20 to 40 s. 2
2. Define the following terms :
(a) Collision frequency
(b) Rate constant (k)
3. The rate constant of the first order reaction increases from 4 x 10-2 to 24x 10-2 when 3
the temp. changes from 3000 K to 350K. Calculate the energy of activation (Ea)
(log 2 = 0.30.1, log 3 = 0.4771, log 4 = 0.6021. log 6 = 0.7782)
2016 1)Show that the time required for completion of th of reaction of first order is twice that 3
of half life(t 1/2) of the reaction.
2)Derive integrated rate equation for rate constant of a zero order reaction. 3
3)For the first order thermal decomposition reaction , the following data were obtained :
C2H5Cl (g) C2H4(g) + HCl(g)
Time/Sec Total pressure/atm 3
0 0.30
30 0.05
Calculate the rate constant. ( Given log2 = 0.3010, log3 = 0.4771, log4 = 0.6021)
2017 1)What is the effect of adding a catalyst on a) Activation energy (Ea) and b)Gibbes energy 1
(G)of a reaction.
2)A first order reaction takes 20 minutes for 25% decomposition. Calculate the time when 3
75% of the reaction will be completed. ( Given log2 = 0.3010, log3 = 0.4771, log4 = 0.6021)

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