BCA Syllabus
BCA Syllabus
BCA Syllabus
BCA COURSE STRUCTURE.........................................................................................................................3 BCA SYLLABUS DESCRIPTION..................................................................................................................6 FIRST SEMESTER..........................................................................................................................................6 BCA 131: GENERAL ENGLISH...................................................................................................................14 BCA 132: MATHEMATICAL FOUNDATIONS FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE........................................16 BCA 133: STATISTICS FOR BCA 1............................................................................................................17 BCA 134: BASIC ELECTRONICS................................................................................................................18 BCA 135: DIGITAL COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS...............................................................................20 BCA 136: INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING USING C...................................................................21 BCA 151: C PROGRAMMING LAB............................................................................................................23 BCA 152: PC SOFTWARE LAB...................................................................................................................25 BCA 231: FUNCTIONAL ENGLISH............................................................................................................29 BCA 232: ALGEBRA AND DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS......................................................................30 BCA 233: STATISTICS FOR BCA II.........................................................................................................31 BCA 234: SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN..........................................................................................32 BCA 235: OPERATING SYSTEMS..............................................................................................................34 BCA 236: DATA STRUCTURES..................................................................................................................35 BCA 251: VISUAL PROGRAMMING LAB...............................................................................................36 BCA 252: DATA STRUCTURES LAB.........................................................................................................37 BCA 331: GERMAN LANGUAGE...............................................................................................................39 BCA 332: GRAPH THEORY.........................................................................................................................40 BCA 333: CORPORATE ACCOUNTANCY...............................................................................................41 BCA 334: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING......................................................................................................42 BCA 335: DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS................................................................................43 BCA 336: OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING USING C++...............................................................45 BCA 351: C++ LAB.......................................................................................................................................47 BCA 352: ORACLE LAB..............................................................................................................................48 BCA 431: TECHNICAL ENGLISH...............................................................................................................52 BCA 432: NUMERICAL TECHNIQUES......................................................................................................53 BCA 433: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT....................................................................................................54 BCA 434: COMPUTER NETWORKS I.....................................................................................................55 BCA 435: ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF ALGORITHMS.........................................................................56 BCA 436: PROGRAMMING IN JAVA.........................................................................................................57 BCA 451: JAVA PROGRAMMING LAB.....................................................................................................59 BCA 452: DBMS PROJECT LAB.................................................................................................................60 BCA 531: PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH........................................................................................................61 BCA 532: UNIX OPERATING SYSTEM.....................................................................................................62 BCA 533: COMPUTER GRAPHICS.............................................................................................................64 BCA 551: UNIX LAB....................................................................................................................................65 BCA 552: COMPUTER GRAPHICS LAB....................................................................................................66 BCA 553: SPECIALIZATION PROJECT.....................................................................................................67 BCA 541A: TCP/IP.........................................................................................................................................68 BCA 542A: INTERNET PROGRAMMING..................................................................................................69 BCA 541B: COMPUTER NETWORKS - II..................................................................................................71 BCA 542B: SYSTEM SOFTWARE..............................................................................................................72 BCA 631: SYSTEM SIMULATION..............................................................................................................73 BCA 641A: DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS.......................................................................................................74 BCA 642A: MULTIMEDIA COMPUTING..................................................................................................76 BCA 641B: MICROPROCESSORS...............................................................................................................77 BCA 642B: COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE................................................................................................78 BCA 651: MAIN PROJECT...........................................................................................................................79 DEPT OF BCA...............................................................................................................................................80 CERTIFICATE COURSE ON J2EE..............................................................................................................81 CERTIFICATE COURSE ON TESTING TOOLS........................................................................................83 CERTIFICATE COURSE ON .NET TECHNOLOGIES............................................................86
BCA syllabus
BCA syllabus
4 Hours per Week 03 03 03 03 03 03 04 04 02 * 28 Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 850 Credits 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 01 01 18
Semester 4 Paper Code BCA 431 BCA 432 BCA 433 BCA 434 BCA 435 BCA 436 BCA 451 BCA 452 BCA 471 BCA 411
Paper Technical English Numerical Techniques Financial Management Computer Networks I Analysis and Design of Algorithms Programming in Java Java Programming Lab DBMS Project Lab Seminar * Holistic Education Total
Semester 5 Paper Code BCA 531 BCA 532 BCA 533 BCA 551 BCA 552 BCA 553
Paper Professional English Unix Operating System Computer Graphics Unix Lab Computer Graphics Lab Specialization Project Electives(Choose any one Stream) Stream A (Two Papers) TCP/IP Internet Programming Stream B (Two Papers) Computer Networks II System Software Total
Credits 02 02 02 02 02 02 02+02
BCA syllabus
5 Hours per Week 03 16 03+03 Marks 100 200 100+100 Credits 02 08 02+02
Paper System Simulation Main Project Electives(Choose the same stream as Semester 5) Stream A (Two Papers) Distributed Systems Multimedia Computing Stream B (Two Papers) Microprocessors Computer Architecture Total
Seminar (BCA 271 & BCA 471) No End Semester Examination Holistic Education 12 hours of teaching in each semester
BCA syllabus
BCA 231: Functional English
The objective of this course is to fine-tune the students communication (oral and written) and presentation skills, to be able to respond to the business needs of the changing industry.
BCA 331: German Language
The objective of this course is to provide an introductory knowledge on German Language as it is one of the most common European languages applied in IT industry
BCA syllabus
BCA 431: Technical English
The objective of this course is to apprise the students of the special needs of interacting through letters and reports for every day needs.
BCA syllabus
BCA 531: Professional English
The objective of this course is to train the students to communicate effectively in the professional world, using the latest tools and techniques. It also aims at their overall soft skills development
BCA syllabus
BCA syllabus
BCA 631: System Simulation
Simulation plays vital role in all engineering and research fields. The pilots who undergo training first gets expertise using the simulated program. Many areas like nuclear reactors and testing of missiles also makes use of simulation. The subject deals extensively all the techniques used for simulation. Case studies are included as part of this subject for better understanding. The languages used for simulation are also discussed as part of this.
BCA syllabus
BCA syllabus
INPUT takes into account the need for building the Emotional Intelligence of the student, through a few prescribed poems, letters, essays and short stories. The student is guided towards a critical thinking process through these selected pieces, which focus on varied issues. Classroom interaction and participation on related issues are expected to expand the horizons of the young mind. Unit 1: A real letter written by an 86 year old woman to her bank manager. This letter throws light on the ways of the world of technology, where the consumer is relegated to the background. This letter was published in The New York Times Unit 2: An essay by Subroto Bagchi in India Today on The Five Minds of Future Unit 3: Seven Wonders by Lewis Thomas. This essay looks at the developments in science from a different angle. Unit 4: Short story: PONNUTHAYI By BAMA Translated by N.RaviShanker Unit 5: Short story: The Bet by Anton Chekov Both the stories deal with the power of the human mind. Unit 6: Poetry: 1. If by Rudyard Kipling 2. We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths by Philip James Bailey 3. Live Blindly and Upon the Hour by Trumbull Stickney 4. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost Module 2 : EXPRESSIONS@OUTPUT Hours : 20
Written Skills 1. Paragraph writing what is a paragraph the main features of a paragraph how to write a good paragraph exercises in paragraph writing to be given the exercises can be on varied topics like personal experiences, social responsibilities, current topics, computer related topics 2. Framing questions through a given dialogue
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3. Vocabulary exercises situational conversations, editing / abstracting / re -writing skills, exercises on synonyms Grammar reinforcement: Correction of errors, usage of articles and prepositions Oral skills (evaluation to be taken up and form a part of internal assessment) 1. Individual presentations 2. Group discussion / Talk shows on current topics 3. Script enacting
BCA syllabus
BCA syllabus
BCA syllabus
UNIT I : Introduction Atomic structure The energy of an electron Valence electrons Free electrons Energy levels Energy bands Important energy bands in solids Classification of solids (04 Hours) UNIT 2 : Semiconductor Physics Bonds in semiconductors Commonly used semiconductors Effect of temperature on semiconductors Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors n type and p type semiconductors Majority and minority carriers pn junction Characteristics of forward & reverse biased pn junction (09 Hours) UNIT 3: Semiconductor Diode Diode Different types of Diodes -- Diode as rectifier Resistance of diode Diode rectifiers (half wave, full wave and bridge rectifiers) Efficiency of rectifiers Ripple factor Filter circuits Zener diode as a regulator (07 Hours) UNIT 4: Transistor Transistors Characteristics of Common base, Common emitter and Common collector configuration Comparison Transistor as an amplifier(CE) Performance of transistor amplifier Cut off Saturation points D C load line Voltage gain (10 Hours) UNIT 5 : Transistor Biasing and Applications
Transistor biasing methods Base resistor methods Resistor voltage divider bias method Single stage transistor amplifier-practical circuit of transistor amplifier-D.C and A.C equivalent circuits-load line analysis (07 Hours) UNIT 6 : Field Effect Transistors (FET) Types of FET Junction field effect transistor(JFET) - Working of JFET JFET as an amplifier Difference between JFET and BJT Metal oxide semiconductor FET(MOSFET) Working (05 Hours)
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UNIT 7: Logic Families RTL DTL TTL ECL Integrated Injection Logic (IL) Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) (03 Hours)
TEXT BOOK: 1. Mehta V K and Mehta Shalu: Principles of Electronics, 7th Edition S. Chand & Company Ltd.
REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Theraja B L: Basic Electronics solid state, 5th Edition. S. Chand & Company Ltd. 2. Bhargava, N N, Kulshreshtha, D C and Gupta, S C: Basic Electronics and Linear Circuits, 1989, TMH.
BCA syllabus
REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. Malvino, Paul Albert and Leach, Donald P: Digital Principles and Applications 4th Edition, 2000. TMH. Malvino, Paul Albert and Leach, Donald P: Digital Computer Fundamentals 3rd Edition, 1995. TMH. Bartee, Thomas C: Digital Computer Fundamentals 6th Edition, 1995. TMH.
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(02 Hours)
UNIT 7: Arrays One dimensional and multidimensional arrays Declaration, initialization, reading values into an array, displaying array contents (03 Hours) UNIT 8 : Strings Basic concepts, standard library string functions- strlen, strcpy, strcmp, strcat & strrev. Two dimensional arrays of strings (03 Hours)
BCA syllabus
UNIT 9 : Functions Definition, function definition and prototyping, types of functions, passing values to functions, recursion, passing arrays to functions I/O functions- formatted & unformatted console I/O functions (04 Hours) UNIT 10: Pointers Definition, notation. Pointers and arrays, array of pointers. Pointers and functions- call by value and call by reference. Pointers and strings. UNIT 11 : Structures and Unions Definition, declaration, accessing structure elements Array of structures Pointers and structures Unions definition, declaration, accessing union elements typedef statement. UNIT 12 : Files File opening modes String I/O in files Formatted disk I/O functions Text mode and Binary mode Record I/O in files
(04 Hours)
(04 Hours)
(05 Hours)
UNIT 13 : Bitwise operators Bitwise AND, OR, exclusive OR, complement, right shift and left shift operators (02 Hours) UNIT 14: C preprocessor Types of C preprocessor directives Macros- comparison with functions File Inclusion (02 Hours) TEXT BOOKS: 1. Kanetkar, Yashavant: Let Us C, 4th Edition. BPB Publications. 2. Gottfried, Byron S: Programming with C, 1996. Tata McGraw-Hill REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Balagurusamy, E: Programming in ANSI C 2nd Edition. Tata McGraw-Hill 2. Deitel, H M and Deitel P J: C How to Program, 2nd Edition. Prentice-Hall.
BCA syllabus
1. Aim: To demonstrate the usage of operators and data types in C a. Write a program to print the size of all the data types supported by C and its range. b. Write a program to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius. 2. Aim: To demonstrate the usage of if, if-else a. Write a program to check whether the given number is a Prime number or not. b. Write a program to accept three numbers and find the largest and second largest among them 3. Aim: To demonstrate the concept of while, do-while, for loops, break and continue a. Write a program to print all prime numbers between any 2 given limits. b. Write a program to print all the Armstrong numbers between any 2 given limits. 4. Aim: To demonstrate the concept of arrays and strings a. Write a program to check whether a string is a Palindrome. b. Write a program to check whether a given matrix is an Identity matrix or not. c. Write a program to perform matrix multiplication. 5. Aim: To demonstrate the concept of switch-case a. Write a program to count the different vowels in a line of text. b. Write a program to accept two numbers and perform various arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /) based on the symbol entered. 6. Aim: To demonstrate the usage of functions and recursion a. Write a program to find the roots of a quadratic equation b. Write a recursive program to find the factorial of a number. 7. Aim: To demonstrate the concept of structures and unions a. Create an employee structure and display the same. b. Create a student database storing the roll no, name, class etc. Implement modify and search operations.
BCA syllabus
8. Aim: To learn about pointers a. Write a function to swap two numbers using pointers b. Write a program to access an array of integers using pointers 9. Aim: To learn about Files a. Create a file and store some records in it. Display the contents of the same. Implement search, modify, and delete operations. 10. Aim: To learn about Bitwise operators and preprocessors a. Perform the different bitwise operations (menu driven program) .The i/p and the o/p should be displayed in Binary form. b. Write a program to check whether a given number is odd or even using bitwise operators.
BCA syllabus
Apply different font settings for all titles in sheet Apply green color and bold setting to sales above 10000 (use conditional
formatting) Rename current worksheet as FirstHalfSales
2. Prepare a worksheet to maintain student information. The work sheet should Contain Roll Number, Name and marks in 5 subjects. (Max Marks is 100).Validate the marks. Calculate the total marks. Assign the grade according to the following. Assign grade A if the total marks is above 450. From 401 to 449 assign the grade as B. From 351 to 400 assign the Grade as C. From 300 to 350 the grade to be assigned is D. For the total marks less than 300 No grade is assigned. A student is eligible to get a grade only when he gets 40 and above in all the subjects. In such cases the grade is FAIL. (Assume that there are 10 students). 3. Prepare a pay-bill using a worksheet. The work sheet should contain Employee Id, Name, Designation, Experience and Basic Salary and Job ID. If Job Id is 1 then DA is 40% of the basic salary. HRA is Rs. 4500. If Job Id is 2 then DA is 35% of the basic salary. HRA is Rs. 3500. If Job Id is 3 then DA is 30% of the basic salary. HRA is Rs. 2500. If Job Id is 4 then DA is 25% of the basic salary and HRA is RS.2500. For all the other Job ids DA is 20% of the basic salary and HRA is Rs. 1500. For all the above Job ids PF to be deducted is 4%. For the job ids between 1-4 Rs. 100 to be deducted as Professional Tax. Find the net pay. 4. For the above employee worksheet perform the following operations 1. Use filter to display the details of employees whose salary is greater than 10,000. 2. Sort the employees on the basis of their net pay 3. Use advance filter to display the details of employees whose designation is Programmer and Net Pay is greater than 20,000 with experience greater than 2 yrs.
5. Create a statement of Telephone Bill Charge for a customer. Telephone Calls Up to 150 calls - free
BCA syllabus
151 to 500 calls - 0.80 per call 501 to 1000 calls - 1.00 per call 1001 to 2000 - 1.25 per call Above 2000 - 1.40 per call 6. Using Excel project the Product sales for any five products for five years. Compute the total sales of each product in the five years. Compute the total sales of all the products in five year. Compute the total sales of all products for each year. Represent annual sale of all the products using Pie-Chart. Represent annual sales of all products using Bar Chart. Represent sale of a product for five years using Pie-Chart. Label and format the graphs 7. (a) Using Excel write sales data with columns product, month and sales. Write at least 5 records. Create Pivot Table chart and Report for the data. (b)Create a macro to change the name of worksheet as Macro Example, merge first three columns of first row and write heading as DATA in green color with yellow background (c)Link word document in excel worksheet to show the usage of linking and embedding.
MS-POWERPOINT 1. Assume that you are going to give a presentation about Information Technology. (Choose some latest technologies). The presentation should have minimum 10 slides. Insert appropriate images wherever necessary. Use proper formatting, diagrams and tables. Show the application of Pens. 2. Prepare a presentation about any general topic of current relevance (min 10 slides). Show the usage of action buttons, hyperlinks, and animations. MS-ACCESS 1. Create a database called as Library. Include a table names as Book which contains Accno, Title, Author, Number of Copies and Brief Description about the book. Include another table named as members which contains member id, name, address, telephone no and membership amount paid or not. Assign Accno and member id as primary key. Display the details about the books written by the particular author. Display details about books where there is more than 5 copies of the books. Display the details of members who have not paid the amount. Delete some of the member details.
2. Create a database of Employees in an organization. Include a table which has the information about the employees family. Create User interface using Access to enter and modify the details stored in the employee database. Give the options for View, Add, Delete and Edit. Create a report using Access to display the
BCA syllabus
department-wise listing of employees. Create a pay slip for the employees using the access reports.
BCA syllabus
UNIT 1: Learning skills: What is Communication, The process of Communication, Methods of Communication, Media of Communication, Types of Communication, Objectives of Communication, Principles of Communication, Barriers to Communication (30 Hours) UNIT 2: Written skills: 1. Essay writing features of a good essay structure and presentation exercises on essay writing on varied topics 2. Resume preparation the difference between an application letter and a CV how to prepare a good CV exercises on CV preparation (05 Hours) UNIT 3: Oral skills: 1. 2. 3. 4. Phonetics Basics Presentation skills with emphasis on PPTs Mock Interviews Debates, Extempore talks (10 Hours) REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. 2. Essentials of Business Communication by Rajendra Pal & Korla Halli Business Communication By Dr. Urmila Rai and S M Rai
BCA syllabus
BCA syllabus
BCA syllabus
BCA syllabus
UNIT 8: System testing and quality assurance: Testing, different methods, Nature of test data, Test plan, activity networks for system testing, Quality assurance : goals in system development, trends, procedure, ISO certification (04 Hours) UNIT 9: Implementation and Software maintenance: Conversion, Activity network for conversion, Post-implementation review, Software maintenance, Primary activities of a maintenance procedure, Reducing maintenance costs (05 Hours)
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Awad, Elias M: System Analysis and Design Second Edition. Galgotia Publication Pvt.Ltd. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Sen, James A: Analysis and Design of Information Systems Second Edition. Mc-Graw Hill International edition, 1989. 2. Jeffrey L.Whitten: System analysis and design methods Fourth edition. Mc-Graw Hill International..
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BCA syllabus
BCA syllabus
(03 Hours)
BCA syllabus
10. 11.
12. 13.
a. Creating toolbars b. Adding images to toolbars c. Writing code to work with toolbars d. Creating and using a status bar e. Adding panels to the status bar Other controls a. TabControl b. MonthCalendar and Date/TimePicker c. Common Dialog (Open/SaveFile) d. ProgressBar File handling and file controls in VB Database Connectivity a. Data base basics & database engine b. Create a database in Access Through VB c. The nature of a relational databases d. The data controls (DAO and ADO) e. Data Bound controls f. Working with database objects in code g. Data Manipulation through VB Forms h. Develop a database application Introduction to Graphics and animation Multiple Document Interface (MDI) a. Overview of MDI b. Creating parent and child forms c. Writing code for parent and child forms d. Child window management e. Creating applications Creating and using reports a. Printing with windows forms b. Data reports c. Using Crystal Reports Create Object-Oriented programs a. OO terminology b. Multi-tier applications c. Classes d. Constructors and Destructors e. Inheritance Deploying the project a. Creating setup program b. Help file c. Online registration
(03 Hours)
(04 Hours)
(02 Hours)
(02 Hours)
The output of the programs should be neatly formatted The source code should be indented The programs should be interactive 1. Aim : To learn about pointers and strings a. Write a menu driven program to concatenate two strings and find the length of a string using pointers. b. Write a menu driven program to find the index of a pattern in a given string and to extract a substring using pointers. 2. Aim : To learn about one and two dimensional arrays a. Insertion b. Deletion 2. Aim : To learn about Searching Techniques a. Write a program to implement Linear Search with sentinels b. Write a program to implement Binary Search 3. Aim : To learn about singly linked list insertion and deletion a. Creation of a linked list and insertion. b. Creation of a linked list and deletion. 4. Aim : To learn about recursion a. Towers of Hanoi with 3 pegs and n disks. b. Fibonacci series using recursion. 5. Aim : To learn about stacks a. Write a program to implement different operations on a stack using a linked list. 6. Aim : To learn about queues a. Write a program to implement different operations on a queue using a linked list. b. Write a program to implement different operations on a circular queue using an array. 7. Aim : To learn about binary search trees a. Write a program to create a binary search tree and to perform Insertion and deletion 8. Aim : To learn about various sorting techniques a. Write a program to implement insertion sort b. Write a program to implement merge sort. c. Write a program to implement quick sort. d. Write a program to implement heap sort.
BCA syllabus
BCA syllabus
BCA syllabus
UNIT 3: CASH BOOK Three Columns of Cash Book Bank reconciliation- Purpose of Bank reconciliation (10 Hours) UNIT 4: DEPRECIATION ACCOUNTING Meaning of depreciation depreciation methods straight line method reducing Balance method depreciation fund Annuity method (10 Hours) UNIT 5: FINAL ACCOUNTS Meaning Trading account Profit and Loss Account Balance Sheets Adjustments Prepaid Expenses Outstanding expense & income Income received in advance depreciation bad debts reserve for bad debts reserve for discounts on debtors reserve for discount on creditors Interest on capital and drawing (15 Hours)
TEXT BOOK: 1. Jain & Narang: Financial Management, Himalaya Publishing House 2. B.S. Raman: Financial Management, United Publication REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. T. S Grewal : Introduction to Accounting 2. S. N Maheswary and S. K Gupta Introduction to Accounting 3. T P Ghosh , Ashok Banerjee & K M Bansal : Introduction to Accounting
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BCA syllabus
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Elmasri & Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems,2nd Edition, Addison Wesley 2. Silberschatz, Korth, Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, 4th Edition, Mc Graw Hill REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. O`neil Patric & O`neil Elizabeth, Database Principles, Programming and Performance, 2nd Edition, Margon Kaufmann Publishers Inc.
BCA syllabus
UNIT 10: Files-Introduction-Stream classes for files-Opening files using constructorOpening files using open()-File modes-Detecting end of file-eof()-Sequential input and output-put() and get()-Reading and writing objects-read() and write()-Random Access files-Manipulating file pointers-seekg(),seekp(),tellg() and tellp()-Error handling during file operations-Command line arguments. (06 Hours) UNIT 11: Templates Generic programming, Class templates, Class templates with multiple parameters, Function templates, Overloading of template functions (03 hours) TEXT BOOK: E Balaguruswamy Object oriented programming with C++ Fifth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, 2001 REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. K R Venugopal Mastering C++ Tata McGraw-Hill Publication, 2006. 2. Bjarne Stroustrup The C++ Programming Language Special Edition, Pearson Education 3. Deitel and Deitel C++ How to program, Third Edition, Pearson Education Asia 2001.
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2. SQL Functions a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. The Concatenation Operator Elements of the SQL Query: Arithmetic Column Aliases String Functions Arithmetic Functions Date Functions Mixed Functions Operator precedence
3. Advanced SQL Functions a. b. c. d. e. Nesting Different Functions Decode Crosstab Decode with ">", "<" & "=" Select with Minus Union and Intersect Handling NULL
(04 Hours)
4. Filtering Data Using Where a. b. c. d. Where Operators Where with Keywords Where and Logical Operators Where and Soundex
(04 Hours)
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49 (05 Hours)
5. Retrieving Data from Multiple Tables a. b. c. d. e. f. Joining Tables (Equi-Joins) Aliases for Table Names Joining Tables (Non-Equi-Joins) Joining Tables (Outer Joins) Joining Tables (Inner Joins) Virtual table
6. Group By and Group By Functions a. Group Function Examples b. Group Function with Having 7. Sub-Queries Hours) a. b. c. d. Basic Subqueries Multiple Column Subqueries Subqueries with Having Correlated Subqueries
(03 Hours)
8. Data Definition Language (DDL) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Create, Drop Alter Keywords Tables Column Views Synonyms Sequences Object Alter table
(05 Hours)
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9. Integrity Constraints a. b. c. d. e. Types of Constraint Referential Integrity Defining Constraints Integrity Constraints and Data Dictionary Disabled constraints
(03 Hours)
10. Indexes a. b. c. d. e. f. Create Index Unique Option When and What to Index Drop Index Validate Index Index Type Overview
(02 Hours)
11. Data Manipulation Language (DML) a. b. c. d. e. Insert Update Delete OPS Commands (Commit, Rollback and Savepoints) Locking tables
(04 Hours)
12. Data Control Language (DCL) a. b. c. d. Data Security Grant and Revoke Session control statements System control statements
(02 Hours)
13. Introducing SQL*Plus for Reporting a. b. c. d. Using SQL*Plus SQL*Plus Command Variables Building SQL*Plus Reports Titles and Headings
(02 Hours)
Christ University, Bangalore, India
51 (14 Hours)
14. PL/SQL a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Variables and type declarations Loop structure PL/SQL language commands PL/SQL Blocks Cursor/ cursor loops PL/SQL tables Types of stored PL/SQL Blocks Exceptions
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Christ University, Bangalore, India
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
1. Behrouz A. Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, TATA McGrow-Hill publications, Second Edition, 2003. 2. William Stallings, Data & Computer Communications, Pearson Education Asia, Sixth Edition, 2001. 3. William A. Shay, Understanding Data Communication and Networks, Vikas Publishing House, Second Edition, 2001.
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Christ University, Bangalore, India
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
TEXT BOOK: 1. Herbert Schildt, The Complete Reference- Java, Seventh Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited: NewDelhi REFERENCE BOOK: 5. Deitel and Deitel, Java Programming, Prentice Hall 6. E. Balagurusamy Programming with JAVA a Primer, Tata McGrawHill Publishing Company Limited: NewDelhi
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
UNIT 1: An Introduction to Technical Writing (01 Hours) UNIT 2: Applications of Technical Writing Technical Reports , Technical Editing , Business Plans , Proposals , Progress Reports , Instruction Manuals, User Guides, Oral Presentations, DDLC (05 Hours) UNIT 3: Document Design Book Design , Page Design , Headings , Lists , Special Notices, Graphics, Tables, Report Format and Final Packaging, Highlighting and Emphasis, Indexing (10 Hours) UNIT 4: Audience analyses and Document planning (02 Hours) UNIT 5: Principles of Technical writing (02 Hours) UNIT 6: RoboHELP -Introduction to RoboHELP : Help Basics, Types of Help, Help System Components , Basic Steps in Creating a Help File, Using CSS, Browse Sequences, Linking and Navigation ,Text-only Pop-ups, Build Tags, Images, Context Sensitive Help (15 Hours) UNIT 7: FrameMaker -How to create FrameMaker Documents, Templates ,Page Layout,Text Formatting, Adding graphics to paragraph formats, Graphics, Creating Table of Contents and Indexes, Tables, Inserting Images, Master Pages, Header and Footer, Structured Framemaker , Color Models, Conditional Text, Creating Hypertext and viewonly documents. REFERENCES: 1. Sharon J. Gerson and Steven M. Gerson; Technical Writing Process and Product; 3rd Edition,2004. 2. Philip Rubens; Science and Technical Writing-A manual of style; 2nd edition, 2004. 3. Paul.V. Anderson; Technical Writing - A Reader Centered Approach; 3 rd edition, 1995.
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
UNIT 5: UNIX SHELL PROGRAMMING Shell variables - Shell Keywords - Positional parameters - Passing command line arguments - Arithmetic in shell scripts - Read and Echo - Control Structures - if-then-fi if-then-else-fi - Nested if - Case control structure Loops - while-until for - break and continue - Shell meta characters - Exporting variables - Used defined Functions System Shell Script files: .profile, .history .. Etc. (12 Hours) TEXT BOOKS: 1. 2. Maurice J Bach, The Design of Unix Operating System, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, NewDelhi, 1986. Yashavant P Kanetkar, Unix Shell Programming, BPB Publications,NewDelhi
REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. 2. Stan-Kelly-Bootle, Understanding Unix, BPB Publications,NewDelhi Vijay Mukhi, Unix Shells-Bourne-Korn-C, BPB Publications,NewDelhi
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Christ University, Bangalore, India
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
UNIT 4: DHTML: Introduction to Dynamic HTML, Form Controls Text Controls, <INPUT> tag, BUTTON Element and Other Form Attributes. Adding Intelligence to Clients Display, Adding Depth and Texture, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Parents and Children, Selectors and Classes, Animation, Moving Elements Determining Position and Positioning at Run-time. DHTML and Multimedia Incorporating Images and Sound in Web Pages. (08 Hours) UNIT 5: Java Server Pages (JSP): Why JSP? JSP Architecture, JSP Request Model, Syntax Summary and Setting up a JSP Environment, JSP Scripting Elements: Expressions, Scriptlets, and Declarations, JSP Directives: JSP Page Directive and JSP Include Directive, JSP tags, Tag Libraries and Predefined Variables, JSP Actions: Beans, Sessions and Forms Processing Loading a Bean, Initializing a bean, Scope of Bean, Displaying Dynamic Content, and Redirecting to an External Page, Miscellaneous: Databases in JSP JSP and SQL, Sending Email from JSP and Writing Comments in JSP. (15 Hours)
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Thomas A. Powell, HTML 4.0, The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw-Hilll Publications, 1998. 2. Michele Petrovsky, Dynamic HTML in Action, Tata McGraw-Hilll Publications. 3. Don Gosselin, Comprehensive Java Script , Web Warrior Series, Course Technologies Inc, 4. Phil Hanna, JSP 2.0, The Complete Reference, by, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. David Flanagan, JavaScript The Definitive Guide, OReilly & Associates 1997 2. Madhushree Ganguli, JSP A Beginners Guide, Wiley Dreamtech India (P) Ltd. 2002
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
UNIT 5 : Distributed File Systems :Introduction Distributed File System Design (The File Service Interface, The Directory Server Interface, Semantics of File Sharing) -Distributed File System Implementation (File Usage, System Structure, Caching, Replication, An Example: Suns Network File System, Lessons Learned) Trends in Distributed File Systems (New Hardware, Scalability, Wide Area Networking, Mobile Users, Fault Tolerance, Multimedia) (07 Hours) TEXT BOOK: 1. Tanenbaum S Andrew, Distributed Operating Systems, Pearson Eduction Asia, 2001 2. Singhal Mukesh, Shivaratri G Niranjan, Advanced Concepts In Operating Systems Distributed Data Base, And Multiprocessor Operating Systems, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2002 REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Tanenbaum S Andrew, Distributed Systems Principles and Paradigms, Prentice Hall of India, 2003
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
TEXT BOOK 1. Ramesh.S.Goankar Microprocessor Architecture, Programming & Applications With 8085/8080a Penram International 1997. ISBN 81-224-0710-2 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. D.V.Hall Microprocessor and Digital System, McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 1990. 2. Ajit Pal Microprocessor Principles and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill, 1990. 3. Avatar Singh and Walter A.Tribel 16 Bit Microprocessor, Architecture, Software and Interface Techniques, PHI, 1985.
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
4. Yu.Cheng Liu & Glenn A Gibson, Microcomputer System, 8086/8088 Family, 2nd Edition, PHI, 1986
TEXT BOOK 1. Hayes, John. P. Computer Architecture and Organization Third Edition McGraw-Hill, International Editions. REFERENCE BOOK 1. Stalling, Williams. Computer Organization and Architecture, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall.
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
1. Java Beans 1.1 Bean Developer Kit (BDK) 1.2 JAR Files 1.3 Developing a Simple Bean Using the BDK 1.4 The Java Beans API 2. JDBC 2.1 JDBC Basics and Driver Types 2.2 Prepared and Callable Statements 2.3 Metadata Classes 2.4 SQL and Java Data Types 3. Servlets
(08 Hours)
(06 Hours)
(12 Hours) 3.1 Architecture and Concepts Basic Servlet Concepts and Examples 3.2 Web Container and Servlet lifecycle 3.3 Request-Response Architecture 3.4 Mapping and Running Servlets 3.5 Servlet Resources Servlet Context and Scope, HTTP GET and POST, Multithreading Issues, Error handling 3.6 Servlet Persistence and Session Tracking Persistence in a Stateless Architecture, Introduction to Cookies, Sessions with Cookies, Session Tracking API
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
4. Java Server Pages (10 Hours) 4.1 Architecture and Concepts JSP Concepts and Motivation 4.2 JSP Lifecycle 4.3 JSP Tags and Constructs 4.4 Implicit JSP Objects and Scopes 4.5 Custom Tag libs 4.6 JSP - Servlet Communication Communication based on JavaBeans, Forwarding Requests and Responses 5. EJBs: Architecture and Concepts 5.1 Enterprise Java Beans 5.2 EJB Architecture 5.3 EJB Components 5.4 Session and Entity Beans 6. Java & XML 6.1 Understanding XML and the Java XML APIs 6.2 Serial Access with the Simple API for XML (SAX) 6.3 XML and the Document Object Model (DOM) 6.4 Using XSLT (06 Hours) (18 Hours)
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
1.1 Software Crisis 1.2 The birth of software engineering 1.3 Why software engineering? 1.4 Criteria of a successful software project 1.5 Process oriented software development 1.6 Phases in software development life cycle 1.7 Software development lifecycle models 1.8 The management process a) Metrics in Software Development b) Quality management systems c) Process change management 2. Software Testing Process (01 Hour) 2.1 Psychology of testing 2.2 Verification and validation 2.3 Testing team and development team 2.4 Cost of quality 2.5 Characteristics of test engineers 2.6 Why testing is difficult? 2.7 Levels of testing 2.7.1 Unit testing 2.7.2 Module testing 2.7.3 Integration and system testing 2.7.4 Acceptance testing 2.8 Testing approaches 2.8.1 Top down approach versus bottom up approach 2.8.2 Functional versus Structural testing 2.8.3 Mutation testing 2.8.4 Regression testing 2.9 Types of testing 2.9.1 Black box testing 2.9.2 White box testing 2.9.3 Gorilla testing 2.9.4 Beta testing 2.9.5 Field trail 2.9.6 Performance testing 2.9.7 Stress testing 2.9.8 Acceptance testing
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
2.10 Test plan 2.10.1 Test oracles 2.10.2 Test cases 2.10.3 Test plan format 2.11 Criteria for completion of testing 2.11.1 When is testing complete? 2.11.2 Classification of defects 3. Software Testing Tools: Overview 3.1 Need for Automated testing tools 3.2 Taxonomy of testing tools 3.3 Functional/Regression testing tools 3.4 Performance Testing tools 3.5 Testing Management tools 3.6 Source Code Testing tools 3.7 How to select a testing tool 4. Win runner (01 Hour)
(16 Hours) 4.1 Overview of Win runner 4.2 Testing an application using Win runner 4.2.1 Recording test cases 4.2.2 Calling test cases using "call "function 4.3 Test script Language(TSL) 4.4 GUI MAP File 4.5 Synchronization of test cases 4.5.1 Creating a test case 4.5.2 Synchronizing the Test cases 4.6 Data DRIVEN TESTING 4.6.1 Converting test case to data driven test 4.7 Rapid test script wizard 4..8 Mapping custom objects to standard class 4.9 Checking GUI objects 4.9.1 Checking a single property 4.9.2 Checking a single object 4.9.3checking for multiple objects
(10 Hours) 5.1 Test director Overview 5.2 Test management process 5.2.1 Test requirements management 5.2.2 Test planning 5.2.3 Test execution 5.2.4 Test results analysis 5.3 Managing test process using Test director 5.3.1 Creating a new project 5.3.2 Creating the test plan 5.3.3 Running the automated test 5.3.4 Tracking defects
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
85 (10 Hours) 6.1 Overview of SQA Robot 6.2 testing an application using SQA Robot 6.2.1 Recording test cases 6.2.2 Running the test procedure 6.2.3 Calling the test procedure using "call procedure" function 6.3 Synchronization of test procedures 6.4 Creating Checkpoints (10 Hours) 7.1 Overview of silk test 7.2 Architecture of Silk test 7.3 Testing an application using Silk test 7.4 The 4test scripting language 7.5 Checkpoints 7.6 Data driven Test cases
8 Quick Test Professional (QTP) (10 Hours) 8.1 Overview of QTP 8.2 Testing an application using QTP 8.2.1 Recording a test case 8.2.2 Running a test case 8.3 Synchronization of test cases 8.3.1 Creating check points 8.3.2 Testing database application using synchronization and check points 8.4 Data driven testing 8.5 Testing a web application PROJECT WORK TEXT BOOKS: 1. SOFTWARE TESTING TOOLS: Author:: Dr.K.V.K.PRASAD, pub: dreamtech press 2. Software Engineering :A practitioner's approach: Author: Roger.S.Pressman REFERNCE BOOKS: 1. The art of software testing.. Author: G.Meyer Pub: john wiley &sons 2. Testing computer software Author: Comdex INTERNET RESOURCES: www. mercury interactive.com www.autotester.com www.fsf.org www.qaforums.com www.qajobs.net www.rational.com www.segue.com www.softwaretestinginstitute.com www.sei.cmu.edu
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
A) Visual Basic .Net 1. Introduction to Visual Basic .Net Introduction to Visual Basic .Net Need for visual basic .Net Understanding .Net framework Features of .Net Features of VB.Net The Architecture of VB.Net System requirements and installation 2. Programming in Visual Studio .Net Programming in Visual Studio .Net IDE Introduction to windows and web forms Visual Studio.Net solutions and projects The Visual Studio .Net Interface Event Driven Programming Writing a simple applications using Visual Basic .Net Introduction to forms 3. Programming Concepts Introduction to variables Types of variables Type conversion Constants and enumerations Operators Statements Arrays 4. Writing Procedures Introduction to procedures Types of procedures Calling procedures Argument passing Mechanisms Scope of variables Useful Built-in functions 5. OOPs in Visual Basic .Net Introduction to object-Oriented Programming Classes and Objects Features of OOPs Creating Classes
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
Creating Fields and Methods of Classes Constructors and Destructors Creating Property Procedures Creating Events Namespaces Imports Keywords 6. Inheritance, polymorphism and Interfaces Inheritance Overriding Methods and Properties MyBase Keyword MyClass Keyword Abstract Base Classes Shared Members Polymorphism Interfaces 7. Exception Handling Introduction to Exceptions Unstructured error handling using On error Statement Err Object Structured Exception Handling Using Try Catch Finally Statements User Defined Exceptions 8. Working with Forms Inheritance in Windows Forms Loading and showing Forms Visual Inheritance Adding Controls Layout Enhancement properties of controls Working with simple controls Adding Menus Context Menus 9. Advanced Windows Applications Advanced controls Creating MDI Applications Graphical Applications Custom Windows Control Delegates 10. Data Access Using ADO.NET Introduction to Data Access Overview of ADO.NET ADO.NET Architecture ADO.NET Components Using ADO.NET Using Visual Tools for Data Access Data Form Wizard
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
11. Components and Interoperability Introduction to components Creating Components Cross-Language interoperability COM interoperability PROJECT WORK
1. Getting Started with ASP.NET Introduction to ASP.NET ASP.NET and The .NET Framework Characteristics of ASP.NET Comparison of ASP and ASP.NET 2. ASP.NET Pages A simple ASP.NET application Web forms code declaration block code render block page directives view state writing ASP.NET and HTML code Common Language Runtime and ASP.NET Intermediate Language Execution Processing Assemblies Side-by-side execution 3. Working with basic web controls Working with basic web controls Working with basic label controls Working with basic TextBox controls Working with basic button controls Page Navigation Working with Radio button, checkbox controls Dropdown list , image control Controlling visibility of content Formatting Web Controls Applying CSS to WEB Controls 4. Advanced ASP.NET Controls Controls- panel , Place Holder, AdRotator, calendar Validating client data ASP.NET Validation Controls Disabling validations
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
5. Runtime Programming with Controls Multiple Forms Adding Controls at runtime Dynamically Generating Forms Dynamically Generating List items 6. Data Access Overview of ADO.NET Common database tasks Binding data Repeater Control List Control Miscellaneous Controls Advanced Data Controls Binding Data to Datalist Control Binding Data to a Datagrid Control 7. Advanced Data Access Introduction to Datasets Elements of Datasets Using a Dataset in an ASP.NET Page Updating Records in a Data Table Working with DataViews Caching DataSets Using .NET XML Classes in ASP.NET 8. ASP.NET Applications Introduction to ASP.NET Applications Using Global Application File Configuring ASP.NET Applications Overview of Web.Config File HTTP Handlers and Modules Deploying ASP.NET Applications 9. ASP.NET Sessions Web Forms State Management Cookies Session State Session Events Cookies less Sessions 10. Securing Applications Introduction Authentication Services Forms Authentication Windows Authentication Configuring IIS Configuring Windows Security
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
11. WEB Services Introduction to Web Services Architecture Features and Benefits Web Services Contracts Creating a Web Service Creating a client web application Data-driven web services Interacting with a web site 12. Custom Controls Need for Custom controls Creating a simple custom controls Control class Hierarchy Adding properties and methods Control events Handling postbacks Composite controls PROJECT WORK
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
Level I : Part A Adobe Photoshop CS3 Sl. Topic NO 1 Introduction BasicConcepts of Designing Theoritical Concepts og Designing . layouts, color theory Introduction to Photoshop, Bitmap and Vector Images , Understanding Image Size and Resolution , Photoshop Menus, Palettes, Color Theory, Photoshop color Modes, Photoshop Tools.
Hours : 45 No of hours 5
4 5
Image size, Selection , Grid and Guides Modifying Image Size , Resolution , Marquee, Lasso , Magic Wand , Selection Tools, Selecting, Saving , Crop tool , Coping Selection And Image, Grid and Guide Options. Masks , Channel , Painting and editing Working with quick masks ,Painting ( Brush, and its effects ), Blending Modes, Color palettes ,Editing( Background , Color, Touchup , Cleanup), Layers The layer Palette, Changing and controlling layer order, Editing layers, Adjustment layers, Layer Effects Filters , Actions , Automation Extract , Filter Gallery , Liquefy , Pattern making , Vanishing point , Built in Bitmap Filters , 3rd party Plug-ins, Using predefined Actions, Creating and Recording Actions. Using built in automation Preparing Image For Print and Web Calculating Image size and Resolution , Changing Image Dimensions, Layout Preview, Color Separation , Optimizing Images for Web, File Formats. Creating WebPages , web photo galleries . Working with 3D layers Animation Panoramic Picture creation Using 3rd party palings Assignment : Black and white to color conversion, color correction , Creating Posters , Advertisement , Labels. CD covers , Greeting card , photo manipulation , website content development Project Total
5 5
5 45 Hours
Level I : Part B
Hours : 45
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
93 40 Tools covered Navigation tool, view port , Orthographic , perspective views, file open , import , incremental save , autobackup, customizing max, creating user shortcut keys Standard primitives , extended primitives , spline (shape), hierarchy, palette, linking , snap, angle align Scatter, connect, Boolean , loft , shape merge Concepts , create , attach, detach , quick slice, cut, subdivision, bevel, extrude, outline, bridge, flip Assign : hammer model, simple house, UFO Character Modeling Subobject , attach, break, Boolean, trim, weld, connect, refine, outline, chamfer, divide, Assign : Pen , spectacle Bone tools, hi solver, spline ik skinning skin tools Morpher Auto key, Set key Assign : Rubber ball , cannon ball bounce Curve editor , out of range Basic editing , free form animation and editing them, keing . Assign : Walking on the stair case Basic material, assigning material UVW mapping Unwrapping Uv mapping, normal mapping Creating glass, crome , car paint , dice Asics, multiplier , attenuation, map shadow Area light, fill light, rim light Sky light , light tracer, mental ray, final gather GI , HDRI lighting Render tabs Glow, flare , rendering , input video Parry, pcloud,superarray, spray, PFsource (basic) Cloth, rigidbody, rope, water, constraints: hinge, point to point spring
Total Hours
Autodesk 3DStudio Max 2008 hours Sl. Module Topic No 1 UI User Interface
Hrs 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5
45 Hours
Spline 3 Rigging Foot ik Quadruped rig Skinning Vechile rig Facial rig Animation Automated Ball bouncing Walk cycle Run cycle Character Biped studio Texturing Material Lighting Lights & camera 3 point lighting interior basic Exterior basic , interior advance Exterior advance Video post Particle Reactor Project
5 6 7
8 9 10
Rendering Dynamics
Level II : Part A
Hours : 45
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
94 40 Hrs 3 3 2 2 2 5
Adobe Flash CS3 with Action Script Programming hours Sl. Module Tools covered No 1 Introduction Concepts of 2D animation , Drawing User Interface Scene, Tool box, timeline , library Tools & Stage Using and setting stage size . color, ruler , grid , guides context menu , customizing the shortcuts, learning tools to draw 2D drawings Time line & Concept of animation , usage of layers , creating & editing layers layers , layer folders 2 Graphic Symbols, graphics, movieclips, buttons Working with color , gradient , text, 3 Animation Creating animation , motion basics , frame by frame , Shape & Using time line effects , editing timeline effects , Motion Shape tweening, motion tweening , creating guide layers , tweening cell animation , text animation. 4 Working with Importing sound , adding sound to timeline , edit sound, sound adding sound to button 5 Working with Creating and publishing flash video , importing and video modifying flash video , encoding video 6 Movieclips Creating complicated animations Creating e-learning contents , accessible content , working with scene , 7 Exercise Creating advertisement, non-interactive, interactive presentation , quiz, slide shows. Photo shows. Mobile contents 8 Flash for web Creating Flash websites , linking pages , adding video , adding audio, adding interactivity , 9 Scripting Action script (programming ) 10 Project Interactive games , presentation Total Hours
2 2 2 2 2 10 8 45 Hours
BCA syllabus
Christ University, Bangalore, India
No 1 Introduction and user interface 2 Working with 3D space Polygon modeling tools Polygon modeling (organic) NURBS modeling tools NURBS modeling (inorganic) Hypershade
4 5
Customizing maya interface , toolbox, shelf and shelf editor , playback controls channel box, attribute editor, command line , help line, editing preferences 3D primitives and their components ( vertex , face, control vertex, isoparm, null) perspective and orthographic views, transformation tools, construction history Create polygon tool, extrude face, extrude edge, extrude vertex, bevel edge, combine, separate, smooth, smooth proxy, merger verticies, duplicate face, extract, fill hole. Modeling a cartoon character, Booleans, sculpt polygon tool, mirror geometry, and merge multiple edges CV curves and EP curves , revolve , loft, extrude ,bevel, bevel plus, working with text, attach, and detach , curves, attach and detach surfaces, open and close curves.
Modeling a bike, duplicating surface curve, round tool, circular fillet, trim tool. Intersect surface, project curves on surface
2 2
8 2
6 7
9 10
12 Project
LEVEL III : Part A Concepts of Internet ( HTML, DHTML, JavaScript ) LEVEL III : Part A
BCA syllabus
Surface normals, Creating a new material (lambert, 2 blinn and phong), applying a file texture to a material. Texturing mapping (planar, spherical and cylindrical), raytracing reflections Introduction to digital lights, depth map shadows and 2 ray trace shadow, three point light setup, creating a camera, adjusting render quality and resolution, rendering from a specific camera, batch render setup. Overview of Software, hardware, and vector engine. 2 Animation constraints (point, orient and pole vector), 2 deformers (clusters and blend shapes), joints and IK handle, Rigging a cartoon character( classic reverse foot, simple spine and arm setup, basic face rig setup) Keyframe animation, motion path animation, 8 animating a camera along a path Special effects with dynamics , creating cinematic effects, water falls , flower pots , crackers, fire , smoke insects etc Modeling a bottle, rocket and landscape using 5 particle systems to animate. Walkthroughs of house hours & architectural buildings Total 45 Hours : 45
Hours : 45
Christ University, Bangalore, India
Dreamweaver and ASP.NET Introduction Understanding work flow, tools , property box , environment, site concept, saving method,. Adding text, lists, and previewing in browser, defining and configuring a website. Hyperlinks, Anchors, and Mailto links. Adding Images and Multimedia Displaying images , optimizing and creating images , Creating image Maps and navigation bars, adding flash and other multimedia to a web page, managing assets using Assets panel. Webpage layout with Tables and Frame & DHTML Planning layout, designing page layout using tables, displaying data in tables, using frame to display multiple web pages, Dynamic HTML, Layers, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) , Adding interactivity with behaviors. Data Form & Scripting Creating a form and collecting Data, Introduction to scripts, sending and receiving to form data. Organizing and Uploading a Project Uploading and sharing a project on the web, managing and editing a website, customizing Dreamweaver, Using library, reusing elements of a website, Creating reusable webpage .
BCA syllabus