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Procedia Engineering 131 (2015) 3 – 13

World Conference: TRIZ FUTURE, TF 2011-2014

About Integration Opportunities between TRIZ and Biomimetics for

Inventive Design
Alessandro Baldussu, Gaetano Cascini
Politecnico di Milano, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Italy


This paper presents the first results of a Ph.D. program aimed at investigating the domain interface between TRIZ and
Biomimetics within the scope of inventive design. Indeed, a few authors have already proposed as a relevant direction of
research the identification of integration opportunities between TRIZ and Biomimetics towards a more effective and
efficient inventive design methodology. The paper presents a comparison between the tools based on functional modeling
used during the process of problem solving within TRIZ and Biomimetics. This comparison intends to elicit overlaps,
complementarities and incongruences of these techniques. The indications about how to improve the process of
describing natural solutions in an engineering way and how to describe technical problems in order to use natural
information as source of inspiration are given by analyzing few examples. The results are discussed in terms of necessary
modifications in the engineering problem description in order to use a database of biological functions (i.e. the Biomimicry
Taxonomy) as a source of natural knowledge in the process of inventive design.
© 2015
© 2015TheTheAuthors.
Publishedby by Elsevier
Elsevier Ltd.Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of TFC 2011, TFC 2012, TFC 2013 and TFC 2014 – GIC.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of TFC 2011, TFC 2012, TFC 2013 and TFC 2014 – GIC
Keywords: Inventive Design, Bio-Inspired Design, Biological Functional Database, Biomimicry Taxonomy;

1. Introduction

Life evolution is estimated in 3.8 billion of years and it is commonly agreed that Nature has evolved objects
with high performance with commonly found materials using clever and elegant solutions [1]. The use of these
solutions for technical purposes is old, at least, as the human life and humans have respectfully looked at
Nature until the industrial revolution. The lack of resources has led some scientists to rethink the way we look at
Nature in order to learn from it, instead of overworking it [2]. Using Nature as a source of inspiration allows
developing breakthrough innovation, but it is necessary to consider that, the process of Bio-Inspired Design is
broad and highly interdisciplinary. This fact is clearly expressed in [3], where the author interprets the concept
of “Biologically Inspired Design” as the understanding of design competence from biological evidence.

1877-7058 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of TFC 2011, TFC 2012, TFC 2013 and TFC 2014 – GIC
4 Alessandro Baldussu and Gaetano Cascini / Procedia Engineering 131 (2015) 3 – 13

Nowadays, the new challenge is related to the attempt of creating a solid bridge between Biomimetics
Research and Industrial Applications. In 2011, we are witnessing at the consolidation of this bridge by the
creation of a new series of conferences called International Bionic Engineering Conference, a new Journal
(Journal of Bionic Engineering) and a new series of books by CRC press called Biomimetic: Nature Based
There are several contributors in this field of research and many are the attempts to create an up-to-date state of
the art of this discipline known as Bionics [4], Biomimetics [5], Biomimicry [6], Bio-Inspired [7] Design etc.
For example, [8] is an interesting description of the Biomimetic process and a good review of the research can
be found in [9]. A different attempt to collect and classify the knowledge and the applications related to
the process of Nature Based Innovation has been done by Yoseph Bar Cohen in [10].
Different schools of thought have proposed extremely different approaches in order to systematize the
process of Bio-Inspired Design. The first attempt was made by [11], which opened the way to the
development of several more detailed algorithms as [12-16].
Still in the Bio-Inspired Design process, major limitations remain in the identification of the most
appropriate biological resources suitable for addressing an engineering problem, due to the huge dimension of
the information fund and to the lack of a proper guidance for engineers about how to orientate themselves
in biological literature. Not surprisingly, the most acknowledged consulting services operating with biomimetics
as a reference technique are run by biologists, or at least by experts with a solid background in biology. This
characteristic certainly constitutes a crucial bottleneck to the extensive adoption of biomimetics in industrial
R&D activities.
The ultimate goal of the research presented in this paper is to contribute to the successful and efficient
adoption of Bio-Inspired Design practices by designers and problem solvers with a typical engineering
The second section of this paper positions its contents with respect to the field literature. Then, in the third
and fourth chapters, an original comparison between the Biomimicry Taxonomy and two functional modeling
approaches typical for the engineering design domain, as well as the resulting outcomes are respectively
detailed. The last section brings the concluding remarks and an anticipation of the further developments the
authors are working on.

2. State of the art

Three main approaches emerge in literature among the possible strategies to allow designers and
technicians to access and use Natural solutions, and more in general, the knowledge about Nature
contained in the models of natural systems described in the biological literature: the Database approach, the
Text-Mining approach and the TRIZ approach.

2.1. Database Approach

The Database Approach aims at creating a collection of biological effects/phenomena classified by a

specific functional taxonomy. Some examples are AskNature (http://www.asknature.org/) and Bionics2Space
(http://atlas.estec.esa.int/bionics2space/). This approach is widely used in practice since it appears as a typical
task for a designer to formulate a knowledge need in terms of functions to be delivered. Besides, biological
literature is not necessarily aimed at the description of living organisms in terms of functions. Moreover, as
discussed in [15], at least four classes of knowledge transfer from biology to engineering can be identified:
parts and materials; organs (physical effects, phenomena and state changes); attributes; actions and functions.
Therefore, just the last category is properly addressed by currently existing databases. Moreover, they provide
too many responses to a typical designer’s query; this is an extremely risky fact from an efficiency perspective
since the process of solution search can grow without control.
Nevertheless, it is worth to notice that the potentialities of this approach are well recognized and indeed the
European Space Agency (ESA) uses it within the Advanced Concept Team (ACT) to develop innovative
solution for space missions.
Alessandro Baldussu and Gaetano Cascini / Procedia Engineering 131 (2015) 3 – 13 5

2.2. Text-Mining Approach

The Text-Mining Approach “rather than creating an enormous database of biological knowledge to specifically
support engineering design” has the objective to exploit “the large amount of biological knowledge” available in
books, journals, etc. [17]. Difficulties here derive from the difference between the language adopted by biologists
and engineers, such that the latter often miss to formulate the proper query. In order to face with this limitation,
researchers of the University of Toronto have proposed an algorithm capable to “generate a non-obvious keyword
provided by a domain expert as one of many other non-obvious but relevant keywords”, starting from the analysis of
one single source: “Life. The science of biology”. Despite the promising perspectives of computational linguistics,
this approach still seems not scalable for its extensive application to any biological source.
The same approach has been followed by Stroble et al [18] that generated a thesaurus which contains biologically
connotative terms related to engineering function and flow terms. The thesaurus has the structure and
classification of the reconciled Functional Basis [19] in order to make available the biological knowledge for
engineers and designers.

2.3. TRIZ Approach

The third approach here mentioned is based on TRIZ. Altshuller himself in [20] pointed to biological systems as
possible sources of inspiration although “yet only a tiny fraction of Nature’s inventions are used”. He also was aware
that the enormous amount of natural prototypes is arranged in unknown way. It is like to use a patent library with
unknown classification. The proposed solution was “to search for prototypes among pre-historical animals”
(considered simpler) or to examine general tendencies in order to compare them with technical evolution. The
Altshuller’s guidelines have been followed by Vincent et al. who identified TRIZ as the best methodology in order
to transfer “knowledge between different scientific and engineering disciplines” [11], [21]. They used TRIZ as a
set of procedures and tools to generate technical systems imitated from Nature and developed the Bio-TRIZ Matrix
derived from the TRIZ Matrix of Contradictions. Similarly, Hill has adopted the TRIZ concept of contradiction to
develop the Bionic-Oriented Construction Process, where goal setting is carried out trough contradiction analysis
In both cases, the identification of natural models as inspiration sources for inventive design is done through a
contradiction search. In the first approach the search is based on contradictions related to the use of resources by both
natural and technical systems, classified in terms of information, energy, time, space, structure and substance. Besides,
Hill proposes to index contradictions through a functional basis. In this case, the search allows finding contradictions
between not only resources, but also related to specific natural solutions and strategies.

2.4. Detailed objectives

With regards to the above mentioned approaches, the present paper aims at improving the usability of
biomimetics databases organized according to a functional classification, by re-indexing natural functions into an
engineering-oriented perspective.
The Biomimicry Taxonomy is an initiative of the Biomimicry Institute, which is developing a
collection of natural effects classified through an original taxonomy. As it will be detailed in the following
section, its structure has several incongruences from an engineering design point of view, thus limiting its
extensive applicability.
Besides, it is typical for engineers to describe systems in terms of functions, despite the reference models
can be different. Two main functional modeling approaches can be recognized, those based on energy-
material-signal flows transformations [19] and those characterized by a triad carrier-action-object. The OTSM
TRIZ Function model will represent the latter in this paper.
Thus, more in detail, the specific objective of the present paper is to analyse the taxonomy proposed by the
Biomimicry Institute and to map it with respect to the NIST Functional Basis and the OTSM Functional
Model. The comparison of these alternative modeling techniques allows to analyze the degree of correlation
6 Alessandro Baldussu and Gaetano Cascini / Procedia Engineering 131 (2015) 3 – 13

between the models of natural systems and the functional models of technical systems, in order to integrate bio-
effects as sources of inspiration in the process of inventive design.
According to this objective, the paper describes all the main outcomes of the comparative analyses
performed so far by the authors:
 As detailed below, three complementary comparisons have been accomplished, two among the Biomimicry
Taxonomy and the NIST Functional Basis and one between the Biomimicry Taxonomy and the OTSM
Functional Model respectively; these analyses systematically applied to all the sub-categories of the
Biomimicry Taxonomy allow to determine the degree of overlap between the two methodological
approaches of this study.
 Then, the paper proposes a novel sub-classification of the Biomimicry Taxonomy, with the aim of
highlighting its lack of homogeneity that hinders its embedment into a systematic problem solving approach.

3. Structured comparison between engineering functional modeling and the Biomimicry Taxonomy

The comparison presented in this paper has been developed following a series of steps in order to
understand which of the functional models, actually used to describe technical systems in engineering design,
is the most appropriate to create an overlap with the Biomimicry Taxonomy used to classify natural
systems. The comparison has been carried out at different levels of detail as described in the following
In order to clarify the comparison processes it is important to introduce the specific features of the
Biomimicry Taxonomy (BT), the NIST Functional Basis and the OTSM Functional Model.
The BT is a collection of information classified according how organisms meet different “challenges”. The
taxonomy provides an index of “Strategies” considered as potential solutions to those challenges [23]. The
information is hierarchically structured in three levels of detail:

x Groups;
x Sub-Groups;
x Functions;

An example of record contained in the BT is reported in Table 1.

Table 1. Structure and exemplary record of the Biomimicry Taxonomy

Biomimicry Taxonomy Examples
Group Maintain physical integrity
Sub-Group Protect form biotic factors
Function Protect from animals
Strategy Nonoscale protrusion

The NIST Functional Basis [19] is a taxonomy of functions expressed by a number of functional verbs applied
to EMS (Energy, Material, Signal) flows. The formers are hierarchically subdivided into:

x 8 classes
x 21 secondary
x 24 tertiary actions on flows the latter are classified in three levels including:
x 6 secondary and 11 tertiary material flows
x 12 secondary and 4 tertiary energy flows
x 2 secondary and 7 tertiary signal flows

This Functional Basis aims at describing technical systems in an unambiguous way. The basis enables to
describe different systems that perform the same function with one model and try to avoid the use of the same
Alessandro Baldussu and Gaetano Cascini / Procedia Engineering 131 (2015) 3 – 13 7

model to describe systems that perform different functions. This is a key point in the process of knowledge
transfer from Nature to technology and allows to reduce the misapplications of natural solution in the process of
inventive design [24].
As mentioned above, functions can be also described as carrier-action-object triads. The peculiarity of the
OTSM Functional Model is to describe the action performed by the function carrier through a standard verb and
an Object-Parameter. The reference verbs in this case are just four: Change, Increase, Decrease, Stabilize.
Besides, Object-Parameters can be freely chosen among the features of the object receiving the function.

3.1. Comparison Features

The comparison has been carried out at three levels of detail:

a. BT (Sub-Groups) versus NIST (Actions)

b. The first analysis aims at identifying the correspondences between the Sub-Groups and the actions listed
in the NIST classification function classes. BT Sub-Groups are thus compared with the explanatory
descriptions of NIST Functional Basis Actions.
c. BT (Sub-Groups, Function) versus NIST Functional Basis.
d. After mapping BT Sub-Groups with NIST actions, it is possible to search for matches between the BT
functions and the NIST Functional Basis in terms of specific pairs Action/Flows of the NIST taxonomy.
Even in this case, the descriptions of the NIST functional basis (both action and flows) constitute the
reference for identification of matches.
e. BT (Sub-Groups, Function) versus OTSM Functional Model.
f. The last analysis presented in this paper concerns the OTSM-TRIZ Functional Model in order to
understand the opportunities to integrate the tools of TRIZ and the natural functions classified by the
Biomimicry Taxonomy. The comparison has been accomplished by reading each model of the BT (Sub-
Group, Function) and identifying the most suitable feature of the object receiving the function impacted by the
action. The most appropriate verb among the above-mentioned standard of the OTSM Functional Model is then

3.2. Biomimicry Taxonomy Functions Subdivision

Some of the items belonging to the leafs of the BT, i.e. the classes at the highest detail level, cannot be
considered as proper “functions” since they do not involve any active role by the biological system with respect
to an external object receiving the function.
Therefore, it is worth to propose a new sub-classification of the BT functions, based on the type of
features they describe, rather than on the nature of the function itself. In detail, we propose a subdivision of the
BT functions into five classes by analyzing the pairs action/flows of the NIST matches described in section 3.1.
BT functions appear as specifications of the Sub-Groups with details related to the object flow, its parameters,
its context (space and time) etc. This sub-classification is detailed in Table 2.

Table 2. Proposed sub-classification of BT Functions

Time of Action function specifies the time in which the action takes place
Environment of Action The function specifies the environment in which the action takes place
Object-Flow The function specifies the flow of energy, material, signal which is the function object
Object-Parameter The function specifies a parameter of the object which is modified by the function
Others The BT item is not a function or does not fit in any of the previous classifications
8 Alessandro Baldussu and Gaetano Cascini / Procedia Engineering 131 (2015) 3 – 13

3.3. Comparison metric

All the above-mentioned comparisons have been formalized through a reference metric, as summarized in
table 3. Since mismatches might hinder practical implementations of Biology-to- Engineering information
transfers, it is worth analyzing in further details the reasons of partial matching, in order to allow the
exploitation of the maximum portion of the BT, as proposed in table 4. More in details, the most frequent
types of mismatch found between BT Functions and the closest items of the NIST Functional Basis are
summarized in table 4, with some illustrative examples.

Table 3. Reference metric for taxonomy mapping

Correspondence Automatic retrieval and information transfer
Match Partial No Match Exact Some No Yes
Necessary indexing of the mismatch No

Table 4. Main causes of partial correspondence between BT functions and NIST action-flow representation.
NIST Functional Model partial correspondences
BT Function examples Action Flow Mismatch set
Distribute Energy Branch, Distribute Energy Too generic:
Just primary level flow

Protect form abiotic factors Control Magnitude, Stop, Inhibit Material, Solid Too detailed:

(Fungi) Absence of Biological class

Modify physical state Control Magnitude, Change, - Depending on the Specific Situation:
Increment/Decrement/Shape/Condition More than one correspondence

4. Results and Discussion

In order to appropriately consider the relevance of BT functions, the authors have assumed the number of
records of the AskNature database as a suitable reference. In detail, the relevance score of a given BT function
is calculated as the ratio between the number of database records in that class and the total number of records
registered in the database. It is evident that AskNature updates will imply a possible variation of such
relevance score; nevertheless, the database has already reached a certain maturity, therefore the expected
changes are negligible for the scopes of the present research. For the sake of clarity, the analysis here presented is
based on the status of the database as it was available online from 7 to 14 April 2011. At that moment, the
database contained 2785 records, classified in:

x 8 Groups
x 30 Sub-Groups
x 162 Function classes

The following paragraphs will detail the global results of the analysis with a brief description of the best
matches between the BT classes and the specific functional models.
Alessandro Baldussu and Gaetano Cascini / Procedia Engineering 131 (2015) 3 – 13 9

4.1. BT (Sub-Groups) versus NIST (Actions)

Looking at the overall picture of the BT with respect to the NIST actions, it emerges that they present a good
match in any BT Group, even if it is possible to find some lacks in each of them. The only BT Sub- Group, which
has a relative match of 100%, is the group “Make”.

x Match: 57.7%
x Partial: 38.8%
x No Match: 3.5%

The high value of the partial matches is an important fact to take into account for the above-mentioned
reasons. The sub-groups of the BT are often too general to have a unique description with the NIST actions.
For instance: BT (Modify, Modify Physical state, Size/Shape/Mass/Volume) can be associated to several NIST
Actions: Increment, Decrement, Shape, Condition, all belonging to the secondary level Control magnitude,
Besides, other sub-groups just partially match with the NIST Actions for the opposite reason: the latter miss to
fully represent the BT sub-groups meaning, because these contain complementary information about the
action. For example, BT (Move or Stay Put, Move, In/On Liquid) can be associated to NIST Action (Channel,
Transfer, Transport) where both the reflexive meaning of the action and the environment where it occurs is
missing. In other cases, BT sub-groups are related to a specific biological situation such as (Process Information,
Sense Signals/Environment Cue, Body Awareness) which has just a partial correspondence with the NIST Action
(Signal, Sense, Detect/Measure).
In this comparison, the percentage of No-Match is low; these sub-groups are mostly related to BT items
which are considered functions from a biological perspective, but that cannot be described as such by a formal
engineering functional model: e.g. BT (Maintain Community, Coordinate, Activities).

4.2. BT (Sub-Groups, Function) versus NIST Functional Basis

By improving the level of detail of the matching analysis, i.e. by comparing BT functions with NIST action-
flow pairs, the degree of overlap dramatically changes. Perfectly matching entries are less than half of the
previous comparison (from 58% to 25%) and in this case, there are no correspondences in the Sub- Groups
“Move” and “Modify”. However, only in the “Break Down” Sub-Group, there is a complete relative match
between the two taxonomies and there is a good correspondence also in the Sub-Group “Get, Store or
Distribute Resources”.

x Match: 24.9%
x Partial: 42.8%
x No Match: 32.3%

The level of at least partial mismatch has increased mostly because BT functions are sometimes vaguely
defined: e.g. BT (Get/Store or Distribute Resources, Capture/Absorb or Filter, Chemical Entities) can be linked
to 2 different NIST Actions: (Branch/Separate/Extract or Provision/Store/Collect) and the related flow is too
generic: Material, Solid.
Also in this case some “No Match” are due to too specific biological functions which miss an equivalent
analogue in the NIST Functional Basis.

4.3. BT (Sub-Groups, Function) versus OTSM Functional Model

Thanks to the possibility to freely define the object parameter of an OTSM Functional Model triad, the
comparison between BT functions and OTSM Function representation presents a higher correspondence than
10 Alessandro Baldussu and Gaetano Cascini / Procedia Engineering 131 (2015) 3 – 13

the NIST Functional Basis. Besides, it must be observed that the OTSM approach brings to less repeatable
results with respect to the NIST Functional Basis, since different persons might opt for different
descriptions of the object parameter impacted by the function action, while NIST standardizes both actions and
flows with pre-defined reference terms lists.
In this case, the relative match reaches the 100% of correspondences for the Sub-Groups “Move” and
“Maintain Physical Integrity” and it reaches almost the complete correspondence for the Sub-Group

x Match: 64.5%
x Partial: 27.4%
x No Match: 8.0%

The problems connected to the fact that BT functions are often vaguely defined and too strongly related
to some specific biological contexts are found also in this comparison and the level of partial match is quite
high here too.

4.4. Biomimicry Taxonomy Function Subdivision

The complete mapping of the above-described correspondence analyses cannot be reported here due to evident
space limitations. The authors plan to make those associations public in the next future as alternative means for
entering the Ask Nature database. Besides, it is possible to present and analyze here the sub-classification of the
BT functions according to the criteria proposed in section 3.2.
The subdivision of the BT function based upon the five classes has reached the following results:

x Time of Action: 4.4%

x Environment of Action: 8.4%
x Object-Flow: 41.3%
x Object-Parameter: 38.5%
x Others: 7.2%

The BT functions belonging to the “Time of Action” cluster are limited in particular to Sub-Groups such as
“Move”, “Make” and “Process Information”.
The “environment of action” is correlated with a bigger number of functions and is mainly present in the
Sub-Groups “Move”, “Maintain Community” and “Process Information”.
The “Object-Flow” cluster contains functions related to almost any class, but only in the Sub-Group “Get, Store
or Distribute Resources” there is a complete relative match. Besides, this class of functions is almost absent in in the
Sub-Groups “Modify” and “Move”.
Eventually, BT functions assigned to the Object-Parameter cluster are spread almost in all the BT Sub-
Groups, but they don’t appear in the BT Sub-Groups “Move” and “Get, Store or Distribute Resources”.
A small amount of BT functions have not been clustered with any of the above, but being an almost
negligible number they are associated in a residual sub-class “Others”.

4.5. Exemplary application of the proposed correspondences

Some examples are here reported in order to illustrate the potential benefits of the proposed mapping tables.
It is here assumed to tackle a technical problem and to search for biological inspirations through the
associations discussed above.
After the definition of an exemplary design problem formulated in the form of a functional search, the
identification of the relevant records of the Ask Nature database for concept inspiration has followed these steps:
Alessandro Baldussu and Gaetano Cascini / Procedia Engineering 131 (2015) 3 – 13 11

1. Formulate the functional need as a pair Action-Flow of the NIST Basis and according to the OTSM
2. Individuate through the correspondence tables proposed in this paper the best fitting BT Groups, Sub-
Groups, Functions;
3. Find the biological examples, in the AskNature database, related to the BT Groups and Sub-
Groups identified in the previous step;
4. Select the most appropriate function as a source of inspiration for the inventive design process.

It is important to note that if the natural function from the BT cannot be expressed through the NIST and/or
the OTSM models (i.e. a No Match has been recorded in all the above comparisons), there is no possibility to
access the natural examples related to this portion of the information fund.
For example, let’s consider the following problem: during the process of designing a new machine that works
with a toxic fluid, it is important to prevent any loss of this gas, in order to reduce the risk of ambient
From an engineering point of view, the problem can be described with a NIST Functional Basis model such as:

x NIST (Control Magnitude, Stop, Inhibit – Material, Gas)

Following the above-mentioned procedure, it is possible to individuate the corresponding BT Sub- Groups:
x NIST (Control Magnitude, Stop, Inhibit – Material, Gas) -+BT(Protect form abiotic factors, Gas/ Loss of

It is important to note that it is possible to find more than one BT function as a correspondent for the NIST
model of the design problem. After having individuated suitable BT Sub-Groups where to look for the natural
functions, it is possible to browse the Ask Nature database in order to find the proposed natural examples. For the
specific case study, the natural examples are reported in table 5.

Table 5. Natural functions extracted from the AskNature database by means of the NIST Functional Basis correspondence
Strategy Sub-Group BT Function Description
Maintain physical integrity Protect from abiotic factors
Gas • Seed coat and enzymes protect seed:
• Ventilated nests remove heat and gas:
• Vessels resist bubble formation: trees Loss of
gases • Respiration rate allows survival In low
oxygen: blind shark
• Embryos survive without oxygen:
• Augmenting soil ventilation: short- beaked

The description of these records allows individuating the most appropriate source of natural inspiration and
improving the process of inventive design.
Still with the aim of clarifying the usability of the proposed mappings, let’s assume that the machine of the
previous example needs to improve its capacity of gas storage. In this case, just for illustrative purposes,
we will use a representation of the functional need by means of an OTSM Functional Model:

x OTSM (Stabilize – Volume of gas)

Following the step 1 it is possible to individuate the correspondents BT Sub-Groups in which to look for:
x OTSM (Stabilize – Volume of gas) -+ BT(Get, store or distribute resources – Store – Gases)
12 Alessandro Baldussu and Gaetano Cascini / Procedia Engineering 131 (2015) 3 – 13

In this case, there is only a group of BT functions corresponding with the input model of problem. The
AskNature database proposes a list of natural examples reported in table 6.

Table 6. Natural examples extracted from the AskNature database through the query: “Store-Gas”
Strategy Sub-Group BT Function Description
Get, store or distribute resources Store Gases Spider creates underwater air tank: water spider
Air flow system, sacs provide efficient gas exchange: birds

Leaves adjust to changing environment: common arrowhead

Swim bladder retains gasses: ray-finned fish

4.6. Discussion

Analyzing the correlation tables between the BT and the NIST Functional Basis it is possible to note that the
specificity of the BT functions is too high to use these two model tools as they are. Excluding the BT Break
Down Sub-Group, which reaches a complete partial match, to use the NIST Functional Basis as a model tool to
transfer knowledge and solutions some modifications are necessary. In particular, it is necessary a new set of
biological functions with the specific objective of describing biological flows. The Break Down Sub-Group can
be considered a “biological functional class” and this is the reason why the match between these two set of
models has been complete. In this analysis, the partial matches have reached the highest percentage. This fact
represents a big limitation for the above-mentioned hypothetical automatic transfer process.
In the case of using the OTSM Functional Model as a support to the process of information retrieval on
AskNature the results change drastically and the correspondence is complete for three BT Sub-Groups: Move
or Stay put, Maintaining physical integrity and Modify. In this case, the freedom in the choice of the Object-
Parameter permits considering “biological functions” in order to fit more precisely with the BT biological
functions. Besides, the proper formulation of the Object-Parameter requires a higher experience by the
designer and in any case the lack of a reference list is a possible cause of limited repeatability.

5. Conclusions

The objective of this paper is to present the preliminary results of a Ph.D. program aimed at
systematizing the process of Bio-Inspired Design. The study proposed in this paper has been focused on
understanding the integration opportunities of available information resources in this domain and the
necessary modifications to better develop the process of knowledge and solution transfer.
Two reference engineering functional modeling techniques have been considered, namely the NIST
Functional Basis and the OTSM-TRIZ function model. Both have been compared with the Biomimicry
Taxonomy with the aim of mapping BT groups and functions with the existing engineering matches. Both
functional modeling systems allow to access the AskNature collection of biological functions as a source of
inspiration in the process of inventive design, but the OTSM Functional Model revealed to cover a larger
portion of the Biomimicry database. On the other hand, due to the lack of a reference terminology it potentially
suffers for reduced repeatability of the functional triad carrier-action-object. In such cases, a potential negative
consequence is a higher number of matches with the BT, with consequent divergence of the problem solving
Besides, the specificity of the NIST list of standard flows implies a smaller percentage of proper
matches between the action-flow representation and the BT. The analysis of the specific causes of this partial
lack of correspondence has revealed that some customization would be necessary. First, it is suggested to
Alessandro Baldussu and Gaetano Cascini / Procedia Engineering 131 (2015) 3 – 13 13

include in the NIST Functional Basis some specific biological flows in order to reach a better match between
these two models.
Due to the heterogeneity of its definition, some modifications are also necessary in the BT function
classification, which is characterized by an ambiguous formalism as illustrated in the paper. The authors here
propose to introduce a complementary clustering criterion of BT functions in order to clarify its classification
The future developments of this work are related to the investigation of the opportunities of automating the
identification of relevant AskNature resources starting from any problem modeling technique adopted in
the engineering design domain, as well as to the extension of the same analysis to further Biomimetics


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