Road Safety in Brazil - Traffic Accidents, Crash, Fatalities & Injury Statistics - GRSF
Road Safety in Brazil - Traffic Accidents, Crash, Fatalities & Injury Statistics - GRSF
Road Safety in Brazil - Traffic Accidents, Crash, Fatalities & Injury Statistics - GRSF
Latin America & the Caribbean
Brazil's Road Safety Country Profile
This road safety country data presents information on all pillars of road safety (management, roads, speed, vehicles, road users, and post-
crash care), along with information on the current status for each country and region along with extensive information on key risk factors,
issues and opportunities.
82% Percentage of Road Crash Fatalities and Injuries in the economically productive age groups (15 - 64 years.)
4:1 Ratio of Male to Female Fatalities with the 15 - 49 year age group being most vulnerable to fatalities.
1,140 life yrs. affected due to disability from road crash injuries per 100,000 people.
Road crash fatalities and injuries snapshot Fatalities by user comparison chart
Country Population, 2016: 207,652,864
GBD Estimated Fatalities, 2016: 46,009 40%
WHO Est. Fatalities per 100,000 Pop., 2016: 19.7
Cost of Fatalities and Serious Injuries, 2016: $118,799 million Brazil Mean in Region Mean in MICs
Positioning of Country in Region (Compared to Countries with the Lowest Traffic Fatalities in the Region and Globally)
2016 WHO 2016 GBD 2016 WHO Estimated 2016 GBD Estimated % Trend in Fatality Motorization Registered
Estimated Road Estimated Road Fatality Rate/100,000 pop. Fatality Rate/ 100,000 Rate/100,000 (2013- Vehicles/100,000 pop.
Fatalities Fatalities pop. 2016)
To produce positive road safety outcomes, strong management in all aspects of road safety is key. Presence of
a funded lead agency to guide the national road safety effort and implement a Safe Systems approach is
+ Brazil has a lead agency present, National Traffic Department (DENATRAN), Ministry of Cities, which is
funded in the national budget, and has a road safety strategy which is partially funded. The functions of 1/4
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the agency include coordination, legislation and monitoring and evaluation of road safety strategies. The
country has no known road safety target.
Motorcyclist Travel: 1.30 million km 75% undivided with veh. speeds > 80 kph
Improved infrastructure provides solid and well understood crash and injury reduction outcomes and are critical for long term and
sustainable trauma reduction in line with the Safe Systems Approach. The International Road Safety Assessment Programme (iRAP) provide
a business case for safer roads and road star ratings which give a simple and objective measure on the level of safety which is 'built-in' to the
road for the road users. 5 Star roads are the safest while 1 star roads are the least safe.
Approximate reduction in fatalities and serious injuries (FSI) over 20 years: 3,800,000
B/C Ratio: 12
34% 34%
6% 6%
2% 2%
1% 0%
Star Rating 5 Star Rating 4 Star Rating 3 Star Rating 2 Star Rating 1 2/4
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Current Speed Limit 80 km/h 60 km/h 110 km/h
Difference with Recomended Safe System Speed +50 km/h Appropriate +20 km/h
Potential Decrease in Fatal Road Crashes from Enforcement of Safe System Speed Limits 13 times lower Low Risk 2 times lower
Include lane narrowings by extending sidewalks, Used to make vehicles swerve slightly,
curb extensions, pedestrian refuges etc. include chicanes, pedesrian refuges, chokers
Include speed bumps, humps, cushions, tables, Include median diverters, closing streets to
raised pedestrian crossing, variation in ride surface create pedestrian zones,cul-de-sacs etc.
- Frontal and Side Impact (Reg. 94, 95) + Banned Regulation of Import of Used Vehicles
+ Motorcycle Anti-Lock Braking System (Reg. 78) + New Import Age Limit
+ National Seatbelt Law + Motorcycle Occupant Age Restriction: Prohibited under 7 yrs
General Population -
Young Drivers -
Professional Drivers - 3/4
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Good post-crash care reduces deaths and reduces disability and suffering for road crash survivors. The emergency medical care
2. 2. Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME). GBD Results Tool. Seattle, WA: IHME, University of Washington,
3. 3. Serious injuries have been calculated assuming a ratio of 15:1 (15 serious injuries for every death). This estimation
broadly falls in the range of 30:1 in high income countries to 10:1 in low- and middle-income countries as crashes
tend to be more fatal in the later context.
4. 4. Vaccines for Roads, International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP). Available from;
6. 6. M.H. Cameron, R. Elvik. 2010. Nilsson's Power Model connecting speed and road trauma;
7. 7. Austroads. Balance between harm reduction and mobility in setting speed limits;
8. 8. UNEP-ITC Background Paper on Used Vehicles Globally and Various Media Sources (Wikipedia and vehicle import
websites); 4/4