Mandatory Appendix Xxi Adhesive Attachment of Nameplates: Record No. 15-2460

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XXI-1100 INTRODUCTION (2) the qualified temperature range [the cold box test
temperature shall be −40°F (−40°C) for all applications]
XXI-1110 SCOPE (3) materials of nameplate and item when the mean
This Appendix provides minimum requirements for the coefficient of expansion at design temperature of one ma-
use of adhesive systems for the attachment of nameplates, terial is less than 85% of that for the other material
limited to (4) finish of the nameplate and item surfaces to
(a) the use of pressure sensitive acrylic adhesives that which the nameplate is to be attached
have been preapplied by the nameplate manufacturer to (5) the nominal thickness and modulus of elasticity
a normal thickness of at least 0.005 in. (0.13 mm) and that at application temperature of the nameplate when name-
are protected with a moisture stable liner plate preforming is employed. A change of more than 25%
(b) use on items with Design Temperatures within the in the quantity [(nameplate nominal thickness)2 × name-
range of −40°F to 300°F (−40°C to 150°C), inclusive plate modulus of elasticity at application temperature]
(c) application to clean, bare metal surfaces, with re- will require requalification
moval of antiweld spatter compound which may contain (6) the qualified range of preformed nameplate and
silicone companion item contour combinations when preforming
(d) nameplate nominal thickness not less than 0.020 in. is employed
(0.5 mm) (7) cleaning requirements for the item prior to at-
(e) use of prequalified application procedures as out- tachment of the nameplate
lined in this Article (8) application temperature range and application
(f) use of the preapplied adhesive within an interval of pressure technique
2 yr after adhesive application (9) application steps and safeguards
(c) Each procedure used for nameplate attachment by
XXI-1120 NAMEPLATE APPLICATION pressure sensitive acrylic adhesive systems shall be qual-
PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION ified for outdoor exposure in accordance with Standard
(a) The Certificate Holder’s Quality Assurance Manual UL‐969‐82, Marking and Labeling Systems, with the fol-
shall require that written procedures, acceptable to the lowing additional requirements.
Authorized Inspection Agency, for the application of ad- (1) Width of nameplate test strip shall not be less
hesive backed nameplates shall be prepared and than 1 in. (25 mm).
qualified. (2) Nameplates shall have an average adhesion of not
(b) The application procedure qualification shall in- less than 8 lb/in. (55 kPa) of width after all exposure con-
clude the following essential variable, using the adhesive ditions, including low temperature.
and nameplate manufacturers’ recommendations where (d) A n y c h a n g e i n ( b ) a b o v e s h a l l r e q u i r e
applicable: requalification.
(1) description of the pressure sensitive acrylic adhe- (e) Each package of nameplates shall be identified with
sive system employed, including generic composition the adhesive application date.

1.4 N/mm


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