Warehouse Security Procedure

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Philips Wire & Cable Co.

Security Section
Document Title: Warehouse Security

1. Objective:

This document will determine the responsibilities of stakeholders for warehouse security.

2. Scope

This procedure covers all warehouse facilties of the materials control.

3. Responsibility

Warehouse Security Officer

Security Officer is mainly responsible waehouse security. Other duties include:

 Verification of identity and purpose of warehouse entry.

 Ensuring that entrance and exit doors are properly opened during official business.
 Ensuring that entrance and exit doors are closed during non-working hours, holidays,
when no official business.
 Ensuring that windows, doors, and other entrance or exit are properly secured and
free from potential damage that may constitute security glitches.
 Recording of incomming and outgoing deliveries, material storage, etc.
 Secure all entrance and exit within their post
 Preventing unauthorized exit / egress.
 Conducting security inspections / frisking.
 Confiscating prohibited articles.
 Inspection of all incoming & outgoing vehicles at all times

Security Officer In Charge

Security OIC is mainly responsible for monitoring and implementation of all security
protocols and requirements of the Agency and the Company. His / her duty also includes the

 Ensure security policy is maintained and updated.

 Oversee and coordinate security requirement across company facility.
 Random checking of issued of visitors / guest badges during random patrol /
 Conducting random security inspections / frisking.
 Reporting discovered prohibited articles.
 Identifying security riskts, threats and suggesting written recommendations,

4. Procedure
Philips Wire & Cable Co.

Security Section
Item Withdrawal / Item storage Procedure
No. Procedure Responsible Alternate
1 Request warehouse key from custodian Requisitioner
2 Open warehouse door Security Guard
3 Ensure roll up door are properly raissed, Security Officer in Security Assistant
Ensure doors are properly opened. Turn charge / Caretaker
lights on.
4 Conduct security frisking and inspection Security Guard
5 Withdraw item / store item, Report item to Requisitioner
security personnel for recording
6 Record withdrawal / storage details. Security Guard
7 Close warehouse Security Guard
8 Double Check door locks, ligths, rollup Security Officer in Security Assistant
doors. Ensure all security measures are charge / Caretaker
9 Return Key to custodian Requisitioner

5. Guidelines

For security purposes, additional security guidelines may be imposed. This includes but is
not limited to:

 Specific period for withdrawal

 Access restriction
 Total Lockdown

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